HON. J, R, GONKF SPAKE AT RATY OF CAVSFRYATIVES (Continued fram fram page #) od My, Mason, very ear owner in the oo bra Hea saved $100 per yt of py and th Hy hatter hig J] en a va ithe Ir io ie " a ment o a" oh Join hay haw uly hrtafly on the wih "of the health department, ap" vleultural department and social lemimlation, He Jauded the gov: ernment ph My, for the estab: Hahment of Juvenile courts, T, HW. Vvevson's Tetley "Phere were the most exiravis gan wiatements in the letter pub fuhed In the Oshawa press Hatir any, aver made In any letter pub: Hahed In any press In Canada," wild My, Mason, raferving to a lel ter written hy 1, HW, Wverson In The Times, nections fram which he Auoted, Me deulared that one man who owned over 400 teuses In the oity, told him thet eollestions of monthly payments on houses sold by Wi, ware the best now (hey have been In yok, Housing Commission Vigurey Mr, Mason dsclared that, out of iT nomes hullt by the Oshawa Houning Commission, U6 had heen totally paid for In 10 ros 0 OF WN hile § u 3, vr Joo, ihdar th the 18, | L n 10EN, and ih aie in H 1, ono Aver, #h, Hine orev 4 hore on Our 00, Then, arei, l dig Children's Shelter Onhiawn's contributions to (he Chfldran's Whalley, which ware hised on a sevinin sum per Inmate fi ¥) wi eel 0 in n 1 Hr $E0A0,7H in f, wald the b be declaring Arh this refuts the statements made in the let tor that the popu ition of tha Ohi dren's Bhelter had Inovensed, v, Manon further sald that Oshawa's payments to Industrial sehools, made an the same hasls as pays ments to the Children's Bhelier, ware BE, U10.00 In THER, BE 888.70 in 1087, and 81,484 In Th ny 1 ANKINTY Cuticura MOLD BVH Boop Ble, Ointment Bhs; and BH Address Unnadian Depots 4, 7, TT rTP rrr rrr rrr rrrry GET RID OF DANDRUFY Cuticura Soap DR" Cutionrn Mhaving Siiek he, INING ED BY Ointment HYWHENRN 0 Talowm Bie, Nomple sack bes, Walt Company, 14d, Maniresl INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN AINIERN « COOL IN BUMMAR SIFTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, , TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1929 "4 want Lhe ROWSPADOF LHL pub whed thet letter to give Lhe wine prominenes Lo theses figures,' sel ar, Mason, Lass Lhan 10 per sont of the par onis whose children "0poured in the davont ie Court drunk lguor, he sald Replying to the statement fn the otter that the Oshawa police fovee nad heen doubled under the LUA, Mr, Mason said that, in 1087, there were 14 policeman In Oshawa for a population of 80,600, while now them oar, w os Nocaman for & pop plat im of Jina 38.080, Union is & wide qm 4 the fol party," he suid, slerved to his 0 i attitude ont eh supporting the ldaquor ontrol Aet us "real temp- orance" Mr, Mason persisted in saying | that he didn't know where My, Hine dinir stood on the Hguar question, In Ontario we have two Brest par ion, but only one great leader, he seid, In closing, Mr, Mason ap penled to the oltikens for support on his 4 record, Mrs, Jougheed wpake - the record of the Ver Auson government, The Verguson government promised Lo reduce the service charge to rural hydro us ars, No farings oan afford to pny 4.00 per nh per 100 are farm UN Rh Nery na a' A " ydro i lone, he nid wall lnrge y on de visa ariaren of hi Dram for, Mus, Lookle modestly bibs that sha was 'one of the venient temperance workers of 'pronto,' Whe sald that the 0.7, A. worked for less than thres yeary and vehemently supported Govern ment Control, Gol, © Williams, Taronto, deciay od that education was the only per: wild that, through seduction ape manent method of temperancs, He routn for drunkenness tn England hind dropped from 808,000 in 1014 to 88,000 In 108K, Open bars were flourishing In the United Niates, he wild, and 14,600 ware arrested In Wanhingion last year 8 against 4,000 In Ontario, for Avinkenness fn 108K, He decried rule b Hablaeite,=="anything but that," ve dselaved, He ohnllenged W, ¥, N, Sinelaly, "If alaoted, will he demand that Prohibition he made a prime lasne in the next federal election eam palun, The was not a provinelal guantion hut a federal one, he wyid Hon, J, WN, Cooks Nao slate or provines had to Is oeredit. move social or*moral legis Intion than Ontario, sald Hon, J A. Cooke, minister without port follo tn the Ferguson eabinet, He mentioned the Workmen's Com nanantion Aot anit the Mothers' Al owanntes, He said that the OW Awa Panslons Aot and the Liguer Contral Aot would he amended an nually," until Ontario noted for tha best temperancs leglalation In the world Mr, Ninelair's of Taronte, program of re duesd taxation Is the hest fairy story | have ever heard, It In nie nolutaly impossible to inerease the Nrants to the various purposes he sugested and paleo reduce tasat fon," he sald, The demand for wap vies wan steadily inoreaning, Hon My, Onoka deolared, The Gasoline Tax the gasoline tax hefur "will ATTEND lows w= Election Returns WILL BE ANNOUNCED RY The Oshawa Daily Times TOMORR JW The Armourlies STARTING AT 7.30 P.M, A special wire will bring to the Armouries the results in South Ontario and in the province as a whole, BOTH CANDIDATES IN SOUTH ONTARIO WILL DDRESS THE GATHERING THE Wisi ARE IALLY THE AR RMO THE RESULTS Extra Editions hii extra editions, to be sold at J cents a copy, will be issued as 8.30 pm, ==Giving result of election in South Ontario, 10 wm. Giving tatulte vf Sigtion over the pro Vinee up to that houn Special Telephone Service Through the courtesy of the Robert Simpson Company, Limited, Bat Telephones will be Abe provided for» for anaweririg telephone enquiries To eel BRERA A820 Resuus Whi EP HONE 4 ENO. Shy Red Rendon, SM RETURNING OFFICERS -- Telephone Reeults to No. 38 NIGHT IES TO RECEIVE wmanville Exchange. \ INVITED 10 PAGE FIVE is the ther Increased raised $10 400.004 to he Tig hi A ' the gasoline tax not all ied 4 i» ") sonstrustion of highways," 8 aloar, i sledtor, our question is not You'll have to take another lesson from Mr, Bincinie, win Mr, Conka's thrust, "The gasoline tax 1s the fairest tux ever imposed in this provines, henge I ftaposes Lhe tax Aiveetly on the user of the rondn,' he said, The provinces obtained an Ane ual revenue of $4,000,000 from the amusement tax which way nan urnied in 1016 when the OT, eae Into sftact and the provines ont. the vevenue from lyuor I: "enue, he wild, Hater ns to the hydro question, Han, Mr, Cooke, declared govern: handed to rural elastrie ne én f,000,000 tn a free gift, The present proponed reduction In the Narvice charge to rural consumers was the heat investment that sould onibly he made for smriculture kasping the youh on the farm, A wil It win impossible to have pro- hibitlon while the federal govern: ment way allowing manufacture, he sald, "The most potent voles In bringing about prohibition In 1016 was G, Howard Verguson,' wild Mr, Cooke, "How many wer mons on prohibition have heen prenched before a Dominion sles ton? In thera any more efectiyn protection that ean he given to the dintiller and hreworlog than dis traoting attention fram the Ved oral government that allows them to manufaeurs and to tum I upon the Liquor Control Ast," hn sald, declaring that he way son. fident that the Verguson govern: ment would he returned, ELECTION WIRE SFRVICE AT THE LOCAL ARMOURIES -- (Continued from page 1) thy provines as Is avaliable, The second extra will he on sala be tween H.80 and 10 o'clock, and It 1s expected that hy that time suffiolent of the results through out the provinee will ba avallahle to show the trend of the selection It will he apparent hy that hour, WL least, whether the government hig haan wsustalred or In Hkely to mast with defert, Bvery affnrt will be made to give thess extra editions to the puhlle as santly as possihia after sufficient results are Avaliable, wo that no eltisen need in hone without knowine how the elertan wenerally 18 molng, Tolophone No, $000 A third feature of The Times service will be the siving of re Aults hy telephone, Thraunn the oouriesy of the Robert Himpson Gampany areaneaments have heen made to uss the battery of sleven toalaphone Hines In that company's stare far pivine aut Information on the results, The number of the telaphnnes there In 2000, Epeoin) note should he made of this num her, an Interested eltisans snaking Informaton enn secure It hy tele fhaning No, 8000, tha vesviar fines at The Times oflea helng vaneryed for Ineoming onlin, with Whedivinton results, fram the re enng nfleers, Therefore, when whine Information resavding re Wie, telephonn No, 8000 Whithy readers oan serira In armation hy palling No, 404 and Tawmanvilla renders bv ontling No 4 on thaty awn. aveha nes Ta Notuenine Offonrs Returning afMoarn wil) A railap talanhnnn nimhar of ha Pimen, Na, A510 sendin pes a far thelr dlviatons, and, as ad phave, thay ars anpnastly nented ta telenhoana them as nan tha anunt In anmnlatad AY tha Avm where tha Wa nea tn ha annaunsad, hat! VAR ates In tha Banth pid "oof fntarin will ha present By Address the wathering of farm FADTRS CLOCE ALLL \ Wining CAMPAIGN TODAY (Continued fron from page 1) | one in i J at night VNR meting 18 beitng brondeast storday he had a busy day on stern Ontario, At Picton he ad anol one of the largest meetings the eampaten, Ho then jumped to eollle Jn East Hastings, the rid wool H, Ireland, Conservative Wp Mavic he had apoken Ww Apanee Note of Confiden Ho voiced a note of confidence last why, Soman On the wise of his cotlngs, Liberal enthusiasm wan Nan Shiuurhout the provinee, he Wd, l Lhenthie, were interest in the Liberal policies, He aon asta hia with LW COnRRrvative woting at Massey Hall last week, nd the Ferguson banquet at the op ning of the campaign, The POR wore no longer interested tn the pre wer, and the government The rowds at they Wort were nat hat thoy expected, This ate claimed, that the government was wo and mare on the defensive, hoy were not able to keep wp te (0 pace they set themselves at the art of N CAMPAIRIN L) Farmers To the farmers of Ontarle he gave The, POR RENT = Seven roomed belek hover with garage. Doabrable hoon: Won, Rent vonsnable, Apply 4 NR. LUKE IRM Theres Bik, Fee $1 4 vislives it they wished 1o pay he pres sent heyy tises coupled with the ad divionat levy on the mumkbipnlitics or Old Ape Ma and the pros pect of increased school limes through the premiers educational po lie On the other hand, he said, th (#10 verge offered them relief = frum coptribution ta provineisl highways rahef from the levy for Old Age Pensions and a general survey of tax atlon, with & view to mare squitah) distribution af the sost eof govern ment, nr (By W, R, Whes , Canadisn Froese Bralf rian) London, Oct, Me), G, Lethbridge lender of the provinelal Progressive party, his closed his public speaking campilgn and awaits the results ol orig LOMOTTOw, i Manar Fark, 11 touching the ety himite of the fly of a, the Froures fve ehieftil made | fina 1 " to ik elegtars uf est Middlesex last n Following an Account @ hs ardship os 4 ua Meher af t inhi re West Wines foo ather vigorous attack on th 4 or Control Act and Its sponsors, Mi, Lethbridge injected a new note in his publis uilerafnices when he de elared that the "Whispering Cam iin had made Its wppearance in 10 Aonitithency, Mr, Lethbrie fe Is ongpucd inn theeescornered hight in West Middle sex apiingt Conservative and Libera) oppenents, Neither of these, he sald hk received the endorsation of the whlen, The Rule For "Onside Pass' The Interpretation of the out wide pass code, ax agreed to hy John patiruchy, Hamilton Cassels und William Poulds, at the U, of T, Stadium on Baturdny, Oct, 19, Is ws follows] It an eligible man of the throw ar'y wide deliberately hats the ball forward, the unotfending side will have the ball where the offense ooeurred, (New Rule) If an onside pass Is onught sim ultansously hy a player of the Jounar 4 plde, and hy an opponent, t shall belong to the side putting the ball inte play, Page 80, Rule I, Bection B, A oleanly onught hall 1s one which does not touch another play or or the ground, Definition Upon an allgible recalver af thi thrower's side falling to" make a glean ontoh, the ball Instantly he comes offside ta every one of the passer's side, and all must give yards, an on the klk Rule X,, Heotion 6 If a defending side fumbles thn hall forward, it may he recovered by any man of his side who was onside, subject to Rule X,, governs ing offuldes=that 1s, he and the men who were hehind him may reonver it Hooking at the receiving end of the pasa 1s tn be treated the same as hlooking fn the case of an onslde klok A play from a fake onside pass ts to he treated the same as a fake onside kiok Hea Paragraph #4 Heotlon 7 Page 00, Rule omits the words, pane,' Page 44, Heotlon 6, reference should be Rule X,, Bection 6 ONNIDE PANN PENALTIES FOR INFRINGEMENT OF RULKN Loss of One Down and Hose rd ur 1, Must he thrown from § yards hehind the Hine of serimmane B. Pass must eross the line of sorimmage; (a) IF It touches the wround, A, Must not go out of hounds without tauehing a plaver, 4, It pase orosses Bh-vard tne fa) oanght hy eligible wan of thrawer's side, Vil, Beotlon ® Yar hy onslde the eas to voty fur the onsar: | First Quality borders, tity lasts, One Hundred Pairs of Ibex 12-4 Blankets at 14 2. Have Been Reserved For A Great ONE DAY SALE On WEDNESDAY Phone orders will be filled as long as quan- largest size == White with pink or blue STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Lows of One Down and Ton Yards I, Pass must eross the line on serimmaner (hy IF 10 White throw or's slide (klek) g, If the pans is gleanly eaupght hy allgihle man, who then makes wn offalde pass Hoe Hule XII Bootlon "8 (a) (nw) If yards have not heean made or have bean made 8, Pass onught or touched hy in: | ellgihle man-=that I» Hneman outside wings not on extremity of Hane, or halfhaoks not one yard be hind line quarterhnok-=shnil he theomplete Page 44, § ton #, has heen violated 4, Pass touched hy eligihle man then fumbled hy defensive (n) forward==hall 1s frea tn passers slide and to player on defensive sida who 1s onside, subleet to Hulse X. governing offside BK, If pass first touched hy de fonslve man, wha fumbles (tn) forward==hall is free to passers slde and ta players of defending wide who were onside, suhjeot to Rule X,, governing offside fl, A defense man who hats hall forward Page 81, Heetlon 14 7. Dafense hloecked or interfer od with when not In Interfarence gone §, Recommended rule: Tf a play or Intentionally grounds the pass that 18, throws It with na Inten tion of having It caught, it shall he Hepa! or Won Foss of Hall 1, Pass must oross the ine of ET RA povimmage; (a) Hf bhloeked hy op ponent 4, Puss must not he thrown on third down I, If puns hits an ellgihle player and gos inte touch without hit ting ground, I, If puss orosses Bh-yard line (0) If hall is dead on greund or fumbled hy opponents hehind 86 a Hie Kligihle vecelver hlocked any where hut on Hane i, Wligihle vecelver of thrower's wide bats the ball (a) forward Loss of Ball and I5 Yards 1, If the pass Is incompleted, that 18, not eleanly caught hy the revelver, the ball hecomes offside to avery ane of the passev's side, eluding the passer, who must all giva yards, as In the klek Hen Rule X,, Beotion 4, » B, Wilgihle receiver of thrower's pide bats the hall (bh) backwards pass not completed, and # yards required A, IF the pass touches, in sue passion, two eligihle men of pass or's wide, 1t 18 Ineompleted, as Page HE, Rule XH, last paragraph, nas heen violated, It makes no differ ones whether second man was on sglde ay not 4, If two ellgihle plavers of thrower's side simultaneously oatoh the hall, the second one 18 Ineligl ble, Hea Hection § above Pall advanced as far as possible, yi with option of serimmage on £6 yard line IT puss orosses §6-yard line and Is recovered ¥' Befending wide, CAR WRECKED, DRIVER HURT Brookville A Windsor sedan, driven by a man hy the name of Delong, of Montreal, was badly wrecked on Baturday afternenn when It wrapped itself about a tele graph pole near Mallorytown when the oar left the highway on a curve, he pole was hroken off hy the forea of the fmpact and the upper portion of the ear was smashed al most heyend vepaly, The driver sustained bad cute ahout the hands and arms and also severe hrufaes do the shoulders, He was attended hy Dr, J, A, MeBroom and the ear was taken in eharge hy Firth-Nash Motors for vepalrs, vn PR an mm HOW DO YOU FERL WHEN You WAKE? That 1a when to find ent how your aystem Is, Have you A heavy, sligpiah feeling? Uncertain stomae or headache? Hun-down ov dinsy? Ia JACK'S LAN alnang, stimulate and idneys, liver, stomach, orks $id ty and sure, Pure vegetable, [4] Per Dox at all drug stores, WOW EE Sold Hy oF, W Thompson, Dyunwist, Do You O List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectovy! PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simos Ba Seo Deliver Machinery y Repairing | NUTHIANG NOTHING DOO SMALL Acanac Machine Shop 61 Ring 9 W, hone 1914 wn Your Own Home S00 CANN w= Balance wn ront==0 roomed belek oot» NEO All CORVONIOROns, North 88800, You can buy it for SBI00, DISN RY Phone 1680 Roth tnd Greed Wa oh CuuraNy A Albert Ntreet Phones BO & 18%, STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St, Apply AMES & CO. 188 areet W Qahawa, ne ne ee We have several desirable honses fo Night eatin 810-1000 oh King St, Wes