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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 16

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-- : Y THE C ih" where THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, --------------y I "a PAGE FIFTEEN Seller Ww LASSIETED SECTION --4 ---- ANT & ANNIS Hieiton, Bona hoy ful le, Ete, Con: aneing a , w, O Joos 14 imeoe Bt. Bouth, hawa, Phone 4, G, D, Conant, iA LLB; A PV, Aunts, B.A, LJ i, leitor, rv Public, Vey cer, Money to toa "third oo Ww Alger Bullding, Opposite Post ter, Rolleltor, Notary Py ile, Cone pyanicer, Honey 10 Tonn, OF ce 14 fi §t, Last, Oshawa, Phone 445, sldence phone . Fraser, Barristess, COonveyancers, Notaries Pav ols, Office over Standard Dank, Kutrance Bimeoe Bt, Phone 13, 1, ¥, Grierson, K.0., T, K, Creighton, B.A, NO, Fraser, B.A, licitor, Notary, ever Dewlanid's Rote, Soney.Lo down, y Bimeoe street north, ne 67, side at 0 esldence PARKHILL AND FHLD, BAR Isters, ete, Money to loan, Alger Idg, Op osite Post Office, Fhene GREER AND PHREYS, BAR. risters, Solicitors, ete, 244 Slimeos St_N. Phone 3160 Money. fo low ALEX CO, HALL, B.A, DARRIN ter, oto, Conveyancing and genernl ractice, 22% King Bt, Kast, hone 8287, (tf) Medical DE HAROLD W, TRICK, TIT /3T: clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spegiul references to maternity work and di senses of women, Two years' post gradunte expeiience, Office and res dence 167 Simeoe St, N., (cor, Brock) hone 303 RRO AL DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher, Office and resls dence, King St, Enst, corner Vietorla St._Oshawn, Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants end children, Office ant , Phone 118s resldenee, 97 Bond DR, B, J, HAZLEWOOD, PHYS! clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Eleetro. theopy, Office, Disucy Block, Plone 2050, OMe: open 9 am, 9 pm Residence 161 3 Ling Tiast Phone Pith DR, ALVIE STEWART, SUR. goon, Obstetrician, physician, Specinl attention to surgery, 'Two years ele: ven months pest graduate experience, Hospital, St. Bartholomew's and St, Mary's Hospital, London, Royal lu firmary, Edinburgh, University Hos pital, Berlin; Office 142 Simcoe St north, . Phope 30 sldenc VR, ys M.D, CM, L. RC P and 8 Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and batetrician Office 142 Simcoe St, N, Phone 3020 residence one 315 1, ARCHER BROWN, MD, L R CP &S Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrigian, special at» tention to maternity work and dis cases of children, Ofce and resis dence, 185 Simcoe St. North, Phone 3107, M,C, W. CARR, PHYSICIAN Bo Obstetriofan, Offige an residence, H18 Bimeoe street north, p 2415, Phone Oot, 9-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat R, F, 1, ANS O Street West, Toronto, will be office over uty & Lousits Store each Saturday, Ir pam, for consultation and tment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made ut LOR at hia Drug till 4 Specialist] Engineering and Surveying A he ' lo Land Surveyors snd Civil 'Engip- cers, sub-diviglons, town planning, munielpnl engineers, 365 or 411 King St, IL, Phones 2532] or 2544, eee Undertaking fast, Ambulance, Hepldence, Hh on; 400 street north, hones 210] and DSN X-COLT FUNERAL ME 87 Celina street, Oshawa, ner Bruce street, Ambulance, rome 1082, ---- Insurance Ni AND SON, INSURANCS. 19 t shaw, 1h . ost Vie Ay In Oshawn, 30 Re- putable Fire Compu i 4 consult M, N, Johns, £0 Kimcoe porth, Your fipsurance wants ni tended to and your Interests pro« feoted, DAVIS Transportation UATWTAG AND FTORATN, TOL. man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, stoFage ware house and moving van equipment, Phone 82 CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL wand and cinders, Local - long distane auling, Phone 3048 and 21 Smith andl Cox, 44 Bond St 1] ( STA Park Road lished furniture movers, : Local and long distance r Age, rank 'owls, Prop, 65 Park RY frank i 215, {O00 18-1 mo) WANTED --THUORING OF ALL kinds, Carting or moving, Phone 2060W, (Oct, 10-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT wave, Special 85 and $7.50, Finger wave and shampoo $1. Faclal 75¢ lalr cutth g 25¢, Phone 2908 or 86 Simeoe North WATSONS BARBER Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, elalige In ladies' hair cutting, mars §qink, Shampaolng, facials Marcel ) cents, or appointmen phone Boba, (Qut, 1h1 mo) AND We spas of this nature, and collect for same. All Classified Adverti.ing Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient | to come personally to The Times' office, au telephong enll will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for Sale |. Avticles.F or'Sale For Rent FOUR AND Five noone MoD. orn suites, ineludivg electric refrig oration, ences, ete,; sontinuous hot water supplied, Apply Bu or The Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, stove, Isundry, conven) , "phone 2671, Trusts and Guarantees Co, (37-41) APAIVTMKNT NT Modern conveniences, $40-and up. Apply Jury & Lovell, (861) TO RENT--~PRIVATE §-WOOMED spnrtment over Ledger's Store, next to Karn's Drug Store, Pos wewslon October 1, Apply Mrs, ¥, GU Henry, 241 King Bt. Ean, hone 16, B21) 9 ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT, 45% Simcoe St, South, All conveniences, hot water heating, newly decorated, Reasonnble rent, Phone H, Yngsl, 308 or 309, (7611) FOR RENT w FIVE ROOMED brick house, Conveniences, Paved street, Immediate possession, Ap+ ply 81 Elgin St, ¥, Phone 1684J, (hf) AVATHENT TO RENT, 0RN: tral, Bteam hent, laundry tubs, electric stove, built In bath, 4 rooms, $406 ond B00 per month, Box 254 Times, (Dar) FOR RENT = THREE WARM Rooms, hardwood floors, wired for electric, Apply 2852 Grooms Ave, Phones 1348 or 1472, (961) BRICK HOUSE, 4 ROOMS AND use of kitchen, 131 Albert St, (Y7¢) Work Wanted REUPHOLRTERING, CHESTER: fields made to order, We save you money, Estimates free, G, A, Con stable, 74 Mechanic Phone 1508 (5611) B RIS CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 78 cents, Al ren: tal supplied $10 Batteries repaired, Stan Blidgon, 20 Mill St, Phone 16806W, (Oct, 10-1 mo) ATT E ATER CHANGES AND DR: lvered 7bec, rental 2A, and Lhe entire electrical system of oar re paired, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phous 4110, Ot, 11:1 mo) AUTO WODY AND THUCK™ RIE pairing, Metal bumping, 1 handle the Eider Built Bodies, Bll Fry, 4) Bond West, Oshawa, (Oot, 10-1 mo) street, MARCEL, AND CURL 50¢, MRS Everotte Bell, Apt, 9. Edward Apart. ments, Quehee St. For appointment phone 3 (O¢t, B=1 mo) ing Supplies SA - 8 , GR/ " stone and black loam: $1060 a vd For qunlity and service 'phone Ils serv Broa, 332 thy ( LC Rk A To Insure prompt delivery, place or ders In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phony 1618, instructions, Mrs, (Dr) Oremt Berry, Phone 11066, (Oct, 1+1mn) CAL' . cher gHambour Cantetvatory. To« ronte) pupils prepared for ull exams. Oshawa, Wednesdh , 92 Simooe St, LJ) of Toronto's leading viulin teach ors, In In Oshawa on Thursds afternoons, Studio 8¢ Wigin St K. Phone 180M, one 1 (Och, 41m) \ 0, will nocept pupils for sings @, voles culture, ete, Phone 1904, 328 Bruce Bt, (Oot. 1:1mo,) he ' N | Director of Muslo, Oshawa Collegh ate and Public Bohoo.u, Studie, 30 Westmoreland, Phone 20384J, drug store, Phone 97, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, PR. I; I, RICHARDSON, OF FICK over Mitchell's Drug Store, Hons 10 to 12 amy, 2 to § Evenings by appointment, . Office phone Residence 432), nta TR. S, 1. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS 4) K peel attention to X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at: tendanee one 989 so 1312, « M, IRE, he north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. 0 SM, Gas for extraction, I DR. L. BE. HUBBELL, Nitrous oxid oxy ov ENTIST, or extra. Bank Blda LIST, 16 over (IST. Jo Evenings by QFFICE ne 1 tions, Office, Roy hone resid DR B & BROCK. DEN 00 ai " Phone 1987, Row BAW, apo ni DR, W. MH. GIFFORD Regent Theatre Bldg ekidence . LnNG BR 5 b(t St, tention to gas extraction and work. ¢ in attendance. otrist ) ly in muscle anomalies exclusively ue Author 'he Nyes In Modern Life, ye Se o Bye Strain, Your Eyes and Health, Optometry Feature Service, The ChI" and ita Develop ment, Disney Hlock, Opp. P. O, Phone 1816, (Oat, 82-1 mo) Veterinary 8 " LE. Special ate Xeray Phones nt, Eyesight and Or : lomestie animals: Specialist diseases a) King west, | Cat and Dog Hospital, Phone , " arch te. tural work, Roval Bank Building, les, paone OMSON o iate architects, i Wats Reae Simcoe St. 8, 780. | plastic coment and shu (Ogt, 18-1 mo) wo to CTV AND "FARNM TOANS, FRO: ress loans arranged, Parkhill & fold, Barristers, ete, Alger i on Watch Repairing oh A APE Swiss watchmaker, repale shop et dU King Street West, Your pats vonage {a soli ; Radio Service RADIO NERVION "AND ACORN: sorles, Repairs on electria and battery sets, Tubes and batteries tested, Datterles rec vental supplied 81, Phone 1046. Charles Wales, 140 Blgin (Oot, 3-1 mo) Ca your windows and doors filled with out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost ia small, Free estimates, J, H. Law: son, R.R. No. 8, Oshawa, fhone 728-8, (Oct 4-1 mo) i. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS I'A. painting and. graining. NEY and vapechangers, only first clans work, guaranteed 20 years axe orience, prices reasonable, phone bath IW, ~ 12 | mo) TYPEWRITING AND ADDING os overhau for Investment, 8 cent, interest halt yearly, Mort security umn. der government supervision, Box 2440 Miwon, (Ala) 4 central, floor We Slt wud on + [oan do the od. Eas lay, ork. ye A Vl A 10 ry Hemstitching NINE CENTS YER YARD TT HAT: od Bkirta, one dollar, alterations, ote, All kinds of beautiful fancy work on sale, Mra, Dall, 2614 Sim« coe Bouth, Fhone 161) (Oot, 156-1 mo) Public Stenographer MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3, er load, Also bane dry hody wood, Waterous Meek Limied Phone | (Apr, 2611) FOR EALEN-~HBINTZMAN 00 Lid, pianos, new and used planus, Also radios, Iatest wodels; terius arranged. Apply ©, Trull, Phone 1668J, (111411) FOR NALE--~UALDWINS §1 DAIL: rel; spies, $4.60 barrel; ohter win tar apples #1 barrel, Thess pricca undelivered, John Aldworth, Phone 1388 r 8, Bowmanville, (Dar) DINING ROOM HUITE AND RUG, first class condition, also poster bed, Phone $170W, (hid) GOOD COOK STOVE, $10, Phone ROM, sr (974) FOR BALE--GOOD MoCLARY heuter Cheap 181 Albert Bi Phone 110W, (07¢) FOR BALE DINING ROOM sulte, old Englisy oak, plano, Ib ravy table, wicker wsulite, electric stove and other artcles Phone 1681W, (H8-h) ONE QUEBEC HEATER FOR Sale, Apply 28 Lloyd Street, Phon 2011W re (UBL) MARIE M, HILTON, T4 BIMCOK street. north, Phone 1000, Bpeuiul rates for mailing lists and elrenlar work, (Oot, 20-1 mo) hh Bel Se Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD=ALL CON. venlences, central, Apply 68 Church t (070) TO ROOM OR BOARD, ATHOL Bt, Bact, warm south room, Bult able for one or two gentlemen, Home privileges, Phone 3170W, (BEb) NICELY FURNISHED: ROOM with boged, in private family, Very hone 1928], _ {98e) BOARD AND ROOM FOR QGEN- tlemen or part hoard or Alght housekesplug for two business girls or board, Contral, Apply 880 Celina Mt, My) Room and Board Wanted WANTED-=WARM ROOM WITH board, centrally located, Htate Lerms, Apply Box 104, (#90) Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples, hot or gold, brawn, cakes and pastries, oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 31 Maple street, Phone 2UTEP, (T7t1) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE seri Shiite or slant Photographer WAVE YOUR FAVORITE SNAP= Phone B34 for prices and samples, : (Oot, 1. 0 Agents Wanted Double your salary by ad Bw weekly selling Imperial Art Personal ristinas Cards to friends, does associates, club and church members, from magnificent free sample Imperial Art Manufacturers, $1 lington West, Toronto, jv J 1 oality to sell the most popular Can adlan made line of Personal Christ. mas Gresting Cards, Regal Art 0, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Coat ng GET READY FOR WINTHR nt' overcoats repaired and ale ered, ladies' fur coats relined and repaired. "Talloring' your own material 'made up, Address 121% King 8t, W, (over Cannings), Call and deliver, Phone 0609, (Oct, 26:1 mo) Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot for_ouly 8 a * $10 orders. All end Yon IN i h : 3 \ rin G0 10 SENOS, "CONGR Ok Bimeoe and William Sta, the best lace to have your shoes fixed, PING A avd dved, shots and photographs colored=| Rook t Auctioneer FRESH MUSHROOMS, PICKED daily, delivered, Phone 438, Oshawa, or J19 Bowmanville, Jamieson Broa (W & S-2 wks TR ER, ACT - te Second Hand Dealer FETOND 1AND DEALER, FON sniture bought and sold, 1560 Bloor Bt, Kast, Phone 1017M, (th AUTO TRAILER TOR SATE Ap ply. 16061 or 87 Rosedale Blvd (99h) FOR SALE == TWO TEAM MILK Slelghs, four lorries gonvertahle team or single, cheap for quick sale Apply Bi W, Graham, 1329 Queen St E., Toronto, phone Hargrave 6720 SA. I I TI a ------ (We ) FOR SALE = ONE CIRCULAR Heater $12; one jacket heater, $10 424 Vedun Re, (99) PRIVATE SATE TON ONE WEEK after this date: Quebee heater, two plate electric; Dining room furnl ture} Dresser and stand; chairs] large Boston fern. Very reasonable First white house south east of Har mony School, Mrs, W. R, Kinch (998) Help--Wanted Male WANTED--YOUNG MEN HAV Ing 2 years or more banking ex. rience for a Bank, Apply In own andwriting stating age, experls once, and salary expooted, Apply Box 281 Times, (h70) INEXPERIENCED en allowed fifty cents per hour, rning best paying trades, Engine lectricity, Garage Work, rin Shieh Bricklaying, Barbering, Literature free, Write ade Schools, King St 75-78-81-87-93.99 ant DTRSSRAREN RX FERIENCTD 7 il go out dally, one hi + ( 3 1) FRACTICAL RUNDE. DOCTORS ! 0e. open for engagements, aterpity or goneral nursing, ) with housework, Thou (981) Fone Simeon Si. S. RY: can sell your odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 41 Kine St. W, Oshawa Ontario 8S. W, CLARK, AUCTIONEER, S30 Simcoe Street 8, Phone 250IM, (Oct, 2§-Nav., 28) "For Sale or Exchange ) ML - acres of splendid farm land, with or without $3500 worth of farm stock and feed for good 7 or 8 roomed house in Oshawa, Act guiok, Jones Real Katate, Phone 2067, (08h) FOR SALE "OI BNCHANGE-S Large house, Ideal location for road house, store In conned tion, heh house, barn, ga acre of land, ingaton 'highway, ly Hox 266 T (hh) fifteen hundred rn and wd equity in lot to exchange of modern home in good location, Many other Dad, 1.1 Ma) os exchanges, What have vou, Rea Estate Exchange, Phone M70, § King w 0%) Dr, Holy, red Rook ocookerels, combination of Type $3 and $2.20, 387 Verdun Road, horses, Apply 69 C atallew, 4 pusranteed, 208 Athol St, B. 480W, T - mileage LS ny Phone GET UT0 PAR ncoennorion at 1] Wreckers, 16-17 Bond street west, Phones 2 TORENT ~~ FOUR ROOMYD House, vonvenlences, garage, paved street, Apply 362 Athol Street, K Phone Mw, gin, \ 13) TO RENT«NICELY FURNISHED front bedroom, sultable for young couple, use of dining room and kits chen, Apply 112, Rosedale Avenue, (072) YIOUST, TO RENT, Apply 143 Cols horne Street, Fast -- (97¢) TWO™OR THRE UNFURNISH- ed rooms, heat, light, water, central, garage, rent reasonable, Phone 1093F 97 Queen Street, (97¢) HNEVEN ROOMED HOURE TO rent on Arthur rtreet, Convenl ences, Phone 1060J, (070) FOR TENT=TWO™ VERY 00M: fortable large rooms, furnished to sult gentlemen, 20 Bimooe south (#70) APARTMENT TO RENT = OEN- tral, four rooms, olectric range hot weter, steam heat, Newly dec orated, $40, Phone 1400, (hEh) FORTENT FIRE WELE run nished rooms, suitable for three Low rental, Phone 752W, (Akh) TWO FINE HOUREE FOR NENT 4 rooms $20 6 rooms brand new $30, (DBL) Phone Holden 371W, AAT HOUNE™ PARTLY FUNC nished to rent, No children pre. forred, Apply 881 Buena Vista street, Phong 068) (#80) GARAGE FOR RENT, APPLY oY rock St, 1h I] FOR RENT-7 ROOMED HOUSE at 85 Bruce St, Apply 104 King St | (UBe) TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED light housekeeping rooms on ground floor, suitable for young married couple. Apply LZ Athol St, WV, (98¢) FOR RENT-FURNISHED BATH. room flat; phone, gas, all conven fences, Apply 202 Haig St. (98¢) TWO NOONE TO RENT "ON bathroom flat, Light, water and use of phone $10 per month, Phone 1404W, (hho) FOR" RENT -- JOMED bath flat, unfur 72 Rit. son Rd Ished, Apply n Rd 5 i ' We) NEW FIVE TD APART. ments, also new equipped barber shop, Apply 191 Oshawa Blvd, bes tween 6 and 8 pm, We) AP NTS a TY and forty<five dollars per month, business section, 4 rooms and bath, ossession at once, Apply box 204, Imes, 99 FOR RENT=NEW SI House, all modern conveniences hardwood floors throughout, Will rent reasonable to suitable tenant ARN 632 Sommerville Ave, Phone \ (99¢ Athol street west, ¢ rooms. Apply (00a) uished or unfurnished, TT4W, Phone (hha) ATO0UTIONINT OPEN FOR EN- A Miss X, Dewhirste "hl NOTENTENAW'S -- CTRCULATING library, You will enjoy reading the latest Fiotion at minimum coat. Phone 1478, 37 Blmooe 8t, North, y (TNF\8 tf) and Live Exhibition high standard, #70) a Motor Care dition a real buy, Apply M8 Burke ay . ®7¢) on, one [ R3 n tino, coupe or sedan heaters ine ition mechanioall cond the Olty Auto or 2448W, (Oot, 261 mo) SOW Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion-=11, cents per word, Minimum charge 80¢, Each subsequent consecns tive insertion 10 per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first {insertions (three couts a word), Minimum charge fur three Insertions, 60 costs, Box number 100 additions) Professional or Busines Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 wordy or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additions) word, TIMES CLARSIVIED ADE CONT LITTLE; ACs COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 80 Ask for Classified Ad + Departinent Wanted to Buy WARTID 10 HO Y--=a0oon™ Ars roomed house, between Royal and Lloyd or north end west of Bim coe Kt, Moderate price, Good cash payment, Box 260 Times, (97¢) WANTED TO BUV EIR ROOM ED house in good location, good cash payment, may consider mnall place outside clty, No ugents, Apply hox El a tr r-------- ek RADIO "WANTED =="RECOND hand radio must be 'in first olass condition, Description and price in first Jetter, Box 266 Times (bin) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implments, property of A R, Pascoe, Lot 1, B kr, East Whit by, Tuesday, October 29, at twelves thirty sharp, Wm. Maw, Auctioneer, (V8h) Auction Sale AUCTION BSALE-HAVING RE. colved Instructions to sell In Brooklin, Ontario, nver north gar Age all Mr, Juecob Beohaenau on Tuesday, October 20, 1920, at 1,80 pm, § suites of bedroom furniture, pars lor suite, dining room suite, kits vhen furnitare, dishes, oarpets, ntoven, and othér things too nums erous to mention, Terms oash, W, J, Bulley, Auctioneer, (00n) ------ hi i DIPHTHERIA CASES Quebso, Oct, 80.«Five or six cases of diphtheria have heen res ported in the elvio authorities dure Ing the past week, but no danger of an epidemic existe, although Dr, Valmont Martin, chief of the munioipul health board, has re. peated hin warning to parents to bo on the lookout, and to use Na. mon syrup in order to prevent the malady from breaking out among members of their family, ------ W, M, HAMILTON, TISING MANAGER FALKSTINE (TEXAS) DAILY 'HERALD, SAYS: THAT business for a newspa- per ean often be ereated where there is no business apparent, The Herald has just demonstrated this, Two years ago it sold a com munity page to the business concerns of Palestine, Copy had been prepared for a three months brn Rhy but He page was sold for once a week or twelve months, with 52 signa. tures of business concerns that agreed to pay $1.00 a week each, This service was completed a fow wealis' Age. During dhe Ife of the Rewer many compliments, not a wan dropped out during the year. Just one name was lost a few weeks before the close because the concern took the hankruptey act, Before the end of the first year's campaign, however, the page wis sold for another yoar, \ This makes 104 pages of advertise Ing for the Herald where not one of this Particular kind of advertis- ing was in sight at the first, AND THAT 18 BETTY GOOD BUSINESS THE NEWSPAPER AND FOR THE COMMUNITY, DON'T YOU THINK? One: Say, did you know that 1 'Wha a maglolan? © "T'wotl No, how come? One! Yea, I oan turn a oar ine to a driveway! Firat Collegian: Let's sell the old fllvver and buy an aeroplane, Second Collegian: Naw, how oonld people read the wisecracks when we're up in the air? the household effeéta of | THO PLANES FOUND, SEARCH CONTINUES Seven Men Out of Eleven Missing in Chibougamau Area Now Safe gt, Veliclen, Quo, Oct, 24, With two missing planes out of four accounted for and seven meu out of a total of 11 now known to be safe the wir search forces, of Chibougamau today flung out their lines of patrol over the north in a great effort to find Cannon and Lizotte and Flying OMcer Bor nard, Pllot Dean of Inter-provincial airways returned yesterday from Chibougamau whoers he had been held down hy weather, bringing with him Gerry Lizotte, brother of the air-mechanic who is lost with Pilot Bill Cannon and George Low and A, Bimpson, passengers, Dean reported that the second missing Interprovinolal Alrways plane is down safely at Chibougamau, The arews of both planes spent the past four days at the prospectors' field headquarters at Morrill Islann, Lake Dore, The plane still to come out will bring back Pilot Bmith, Henrl Belanger, wealthy Quahee 1and surveyor and the me- chanie, Lymburner, After the return of Dean, Messrs Wilson and Saunders, officials of Interprovineinl Alrways, Announo- od that they will wend all their available forces in an effort to Inoate Wiying OMeor Bonard and his mechanic of the Royal Cann dian Alr Force, A flight of four planes, two Alr Torce and two ins ter-provineinl alrways, worked over the Petite Lievre Country this morning and will renew the hunt this afternoon, Meanwhile planes olosely checked the Mistassini Riv. or area where clue hearers have declared Cannon and Lizotte pans. od overhead, Low clouds and mist have werlously Iimpalred wearch work In this reglon, Added to the work of finding the two original lost ships remains the problem of provisioning the Chl bougamau mining district before frosze-up Inasmuch ax 806 men, scheduled to comes out are tied In camp for need of transport, saver. nl companies already are finding supplies running low, The larger operating companies, such as Chis bougamau Proepectors, find them. solves faced with the probability of having to draw on thelr lard. ors to ald companies, which have not sufMcient supplies, a fact which fn turn might easily bring about serious conditions of hardships, This was the ominous news brought gut last night the Dean's party on thelr return, NEW SPEEDWAY 70 BE BUILT AT DAYTONA BEACH Plan To Erect Super Race Track on Island in Halifax River Daytona Beach, Fla, Oct, 36, Erection of a monument to supers speed is being planned kere, where most of the major automobile straight away trials have been staged in re- cent years, . Plans call for its eree- tion on one of the small islands in the meandering Halifax river, which separates the smooth, wave-lapped stretch of natural ocean speedway from the mainland, On the monument are to be in. scribed the names and achievements of the makers of all officially tecon- nized world speed records, which date back to 1898, when Chasseloup~ Laubat, the Frenchman, astounded the world with a speed of 39 miles an hour, Since that time the autos mobile speed record has been broken 31 times by 28 drivers, a list includ. ing such familiar names aa Barney Oldfield, Ralph DePalma, Tomm Milton and Henry Ford, who in 1 set a record of 91.37 miles an hous in_his famous old "999%, The Daytona Beech speedway has been the scene of every recopd- breaking achievement since Sir Hen- ry Segrave of England startled the world in 1927 by attaining, for the first time, an automobile speed of 200 miles an hour, Since then, the world's straightaway speed record has been boosted to the present mark of 231.362 miles an hour, which Sir Henry set here last spring after his old mark of 20379 had twice been broken, once by a fellow countryman, Capt. Malcolm Campbell, and once by an American, the late Ray Keech of Philadelphia, ---------------------- BRITISH SETTLERS FOR CANADA (Manchester Dispateh) Recent happenings in the Doe minion of Canada have shown the' dangers attending the diapateh of Britlah unemployed to that part of the Empire just now, fs nn std thing to know that, with empty spaces across the seas and an ex- cess of workera at home, We oan. not find satisfactory ways and means of bringing the two together, The trouble to a great extent, lies in the faot that we are a manu- facturing nation, and that our un employed are town-bred, It is no use sending such to the open apaces, But what of the youngatera who have not yet found their job in lite? With suitable preliminary traluing there is no reason why they shoul aot form tho finest type of emi: evant, HARDWOOD FLOOMS Lal BY EXVPVENT MECHANICS 014 floors fnished like new, Htorm windows, combination doors, CUeneral Contractors B. W. HAYNES Wl King S8, W, Phone 8), residence 180rL, WHITE RUSSIANS REPORTED SLAIN Khabarovsk, Biheria, Oct, 40, The Tass News Agency yesterday reported an entire band of White Russians had been annihilated by ed Army forces near Klenovka when the White attempted to in- vide Boviet territory In the viein- ity of Lake Hanks, The news agency also reported that two ether bands of White sol- diers were exterminated near "T'rek« hrechie In the Amur river district, SOCIAL HYGIENE (La Presse, Ind,) If we wre ready to spend two mil- lion dollars to put an end to the he- eatombs of the railway crossings, we could achieve much better results if we were to reduce the much more alarming rate of deaths which are the result of unhyglenie conditions, The annual cost of disease in Canada is calculated at $311,000,000, but the eco- nomic loss due to premature deaths Is much more considerable It is en timated at a billion and a third a VOR! THE POOR PEDESTRIAN (Y, Y. In the New Statesman, London) No one any longer attends $0 the querulous pedestrian, Everybody knows that his unclent rights are gone and that if he does not wish to be killed or malmed, his place is fres quently in the hedge, SURE WAY (Galena News-Oracle) You can't scare the young crowd out of anything by telling them it is dangerous, The Dest wiy is to fell the boys there Is no money In it, and lo tell the girls ft will spoil their good ooks, ------------ BE SWIFT Be swift, dear heart, in loving, For time is brief, And thou mayest, soon on life's highs wily Keep step with grief, Be swift, dear heart, in doing The gracious deed, Lest soon they whom thou holdest dear at, He past the need, Bo swift, dear heart, in glying I'he rare sweet flower, Nor wait to heap with blooms the eanket, In some sad hour, ---------------- NAFETY FIRST (Detroit Free Press) "Fifty yoars of happy married life! How have you managed ft?" "Well, for one thing, son, I've always admitted I was wrong." 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