URDAY, OCTOBER 26, FERGUSON GIVES THE FIGURES FOR SALE OF LIQUOR (Continued from Page 3) HK B1,86 per cant over the eleven nonths for 1086, "Bo," he sem ented, "All the quer wis not rink by resident Canadiang," It was the second moustar Con rvalye ally to be sddesssed hy prime minister. Captains and jahoris, many of whom heard Pre: ler Varguson launch his eampaign \ore on Beptember 17, filled Mar joy Hall for the occasion, And Month the velea of ether and the visardy of vadlo, many more of mtario's voters heard the deliver: mee of the prime minister In all arin of the provines, lon to Newspaper Framlor Vorguson pul a Arle a Toronto newspaper, "Y woul ko to nak this paper a question," 6 prime minister exelaimed, « "Doss {6 know of some secret oon loves hy certain Liberals at which vo BInclaly was present where oy digounsed the question of heer y the glans, There was net one peoting but several," He went on 0 Kate that the newspaper in uestion knew who were at these nierenrea, Preamier Ferguson tontinued, "Some ssid at theses meatinks you cannot make us turns shout lke that tn the middle of a Ampaign, Then It was decided te ave It fo n gentleman with long perience and some reputation, a sald 'It eonld not he done, hut tell you what you ean de, sonduet b whinpering campaign,' The ads rice, the prime minister said was 0 conduct a 'whispering eam~ Gleaming hair! The way mods | ale diossers av @ntuaio your hair by Javely line ined contours makes It impertant 1 keep the hair in perfeet eondition, ow, millions know the quiekes Ay to wive the hair new life and #tre 1 to bring out its natural eelor, with Dandegine, It is so easy 14 We i I moisten your brush th it easel time you arrange your alr, Danderine dissolves the erust of fandratt stops falling hairy puts the 0 the pink of condis It " p ps the hair prow | anti gives it more lus aly atine, It makes the hale easier t nied holds it in place, Aves bk nicer; stay in longer when "set' pith Danderine, Danderine The One Minute Hair ALAR Drug Stores » Thirty Five NOTICE--Water Main | TAKE NOTICE that the Counell of the vet wader Awa intends to 'rom the consum Mr, 8in telln " how vg ave A ' paign' for a dry poliey In certain districts and beer hy Wi iy n others, And then he I Mr, entetie {lheml sandidate in Hs x North), whispered tog ud, Poisonous Whispering The prime minister continued) "Beware of the poinsonous whisp« aring campaign, You have In this government & government that is bold enough to tell you what is position is, It was realised that the present liquor control ast must he buttressed, he observed, but ani mated with a desire fov the hetlepr ment of social and moral conditions the government would have the necessary amendments made, Temperance Bdueation His administration, Premier Pere fukon pursed, holloyed in educate nk the publie toward temperance, He quoted President Hoover of the United Btates and General Higgine of the Salvation Army in support of this policy, It was a8 & conser quence of education In the home, in the churches and In the sehools, the prime minister quoted the head of the Salvation Army a desiaring, that drinking in England had fal lon off 86% In the last ten years, "Wa are for saduestion," ha elnimed, advooated by President Hoover and the policy of old England, Bdu- cate our people' It was under a polley of education, Fremisr Fer: guson stated, that temperane advanced under Biv James Whit- ney, Bir Thomas White, wartime minister of finance, on, W, H Prios, attorney-general, and Mrs, Arthur Von Knoughnet, Toronte, supported the prime minister, Ir ---------- LARGE SURPLUS FORECAST RY THE TREASURER (Continwed from Page §) Minolalr oritielsed the Ferguson ad: ministraton there had not heen one hint of dlshonesty=-and that was something the people should know and feel proud of, But, said the treasurer, Binclalr's statements re: | warding provinelal finances were misleading, without foundations bald statements 'dished up an facts but untrue, The gas tax, Mr, Bin: alalr had said, was mot consti tutional hecause It was Indirect taxation, but the Liberal jeader should know better, for It was & direct tax on those who used moe tor oars, collected BY the gas come panies for the government on commission basis, thin belng deem ed the best and cheapest method, otherwise the government would have to place a sellector at every station, Mr, Binglair had charged that $841,000 was pald to the gas nompanies foritbliections, but the Amount was only $146,000, and Mr, Binelalr did not tell the people that 841,000 was the amount refunded to those who used gasoline for other than mo: tors, Dy, Monteith defended his wove aynment againat Mr, Binolair's Kr "Wa are for the Dolley f 4 | Woury' of ¢ Sonat idtaing 0 pay 100 per cent, uf the cot nf roads, and wes promising othey supposedly methods of retvenehs ment, he was not saying whevs he WAS BOIng to Eel the money Lo carry on the aflairs of & Brest ani growing provines, Vremisy Verr suson, on the other hand, had romined to 60 per cent, instead of 0 per cont on wll township vords, aring wll of them wp to a certain standard, and also extend a hydro service to the vursl sections with a ent in mervices charges, Instead of Dlasding the people us Mr, Binclaly had said, the government had paid the munieipalitien five and half milllons for roads, to say nothing shout educational and other Krants, In closing Dy, Montel sald that all expenditures of | ovr ernment ware govered hy Masha and were Basnelnlly sound, Mors money wih neaded for a Kvowing Jrovinee d the wovernment of 'vem ier Atach ad set up 0 wound finansial struciure with leas sahita) expenditures since coming Office than the last yesr of the Drury government; It forly achievement, raid, 0 yekrs, an ag Mise Bossle MoMurchy, of Tor note, declared she Woh "Rrowin the lquor the eam» Palen, # Hos Want y the mys of it auxiliary olny av Heed In the provines, the work help done in the vosationa) schools an other aducational work of the gave ernment, 'The eheapening of the cont of elestrielty to the rural fin tricts would revolutionise tha lite of the women on the farms, shy sald, Prohibition would have to start with the Dominion Government he: cause It controlled the leenses to the breweries and distiiferies, The Idquor the advantage of supplying "pure" 'lquor to peaple who want liquor, Ho that they did not have to buy the 'poison' which hootleggers handled, she sald, The speaker sald that, while thers were admit tedly drunken drivers, many fe« oldents on the highways were due to aarelessnens and recklessness, ¥, Li, Mason The Conservative eandidate In South Ontario, ¥, 1, Mason, sald Control Act had brought 1 that he was confident of the sues Gaus of the Ferguson government, He wnid that It wag "sudacity" on the part of W, KB, N, Blnslalr to slate (hat the Ferguson govern: ment had been negligent In Iw duty In supplying hydro to the rural districts, stating that it was the Conservative party that hind ip. Augurated the polley of publle ownership of Hydro, Myr, Binelair had never made any effort to An Kiet the municipalities of eastern Ontario in jroning out thelr hydro problems, he seid, Conditions were betler under the LAquor Control Ast then under the OPA, he said, "What I want In the vote of the 1,800 Conserve tive voters who supported Bin- glade In the last election, and 1 want the temperance women of the county jo onside this ques: thon seriously, The Premier had romised to mend the weak points n the Act," he sald, It was an absolute falsehood to Ay that an employee of the Osh awa lnuor stove signed his nom» ination pledge, Mr, Mason sald, ohallenging Mr, Binelalr to name the man Mr. Mindlslr was not even in favor of progressive temperance lowiniation, he declared, Mr, Bin. claly had never sald that he would submit a plebiscite on prohibition, Mr, Mason sald, "It " apponent was honest, he would say an 1 do, that eondl- tions are better now than they weve under the OTA," he said An slector asked (f the constable fon stom was to ha ahollshed "I will not promise to take awny any loeal automomy, 1 have al whys opposed the fee system, and consider It a vielous one," Mr, Mason said, FIRST COLD Tonight, perhaps, or the night after, Cold will ereep on the darkened rilier Beneath the rooftree, cold will erawl "hrough crack and ereviee in the wall Tomorrow or the next tomorrow, Of putumn silvered by the frost i Yellow grass and curve leaf lost To fraglle white and prisoned In Sharpeedged glitter fey thin wlrances M, Frost In Contemporary Verse, There are two kinds of people in the world=--thoss who are al ways getting ready to do some thing, and those that go ahead and CREW DECIDES T0 REMAIN ABOARD STRANDED VESSEL Expect To Be Able To Sal- vage the C, W, Cadwell (By Canadinn Press bansed Wire) Windsor, Dot, 88,=1t will Hiker ly ha some Asys hefore the O, W, Cadwell, fast ashore on Folnl Vales nite the terrific storm whieh lashed Lake Erie, will he af nEnin, A, J, Bowman, v CY dent of the Ontario Gravel Freight ing Company, ownerg of the gravel hont, sald yesterday, The Cadwell vests comfortably but, firmly on a move op less even eal ahout ho fest fon the shore, Hey crew In wf ahoard and are quite comfortable, Bteam fy up to keep them warm, The: ve no desir to come ashore, thou un Wieline has heen provided or tha purpose should they so de- sire, The breakup of tha N, J, Nesson the anolent wooden steamer thet went ashore nesr the Leamington dock on Tuskday night, is com. plate and litle can he ween of the vessel exoapt the earge of serap fran which It earried, TWELVF BONIFS FOUND $0 FAR Ee Aeroplanes Searching For Wreck of Foundered Ferry Datrolt, Oct, 86,+~'"No further trace has yet heen found of the missing oar ferry, Milwaukee," ways ao statement lesued hy 0, a, Howker, general manawer of the Grand Trunk Western rallvosd, yesterday, The Milwaukee In ber Hayed lost with her entire arew of Bd men, Twelve hodies and mush wreckage has heen found, The statement continues; "Two airplanes employed by the Grand opt 4 Trunk to search for the missing terry were out over Lake Michigan for 18 hours yeplerdiay hut wera unable to sight the hoat, This host arrived at Mibwaikes on A westhound trip from Grand Haven at 18.18 pm, Tuesday, Oct, 2%, and left flwaukee at 4.45 pm the same date, with 80 loaded ears, enroute to Grand Haven Iaptain Melay, master of the oar ferry, had heen interviewed, the statement poids out, hy Cap tain MeLaren, who has supervision over all the Grand Trunk ferries aperating on Lake Michigan, and had stated that there had heen no trouble on the westhound trip and that the Milwaulkea would he loss Ikely to ship any water travelling eastward, "On aeconnt of Capialn Maliay's fon ability ne a Take navigator, wa lind implieft faith In hig Judgment ws ta the safety of taking the hoa! out, partioularly as he had arrived in Mliwaunen rom the westhound voyage Just two and a half hours previous to the time of departure Ea aa a liad HOU SEPREAKKRS AT CO rera---- Cobourge=Aftey having been free from rel rigs for some thine, (hr: (ines 1 Weta visited on ednesday eyening of dant wel The pofi-4ole gentry visited the home of George VP, Buwong Univer sity avenue, walning , entrance bh of a side door, In the lock of | means whith they used & skeleton key, Mis en 's Jira swith robbed of about #5, he (ever helng sonsiderate en ough to leave the empty purse on the verandah, The house two doors away, oeeupled by Joseph Patterson, wits also visited, shout $100 worth of honds and $100 cash being taken from his desk, Hoth places were rin sheked downstairs, but nothing else wih missing, The same gang attempt od to break into the grocery store of Sidney Roraheek, sorner of Divi sion and University avenue, hut were unsuccessful: The same night a se dan ear belonging to Btanley Prati was taken from in front of his apart ments on King street, hut was found next morning on Divislon street north TI Because of the recent Kwangsl: Kwangtung elosh, all highway con strugtion hasbeen stopped In Kwang sl Frovinee fh China, where 1,500 miles of roads were bullt in the last Wo Years, MASSEY CORRECTS that neither the Dominion overns ment, Provinee of Quehes pays a subsidy ar bonus to the maple Sugar pro ducers of Canndn, has heen drawn to the attention of the Beeratary of Hate hy the and faithful service and hie |, FALSE IMPRESSION Producers of Maple Suger Washington, Oct, &6,-The fact nor the Government of hin Canadian Minister, EL KES "Now she's always hungry," y -" RE fe wood, hex VOLaTY Ww memorandum drawl tentian (0 uw miswtalgmaent in i many, ottered the MHenate commitige duving ite long donsldy GrRiion af Lhe Lariff on mim In the commities's report on wa Lariee ikl note de made of an In On BUKEKY GYENH in the The present vate' ai minple gignr 1g 4 cents un poupd the Howe Will wile In Th cepts and the Hennte LIL pals 0 canis, The report of the commpitien Indl artes an yoakon tov the proposed inerenkes statements of witndBees to the are fect nn honus was helng paid lie directly to the mapls sugar pros ducers In Canada by the Cannding Government, erenne In the rile aver the Hous hill Ly \ PRESS 1 ae COTES vile proposed aver the House «oo8ays TORONTO mother! In Just a few days her stomach and howels were acting perfectly, She's gaining right along now," A few weeks ago we had to force her to eat) now she's always hungry, "I knew what to do when she hes oame billows, halfsiek and list loss, because we've always known t California Fig Byrup, Naney's costed tongue and bad breath cleared up with the first lew spoonfuls; and CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP RICH, FRUITY LAXATIVE AND TONIC YOR CHILDREN and di California Vig Syrup has the full endorsement o A pure vegetable product, loved b ohildren, A gentle, but thoreug cleanser of a Vungsors agentieen r for slug A stimulator for | ing appetites tions; a help In sturdy limbs and robust bodies, the medical world, stem and h bowels, ullding The name California Is important, No toh oan put that on bis \ Hon, Vincent Massey, 6 1g under presented Lo the Bess ol hang harges of excessive, unreasonable \ Ad unequitable taxation, and ex ravagance in expenditures, The revenue last year was $68,000, OF hie 87,000 came from sales under Liquor Control Ant, and wan co) 'acted from 'hose who hought "ard Nguor as a Justn-stor the avernment considered It as sueh, here helng no taxation to wpeak of n heer and wine, Those who di! ot drink did not have to pay, What an termed tainted money was In vanlity what was formerly paid to hootlegger, with many thousands of dollars ded, The Dominion Qovernment collected $16,000, 000 on beverages and $87,000,000 » of Nauor nm fanada, _ 11,000 tap a% High A ways J 00,000 from succession dutles; two and 4 quarter millions aoe traoks three. and halt millions from the nrovinelal seeretary's department; 14,000,000 Bh Minds and For antag ,000,000 trom fAinancle) 0 "e on 0m theatres w idien the nlon govern nent, made up the revenue dolleet Wl trom those whe were gettin ho various services and were her be to pay, Of the $88,000 only ne and three quarter millions wae 'direct tan on all the people, Dr, Monteith olalmed that Whi plo wine 3 Oly of Jorbion ot FR A the pre of 274 and ita By-law No, 1411, an Suharied by an Aol oting th gi of Oshawa, belng Chapter 183, Onta atten, (1 HA . V)) Water Maina on the streets mentioned in ule attached heveto, Under the provisions of the sald ftatute a pt there Will be levied and charged a saven and one-half (734) cents per foot w of lots whether occupied \ N a Hirai 1 Sad allre n'the Munieaiy Woon Whisk wa We to be ald as above men Any person having any ty yA writing the Seereta Board of seh Hoatipn of th h day of Ootq 1 \ the several lands, loi § upon malng Her' of ty IRR TB RARE, Dated this 20th day of October, 1939 Clerk of the Clty of Oshawa SCHEDULE "A" Simany 8. Kast aon Road Prew St, to Ritson Ra, a y | the sald Rylaw No, My LUE Leader of the Liberal Party In the province of Ontario, and W, RB, N, MINOLATR Liberal eandidate asking your support for re-election in the riding of Houth Ontario, Oshawa, October 26, 1080, Dear Friends,» The election the polls on turs, campaign bs dra t Wednesday next to iy dulghiod for ince 2 Lower taxation in the Province, 3. Removal from municiapl tance of Old Age Pensions and pays ment of the whele by the Province, : VOTE SINCLAIR! FOR PREMIER" To The ELECTORS of South Ontario'. | 4. Removal from Munielpal Provinelal Highwaye and payvaent of the whole by the 8. Reduction in Motor Car lioeness and driver's permit foes. » €. Reduction in gasoline tex. #5 ; " ¥ Leeal Autonomy in Educational matters with consequent re duction in taxes, 8 Op Township Schoo! Boards, a oh ee oe vrs 7. ah i power of the tax payers te bear, mead 9 We Tompttante Question by the praple whan dn taxes of 20 por cont contribution for Provines, , University work in there will be that a ha er oe" acl be ~ a yo odie me vorable vote in the Provinee decide In In and renal of you vole on Wadasadey Met nen Yours Very Truly satisfaction a a tive, W. E. N. Sincl x) a Limit of Lot 189, Plan 204 10 wit [P } MH bi J / I... LE