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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 12

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'Advocates Coining HiSymbolic Empire Name a mer important Par Played by Old French-Canadis {Oh ym Banton " ir 4 i dh eer to age. ore were Lime Je in the A84ve Shatua: TY Par . this would Y tks for i du from ove 0 roots 1 ' " { " ol re ony ane, They w wove truly Hants ain, The A len Ih ho would balances the nl , Cirent i in Canada were new heing fl Hp, ne Kanade Is yn in outs i ph material ves singier' 3 Ay the part of ooh better than over, takin # hin Sof Interest in problem pila ire a-0peration and tra " wish to sonvey In the a, the) th that through. » out all elements In he tinh Fimpire, there a a certain Unity of spivit and teaditien of outies Mt alse u tremendous Individuals § 46 n combination ef the two whieh has mede the Bm. pire something vitally alive and ousantinlly the Ji Fong piles ph dnyn i i the peop Urester Britain are yet R b Blating that he be greatest days of the fh ire were ye, to come, Mt: hid #0 SMA Amery apie) d the hope that the fimo i some Hn # single name n.. denote the British Empire, It was & wiroke of imaginative statesmanship, he sald, when Kng- lsh statesmen at the time of union between Kngland snd Neotr land were prepared {o ahdloate thelr national name and In the face of vidiewle to have the name Groat Hriwin for the united oa od Ch groat ohnnes had been missed when Ireland = was given Dominlon status, he held, Mr, Amery pointed out that "Oeennin" had heen suggested as the name for the Wmpire, He hes Hoved that "Britannia" might suit, The recognition of the equality of the Dominions was bringing the whole of Greater ritalin more olosely together, he conolided, Rk he WILLIAM HOAR 1S DEAD AT MYRTLE rwamnt Was One of Community's Oldest and Most Re- spected Citizens RS Myre, Oct, #10 the passing u William Hoar, here, on Bunday, the gommunity has lost one of its olds fib and phon respected eltivens, Mr, hd ah A successful farms or, a # mile west of the village until aholit twelve years A Wo when he votive 15 the village, A short Hime wfter he suffered a stroke and, als though always able to be around up to a few months ago it left him ra thed feall, He was a very wealous Methodist in Hiligion an akrhont Buniday oehuot worker, He leaves his wife, four daughters, and two hon, Mrs, M, Sue Hine he home, Mu. Blemon, of Dliawdy rh Laitler Like of nls to po [ ha son, of Chis a nd Robert of Edmonton and of Lon Ax ol lon, Whera: he which was held on Wei hewiay a yrnoan, wat condueted hy the Rev, R, Merriam and the large cortege and floral tributes w expressions of the rvespeet in which he was held. Interment was made n Re TH y plot, Groveside cemetery, riday night e : this week he heavy rain the earlier part of oh Al eB & 1 Roy the week wis greatly welomed & rr the farmers have not been able to get wny fall loughing done as the ground was so On Baturday night a few rumbles of thunder were heard and to those skilled In wea ter forecasts this was a good sign ol long open fall, The Cresy Concert Co, line been holding entertainments In the old Temperance Hall every night this week, Rev, RR, i Merriam exchanged pul pits with Kev, Mr, Bart of Gross wood on Bunday evening, Kev, Mr, Bart was greeted here with a large congregation, It belug the spe: elal free-wlll Offering service, le based his sermon on the words "I'he power of the Gospel unto Nalvation, pointing out foreibly the Importance and power of the ehureh with its dif ferent branches In every community, His message was wmueh appreciated ne wan the musie from the Colum bus oholr, The offering amounted to The Women's Missionary Society held ita Usiube meeting at the home of Mrs, Ii Cook, south of the village on WO afternoon, ani although a number of the members were attending the funeral, of Mius Nellie Brigus, there was a good at tendanee present, I'he president, Mrs, Merriam, presided and the minutes of the last meeting were read by te Wiralary Mea. David Lowry Mes, EE, Mol vead the Seripture lesson and Mra, Dy GO, Ross lead in prayer, Interesting readings from the devotional adie} were ven by Mra, DG Rom and a oN lk ih Roy Thompion bing gremt oy Joyed, The meeting wan then thrown open for the usual business, when THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 PACE ELEVEN I ---------- SALLY é io te pari 1 nl HECENTIY COMPLETED R101 0LIVS OVER BRITISH CAPITAL photo shows the. siately aleship | divigihle wan proceeding on over NG Paul's eathedeal, Thi | fist Jong flight Bs» passenger pleture wan talien an the great | Iner, To the watchers who Viewed SHIP GANAL SOUGHT BY N.Y ASSOCIATION vices, Great Ing on the A "onnal, dealt with | h ie international aspects, ' that the best methods of avoldin possible future compllentions with Cannda over trada routes was to build the United States shipway on tirely through United Mates torrl Franelse Lory, Wal Canal Favored hop field (lov, Feankitn D. Roogovelt on Haturday announced that he fove | chi orn 8 ship onnnl from the Great | ing Loko to the Hodson River, and that he foresees through the deep Tou or Hudson, the restoration of the Hitdpon River to full wae from Tro: to Now York ofty nn an Inlall port fOr goean vessois, The Governor made the mont A # En tnd s Intest flying magvel, itn the M108 1s snapped as Ib sorry #hove the empire capital, The rs Sr ------ the characters for the Mlissior Nay which 8 10 be given In ber wera ehosen, and a number of other matters wero dealt with, afte whieh the kindly hostess served luneh for hich she was fendered hearty vote of thanks, One new mein ber was added to the voll during the . meeting, 'The November gathering Waterway Krom wil be at Mrs, O, HL, Downey, when it {a hoped that Miss Armstrong who Lakes to Hudson Throut Hh isonary "Sha, Werte Wb Troy Strongly Urged ALL U.S, ROUTE Miss Bvelyn Massey and friend ¢ Oshawa, spent the wek end at ha home here Governor Roosevelt Favors Proposal---Grain Eleva. tors at Albany LS AR TRE from 1 to the Hudson, and favoring the Cily, tate oonstruotion of PTY ov elaborate | tors at Albauy and Troy, In conned | Hon with the deeper Hudson and ateun shipping, the olose of the Now York Btate | [Rta ivy Ano (ation, | ry Nuveen tnnnl, Lom DOTY) { Lohnnge the saying | | per and { Tennis by artifizial Nght Is boom Ing In Australia, where It Ix estimat ed there are more than 2,000 night courts on which play is enjoyed un der eleotrle lights, dren v in the oph § An old war horse which hauls gn pubblah in Hammersmith reRpRTN th lies A, starts to "ShunsLeftaQuick-Mareh" instead of "Glddap® in a how Det, obig an atiohs HARING Tov " (Irent Linkon through "Troy, aration to I A AIS Sn A A SR I Mn mindy fh it hopplel king La, mi and I \ I Ke ust m-------- the 1101 from the strects of the the flight was a reminder of the niv valde ut wer dayw, watement ho his yol 1 | onthe witerway development the Bla wore adopted at thi ib he did not fave foot depth to the because it would be only a stating wpecificially iw adding two present barge The insure next that should come he sald hip canal welt "TI. am In favor of a much big Dotter canal," sald the certainly Tam in fa { of of in doepor and better Hudson, rlars from North peeinl trip to Kentish gland during the re senpon to care for parents were work fields, | fummerfield, who was helng treated with radium tubes fp « ial land, died during er & tube which had | slipped Into neers Birmingham, Eng A emergency op nt ling LINER COMMANDER T0 ATTEND SERVICE Capt, R. N, "Stuart Will Rep- resent Merchan/ Marine Capt, R, N, Btuart, v.¢,, DBO, commander of the C, P, Hiner Duchs ans of York, will represent. the Mar. chant Marine service at the Cenos taph in London during the memors inl service to he held there Noe vember 11, If Ix expected that he will also attend the Prince of Wales dinner to holders of the Victoria Crom, Capt, Bmart, earned the V, ©, whilst serving in command of a mystery ship during the great war, Two Decorations He 1s one of the youngest Hiner captaing of the North Atlantle, and worved with Vice-Admirad Gordon Camphell, V.€, Hy one of the few captains in the meyehant wey vice to wear the coveted bine rib: hon of Britain's highest decoration and is the only member of the Roy #l Naval Hewerve to wear hoth the Vietorip. Cross and the United Staten Naval Cross, which is x Amerioan counterpart, Victoria Cross wearers, who are travelling as the guests of the White Btar, Cunard and Canadian Paclfie Stenmehip Companies, will ha allotted in proportion to ships of each company sailing from Mon. treal this week end, They will reach England several days hefore the dinner to he given by H.R.H, The Prince of Wales 1s held in London on Novemher #, As this day 1s also that of the Lord May or's Show, the veterans will have a chance to see the famous parade The man who wouldn't drive his motorcar half a mile when it's out of order, will often drive his hrain sll day with a head that's throbbing, fuch punishment lsn't very good for one's nerves! It's unwise, and It's unnecessary, For a tablet or two of Aspirin will relieve a head ache every time, Bo, remember this accepted antidote for pain, and spare yourself a lot of needless suf« fering, Read the proven directions and you'll discover many valuable uses for these tablets, For head. aches) to check colds, To ease a nore threat and reduce the infection, For velleving neuralgle, neuritle, rheumatic pain, People used to wonder if Aspirin might be harmful, The doctors answered that question years ago. EN_AU l E Tt lu nol, Bome folles still wonder if it ally does relieve pain, That's settled! For millions of men and women have found It does, To oure the cause of any pain you must snails your hog iki you may ways tum to diate relief, ~ GASPIRIN \ 'Ast. "The Liquor the "HON. G. HOWARD FERGUSON," November oh Jose. What Resulted ? 1st. Ontario is now buying liquor at the rate of over one million ccording to the Ontario SR K Liquor To The dollars a Control Act ln Intended to Discourage Liquor. CONSUMPTION HAS THEREFORE DOUBLED IN TWO YEARS. What Was Promised 2nd. "It is an Improved Moral Condition we are attemp- ting to bring about." "HON. G. HOWARD FERGUSON," Novatn uy 1926 What Resulted ? 2nd, In Toronto from 1926 to 1928-- D OT ASSAULTS HAVE INCREASED JRDERL Y CONDUCT HAS INCREASED cent. CY HAS INCREASED 30 Official Report, Chief of Police) r cent, You Know? Electors of South Ontario: READ for YOURSELF The Record of The LIQUOR CONTROL ACT WHAT WAS PROMISED AND WHAT What Was Promised RESULTED What Was Promised 3rd, "To Bring About a Better Obse IN 1926 IN 1928 "HON, G, HOW IN Toronto Police Court -- IN 1826 IN 1928 \ dt E HQUOR CON. to the continuance of Is pl | OL ACT, and refuses a. . That Brewery Stocks are Booming? That sue ous Person in Eight in Ontario has a 'Liquor | That a le Permit you can procure DAILY 12 | iskey, 8 Dozen of , and wine | Woes of Limit? ] That Deaths from Automobile Accidents Increased | from 208 in 1926 to 474 in 1928? A "'% Change for Woman to Protect te Hom an al omen to ome A la pl | LET ALL FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE ! LOVERS OF FREEDOM VOTE FO Mr. Sinclair REET to give the people a non-pol den plebiscite or DP ALL 3

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