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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1929, p. 2

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"The Advertising, Gasstte and Chr TS LUNCHEON DATE SET FOR NOY, 5 Delegates Are Appointed to Attend Conventions in Oshawa Al # neti of the Hnasutive of he Whithy Chamber of Commerce hota on Monday evening, with Presi dene A Hutalison presiding, # Hm "i Important matters were dept with, wal deelded (0 hold the Ars tuneheon of the season on Vilday avening, November 16th, of 6.850 in the Counell Chamber, al whieh there will he un good speaker, 'I'he names of €, 1, Burton, an Ontario esinty hoy, and general manager of the Robert Bimpson Company | Major Woods, eeevelary of tha London Chamber of Commerce, and My, Holt Gurney, ex president of the Toronto Board of Trade, and a prominent Canadian manufacturer, were men toned, and 18 certain that one of these will he on hand, The luneheon and progeamime committe will make all arrangements for the lun eheon, It was reporied that the Membei ship Commities 18 busy, New tickets for this season are helng printed wd will he veady this week for the Jammilttes to commence thely mem wirship drive with an objective of me hundred members To Attend Convention The secretary read a letter from the Oshawa Chamba of Commeres, Inviting the Whithy Chamber to end delegates to the annual sonven Hon of the Ontario Assoolated Boards of Trade to he held In the jew Hotel Oshawa on Novembei L4th and 16h, The meeting felt that 1 was Tmportant that Whithy thould be represented at this fmpoy ant gathering, and a motion was passed that the President, ehalrman Wf committees, John MoClelland, Maedongall, W, A, Holliday and the fearetary, attend the convention al rhatever hours 16 18 eonvenlent, A letier was read from the De artment of Publie Works ab Ottawa vising that the resolution passed I'hovsands Now Kat Qo" LEY A Delightful Breakfast Food With every Purchase of a Dr. West's Tooth Brush Price 50c. © We will give & 2s tbe of Bay © West Tooth Paste absolutely KARN'S Drug Store Next I, ©, Phone 378 WE i TT tS PE DRG will speak at the To sea CE CKCL, Toronto. CKOC, Hamilton. CJGC, London. CKPR, Midland. CKCO Ottawa A REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1929 ; [¥ meg for serinin Foto In fo thy Harbor iv I aver to the En neering Department, Baoyelnry H, Ormiston veporied that engineers were now on the job making the requested survey, and that wn veport would in wll prob abllity be submitted to the Govern ment and in turn to the Board, The meeting expressed satisfaction with the qulek vespanse received Lo the Ottawa request Fhe meeting decided that the Chamber should again take part in the administration of the Christmas Cheer ¥und which 18st year wis colleated Jointly hy the Gagelte and Ohivonlele and the Boelal Mervice Committee of the Chamber, and which was the means of bringing happiness to 48 Whithy homes at (he festive weason, The secretary stated (hat {he Gawvette and Chronlele would under take again this year to collect what I sould through 1s solumns, open ing the Fund shortly It was decided Lo appoint a speain) aommittes from the Chamber to (alse this matter In hand at the next mesting In the matter of wspenkers for future luneheons, the President sug wented the name of Major-General Melirien, The seerelary will gel in touch with him for some time early in the year, Daily Times and pews will he received st the Whitby Branch Offics. at weTelophone B3==A (ter Business Hours--'Phong 359, » ORMISTON BOO (30 (SO FINAL PLANS THE STREET FAIR ARE COMPLETED LOOK FOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL i yom: A square peg in wa, hole HIS wellknown saying applies to clothes just as much as to jobs, IHN THR POCKET EXPECT ALARGE | VOTE 0 BE POLED TOWN OF WHITBY 1,804 Names on the Lists Here Are the Locations of Polling Booths A total of 1,804 names appear on the vevissd volers' lasts In Whithy of those who ave eligible tn oust thelr voles In Whithy at Wednes: | day's provinelal election, and ft | expected that the looal vole will be i Very heavy one Plana are practically sompleted hy the loeal Liberal and Conservative pommittess for asalating In petting the vote out, A full staff of ofMoeers will he In eharge of the polling places loeated as follows Town of Whithy Polling subdivision No, 1-+Reld Nash Motors, Dundas Hiveet Weal W, Wilder and HB, Threadgold, DRO, Polling subdivision No, 2 1d Bowman's offes, Dundas Hireet Nast, BE Bowman and William May, DRO Polling subdivision No, 4 Tu ner's HBhoe Htare, Hroek Bireel Houth-=Fpank Henstoek and ©, HM | Trueman, DR.O's Polling subdivision munity Hall Robert Nertham, DR.O's Polls will be open from 8 am until ¥ pom, PROHIBITIONISTS HELD MEETING Good Responsa to Munds Ap: | peal Will Help Get Out Election Vote Whithy Prohibition Unton held a meeting on Monday evening at the realdence of Mp, Robert Thompson, Byron Hireet North, when a number of matters wera diseuased The Chalrman, Rev, A, R, Randel BON, reported on the fAnanelal appeal made aver the week end, which waa aulle generous, However, quite a number af felends of the Unton have yet to send In thelr eantributions, | while others will be ealled upon, The | Committes han inourred quite a hill of expense looally, The Unlon will assist in getting MIL the vate on election day, Iv will have the ahle asalatance of the WO ™ In this veapeet nother meeting was decided upon or Tuesday afternooh, when matters of business yet to he disposed of will he miven attention The meeting was well attended And there was mueh enthusiasm No, BCom Reld and 1 Hallowe'en Night Will Be & Gay One in Whitby Fine Programme Pinal plans for the Bireet ¥aly io he held on Hallowe'en night, Thurs day of this week, were sompleted ul " meeting of the ¥xeoutive held in the Canadian Legion Club rooms on Monday evening, "he Valr, under the Joint ausploes of the Leglon and Cltigens' Band, promises to be sven i bigger success than last year, In the event of rain, the Valy will be held the following evening, Novem ber 1st, A plan of the ares on which hooths will he ereoled was gone into varefully and a place slloonted for opel booth and amusement stand Brook and Dundas street will be closed a block each pide of the In terseation, There will be #1 booth In all, also a bandstand for (he Whithy Citlsens' Band, Parade n Veature The parade In to he made no fen ture this year, 1 will start al seven n'elook, and follow the route an nouneed previously, Chalrman John MoClelland hing recelved many en (ries both from Whithy and Oshawa There will he desorated fonts, hieyeles, funny elowns, people in funey and welrd eostumes, ele, The achool ehildren will take a big part und special prices will he donated for them, The parade will lasek nothing In the way of musle for thelr wil Ihe Jars bands galore Drawing at Wleven The drawing for the prises will tule place around eleven o'vlook, probably a Hite later, and the win hers will he announeed from the bandstand by' the Judges, Thin is ane of tha most interesting features of the Faly and tlekets unre selling freely The Male will furnish amusement for old and young and an large orowd expeetod from the town Oshawa und gountryside, The full Programme 8 announced elsewhere In thin Issue of The Times PICKERING Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent Telephone 800 In PICKERING BRIEFS Oo fh Rorn 20h, to My on nnd Plokering, Haturday, Oetobey Mra, Leonard Hath, a daughier Wea are pleased to report, that Master Elmer Crawlord, who was Injured by a horse, 4 week ago Is making favorable progress Ming Mary Haxter, la spending two weeks with friends In Udnoy Mr, Kenneth Morley wan In Pel erbore for three days last week al tending the Hay of Quinte Youny People's Conference, of the United Ohureh, as a delegate of the Un ted Young People's Noelety of this village Misa Meryl Hall spent the week-end of her parents here, My, and Mpg, J, Cook, of Georne town, accompanied by thelp son and daughter, Jack and Enid, and Misa 1da MeCaln, spent Hunday with thelr dnughter, Mrs, A, ¥ Rlopk Mya hy, were the guests of My PD, Remmer, last week Mra, F, Jones, of Ottawa, visit od with her slater, Ms, Wm, Mul Kar, during the past week, Ohana and Mes, Raker and family and My, John Hodgson, spent the woek«@nd at thelr summer home here, De, and Mes, Dateman and Me, and Mrs, George Treloar and fame Hy, of Toronto, visited with Pleok ering friends on Bunday Taronto, the home of nt Rawson and son, of Whit and Mes case; a change $35 to $5( » and confidenc lotlng + + makers are pr Simooe St IT'S THE CUT OF YOUR EN ili Bowmanville News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of he I'imes, Felephones--Othee, B87 REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK AFTER 22 YEARS OF SEPARATION George Lambrose Comes to Canada to Join Brother in Bowmanville Alter being than twenty-two years, brose and his brother Peter, propri tor of the Olympia Cale, in Bowman happily resunited recent was born in the town ol separated fol nore Gogrge Lam ville, were ly, George Sparta, Greece and was Just a youny fellow when his older brother Peter, decided that he would like to try his Iuek in that land of opportunity, Ca nada, which he had heard so much about, That was twenty and now Peter (8 a successful busi ness man and ineidently became la {| spring a naturalized subject of his | adopted land Lhere has been a continued corres pondence between the brother throughout these years and Pete, ax he fs called by everybody in How manville, had been trying hard to mduce his brother to cone here al #0, George took a long time to eon sider taking this step but a few weeks ago he decided that if his bro ther eould make success of life .in Canada so could he, So early in Ox aber he bade goodbye to his felends and relatives in Greece and with the best wishes of them all and doubtless, a fow misgivings he started on the great adventures He came hy way of Paris and left the mainland of Surope at Cher hourg on the liner Anconia, When two days out from that port the boat took a decided lst and George along with all the other passengers were ordered to don lie belts and he doubtless wished he had not starts od, However, the lst subsided and yours au RADIO TO-NIGHT The Reverend Dr. Cody The Hon. Wm. Finlayson, K.C. Minister of Lands and Forests for the Province of Ontario wn Hall, Orillia, Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 8.00 p.m. and be broadcast over [ on sale at | at the offic In either case it implies unsuicabilicy, It Invites & change of jobs in one + + + & change to clothes that have style without extremeness; that hang right, that look right; that give poise + + + & change to Soclety Brand Clothes, faultless in fabrics, cut, tals JOHNSTON'S ht A hh a | will of clothes in the other, clothes on which the oud to put their name, + North CLOTHES THAT COUNTS | Daily Times the remainder of the voyage Wi very pleasant, but uneventiul Arriving at Quebec where he ar rived kindly immigration ofielals pla cod im oon the right train for Bow munville where he arrived last Tues and was met by his brother aml and there wan a glorious re Alter staying here for a few left to visit other relatives in Owen Sound but has now returned to Bowmanville Does he lke the country? Hi thinks it 1s wonderful and is econh dent that he will make a success of It an his brother has done, Ho is mak ing every attempt to master the lan and the Thnes saw him walk kitchen last night tiny ily uiion ays he MAN mio the and eall for "two ham sandwiches" an H he wis used to it In the old country he wan an expert pastry cook and he shortly take a position In To ronto at this art of as much of the west ward as lies Ho Morth Wird, TOWN BOWLING LEAGUE STARTS Oddfellows Lead, Closely Followed by Canning Factory Team The town bowling league got un der way recently and the season which has just commenced 8 now in fll swing, Each league night the alleys are erowded and more interest is being taken this year than in any previous, The present standing of the Town League ia as follows, Oddfellows are in the lead and are closely followed by the Canning faces tory, Then there follows, with one point between them Front street east, Johnson's teany, Front street west, Foundry, Goodyear and the Boys Framing School, The highest score in thin league to date is that of Russ MeKnight with 330, This young man has played a great game all the seas son in the Goodyear league and ix one of the stars, The standing in the Goodyear leas ue to date x1 The Pyramids, who ave led the league up to now have lost their place to the Mose Dept, and are now in second place, They are followed closely by the Office, Callander Room, Belts, Engineers, the Orphans and the Porters, This league ix by no means settled yet and a lot of changes will be seen in the next few weeks y ELECTION RESULTS IN THURSDAY'S TIMES Chursday night's Times will have a iI lst of the candidates elected to ¢ Legislature at the polls on Weds wlan Every polling station in this wp will be covered, and how the tng went in each will be a fear we of the Bowmanville news that aght, Extra copies are being for warded 10 Bowmanville and will be Berry's Book Store and of The Times in the owan Block, If there are any pers sons who care to have a number of copies reserved for them they can do #0 by phoning the Bowmanville representative of The Times at his Mice, phone S87, ' weam----" A eity<beantitul movement has heen wrted in China Black mata, believed to have an rived Wn ships from the Mediters | TANGAR, Wore recently caught in Ragland VOTING PLACED IN BOWMANVILLE of. Polls and . Sub Divisions ls Given | List Me voting places In Bowmanville for the election tomorrow ure given below, Volls ure open from B wm, to 7 pa, West Ward No, 1=Vote in the Counell Chamber ~"This consists ol ug much of the west ward as lies south of Wellington street and the nd concession fine west of Beugog be ont Ward No, 2s vats at Tho« s Phogdy's house, Elgin streel = "7 " Turd No, 2b Vote ut Vrud Bateman's house, Elgin street, These two parts of the west wird gonsists north of Wellington street and of the 2nd concession line west of Hew or, Seoul No. 1=Vote at the Pump House, This consists of wll uf north ward south of Wellington street, North Ward, No, 2, ah-e, Vote at Mrs, Surah Brown's house on Centre street, This consists of all of north ward not included in N, Ward hey ' South Ward, No, 1, a and b, Vets at Merl Nook's house ut Brown and Queen streets, This eonnists of that part of the South Ward lying north of Albert and Princess streets South Ward, No, 2. Vote at South Nard school house Consisting of int prt of south ward not included i polling subdivision No, 1 south 'unior Hockey Club To Meet Tonight There will be a meeting tonight of the Tumor Hockey Club to make arrangements for the coming season All who are Interested ure wiked to attend and lend a hand to the team this winter, Two years ago the Jun fore had un remarkable season and it took seven games to decide who were the better tewm, they the Oshawa Shamrocks, Although they iid not do so well last year, they are by no means discouraged and ure confident that they will go farther this year than In any since they en tered the league, Jack Gunn will pre tonight, mde GIGANTIC STIL FOUND IN WOODS NEAR PETERBORO Deap In the Township, looal the Provinelal yesterday the found in Peter Pelerhoro, Oct, 20 of Harvey oMeers und unoovered largest still ever bore' County The still had a oapacity of 747 gallans of mash, and when found contained 460 gallons of bubbling mivture all ready to be distilled, Pullt on » glgantio sonle, It Wan most complete in every datall, Thera were two great wooden Vals, one elreular, with a elroumference of 14 feet, 10 Inches, And a OADM: ity of 4106 gallons, and the other square, measuring 4 feet hy 3d, and with a onpacity of 488 gallons, Of floors stated that the still could turn out a keg of whiskey in very short time Hidden In Woods It wan hidden In the wooda about five miles north of Nuekhorn, on he shores of Dall Lake, six miles rom any road, and the paths ware covered with thick second-growth timber, None of the operators wore in slight, and although the of floers stayed around for a couple of days, no one turned up, The annual report of the Peter pore' County Jall, made public yes. terday, shows that during the past year there was a decided Increase in erime In this county, when 381 prisoners were in oustody, 'a8 against 141 last year, The total number of commitments was 170, an compared with 111 for the pre- vious. year, MNreaches under the L.C.A, headed the lst with 4), whieh Inoluded 20 drunk and dia orderly or drunk In charge of & oar, woods Kxolne Pollen List of Offonses The offensas tor whioh sentences were passed wero: Four for assault, 1 for attempted suloide, 80 drunk | and disorderly, (including drunk In oharge of a oar), 3 for obatruots ing the police, § for forgery, § for trand, Housebreaking and robbery made up the large total of 39, in decent asanlt and exposure 1, re celving stolen goods 2. In all, 4% were nentenced for breaches of the Liguer Control Act, making the largeat total: 37 for vagranoy, and 11 for other of fences, not snumerated, ZION BRIEFS Zion, Oct, 25Mrp, Fulling had the misfortune to lose one of his hest horses by colle on Monday, He bought Mr, Foster Snowden's farm and stock a few months ago and this will be a hig loss, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Cameron, and baby, Tack, spent Saturday even ine at the home of her narents, Mr, and Mrs, Seibert Flintoff, when Mrs Cameron and her father celebrated their birthdavs tosether, Oct 19th, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Robbing, nee Olive Down, were pleasantly suepriss ol on Thursday evening last October 17, hy the youns people of Zion Suns day school and were presented with a beautiful clock, speeches were made, and games enjoyed, after which refreshments were served = Some of our voung en attended the judping contest of live stock at Hampton on Thyesday, fre, Blmer Wilbur visited Mies, Toh Raker on Wednesday at Salina A number of one favmen attended a Danaust in the ntevests af missdons t the Kina Sty Church, Thurs HAV svaning Absolutely New! SLENDO HEEL HOSIERY narrow chic Sattering Just a glance Is proof that it Is Paris inspired. here's just an alr of pert chic about the narrow heel that captivates, Yet, despite the slender lines, it completely protects the hose from wear, KAYSER Introduces this Slendo Heel* In two weights, Number 129% in Service Chiffon Number 149x in Sheer Chiffon Both at $1.50 THE SEASON'S NEW SHADES * Wh % Plaza Plooadilly Avenue Riverside Regent Park Lane

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