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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 15

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<> EE ., Re THE,C NE -- FERRARA Oh EE iL THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 a meets at D SECTION . Seller El. S NSN PQ a] OS Con evr neers, over IV pn {ri 1 { " on; B.A, NO T, K 0 foe _ : I) TN. | fl LL tore, Money {0 foun, "Wimsos foun, 14 reel north, Phone 67, Residence J Aree TREE 2m ony ar RE i AND PIRED, BAT: Inters, eto, Money 10 loan, Alper y Oppeslie Post Office, Phone hill, AL CHL Field GREER AND HUMPHREYS, BAR risters, Bollghtors, ete, 24V% Bimeo N he LA 3100, Money to loan ALEX 0, HALL, BA, BARRIS tory ete, Conveyanelng and general prdsties BW King Bt, Has hone HEAT, (rf) Medical BIE TTAROLT WTC 5 olan, Burgeon, Obstetrician, Speen! refgrences to maternity work and i seiades of women, Two vears' post Araduate expel lence, Ofiee and res ange 107 Simeoe 81, N., (cor, Broek) a. 03 B MeKAY, PHVEICTAN, AUR eon, Accoucher Office and vesl denee, King Bt, Kast, gerne Vietorla 1 BL Oshaws, Dhoue 94 IR, GRANT BERRY, PHYBRICIAN vegeon, Qbatelriclun, diseases ol nfants end ehildren, OfMea and £11 v7 Hond Inst, Phone | | £5 PR, BJ, HAZLEWOOD, PIYEI plan and Surgeon, special attention ven to ray work and Electr) wopy, OfMed, Disney Boek, Phone 0, Offies open Y am bpm oaldence 161 Kikg ast: Phone 2116 PR, ALVIE STEWART, BUR geon, Obstetrician, physiolan Speeial attention to surgery, Two years ol en months post wraduate experience fospital, Bt, Bartholomew's and Si ary's Hospital, London, Roval In ymary, Rdinburgh, University Hos pha Herlin, Office 143 Nimeoe Bl 0 one 020, Residenca A104: ARCHER, M.D, CM wa TRG Pad B Kinhurah slelan, Burgeon and Obstetrielan ee 144 Simeone 81, N. Phone 3040 . § hone Al Ry ry ; 3 y X . ARCHER 'N A A b 3 & 8 Edinburgh, Physieian Obstetrician, special ot lention to maternity work and dis ases of ohildpen, Office and resi enge, 188 Simece 81, North, Phone TW. GARR, PiYHIOTAN, wpgeon, Obstetrician, Office and real vay B18 Bimeoe street north, ne R416, i _ (Oot, #1 mo) a ' , Nose, Throat Specialist "THRVANE OF 160 BLOON ot West, Toranto, will he at his tee over Jury ovell's Drug fore each Saturday, from 1 ull 4 py for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat nly, Appointments may be wade al store, Phone 9 ya Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat RICHARD WN. OFFIC var Mitehell's Drug Rtore, Hows 0 to 12 am, 2.10 § Kveninis by PpROLAtIIeNt, Toles 2600. PAL NCe ---- Dental 1. PHILLIPS, OVER BAN: 3 Koon attention 10 Nevay work, Gas extraction, Nurse (n &¢ mee. Phung 080. Howse 112 » HL ML COOK NIMCOE ST Mitchell's Drug Store WAX waa pio, I Lh) eM R LB HURRELL, REN IST Irons oxld oxviren sas far extra ~ Offies, aval Bank Bide A \ R 1. £ BROCK, DENTIST, 16 { Dewland's Burgeon, phone Rm. DR, eis, a hone 19 3 Res, HAW, Evens by AREOLA iment ? CC GIFRORD, OFFICE : Wh Bldg, © Phone I) 0) Mn \3 - n BR DAVIES, Special at Re LaNGM/ } tists, 47 Kine 81 1 \ A 10 pas extraction and X.rdy rae th attendance, Phones FRCTUOK, OPT, D BERCTRT A, exelusively tn muscle anomalies Nt And glasses; Author of ed In Modern Lite, Rye and Bye Btraln, Your Byes Health, Optometry Feature ioe, The Child hey a Peto t, Dlaney Bedok, Opp, B® ( --- We (Oot, $9: wo) Veterinary Surgeon BT VRTERIVARTAR eares domestic animals Hospital, 23 King west _ Architects TE GENERAL Second floor, Phone 14 L TOIHRNSON, AR architects, Simos St, 8 Engineering and Surveying FONTYAN AWD SUTTT] ORTAT. 0 nd [yevers and Civ Jn ihe 5 subdivisions, town planning, pot | Ann ' i f ii iA Undertaking UKE BURIAL €O, 67 K Bait Ambulance, Wealden, i a Phones 210] and ol mh rect, i treet north, Fuss sirest, An hone DAVIS vp SON, INBURANC| 19 King St west, Oshawa, The old ¢ est pi peney In Cuba. 30 Re A il WH PLACING INFUTCANTR consult WM, N, Johns, KO Bimeos north, Your insurances wants ate tended to and your interests pros feated, Transportation "BTONATE, COTW: man's, B6 Bond West, Bpecialiste in furniture moving, storage ware house dnd moving van equipment Phone 4, OANTAGN, MOVING, GRAVEL lan Hh sand and cinders, Loeal and 20020, Bmith and Cox, 44 Bond Bi Ww distane hauling, Phone 3048 ESTAN Park Road Adlstanee Park KA OSHAWA'S QLDEST lished furniture movers, and long Prop, 65 gib aeal Cowh Phone CAF Aue Frank Hout (Oot 'HUCKING moving hone (Oot, 10:1 mo) ARTIERE AND LONG sutisinetion guaran 16-1 or me) WANTED Ald kinda, Cuarting JOhOW EAGLE distance movers, teed, quick awa, Phone oy cheapest In Osh 3203 (et EL ee. S SEL Bosuty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT wave, Speelal $5 and $7.50, Finger wave and shumpen RB, Facial 75 Hale eutthog 250, Phone 2908 or Kb Simeone Ndrih, WATSON 8 HARNI AND Heauty Shop, Celina 51, We spe plalige In ladies' hale eutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials, Maree) A) gents, For appointments phan FULE Oct, 10:1 ma) MARCI AND CURL 50¢, MRX Kyerette Hell, Apt, 9, Edward Apart ments, Quehes St, For appaintment phone 33061 (Oct, B=] mo) . aa ad Building 'Supplies FOR SALI SAND, GRAVE stone and black lonm, #160 a vd Par quality and service 'phone 16s spry Hon 82 ring Ll CEMENT TEOURN FOTW WALR I'a Insure prompt delivery, place ny dors in advanes of delivery date, W Harrawidale Phong 1618 - Musie PUPIL ACORPIED IN VOOAI hatruetions Mra (De) Cpant Herry, Phone 1186, peryiee, Us List, 29-1 mo AAI i (Oot, 1+1mn) a Tp ---- LOE ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA gher (Hambourg Conservatory, 1o ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa Wednesday, U2 Himooe Bi NOE LUONE REEL rbd ALL FRANK QONVERER BMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading vielin teach org, 18 In Oshawa on 'Thursday afternoons, Rtudio He Wigin 8, MW, Phone TABM, (Oot, 4:1mo) MRE TT, ROCKLEY PARKER HO prano, will aocept puplia for alngs ing, voloe culture, ate, Phone 1004, S48 Hruee Hy, (Dot Aslmo.) LHONART RTOWRT LW AN, Director of Muale, Oshawa Oolleal ate and Publis Bohow.o, Ntudio, ¥0 Westmoreland, Phone 2984), (O00, 10:1 mo) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM TOANE, TRO ves loans areanged, Parkhill & Fel Rarelaters, eto, Alger Ride Phone 1614, -- Watch Repairing "A VON GUN Swine watohmaker, 4004 King Street. West, FOnAREe 1h N fod, Radio Service RADIA RRRVIOR "AND "ACORN ponies, Repairs on eleetrio and EY attarion Pochargbd, Tema t , Datteriea \ ented on oan 4 Phone 104 " WARE in Caulking HAVE ALL OREVIONE AROUND your windows and doors filled with Platio coment and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the com Is small, Free Sima, y Hy laws on, RR, No, 8 Oshawa, Phone RRB, (Oot 4:1 mo) vepalr hop at Your pat 2:1 wo) R OUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS FA dorhanger, painting and grainin rieed right, work guaranteed Pine Ave, phone J063w or 06M, i TORTIE TRIO and paperhangers, only first elas work, swaranteed NX yeas ox Oren e, prices reRsonable, of FVPREWRITING TING RUAN Waehines overhauled, repaired and rebnilt, My work is guaranteed You don't pay wintll you ave sat fsfled, Dealer mn all kinds of ven hatlt typewriters. Calvin Billo, 281 Arthur Street, Oshawa, Oat Phone didw, AOL Ad Maa) where, of this nature, and collest for same, "Times" Classified Teleph All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE "This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling n large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring n messenger who will receive the advertisement ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results one 35 Real Estate for Sale | LOOK-=BIOOKAT HBAROAIN IN Oshawa, $4000 ensh will buy new Bb rooms, lovely hungnlow, all eon vanlences, rug brick veneer, hard wood floor and ehestnut trim, side drive, Must he sold at once nn (itlre 484 Drew Mi (hd) Hk lovely, 4.200, hinlanes new, O00 cash, rent niirnetive, bright rooms, onk Hoors throughout, ehest nut tel, Freneh doors, eonl muntle plenty elothes loses, spacious bull in kitchen eabinet, also broom eloset and Ironing hoard, , white tiled an enwmelled kltehen, three plecs hath room, Inlatd lineleam on fod, huh mirrow, full cellar, furnne tubs, wired for stove, plenty ten minutes from GMI gonslder renting to Phone 3067W, (101e) five in medicine enbinet, one alned laundry plugs offices, might YOUNG couple guaranteed "Work Wanted RIGUPHOLSTERING, CHENTICR fields made ta order, Wo save vou money, Estimates free, G, A Con slahle 74 Mechanle street, © hone 18U4 (Sih) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 78 cents, I ren tal supplied ®1, Batteries repaired Stan Widaon, 20 MI 8 Phong NNAW (Oct, 10:1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE livered rental %he, and the entire electrical aystem of Oar re palted, 204 Oshawa Hivd Phone Hi w Oot, 11:1 mo) AUTO BODY AND TRUOK ni pileing, Metal bumping, | handle the Kider Hutlt Bodies, WI Fry 0 Bond West, Oshawa (Oot, 10-1 mo) "Homstitching NINW CENTH PER YARD, PLEAT od Nikita, one dollar, alterations, ate, All &inds of beautiful Fanos work on sale, Mrs, Dell, 20% Nm ena Mouth, Phone 10F4 (Oot, 16:1 mo) Dy Bilt lAAL Public Stenographer MARTE NM, WILTON, T4 NIMCOR street north, Phone 1600, Mpevial rates tor mailing Hats and elreniay work (Oot, 26:1 mo) Ee ye uu] A " Dealer Second Hand "UR FROOND HAND DEALER niture bought and sold, 158 Bloor Nt, Maat, Phone 101TM (tr) Home Cooked Meats pnp ENOLIEH HOME MADR PORK plow, steak and kidney ples, hot or oold, brawn, cakes and pastries, elo, elo, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple atreet, Phone RATER, (Y7) Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRETH plastering, electri or alterations, Phone 1 for estimates (In) Photographer HAVE YOUR FAVORITE WNAW shots and photographs colored Phone S34 for prices and samples, (Oot, 1+} Wo), Agents. Wanted ihe Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOO slabs, $350 per load, Also bone dry hody wood, Waterous Meek Lined Phone | J68 (Apr, dot FOR EALL-=HEINTIMAN QU Lid, plano, new and used planus veo radon, latest wodels; torus arranged, Apply GQ, Trull, Phone 666d, (Hin 18 TRON AND BHANS BEDS COM plete with new Mutt rosnen nd pteol springs, rogulue BLE at BN4.60 wil slees, wot of ouk dining chairs $10, buffets 10, odd dresser 87.00, voeckers, baby buggies nnd Ao enurts, extention thle child's erths with new mattress regular #14 fo 6.00 Hiding oleh, with matireny rogulng $18 at $7.00, high ehalrs cany vhalrs, Mooser kitehen onbi net, 14 eceulre tables, slide parion good I'he Furnitire Prince street, Oshawa FOR CAREFUL HUY ERS, {) Men's Indigo blue sultd, extra heay tallored Hew roukey honrd CORI Fane plore Li (1000) Hoty, People's high elisa Must 0 | io i Wi | 41 Hound West (1011 RICYCLI | He Hn AON NALS ind 01 ntom MOVI hleyelo stock, Hig reduction, cash thing must he I King Hie Woes (0 Ul me a MEN'S made of the plush lined, Cheap rivlae cushy, BIN Ho Bond West FOR BALK} QUEBEC COOK plove with water front and fittings for connection, $80; 1 desk, 1 kit ohen table, 1 bed, 1 lawn mower Apply 217 MoeKim Mireet or ter ver HLUd best melon elath toll nt NS Muni thin week, Knpel (101 (1010) WINTER 407 Kings (1010) MUSHROOMS, PICKED Phone 48, Oshawa Jamieson Hy A (\\ & Nd wl HEATER AND pragtically ney FOR HALE LADY Cont (Brown), nies UN dale Ave FRIESH dally, delivered or JI9 Howmanville, GOOD | OAT Conch for sale, Phone Maa\V (1020) FOR SALERITCHEN CARINII in first elass epondition, also Simmon Day bed, Phone JERI, 45 Arlington Ave (102 Position Wanted DRISSMAKER EXPERIENCID will go out dally, Fhons T24) (her) PRACTIVAL "NUREE, DOOTOR™ reference, open for engagements Maternity oy goneral nuraing Helps with housework, I'hone THOM a (DAT) Auctioneer PHONE YE), Wo 1, auctioneer, M6 Simcoe 8) ean sell vour odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 41 Kine St W. Oshawa Ontario ST WITEARR, AUCTIONEER, SH Simece Street 8, Phone 250IM (Oot, 38: Nay, 25) Lost and Found TON =" TTUR TAT HETVERN Oshawa and Newtonville, Friday nights Please phone 187W Reward (101e SULLY Wi y Double your salary by adding $3SW weekly welling Imperial Art Personal Christmas Cards to friends, business associates, olub and ehurch members, from magnificent free sample book, Imperial Art Manufacturers, $1 Wels bngton West, Toronto, Elocution STOCTTIONTET OPEN FOR NN TH Miss 1, Dewhirst, Phone unt Motor Care PRREONAL CHRISTMAS GREET ING CARDE-~Agonta wanted to take orders for the finest line evar shown in Canada, Regal Av Co, Manufacturers, 310 Hpading Ave, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED TO INTRO. duce Royal Buckingham, the modern table cover, Looks Ne linen, needs no lanndering, A necessity in every home, Low pried, liberal ehmmission, Write for free selling outfit, Dept 87 Public Service Milly, of Canad, Limited, London, Ontarip, (102) GET YOUR AUTO PARTR® AND accessories at the Clty Auto Wreokers, 15:17 Bond atreet west, Phones 2980W or R4dRW, (Oot, 28-1 mo) OLOEMORILE TOURING, LATHE 1924, 6 oylinder, All In good shape A real bargain, $110 must be sold thin week Owner going abroad, $12 Louisa Street (1000) 198 CHEV, 3TON TRUCK, PER an condition, mone 36K wiles heap for cash, Terma, Jol Drew St, (102¢) GRT READY FOR Genta' overcoats repatred and ab tered, Indies' far conta relined ana repaired, "Talloving your awn Material made wh Address 12% Ring ®t WW, (over Cannings), Call and deliver, Phone 309 (ORE 28:1 mw) For Exchange HOUSE NEAR HAMILTON, $n, will exehange for Oshawa property Thane WRAY. -- {{01¢) PARTY WITH RXUHANGR pe in brick veneer house In good looality for good used olosed automobile, Apply Box 270 Times, ele) ph.00, | OVERCOAT'S | | $40.00 82 For Rent VOUT AND Five nooNED MoD. arn suites, Ineludivg eleetrie refrig aration, stove, Isundry, conven) ences, elo] eontinuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 2671, ur The Trusts and Guarantes Oo, IAd,, manager for owner, Toronto, (8741) ATKIOPRNTR 10 TINT Modern conveniences, $40 and up. Apply lury & Lovell, (86-1) TO WIT =PIIVATIT SI NOOM IED apartment over Ledger's Blore, next to Karn's Drug Store, Pos session October 1, Apply Mrs, V, LU Henry, 481 King Bt, Kast, fhone 16, LER A APAIUTMINTE TO RENT-=MOD« orn five rooms and bath with eles trig stoves, grates and every eons veulence, Viest or second floors, Cus Loma, 161 King Bt, Nast, Onhawa, (hho) FOR NENT==TTO0RE 1 HOoM#, Gonvenlenees, Very central, Im mediate possession, $18 month, Horton & French, Times Bldg, (1000) I'VIE OOM BRICK WONGALOW for rent, All econvenlences, Hard: wood floors, Paved street, #8 Gindstone Ave, Phone 2740W, (1000) FOR HENT-UGOOD 6 ROOMIED house, corner Mitson Rd, and os Hn 14, Apply Mr, It, Jenking, Ros Hn Nd, Phone loon! B74J, (100m) TWO FRONT ROOMM, Also garage, "hone (1000) NEW BRICK HOURE Franch doors, All mod Hensgonahlo Phone 168 (1000) AND conven! roy RENT unfurnishsd TFL * Io HWENI IX rooms fonvellenoos Cadillne Ave ern rent, Ni N04) I'o HEN Ive bth, ground floor All "Ie NiO BERrage Centrally Apply 00 King Bt, or HOOMM 10 nut (ronr tiled I') RI | ROOM FURNISH] | tral | gonven Br Hite possession, toy ! King Haekeoo) rental (101e) HOUSE, PARTIAI 15 month, ph (101 HOM ROO RICH TT (1011) ich | |» WMAN ry, modern to W, F manville, (101¢e) HOUNI slon He) FIVE ROOM md north rat, App! No, §, Oshawa Ponne lames Lind Phone (101h) PHONE (1010) HOOM Nonpon (1010) nye HTATION 1'0 In Nowmanville and one thhlinhed business ifelent capital, Ap I'fmon (1010) I'WO CONVENIENI oma for Hght housekeep on hathroom Hat, garage IM Allee St Telephone 20 (10 UNFURNINH bath room flat, Al conveniences, Heat, Huhts, water 0 MeLaughlin Hivd UARAGI 1 KVEN Arthur hha nireet Phong 'wWo Mm rent in Oahowa, | Vint ply Hox #71 one nave ¥ FOR RENT irnished nu nln Apply I'o RENT HRN ofl rooms on Apply (108n) ATHOLL, 817, W, 8 rooms solid bhriek house, new fur nanos, newly decorated throughout Immediate possession, Apply Con ant & Annis (1080) FOR RENT-TWO UNFURNINH edd front rooms on wound floor vary convenience Private on Lranoe Apply 147 Oahawa Nhivd Phone 202% (1030) 1'O RENT-STWO LARGE WARM well furmished rooms and 1 gar age, Apply 111 Colborne St, NW (1090) FOR RENT--HOUNKE AT 131 AN nie street with conveniences, $320 a month, Phone 127TH (1020) FOR RENTS NEW HITE ROO, briok houses, every oonvenlence Apply to Henry Wilkins, 228 Gib bons Ni, (10%) FOR TUIRT =" MVE ROOMRD brick house, Conveniences, Paved street, Immediate possession, Ap ply #1 Elgin 8t, 0, Phone 1484), (101g) FE SR TR STR Room and Board Wanted GENTERMAN WANTS HOARD and room, private family, must be contral, state terms, box 06, Times, (1030) Money Wanted WANTRD=PRIVATE FUNDS IN pall amounts for investment, § per cant half yearly mortgage, Ses curity under government aunpers vislon, Rox 240 Times, (1000) nted To Rent Wanted WANT = THRET FURNISH rooms for Nght housekeeping, must he warm and comfortable, Kor end, Hox 66 Times, WANTED 10 TRNTCRATIE room flat or apartment, Unfuw nished, State price and conven! ences, Nox 278 Times, (1020) A Milliner y . ATE CALDWELL "WIT ™™o all Kinds of millinery work at her home, 20 Bond St, Kast, Phone SN (101¢) a Ea i a EE la Room and Board FURR IETRE ROOM, TEAR FOE oF broaktast and evening dinner optional, Young business man pres ferred, Private home, Beat vesldens tial distelet, Nineteen Hillevoft 101¢) inte) Rates for Classified Ads, | Virst 108010 14 eonts per word, Minimum charge 806, Each subsequent consecii tive insertion 1a per word, Three consecutive inser. tlons for thy price of two first insertions (threes cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 00 cents, Box number 100 additions) Professional or Business Cnrds, $2.60 per month for 40 words or less; 10 osnis un word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLARSIVIND ADK CONT LITT ACs COMPLI MUCH TELEPHONE wn Ask for Classified Ad Department EE a a Shoe Repairing GOTO MENKo'S, CORNTIT OF Blmoeoe ang William Bis, the best place to have your shoes fixed, ¢lonned and dyed, (Oct, 1+1 Mo, dnl il Ld Jf Al RNR Ad A Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot YOU CAN BUY HARDWOOD flooring now for only Be a foot Freight pwd on $10 orders, All end and wide mintehed, Easy to lay, You ean do the work yourself, We tell pend for free giveular, Halls J, Hamilton, Bullding Muterinl Specialists you h Help--Wanted Male = WANTED<FARM HAND, MUS he cupuble of ploughing, Apply, Mrs A, 1G Atkinson, St, Peter 8t, Whit hy, phone 42 (101h) HELP WANTED MALE PLUM und tinem!" he wanted, Apply loh, Water sireet, (108m) odfellow Potorhoro Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY~4 OR A roomed hungalow In or near Osh nwa, Apply Box 267 Times, (1000) KIT OF Phone 255, (1020) 0 OR 2 1060 (1021) For Sale or Exchange NALE OR NXCHANGE new six roomed house wohange for house In To Phone 2600W evenings (1010) dh WANTED TO Used plumbing Howmanville WANTED Winchester muy tools TO BUY-A rifle, Phone FOR Naarly wil onto, NOTICE NHERIFI'S SALE OF LANDS County of Ontario To Wit On Haturday, the 28rd day of November, A.D, 1088, at the houl of eleven o'olook In the forenoon, I willl offer "for sale by public auetion, at my office In the Court House in the Town of Whitby, all the right, title and Interest of the Dofendants in the undersmentioned lands and tenements seleed hy me under and by virtue of a Writ of Hxeoution fssued out of the County Court of the County of Ontario, and to me directed, In which Cana dian Ol Companies Limited are the Plaintiffy and Qlitford KN, Mole and Allan 1, Mola are the Defend ants, The sald lands and tenements helng, ALL AND BINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and bhelng in the Township of Whithy, in the County of Ontavio and belng com posed of part of lot Number 81 in the Righth concession of the sald Township, more partioularly de poribed an follows: Commencing at the North Kast Angle of the sald Lot No, 21, in sald Eighth Cons oesnlon of the Township of Whithy aforesald, thence South 27 feet along the West Hmit of the gravel road, thence in a stralght line West AR feet more or less to the line fence hetween the sald lot No, 21 and the land belonging te Fred. erioka Rhand; thence Nerth along the sald line fence to the South boundary fence of the Ninth Con cession of the sald Township of Whithy, thence Easterly along the sald houndary fence to the place of beginning, The parcel of land m0 desoribed or intended so to be, being a part of the original gravel road allowance, together with the shop now standing or part of the ald lot and partly on the property of one Willlam Scott Park, who formerly conveyed the within property to the grantor, sherift'n Offlos, Whithy, Angust 13th, J, BF PAXTON, Sheriff, County of Ontario (AT-102:108:114) SSS Yokel: What be you fishin' for? Pessimist: Salmon! Yokel: But there ain't no salmon ereabonts Possimist: There are no darned fish here at all, 30 1 may as well fish for salmon as any other blinking thing! HIS BURDEN One of John 1) Rockefellers favor fte stories fs about an old man ar ralgned in court on a charge of vag ney, who gave his name as John BD, Rockefeller, Sevatehing his led poll in perplexity at the outburst of laughter the old man exclaimed) "Yassah, dats mal real name, an' i's heen a trial to we all mak lite, vent Mlomah Chatham Nowy, 1924, ALIAS 130 AT HARMONY Fine Program Given at Event Under Sunday School Auspices Harmony, Oct, Ur=Miss Farrell, of Carleton Pas a, Is visiting with friends and relatives after attending the funeral of Mrs, James Drew, Qver 150 members and friends of Harmony Sunday School attended the social evening held in Harmony Community Hall en Friday, Oct, 25 An unusual programme had been planned and the evening began with community singing from lantern slides after which the adventures of Felix, the Cat, proved very interest ing to wll, Following that the audi ence divided into groups for games Ihe girls were under the leadership of Misses Mae Winter and Helen Lander, in the girls' play basement | the boys under the leadership of Messrs, 2, Timmins and F, Michael in the boys' play basement, the smal ler ehildren under the leadership of thelr teachers, Misses Gladys Oke and Madeling Tooley, assisted by Helen Hunking, All enjoyed thems selves to, the full, In the wuditorium the adults, under the leadership of Mr, Millard engaged In games and contests, After about three-quarters of un hour of real fun all gathered In the suditorium where they were treated to les cream cones before the programme started, The superinten dent, Mr, Millard, bid everybody wel come und invited them to come to Sunday School, The programme eon sisted of readings by Misses Velma Harris, and Madeline Tooley; violin solo by Catherine Lander; musical elegtions by Heard Brothers, of Oshawa, and Messrs, Will and Chas, Kdwards; uw recitation by Ross Jd wards and a eomle skit by two ef the Ural! Rangers, Lunch was served to all and the happy evening was brought to a close by the singing of "O Canada I'he Trail Rangers did not have a meeting this week but will met as usual next Wednesday evening, Miss HB, Reader, of Fort Sever, Mrs, Mable Muaekie and Stewart Muackle were recent visitors in De trolt, Pontine and Ann Arbor where they visited Dir, and Mrs, MaeCoy and Mrs, Shaw " Mrs, A. A, Farewell uttended a bridge tea at the Falcon on Wednea da Mrs, R, Moffatt spent several days visiting in Mintreal Mr, and Mrs, George Smith, el Pontine, Mich, visited with Mr, and Mrs: H, Wilson, Tutsday and Wed nesday, Friends extend sympathy to Mr James Drew in his sad bereavement by the loss of a loving wife Mr, Norman Oke has rented My I, Luke's place and will move hb shortly, Afternoon ten was held at school on Wednesday afternoon Quite a number of ladies were pre ent and enjoyed the tea served hy Mrs, Py Timming and Mrs, Geo, Hurt I'he hold a will the Home and Schoo! Club masquerade party at He AIL members are eordially invit ed, Prise will be given for the best costumes, no admission, Deepest sympathy in extended to Mrs, Wim, Hastings and family in the loss of a loving husband and father Mr, MM, Mackie, of Cooksville, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, M, Mackie, HAMPTON PERSONALS Hampton, Oct, 25=Messrs, R, Av ery, W, W., Horn and son, Wallaee, were in Taronto, Friday night to "Hamlet, Will Ranton, Trenton, My and Mrs, Lorne Robbing and daugh ter, Pauline, Leskard, visited at the home of Mrs, Gertrude Virtue, on Sunday, Miss Nancy Johns, is under the doctor's care Miss Ruth Johns visited Millbrook friends on Sunday, Misa Liggie Roeves friends in Oshawa, he long looked for rain which will enable the farmers to plow and will play a part in replenishing the wells and eisterns which have heen low and In some oases dry, in this locality, oame on Tuesday, Wednes. day and Thursday, suceessively, Mr Jue Colwill Sr, accompanied Mr, and Mrs, Jno, Colwill, Jr, to Port. Mope last Sunday where they visited friends, Mr, and Mra, 8 Reatty, Mrs, Beats ty and daughter, Miss MH, Beatty, Creemore, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr, Howard Cowling, Mr, and Mrs, H, Rundle and fam: ily, visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Richard Wood. Qrong, on Sunday, Mp, and Mrs Wood, Ma A, A, Johnston, motored fram Toronty, and were guests of Mr and Mrs, Harry Holwell, last Sunday, Mr and Mrs, Geo, Barron, and son, Austin, visited Toronto relatives on Sunday, Mrs, Barron remained in the oity for a few days, Me J. Bunner, Bowmanville, ocen pled the pulpit on Sunday night, preaching 10 an appreciative audi once, Mr and Mrs, Will Wilbur and Mr, and Mes, W, W, Horn, visited Rew, W, W, Jones, Millbrook, and attends od anniversary services there on Suns day, Messrs, © W, Hastings and Charles Stonehouse were on a husis ness trip to Boboaygeon this week, Mrs, Alfred Challener and son, Dr Reginald Challener, Toronto, visited friends in the village recently, Mrs, Levi Robhing, in company with Mp and Mrs, Leslie Robbins and babe, Rochester, visited at the home of Me, Frank Robbing, Banis- Killen, recently BOC Mrs in visiting Me and Mes, JD Wosarth and HARDWOOD VIALE LAD BY KXIENE MEBCHANIUS Od Moors Hmishied Hike now worm windows, eombination doors, Generis) Contractors B. W,. HAYNES 0 King 3 W, Phone residue VOL, a --_-- family visited at the home of Vrank Westlake, Boling, recently Miss { Pauweets, Toronto, visited wt the home of Mr, Geo, Barron Arrangements wre helng made ton a Thanksgiving concert, particulars will be given later, Mr, und Mrs Frank Mason, Friendship, New York, are guests ol Mr, C, W, Hastings: Miss N, Horn, is attending the Young Peoples League convention ul Peterhoro SUGGESTION At a country house ericket mated the butler was ealled upon to wmplre In a short time his master was pulf pbly run out "Not out," Then a twinge smote him "All the same, my lord," he in a stage whisper, "It'll pave argument i you get your hat the crease next time subi on sald the ul urplre Conpeiousness adders i lat ol inside Cpe LAST RESORT attorney recently amusing, If eynienl letter educated Indian elient, v him to collect a debt, Alter twa pages ol correct Lnglish the letter concluded) "If you cannot colleet the debt hy fale means, try legal proceedings) John ¢' London's, ved ram ho di An red meticulously BAD EXAMPLI Small boy (in elothier want a collar for my futher Assistant-=0ne lke Small Hoy==No, & Answers mi len | the | GETN ACOLAMATION rthur Hille, K.C,, Conservative oholos in Ottawa Bouth, who received an neolamation, He Is a newoomer te | the politioal field, but has served as | alderman and mayor, r.e. school on Thursday evening, Qetaber { | { ys ® Blmooe MN Phone wid Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales JIMITRD 00 Blmeoe St, KB, Phone 900 _. SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION CLOTHING ©O ON KING 87, W, Phone 8141 Wa Deliver Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Can, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANN AND DIS. COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Room @ Phone 8700 ome EYESIGHT SPECIA 187 Authes ay ® LAN Eve oan Bre tale Disney Block 3 1116 Phone 1500 -- DISNEY.COTIT AMBULANCR 87 Colina St, Phone 1088

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