"AGE FOUR THE OBHAWA DAILY Himes, FUEBLIAY, OU TOBE 49, 1749 CAPR = Cir © shnon Bally Times Bussonding : THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established M1) ® Independent newspaper published svery afternoon suscepti Bundaps and legal holidays 60 Oshaws Cannde dy Printing Company Limited) Chas M Mundy, Provident; A RB Alowsy, Bes rotary Fhe Oshawn Daily Times is & member ol the Gang din Prose, the Canadian Daily Newspapers Ae soniation The Ontarie Fravineial Dalles snd the Audit Bursa 01 Slrsulations SUBSCRIPTION WATESN Delivered by sarvier, 186 » week By mall ln Cannde (outside Oshawn carrier delivery limita) $400 » veer) nied Staten 0000 » your TORONTO OFFICE 07 Bind Building, 86 Temperance Binet, Telephone Adelaide 0107 WH BD Trosidder reprgssniative REPRESENYATIVES INV § Pavers and Bane, Ine, New York and Chisago TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1929 'VOTE TY OMORROW i santa Tamervaw the fate of the Ontaple government seats In the hands of the elestors This evening, the ost minute arguments will he presented at meetings all aver the pravinee, and the party leaders will make the final praneunsements an whieh they hope ta win the support of & majesty of the eleetors, "Then tas marvaw the battle of the ballots will he In full swing ind the party erganigations will strive with might snd malin te secure as large a is possible for thelr vespeetive candidates Temarvaw 18 a fateful day in the Matary af the pravinge, The exercise of the franchise 18 nat & ve wpansibility ta he lightly regarded, Tt in the duty of pvery elector ta eanslder very seriously the various lssues whieh have heen placed before the peepls ol DOntaria hy the party candidates and leaders, and on tha basis of these ta farm a reasaned Judgment ws ta haw his ar her vate should he east, Only in that way will the eleetion mean what It 18 meant 1a mean, wi expreasion of the studied will of the peaple ol Dntarin as to wha shall govern the pravinee in the vile next legislature, Phere Is always a danger in an like the present ane, in whieh there has heen no outstanding pulivien! issues, that anly a small part of the passible pate will he polled, This would he unfortunate, for it would mean that & government might he plaged in power which represented a minority of the eligible vaters of Qntarla, That, af eaurse, 8 #& WALLEY whieh eancerns the electors themselves, 11 1s In thely hands ta make the election truly expressive wl the will of the peaple; or 10 wake an unsatisfactory one, representing the views of anly 8 minegity The responsibility in this vegard ts an individual ane. Bach ndividual eleetor has his ar her duty to perform in helping ta elect representatives 1a the On tarla Legislature, As individuals, then, all vinke 1k a point to go 10 the palling statian tamara and exercise the vight of & freeharn oltfsen of @ femoeratie eountryy to pall a vote fn the elepting of + representative in the Ontaria legislature, 1 1a A wrious duty, not ane 10 he averlaaked and shivked, and it is ta he hoped that in the riding of Hauth On vate reearded will he sulielently glestion should aria, at least, the argo 10 leave no doubt as ta the will af the election a whale MONEY IN MUSKRATN In veeent months many of the peaple of Oshawa nave became interested In wwskrats haeaine ol the establishment of a conunerelal niwskrat arm wel far from the oily his farm, aperated hy a local eampany, is demonstrating that the muskrat industry, if properly developed, ean he made An IIPOFANE ane, andl ean take ita place as & profitable branch of the fur tndusteies of Canady This view is further emphasised hy a hoaklet whieh nas heen fisued hy the federal department of the in terior, entitled, "The Muskrat, & Canadian Fur Re source The tide ix sugaestive, fav the great ery of Canada today 18 that ita vesourees he developed, and hove is one whigh has havdly, as yet heen tanehed And, in addition, 11 GA Features W hich ean he ly veloped without, as 4 the ease with lumbering and mining, dewaching in any way fram the eriginal va ae of the readies As the hoaklet points ew, there is a grewlng and insistent demand for muskrat pelts, largely hovavse they ean he wed 10 good advantage i the manutas wre of imitations of the most expensive furs The native supply brought fn hy the trapper has hoon deoreasing steadily, and it is only hy the develapment of muskiat farms that the supply san hope ta Keen pase With the demand, 1 is surprising © find that there ave alveady 173 wuakeal fquns in operation throvahout the Dominion, and that the wnakrat Crapidly heeoming A serious vival 1 the lash fon as A producer of fw People are heowning intevestad ih this resourses, tn It represents possibilities of dovelapiment of an indus try of great proportions, And that heing so, Oshawa shoukk fool & parhiowlar interest in the fact that clase 10 11s doors is an estahlishinent which is taking the greatest possible advantages of the prospects which the future hakdy for is development, WOMEN IN THE PULPIY and Wiehe \ he Baptist Opnvention of Ontarda 4 Boon miving sole vondlderation 10 the question of Ordaining wemen to the ministry of that chureh, and has appointed a special sonunission to stwly (he water and Ding FRPWat & Tepart at Ihe nest su vention, in 1K The Baptist Chueh in wet ale Ww fetag that problem, for a similar bole has boen appointed hy the United Uhuich a being forward a RpaTY at the neat General Conference. 5 NEW Wave towards recognising the suvalivy of statis Between wen and women Ww the Rained pia foavions Wa aa Wlwesting divation oF thy trend of the thes Two or Wiese decades age the whiln idea wv enslve sdueathon und training might -- a wad have heen reject with something akin 19 hors rol, The thought of ordained women nineties in days would have Tithe sideration, Hut théss heen given very Ean ines wre shanging, und laesy he ui for ween whieh have a them, Losing wt the iatter in its sinplest terms, nd stripping 16 fram all des of theolagisal Justifien Ham tor the propasil, 16 6 net Tele to supine that wore ne the ilmistry sould do ust ax sifeetive werk as same of the men naw engaged oi The werk of the nilnistry is svingelienl, fnspivationsl wd pistoral, and in these holds of Christian endeavor walien whe wre qushed by natural ability and mm opening bor generations heen elosed I OIRNY FREES da splendid work Jn advancing (the Kingdom of Lod Hut questions ke these, however, are nat wlwiys de cided by simples vsusaning: In many cases, they m meh in the way of deetringl and diususwion, whieh hides fram sight the whims of the Christian Chureh, and the nesessity of adapting whiskever measures ein be sonsistently approved to witrds that end ER ---------- WINNING A WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP valve thealogles in Last Saturday night, u young FrenehCanadian lad fram Montreal stood upon u platferm in Washing tan, VBA and, In eampetitian with young men, all high sehaal students, fram elght other eauntries, was awarded the werld's ehamplanship for schoolboy ura tory, His aration on Canada's place among the ni Hans af the world, full of logle and sound ressening, and deliversd with all the five and zeal of the vase of Wie forefathers, was a magnificent effort, and made him a worthy winner af the world's highest laurels In "rklary Canada has, as un rule, dane well in these Inter natlanal eratary ehamplonships, In 1037 and 1938 Cintaria hays won the ehamplanship of Canada, and In the And International eantest at Washington, were thivd In bath of these years, This vear champion has lean the premier honors, Ie In interesting to note the keen interest that is being talon In the tralning of the young people of thin eauntey in the art of self-expression threngh public speaking, The Canada's gantests whieh select the De minion's ehamplon are widespread in thelr nature, renehing back from the meteapalitan eentres 1a th hamlets and sehoal the rural dis tiets, Thousands of young people take part in the atriet eampetitions hetore even the pravinelal win small segtiang wf ners are aelested, and thiv weans that a great mult tude of boys and wlels each your receives a splendil ing In ergtary Fhus the new generation whish 18 BRPINEINK WI 18 BI AFL wale generation, with a real with whieh ta express ts thenghts Ibe a good thing for Canada that seh w training 18 possible, for it meh 1a the future af the sountry ta have a mee of elbisens grow vales and 1s Ideals will wieun INE iy able (a take part tn the pubis affairs of the gauntry with veiees whieh gan he heard NHOPPING A AT HOME Fhe merchants of the eity af Bt, Catharines have adapted an teresting plan of proving 1a the peaple of that that it | while ta shop In the stares of thelr in the Bt goods whieh they ar communi warth Fhey are holding, An exhibition af te altering tar AWNn elly Catharines Arihoury silo, far no other reason than ta demenstrate ta thelr peaple the fuel roquire ean be bought in Mare as i that anything whieh they Just as good advantage in 8 hama-town ean in the staves of other and larger elie ith minds ta while #8 a the ad Mueh has heen said that Is we Publi ut home his 18 an Innovation measure of educnting the Vallages wl shopping and written about the need four elvie patriotism, ahaut the duty whieh vests upon the eitfeens of a sommun iy tn thely eily Hw ne matter haw mueh is sald and weltten on that sub patraniss the stores ol awn Joely the only basis on whieh a "shop at howe" eam ean he hale of apie of all the appeals ta elvie patviatism, Palen sueeessiul 1 an the Aetual Vidlue people will spend thely money where they think they will receive the argument that ean enly be answered hy of the method whieh has heen adopted hy the people of BL Catharines, hy showing the people what they 1a better heat value for i, and theirs is an something CAN Buy 1 Thelr own sammunity AVATAR than elae INTERENTING COMPARIRONN ET---- Not long avy 8 high oem! of the New York me A atnteient that the tures tn his sity eilisient than the Great Bellam whieh somes under the Jnrlsdistion af Seetland Yad The challenge, long, oy ther Jealous of thelr high reputation, and se Hyures hut Paling POAT Isan anywhere Hew ures als Waa wie ares however, was not left unanswered for Very the Seatland yard authorities ave a AM Wy dues which provided conclusive nes that I the Hest Hye months of 198 New York had IH hamielde eases reparied 1a the polies, and out of these there was sanvietion, In the same peried, Seottand Yard had ewhioon howielde cases reported, and in eleven of these convietions were made, In the vee RINE Seven caien the persons suspseied hy the police committed suipidey 50 (hat there were na wis salved mysteries, hose Bawres speak eloquently af the splendid Wanner in which law and order ave entoreed wm Bus fain hy the Seatland Yard anthorities, Over there, here 15 ame Asdnianee of proteetion of tle and propery bat in ean hardly he sald that the vesand of Now York sives the same assurance ROITORIAL NC NOTES The only eevtain hoe Wn Whe whale that Smith will he elected in the Greenwood viding Wo Torantae=ne matter which way it goes -- The day seems to have entively passed away when party Wy Phese comparisons showed Wily ang elostion 1 owas possible 10 Hae wp votes for the handing out eleetion olga IIs unfortunate that politieal campaigns always be ng out a good deal of mad stinging That #8 what wakes any outstanding wen Sght shy of polities stav at-home vale never | v elteet an tha © Wake i WAL he veswli aviary, of an aleehian, save ely i ---------- A ROwsSpRBeTAR in looking as ihe Roginning of a period road Ww Wm which he Many Thaesday SAR TRIM 10 normal hows of sleep Ve suppose thal, in spite of all the torrie things hoon saving abont each othew opposing will be shaking hands they have candidates all over Onitaii WIRATOW gh Otner Editors' Comments WEAR "ENOUGH (Newsastle Courier) ¢ English sshuthey wha de PA "elation" as the method usd We Amerien for putting 10 death was ah the right triek HIYWAY HOW TROUMLES TART (Human Herald) Fhe od wes penslans ars bringing aut wane naveltiss rth Wy min has applied for Tis ile imeome hil alleges that he i veirs il ie He) Hh ved In North Buy for venrs, That 18 enough (a sesure hie Wis pension snywiy, pon WHEN WERK CARELESS (Pudlmun Naww) Whe paplor wis examining ene of the younger elasnse, spd asked the funtion, "What wre the slug of ambumlant" After a little njlenee ANE Yung ledy offered "Plaine, WF, Lhay've sine we aE 0 have committed and have wh AGE TO YOUTH (Now Outluek) A little mere madesty an the {ian af wlder people night prevent hu hiving sa meh ta say agsinst the yong men and wamen of edi wine te think wb 0 suis wf we wburer people hive net msde seh # tremendous sneeess of our ves and ob aie tisk of Tanning the world that we sin wltard 1a he oa sntiesl ol withers, IT TAKER MONEY (Las Anpeles Limes) Come tg BEuie 1 up, thers pan he mueh ehunie for seanuimny in June neying by Zeppeling 16 takes 4 grew GF barby To babe cure af Twenty pass enEers hen 1 needs wo ground teres af several hundred men when the ship in taking oft, Absa It requires whout a welthon dollars' worth of pu heen t0' hanidle the erowds when RORLREtE wre made CANADIANS ABROAD (Bl, Jahn be A Jaurnal) Wien the Biafe Mussaehusetis wibnted § state au hh ub rie faherion 1 toma om in a nidive of Chatham, NH, Mr, Zonas, A Howes wha wih unde a student mo Bing Jahn hina been wppainted ta the pos Hon ab superviser, He (sv une of 4 wreat number of New Hrunswiek men who, when young, went ta the New beniland Bates and wttnined sucoens in Nil HE OTHER BIDE (Western Produesy) business wen im Moantresl huenune Hh Lanndiun sell wheat al Ban We vena Armes doo He prices aftered We are nut autaoriged fa miki alter on hehalt of the wheat hut we venture t PATHE TREE OF Turin Bie iieiis and nousehold nessasibies will lower the prices when the western farmers NEL Gare 10 pay the prices asked fa those commodities, & Working rangement could he resehed with His gentiemen In Montreal | Giie tn win pul BUBB est that if Hn TORONTO'S WAY (NAMA Pals Review) hey do many things differently Mo arenta than anywiers vias ih the pravines: There 18 4 vReuhey oi the hydra soniniasion thers and the only Wen taneds=and ily palnelets that of 8 Wan whose ghiel elim 1a the ales would seem Tact that hw Hala HIOLHNG, Was | hydia enous guniifneation should he the sush ap uve WRIIE RRFIOueLY doehined hy the 10 he the RR Wan wh nm his BUPONM pratapeniat fur Phat 15 nut Merit, not heredity puting prineiple In Eny potent Hits of Hwmor A --------" Jal nt) Phe man whe gles In when he I Whe, ald Lhe uraiag, (UI wise mai, But the wan who sived In when he ta Plght as UMarried, | sald 8 weak voles 1a the audianes, «= Hellovitle, Owl THE PROFESSORS TRIUMPH Ahient=Minded Professor (de MEhiondly )==Naw then, my dean who's absentsminded® 've hraught name my umbrella and yours, (and His Wile Nalther af us oak one aul==The Humerist, London AlEhLY, sain Prossinan Uinein and John Nelson Maviin 1a he tallest nawapapey In United Btates, died in wath He was six feel, seven aneshall nolo tall Joseph Murphy, nm Lawn, Mass, %\ ted ta he the son of WH Win eed wn apple an he hd, Mis frlend Alfred Howard, Ww Wh mo Tell with an aly hie hal eh in the olin Bulieet of Great Belial, Be AN John Lomas, superintend ent of University Hoapital, was AWMOnE 340 altens wha heoame oil gona of the Untied States Wy averting Alestance 10 oRuRIY mith, FTO fay Peiralt apeakin W meeting tn SL Anthony Sehaal prambiad IF eleoted ta Taltiate MAVEMBRL 10 campbell State a give pltion veapeciahle share af automa he welght and analine lanes Olttag votnive $5,080 & Year perv Wis 00 matisnanes of WARK Hanes within thelr baundar fon, Farmar Judie Charles Baw les, a opponent demanded that My Amith doting plattarm, John W Mayer of Obetnes an Qrawih w Awl he wont down with thom, and same 19 Nazareth, ax Wan shir wire them but hin wethe ol Whede SAVINGS Wher heath, And losis fereaned in wisdom and stature, and Ww HNN with Gad and Ll Lak ¢ "asus Wy NE Ring Lot wie of earth Thy Bkeness wean" Wate | That Boby of Pours Hy i W BDarten, M.D GAB PRESBURE ON HEAD (Hogimered In Aeeordanes with the Copyright At) Baume yeurs Ben | wrote shayt # anbient wha wal sanvinesd that he abd heart digeape, © and that Bi Lenvl wil greatly anlavied, By the une Gf the Huareseops ind & mi par he win ahile to wes hie heart and tint 6 wan of normal wage, Hay aver he wing saw a Lurie vound oh laet henesith We heart whicl wis In feel mi necumulation af kaw in Win wtamueh It wal the presse of thin gin that was disturbing Wis hearl 8 pon, Hy bending Wid body fram win ta wide he dulndeed the Fas and felt all vleht at ones Naw thls cantition of gas farmn tan wither In the stamurh ar in (eating tu very eommaon, and the NYaRsITE AEaInki thee hehyl AR1INpy svmplama, that while nal penlly ARNPRYONIN, HYE fue alarming In tha nitient hn teanhie aed men wha nee nhyslont ean/itionm tune nf fond antan arotaa, ton mueh gan Is farm wh vn feeling pf fil anid heart heat, Ag and fasting af an arenes ino middie nanny tn gann hint nwing tn the and lark nf py Than In sn with a1 helehine NAKK Inpns ni Whers ran! heart tha natant When tn Ya on ihe ide, wharans snffareps Fram hi aan formation Whe tn He An tha eft ine heennan they find that tha wh fram tha verian nf the audekily in this Alaanen avin plot IAVAR BWA heart mueh ineditinn Naw wi Hon mon f canses this pEAREN EA Kinds af fands and Hapt onan ne tha most fMarinin ivinks, whinh tha Hy pamamhap, fn navi ranIAN Manstinatinn f¢ Nn iw fantap And Wn vi inl i neh a whinh 1h Hn LCT UL ¥ ni fal nl Hn ansn of the mn fawn nn " UI AL nel fl inhi nine hints hig We nm tan | t Ahetinatn pane The nap nf anem ne Intpptinn amavas gas foam niasiines Nan't wares ahant yang find out whether 1 Is & ¥ to atlment, ar SURLY EUS DIONE heart | AVERR John HW, darpells, sditor of the Part Wath (Tevan) Popes, LURE FHAY advertislng has pray od Ha soundness thn fravall that wn wnsaund idea would have fallen wndey When ane sanstders advertising that has heen the stunts and features that Mean nothing tn the way af yeturas io the ndvertiser the falsahioads that Rave heen told-=tha Righ proasure afforts ta met up a false aniline atrueture=-he sannat help hut Way vol at the ability af advertising ta continue tu anid Banis tha "Hp sahil Advertising has bonne @ orn hadee 18 well 1 bn sound and has peaved Ia sanndness Whpreyer there 1s & wellamade product that sells for & Pease rive, advertising will halp place that praduet tn (he hands of the Pansney Advertising 15 not # PARA ool, hut BE will anil honest ands AL A aie pres, despite hW ahwses tn Which 1 has hoon suhjeetoad, ZION BRIEFS Oct. 2b Mp, and Mes, AY Statnton, John and Llavd, spent Bun dav with relatives wn Thrania £ion Misses May and Dora Hall wei Sunday guests of Misa Bvhil Lang wid, Oshana Mp and Mes, Ross West and ehikd vou and Mes, Maw! Maitland, Osh awa, visited at Anson Balsons 1 Veuhy Mp Alhert ram visiing and Lakepoit Al alld Rely Kathleen visited the Mi Hoth Cameron, - at Bungay Rev, My wok the Rov Ay Hist charge), Ww returned Hops Hillis relatives Tas at an Cameron and former's waste, Lyons, wi | Runner, of Rowwmanvitiy | service hove very wively Miok was at Ivanhoe, (hs | ARWILREIATY ae vives on Shay fast Meo and Mes, Flier \Vithwe and Mrs John Balson attended the weet en Boawmanvitie Monday wight wt My Brags Myr and Mis, Stuart Hall and fam iy of Linde Beta, called on Aw son and John Rabon's on Sanday Nori to hear at Mg AW NL Ba one has had & sovore stroke, paral ste hia (hrest and yah wile A hank Ww Londen Was fnstalted A slavaiar fad \ SHOWER 18 oar A WOR dawn Hs wadergoung | ATONE TOO, ALK CLAIMS B4 1AVES VROM civ MEER AVKER! with the finding of considerahle | MITwiiikes Fwelve hodies om wreckage from # large ship near Membr ol bik w Hove aig ip Ww : i hy wo phiopgraph shows Waclne, Wis, The Milwankes had # the MI ankiee A whi Ag fun vow of Bd men snd offleers 808 | Gn the fee off Goand Haven Inst Wil on voute ta Geant Haven from! yesy ANNUAL GHEAT LAWNS All hope that the big cay Terry, the Milwaukes, operated hy the Grand Teunk Hoes, hind weathers the two anil wn half day gale on VALL thelr furniture ta For | who Mighigan, was swhundoned Katherine Tompson, of Whithy, Me, sgiment of Will Hell, af Kinsale, were Bunday | onto Monday 1} A ALVNOSCHPRI | Sis, a ds i oe we HAS ANNIVERSARY ic. i a it and Mes, Far and family, ol} 1 eral hosp itul iL were visitors on Bunday f cEdnabion TI] Rev, J, H, Stainton, Cours tice, Prenches Special Mr, und Mrs, W, Lurdan f IT! fl § IT} 1] Sermons lity and Mes, W, Liingisgn, of Lh ¢ ih "ri Ta ih inked an Bundy with MM Joseph Ashby liye # paod Him Fhe terrible wind this pa A aver the pieking hun he fant Wile fallal Hit inl Janis } Wik ¢ 8 pond Heap Leip a Hallowe'en Boelg!l on Fue i lise § ree Gh ENE hosl Lune iis Wnday struyed Y OMIM lang wi CHE the a 1 ying he vont wi ud rin wlio en ¥ fey dumps Li | I" His (US Wenning ean hart and Mrs Bar hey in wre J wha wey fn the Allan FE leod the weston wf Almopde sie | diay did eonslderahle vere blown down and ippten ganped up off the ground ars lett their dwellinus, The ebm ney with blown off Mrs, Mael HE eben WEEN | house and wn portion of the veranda \ Wal sped HAETERE 10 ane af Aland s turner f Mr. Righard Bee house Wi 18 the Fesidente, in the person of Kev, Hi hlawn down and mueh more destri Luelph ard Btn, HA, BD, af Canrtie tan armas throug how Parsdng, of Darlington, anai eatern Cinta wid east of Faron ed on the Hun! exereise I hie whi IT ee nme of high ely i ROUFIN MIN [£5 letan, and Genrgs Wilson ure EXE wis "SYWhy sib ve hey Hyianippe af this Hpe apps SF SIY H RT visiting other parts af the pit wineg and aeguiring mueh valuable John Cowle Fell While Pik: | ing Apples, Breaking Collar Bone and Sev: eral Ribs n pe In the villling wl and wis « Many residents of furm guthered ange auain nm th i tle white ehuwrelr whish they ol HURL BRIIY ERS BURY FER BUEERE ore f J Fo Yui dnd § lave \ COUT I Ih lil Interest (0 ous alaek Judging ip Aurienlturg wWil's find tn Lady until w lis Hustiuting th reward | FER ela ihe wi) FREE In this en Hed wpe he appointees im & Christian lar HH the reaeh Fhe ghwieh aE ad vel many will not as GUE 0 the house HHered tw wl hy wll Hi Ww Huvh ul Lal, Uh 8 and My On oddity Is that Merle pl Baar of (he AMerioan gine, 1a not related 1a the pity Who publieh I, Crow Mugh Orowel Hum Adres HHLEFRGON Jil on tan of I b the pr AHO wong tempes Hy fue Griiniva Hixer, Mexles TRUNON Bank, HOVER Dassen to the hottom, Hepehan und ne trees of the bodies hw savers! ar sillgntore HW matm Heham f A] Mes, TI LOPE want Heown win visitor ayer the nd LU Phylis Gerow and Miss taken up vestdense In Apts: far the winter Foashy moved a enn HW Hes the sue CL CTT TE Character Hal hive tor he BVeRing servies IVER + INIT WHE Bheeially | wed vary ohn and Riown have WEPIFREIONG | the Kdpewnnd HUE Wan HW and Mi far Hi WIE iy Tove CIORELY he Bhara wih fF Ihe speaker, hime # BHeviewing Hw wm Wis avi Ve | pects to wend neal B,000,.000 slik handkarehiofs to th Untied Etates this year JAPAN 8 | Gf the edhureh tin saiple af th ah E--. -- SroBIE-FORLONG 8 STOUR BUNDLN GRAIN ead Office Retord A Bullding AND WELLINGTON 8 F, EVERSON, i" Munager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EASY, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 Han hy wed HLT HBR open Whithy Wiy furithe witended f Fig f i" Ha Annes Epi weather is Cy SS Ca Hay LEER THE NATIONAL Resumes Service November Ist TORONTO = WINNIPEG Will leave Toran 8,00 paw, BT, Nov, In Arvive Fudbuey 5.40 am BT Nov, dad Arrive Winnipeg 8.45 am, BT, Now 3nd Connections at Winnipeg for all Western poinin EQUIPMENT AMPATMERt = Ohaes auan Library NY adie Range \ alot Nerviee, opr Bleeping Can Tourist Bleeping on and Dining Can III Qangisy ) | Norma Fy Mitl wi YOArS, @& PHHORIRL gay ROVER Bun He wird wa audiences with every nu Lay my head heneath a Rose Miliuin Hal { Hialme relies when plenty neh wily fen Hue und pd of sand Last Telp Ars and eoftee were Lhe sliver golieetion tar the amaunted st fifteen dollars | Av WS Righardson Monday for Deloware whey HOVER With relatives Tar sey ral weeks alsa visting other elles Mp, and Mes, Pilkey, 8p, of Pik ering visited on Runday with My and Mes, Robert Pilkey My, and Mis. BE, Phelps, of Polues Athert, were Sunday. visitors wih Me and Mes, TC Osborne and at tended anniversary servives Mr, and Mes, FUT Rowe, Me Vir non Rowe, Mus, WW, Kewip, Misses LL. Rowe and Gi Kemp were Sunday vistors with Me and Mes, 1, M Mareambe Me Win, Aves, Me Robin Nichol SIRNA, Were on, Rev Harold guests of My WN Mis. A \W. Rich ad Hoan Holl, Miss Aardson on Sunda Misses Audrey Il . l | i CVeRing ( ONFEDERAT 10N Hm Hi I i hil fit | 3 ol TT .- ah Je A GAGHURG NAR RAY ABFA AIH TRAM LR: SA > cieng an d SKNill can make noe better floors Art none more beautiful ALTA SRE WR AT \ PEEL ER YY 3 TW, 4 TRICK SOM. ANY, LINED Oshawa, Ontavle RATA I RC RN YERERYEY RNY Phowes 230 & 18