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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Oct 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1929 A a a LRA (Afar farrn 1) ook Upon This Sa (Advert lsament) (Advertisement) (Advertisement) PAGE ELEVEN (Advertisement P (Advertisemeni ) (Advertisement) ( Advertisement' icture of Liquor Control in Ontario As revealed from day to day by the Press of Ontario BRING TEMPERANCE ONLY BY EDUCATION, SAYS §. A. HEAD Gen, Holds Same View On Question As Ferguson Gen, Bdward H , 00m: mandor of the Bal Army, haa the same views on the liquor question as Hon, Howard Porgu: son, He believes, like the ' aria Premier Sh the . dae Tor rink can Wr cation snd Ad by \egielation, Ho expressed these views in an LIQUOR CONTROL ENDORSED Ottawa, Oct, 18, Hale, KO, of Toronto, prosi ing over the national convention of the Oanadisn Temperance Federation hore today, declared that there waa more prohibition under the pesent Ontario Liquor Control rd than under the former On: tario Temperance Act, Toronto Daily Star--COct, 19, 1938, LESS DRINKLKG IN KINGSTON We heg to advise The Globe all those who wish te be ad. vised that it in a ke 000ur: rence to see a drunken man on the streets of the City of Kings: ton today and we know quite well that so far as general drinking is noncerned there is mueh less of it in the city of Kingston today than there has been in years, Kingston Whig Standard-= une 6, 1938 VINDS DRUNKEN. NESS STEADILY DECREASING Wamilton, Oot, 18, == *' Crime and lawlessness have steadily de- i despite the In olaved Geo, I, Jolfs, for 06 years magistrate of Hamilton, this The Mail and Bmpire=Oct, 19, 1929, NEW_.YORK JUDGE PRAISES L. C. A. Trath Will Out v RE Cain Cll Judge A hr , of New York, in: [' Witness the fol. ah 4 L But there is no w, We are Norris from her has an to watoh the workings ton ent op: interview on Saturday on his ar vival in the eity, London Pree Press=Cct, 7, 1930, TORONTO PASTOR LAUDS ONTARIO LIQUOR LAWS Rev. J. F. Tupper Finds Them Worlds Bod 80 (CP), w= Halifex Ave peak In Christ Chureh, Dart mouth, Inst night, the Rev, J, ¥, Tupper, Tovonto vestor, declared that Ontario had "the best, the sanest and the most improved temperance legislation to be found in the eiviligsed world," Tavonte Daily Star~Aug, 30, 1028 THE LIQUOR TALE OF TWO CITIES Citigens of Toronto, that in these who patvonised the Govern ment liquor stores, showed admin: able self-aontrol en Christmas Day, Theve wera no outward signs of dvimbenness. The streets were deserted for the greater part of the time and the men appar ently were content to spend (he holiday with their families or with those of their friends, In marked contrast was the situation in Detroit, That eity had the Hottest" Christmas In its his tory, Liquor was as plentiful as it ever was hefore prohibition came into force, The downtown bar rooms were evowded and most of them were decked with holly and other Christmas trimmings The Globe Deg, 26, 1038 Aubrey Bond, KC, promi nent Toronto Liberal barrister, will take the platform to-night at Long Branch and will speal to the electors of West York in the interests of their Conserya tive representative in the last legislature, Hon, Dr, Forbes Godfrey, minister of health, "I simply can't swallow Sin elalr a Nelson Parliament, that's all," Mr, Bond declared last night te The Mall and Em pire when he was asked why he Clergymen Pell of US, Reveals ve Prohibition Philadelphia, Ang. A= (BeaER oF th Proter an en of the that who an: pr which doea mot' Cae The Telgmenien, 17, 100 SOUTH ONTARIO - EE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ew-------- | helieved that Whoa a oad This ia "CAN'T SWALLOW SINCLAIR AND PARLIAMENT" --LIBERAL TO AID CONSERVATIVE MINISTER MINISTERS LIKE LIQUOR CONTROL a Liberal, was taking the plat farm in favor of a Conservative eabinet minister "Mr, Sinclair 1s a destructive eritie He has never suggested anything constructive sinee he was leader It 18 not just his stand on the liquor questions---it is his whale program, 1 cannot stand by while he and Parlia ment are folsting this business on the Liberal party," Mail and Empive=Cot, 25, 1039 | wv BREACHES OF L.C.A.% "DRY" LEADER SHOW A DECREASE In Brantiord Reports Indicate Fewer fhurtes Are Brantford, Bept, 90.-A de crease in the number of 1,0.A, charges heard in the Brantford polise sourt and improvement in amparAon with eonditions in O, T days Is noted aceording to Chief Constable Harry Bianley, The Btarliapt, 30, 1929, IF POLITICS COULD BE FORGOTTEN (leneral Wiggine finds no drunkenness in Ontario, but is not speaking for politieal pur poses, It 18 not courteous to drag in a visitor to our family squab bles, but the general is a close ob server and finds us good about that Mail and Bmpire=Qgpt, 14, 1920 A SANE LIQUOR LAW EFFICIENTLY OPERATED The lack of anything in the way of serious fatalities over the week-end and the July | celebration, rather suggests that our traffic laws are Ey effi cient, and that our people are learning to observe holidays in a sane way, Incidentally, it ia also a tribute to the good sense and efllelent operation of our existing laquer laws, Ottawa Journab=July 3, 1928, TITRE ae SERVE ADMITS ERROR Worked for Prohibition Last Elect ion, Now Supports Govt, Control Newmarket, Rept, H0-=Dr, C, A Ames, ohalrman of the North York Prohibition Unlen at the time of the last provinelal ele: tion, and one of the hardest work. orn in behalf of the Liberal party during the sampale, waa an add. ed spenker st Haturday's big Conservative convention, Dr, Ames was known aa being one of the most enthusiastic tem: persnse workers in the province and, consequently, when he asked the chabrman if he might nay a few words, his remarks were eng erly listened to, 14 in not an easy matter fo a man in my position, as ehalr man of the North York Prohibi tion Union in 1086, to tell you that 1 was absolutely wrong, At the time of the last campaign | fought tooth and nail for the de feat of government, control, | honestly thought it ®as my duty to do so Now, after having watohed it In operation and after having compared it. with other temperance regulations through out the world, T have come to the sonclusion that the Ontarie Lig uor Law is as perfect as it is pos sible to be, It is wo splendid that men from Japan, Russia and the Htates are here studying it, "1 wish to apologise for the mistake I made last election, 1 am with you this time, and will he only too glad te do anything in my power to help the cause of government control,' The Telegeam--Sept, 30, 1939 ILLEGAL SALE OF LIQUOR BECOMES LESS ON BORDER Ontarle Provincial Police Tolls of od momo Locally Than ar Dre Toronto, March 23-=At no time since the OTA, went out of existence have conditions along the Espex borde, been so good as at the present day; This statement was made in the an nual report of the Ontario pre vinelal "police, tabled In the legitiature today, he report states that many roadhouses have heen closed up, and it is hecoming hides difficult to carry on the illegal sile of lguor, In the border district alone, fines totalling ahout $38,000 have been collect ed during the past fiscal year, Border City Star--Mareh 23, 1929, DENTON MASSEY VIEWS TRENDS OF MODERN GENERATION WITH SATISFACTION "Because articles Appear (about petting at the University, it does net follow that all uni- versity students are petters, Nor does it follow that because drunkenness occurs Among young people at a party the whole present anesation wre drunkards,' Denton Massey of the York Bible Class duclared in [an address on "What a Mudern Generation |" before the Optim ist Club at the luncheon yester day. | "he modern generation has alled attention to Itaelf because it Is unique," he declared, "but the great change has not been in its moral standards, but ini (frankness, For instance, speech which was most guarded is now stralghtforward==and (s there any harm in it? Also, actions are frank, GENERA! IMPROVEMENT IS NOTED IN ENFORCEMENT OF LIQUOR ACT Pre inci! Polce Report Public | Opin'sn Is Behind the Law A general Improvement in the enforcement of the liquor con trol aet coupled with public sat isfaction at the way it was working out is found in the re turns of the distriet provinelal police Inspector, according to annual report of General V, A, | Williams, provinelal police com: | missioner, which was presented esterday afternoon In the leglv| ature, Prohibiticn in the U.S. Capital LAWS IN CANADA looked upon in political cireles aa a tremendous blow to the Repub. loan party in the presidential fight, Almost equally unanimous is the insistence that the present situation must be remedied, The Uwited States should follow , | , "Our neighbor Canada in setting y example,' saya Rev James L, Hmiley, of Annapolis, Md, 'Let the United Htates he an bravely Ohristian aa Canada. '! The Tolegram--Aug. 231, 1998, A GOOD BEGINNING FOR THE L. C. A J majo y of the ministers eolare the Radio aystem of Government Control is what | the | summer, nor does the One swallow doesn't make a fact that only one arvest June 1 indicate psy there har in Ottawa | that Mr, D, B, Hanna's liquor ships are going to make us all sober, The situation, however, in not without ita lesson, To hear certain prohibition extrem: ints talk at the last election, ane would imagine that apeping of liquor shops would produce an orgy of drunkenness and de- bauchery sugh as the province had ot witnessed since the worst days of the saloon, What has happened has been exactly Washington's population of 552,000 consists largely of civil servants, sworn to uphold the law. Yet last year its arrests for intoxication were no less than 14,600, In all Ontario, for the same period, the arrests for intoxication were only 4,769. With six times as much population, Ontario under liquor control had less than one-third as much drunkenness as the one city of Washington under prohibition! the opposite, Since June 1 there has been ona public haliday and ane week-end, yet while during that time liquor has been within the reach hall there has been but ana Ottawa arrest drunkenness, The Ova Jownal=june P, INF, 'WIARTON NOW A MODEL TOWN for + town of Wiarton under the (08 QT wer semaidered the wow | de | ithe ©, T, A,, the report says, Police officers are being given more co-operation In the en forcement of this act than ever they received during the days o [ [reads in this connection) "It becomes more and more Appr ent that public epinion is behind the legislation, This is very noticeable in the amount of in formation given ta the enforee ment officers regarding those {who vielate the act rhe Mail and Bmpire--March 23, 1929 town in Bruce County for beet ing and lawlessness, Hows over, ainoe Glovermment Control came inte foree a wonderful haa taken place sa much = editor of the Canadian Boho, town could do away with their In week'n issne roam fixture, there is 80 little for Tore Loache--D0c, 6 1908, VOTE CONSERVATIVE For a Licuor Law that the People Can Respect "You hear a lot about drinks ing, how much liquor Is con. sumed, the gallonage, ete, and drinking at our universities, Well, unlimited capacity Is not peculiar tc this generation, "An occasional student may earry a flask and produce It at i arty, which is an unfortuna nnovation, but he used to los up the buggy with a dozen or sa mare of fifi fellows, stick in o keg und light out for the tal timbers, Some would stay al night, seme drive home, and some crawl home, but no one, sald anything about it, let alone read aheut it, "In all the cases that hav came to my attention since 102! there has not heen one single; solitary case where drink hag heen at the bottom or has had, any part, That I do not believe! could have been said a doweny years ago,' y Torente Mail and Bmpire April 10, "i LIQUOR CON. SUMPTION AND & TEMPERANCF Will anyhody held today that Ottawa, under the Ontarle Lig uor Control Act, is a drnke oity? How many arrests hay there heen in this city for drank enness during tha past month How many over the July 1st cel brations! How many motor ar cident due to Intoxication! | The answer to these question is that hardly within living mem ory have the peaple of thin elty heen more temperate, more mod erate, and more decent in their consamption of Hauer than at the pressnt time, Ota Journab=uly 5, 1988. WHEN THERE WAS NO TALK OF AN ELECTION! Prohibition New 's Tributwy \ to the G.C. Law With all ita faults, the an) tarie lNquor control Aywton in best of ita kind in Canada, ita han pou the publie eonsw tion of liquor and its ban w liquor advertising, The trade the politicians would de well not to meddle with things aa then! are, Toronto Daily Starjan, 25, 1028, CANADIAN ~ . LIQUOR SYSTE IS FAVORED Washington, Oct, 1d=-A came algn seeking government eons rol of liquor corresponding with those systems now ly in Cans ada, a8 a substitute far the Vols stead Act, was indicated to lan hy the Qtiocintion at the 'rohibition Amendmen ) The association in ry amphlet issued here discus the Canadian aystems, contends Y hd that they have baci eliminated hootleggin Ave reduced drinking amo eo youRm , . FRANK L. MASON Liberah Conseivattee Amaciatinn af Onin hn Sen

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