THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, PAGE NINE 1929 PERRON BESIFNS PLACE IN OO) 70 FIGHT ELECTION Minister of Agriculture to be Liberal Candidate in Montcalm Quenae, Nov, 1,.-Hon, J, 1. Wwerron, Minister of Agriculture m the Provinelal Government, re- signed his portfolio in the Legis Tolive Gounell Tuesday morning, and neceording to Premier Tas cherean 'stands a very good chance' of being the Liberal can- Sidate in Montsaim County, when the people go to the polis, J. ¥, Danlel, M.I.A, for Mont onlm, in the Legislative Assem- bly, resigned his seat to be named a member of the Legislative Coun- oil for the division of Lanaudiere, in sucoession to the late Hon, Gas- pard Degerres, Premer Taschereau, in making to news: the meeting Cabinet Tues. these Rnnouncements papermen following of the Provincial day morning, stated that writs for a by-election in Montealm County has been issued, and nomi. nations would take plage on Nov. ember 9, with the people going to the polls on Nov, 16, Date For New Bession "You see we have done plenty of work this morning," jokingly remarked the Prime Minister, as he also snnounced that the date for the opening of the next ses sion had been set for January 7, while fn addiiton he made public a list of new King's Counsel who had been appointed that morning, The opening of the session end the fast that there were to be elections in Montealm, due to the resignation of Mr, Daniel, and his subsequent appointment to the Legislative Counell, were the first things to be given out by Premier Taschereau, who was then asked by one of the newspapermen: Has nny resignation taken place in the Legislative Council?" "Hon, Mr, Perron resigned this morning and bis resignation is now in the hands of the Govern- ment," replied the Premier, "Will he be the Liberal candi dat In Montesim?" was the next query, "It Is quite probable, He has an excellent chance of go being," came back Premier Taschereau, who went on to say that a convention would by held In the county in a few days. when the offiela) selec tion of the Liberal Party would take place, Ten Vrom Montreal Twenty new King's Counsel wore named by the Government Tuesday morning, Including ten from Montreal, Premier Tascher: osu handed out the lst as follows! ©. Belleau, Latuque; I', H, Roul fard, Hoauce; Leon Cliche, Beauce Jacques Cartier, Montreal; Bernar Devlin, Quebec; G, Fortin, Bt, John; ©, HW, Guerin, Montreal; J, M, Guerard, Quebec; T, B, Henny, Montreal; H, W, Howard, Mont. real; J, Jean, Montreal; L, Meth % o M J oe $1 i -- <0 EAUTIFY your kitchen by giving your stove the b most ever lackest, brightest and beautiful polishing it had... the quick, clean way, with Zebra Liguid Stove Polish ,. .. and, stove as if by magic, that becomes as radiantly bright and glowing as the day it was new, WELCOME TO NEW gl AKT) ad YA Sami g ! WY. 0 vations DOM /h A a hn 1 ) 4 YORK. 2 Pp © i DTEL Ny DR ( LINTON y! " Sle steer a Tu AVenve..... OPPOSITE PENNA, R.R. STATION A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, Circula: . ting Ice Water and many other inn «featuring a sincere opleit O hospitality, B. O. KILL, General Menger ® Pp" as | EE ot, Three Rivers; P, N, Poutbriand, Yorel; A, Routhier, Chicoutimi; A, Guerid-lajole, Montreal; R, - R Alleyn, Quebeg; J, Blain, Moni veal; H, Winefield, Montreal; Chas, M, Cotton Montreal and J, Kerry, Montreal, - MERCURY SLUM BELOW FREEZING Colder Weather Than Nor- mal Being Experienced Records Show Montreal, == Genuine autumn weather with its series of freesing kraund temperatures hag come to stay If the weather records of the past day or so at MeGill Observa~ tory and the frogen over puddles on uneven streets may be taken A% good Indications, There was a ground tempera. ture of 11 degrees helow freeing early this morning, while the mean temperature for yesterday was hut two degrees above the frost mark, though the mercury struck a high of 48 degrees for the day, The average mean temperature for the end of the present month Is approximately 40 degrees wo that Mordrealers arb experiencing colder weather than is normal, The weather at the end of the month thus coincides with that at the beginning, which was consid. erably below the average for October, The month Is normal in regard to rainfall whieh totals to date 3.8 Inches, The average figure is 8.8 Inches, Other month-end fg. ures are expected to show that the weather of the present October averages about the same as other Qctobers, as unusually warm weather of the middle of the month has heen balanced by cold apelin, SWISS EMIGRATION 10 SOUTH AFRICA Proposal to Organize Col onles to Produce Milk On Grand Scale Paris, Nav, 1~Switzerland is one of the biggest countries of Europe if you take into account its terrestrial suriuce that if ironed out would make it a land as large as France, Hut it has been 1ound that the increasing PUpPUIRLIOn must emigiate In order tv live, as the available arable land is too ynall, the Journal of Geneva has been agitating an original solution for this problm of Swiss unemployment and population, It 1s suggested thal problem of Swiss unemployment and proceed to South Afrive, where Bwise colonies might be organized and the production. of milk be started on a wrand scale, Taking with them thei wucks and herds an arrangement has peen suguested with the South Afri can wove nments or the Union, whieh Wo easentinily British, th 1 § speci Swiss eolony be alle. ed to develop some of the more or less ogcupley stretches ' The South African colonies are re ported to be favorably impressed by the plan, although nohing definitel, gontraciual has been done betwee the two countries, It Is estimated that each little group or family mus have about $3500 to pay the expenses of starting out life on a profitable basis, and the difficulty is, of course, to get together enough of thes groups to maintain its identity in stead of being « Aickly assimilated in tc the land and dispersed like ordis nary immigrants, ; The probiem of Swiss emigration is still one of the foremost questions of the Federation, RAILWAY BOARD HAS HEAVY LST Newsprint Freight Rate Case Unlikely to be Reached This Year Ottawa, Nov, 1.=The appeal against increased freight rates on newsprint and other paper from Canada to United States polats oannot come up before (he Cans dian Board of Rallway Commis slonera before the end of the year, Judge H, A, McKeown atated today, The chairman of the Rall way Commission pointed out t the commission has a very full of hearings during the next few weeks and the full time of every membar of the commission fy booked up practically until Christ. mas, Judge MoKeown 1s anxious that the newsprint oase shall be heard before the whole commisaion ASAI { Bread Gedy A I Pastry Flour Saxon, XXX, Eclipse, Marv el Flour i. i bili s Jious, Five Roses, "HOGG Phone 203 & LYTLE LTD. ERS wt "ol weeks, and that means that hearings will have to be put over for a number Beslder routine ennes which have been on the Net for seme time, thers are several important cases including the conl rates hearing and the question of grain rates LO Atlantic ports on the schedule for Lhe next few weeks, The hourd alen Is committed to an week of hear ings 1a Toronto and another week In Montreal durlug November, The vallways filed tariffs last summor Ineveasing freight vatews on newsprint to the United States, A flood of protests followed from makers and users of the paper, and the board suspended the rates before they heeame effective, to give the appellants an opportuns ity to present thely cose and the allways an opportunity to justify the rates, The Interstate Com merce in the United Blaltes Look similar action and it Is understood will hear argument sume time this manth, RUINS OF RHFIMS ARE DISAPPEARING Rholms 1s vislng out of Ip rulng Just aw the Phoenix of old arose oul of Hg wshes, neecording to Charles Heldgleek, Jthelms, France, who helongs to the inter nationally famed champagne house of that name, and who Is at pres ent uw guest of the RitgCarlton, Hireets are helng widened and rechullt, new sawers have heen je stalled, und the whole town mod: ernlged to an amassing degrees, he sid, After the war, It head heen very dittieult, hut the peaple have heen ndustvious and patient, so that It new has 100,000 of its former 110,000 inhabitants, Nine new stosm heated hulldings had heen erected, strests stralghtened and widened, and the eld elty com pletely moderniedd The eathedral vestoration was Aomueh greater task, hut work was progressing favorably on that, he wild, and hefors long It would he Wig the Tormer, The statuary gould not he veplaced lke hriek hetore this phase of tne vestoration Was complete, My, Heldsleck wald that France regarded the Baldwin Government a helng move Irigndly toward them than the Labor Government Was, MACDONALD NOW HAS 274 STUDENTS Mantreal =Mucaonuld College hay envalled 274 students to date, while the students for the diploma course in agriculture will not pegister until the beginning of next manth, The envolment is as follows Schaal for teachers, 114; faculty of house hald science, 78; faculty of agricul ture, 711 faculty of graduate studies, 13 There is usually & large enrolment of students for the diploma fue n agriculture which brings the total res istration of fhe callege wp to & sons siderably higher figure, A total of 128 entered the summer shoal for clergymen, registration figures also show, ------_ ar ee rN EEE WATOH youn CHILDREN'S IE 18 easy Tor & he upset--stame Nitle may easly Be. serious 11 18 '4 ve for ly, leasant doses, Keep howe plomaeh working » table, Guarantesd Endorsed by leading dr 0% a EN RE A and mortar, and it might he years _ | ' - Bald By =F, W, Iempsen, Brug We Only Supremacy Dares Such Comparis The "RENOWN" wud wodel in DeForest Cronler's exclusive twpione waluui with birdieve maple overlays Bullidin Inductor Dynamic speaker, dyno chassis tubes, Compare -- any DeForest Crosley with the best radio or phonograph you can hear beautiful " Challonger™ Series Hotube pushepull nentro o TH E largest radio manufacturers in the British Empire~~Floneers of Canada's radio industry ~ De Forest Crosley would never throw a challenge to every Canadian home without a product that was sure fo back it up~--without a product worthy of DeForest Crosley leaders ship, Ry every test of music ANY new DeForest Crosley definitely ehals lenges comparison with the best-- the finest radio or fhonagraph you have ever heard, Here Is quality w= oharaeter -- that will satislty you as no radio eewl/d heretofore, Radio's Greatest Back of thi : ok of this Resources dominating performance standard---haek of this ghallenge stand the greatest ens gineering resources of radio, Five thousand research engineers have contributed to the development of these new instruments, Not just one, but eight great laboratories have played a part, Sales-Proven 4 Already the acid Superiority test of sales has proven the DeForest Crosley chal Fae And okie 4 birds "R poaig hy chess " " lenge -- has reflected still greater preference for DeForest Crosley superiority, No other Canadien radio manufacturer has rivalled the amasing growth of DeForest Cross ley, Study these convineing figures of annual sales inereases: 1028 -- 819 over 1924 1936 == 39% over 1938 1937 == 26% over 1926 1028 + 87% over 1927 Now even that record is heing (ar overshadowed, Increasing thous sands have already learned the meaning of radio's greatest chale lenge, Accept this Gotoas Dalureat \ 0 e Fores Challenge Crosley dealer, Hear a new DeForest Crosley, Let your own ears judge the heaping dollarsvalue of these modern radios, Any DeForest Crosley mode! ean he purchased on time payments, Most dealers will make you an allowance on your eld set, DeForest Crosley, Limited h J: B, Haba, Pres, DH. Polis, Mes, DIR) Eo CUR The Challenger Series The Imperial Series Thirteen Modele--S8creen Grid and Standard Tubes $78 to $685 on DE FOREST CROSLEY PHONOGCRAPHS vve Emons RADIOS LaroEST ¢ TUBES N ADAMS FURNITURE CO. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA OSHAWA THE JOHNS PIANO ST 80 SIMCOE STREET NORTH