THE osHAWA DAIL Y TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 FRANCE T0 BUILD, MODERN SYSTE GRAIN ELEVATORS; Hitherto Wheat Crop Has Been Stored in Hap: hazard Fashion r---- Cowl mies France, Oct, = Trence la Je ave a modern gyster grain elevators, = Btrange as if Fs seem tf A are b A ew elevators rance and most of those that are des rth ta build enough up-to: levators ) jo a tent A year's har: 5 Ag Rin heir u biahel vost i" he lash of Sarak ta whi nessy thi much fhe. wide fluctuation in prices, satan nell nears a lately after event an the ww glusted. avery: - i) | the Wi Jredit" hy oan for arehouse receipts, (in ere gi mt warehouses, t use, gf A 4 1] pon ad thresh: ih the. erop Is treshed al an as it M vied after harvesting, pot much all 8 stored, oo the Ata in hars, and a mes In the open, rotested with & oof of straw, The oss i8 heavy through dampness and deterioraion, Bhoertage o threshing machines has mueh Jo d (A this condition, femedy this Minister Hennessey | Ineuraging COOPEra= ab horse turning # / i ol i dn eet : wrist Hk d ig a Ly Ia te 0) sve SWhing of modern threshing mar ide fashioned threshi ine " used France, Now an hin one hand threshing, the beating with alls of the grain scatiered on # ath ground, Buchs i grain is i M DIFFICULT T0 FIND Liverpool, "England, Faces Quandary in Selecting Suitable Car Candidate veeponl, Ost, 2. "The diffieylty 'e) mayoral aspirant suitas le ake 1 the Liberal, Conservative, ber and Cathalie Slenients of this di may result in the p fef remaining in 0 Ji nayor-less Liverpool for A hi year, ractically every English munis dom y it is the practice fn choose @ The ehelee Averponl, as elsewhere, was Wl: lh divided between the: Liber: als and. Canservatives until a " gar aga, when the rise of the 1, poritey ile # change Necessiry, Th Liverpool the Catholic element, an impartant factor in municipal hife, think they are entitled to equal eons sidesation, A special eomminee has a0 far failed to select a suitable cans didate, The poor fish Whe --- fake oll stoek (8 like the hig one in the Inke, It is caught hy a Mar, too,= | ® Ottawa Journal, She Got Relief After Taking One Bor. i Says Ontario Lady wha! vho Used Dodd's Kidney Pills Age | I ml oan Backache sod Rheumatism v Pl won makes is ve x Loran iY , hor ok nen shoul hoyle ov Dodd odd Kiddy 50¢ lito Win whis taken one 40 in case 0 horas wo p the fidners H, Poster, § speration id iy oi DODDS ((IONEY od I I cleans \ i ant | KIDNEY fi! Har. iui Sor araseful, I wy ome Dairy and Stock Feeds Prices are advancing on all these lines and it looks like a good policy to buy your supplies at present prices, We have a good stock on hand of -- Glus ten; Cottonseed, Oileake, Hominy, Dairy Rations, Bran, Shorts, ete, Cooper - Smith "OMPANY Shillings for pe hens W cents to Riel RE Lig Whe wouldn't give Hl x CROBRING WASH OLAIMA the sutemabiie fn which they weve riding, crashed into slide of Amb p level gins near Agincourt, at midnight, Inst naht, Migs May Davwent, shown om LIVE OF TORONTO WOMAN vight, 160 Rose Ave, Toronto, was ivy injured; Allan Bwift, lofi, niin Bly Toronto, was seer _ injured, and mi Gen, Hoad, 0 Weosetey Aves Toronto, lig ly injured, fren 1d ERE London, "Oct, 86, ~--HBireets of squnlor and degvadation, with fams 1les winking deeper and deeper In: th the slough of despond=--that Is the, vim Rleture painted by Dr, A Thomas, medial ofeer of health for Pinshury, In an oMelal veaport af North Landon slums, Pr. Thomas deseribes more pay teularly Bastwiek stveel, with # pubile-honse at one end And an other publie-house, with a eatament holy the other, Hastwiek street haw AA TnRahited houses Inhabited hy 166 familles and a total of G87 persons, within B81 rooms, There were B4 ohlldren playing In this short street when the medi onl ofMesp visited If, "There were toddlers dlere sprawling An the dirt with | HOSTILITY SHOWN 10° REFORMS OF NATIONALIST GOVT, Peasants of Rural China ob.' ject to Abolishing of Idols mhanghai, Uetaber A =U hina's AGRA EL government 8 encuuiniel WH e dahviiky than it bargained COT enfording reforms ealentatuld aholish certain ancient gusto eh It considers drags on the mad gation wavement, In the gities, pt tar sparadie instances, people HIVINE up old superstition, we i Av A fe their hair, winweap uothe bandaves; fram thety feet v disoarding the old tight=Atung a ul dress, Polat, the 'Hooley for the ning of Odd Customs" is making ly partiewlacly 3 campaign pal the yearly gustan of paying AAT Wound pay expensive hon ¢OWik toad, ornaments and dey ROVE dairies dur seven full days We authorities here have warned ahuppels nat (wo val next year pid the peasant population, upable Wit eratangd way tiey should diss vo RRhE and pedgious practiops Fo GUO GRUUUR (uF Laer furs Ca BIE LIED Bane oat, an things ee their own hands o volalanees, much to the sor Lop polies One ai the Tatest conn voiovalis aeetrred do few weeks ago 0a ahanghal suburb known as Yang "Hi nl, sail town in the ane vienioural aeolian wl Paoshan dis triet, The disorder resulted fram an order by the Nationalist government that all temples and idols in the dis trict should he destroyed, The order was carried aut hy the police until they arrived at the tem: ple "An Tsai Sz Mian", a place of worship used by the Yang Hangites lor Shri. It happened; toa, that alice drtivel Hat a8 the popus ace Ar celebrating the 1epaiy of the temple and the installation of sever M new idols, Money for this had furnished by a wealthy woman nin, When th the palice reached {he seene they marched inte the el by shied the idols bat new 4 , and rested those res A 3 ih BL eh fifo hat had comprehended what had hap: ned, the tem offigials and the Hula Wert l " up in the police Aan Hedlam followed, A gener: PI Was sen pty 10 the sum found countryside that the dew ple | Joated and hundreds ATRIErS Joine Jat villagers, A Was & hurried sanferenge, then the W Maved on the police station bh the' cells, released the temple " olaly oy retrieved the precious idols, | oan or 4 shina? The wh Bur let 9, & fo 1 Shaevang bin RON 0 wh the Chinese are clinging despite oi: After the tages had heen pw ok J ni the meb ried shew idpetse the FOI Vig A ee eon mob and Yale the The awe olent ¥ altho orders of the western mont ficial edicts fram Nanking, stook up fo hia | elare "Wh © peasants | the town's | I wha @ t petitioal § ha RY to] Medical Officer Tells Graphic Story Of Squalor In London thelr heads In the roadway," he FAYE, UA Younk irl was cutting rough wond Inte frewoed, There ware diriy hahieg In street doors, helng winded hy still dirtier hahles of elght years ar more, Theyre wars young ohildren wheeling bab* los In prams (hahy oarriages) | one irl af 11 yeurs was wheeling » pram containing two hahles with another ohild of three years walk ing hatween the shafts and all the while heavy traffic wan passing at # moderate pace along the glrest The whole scene was reminiscent of a siveel soene plotured In the works of Hogarth," And Hastwiek street, the Dally Paleavaph comments editorially, 1s far from heing an eveaptional ex ample of London slums ; ---- alle, of eanrse, in the ports and rail Fouad centers where western sivilian an ha gientost inronds or exempte, no Canton the AR poetics tn 'Wi Hair Cuts" fon Amen that ane of ishiments tried 10 ol pat a A new sin beard wlatmed in letters two fest 8 i pla Ha Hens More Females' Halv Dressing Par | TRIO REFUSED BAIL | PENDING INQUEST Quehee, Oot, #3 Armand Cha hot, Leonidas Langlats and Phillip pa Cavan, ad of wham are In the Quebhes dal pending the outeoms of the Tnguest inte the death of (ea. Bt. Hilaire whe was Killed Bunday when his ante was struek hy another machine deiven hy Cha hot, must remain in Jal until the fngquast 18 vosumed, 1 wag riled hy Caroner Valles, in veleoting ah application far hall for the tein, Na eharge has heen entered against them, hut all three are he ing held as material witnesses, "Pan Ram ay MacDonald deliv ov the goods?' Inquires the Law | ulne Htale Joumal disoussing the sihloit of parity Tan't tha veal [ question whether the United Biwtes [will do sof--Detralt Fraa Press, Pr. SINCLAIR CLAINS TIDE 18 TURNING AGAINST GOV'T, Liberal Leader Says Civil Servants Are In Campaign (By Frank Tihs Canadian Press Balt Writer) Orillia, Ost, 4 ==Dalivaring a sharp attack on Hon, William Fine layson, minister of lands and for: only Ww, i Ni Binelalr, Liberal toudor today addressed two meal: lugs In Kast Bimeos, where My, villa hoy i4 araed him with partisanship i y rr clensy In his administra: Yon of hin fapariment} with eon ating a eampalgn of falsehood In Wis own riding and with using gov: ernment employes to assist him In the election, Despite (he veport and vecom- mendations of the timber eommiw slon of 1080, he contended, timher Hmits were still being disposed nf hy tender on only a brief advertise ment, In the legislature, he sain My, Finlayson had admitted (his and declared the practise would sontinue, "Hinee T came here this morn ng" sald Mr, Binelalr, "1 have seeking vesaloation InE being used In this eampalin by Me, Finlayson, | thought he Wan B Minister of the evown yun NINE for a meat In the legislature, hut Wie advertising Is more bheeom Ing to an election for pound keep oF, Al I was driving along the highway this morning | found many employes of the governmeni at work, Trame Ip belng impeded by the number of volers aL work With spades and shovels, 11 might he a good thing for the highways If therq were an election every als monthe for then they would be kept In good shape," Taking to Lifehoats Like other ministers, Mr, Hin aly wuld, My, Finlayson was spend: Ing most of his time In his own Fling, It wan customary for min Inters to go About the province speaking on hehall of thely eandl dates, Hut In this election, the Conservative minleters were fright ehed, They were taking "to the Iehoats," tn a "frantic endeavor th save thelr own seats," leaving the other Conservative oandidates to look out for themselves, 'This, he wild, showed the strenith of the Hide that was running against the government and the hold the Lib oral appeal had taken In the inter ail of Lhe peapls, Mr, Finlayson," he continued, "has & road Inspector here pald by the government, The voad Ineper oF hie the use of 4 car owned and maintained by the government, He Is ooeupying his whole time 1b eam palening for Mr, Finlayson, That Ihink ts onrrying things to the ex treme, Barlier fn the eampalan | lasued & warning to elvil servants to slay out of polities and 1 told them If they persisted in meddling in the aleetion, they would he able to de vole thelr whole time to polities tn the avant of & ohange In the Koy ernment, This and other tnstances whieh have come to my attention Bhow that my warning was fully Justified UME, Finlayson should he the flral Wan 10 say to this voad in Apectar, 'you are an employe of the government, You are patd by the people of Ontarie to serve them heen noticing some of the sdvertis | and you should stay out of polities' Hut Instead, he 18 condoning his "orion and weeepting his asslulanes And In his position ns a minleter of the erown, he 18 condoning the aetlan ef elvil servants all aver the provines whe are Interfering tn po Hilen on hehalf of the government No condemnation af such practices oan he ton slrene, Higned hy Returning Ofeep "In addition to this Me, Finlay SON'S nomination papers have hee slEned by the returning AMoeers fo thin distelet I should think h sould have mot 100 men In Orillia ta sign hig papers without ealling In the returning aMess AN Ap pointes of the government." BARN AT LACHINE SWEPT BY BLAZE Oat, 28 =A vonsideralils apples stored in JO Lachine, Suan y of hay and the barn of Napoleon Duhols, wveiiie, Lachine, wan lost as the 1 silt of a Are which rased the bay vesterday afternoon Ihe Are wa diseavered shortly after J o'elovk, and 80 stubborn was the blage that took were than an hour helo wis hroviht under eonteal hy Chil Ligorge PDuracher and his wen, Da hols 18 a dairyman and used the barn TOF SOFAS purposes, | 7 War of ing an "gp Ei, CI Halil AN {A A) CAMPBELL'S STUDIO Ltd. I'he wise man never walita till he is dilven by neces: #'ty, secure your CONGER COAL now while best services are available, \Coneer Leet Coan Co LiMrrep J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 Manager B31 GOW { + Worth SA800, You ean buy it for S8R00, DIARY (we MOVE WITH CARL } shied Cer equipment, Ne worry, Service, Mes dora Hiarage Waves a aa | Do You Own Your List Your Fivm in the "Times" TER Own Home? | Business Divectory! PHONE a2) yi Repairing . EY TET Wi TN COMPANY «Al Wireet 20 & Wh STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Appl R AMES & 3 ORE CO. 180 King Sweet West, Oshawe Phone 1160 We have several desirable AUTHING DOO BARU NOTHING 100 WMALL Adanac Mache Shop HE Ring SW Wo Vhs A we For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Bimcon Bn Beso Deliver LY houses for rent, CUTLER & PRESTON Real Bstate hanrance Telephone AT 0N Niaht onlin 310-1000 G8 King St, West RR ton the a changing bo has Natted A CAmpalgn 4 Phe sivh publication ---- shite RRR week pay {3 evidence of © pe ancient land of is 18 especially notices BARK | hat ts Nb Loa ay i en Ny? ib 3d ¢ Ro ONEA the wakenty a il : the lotus,