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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 'ir PAGE THREE S---- | Conservative G Local Chamber Of Commerce Asks Special "Dumping Duty" Against American Used Cars Resolution Passed Request. ing That the Customs Tar- iff be Amended to Provide for a Special Duty to Shut Out "Dumping" TRADE-IN VALUE OF CARS IS REDUCED Present Conditions Involve » Loss to Every Canadian Motor Car Owner, as Importers Can Under-sell the Market A resolution requesting that the Customs tariff be amended to pros vide a special or dumping duly to be levied on Imported used motor vehicles when the export or Aels ual selling price of sueh vehieles to imparters in Canada Is less than #0 per cent of the appraised value, was passed by the executive of the Chamber of Commerce yvacenily and will he forwarded to the Dos minfon Covernment at OLLAWA, It has been pointed out thar Uas nadian motor ear dealers are sufs fering wnfaly competition at the hands of importers who are huy ing used cars in the United Bates and Importing them inte Canada Many of these ears cost less than pO ner cent of the apprised value of Canadian used cars of the same medel and year and as a result these importers are able to under sell the market In the oninfen of the local Chamber of Commerea and Cham heve of Commerce throughout Can ada, this practice will not only ses viously affect the business of mo tor ear dealers but alse reduce the tradedn value of Canadian used oars thus Involving a loss to every Canadian motor ear owner, Due to the glut of used oars In the American market they can he pur chased at low price and dumped into Canada, Ny finding a market in Canadh, American used car ey porters would be able ta relleve the American market at the ax. pense of Canadian car owners and dealers The Chamber of Commerce has admitted as new members, V, Bartlett, manager of the loea) of the ¥, W, Woolworth 0, Morihersill and HM, NW, MacConnell, of the T, B, Mother sill Co, contractors Few Votes Are Cast at the Advance Polls Toronto, Oct, 8 Vow voles were recorded at the advance polls in Toronto yesterday, Fifteen ad vance polla In alle==one for each constituency---were opened In the afternoon and evening for the con venience of mariners, rallway em ployeas and travellers, The rush in expected to develop this after neon and evening, | supervised by the ladles of Queen | {hank overnment Strongly A Assailed At Port Perr L.O.L. HOLDS ITS ANNUAL BANQUET Fine Program of Musie and Addresses Is Given at the Event The annual banguet of Loyal Orange Lodge, No, 684, was held in the lodge rooms Tuesday night and proved an enjoyable and sive vessful event The banquet was Mary Lodge, 1, O, I, A, and the arrangement of the tables and the decorations were most appropriate for the oeeaslon, Headed hy the band, the bangueters Including Worshipful Master Hre, Wm Thom bon, officers of the County Lodge, members of the order and friends marched in to the banguet hall, After partaking of a sumpin ous menl all adjourned to the audi torfum where a splendid program was glven Past Master Bro, T, A, Toms made an excellent toastmaster and toasts were alternated with se ed tions on the program, Addresses were delivered hy Past County Master Bro, M, Bateman, Deputy County Master Bro, |, J, Andrews, County Chaplain oO, A Young, Worshipful Master Bro Wm Thompson, Vast Master Hro, Mm, | Oster, recording secretary, Neo, W, | I, Orothers, chairman of the pro gram commities A number of fine selections were Included on the program, Ingluding orchestration hy Geo, Norris and his Happy Aces) solos by Bro, Wm Johnston) plano sole, hy Mr, Noi ria) voeal solo hy Migs Wilma Cro thers! solos hy Mr, A, 1, Henning banjo solo by Hoh Christie; and » trio by Miss Wilma Crothers, Miss Muriel Crothers and Bob Christie A pleasant event took place when Hro, A, J, Towns, leader of the band, was Invited to the plat form where Miss Wilma Crothers read a Sutiable address and he was fife and drum | Tots presented with a valuable purse on behalf of tha members of the band and lodge hy Miss Muriel Toms My, Towns was evidently taken hy surprise hut he made fitting reply Over elghty persons wera Jive ent at the gathering which eon pluded with the singlig of the Na tional Anthem Card of Thanks Thos, Bheridan wishes to her many friends for thely Kindness and floral tributes during | her recent bereavement (B8a) | Births HARDER On Thoaday. Dotohey B8nd, 1080, to My, and My: Weslay C, Harder (nee Mae Wi) kingon) 2488 Oakdale avenue, Detroit, Miohigan, the gift of a danghter, Betty Joyee Roth doing well (la) Mid BRILLIANT, shining hlack and spotless stove is a sign of home pride vovalso a sign of Zebra Liquid Stove Polish , ,. and a sign of good judgment too, bes cause Zebra is the quickest, oasies} and cleanest beauty treatment you can give to a stove, , to make it look bright and new. ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH RECKITTS (Oversea) LIMITED TORONTO MONTREAL VANCOUVER [should | 1 tharn wh | provided the Hauer, i { HALL, PROHIBITION I$ "RIMCULOUS AND AN IMPOSSIBILITY Statement Is Made at Con- seryative Meeting in Clare. mont Last Night MASON SPEAKS Amendments to L.C.A, Sug- gested by Dr, James Moore, of Brooklin That prohibition was ridiculous and an Impossibility under present conditions, was the statement made by Dr, OC, A, Amen at a Conserve tive meeting held in the Interests of 1, 1, Mason at Claremont last night, WH, Oo, Melntyrs was ehalrman of the meeting which was attend ed by about 60 people, Dr, Amen The first speaker was Dr, €, A Ames, Toronto, Ho dealt with the situation In the United Miates | where ha desoribed conditions as "awful" somparing them with the splendid conditions In Ontario, He ports from mental hospitals and penal Institutions showed that drunliennes decreasing, he sald, nnd It was the sanest Hguor legislation evar enneted, he said The antl-Ferguson parties offey ad no construetive suggestions, he sald, daclaving that "bonesdry pro hibition" was vidieulons and tmpos gible while the Vedersl govern ment was Issuing homebrew per mits Wis Wan iy of men lenea of ¥, 1, ministers were made a full Amen wignested that I with the munjeipal ¢ Manon that uopenling 10 nay oahinet for | vole on Ootober Mes, Gt, Hood tlearge Hood, of HROk fulied the electors to realise thely responsibilities and cast thelr bal next Wednes tuted that when Mon, |} ( wenl out of office the he province in Hin of affairs," declaring that now the finances had heen stabilised Mh dealt with many other department of the government Tamperance rested eduention, she sald Inelaly tv no for the OTA he 14 not Ine Lh A, he ds for the will of the peanle Hut he wan't know the will of (the people unthl after Oct ho Ha Is not falreshe shoud | come out pnd daslara Mmsalf ne anid "Phe Prohition Unton | ba onlled the Prohibition | declared, saying that should an mora tamperanen aduention | "The [MA |} thaw Mrs Mha Drury finnnces of were fn terihle entirely on for the Union AERTS hatwaen ale hottay OTA to he CArTy Ave tions temper ever wa Whe the or ever could hop i LA} nea act Manon The Conservative candidate, W Li, Mason, declared that he would work to have the hydro lines ex tended ta avery corner of the pro vines, saving that 1 was a Conser Vative that Inauguy ated the palley of public owner ship of hvdro Heo denied that Premier Ferguson wes teyving to Avag the hydro question! Into pol Itiow The Pravinelal highway which was helng eonatruected through Hrougham would he an advantage to the Township of Plokering de pita the portlon of the cost which It would hava to pay, herausa of the revenue te he derived from the tourist teafio, sald Mr, Manon Me, Mason persisted In his state ments that Mp, Bipnelair had adont al a Goavernment Control polley Wis guestion as ta whether condi tions were worse nnder the Lua than under the OTA, was met hy a dead allenowe He admitted that thave were still "Bind pas" In the larger centres, hut olaimed that they would soon he cleaved un, | He arain asked for a further trial to tha LOA, stating that he knew ARat Improvements could be made | n Government The last speaker wan Dr, James | Moore, of Breakin, whoa apneaied to the electors to consider all the anedtions that have heen hroupht forward In the eamnalgn, and whe stated that conditions had im nraved greatly wander Gavernment Contral, He suggested that the 1 A, he amended to make anvenne [ found drinking In an Hewal plas saunlly gnitte with the man whe In Memorisin «In loving memory of eur dear mother, Mra, Frank Hall, who died Oct, 25, 1834, Sadly missed hy Greta, Mable dnd Charley (98a) PRINK=In memory of Glen who died five year arn Often we wonder dear Glen It God who in Jove only knew Our hearts are nearly hroken Just for a mllmpse of you, Would he atreteh the flimay \ Curtain apart » woment the while I'he ache In aur hearts would oens Glen dear just to see you smile Loving wife, Rillle and mother-in-law, (3 EUR CO LATE TO CLASSIF FRU ROOME TORENT" "ON bathroom fat, Light, water and usa of phone $10 per month Phone 1384W, (98¢) ORT YOUR AUTO PARTY AND accessories at the Clty Awte | Wieeekers, 18:07 Bond street west, Phones 2850W or 2448W (Oot, 28:1 mo) CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS REMANDED FOR WEEK Rags Molle was vemanded for ons weele when he appeared In police conrt today on & eharge of belng In taxlcnted, The Sand wis grinted wt his own request and he was al lowed out on bail of $500, NUARBORO PAPKIL AVPEARN Bireh CHEE, Oct, 24,Toduy now weakly newspaper "the Bears hove News" made Its appearance In the township under loon gon trol and edited by €, Carwen hydwen, of Bearboro Miuls, WIUDENTE REWARDED Wireh CHE, Oct, 24,Hpoeinl priges offered hy the Daughters of the Kmplre to puplls of Bearhoro gh school showing most profiel ney In general pubjects during the purl session were awarded to Alsen Itighy und Fred Noy, se cording to un sunnouncement made todny WEATHER VANE. CUTS CAPERS A loeal eltizen hus complained tht during u recent storp a weather vane, mounted on the splre ol the loca! churches, did not set fn 8 man with the way a her uMble vane should wet particular vane turned elreles bled and conducted itnelf in that the eltigen suspected it had heen imbibing too heavily ol Oshawa no id hy its netlon discord with nok In of one L [4] his , wob sich un ner in keeping Ie wiry possibly I he douln which wr jie high position i eeguples hit om the ehiureh, good people i he shoeke entirely in LEGION PLANS FOR POPPY DAY ARE | ASKED, FATALITIES NOW COMPLETED 'M. McIntyre Hood Named as Claims Arise Out of Fatal Delegate to Dominion Convention nt the Hraneh of last sight annual top Announcement wus made meeting of the Oshawa the Canadian Leglon that the plans for the [LM were Day Homembranos campaign practiontly eamplete, and that eilmay with the inturday, No I'he commities In the chalrmanspip hin the psslstanes Auxiliary to the Le and othfp wm would reach ita Duy I ny " inher IH, Power of the Ladies glon, the Hoy Beouts ganisntions of he olty, and a com plete onnvaus te ta he made, so that avery oltisen will have the ap portunity of wearing a poppy on Armistion Da I'he money ralasd in the Pappy Day campaign each your lg used for the relief of dis nhlad and' needy asfarvioe men and thelr familles, and conawions have hoon such that the fund rals ad laut November has all heen ex pended The Legion oMolals are hoping to rales over 41,000 with whith te carey an thelr work for the coming year Plans For Banquet Reports were also presented on the 'seranremants for the coming Armistion Hanguet, to ha held on November 7, with Ohiaf Draper as the main speaker, and It Is ex pected that Rotary Hall will he taxed to the Hmit of tte ocapuelty for thin ocoasion, an parties are coming from OrilHa, Lindsay, Poppy vem har mn ohnrpe of A NEW DOORS FOR FIRE HALL I'he new doors have been mounted In the firs hall and represent great improvement aver those whish formerly did servies, 'The doors ure operated by welghts snd by pulting i word they swing open eislly and quickly, As minutes wre precious In the business of protecting property from loss by fire, & minute saved by the vic opening of the doors Hiky prove o great value, RAIN HELPS FARMERS According to reports received from the adjacent a distriet, the heavy ving of this week will prove vary he neficlal to farmers, The ground which wits formerly dry and hard, has been penetrated by molsture to the depth of an ordinary plough blade AM ploughing will now be possible, Last week many farmers found It almost Impossible to make w furrow on mes count of the condition of the soll, I'RENENTATION MADE Members of the Orange Young Britons lodge gathered at the home of John MeCullough, #06 Leslie sirest, Monday night and presented Wu, Donald, one of thely number, with' a handsome onrving wet us a gift from the lodge In honor of his recent mar riuge A fitting address as read and although surprised, Mr, Dons ald expressed hin sincere appreci ation for the gif The evening wis spent In euchrs, first prize being won by My, Jas, MoCuliounh, while Mr, Ham Cuthbert received pocond prise, A tasty Juneh wis then served, $20,000 DAMAGES IN HARMONY GREEK Accident in Floods of April 5 Datalin surrounding fe. jatlapee of the Harmony Creek the night of April 6, brought death and tragedy into two Peterborough homes whan | lon Weight and Walter Northrop | sre drowned in the raging floods | will he heard In Mupreme Court al Whithy an December 2 Three clalms of damages total! ng 820,800 are belng brought pyninet the provinces, represented hy the Minister of Publle Warks | and Highways, by the relatives | of the two persons drawned in the bridge wash-out Charles Wright | and Jamina Weight, parents of the Inte Helen Wright, claim damages | of 25,000 for loss and damage suf | fered by reason of the death of Helen Mary Ann Northrop, wife of the administeatrix of the estate of the Inte Walter Northron, elaima $18,000 and Hianley Northrop clatme $200 for lows of a vielin, | » | HH ov Drooklin, Bunderiand and Whitby The sending of a delegate to the Dominton © Convention at Regina from November 205 to 3% wan dis cunned, and Comrade M, Melntyre Hood was appointed an delegate, An effort fs to he made to have some of the nelehbouring branches appoint Comrade Hood to repre sent them hy proxy. Resolutions to be submitted to the Dominion Convention will be decunsed at next week's meeting of the branch LOOK FOR $35 to $30 them, THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL IN THR "Men of Quality" N early days there was cleavage among people, "Men of quality" were distinguished by impeccable ap. parel, Others, clad uncouthly, gave way to them, Such distinctions have happily passed, Every man today can be a "man of quality" wearing well-cut clothes of dependable fabrics, Society Brand makes them, in models to 1 it every type, each deftly styled in the season's trend, For value, insist on Society Brand, Their maker's JOHNSTON'S Simcoe St. North IT'S THR QUT OF YOUR QLOYIES YHAT COUNTH POCKET good name guarantees LAYING BRICK ON NEW OSHAWA ARENA FOUNDATIONS IN Plans Have. Bowh Altered Will Have "Second Largest | wressing well, Materially on This Struc ture by the Owners BIG ICE SURFACE Ice Surface of Any On» tario Arena ---- Youndatlons have eon completed and brickwork Is under way on th Oshawa Arenas, which Is being con structed north of the Hambly Bros, lee plant on King street west, by the 1, B, Mothersill Co, contractors, for the Oshawa Arena, Lid, Plans on the wrens have been al tered considerably, A new type wl patented roof will be used, and con sequently there will he no structural steel used in the WIONE, Ue iL Wi inally intended, The plumbing and heating plans und other plang have Wau heen ahtored and the separnte contracts have not yet been awarded on the electrieal und plumbing and heatfing trade by the Oshawi Arena Limited, Miller & Liliby Fred Garrard are bidding by invitation on the plumbing and heating « and Bowra Kleetrl hop and ( DeGugrre on the eleetricn) worl these firms wre of Oshawa Phree dressing. rooms will be prov ded for the players and one each for ladies and pentlemien skater Re anid ow large rotunds eluded, The wrens will cupuelty of 4,000 with nddigdonal standing room for 1,000 poopie, Thi of the Tee surfa ws heen ehinnged to B5 hy 195 feet, ¢h In the second largest lee sur in any Brena mn wren will he of with [ wid Hirue! I All freshmont stand will also be hive u pe wing Blue wh Cntari solid brick merete 1 merete Noor In th face I'he construction foundations and et ratunds, ete FACES CRIMINAL | NEGLIGENCE COUNT, | William Drysdale, Rieti Was Involved in Smash William who wi collided with one ow I. Maxwell, of this city, 7, seviously injuring hin boen of wrt of driv ondition Dry of KNingsto | driver ol the lake, our whieh Hw Rov, | Frida PRARCNY ned by on ept ers in hath ears, nviet in the Kingston police ef ine whith Lirysdale appems on Oo, 8 for trial on a eharge of orl ninal negligened out of th aeeldent, and sentence on the charg, of deiving whila intoxicated was with held pending the henring of the el ou negligence ease, Rev, Mr, Max who was the most seriously in jure h person in the accident, iy pro The Times was Inform Ean intoxicated F'uesday ne wrining wel od today, y " ¥ Liberal Leader Sinclair Addresses Enthusiastic Meéting'In His Own Riding FEW HAVE VOTED AT ADVANCE POLL Commercial T ravellers, Sail. ors and Railway Men May Ballot Before Election Day Few persons have as vel exorcleed the privilege of voting at the advan cod poll being hold for the Lenehit of truvelling salesmen, sullors und ral wihy emmoyeas of the riding, In the office of W, A, Hare, 8imeoe sirens north, The Things ied thi morning his poll, of Ita kind established bn the wih opened yestordn two o'clock and remained open from a 10 pan from 7 tw 10 paw yosterday and will remuln open dur iw the hours toda nd tomor UMW hey WM electors, this poll Yun Jit nly one riding, utigrnoun H which 18 the nd hut ymull number « ho un ther cin quellly to yute w He's eonmer wymen and nl lew eller rinklw ors in tha riding thought that you or German rib torrie wolf In Girent God! It) Christopher Mi It Is a could play yrin ries _-- Events BN Cents per word each Ine wortion Minimum charge for each Insertion, Bde, ONHAWA Haquare day, Oet, routs ne shot ure of and Coming JARDENN Mei WINTER and Round Danelng 20th K.00 pm prige dance will he the evening, et Haymakers (hig) Be ait hig orchestra OLD TIMI presented In United Churgh A pm,, Friday Admission 3 3 (hil) CTV) on will be Contra Nireet mohool Reom of Oetoher Children 10¢ WINTER GARDUENN October 26th, S80 pm night, A veal night pladness, Hesldents of the county as well uw of Oshawa, Whith and Bowmanvill cordially In vited, Musie by Frank Carew and his Commanders (hh) NCTENTIFIC Jullen Bireet (DE) PALMINT S034, 0 (hah) ONHAWA Watnrday Carnival ol MADAM ZUDDA palmist, 334 Mt MADAME NROWN, Phone appointments Loulwa Nt EUCHRE INL, T Hydro tonight, the wnerlea, HN HALL OVER Hecond pame of (hin) A . | Ing Il, ; A | Even him a fair deal, | fel rey, Government's Tardiness in Extending Hydro, Its Fail. ure to Ald the Farmers and Its Attitude "on the Liquor Question' Are Scored SINCLAIR FLAYS. .. TORY "SMALL STUFF" ---- --, | Audience Applauds - Loudly as He Rebukes Conserv: ative Speukers, and De. clares He Has Never Head a Govornment .. Elquor Permit ---- Atsnlling the government for ita attitude on the Hguor quessbn, for {ty tardiness In extending the hydro through the rural districts of the provines und for fallure to ald the farmers to form cosaperative marketing nocleties, W, HK, N, Bin Liberal leader and Liberal oundidate for this viding, addresssd un large body of eleglars ut Yort Parry last night, Although he has bean waging on strenuous onmpaiKn throughout the provines, Mr, Bins« vlalr was In good form and bts puds« lence showed Intense Interest dur ing whole courte of his speech, which was characterized by Is vigs our and directness, Namuel Jeffrey, Port Perry, presided over the meets ns ehalrman Unlon Was Vale to My, Mason In reply to a statement alleked have been made by Frank IL. Mason, the Conservalve candidate, that the Prohibition Union had not Mr, Bamuel whe Is president or the County Prohibition Union, deojarea that the Conservative candidate had heen plven avery opportunity to slgn the prohibition union pladea and accorded the same son« vidaration whieh had been "given W. KN, Binolalr, "Tt would be better for Moore and many others would: swallow Hkewise,' mated Ww A, Dryden, president of the Houth Ontario Ldberal Association, In referving to a remark mada hy the chatrman, Mr, Joffrey, that Dy, Moore had accused him of swallow Ing anything the Liberals or Pros presnives had to say about tempers Anes "1 oan nasure you that you weuld he much better off followiig the Liberal party Hind fold thew the Conservatives," My, Dryden' 'told tha alector The speaker spoke highly © of Mr. Ninelalr an Jeader and eandls fate and declared him fo he one of the greatest nons aver produted in Ontario, Mr, Dryden forecasted a (Continued on page 10) aA ululy, De Jas, tnthey At the end of a very successful selling season, we have decid: ed to cut the prices of our used cars to the quick, in order to clear the few we have left. This is your chance. Buy now! Chevrolet Touring, Why walk? at only Oldsmobile Medan Late Model at $300 Ries Jon Wont: $125 Pontiae Conch, 1088" Mo. del, a real buy $475 $75 Ab vsin sro Chevrolet Coupe Model, in real good condis Star Kix Coupe, Going at Vay $50 ton, good tives $300 1086, step lively FORD Ton Truck, wy All for ALL CARS HAVE BREEN RECONDITIONRD Chevrolet Sedan, 1088 Mos del, splendid condition, this in a good buy for $525 someone Star Touring, 1086, mechs antoally AL cons $275 dition Ford Delivery "truck, just Blom hd $160 'B8 Melanghlin: Touring, a» ah wp au . $25 1008 hirant Foup "8625 CERRY EERE EEREY Model, good cons ditlon THICKSON MOTOR SALES 9 Bond St. W. OSHAWA Phone 533:

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