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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1929 PAGE THREE Police Commission Offers Reward For Information On Traftic Sign Vandals -- Action Will Be Taken to Curb Damage Being Done to Stop Signs and No- Parking Signs -- Reward of $10 Offered RESTRICT NOISE ON CITY'S STREETS Commission Supports Chief in His Endeavor to Check Noise~--Urge City By-law Prohibiting Outdoor Radic Adertising and Other Nuisances ---------- The Pollee Commission, which held its regular meeting in the eity hall yesterday afternoon, Is prepay ol to assist Chiet Owen D, Friend and Bis department in coping with persons whe are destroying trafie plgns throughout the eity, by effey" ing & reward of plu tor Informs tion that will lead to the convies Lion OF ANY PEFEOIL OF PUrsOns Whe Are GAMABING Lhe Blghs pul up by Lie POLICE depRriment Lhe wine WAS Instrueted to prepare @ report on LPRING conditions, wind wis supe ported in his eborts © Lo vedues nolse, wpe Pollee Commission was Ins formed by Chief Friend thal many slEns such us slOop-sigus ala nos PArsIng Signs hud veel ueliperately proken oft or twisted ahout so that they faced the wrong way, nese acts of vaudahsm have bheun oGelUres ing during the past three or four months and the city has been put to & heavy expense in veplacing the damaged signs Although every poligeman on his beat hos ept strlet lookout for those wha ure engaging in this type of vandalism, go far none of the culprits have heen discovered The Commission considered that by ofiering this res ward the public may be encourages ed to asslst the offigers In protects ing the elty property, Report on Traflie The Commission 1s considering (raffic conditions in the ely and Chief Friend was lustructed Lopes pave an exhaustive report with sug- gestions a8 10 ways and means Of securing better trate control and reducing the number of aceldeuts, Chief Friend will present this ve port at the next regular meeting of the Commission and Bis regom: mendations will then be given full consideration New Police Cay The Commission further decided to purchase a new coach Cav fay the use of the pelice department, The ear formerly used by the police is now too old to ba of any service and the police garage is at present p iy » het Friend pointed out to the Commission that his men were Wns der serious handicap without & oar, In this modern age with armed bandits erulsing about from town | to town in high-powered muchines ft 18 almost a necessity for every police department (0 include & ear in its equipment, A motoreyele serves @& useful purpose but al hast with sidecar It oan only carry the driver and one officer, It may be veadily seen that in pursuing a oar containing three ov four un gerupulous desperadoes, a vehicle containing four ar five well armed officers of the law would be much more effective than « motareyele mreying two, A Oar 18 Alen neces: sary In transporting prisoners fram | the local cells to the county Jall at Whithy The Commission expressed itself | as heartily in accord with the poe Hee department's effort ta reatriel UNNEORRSATY noise and passed " re. solution to this effect The Come misslon will urge that the ely souncil pass a bylaw prohibiting nolses such as outdoor radio adver | tising. Chief Friend Is determined to oheck persons who indulge in shouting and yelling on the sireeis at night and also those "nulsances who delight in prolonged honking af thelr antomahile horns | . | The Netherland East Indies has | resoindad the government (ax on | company bonuses I< employes, The Paris Metvopalitan Ratlway | oarvied 145,000,000 passengers | during Apell, May and June this year TOO LATE 10 CLASTIFY TWO SERVICE STATIONE TO rent, ane tn Rawmanville and one in Oshawa Eaahiished huainess, Muse have euffielent eapital, Ap ply Bos 311 Thues (1010) FIRS TEEN R000 RTRAR FAST or Lesakfast and evening dinner optional, Younes uusiness wan pre. forved, Private Home, Hest residen tial district, Nineteen Hillovart, Y (1010) To TROOMED brick house, Conveniences, Paved street, Immediate possession, Ap ply 81 Blgin St. E, Phone 16886), (101%) -_| nn DYES You CaN Dve TRUE rast BLACK wm SUNSET City News WATER LEVEL RAISED Although Oshawa creek was low peveral weeks ago, the rpecent heavy rains have served to ralse the lavel of the walter and it now is flowing st a normal depth, The rain also served to veplenish wells which wera heginning to show a shortage on account of the long drought, ON IMPORTANT COMMITTER In, 8 MeLaughlin,d of thig elty, was yesterday appointed tn u specs ml committen of the ECansdian Chamber of Commerce which 8 to make an exhaustive study of the promotion of intra-Bmpire trade, This committee was anthoriged hy the last annual meeting of the national executive council held in Montveal yesterday, CANON 0ODY ON RADIO Dr, H, J, Cody of Toronto 18 to he the principal speaker in the Town Hall, Oviliia, at the last meeting in the campaign of Hon Willlam Finlayson, Minister of Landg and Forests, The addresses of Dy, Cody and Mr, Finlayson will he hbroadeast over CKOL, CKOQ, CJa0, CKPR and CKCQO, commences Ing at § o'clock, CAR IS RECOVERED A large sedan ear, the property of Don MeKay, son of Dr, T, W, 0, MeKay, whigh was stolen on King streat east, last Sunday, was recovered in Helleville last night, the police were Informed this morning, When word of the thefi was hrought to the local police station a desoription of the ear was immediately telephoned to he police In towns and cities en the highway east and west of here Hvidently the machine had not been badly used, . a PAINTING FIRE HALL The Interigr of the city five hall Is receiving a new cout of paint today at the hands of the firemen All the steel work ls belng painten aluminum eolor, while the walis will be patuted cream and the woodwork touched with pearl gra) Already a change for the better has been noted and the hall {8 hegin ning to assume a height, clean ap pearance, The office of Elliott has been remodelled and redecorated, while another afflee has heen provided for the five cap tains, COMPLAIN OF SPHERING Residents of King street west are still complaining that traffic travels too swiftly as it approaches the city limits, Incoming motorists from the west possibly the worst offenders, as they eften fall to vedueog thelr speed appreciably Until they have penetrated ane bhloek within the munleipal Hmits It should always be borne in mind that although Oshawa exténds only & halt mile west from the heart of the city there 1s a very heavily populated distriet just beyond, with ohildren ervossing the high way going to and from scheol For the sake of safety arivers should exercise. precautions in passing through this distriot ure BRITISH MALLS Malls for Great Britain and Bus rope close at the Oshawa Post Of flee at the following hours dup Ng the next week, For 8.8, Empress from Quebec, olosls Oot, 28, Al malls For 8.8 Olymple, from York, closes at 7.80 p,m, Oot seatland, 10 pom, of at 7 Now do Fire-Chief | |L. Richer Gives Brief Ad: Letter mall only For 8.8, Duchess af Atholl, from Montreal, closes at 7.80 p.m, Oct 40, All malls For 8.8, Leviathan, from York, oloses at 7.80 p.m. Oct, Latter mall only For H.8, Dare, oloses at 7.80 pm, malls, New il Montreal, a1, All from Oot, TORONTO AND N.Y. OT0CK MARKETS 0 STILL LOWER (Continued from page 1) that the Buropean exchanges had broken waking the debacle a world wide affair, Men hurried along the streets in the cities of Canada and the Uni ted States, faces pale and lips quis ering, Nttle knots formed in offices, 'with working discipline gong, as of- ten garbled versions of the break which cowld hardly be exaggerated, flew around, The aiternoon newspap- ers were besieged by telephone calls and many of he voices at the other end, some fen e, were hysterical, Shaves Sasrifieed Word went around in Toronto that Nickel had dropped to M4, but this sroatest Canadian mining issue did not go below the forenoon, The New York break in the first halt-hour was precipitate, As eager traders watched the tape expecting AN URCETTAIN recovery, they saw, tne stead, huge blocks of saeritice shares poured mito the market, ane after another, released by hig | Operator who could no longer st the pace Rumors of brokerage Tes Were legion and the first crys Te fact when at about eleven: ft was learned that the curh homse of Toho I, Bell and Company, at New -\ank, | Gearge had been suspended With today's 'wrastic drop 'hotel CHAMBER OF CON: WERGE CONVENTION IMPORTANT EVENT Delegates Will Gather Here From All Parts of the Province Arvangements have heen completed for the annual convention of the Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerea of Ontario which will he held in the Hotel Oshawa hers under the ausplees of the loesl Chamber on November 4th and 16th next A splendid convention 1s promised and It Is expected that ovey 160 delegntes will be In attendance, The committee on arrangements has heen elrenlnviging all the Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce in the provines urging them to send # delegation to the conference, Many favorable veplies have heen yooelved and it has been ascertained that at least 160 persons will he present from outside points On the opening night a great han quet will he celebrated fn the hig dining hall of the Hotel and the delegates will he entertained as the guests of the Clty of Oshawa, On the following day the visitors will he conducted on a tour of the plant of General Motors of Canada, Lid Through the courtesy of the General Motors the use of the company's lavge convention hall has heen se cured for the two days The program calls fo devation and discussion two resolutions and In the Oshawa Chamber of representatives may wel necording to the wishes of the general mem hership a meeting will be held in Rotary Hall, uesday night, | November 6, at which time the resolutions will be presented An innovation in the history of | these conventions will be provided hy Leon Frazer, secretary of the looal Chamber, when the secretaries and managers of the various Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce Will hold a brealifast meeting on) the morning of the 15th | The executive council of the pro vinelgl organization will avri mn Oshawa the day previous to the enn vention and will he weleomed ty Hig Warship Mayor Mitchell and Pres dent George MeLaughlin I the Chamber of Commeres MUSICAL PROGRAM AT ROTARY C1UB the consl of twenty order that Commeroe on dress--Several Musical | Selections on Program | Yesterday was Music Day' at loool Rotary Club the was L, Richer, supervisor In the Oshawa publi In a brlet Mi olaved that to 1008 that had heen expre Oshawa already talent the | and penis ol wohoids Hse le apn gael to him He Hud ress. Richer cuntrary sam Was # musioal ely discovered ren among the philic PURE, and he was planning a May Festival so that the eitizens could 8ee for themselves the ability of the pupils of Oshawa Hi mentioned the Callegiate orchestra which Organiged this fall, and which al ready had 28 members | Mr, Richer wsked the parents to Interest themselves In the musical welfare of the ehildren, and invited | them to visit the sehools while | musionl olasses wera bhelng held. | Violin classes were helng started in the schools this sald My Richer, who vemarked that more in| Strumental wusle should be taught! In Canadian sehools as it was (nthe United States My, Richey vielin solos, had Bone Kahle wehool Wis Year, gave al endayahle | aooompanied hy Mrs. | Gy B, Fleming and led in fammunity singing solos hy Walsh and plano selections hy M, Gouldburn were also ciated numbers on the Rotarian A, EB, O'Neill moved a vate of thanks to the artists, The day's Program was In charge of Rotarian 0, Cannon k CUNANY Hove iso Voeal appre: | Progam | ------ or) ranks a had hithey TRIES comfortable Sale ma the wi large olass of peaple wh heen feeling the large margin men, the fifty per centers who, fn many cases saw mar | of fondly Gibraltar. | like strength completely wiped out | hy the panic which had few equals | im history - i gins imagined Margin Dropped New Pp Lo, at York, Oot, 20-1, issned the LIS am It learned this morning that | many of the leading institutions in | eluding the..ialowing: | Morgan | Co. National City Hank, First Na | tional Bank, Chase National Rank Bankers Trust Company, Equitable Trust Co, New York Trust Co, les ving Trust Company Company, Hank | of America are stating to their ens: | tomers that tor the present they plan 10 require the maintenance of only | 23 per cent, margin on their street | demand loans Morgan following statement is Mines Also Hroke Toronto, Oot, 28. The Stand: | ard Mining Exchange broke shavp: | ly at the apening of trading this marnlog and prices were six cents to mora than elght dollars lower, Lake Shore dropped 6.10 at 14,00; Dome dropped 2.40 a 6.00; Novanda was off 8.83 atl 20.00, Twa ta twenty-five eeu! losses were suffered by Abana at | LAS: Amulet at 2.88; Teok| Hughes at &.40; Wright Han | greaves st 1.458; Melntyre at! 14.730 Sherrlit-Gordon at | 3.00) and Sudbury Basin at 6.00, | | hou Howe Ix shown a golden eagle chat hy Kenest Calf, West HI, Ontario, 1 measures 48 Inches of wing spvend, My, Cult saw the cagle pevehed on an elm (eee hes Oshawa Man Rescued From Fated Steamer "Maplecourt" oan William dal Ave, the steamer Maplecourt which came grief Magnetie Heef in Laake Buparioy week When interviewed this morning, My, Armstrong very modest about his experiences He axproms ed a wish that he did not want pub Helly However, he consented to Elve a litle Information My, Armstrong stated that there was no nead of any fuss helng made N61 Wis Just an oceurrence Is part of the steam hoat Hie, The steamer Mapleeourt, had heen lay ing idle at Goderich all summer an' wis going ta Fart William fay a SLOrAEe CHVED which was tn he hrought back to Midland, On Bun night, with the lake very ealm stepmer elimhbed the Magnet his real Hes fwn Armulrong, of Kon Oshawn, wan hoard Lo an the last Will day the Heol nhout miles of fthe coast of Cockburn Is ful throughout the entive time when | nf land Phe water was the ship first went an the hut on Manday the wind hegan to blow ffulelt reaf | hegan to pound the steamer whie UN | lind his house, and tried to cape twee 10 alive, hut fabled, Herbert, young son of Cull, Is heve seen holding the giant hivd, the The hesama dangar glrangthened and an the and gus position wind reef, Ad long as the ship stayed on racks they wera safe, hut with the viking seas a possibility of slip ping of the racks arose With the hottam torn out of the steamer this would have meant almost supe donth he tugs which came to the rescue could not approach the slegmer owing to te Wigh seas and they were not rescued untill Thurs when a UH, coastguard entier managed to take the men aff, My Avingtrang returned hame #8 soon fig he was able tn the [1 Cantrary certain My, Armstrong the four days they NOWHpHDEY sald that ware on slaried, during "Conservatives Held Their Final Rally Of Local C | OSHAWA PEOPLE HAVE NARROW Eb- GAPE FROM DEATH Car Upsets in Ditech Near Newtonville--No One Injured A party of Oshawa people nel inp thre Hitle from Newtonville, last men, twa women and 1 hid a narrow the highwa ght, when down hahies i Ney thel death on Car turned upside n # diteh flanking the highway hers of the party w ihe fram underneath the wnhurt and did not the All mem eri ta crawl Eur small bab witles one Hp un HE ten minutes alter peeldent wi curred he ¢ when he driver rand ahead of could bring the mashing had veerd off the road, It tditgh and toppled ave Perey Morden, of this eit the scene of the aseident last drew the gar out wl the It had heen badiy damaged travelling on the high the lights could not ses him ir was vent thy hi 1a slap 4 thie iy siden! aut and helo truck iaited night and diteh THI MAN OF Ho was a stout man were hig tn prapartion COURAGH and his feel Ha wars | Gguantivy, ampaign Sy HON. J. R. COOKE SPOKE AT LARGE GATHERING HELD IN ARMOURIES LAST NIGHT 1377376 Electors In South Ontario! Where nea B7.876 people eligible to | volg In the viding of Bauth Gntario | Lomarrow aeeording nn Agnes re | lauped today hy AW, Jackson, ve turning oes | Of tha 87,878, electovs, 16,608 ave | In Oshawa hin Ngure Inevease of shout B,000 aver Hh Ler eligible in the last eleetion, and | Ophinwa a y uncertain partientary he ely wil #0 evenly divided In 1086, Whi hy town has 1864 qualified electors Kast Whithy E080, Whithy township 1,60 Plekaring township E017 Heaeh township 1,600, Port Perry village BBR and Bougng Lownahin FL) | In the rural wondeipalities, - per: | Bong whose names not on the Volers' List Warn and Lhely haliol ane | wre hi hn Hiny ant GENERAL MOTORS sLout shoes, tan, with hrosd toes When he went Inte the hoot shop ta hay another pale, he found he had some diMoeully In getting what he wanted A dogen palrs were "No, nal Bquare Nave square Loss hie "Hut, slr, everyhody with painted toes fashionable this season Fm sarey," sald the prepared to leave very sorry to have troubled you, I'm sure Hut I'm him must insletad Id Wearing shown NT slings mre BLOUE Man ue he the shop I'm YOu sae tn eal they wera not foreed ao an rations, but they had plenty Bveryhody remained cheer hut that Was going rocks Was Always whal there ar Just OO PEe Hneertainty tn happen Where To Vote Tomorrow he Nl elitignny ol tomarvaw, ly a Cy of Places whers will of south Ontarlo follows Oshawa Pall Nao, 1 Jahn H idenes, 70 Athol Hires Hall Nn } (tearge | Burk Btreot Pall No Heorge | 147 Celina gtraet Poll Ny | Miller and tore, Celing street Pall » h vhonl Pall y, MN { | 10 Albany Mireet No, T--Rasldence southeast King and Hitsan Road Pall No, § ht Hall Pall Na, # Heparate Pall a, 10 F. FP, Cox KEigin street sast Pall No solnl Pall 0 1 #1 Allps Na, 14 Mpg Raohhing Tid Slmeoe street south Faownship of Hast Whithy Poll Nao, 1 Charles Harmony Na 2 garner polling vols Hapy West uekett Ie resldanen, TH QEMan Libhy Alh pirat LUVEOs house Hall carne haol hous '3 | 1) 11 Mary treat Fred wireel hereard's how Pall stare house Poll hau "Ww slreelas Pall No, 8 lat 14, Nao, 4 stare, Int 11 Pall No, & Calumbu Pall No, 6 an Buawden Heverloy Faster Pla and W, | Concession White glon Stevenson's Rouse Pall B feed CONOR Hall Fawnship Publle Hall, Ras Township of Whithy Pall No, 1) John H hous Pall house Pall house Pall Hrooklin Pall No, 4 shop, Ashhurn fown of Whithy Pall Na, 1 Reld-Nash Dundas street weal Pall No, 2 Ed Na, 3 Kingston Na, $2 Brooaklin No \ William Road John Bonnetia East Township hall Robert Motors Bowman's of Regimental Orders 1 Part 1 arders hy Col, H, B Smith, Commanding Ontario Regi. ment Oet 26th, 1888, Week ending November Orderly Officer, Liaut, E, A, Dixon; Orderly Sergeant Carpl, GG, Robhluson: Opderly Cop paral, Carpl, Lavender, Dutlas 2nd, 153% duiy---Orderly Offioer, Prav, Lt, Foster, Parades-- Friday, Brigade inspection "A & HQ (all vanks): fll in, T.45 pow hand aver, 3.00 pw dress, dvill order, ritles, sidearms decorations; formation, arden, GOO Inspection---The Aunual GOO 8 Inspection will he held on saturday afternoon, November 18h, Further apderg will he issued wlative 1a battle scheme for this parada, "DY Company will parade mm Oshawa, Fall transportation av rangements will be forwarded to Company Officers at Cannington and Port Perry Pranspoant Offteer- Lieut © Percell is detalled as Transport Officer 10 make arrangements tor Next fap it November 1 WOWR'Y WO Gulliver s Graham's Pavrott's Het Bunda free faust Hall Caunell Chamber Holl NO i furner's tare, Brock street santh Poll Na, § Communh Fownship of Plekerving Pall Na, | Wandrutl house, ot 4, eanes Fall No, 8 Fire ing Hall LITE Hall HOlne Hall MNO i EH Hall Hall's aslon § Hall, Ploker NO, B Waller Livarpon! Na lat Na, & i envge i8, BJ Femperance Hal | Cherrywood Maokle's | wylew i Poll 0 Publi Hall sain Pall Hrougham Pall Whitavals Pall Na, § COhareh, lol 6, aiun Pall Na Claremont Pall v0 11 Albert House, ot 81, ean, 8, Alton Fownship of Heaoh Na i Mamory Kin Pawnship Hall NO Oddiellow's Hall United Maud Hasemant paneession Hall 10 Communi Pad Pall Utlea Hall BUTUEO, Pall Nose Pall bank Fall Nao h HON GRETUYVE Pall No 1] Prince Alhert No, 1 Cada Hall NO Kpsom No, 8 lot § No, 4 Walter Rogers Hohhot oon, 18 Public Bwannlok's Hall (iraon W O AMaon's Fred MoKay's House Pall House all Na Manchester Pall No, § house, Stainfleld Village of Part Poppy Pall No, 1 fawn affiee Pall Parry Pall terian Ureak Boehaol Tawnshin Hal it n Healey's No, 8 fown Hall, Pan No, 8 Hasement Praaly Chureh, Queen stveet, Township of Nougos Pawnshin Hall, Seugos EE -- RE. bus serviee far this inspection, Reports and veturnse--=Plataon and Company Roll Books of "AY ne panded 10 the Owderly Roam Clerk for compilation of Annual Laporis on Friday, November 1st Nominal Ralls of Port forwarded ta the © Adjutant as awlokly as possible, but not latey than November 8th B. Pearson, Cant, & Adit, Ontario Regiment, LAKE STEAMER FOUNDERS; SIX BELIEVED 10ST | Vote Sinclair For Premier (Cantinued from page 1) Da asal H. Maveigan of Chloage, vemained aboard the Wisoansin alter const suardsmen osha took off the others an hour hWefove daviight \ fast Euard boat, after landing Hs load of say vivoars here at &.830 aw, set hack again te the pounding seas tw take off the others Thove was 10 feet af the Wiscons'n's firehald sald, and the boat was going down walter In the crew | stl wearing my last season's feet Ottawa Cltlgen LIQUOR CHARGE vichalson's Toyne M | | aver | that 15 DISMISSED | Gordon Wolfran Freed, But Permit Is Cancelled by Magistrate Haguar athe an hig Ind had heen Gordan Waltvan past resident, was dig Magistrate Hind In po this morning trawn Motiihhon submitted that Praved 118 case af having purehnsed which A Charge than that vidual permit hrought against King wires! nseed hy Hee oaunt Atarney the Orawn had not against Waolfvan ha court, haw wis strongly of the aplnian the aeoused had heen Hguor for sale and therefor ald that Woltran's permh Keaping ide ha oan | volled | dane | heen adiourned unt] today | had given the sount | ta Treasurer's | | Company and H.Q, 1a he | Perry | and Cannington contingents 1a ha | fram Kew | slowly haligit al his oll Louls Hyman acted an the defences and naked that dlamissed an the ground wa sufficient avi prove charge he an the had heey week had then far the he there in pvidenos heard last ont that nat the CRER and 1 pregantation of argument Maglatvate Hind warmed Wall ran that he did not have much oon fidence In the defance which he He urged him stralght and navy ta avold swaplelan keep on the raw path and in future MUSICAL SOCIETY GETS UNDER WAY IH, McConnell Elected Presi: dent---Ceneral Practice Tomorrow Night fuiply th waelk Matar haen guletly hakl Tew Musteal farmuinting fom thi coming oy faneral Hig Plane and AREON HW plieanis teal nell Weadne (alled a general tieneral Maolary ing, Wihliam pi hath the ehah I whieh time we the man who musleal petivitied Hinee the cammencamant | plub's activities this arable enthusiasm has heen shawn hath hy members and new Comer whom ave interested in th and nrohesteral of the hetiey type loopy hove however, num rons vaoaneles as yet in hath the arehustra and who Interested ane ha th Beasan arEaniging wh Orel bon Metian om have Interviewed far the ganauetm prasident day Many position of Mi Huelel) 10Lh, we aiid af the ether Have the Hala for i praction in Indusivripl fl n'elank and arehestra hape ta have pras will for gapduet our ! Jo RR i) the goansid YOu armey all of pavaneament af ohopal work Ara hair and any this an hand apening wWurk tamarnroaw nraeti of ire 11} invited ta nEht al ihe saelaty Hast president Mig WH H, Ward; Hhravian, Carnell, Oy Members) Losy, H Pamp Hive al ths aliow Vio he axel thi Ur, Wre we dent, H. MeCannetl RH, Leyland aretanry Walker; treasurer, Migs publicity, A, KB, Jenna BH, Watson, ohalr; H phesty (ax=altioin Committen, Mesdames W Nivall, | Massys, PF gay, Ni Meawprlek, 4, Walsh Nahe Peg Mate heen aftielally talkies Ih Irish Censor hag just pawearad TT) Fim | (ALINE [11] an I'a lean tn pel heap Clavelly sehonihoys wn all ng land hivad th Ara hein rubbish in Pedaral government Charges Prohibitionists With Helping Brewers and Dis- tillers by Failing to At. tack the Position of the Federal Government MASON DEALS WITH OSHAWA CONDITIONS Quotes Figures and Makes Comparisons in Answer to, Letter Which Appeared in the Oshawa Daily Times A charge thal the grobihitianists And temperance workers af Ontario Vie Aeltherataly shielding Lhe hrawers ahd dist iors LUrning thely eritislem pan the Liguor tontral Act Instead of upan the whieh santral Hiner, wad minis er hy gd them anutaeinre wl laid hy Han, 4, BR, Gooke withaut pavifaliao in the Pergusan sahinet the Hina! wally of Con arvalive taroes In LUshawa Lint Eh The meeting, whish was held Lhe Armaries win well pttanden In hig pddress I Ly Mason, the riding, opposing W, | N I! the Libera! leader and mem har for Ontariag fn the Tas! laglalature, spent considerable time pritieleing statements wade hy iH in a letter written tn I'he Ha quoted a largu Hu hes flgures In An endeavor 0) that the Liguar Cantal Act had hrought ahaut heller son ditlans than had the O7.A, Other speakers wera Mrs, James Lougheed and Cal, ©, Willams, af Parantn, HH, D, Pragton was ehaly al the meeting Vy by Mason Mason made the declaration gdueation and publi health the most impartant depart ments In the government I oan't see AnVIiRInE unjust ar in the gasoline tax," deelas (Cantinued on page A) nl mn alagtovale in this Hipelah La the candidate Wyerann mes af nruve mun My that Whe Unfaty IH THERE? Hava you ever natiesd fools there are in the Flelding haw wariad fahnsan==1 have, And Yve nati ad samething more Hveryhady thinks theva ave a lat of Ta0ls i the world, hut the queer past af In there 1s always one more ol thal ARY Ane paren noe tog tratford Peacon-Heprald many that them Coming Beents fi Conta per word each tne wortion, Mintmuam charge for each insertion, Bae, gic a PAINTERS, PAINTHRE = OPEN meeting Thursday, Oot, 81st, aL pom tn the VY M04, ALL paint nm A \ AN ars welefme LA CHOSEN FRIENDS HALLOWRUN, Danes tonight In Rotary Hall (1088) RUMMAGE SALE AND HOME made eonking at 30 Blmeoa Big mouth, Thursday, at 8,80 ' RLALEE ine To-Night the honors of t! Sinclair will be heard, W.E. N. Sinclair Will Address You On The Air ONIGHT Starting at 8 O'clock OVER STATIONS CFRB, Toronto, CFCA, Torente, CIGC, London, CNRO, Ottawa, The Election is tomorrow-=All election campaigns close tonight, Turn your dials to these stations, and the voice of W, | A vote for Sinclair tomorrow may bring office of Premier to an Oshawa bay, \ 4 4 A

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