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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Nov 1929, p. 8

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"PAGE EIGHT LPH ROYALS PLAY "BLUE DEVILS" TOMORROW AFTERNOON g) y -. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929 Brand Of Rugby Played In #4 Oshawa Is Worthy Of Much ¥ "Local. Collegiate Has Pro. "duced Many Rugby Play: ors Who Now Play for "Blue Devils" m-- RAL TI aia ade' the 40 hh ey heen layhd and 18 belug played, In shawa this season, The General Motors "Blue Devils" last year's intermediate champs, are making a strong bid for another ehampion- ship, They have won thelr three plarts yi the > tie, any the longed for final series w 6 slar with tha "Bue Devil" battling the winner of the London-farnia series for the ¢hamplonship, Last year the people of Owshe awn did not realize that there was uw championship team in thelr midst st until the last game of the mie- son, Thig year the fans who saw Inst year's game, were right bes hind the ""Dlue Devils" at thelr first mame, However, there are still a great many who seemingly do not know just what they are missing, Neveral weaks ago, & Ereat many people travelled to Toronto lo nee a Benfor Rugby game expects mE 10 nee A real tussle Just heoatine the teams playing have already made thelr reputation, The rughy heing played here In Oshawa is just as good ng most of the games played outside but just because it 1 right here In front of thelr nose people can't see It, Tt 1s no good iehing you had seen the team aft ir the season is over, Come out on Maturday and see Just what you have been missing, The Colleglute teams are two more rugby teams in the city that have not got the support they de serve, It iu too late now for them, because thelr home games have all heen played. However, It might ba well to give a few facta which show Just how much the Collegiate rugb, teams mean to rughy In Osh®Wm' I0'all the players now y J Osh jus % i a COpitog fen n po 1 RA NEW MARTIN EE, NOW PLAYING WHISPERING WINDS with PATSY RUTH MILLER COMEDY LOVERS' DELIGHT HARMONY €fUR Male Quartette Chapter 8 PIRATE OF PANAMA he wen, See the . . GENERAL re 'Better Support From Fans for the "Blue Devils" who earned thelr rugby at the Oshawa Collegiate were to be taken from the team, the Blue Devils would not be near as strong, Although there are a good num ber of outsiders playing on the team fifty percent of the team are home brews, Halt of the '"Diue Devilg" team learned their rugby at the local school, The "Blue Devils' voalize this und appreciate the fact, They take a great deal of interest in the school teams and even though they can not be pre- sont at the games owing to thelr own troubles, they watch for the vosults, Why? Deonuse it is from these teams that the players will be found to take the place of the boys who decide to hang up thelr molegking, The other teams in the provines realise this and they have a youngs or team, from which they hope to got material for thelr team, Argo's huve a Junior squad, as has Var nity, Barnia, London and Mt, Kitts, The Collegiate team, speaking of the Menlors, did not do so well this year, This, however, does not mean that there are not In- dividual players on the team, who will wome day be great players, The "Blue Devils' do not expect to got a whole team from Oshawa but they do expect to get a majority of Oshawa boys on an Oshawa team, The following Is a Het of the players on the "Niue Devils" who learned thelr rugby at the log al wehool; Hubbell, Carver, Black, cornish, Cutler, Gummow, John stone, Kohen, Rowden, and Mill. champ Other loonl boys are Brown, the two Elllott brothers und Luke When a champlonship team Is bullt up In Oshawa with a nucleus of formeér sehool players, it shows that the Collegiate teams are wor thy of better support than they receive, It 1s not for thelr henefit, but the brand of rugby they play Is worthy of large crowds made up of more than students and parents, For the sake of rughy in Osh« awn the people should take more interest In the games, The calibre of the playing would draw three times tho erowd In a strange city so why can't the fans show that they appreciate good rugby and come out and give Lhe boys thelr support? Oshawa han been placed on the aport map of Canada in the last threa years by the efforts of wome of the teams that have represented this elty, In rughy too, Oshawa oan obtain distinetion if the fans will only get behnd the teams, You don't have to go te the gama thinks fitg you are doing a charitable aot, The Eames Are worth twice as much as you pay to ses them, Come on out and show the boys you are behind them, (ive them something to fght for and wateh rugby xo fn Oshawa, i, Tigers Stage Best Practice Of Season In Rain layin, Hamilton, Nov, 1==The best work: out of the season according to the players, gave two Tiger team thei: finishingsup touches at HAAA field here last night, Coaches Rods den and Leadley called for practice early and for nearly an hour the teams were able to brush up by days light, It was still early when the coaches called a hal, but despite the rain, the workout was still ben eficial and there appears to have been nothing left undone, While the Big Four team engages the Ottawa Senators at the capital, the Cubx will tackle the Sarnia Im periads here and both clubs are looks ing forward confidently to victories The Cubs are quite sure they can halt the rush of the Imperials, and the Big Four squad, with the realis gation that they must win to retain chance for the honors, will give thelr best against the Senators, MOTORS he Blue Devils in action against GUELPH PORT SNAPSHOT By Gro, Caxweurr, Sports Editor "Blue Devils" Ready for Fray Last night the Blue Devils had one of the sweetest practices they have ever had, The halves practised in the afternoon from three to fivethirty, In order to take full advantage of a daylight practice, The remainder of the team practised from five till seven und then they all returned to the dressing rooms where they gota real talking to, Re. sult==The game you will see tomorrow will be a different game from uny you have ever seen the Blue Devils play, They ure going In there to show all and sundry that they really can play rugby as it should be played, . 0» +" The Teams The following Is the list of Oshawa players from which the team will be chosen Gray, 22; KX, Wilson, 15; Logan, 23; Moore, 21; Johnston, 14; Wiginton, 73 Walker, 17; Bond, J; Boultbee, 8; Carver, 24; Hub bell, 13; Rowden, 95 A. Wilson, 2; Tribble, §; Cook, 19; Black, 12; C, Elllott, 20; Hamilton, 4; Lortle, hen, 25, 18; Norrin, 16; Cutler, 10 and Ko- And here Is the Guelph team: Halves, Lafontaln, Smith, Gemmell, Klendenning, Hough and Anderson, Outsidess Boutelller, Lavole and Richardson. Flying wing: Sharpe, Quarter: Tate, Hamilton, Snap: White, Alvin, Linemen: Howard, Hoshooley, Kay, Muronl, Shane, Ber ner and Bedford, . 0» * - Another 8t, Kitts Rugby Team At 1.30 sharp at Alexandra Park a picked team from the Oshawa Public Schools will play a team from the Bt, Catharines Public Schools, The Oshawa Nationals are Tending thelr blue jerseys to the "kids" and they are determined not to disgrace them, This game will likely pros vide more fun than six intermediate games, so you had better not miss It, You are going to the "Blue Devils" game anyway; sa go a litle bit earlier and see the ' 'Blue Devils" of 1940 In netion * "w LJ * Notice to Soccer Players The Oshawa Nationals travel Congasco In the last away game Prince street at 1,00 sharp hand, Saturday tg mect The to Toronto on of the schedule bus leaves The following players are usked to be on Elrick, Boyd, Coll, Petterson, McGregor, Fullerton, Mclean, IL, Dougall, Lyons, Bralden, Fitch, Davidson, Allen, Sathrang, and Mes Glelsh, * * LJ] * Another Wrestling Show Tomorrow Night The Mth Regiment are putting on another wrestling show tomors row night in the Armouries, Renato Gardinl will be seen again trying his wares out against Fox, Taylor; the man wha had his log broken in Toronto, will try to tame the "Wild Irishman," Ned MceCarr, Dino Garnoldl will meet Vargan, This shapes up like a real evening's enters talnment, Don't miss It! * LJ w » STRIKES, SPARES AND BLOWS TOMORROW Public School Rugby Game Between St. Catharines And Oshawa On Saturday Game will Be Played at Alexandra Park ot 1.30 Sharp--Oshawea Nationals _ Supplying Sweaters For Kids" The rugby game tomorrow be ween Bt. Uatharines Publi Behool Bae one and the boys of the lo oal schools will commence prompts ly at 1,50 at Alexandra Park, The dt, Catharines team will arrive about 11,80 am, Luncheon for the visitors ia being provided by the local players, while a banquet ia being served at ¢ p.m, at Ro: tary Hall to both teams A the Indies of the Home and hool team will appear Counell, and white of the Na. The Oshawa in the nav who have kindly loaned A num tionals, aweaters for the oocaslon, per of future Blue Devils have been discovered by the coach and some tricky plays have been de- veloped, which will keep the Bt Kitta' lads guessing, 'The pro- ceadn of the game will be used to purchase sweaters for the teams of each school, and the officials of the O.P.8.A.A. are hoping for a # turnout, " The Oshawa team will be pleked trom the following players: Mes Gibbon, MoInally, Stover, Bheyan, Uleaple, Hodgron, Goodman, Lit - Olark, Goodman, Bakogeorge, MoOullough, Peiter, O'Rlinaki, Ir win, Balter, Montgomery, White, Harmer, Greene, Young, Barnes, Fraser, Gurney, 3 O.H.A. Jr. Team For St. Thomas St. Thomas, Nov, le=Announces went was made here last evening that St, Thomas would concentrate on a fast junior OHA, sextette this winter, but that an intermediate team would not be operated, With Stirling «t Sarnia, Vaughan at Kitchener anc Moose Watts at Galt, the intermeds to team's backbone has been bros won and some unger material will ave to be developed to take the plas os of the departed players, The new organisation to be known w the Strands has mentioned 1. B, Mattia, former president of the sens or ball club, as the man sponsoring he team, while Douglas Martin » kely to be manager, A complete or anization meeting will be held soon some of the collegiate players are 10 be signed up, including Carson and dgeworth, while "Hud" Medeall, he lacking half of the Tigers is a oaltender of skill, Bevery Jacques of Avimer is another star likely and Also (Hoodle) Udell, backfield plays er of the Tigers, Every young stick handler in the city is to be given a i chance to make the team. Although i there will not be an intermediate teams, there will be a ladies' team in the LLOHA, and 'Wossa" teams, I city league is also being promo 2 A -------- GORD COOK And here we have Gord Cook, the Hard Luok King of the team for 1080, Twentystwo years In reach. Ing a height of six foot and weighs 178, Gord played with the Lindsay Collegiate for three years and then came to Oshawa, where he first at. tracted attention on the Shamrock Junior Hockey team, Last year he yod with the "Blue Devils" and Is with them again this year, bigger and hotter than ever, Gord in not a sensational playes, but he in one of the steadio®t players on the team, Last year in the final game with Sarnia, when Hubbell was taken from the game due to Injuries, Gord stepped into the breach and fled it completely, Gord had the honor of scoring the touchdown which gave Oshawa a one point lead on the round awd ractioally won the championship, far this year Gord has not heen wooing very much action owing to Injuries, He no sooner gets his ankle in working order than some. body bangs him again, He is veady to Ad Ab he oy hited at Ll ving he wilt he a valuable man fn the playotts, He's there when needed, N | cOAL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S Game Between Toronto Argos And Montreal Is Creating Balmy Beach and Sarnia Are Sure Group Winners = Varsity Juniors Look Like Finalists--~Orphans Get a Break With Balmy Beagh and Sarnia cer~ tain group winners in the senior OR, UU, the four games beheduled in the oldest organization on Saturday will be little more than the filling of dates on the schedules although each of the Sith tens will be out for victories, The situation, is dlfeeas in the In- terscolleglate and. Interprovincial un. long, in both of which there are tight rices for the title, In the college un: lon Varsity goes to Montreal and must defeat McGill to remain within reaching distance of ueen's, who will entertain fhe greatly improved Western Ontario squad, In the big Four the outstanding fixture Is the visit of the Montreal Winged Wheel: ots to this city where they meet the Argonauts, Botly "elubs wre still in the hunt for the championship, Mon. tread being tied with 'the Hamilton Tigers for first 'place and the Scullers only un game back and still a mathe- matical possibility for 'the title, Of the elght games carded the Ars gonauts- Montreal Is the one that is attracting the greatest' interest al though both the college 'games have possibilities, Varsity and Queen's should win but upsets Have been few und far between this year, and sev: eral ure wverdue, There is a fecling in' some 'yuarters that the Tricolor Iv going to get & big sueprise when they try to lussoo Jor Breen's Mus tungs and ¢ them Into the corral, In their it" threo: gates the Lon- doners showed stage fright in the early periods and on each occasion their upponents secured a command. ing lead before half time which was nore than sufficient ww offset the Mustang's strong. relly,, Now that they have experienced, the thrill of setting the pace they are lable to break away as soon us the gates are opened and the Tricolor may get a rude surprise, but it is more than probable that the SApS Hence of the Queen's squad will pyll them through to thelr Hitth successive victory, Hamilton's visit to Ottawa will be interesting only because the 'Ligers rubbed it into the Senators by a 55 to 0 count a week ago Saturday and the rejuvenated Ottawa team will be out to secure as muh revenge as Josetice hy holding the Tanks to a UW score Kitchener and Camp Borden end thelr seasons ut Camp Borden and the algmen lo. keuw doomed to finish the schedule without a victory, This will enable the Panthers to finish in econd place as St. Michael's ure out likely to take two straight from Bal my Beuch, Sarnia plays in Hamilton and should make it five in a row Argonauts had a long and heavy workout Wednesdiy in preparation for the alldmportant struggle against Montreal here on Saturday, 1here were no ubsentees from tie squad and Coach Buck McKenna donned a unis form himself, This. was due to a statement made last week that if Montreal won from the Tigers he would get inte a suit two nights this week and the members of the squad didn't pass up any chances to show the conch by actual demonstration thut they knew how to tackle and tackle hard, Hank Sinclair is fitting into the plays nicely, and there is no doubt that he will get frequent action on Saturday although it is not likely that the Scullers will make any changes in their starting line-up frgm that which started against Ottawa last Saturday, The Big Four game at Varsity sta- dium will get under way at J.1§ on Saturday, the Orphanss Windsor O,R, FU, clash being the first hall of the doubleheader and starting at 1.30 sharp: There has already been a big demand for seats and Indications are that the attendance will be the lars xost that has witnessed the Scullers in action locally for a, number of years, The advance raled have been especially brisk and already officers of the Argonauts are gettin res quests to aid in securing pasteboards but their answer ta one and all is "Get them at the agencies, we haves not any." "And they mean it, The Double Blue worked out again last night, but .. the boys are at the top of their form now they will be given a holiday today so that they will not be stale, The locals were somewhat unlucky to loge by one point at Montreal and are deters mined to give the Winged Wheelers championship hopes a severe jolt this week-end but the Montrealers are playing brilliant football and, th will take a lot of beating, Bil Hughes is a smart rugby coach and knows how to get the best out of hiv men, He is credited with havi much to do with the win over the Ti pers through his halftime exhortas tation in the Montreal dressing room. Like the Argonauts the Winged Wheelers have a number of playe: who are showing in senior conga for the first time and there are gon four or five players from the | Canadian intermediate champions, Canadian Nationals, who have delive ered in no uncertain way, These ins clude Wally Whitty, the kicking hall and Rartnet of Red Moore on the half line, Haynes, the quarter back, Red Tellier, the snap, and Hempey, a middle wing, Ia addition there are Gordie Perry on the half line, Clary Foran, and Garbarine, the only Italian player in senior rughy, In addition to Johnsten and Armstrong the locals have several first-year men doing great work with them this seas son. hut they have increased Much Interest squad this week by the promotion of six of the junior team, which gives them a total of 29 players in the squad, quite an wrmy, ------ Varsity Is just one practise away from the game against McGill on Sa~ turday us Conch McPherson announ~ ced Wednesday that there would be no morning practice next day, the layers having shown lots of pep and eenness In the la. i two works, Most of the time was devoted to both ends of the interference problem, makin and breaking and the conch is - satisfied with the results, The scare that the Blue and White was given in London last Saturday hus driven any over-confidence out of their systems and they are paying strict attention to their knitting this week, While they should defeat McGill with more than the ordinary amount of ease the same was the opinion be- fore they met Western Ontario lust Saturday, The squad will work out again this afternoon and will end up with » serimmuge against the Orphans, but this latter part will be of short du ration, Wednesday's serimmage was devoted solely to making interference for the various plays when Varsity had possession and later on the Or hans were ghvon the ball and the Bile squad tried their hands at break ing up the interference, The squad will lenve at nine o'clock Friday morn ng for Montreal, Juck Sinclair and Jog Kelly, the two regulars who have been out of the last two and three games respectively, ure back at mid season form and they will be wvail able for use but probably will not be 'sent into action unless absolutely ne COABATY, -- This Varsity Junior tean which looks to be well on its way to the Intercollegiate final is by no means a light outht, even Couch ! Carroll being surprised by the avolrdupais of his squad of 20° players, Previous to the game against Queen's h had each of the players step on the scales and their weights, in uniform, were: Litowite, 163; King, 166; Hod. gotts, 182; Cutler, 160; Magladery, 185; Ship, 160; Patterson, 1720; Fear, 185; Cwerling, 200; Shapiro, 175; Mes Gibbon, 185; Stubbs, 155; Brown, 162 Ellsworth, 150; Mud 160; Rogers, 181; Booth, 200; Rottenberg, 185; Gibson, 180; and Hume, 168; This gives the squad an average weight of 171 pounds, The Varsity Orphans are getting one good break this season at least, They have lost thelr four games so fur in the senior OQ. RFU, the last two to Hamilton after each had gone into overtime and they play at home ont Saturday and then have their final game in Sarnia. This was scheduled for Saturday, Nov, 9, but Sarnia sug- gested that the game be moved furs ward to Wednesday, Nov, 6, and this was more than satisfactory to the Orphans as it will enable them to see their opponents of four and five days a eo the Intercollegiate squad, In action here against Queen's on Nov, 9 When Western Ontario Played here the Orphang were in Vindsor and on the occasion of the McGill game the second team was in Hamilton, The change in dates will also benefit Sarnia as they, as group champions will have to playoff for the O.RFU, title on Thanksgiving day and the new arrangements will give them a five days' rest instead of Just over Sunday, Many Watch Workout Of Maple Leafs Close to two thousand interested spectators viewed the first workout of the 'Maple Leafa at the Arena Gardens at noon yesterday, It was a fine greeting for Conny Smythe's N.H.L. representatives, and for more than an hour they gave the rallbirda plenty of action, With the exception of "Rolly" Conacher, every man on the squad was on the ice, Nothing was at- tempted In the way of lining up two teams, and It was noticeable that body-checking was taboo, It was the first time on akates alnce last spring for most of the Leafs and until they get that shaky feeling out of their mba the more atrenu- ous shock-absorbing sessions will be delayed. It is expected' that by the middle of next week they will be down to serious business, with everybody going full » taking and handing out the bumps that are to be expected in a league fix ture. "Rolly" Connacher ia laid. up with a bad knee injury and may not be able to get on the ice for a week or more yet, During a softball game at Port Blgin last Friday he was struck on the knee by a bat which slipped out of the hands of a player who was swings ing at the ball, The injury ta a painful one, although it ia not thought to be serious, Connacher ia heavier than Toronto fans have ever seen him, and, although he was not expected to make a us lar position with the Leafs thia season, it wan thought he would develop Into a usetul substitute, Following the p ce sesanlon, the players were guests of the club directors at a luncheon in the King Edward Hotel, President Bd Rickh addressed them briefly, welcoming them back to the olty and promis ing the heartiest co-operation for the coming campaign, The Leats will play an exhibition game at Fort Erie a week from tonight Balmy Beach Want Series Two Games Bulmy Beach Club officials are EU hopeful of meeting Sarnis be fore an Toronto crowd, The East End senior team, which has tramp ed a rough and lonely road in the OW, senior eeries during Lhe past five yeurs, facing finance! ob sacle that would have folded up many a better situsted organises tion, has appealed to the O.R.¥.U. for a home-and-home final series with Bavula Imperials, providing both are group winners in thelr respective sections, To pave the way for u possible meeting of the teams on this basis, been | Balmy Beach has arranged with St | | Michael's College to play the fina kame of the league season scheds uled for Nov, § on Wednesday, Nov, 6, ut Oskwood Stadium, The wama day Sarnin Imperiale meet the "Orfuns' in Sarnia in & game through an extensive practice, Dao | that has also heen moved up from spite the rain, the mud and the fog, (NOV: 9, That would leave boty the plays were working splendidly, Concl) | Benchears and the Tmperinls 81 Pound finally let them go and maybe | ¢pen dato on Nov, §, and It is the they' weren't: xind proposal of the Old Gold and Blue . PA that the first of the title worles ho played on this date with the return gamd on Thanksgiving Day, Whether the O.R.VU, or the Sarnia Club will consent to such in' an arrangement Is doubtful, The This litde tall did piuck: to clear | OF, has already made plain sy late rt niet: | Its position in the matter, although dr nd he Renin If Barnia is willing to go through t with suegh a worles it 1s hardly which predominated thelr whole eum likely the Ontario Union will put paign last season any obstacle In the way, Balmy Boneh clulme 1t 1s fighting for its existence, It is facing another de fioft on the present season, the fifth In as many years, and the club will have to cease operation Cutler. | At the end of the present campaign, Tribble | It has met with discouragements Boulthee | that would pt many finaneially Halves: | stronger clubs down and out, and Wilson. | I! has Just about reached the end. Balmy Beach officials feel that | they have hleped considerably in the pnst In keeping the Ontario Unfon's senior series to the fore, and they should be entitled te some consideration at a time when thelr existence is at stake, 1929 PUNTS and » TACKLES iy The Dopester a a a kl Tomorrow's game Is going to show # new football team, A new spirit 1s going permeate the gang, They are going to go places and do things! \ » » E25 25 8 Jb 28m 0S a bn me en eo : 1 We would heartily recommend that you see the gang in action. It will, undoubtedly, he your last opportunity before they go into the OJGF.U, fi nals, CR For weeks the boys lave training and practising diligently should say that they werit your pat ronuge tomorrow, The football sea son Is a short one but a tough one, Come and give the gang a boost, Lust night the i wallowed . Leam After practice the boys were tak en to the conference room and were given a real heart<to<heart talk hy Couch Pound, Mr, Nieoll, Mr, Mac Kinnon and President Leckie Tomorrow's team will be pleked from the following snaps: Gray, Wilson, Logan, Moore, Johnston, Ellott, Outsides: Bond, Walker, Flying wings: Wiginton, Quarter Carver, Kohen Hubbell Rowden, Art Cooke, Lortie, Hamilton Ingides Middle Morrin Black, * * * Be on hand at 300 pm the boys a helping hand! . . » OPEN, and glve a --------__--., WILSON'S _. BACHELOR SILVER ANNIVERSARY 1904. " ELL, well," exclaim the contented smokers, "think of our favourite 10c¢ cigar celebrating its twenty fifth birthday. It seems but yesterday that we smoked our first Bachelor ., . and have continued to smoke them all these years. \ "Congratulations, Bachelor! + + » and many happy returns of the day." 10° foil Wrapped Individual fol wrapped WiLson's a) five BACHELO RRTSIR NRIs [SES METI TR Ta Te I [@ AN Gi Te Te | SR I I GYR TITS TS 18 against the Buffalo International Loam,

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