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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Nov 1929, p. 12

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* YHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ! 1929 A. an That ol ft FELT MISERABLE " I mm EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS JC af 5) a THE TINE | © O0"Camcen he aoets | | Bux ' Wonl's wir, whieh bina fi | " o HAY IY kJ HCN Im VALUE GRAVE BIYUATION Fay over an Ha wide Wellin PS -- ! WHEY HH free hy #itarnon Pembroke w= Oonditions sups| sar wis very bhdly damaged, and adach ul edness ' AL # very Intevesting 'avons a vannding Pembroke fuym aistviots | the avivers- had uo mivasilons es He " Tir Ended witless ditt AND # "i a jin § fh ' " oy fm i, Lhe Nahi } fhesiing of bh Fuh: av heesme wo ovitien), a | ba the oape, My. Wand received sity » hy "TRUIT-ATIVES'" Hus " ITS iy Tile HA fff batten, / i Behan! thao! | Ae idguinte water simply, Lack of bout the head and Mr Kona y a hall | tom hiv, ag iW amit f wis w on the A in ho vidi Chvoughout the summer ha | esoaped with a general shaking wp Mir imi HHA ue i) Wain i iti But an Buh ARR I opal he Hal iy ™ Vin ol hivoe With the evesks wid oly " yon i, Clube Bhiaw, kp i 1) i Cans nion, Whe restart srieitinn voman to trata Vaabe, & wap of | ln and tho TRPimarD aro (hein i MEANENE EHITY I vi yoni Th yi i re i a ar 00 labs the on Ih HARP hh July 4 Jl ya ote Ih oriwall=--Cormwill's maknest i; OL LA " pn I Gidea ai 810 1a GHICAGD PRODUCE FUTURES { [J] f Bpetl ean SRC Ara hein aught bh { Clitinmy, Cun, dos atrn iste werk wi) | veseuing another pupll, helm ial With Not SnanEh vein 0 Pe | and Inte nant alah fi ten ink pb oY y TONONTU PRODIGY A TTA i, rset wile \Y t 00 labs by from drowning tn tha Bi, plenial the waley supply, Farmers | samnel Gertin, © Oonliffe A he resi I of | Hand Th Jil, Virani witilensle duiinih wok ularing pone | Curent hints welg wilt une cant au Ihe ii ¥ : ie AT HH | MHS Avaniie, | meatier of fuel, ohrimin Anchen npn J uve te velail dealers al Va (allowing ile | bide duetntiong THE Havers ail ee | AWIEneR LIS wea of tha opinion that the Taek victim of thely most vesent apres ren ol fw ona my vb veinbery were bith Vilgher #0 the plus, | mc: al water fav thely stock will be Fe10 | datione, Md, Gorin, who 1s an | fslty sed be the ol il OL Vieira, anion in Aariong, fil Itepl nh Lush apiied glut, ln ihe with fie oD alin an IRDROME pen! ven now, In the y hallo wiwela, hene giv Vn hl Rn ind Lime, | Wal aiden of yseisrdny dis wun vay Wy, nonaw, elderly woman depending large kin | i | phelitord hie vumor that 1H HF RTY a A Trion Wves no Mi, Blinn py malian 1h ho, fie | ab A hit ol Pu! Hf als har inl ei grds<1'h ant Ving HEEL Iong, they are Avawing | ypan the sale of exis and Barden rayinion wil ih, on fib hp AP fri IVP ad Ph 4 AR | cams His might anally have water from Alstanoes of one to Ve iradune for her Nving Wis hah ph hey hu lk the hod Wehr Nu | urea ry, rite, dei. Ma, | Wp al b/") il Hin In ploeks | wile elt iro i twain wine il it) ' "Www il parame han Ans ¥ heen tines | miles for thely slosk | the ohieat of Wally ANNOVANGER for whA Table ni he ) ave TIT ON TA Yr gra y yo atime f own and found to hive siarted "ray ame time peat And despite e nid Whim keepin no | Pad 4 Wi yl ARTY ah fae) that, Ma Jom - YRUIY WIONN_DRINATEN ED | of the ih he Ar Ha afar woh M / Woot pum mh io hw, | WW Ai 11 it ph pi ff ih' ail Piha iil ne f TWENT Y (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES Yale RIPWAYE #0 1] jl | oafie Apprehension akeinhing | A Mm Mig o, Cloulin of Killaloe, | "EH Ll : tl sot Tin Ihe sadly baw wr wpening le awn veeently, Tankng Over BOR: | peieopg Whit might have | and teal wees stolen from fr, fa wri ) ho foal LY gl pil WT] a y rid Wien sommiimenis i= burs, Wav oid, 1; [8 INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY pouihiy glen, Ona strateh of land heen a. marion and distastrons | den, windows wars heoken In her | MY il liar ag. fs / th HALE] | Way, iA a Ly) hii) Pee, Wn | whieh 1eomed 0 kh weland Ah Plage wan narrowly averted last | owes and #ll Baris of minohief or yy ba i a [dan db Chae ie by oy goin, 4 was 4 little fan high ENE ab 10 minutes walter Ea' commitied In her Ahaenos, Batuy hf Won, aver Bl nn fl aibinrin, Hn fot #oedy 14 Doi kh they patirned to the elty, PRY | igo wy (he imely niervention of | day BIERE, Tha olimax nine when J J Hi 4 18 PERRI REE | rnin (errant), Ma Ah) lune sleady bo ara expected fo return Akain next fu Veale af the voams aver the | thieves hvoke window in a poultry e boa ag 3 : hn i i LL | LIETIIIIL lny weak to lonk at Share wid thite 1a truit store of 1, 4, De Carle, of | owas at the vase of her. home X ah , Clove 0 J lon, marke Hasip; duioge ota wil! : svavy Indiontion that a BWRAS | oR deerme Hives, [and made off with foup hens, (wi hil - ie Ton Plas TORONTO PROVISION 110K IL s pill he ane af the new (things in A volume o! smoke which had | of whieh wera killed In the pen, | rig ow,' va ah [ ] PA Iluals Houio! # sy He the ikd ky Wulio olay, JfH lanl : J | a hed ¥ ow y 'awn In the neav future, drifted up through the Ley a amall aperture through whieh Y hare, i {iii fihlk 8 tlie [hl [TT] J Hitt 1, He tudday, D008 Taal yeir, TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES smo Ha hed fin, lig, wh. pipe vant gave the Nvsi suspiedan [entrance wis gained loads pallies tn ti BIN "ll Wahl Wl, Voi | HIN) SHRIOUSELY INIURED Af the danger and on pearing | balleva (hat the theft was the 0 |i "i AR EAST BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK Carnwall==Olitard Ball, LE, son through the Shale Hameo ore Wath af a gang of yvauthtul hand I (Are igo Vin Wile Wr " " » [J] ky! Wil aha, bn i Weel of hog if HHH | If | | ) ' woalarm [hima [hw Ba i YI g 14,5000 § 1 medial | ie i pott, wis seriously Injured whe | B80 th the ware helaw abate SIAL | 4 Hees weiali i low di Vi ATA " ate wer pi #0 Ad TI "ht a i --. * - ha wae aoeldentally shat In the | Wha at anos KIVEH hy J. Dein, and hy } ih Io, labpely $040 tn $9.50; som : Bip on BRCurRY hy & eampanion | he Fire DEgartment vesponded | Apiines vornow Acomine | fF Lane tuie flere, 161 dubn ter pity din 1 Ww CU 0 0 ge, $880 ant the fundamental conditions are | GF examination ' 4 M Hey polite, JH 1 1% Riiviattig het HA RS Wb AM paiindn, 05 Va BIRT lew that outside sountries have he twa hays were arpslgned (In ap William Jeffvies, Tha twa boys [ With /ll the eqiiipmen Cornwill=="Thres arrests ware JAR ER TT EC wound ware walling thou h ihe wonds u | ededibly shovi spies of time mada hy ity Polis Bundy mom ijt i 2 " ' » : : asin Wahi fu packing ow [Ee y teith in th sibility (Of Cin lore venlorduy we dolin onto hit shart Aletanes north of tha tAwWR = ot AP ing fllowing an aeelda near Bi El) Wie, Adel New Yael slisilders Bh Woeslptn 00 euttle, A000; eulven, 10000 tow | adiun seeurition and dn the future o BOHN We gantinues ar one when a gun earvled hy young def HORNE BHOY Antawn on ihe Avil i Ans | Premier Accompanied By | "51 ork Biv Jb RG rk faba, 8 1:8 AHA ih antinls praare tiomesing Hinle wr | Cunadi The Premier referred do i ith fe! fnday that thy i wl tally want off, the dls Garnwall=--Chiaf af Patios Veed f 4 A a BL BB AR L luyelopment of nitural] Win EIghy hisve kn opportunity 've view aeeciden Avaws vand In whieh Danlel Valea Hen, J L, Ralston and TORONTO FARMERS! MARK KT ELL CE CT CT ramarkiahle dovelop thera the youne defendants, have entering Hell's hin He | Baymane was oalled upon Monday Monghland, suffered a hioken les, Tie fulluw ing fie wiht ang, relall, in fiw onfierat edi bile sieady] v vosouraes of the eountry whieh have ir in (Ne BE Caw rones nike, Taranto | dhe hiwher heifers 8900 bg Bid RAN foils heen dvelaped sines the wa wd re he hoys pdmitted smothering was vushiad 10 the Hephurn Hoss | to shoot (wo horses which Wad sub | gad savers tnduvies ta his faon and # / g \ ' a 4 i H i | i | PEAT af ORAeahirE, wheve an X | faved beekan logs (0 sepurate aos | head He bg nb present a paiient Senator Haydon vind VHRR DOF doen (7 in #0 wii word wil hates vesters | fro cod thie stibility of haste ean) the youhier child mu swamp PAF Wie talien to determine the peldents tn Kisl Cornwall il Hotel Dien hospital, where h "i NURIA aL Neel ' WO" Waseipie of sheen 1,001 nothing done sare | Hons here, Heo gieibuted the distor) BORE fore extent of the Injuries, which, al A onlliglopn hetween an AEOMOs | wis mnoeted tn he making pre Chtawi, Nov, Les li, Hon Mueken I {I a Babbin ann Li BT HH HH Ink amb windy (0 weak | gation of Canadinn staek markets a though selon, wie not Zepeeled (a | hile deiven hy B Hosepfeld and 8 | gooes tawird VERAVAYY, gle Boing went aut west Tuesday night A TTL VR Hihers sheniy prt of the woerllewide depression in 'f f | \ FEAve Tila) Havas and wagon awned hy Maxine Pollaa state that. Paiva was | Bive (a Aving viglts to Wis own eon Hite and Years oe such elveles starting In Wall Bireel | ore were hopes that Mr, Mu Lwfuhven wt Mariharon nil Hhel ) uf I Abert, Te bia | (eemis, bites Hn TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS v W w diya [40100 would take up the game of miuhvra a 1 Bh ane | walking novth along the hehway, | SH ey Fines wil, h Wh 44 \ Mr, King will he away # fey field streets vaulted Hn serious in KE Yet been thers on any tone dines the | Gee biiliel " ! Criin dealers on the Tarmnin Boagrd of | if will peturn In fant hall before this A One man a Baw hundved yards north of 8 Butane fy ld LELLED Iiade age making 18h full Wii ablgng | MNOEF BH EIRLH, HI Husel huddle would be a sensution gb Jivles ta the horse, minor tniuvies Andvaws village, when a oar driven general sleetion campaign three Years Ih Bogh: hasket ' for end Jotet Mantiaha wheat wb marth | time to take leave al Thely ait Now wi Lefebvre and onnsiderahla dams | | William Parking wteuok him | 08 Mr, King | aedompanied hy EA | 1 Hi H ffi, Ni d Rl MAC Noo 8 tenclen before they embark on thelr . via " ' | Ld V0 Na 4 $M Noy 8 Ne ign tn the wien, My, Letahves vis | enw Fak ivi Pavking stopped a | Hon 5 Le Ralston and Bewiior Hity phi) Legh / H OITA ath Widebieh wl od Wont Indies trip of als weeks, 11 wi \ Ii ah! Iv 600 palyed wedionl attention fram BY | Gast Gistanea fram the seena of | don and the three go ta adders | Mishiois, pee mil J HA (ER tT (Rat ao tii KINOUIEOMONt woman welghing- nearly Ad Hurtesn ihn weeldant and with (he westats | pulitle meetings and privately to in | J iFee Ri VD Maniebs oateeNe, 1 feed, 60g) poring the Cabinet's budget of | FESEES ES Ababa he othe diy If ea A haven owned hy Duman RE foes Toran nanite af hig op and {ee inte the sandition of the palis | fGioe, ig font, St Ne. '3 'walk. tio; N Busingsy yostordiny will follow the | FEES HIVE EE! a job 10 iyo her Donn h Hakapy took fright on Montreal | | lavanne Ht. Jahn, Cornwall, an Heal Tenors here will he meetings {itt Hithes \ ot HE A BF NE Voll, sanetlon of the orders=in=eouncil by by sigh i rthur News:Chrone \ | & Hira Ver beh \ i i HFS f le pond And In a mad duah along CARE oles arian who arvived a few | 80 Winnipes, Saskatoon, Prine Alf GEER EEE SE Aarisan earn «No, § yellow, $1.00 10 all] the Clavernar: Canora . plyeel oppahind Into & sireel Bur | | PP ; hort, Edmonton, Peinee Rupert and | £eleiv, wor bunitis iin poll deliverad Toronte Freight) a ---- ---- K | ) ) | E Y [WOamente later, placed the Ini ! | Wil, EF sen Millleadd, delivered Montisal frelghin, bags A I's lag wil hroken oil I Vaneouver, the terminus af the ' } man in the our with the Inlens | # HEH HA Fai Hh (R] 81 netted = Wenn, per ban, SIS Khai pes u ye Pi | l O Hoth Joan Fohrosanied a oval [ion of taking Wim to Oarnwall, Aten On the AH hel th Premier EH Ty i i oy $ir ai idle whi LCI SAVANTS 0 EXAMINE Qe he Mt wet ETE TTT. . Ua of appreximalely i | 81 in A ih a \ will speak at Calgary and Roging fee hemi, 11 gt TT | WIR wrain sal, BLN pais, Bk U1 LULL ase by kee Like § a Tata \ Tengthy Cabinet meetin progeds [ Elms isha y 080 hariey, Fi 1a Fee; vie, $108 fom whea, Wi BOY MURDERERS hid woking neatly, 1 the on p UL hi ! HN . VW af-arder system whinl CARN COLAND 1 {the departure of the p 1 ARAL | and partially overturned, "wreaks | #0 Ihe deparines 10 Py ui hronks dow ll Havelogk-=0n Bundy evening fg the top and ong or twa fenders, | er Me King's absence [rom the eis] which eatsos some wp) rehensian and he Pele Minister had: intended Milfard, Conn, Oot, #1 JME | & sturt esl. evi erred ahanut 8x n'olaek twa eave eallided pitied there will be wo wetting Peemler | great vepret, haw lod to the destgnas | ta fssue a formal statement regards | and John Mulligan, seven and aight | vegetahle antive, Jieasant 1) Hg on tha Trent Hivay vasd an the Nona {8 reauteed when he Is tn the | Hon of Hon C0 A Bunning as gots | ing the Canadian end of the stock | years ald, who oonfessed recently [8 foursway rep for AU Ry BIE near My Buchanan's pesl \ aelentist has been teving to fod | eountey. AL Cabinet Cones, (0 was | tie Mintster of Finanee, while Hou, | market debacle, hut pressure of work | that they killed thresyanr-ald Al Miners, stomach, Ab yous HI denen pint whist the eave lady, for lack of | stated, the senator Pely Couneltlor | Jas, Malealn will he Metin Minister | prevented him, He oontented himself | hart Mikenas, ara ta ha turned ie per bow, A touring oar, driven hy Howard | a doar, used 10 slam, Perhaps (8 was | who is present will preside ul Natlonal Defence, vies Ralston, of with the fmpeomptu statement that | over 10 pEYeRologints and sooiolom: [e me me me we owe oe mow om woo. Wands of Oak Lake was about 10] the cave man he aess of Hoan Jo A, Robb, | new pale for him Ne reasons exist for any pante | that | ists at Yale University for a month Bold Bye l, W, Thempsen, Draggivk RR RS A a RRR AR 2 i -------------------------------------------- A AR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your Chance FURNITURE TO BUY At Right Prices =NewSTYLLY --i= -- 9 Piece Walnut | | 4 Piece Dining Room |} fy) a BEDROOM SUITE Suite | : : / Very handsome Walnut Bedroom Suite with u ' : ory handsome Walnui voom w eles Mig ha Ronm. Buite | x \ : oN | choles Veneer fronts, oo a large Extension hie a " of 6 Fine - Ed Dresser, Dressing Table, C and Diners upholstered in Leather, The ; - very pretty Bed, This is weually seld much OPE ARAL Ponts ave Wi fine walnut \ Na or but for one day we will put it on A ne shite at an WANAWS C d ally low price, "$149.50 Te uy fw $199, 50 Tb. 4 Diact -- SIMMONS' FIBRE SUITE | R*¢ eee eno shine ™ | BED OUTFIT hip Bogda Emil som Shut Sut Wt Fibre fied FLOOR OILCLOTH SWISS CURTAINS © |] Simmons' Walnut finished Bed $2 4 05 chaiv and 3 6. 50 Heavy al Floor olleloth in wide range of patterns and Fine quality Swiss Curtain by the pair, Something with panel in honk ue and fom fitted goad spring Sting beds are ave ges n xis luvin 3 3 or i . for every 49¢ Ww Wit Rorsd metth hy acy waking & very os pai R i a po buy, . hh Bach, Square yard WI CH I adobe EN Cd ido ad Ln 3 a 0 Dish COMFORTERS LJ] 3 P wakes deloction saty, They some in fancy Block and THe Largs Sie Cotton flied Comforters in smart new ailkolines, . 1ece Etre of dahil ae combina Q() Th ling arti ur by the makers and on 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite INLAID LINOLEUM D avenette Suite ' WOOL BED COVERS Guaranteed pure wool Bed covers in large 60 x 80 Kroehler Sipiece Davenette Suite wehoiviered tn tie RERTEREE CCS ERIE ws || 25 ves $00.75 out and makes very eomforta ASK ABOUT OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN bed. The frames are a in walnut with cane panels. Special Luke Furniture Company Sheet tre

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