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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 17

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ace s SIXTEEN. THE OSHAWA PALLY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTUBER 2p, 1927 n,m, fy BAAR SS 8 ARETE Pye on AR bh Rb bbe EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Bede de ds dhs foie died dhe Ble fede ded de des dh ele cs de ele de wig nll Wis onthulldings destroyed by to WEOLEN GOODK RECOVERED Nodkport, P John Drown recovered a quantity of od tages along the river, rec hoat "Cot It," vis Halliwell, N, ho robbed, on Clow, pasa s ss sassaasaade ti alloys tata add alana sddy house was also foreibly entered few days ago, The officers also effected the wives, of un loenl youth, who Is alleged to have been cons nected with the thefts, DISPLAY OF GUN ENDS CHANUEK OF MARIIAGY Cobourg, Vor displaying an un- loaded revolver a young man wis fined $10 and costs in polles court yesterday, while lls prospective mother-in-law announced that as far as she was concerned all mat rimonial prospects were off, ns she would net allow her daugh« ter to marry the defendant, she furnishing the evidence ngalnst ace cused, CHICKEN THIEVES CONVICTED Cobourg--At Ballleboro on ¥yi« day afternoon George Clements, TO BUILD NEW BARN Lansdowne, Bryce MeNell, who ro a week ago, is preparing fid a large harn, Hyookville, ~~Yesterday, near Provinelal Constable 7, obinson and Chief Constable goods of wide variety, belevs to have heen stolen from cots Among the overad urtleles wan the motors belonging to i, Da- of Chippewh Bay, cottage and boats a wore rocently entered and as well as an outhoard the property of Ewart of this town, whore hoats + Whose ne, NUINE RADIOTRONS {i Joshua Nurse and Fred Nurse, nll of Routh Monoghan township, pleaded gullty before Pollea Mag. istrate Floyd of steallng 26 chicks ens, 4 geese and two ducks from Harry. Nicholson, of South Monags han tewnsbip, the chickens being recovered in the store of a Jew at Peterboro, while the geese and duoks were recovered at Clements house, QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S EE aati NARROW VESCAPH Cobourg. ~When thelr track Willlam street Thursday morning, stalled on the CNR, tracks on William Street Thursday morning, two transport drivers leaped k safety a split second hefore the 10,68 passenger train roared hy, the locomotive sweeping the Bon truck aside and demolishing the AY ALL DFE ALENY Gry pat Wee rinanoust no alr leaks TRY REPAIRING WATCHES OUR KRPPECIALYY It your watch is not glving satisfaction wa ean vapalr and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 10 King st, W, Phone 180 thats why they last longer In a recent article weitten editorially hy a disintovested writer, in the Canadian Woodworker and Furniture Munufacturs era' Magazine, this was sald, "SATIN FINISH HARDWOOD FLOORING PLACE QUALITY BEFORE ANY OTHER CON SIDERATION." From our experionce in handling Matin Finish Hardwood Flooving in Oshawa the past yoar, we know that is absolutely true, There ave plenty of other manufucs turers making more hardwood flooring than Hatin Finish Limited, but none mak ing any better, and we do not know even of any making as good, Remember that one phrase=-"Quality before any other consideration', and also remember that you do not get Satin Fine sh Hardwood Flooring, from any one else but us, in this district, ' Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Clears "Skin of Blemishes The Perfest Antiseptic Treatment It 18 wo easy to pid your wkin of pimples, blot iy Wlemishes, Just apply the pure sools lguid DDD, Clear and stainless, Its Boutin elements penetraia the skin and wlekly drive away the freitation, TTCHING TOI INE 1X, A Bb ny Doves ia BB" Aves Nh BB hola V, W, Thompson Drug More front of It, The gecupunts, Isadore Comenu, of Montreal, and Cnrord Holland, of Tovento, state (hat they saw the raflwey wig-wags but lept on going, believing that the yard engine, ao conslderable dis- Lance away, HEAVY APPLE CROP Camborne ~Apple picking is the order of the day, There is an abun~ dant supply this year, Messrs, Laws rence Jamieson, Charley Davidson and Herb, Davidson have about 2, S500 bushels in their three orchards, INJURED IN FALL Seoteh Valley Lust week Mr, Jumes Hie, of Baltimore, was unfors tunate enough to have fallen off a ludder while picking apples, The lad. dev sliding managed te fall to the eroteh of the tree, the shock being too great for hizn, and he fell to the wround and wes rendered uncon Belous, * JOKE CHANGES HANDS Gobourg~Col, Wy, H, Floyd hus sold his store on King street to J, Vardella & Bon, who have occupied the store for the past twelve years, The deed will be signed by three of the descendants of these who came over on the Mayflower, Col, Floyd's great grandmother having been ong of the noted passengers on the May- flower, HAD HAND BLOWN OVP Hrockyille---=Arsene J, Naud, retired CPR, locomotive engineer, Mmithg Falls, 18 In Ht, Francis de Miles hospital there in a serious condition as the result of the ae eldentul explosion of a stick of dy namite at his summer cottage on Nideau Lake My, Naud's right hand, In which he Is sald to have heen holding the dynamite, was completely blown off and in addi thon he suffered Injuries to his head and body VAGRANTS SENTENCED Cobourg, =A rather novel plea was put up by George Duckworth in po lige court Thursday morning on he Ing arraigned on a charge of vag raney, Duckworth and another youny wan, named Lord, who had been caught at Lakehurst hotel, which Lord had entered to get cups and a pan for making tea, when they were caught by Jos, Delanty, Duckworth elated he could not be au vagrant as he was a pensioner of the Imper lal government, receiving $33 a month for his disabilities, which con sisted of blindness In one eve, con eunsion of the brain and nervous de bility, he belug a Mons Star soldier, going over to France in 1914 with the King's Roval Rifles, Lord sald Duck worth did not enter the hotel, and it was his first offence, Duckworth is only able to wark a few days at a time owing ta his disability Both were given 21 days in gaol Rheumatism no Part of Nature's Plan She offers her healing herbs to atop suffering Ninn America was wilderness, Indians | § dort wiccessfuly. From ago, James arbal soorela and har's Herbal House ia famous Kidney Rl ma helped many a sufferer Unaprived rmody, dr a tom the doers of Nature, naa tnd lok! En] Kidpay Fag » "r. W, THOMPSON 10 Simcoe td South SA as fs rsd a A "BUY NO THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE COAL Ww 'The Clear, Bright * Burning Fuel and Chestnut Egg, Stove The Faultless Fuel HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE Headquarters for Can; Case snd oll inde of body Hardwood and Soltwuod EVERY TON MEANS 2000 POUNDS -- - The Reliable Coal From 110 KING STREET, WEST McLaughlin Coal and Supplies PHONE 2146 EE { | I Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND BTRAW Wholesales dealers 11 har and siraw mre yuotian 19 shippers the lol lowinu prices loi Rirlate i on track, Toronto 4 Thuethy, baled ton *, nl) Hy SI200 BI4, il Oats straw, per oh, u50 10 Wheny siriwy baled, ton 6 9.50 10,00 Na, © Timethy looss, Is yuoied at $19 te $40 per ton, elivered rom---- TORONTO PRODUCE Taronte whulssaie dealers are offering pros duce to petal dealers at the following pris Geri Vigna Vresh, extras, in vartons, 6d¢; (rash extras, loose, 6Ucy hist, louse, 54g) secon Mie, No, 1 ereamery, prints, 43¢; No, Hutter 4, creamery, prints, dle Cheese New, larpe, Zoey twine, 21 1:2) triplets, 220i stiltonn, #e, Old, farge, Whi wine, w Ide wriplets and cuts, | ft wl atilions, de, Poultry Chickens, § lbs, up 1a, 4 10 § Ih Do, § ta 4 ls, Da, under 3 lbs, Hens, over § Ibs, +, Da, 4 ta § lbs, Hrotlers ovine Ducklings No 3 nt. bled, ton TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Torante wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices te the trader Bmoked meats w Huma, medium, 82 10 Se) cooked loins, 8 tn S81 smoked rolls, Be; breakinst bacon, Mon Mey beh, peamenled, MM to 40¢; do, smoked 45 ta 47 Cured meatasLong clear bacon, 50 to 70 hs, $84a; 720 to 90 Ihe, dei 9% ta 110 hs, dle Heavyweight rolls, 400 Lightweight rolls 250, i Lard Pure tierwes, To; tubs, 160; pulls, 176) pinta, 16 1a 1% Bhortening tlerces 14 ta 15¢1 tubs, 14 ide; palls, 15a) tins, Ve prints, 16g 81 New York shoulders 26 Park lois, 1:2; pork butts, 25 1:2e) pork hams, 36 1.3, TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotitions, retail, in ofset on the Bt, Lawrence market, Toropte: 080 0 50 [|B] Og 0% kgs extras, per doven y fests por dosen iii, Butter, dairy, per pound , Do, ereamery, per ound ' Fruits and A Vegetables [1h] hel " Carrots, bh Beets," buphiel Onlony, diy, 11 gt, bus Das Get, bashes Crabba 8 440 e0t Caulifower Bpinach, peck oe he per pound Leal lettuce three for, Head lettuce, 2 fur Potatoes, bag ' Cusnmbers, 11 Wl, ("1 Parsley, per bunch ,, Crews, three lor 04 Celery, per bundle fata per dozen ,, Lananas, per dozen , Apples, Bat, basket Cireen beans, 11 gt, Plums, basket Cirapos, 6 at, Pears, 11 qt, Peaches 6 qt, foney Dew rielons, eagh + Crean peppers, pix los Quiness, 6 yt '" Cranberries, gt TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONK Grain dealers on the Toronto Beard of Trade are making the following quotitiong for ear lots Manitobs wheat, fo, I worth em, 1:21 No, 4 northern, {JFL OF No, 4, #l 1:4) No, § , 96 1:3 Rel ule (wu i paris) I feed, 63c) No, 3 lead Gederigh and Ha anitoba oats=No, [2% American eorn~No, § rill, delivered Toronto freight), Millfeed, delivered Montel frelghts, bags included = Nyan, had shorts, per ton, $3.35 ladiin Ontario grain Wheat, 1] 10 Harley, 70 10 Tie, Nye, $1,048 LL yellow, $1.08 3.4 (all Cats lle , Tuckwheat, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Ot, 25 «Receipts of hogs, 4,001 holdovers, 400; weights above 160 1h, fairly active 1a pagkers, 15 Ww 2% below Ihuitaday 8 Average, lk 160. to 260 Ihe, 20 Ths, butchers, $10.18; 1% to 160 indie iy $2 Ww M0; packs 50 10 8, eceipts of Rwy yi oows, steady | ter grades, M25 10 § Receipts of calves, #0) | vealers slow, wen erally 500 lower | wood 10 choice, $10.50 fo $7; common and medium, $11 a $14 Receipts of sheen, 1,600 Lanihs ahve # higher good to choice, $1850 10 $13 1 dim and strong weights, $11.75 (0 $12.50 throwouts, $10.25 10 $10.75; [at ewes, n nm BOWS Bar doe ou ---------------------------- PLAN 1 LAUNCHED T0 SPEED TRAFFIC Motorcycle Police Will Patrol Various Roads Approaching Bridges Oct, 20~Hon, A La officer in charge of the pro vineial vehicle police, yester day informed the Royal Autamobil Club of Canada that his men hay been instrugted ta regulate traflic o the various roads approaching th bridges connecting the lsland of Montreal north and south I'hvis is in compliance with the club's request for assistinee ino re moving the delays und inconveniences caused 10 motorists, especially dus ing week ends Last week end motorists experien ced considerable delay, mainly due t ears getting out of line and travel ing three abreast on some of th roads Motorists ure line so as not to impede traf velling in the opposite direction, ONTARIO POPULAR WITH IMMIGRANT. Secures More New Avrivuls Than Any Other Province in Past Five Months Ottawa, Oct, 24 Ontario got more than any other province of the 100,867 Immigrants who came to Canada In the past five months compared with 112,060 In the oo responding period last year, The distribution among the pro. vincea Ix an follows: Ontario, 88. 0801 Manitoba, 80,688; Quebes, 14,404; Alberta, 10,262 Baskatoh. ewan, 1,108 British Columbia, 6, [26; New Brunswlok, 1,720} Nova seotia, 1,817! Prince Edward Is land, 78; Yukon, 63; NW, T, §, Apart from the predominance of nritish and Americans, Germans Ji pore 0,043, and Rutheniage INMIGRATION FROM BRITAIN INCREASES Number of Persors Entering From U.S. Is Also Higher Ottawa, Oct 0. =] liga the British Isles and United Ah is on the increase, according to Des partment of Immigration figures, while from other countries there is a reduction, In the five months from April 1 to August 31, British fmmi- aration reached a total of 47,205 us against 40442 in the same months in 1928, Migrants from United: States increased from 15,968 to 18,182 in the same comparison, while incowmers {rom other countries were down to Montreal, combe, motor warned to keep in tra from HALLIDAY {ni 16 Jackson St HAMILTON 43818 from 55.640, Total Immigra tion for the period under review wus 100,237, a decrease of three per cent, from the same months last yen Added to the above total are | 107 Canadians whe have returned to Canada from United States intending to reside here permanently In August alone there was a stantial reduction fn dmmdgration figure heing 15022 inst 25 In August, TUN sub thi 140 8 TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL Body Wood, Hard & Soft Wood Slabs CUT TO STOVE LENGTH Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America SOLVAY COKE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS All Fuel Orders Weighed on City Scales if Desired, DIXON COAL C0. 05 LAKE CARRIERS |: Nearly Nearly | Cor, King & Centre Streets... "You are never far away fram a Be July O60 lake unloaded there in transit bearing approximate 000 bushels of grain, { of this season, at which tinw boats were awaiting to be In addition, it is stated 91 rullway cars at present fy 138, that 65 luke waiting to he unloaded # total cargo of 5493,187 hush 432 railway cars filled with grain, averaging 1,500 bushels to a ear in a similar condition, and stoek in elevators amounting to 12, B40,714 bushel I'hree lake boat the Brooktoy Hamildoe and Calgarian were ¢lear of a total cargo of 238,249 bushels | during the past 24 hours, to be placed hy three new arrivals Rirehton, Novadoe and 'I bringing 276,000 bushels of grain I'he last number of vessels approximating the present Latest ne gure slate with els of grain Bre AWAIT UNLOADING Nineteen Million! Bushels Stored at Local Port Lithuania will open & modern gov ernment medical elinle at Kovne, ed Railways in the Madras district of India will be electrified, re th oranda 1 000,000 bushels of grain in storage in Montreal relief in the shape of European i Housewives of Australia are begin on ning to use electrié ranges, mp Wis wilting DOMINION TIRE DEPOT E is a Dominion Tire Depot expert -- his life work == the care of tires. Does he know tires? He does! He has studied the making of tires -- right in the Dos, Jinion Tire Factory,' "He has taken an intensive course of training covering' tire care and repairing, ' Lectures, demonstrations, charts, diagrams and practical training are the basis of his expert knowledge. ' 'His object is not so much to repair tires when trouble occurs but to prevent trouble by a weekly outside) examination of tired and a thorough overhauling inside and out several times a year. ' There are over 400 of these tire experts -- covering practically every city and town in Ontario and Quebec.| All of them are leagued together to give expert unis form tire service to the motoring public. OSHAWA wuWe Hy Rodd, Tive & Battery Service DOMINION TIRE DEPOT

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