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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1929, p. 6

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E OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, O OP) f 29, 1929 i a or pl ny ry Women's Interests in the Home ~ and the Community Social and Personal AVES IATTLE THINGH There was not mush to do, Just one snail 4 8 oh hand small seed: To in re and there, ui ol ue time had passed, haved Wagrant, swost, and fair, There was not mush to do, just one oT. of "dav 0 and fears, and ore, wl thar years hind passed, a woul Grown to a beauty rare, Thats HORE shah odds and ends, |¥ [] 'e raps hardly ry the wh ; Io} But 'tls the i hand-the cheer that ss That smooths life's mile, ing, hl "y ha - ol'! nr , My y out 0 Mitanen it Toronto spent "last weeki-on ith Miss Dovis sme rowclongh, Jook LA Misses Helen Worden and Rita Johnson of Tovento were (he Shests of Mr, aud Mw, Drew, Are ur Breet, . Mrs, George Worthington of Be. teolt, Mieh, is visiting Mr, and ve, Robt, Keel and Miss Hambly, nekingham Me, Mr, and Myvi, I, V, Hogarth and Saughter and Mwy, JI, Rogers and | J ers of Whithy » on Me day wit triends in in Orilll Miss Kvangeline 'oanine, Reg: N, of Ottawa veturned home Bune any after sponding # very Pleasant week with her slater, mn B Parks, Ar ington Ave. Archie MeDonald, mon fs, N., who accompanied a party from Ton vonto on & hunting trip in the sountr near North Bay, returned home last unday, . LJ Miss Bisanor MeLaughlin leaves today for Boston; #88, Where she will he riding some of her horses in 8 number of Horse Shows there, eo will he out of town for abou two weeks, In hener of Mise Heangeline Darlin Ottawa, her sister, Mrs, i, entertained at WF an party ¥rl ove. her hime y gton lin Mr, and Piares, My, and bi a i Y roek-strewn wil e, Mv, and My, Hartwig, tie le MV WEDDINGS CARPENTER-=MeVHAN A pretty autumn wedding of much jpuaten took place al the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wiliam MoVean, North street, Dresden, on Haturday even: ing, at 0,80 o'clock, when thalr daughter, Frances Maud, w was Uhl pd ad In matriage to 10 Raymond ter, of Oshawa on MN non of Sar ate Mw, oo. Mra: A Carpenter, On, Pi Rev, Dr, Hen Oba , ungle of the bride, d the marriage ceremony, yA ov, Ueorge GO, nor, ellow and hronse autumn flowers, terns and palms were used to de Hg "the vecaption hall, and pink io in pro rooms, Down gh alale " pink de and w rlovme he ids wae ohATM ns 2 gown of ivory bridal satin uneven hemline touehing her slipper heels, Her tulle vell with aque hand embroidery was noid in 08, Hpanish fashion, with w Wu of pearls, e wore white of oh sll Abele and oarvied & shower | Shh a and A roses, 4 t 0, Might, o | in er Asters Tatron of in 10, Was a printed ohitfon froek a . roid and vielet with Soith wag of Ae lnshing N the Noer | fultie n band TETAS 08} rob the wride : a Danch tatt Vela BOW With green 4 KEY atin Apne wna Garry orn f | WaH Wik br v Billy Mer #an, 0 %, nephew of the bride, in fi of navy blue velvet carried rig on a white satin cushion, Little Miss Mary Might, of Torento, niete oi the bride, in a pink organdw trilled frock, floor length, and oarrying an old-fashioned nosegay of rose ui "nd sorn flowers, was 6 awget aud dainty flower § 4A pi gus Mitchel, of Oshawa, was hem man, During the signing of he vediuter, Miss Dovothy Very, of Chatham, oy Aelighitully "On s. Ei ter the ceremony ) Jar Lv Mrs, Mes veut: In bride, wae be nely Ay model of nts reen LIARAPAYSNL # handsome velvet With eovsage of Ameriean Beauty roses, A huffel supper wis served, the dining-voom helng very attractively done In yellow and mauve, Miss Annie Vranels, Miss Joan Baek hur, Dorothy Dunk oh fon | Bag on, Wall, Hettle oyon Mayhon, Md sigh Holm Ay oo. givl friends of the vide, made charming assist. ants, Mr, and Mys, Carpenter lett Inter hy moter an a honeymoon in Northern Ontario and Quebee, traveling the bride chose a -- model yo ot printed crepe, elie Ey Riel veen hroads Hh oe y tur trims oh m yn oh, bow ad urse and gloves On thelr return they will reside In Oshawa, The real possession " the abil ir to appreciate, Kdward Robi PEPLUM £'LHOUETTR All smart college girly are ghoos- this swank model for semisaports slong, It {a new version op h Atlhouette 40 BugEestive of rin. ooh | ines 8 a model that is smartly becoi: Ao the 0 of ave Mure, t's interpreted in featherweight woalen which is so ane ly Ah one able an well as practical, A suede helt indicates Jouth ul ra ined Walsts AL neckline with a turn-over th knoted bow tle, is soli 3a Py Long dartsfitted sleeves have neat turnshack ouffs, The eirenlar skirt sways beautifully in Jnotion " e i" a Style No, 716 is designed in slaes Hl, 1 an 2 a a © saving hy na Ww J y remarkable, And when fi SRK ust A {on ANE to yo will inehude it in your ke a NX in very sant "weal yl Ld Hh Worn we rs Mp © fhe whi iy Cuifs mate oF Made Erongraie on red printed gid Jersey, 'ohbate brown flat ph orepe, amy hlue canton erepe, black spe (HY wil printed sheer 'eet " rie h wine foil tones are Weal select at price 20 cents, in Ma or coin (coin preferred Wrap pe We est that when you send for pat ay you enclose 10 wn A Ait ow for Pr an of our haw \l ashion Magasin and Winter PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON a XR By Re Wana aes SRR aman A > antl Belgium and Italy Figure in Royal Romance CHOWN PRINCE HUMBERT AND Interesting royal vomance I confipmed In the pecent announces ment of engagement of Crown Prince Humbert of Maly and Prine gens Marie Jose of Belglom, thely marviage, so It In veported, to take place In Homo within 40 anys An we CONDUCT WUCCHARIUL, WHINY PRIVE A very sucoessful whist drive was held under the nusplees of the Nong of Wagland in the M0 HN, Hall, Friday night, Thera wera fourteen tables and competition Wan keen Prises were won as Ladies' first price, Miss A ladles' second prise, Hrawn| ladles' thivd prise, Mes, Corden Wivat prige, gentlemen J, BH, Domelle; second price, gen tlemen, J, Wright third prise gentlemen, A Hrowin Hpeoial prise, Mvs, DD, George -a rollows Calley Mrs, VF, the happy way of Anon Mannerg are doings things » ' » Without the lave of hooks the vlohest man 18 poor: hut endowed with this trepsure of treasures, tha oorest man is rieh J, A, Langs ord . . » Ahall we say, "Thy will be done," And on our awn ervands run? Toaeh wa how ta live this prayep, Reverantly Thy plana to share, Loy Lnveom, Pr Pretty Girl Tells How She Breaks Up Head Colds Pew i wi up a ie early stages. It old in ive o An - Lr PINKHAM'S PHENRIN PARRNAS MARERATOR BY, LYNN, MARS, ' | Attempt on the epown prince's Hife, it will be vemombared, was made only a fow days age, while he was visiting In Weussels, The photos graphs heve show Tialy's future queen and members of the twa royal families, (1) Princess Marie FRINCENN MARIN JOSH TO 1H dose of Helghum, Bunre queen of aly, Whe" Is how Just 88, (8) Twenty-fivoeyourold CUpown Princo Bambee of faly, (4) King Abert. of Belgium, father oF the betrothed, (4) Qugen Kilgghoth of Belgium, mother of Prinedss Marie dows, (KF) Queda Melonn of Ttnly, 7 p---- WEDDED SOON Matha of Crown Prince Humbert, i) King Victor Hmmaunel of fin ¥, Iatheg of prospective groom, and (7) In routing photograph of Crown Prince Humbert In uniform of rd Heglment of Waly, In which the prince holds wmnk of folonel, The Women n's s.Corner For Anything of Inter est to the Homemaker and the Housekee cher CARE OF THE BKIN Long after the holidays # thing of the past, many wl ue find that usw result of a few have b Oe weeks of neglect our complexion need ganslderahle attention, The ma xm, "Ong MAN'S meat Is anothe man's polson was wever more ap plicable than In the tase of comple Kion treatments, 'There are at least half a dowen different types of com plesion, and each needs an entirely different type of treatment, Natural ly, one on two omtstanding points ap Ply 1a all types of skin, One of thes 18 the use of non-greasy vanishing cream, It should he used with eau ton, and showld always he remaved at nlght, either with warm water or cold cream, In a very great number ul entry a hlotohy complexion Is du 1a the pores bhelng elogred by vanish ne cream ar powder, One type of gomplexion which an be very beautiinl ds the rather thick white aking Usually 648 marred hy preasiness, wideh the owner does not know haw 1a eounteraet, Pest of all she should praguoally never vse void oreni At night she should wash I warm water, and use a good, fal Iv "strong" soap, On waking fn the Mor ny a rub with . atiek ol froson wusde-Calogne will "tone w hey Fate. his should he one up hy a wash In warm Water and a douehe of gold, Vanishing cream (x not to be veeommended, This kind of skin In inelined ta he "slugaish" and the pares 'easily met vlogied Twiee weekly fn the summer, and onee a week Incthe winter, she ls should give her faes an application of lemansjulee, This should be dong hy wn a sllge of lemon and rub iy into the skin until the Juleo d ' oh the face, After ten winnios ava the Juice with warm water Reh, A SOA) Massage {8 vory oneftolal hiv in one hy ab hing n a good lathre of soup It must be done very wently, with the finger tips, Al OF A Tow nutes, the soup In thor oughly vipsed away, The result is a heantiful ssaft, wite skin For sports wear wool mesh stoek nas with and without eloeks, rival wouls with nequard gtierns Coloriul tweed sults, necompanied hy tuekein blouses of plain or faney jersey are helng Toatured in London, where many tweed ensemble wre worn with i tweed Wy Be New York women are wearing them al country meets horets William North, known as the receipt bandit Wis sentenced to three Ife torgis In the Missourl Hinte Prison after confessing Lo holdup, Use This For NEURITIS EE "Nouritlg: may he localized in a single worve ar may bo general, invol ving a legge) number of perves," For quel and lasting velie! pharm Avista have 10 the past Tew months dispensed Joint Ease--a quick pene trating remedy that, when ribbed aver the affected parts for about ong minute, soaks right in so that not a trace {8 loft an the skin, font lase (made in Canada) 1s for Hinbering up sHlY joints, reducing the swelling and causing the pain 10 disappear, and tor this purpose thou hi of thes are sold dally == 60 cents at Jury & Lovells, & King St KE, ar any live drvpist Mnywhete we re duced donee Runt ot Montreal whih won the flvst among the! Wm W L) i fine avis \ after ol gavernamgeneml oN Canadan art, The picture is wow hang Wo Natlonal Ave Gallery oN Canada and Vopr ed hore hy ATR li of the Natlonn Young Pec " ' Wein AY PA CHRINY CHURCH A Masquerade Party was the form of the Christ Chureh AYP, Ag meeting lust evening There wore 06 present and the contures warn were varied The prise for the hest dressed young lady was won by Miss Grace Pennall, whe represented a Houthern Mammy, Mr, H, Copeland dressed an an. Ins dian In war paint and & wampum danket, Hyeryone entered wholes waArtedly nto the games and thors oughly enjoyed themselves, There was dancing for awhile then follows od refreshments, after whieh the evening was brought to a close, NT, ANDREW'S YOUNG PRO. PLES LEAGUE Mt, Andrew's Young Feapla held thelr regular weekly Mootng lant ovoning with thelr president, Mp, dns, Younk, presiding, The first thirteen verses of the ninth ohaps ter of BL, Matthew werg ehosen for the Sevipture lesson Mr, HB, Baywall and Me, Bert Cook were chosen to take part In A dobiate against Navth Oshawa, the subjeot being, "Can you atford to visk your awn reputation hy gontaet with companions whom you know ta be morally inferier so Yoursele?" It was decided to hold a bean supper In the near future, A ves quest was made hy H, Baywell that the young people attend the mass meeting in the Old City Hall, on Tuesday, Oot, 21 in the interests of Temperanoe, The meeting wan hrought to a olose with the hymn "Fight The Good Fight," and the repeating of the Lord's Preaver In unison, ------ ALRERT NT, VOUNG PROPLR The regular mesting of the Al bert Bt, Young People was held last evening, It wasn opened with a hymn and prayer led by Rev, 8, Q, Mopre, The husiness part of the avaning was In charge of Frank Atirtebent wha took the ohaly in absence of the vegular president, Aber business discussions, Miss Ray Leo took the mesting and gone dugted the program, Hho oalled upan Rev, 0, B, Orage anf Stephen daywell to say a few words in ree gAtS to (he Temperance question, Miss Jessie Huviburt vead the soripture and Miss Mahel Coakwell played a plano sole, The speaker of the evening was My, Ww, Bug dem. He spoke on an interesting Ll the usual manner with a hymn and henediotion, Iaat avening the Knox Ohureh Young People held thelr regular mest ing nde time It was ia the poof & Hallawa'sn 8oolal, werk about fifty present and a Amber of these were droped 1h oaRtumes for the occasion. Were ames and d Rnte 8 Which the Ree PORN ay very A Winn ATTA and ". i hy Looal haved a plane duet and Mra, LaRay sang a Mh p44) panied at the Ny we Nh } Munreos, A were served it Lo Ps iily ha next Monday the members of . Rugy Youn People's League were tnelted to attend the Yeung Peo play Rally at Cook's @hureh, Tor ontg Plans for (ranspartation hth were disoussed, \ GRORGRN YOUNG Oy Oot, 88, the An Sho Peaple's Assoviation of St Georges aot, "Oharacter Bullding,' The | meting was hrought to a close | KNOX CHURCH YOUNG PROPLE | Blendin flavor wd fu Red Rose Tea Is an art, To obtain the fine I-bodied richness falired years of pot once, Every package guarantes REDROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is is extra goo oir se 0 rn Chureh held a Hallowe'en Masquer: wae in the Parish Hall at § p.m, The second vice-president, Clarence Keith, wan In charge of the pros Kram, There was a three plece ovr chestra In attendance that supplied the music for dancing, Mr, and Mri, Armatrong and Mrs, Hawley were Lhe Judges of the cosliumes, They chose the following as win ners: Best dreswed lady, Miss Relp- ort; hest dressed gentleman, Ko Pankhurst; best Hallowe'en cose tume, Miss Doris Dohmey; hest las Mow novelty, Mes, Bhulte, Tha neky number dance was won hy Migs Hornine Lott and Vie Burr, Re freshments were served ahout 10, 00, and the Jrosram cantinued un tl about 11.80 After a hearty volta of thanks had been extended to the committes In charge of the entertainment, the evening was Lirought Lo u closes with the National Anthem, NOWTH BIMCOK ¥Y. 0, The North Himeos Young Veo Me's Loague held le regular meet Ing lant evening, There were shout 100 in attendance, Miss Wilma Bmith and Jack Gillett were In ohavge of the devotional exercises, Mrs, Hurry. Bmith, the delegate to the Bay of Quinte Conference which was held In Peterhoro last weak read her report, It was snnouneed that next Monday evening the Ounadian Navona! Rallways would show thelr moving pletures of "Across Canada,' The main fear < [ture of the evening was a debate "Rewolved that the Jew is a greats oF factor In the world than the German, The aMrmative was up» held hy Misses Cunningham and Valoau, and the negative hy Misses CHlleaple and Stephenson The Judges, Miss J, Garrow, Miss Dou ostt and Mr, N, MoLeod decided In favor of the affirmative, Follows ing the debate, Mrs, Harold Fesver and Miss Margaret Lennox played a delightful plano duet, This splen- Ald program was In charge of Miss Marion Cuthbertson, Before sing: ing the last hymn, Mes, Irwin move od a vote of thanks te the Judges for thelr kindness in coming and Acting at the meating, You NG Lore LJ LHAGU The King Htreet ally Faople's League held thelr weekly meeting on October UE-80, In charge ww Group "A", There was an attends ance of about 186, The chairman for the evening wan Ray Ripley, Mr, Htephen Baywell, and Hey, 0, Cragg spoke for a few minuses on the lesue at stake in the come ing eleotion, This was followed hy a shart talk hy Hob Hrowy, leader Group "A", on the taple, YOur ork Among the Frenoh annals ans,' The president, Bd, Xisfaber, brought a few matters of huainess to the attention of the ue Owing, to the Inability, of the KING WT, velavy and Assistant Secretary to he present vegularly at ouy mess Ings, Lloyd Hennessey wun appoints ed Becretury for the rempinder of the year, Preston Timmins spoke for a few minutes, on "The Wrench Cas nadiang and our apportanities," ate ter which the meeting wis clos: ed, We adjourned to the basement, where un Hallowe'en social Was held, At the close of tide, the group Joined hands In oo are elr- cle, and were dismiscon with the singing of "Blest he the tie that hinds," HELPFUL HINTS When gutting fur te fit another garment turn 10 with 'the hack to you and eut along penciled lines with a satety razor blade, Never use sels on fur as they will cut away gt the swe th you are the hide hrs the CULHINK Should the paring knife heeine rusted plunge the blade inte an en lon and let stand for a day The rust will then come away casily gven rust of long standing, A little listers ine applied to the hlade will remove the odor of onion, Toduy's vesipos hive heen clipped fram an of country prper and they will make very tasty dishes for the erisp eld weather we haying now, ire RAGOUT OF MUTTON In many homes there 1s frequently left aver quite a large quantity of meat, after the ronst has been pars taken of, and as few people Gare far eald meat at this somewhat ghils ly time of year the following recipes may be welcome, The Rest 1s ragout of mutton, Cut 1 1h, af gold meat in thin, ras ther small pieces, and. cut small an anlan, a carrot, and a very small turnip, Put all into a saucepan with a eauple of pepper corns, & sprig of [4ealey Mand a very sal piece of emon peel (all tied in muslin) | gov» er with water or stock, and simmer glowly until the Veils BF ft ne, Take out the muslin i dh the sauce with flour nh hutler, add. ni a seasoning of salt, and pour it over the meat which you have just Previously When trom the dd | FFLGO onp Most ailments start frm ination (constipation op sem ai paden), Intestinal polsans sap vitals iby, undermine your health an he | life miserable, Tanlghs toy Naru 4 REMEDY --all-vagein " Fog oy nat an ardines s lasative, 41 nid {0 pea toring yous i LAY by an of that heavy, " IK oA TO-NIGHT Paps A 3 14080 Pant St W. Montreal, Please send me fro Bugle Brand Resipe Book

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