AGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1929 P -- Che Oshawa Bally Times 7 Suseonding An independent newspaper published every sfternnen onsapt Sundays and legal holidays & Oshawe Cassada by Mundy Printing Seloenp Limited: Chae M Mundy President; A BR Alloway Soe rotary fhe Oshawa Daily Times is 8 member af the Cane dine Press the Canadian Daily Newspapers As snsistion The Ontario Provineial Dailies and the Audit Buresv a1 Clreuintions | SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarrier. 156 » week By mail in Cannde (outside Oshawa carrier delivery limite) M00 » vosr. United States $5.00 5 vor IORON IO OFFICE 07 Bind Building 66 Temperance Brest, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder representative REPRESENVATIVES IN V § Pawers and Bons, Ine. New York and Chisago a 4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 WILL THE LESSON BE LEARNED The fast week has been a disastrous ene for mils tions of men and women in Canada and the United Hintes, The unprecedented break in the stoek mars kets, earrying practically all kinds of stoek Issues down to the lowest levels in thelr history, has wiped out fortunes, eleaned out the life's savings of hundred of thousands of men and women who, in the hope of adding to thelr store of money, Invested it in stocks, and found themselves eaught in the down ward rush of the market, sacrificed to its fuetuations, and unable to put forth a finger ta help themselves Even In Oshawa, the losses sustained on the stoek market sinee the break of a week ago have been (i mendous, almost unbelievable, Wherever ane goes, one hears of eltlgens who have lost practically every thing, wha borrowed money wildly in an effort to save what they had already invested, only te have the barrawed money wiped out as well as thelr own, It has been estimated by men wha ave in a position to know something of the loeal stock dealings that $15,000,000 have been lost by Oshawa people on the stoek markets sinee the break started, Tt dees not require a great deal of Imagination to vealige that this Is " terrible lass, terrible for those peaple who have helped to make up the taal It has been a terrible fossbn iff the vlsk of dabbling on the stock exchange without reserve resources to save the situation in time of erisls, and without the necessary finances te take losses without feeling them, The man who Invests all his savings In so uncertain a field as the stock market 1s foalish for his own sake, Possibly he has learned a bitter lesson in the last week, and It is to be hoped that the lesson will really he learned, not only by those who have suffered, but also by these wha have at times felt tempted to take a flutter in stocks, but have refrained from so doing heeause they vealized that they could not afford to stand the loss should a loss result, There is every likelihood that a great many people will In future keep away fram the stock markets, not only beenuse they have lost thelr money and will he financially unable to get inte it, but rather beeuuse they have seen the folly of trying 10 "heat the market" which Is at the mercy of professional operas roars and deelde that thelr money is far better in thely own bank accounts than in that of somebody else, AN IMPORTANT GATHERING The City af Oshawa is ta be highly honored next month when the Associated Hoards of Trade and Chamber of Commeree of Ontario meet at he Hotel Oshawa for the annual convention efathat or wantgation, This Is an important body, almost a welghty body, one might say, for iv represents the ined thought of all the bhaarda of trade and chambers of commerge in the provinee, and these hodies are, as a rule, made up of the outstanding and most progressive and keenly alert eltigony in every community, The convention is an important one, toa, hy reason of the tremendous importance of the subjeots which it will have under consideration, Problems of busi ness, of commerce, of Anance, of transportation, and of many other matters of vital importance to the development and progress of the provinee will be under review, It is not tea waeh to suggest that, for the twa days of the convention, Oshawa will be the meoting-plage of the business parliament of the pros vinee, This will he an eeeasion on whieh Oshawa will be up for inspection, for these keen men of business will be eager to find out the reasons for the vapid pros gross the ity has made, and to put to the test the elvie spirit for which the city has acquired so wens dorful a veputation, Let the convention he given a veal welcome to Oshawa, and let these prominent eltisens of Ontario feel that in coming here, they have chosen a place which is well worthy of the honor conferred wpon it, 18 OSHAWA A MUSICAL CITY? WmE------ Eeonard Richer, the supervisor of wwsie in the public schools of Oshawa, raised an interesting guess ton in his address to the Oshawa Rotary Clb this week when he deetared that, in spite of having heen frequently told that Oshawa was not & wasical eity, he believed this to be quite untrue, In his heief ads dress he said that, to the contrary, he had found Ofhawn 8 city with wueh excellent wusieal talent that was worth developing, and that it woukl well Ry olalm to being really wwsical The difference of opinion on this paint, of course, Hos in ong's interpretation of what eonstitintes 4 wnsis cal citys Mr Richer may feel that beeawse he has discovered somo ohillven with vemwrkable wusioal ability and that Decanse (here ave possibilities of an excellent orehestia at the Collegiate, his assertion is Justified, But it takes wore than 'that to wake a wasieal elty, and at wight be necessary to search rather patiently for same of the other essentials, One is inclined 10 ask the questions, "Do the people of Oshawa give the support to good music that is one 4 A NA of the essentials of a mupieal city 1' or, "Could lass iusieal organizations be brought ta Oshawa te give vegitals and feel assured of an andience sufficient to make their visie worth while 1" Frankly, we must confess (hat these questions will remain unanswered witil the experiment Is tried on i seale sufficient ta provide wm real test, Mr, Richer has at his disposal the means of testing oul at least one of these questions, and we understand that he proposes to hold a children's musleal festival next suring, This will help te decide the question of whether ar not Oshaws Ie a musienl eity, and it 1s to he haped that My, Richer is right, for music Is a wonderful part of education and eolture, Is a souve of that inspiration whieh helps to remove life nhove the level of the dally tasks of toil, and helps to give that measure of veil pleasure that fs essential to the rounding out of a well-halaneed life, I -------- THE PROMISING BEARON OVER The last few weeks have preduced a wonderful evap In Ontario=a crop of promises from the lips of politieal party leaders and elestion candidates, Tos day, us the people go to the polls, they bring to an end, until the next election is ealled, the season of promises, And it fo just us well that that season Is aver, for had the eampalgn lasted much longer, some one would have heen promising to give away the whale pravinelal (treasury, One shudders to think, in faet, of what the result would be were all the promises of the political par tes made good, We are not suggesting that the men who made them are not absolutely sincere in doing so, But between the making of an election promise and the earrying aut of that promise, there 1s & wide gulf, one that very often ean never be bridged, Promises appeal ta a Hstening publie, There wre few people wha object to helng given something for nothing, even if the gift is only made from an eloation platfarm, and never assumes tangible form That will prabably he the fate of many of the pro mises, no matter which party is returned to power hy today's voting, for it is far beyond the realms of human seeomplishment ta put all the promises wade Inte practice and still retaln the provinee as i galing eaneern, A BHAMEFUL, RECORD When stordes are heard of immigrants being dis satisfied with conditions ws they find them en Can adian farths, there is apt to be a feeling that this is due ta the fact that they are not willing te fit in with the agrleultural methods and sustoms In a new country, reported whieh show that there are two sides ta the story, and that alten the farmers are very much to blame for the complaints which are minds One sueh ease came before public notice when an English immigrant hoy sued a farmer for whom he had heen working for years for a sum of $1,132.50 whieh he alaimed was owing to him by the farmer, After heaving the evidenee, Mi Kelly entered judgment for the young $L10B15, this belong the amount whieh he the youth was entitled ta receive, The evidenee, record of which any Canadian farmer might well feel ashamed It showed that the young Englishman had eome to this country when thirteen years old, and had entered the service of this farmer, In the labor which he had given on a 180-aere farm, where there wis na other hired help, he had veeeived three suits of clothes and $885 In cash {nd the only defence that the farmer could put forward was that there had been no contract with the lad te pay him AHY Wages As Mr, Justice Kelly remarked, it is shooking to think that there are men who are so shamefully dis honest as the defendant in this action, Sueh men, no doubt, do exist to some extent, and they are partly responsible for the dissatisfaction of immigrant farm workers with thelr working and lving conditions in this country, For the sake of the good name of Canada, however, It 1s to be hoped that they are very few Ooeaniondlly, however, eases are seven Justies man for helioved however, revealed, i sOven years of IMMIGRATION FIGURES I there fs any satisfaetion at all to he gained from the large influx of immigrants inte Canada during the present your, it is ta be found in the faet that migration from the Beitish Isles and the United States shows a substantial ingrease, while, en the other hand, immigration from non-English speaking countries has dropped considerably, It is not admit ted that inereased immigration is the best thing for Canada under the temporary conditions which exist in this country at the present time, It must be ads mitted that the influx of new settlers is helping to oreate severe problems of unemployment in Toronto and ather large centres to which many of the tmmis grant flock in their seareh for empldyment, and the view has heen widely expressed that the department of immigration is encouraging immigrants wha cans net he eanveniently absorbed inte the productive life of the eountry, There 1s some satisfateion, however, in knowing that British immigration is increasing and that the influx of foreigners is on the downgrade, In the latter respect, however, there is still much room for improvement, Bhitish migrants, in the five months ending August JI, numbered 42.23%, as compared with 40422 in the same period last year, There were, hows over, dA813 fmmigrants from foreign countries, so that even though this represents a substantial redues tion fram the 45640 who came to Canada in the cops responding five months of last year, the total is tea close 10 that of the number of Reitish tmwmigranta 10 he somiortable, EDITORIAL NOTES Football is the game that makes a comfortable seat out of a hardwood plank on a cold autumn day, The letters on the new Redish divigible ave Gs FAAW, Let vs hope it way never he neeessary to add="Dawn and go boom" A Windsor deputy-returning officer, an his way home with his ballot box, was attacked hy a bandit, Apparently the thug thought he was carrying somes thing of value Communist orators have wsed the election as an opportunity to secure free speech in Toronto, but they are not finding iteo easy to find audiences on which to practise it, It is a good sign that Aristide Reiand is to remain as foreign minister in the new French government, This means that the policies he has started into oper ation for the settlement of the troubles. of Bwrope are likely 10 be continued, i Other Editors' Comments A PEL FOR LIBERALS a ravings) A Liberal paety in England or claewhere Mow fehtive policies for the publie welfare und eourageons leadership Ia bound jo full flat, It may he . kene 4 church where no Gospel 18 preashed, There may he i organist, Waid and offieipls 10 tule up un colleetion, yet if there is na Gospel and no one ta preach if such a ehureh would become a mere whited sepulehre, nmr Ho NHONKING (Barder Cities Blur) Taranto has set gn example to other een t haw fined a youth for sitting In his ear and honking his horn ta wpprise his best girl thit hie haw arrived to keep a date, He wis, na doubt, surprised when the polis took action, hut there ave few who will not gemmend them for what they did, Fyery citigen knows the extent to whieh this nuisanes of wi NECEERATY honking of harns has grown: It has become little less thin wn abomination, and it should easily come under the status of disturbing the peace, In this community, as in others, the abuse exisis to 8 deplor She degree, and citizens would wel eome steps that might be taken to pu # stop ta the nuisance, partiey arly at night, A FORGOTTEN REGULATION (Forest Standard) With all the discussion of level erassings and means of compelling matorists to exercise the maximum precaution in foprosehing seh eros ings, iis doubtful If the general mo toring public is aware of & regulation embodied In the Highway Traffie Act which reads as follows: "No metas vehicle shall he driven itp level rillway crossing where the driver of the vehiele has not a elear view of the approaching traMie at a greater rite of speed than 10 miles per hou ina elty, town or village, or 15 miles wir hour outside & elty, town of vil age In other words, when you speed aver one of these erossings at a rate of 10 or 18 miles an hour, us the ease may be, you are violating a law af the Pravinee of Ontario THE AWFUL PRICE (New York Telegram) Last year 97,000 peonle were killed In this eountry hy aceldents, Auto mobiles aecounted for 272.000 which seems appalling until ane learns that 24,000 died at their homes and that 20000 more died an the hghways from other eauses than the neta Ril Industrial aeeldents aeeaunted i 20.000 while railroads, aleplanes and miscellaneous aeeidents are eharge able with only 5300 It goes without saying that quite A few of the 92.000 killed hy aeol dent awvauld have died anyway, but making allowance for that, we pay a dreadful price for speed, power and mass produetion The Jursernaut of human progress In exacting a blood saerifice which seems ont of proportion with sound intelligenes Fhe massaeves fn Palestine, which vestilted In the loss of 20 lives, sent A theill of hareer thraushout the ely aed world, yet they did not repre sent one day's tall In Ameriea Wo were very angry when the Ves persons, but if the dav were an aver tris went down with the loss of 112 Ale one in this country nearly three times that number were killed through aceldent, | Bits of Humor HIGH AMBITION A sohoclma am nearly swooned the other day when she asked one of hor little gel pupils if she tended 10 he a sehool teacher when she grow " Nay ma'am replied the ehild, WHORE 10 be & lady" UNFORTUNATE CHANCE "An untortunate chance prevents my Hance trom taking me out in his Rollys:- Rayee," "Hut has yow Royoe Wo, that is the ehange THIS LAD KNOWS "With & single stroke of a hrush," sald the sehool teacher, taking his olass around the National Gallery, "loshua Reynolds could ehange a smiling face to a frowning one" "So oean my mother" said a small hay, THR PERFROT SHOPPER Lady==1 want a postal order for WO and slxpence, and one for one and ninepence, and ten shillings worth of three haltpenny stamps and two dosen haltpenny anes, and B® packet of postoards, Now what would that he? Postal Clerk Sixteen and fives pence, please, Lady=--0h, dear, that's rather more than 1 wanted 0 give =--=Puhs He Opinion, Rance a Rollys unfortunate TOO POLITE Over hill and down gale the ehase had continued, Bat at fan the game: Kogper caught wp with the tramp, and seized hold of his collar, "Now, then" he demanded, "what do you mean hy trespassing in these grounds £ Didn't you see a hoard up at the mated "Why, yas, sin" said the tvamp, "Well peared the gamekespern "what did it say t® The tramp sheok his head, ST odunne sin" he replied "1 was 100 perlite 10 read any ware when 1 road the first word was 'private! ME. fa Preparation = Tohn a= saving, Praha, yo \he AY LW hon, wake his paths straight, (ory val hy wl RN AN fety AG ain and hilt § A and he crated shall Wo rae SUTREAL and the wo WAYS & 3) made Mhooth Rad A Aus shall seo the salvation of Gode=Luke 3:4 § 6 ory Teach me, O Lord, that T also may prepare the way for These, That Body of | Pours i By Jamas W. larton, M.D, HEADACHES REAL AND UN REAL One of the diffieult proposition that faces a physlelan Is to tell whe ther or not a patient eamplaining ol headache is really sultering As vou know in wlments of heart, Tung, kidney, skin, liver and so forth, there are objeetive symptoms which the physielan readily recognises, hut when iiss "headache, Wis u differ ent matter 1 there 1s a temperature, inereasci or decreased pulse, or if there 1s # constant contraction of the Taee mus eled, the headache is usally genuine If there Is inereased pain or pressure ayer the special nerves ol the face ar sleull, Headache fram hysterig us ually follows the gentre ling at top of head If there is a swelling of the eyelids, It muy he a kidney condition eaus ing the headache, 1 pain is toward the haelk of the head near var, ther may he an ear eondition, With any veal hemin atlment thers 1s 4 chang in the individual's manner, He mi heeome stupid, exsitable, eonfused, have diffeulty finding words, loss of memory and so furth Bometin changes of charaetor sueh as His © brutality, megleet of duty, sini without reason, Prue melancholia 1s usually reer niged hy the physician Prof Kebhen, Vienna, tells wu that where the physician can't hn any objective symptoms, the patien looks well and poes shout his work hut eomplaing all the time of hed ache, he should he suspeeted of "mul neering," that mw "lTelgning" or "lak hy d Vhis Is especially true if he refuse ta do anything to help "eure" the headache, Ly rhen suguests that the physielan should preseribe tab etn whigh will give a distinetive gol oF to the urine and thus he ean see whether the patient 18 taking the me dieing, and thus trying 10 help him sult As vou know due 1a overuse same digestive formation, usually and vonstipation I have spoken before about the ond slded headache, migraine, This 1s thought ta he due to overwork, men: tal or phyaieal, whieh interferes with the liver's ability to eleanse the hlaod Don't he satisfied to have frequent headaches there 18 always and you should help your to diseover that eause Headaches and pleasures af Hi real headaches are al the disturhanes # sluguish eyes, or a with pus liver, OER physieian (Registered in geeordance with the (Copyright Act) THAT newspaper advertise ing stands supreme, THAT service 1s what makes this elass of advertising stand wm the leader in the advertising fleld, THAT newspaper advertiss ing possesses Individuality, Ite outstanding sorvioe Is the foundation for the marked reputation It enjoys, THAT newspaper advertising dependable THAT it stimulates buying, THAT fa oventen prestige THAT It THAT 1 establishes a pore sonal relationship between the conser and advertiser, THAT 1s bhullde mood will NEWSPAPER ADVERTS ING IN A BRRVICR DUR "HE PROFLE, THRY SHOULD DEMAND THEIR DUR, | Bits of Verse | | FoQ Enfolded in gray hlankets Came fog-wraiths, damp and ohill, Io nestle near the seashore Op olimb a distant hill, Inorenses anles On journeys never-ending, ike wails without a home, Far o'er the workl they travel, Their mission e'er to roam We wonder whenee they've wan dered, Or how they chanced to veer And deilt aeross our vision 10 blur the landscape elean These weary sipsy fogoweaiths Th seek sane shelter (ted: We love our peacetnl valleys, Therein we woul! abide Put soon seashores were heekoning With golden sunset skies, Assparkling ove bright waters 40 dasele wisty eyes With ghost-like fingers reaching FAthwatt the stalin might, They cast an eerie glamewr As ships passed lam ong sight, Across Life's pathway gliding, Why shoull we mortals dread These clouds of duitting vapor Phat mark the fog wiaith's tread! Pear God! When, hy Thy magi, Our paths grow yet more faim, Is fog Thy wisdom teaohing That we must learn restraint? Wo glory dn olear swnihine, Weath moonheams pale we dream Then fog so softly stoahing, Reveals Thy mystio sohewe wld Abce Boyd, | unfit you far the duties We offer the Re ol Ro JVIERCHANTS of Oshawa can substantially increase the earning power of thelr Say- ings by depositing them with the anada Loan and Bay Central ings Company, Why not decide now to make the Surplus Funds of the Busi- ness and your Personal Savings fa earn our 4% Interest Rate, For the convenient transaction of your business, our Offices are open every day, including Satur. day, from 9 am, to § p.m, Our customers always feel free to consult us concerning any May we look financial matters, forward to serving you? -- il Merchants a N 'Oshaw) im, YH : " Interest on Savings Subject to Withdrawal by Check Business hours ® an to 8 p.m, including Saturday, re. : QA AVR @A AVDA [PAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY OCEHAWA BRANGH OFFICE, BIEIMOOE BT, NORTH TORONTO HEAD OFFIGE KING & VIGTORIA GTS, OF AVINGS PLAN AIR SERVICE ACROSS PACIFIC Dirigibles To Be Used For Service To Hono lulu New York, Oot, 20, Threa New York financial houses have entey od A Project 10 GARTY DARRBI KOS, mall, and proavatiy small prokage frelght, In glant divigihles on resu lar sohedule hetwesn the Paelitie Coast and Honolulu, Paul W, Liteh fleld, President of the Goodyear goppelin Company, announced yes' terday, The Natlonal Ofty Rank, Leh man Brothers & Grayson, M, B® Murphy, eaoh have purohased # one-fourth interest oppalin Transport Company, Lime fled, whieh will operate the ine The Goodyear Heppelin Company will retain the remaining 28 per cant, af the steok The Heppelln Company Waa ree antly Inoarporated, Hy 1982 1h ex pects ta have the first af two a0 foot divtaibles completed, and sew | vies on the line will then he start ol, CONTRACT AWARDED FOR ELEVATORS FOR PRESCOTT TERMINAL Ottawa, Oot, 2%-=Construetion of the new BA00,000 bushel termina rain slovatora at Preseatt will he cared out hy the Atlas Conatynetion Company of Montreal, whose tender of 098,000, the lowest offered, was oday accepted hy the publie works department, Tudge="You are aconsed of heats ing wp an instalment collector and two pelicemen,' Prisoner="1 did 1 in a moment of weakness, you Toner» Why call them flappers since they no longer Wear PR | that Raps? wotroit Free Press, a a a In the Paeltle StoBiEFHRLONG 8 © TOCKe RUNDE GRAIN Head Office: Reford Ru ding BAY AND WELLING TON #78 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 | | | | THE | DOMINION BANK Many people have special savings accounts for spee clal purposes. Why not start a vacation account? When holidays come as round, the money saved will make your vacation a pleasant, carefree relaxa ton. RR OSHAWA RRANCH TT W, JOYCE EE = ] BURA BRIVATE Wine TO ALL RRINGIRAY MARKETS TRAV AHOVE BANARA AND THE UNTER ATATRS rs rr. O'HEARN & Co. ey "ae W SNERANG NENRIRG NEW YORK SURE BranAN BTANDARD STREN a WY SHIVA BOARD BF WINNIPES ARAN Srovanas WEN VOR FRODVEE SrERANG: ----