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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Nov 1929, p. 1

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News in Brief (By Canadian Prose) e otro dios Sod India n of Moraviantown, ah Fimanded 1 I for sentence w unty sonrt, he plea y te ares chirges of Yeaind A Line J London, ~A a ----- ta Lloyds from Cherbourg, Vranee mid thet the steamer George Wash hington had arrived in a damaged condi tion, caused by scraping a wrees ns she Passed the Needles, Sensational hy Windsor, ~Climbing #0 fest up # dhimney vent and dropping 85 feet to a gavage voof helaw, & 14-year ald hoy made a sensational escape from the Wh tgov police court sia- tion, Military Tin I'} no Canberra, --= Premier Beullin, head of the new Laherite govern: ment, has announced that pend- ing consideration of defence ques tions the compulsory military training system will he suspended, v Killed " Derrick Copper CH --- Wisi to yun under a maving derrick, Avthur Grey of Tovonte, a worker at the Dominion Bridge Construction Company, was instantly killed yes terday When part of the machin: ery fell and aonnithied him, Santonio Yor Bethany Toronto ~Harry Chapman, for mer Vaughan township police eon: stable, was sentenced fo five pears' imprisonment in Portamouth Pens tantiary by Mr, Justice Raney yes: terday, Chapman was found gull: ly of extortion and hrihery earlier In the week hy the ad jury, . ¥ Given Beven-Year Term Toronto ~--Beven years in Ports: mouth bohitentlary, Kingston, was the penalty meted out to Mark Kiernan, hy Mr, Justice Raney, In asslga court, Kiernan was conviets od as a hit-and-run driver after admitting to a series of three con: secutive crashes on the night of Bept, 81, L} LJ LJ Jumped Fram Window Montreal, ~~After passing the worst of her illness from typhoid, Mrs, Joseph Geltnag JHmbed 60 feet 1 ™ the window of her room in Jeanne D'Are hospital, Bhe pullred severe injuries ta hoth ae, angrene set in, causing her death yesterday, ji a ith Sighs nfurith an W [Y i . ad fa a pile of debris fn the or of [ tiaming Boulton drive ) Boulton drive house, Winnipeg Hit By She Storm Western City Is Virtually Cut Off From The East by Wire Winnipeg, Nov, 1.-~HBurdened down under the weight of nearly five inches of damp snow, Winnl peg today eounted the damage wreacked in a Hallowe'en night of wind slashed sleet and snow, Dis rect telegraphic communication Ag By Vent wig still impossible LU During the night Winnipeg was virtually isolated fram the euls side world, Only a narrow strand of wire, running south to Bt, Paul afforded the Manitoba ecapital an opportunity to glean the news of the world or to tell of the elty's radi femen, v persons were in hospital CE the renut of eter, Sut ary § tee 8 Q Ra Pack to sion to. New York's ght New York,--~The tinal gy hud« t for 1030 was adopted unani Hs $064,679,828.28, This t totalled 34, AT0,408, i) This ane more he ours Ahan tne fa bude Ra Ld year, whigh was ; sil 1 ithe skull i pid savers fi 4 Dy TH . Hams, ---- while walking on he "\ o ME a car driven by J a Strathroy on "trav WEATHER Pocihe & th hae The Oshaua Daily Times [LL MY TN, Succeeding 1 The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City 1929" 18 Cents » Week| 3 Cents » Copy, TWELVE PAGES THREE INJURED IN CRASH AT WHITBY ee ------ at Final Standing Gives Conservatives Majority of 70 "PENINSULA PHEASANT WAR OPENED WITH BANG SPECULATION AS TO EFFECT OF ELECTION Conservatives Believe It Shows They Can Sweep Ontario in the Next Fed. eral Election Campaign CONSERVATIVES HAVE NINETY.THREE IN ALL Questionings As To The Future of Liberal Party and Its Leader Are Heard As Result of Disaster at the Polls (By Canadian Press Lossed Wins) Taronte, Nav, 1,.-=Nothing Is left of the election except speculation #8 to lis effect and aa ta the results IHkely to developfrom it, The ques tong In the popular mind today gannat he answered as yet, Home of them relate to the significance of the Ontario landslide in federal polities, Others are wondering ahout possible changes In the eabe Inet, Bt lothers ank what Is gos ing ta hecome af the Liberal party; Already Connervatives are claim. Ing thay will now he ahle to sweep Ontarie for Hon, HR, BH, Bennett in the next election, They alsa say the vietary in this provinea eoupl ad with the recent averthraw of the Liberal Jotarhment In Haskatohes wan will give insplyation ta the Conservative party throughout the country and attract new followers 0 ita standards, mW oireles pty is lost iy denying this, They say the else. tian means wothing #0 far as dos Wiviah Jolition are concerned, It oolded on local Issues, the Liquor Gantral Act and the record of an alpeady strong gavern ment, Premier's Position Mention of cabinet ve-arganisa: tion at once revives the perrennial rumor that Premier Ferguson may votive, It 1s unlikely he will do so for same time at least after veaceivs ing an averwhelming mandate from the people an a program Invelving many new developments in edueas tian, roads, hydro and amendments to the Liguar Contrel Ast, Hil there are some who suggest he will turn aver the vain te same ane else next summer after the next session of the house has embhadied his pal: iplesin education, It fs unlikely there will he any changes In the gabinet and the government will earry an as hafore the election, W. KN, Sinelalr Another interesting problem is ag ta the future of the prewmier's un. (0 antinued on pge ih R-101 Makes Another Trip| Odvdington, Bang, Nay, 1,--=The R-101, new Hritlah diviginle, was kan from ita hangar today and hitohed to TH mooring mast Re: paratory ta another test fant 5 HA when it was Sinseted | U) He Yi PARRONEATS HY The passengers Wend "MY sans Hoare, aly minister an the last Cone servative Joveram Later Wh o dipigl b oft ita wm nd eruised a Mig i for a whi A afterward loay In - direction an o the flight waa Xx; ther and hi - fora: %* 1} RV Ae JH a having been in the alv almost six NOVA SCOTIA VOTE GIVES MAJORITY FOR LIQUOR SALE LARGE MAJORITY FA. VORS GOVERNMENT CONTROL Maritime Province Follows! Lead of Ontario on Liquor Question Halitax, N.&5, Nay, L.--=The electay ate of Nova Beotis was on record today as favoring government ean tral of the sale of Hauer, Approx mately #3 (00) voters regiatered thet reference 10 yesterday's plehiseitg oY # tial of the system now noel feet in several provinees, while al, O00 marked their ballats for the re tention of the present prohibition law, Urged, hut not required, ta vole YEA oy LV ai hath guy aliens, fetentian of the Naa Scotia Temperance Act ar intraduetion of Government Bale, thousands of electors exercised thew wivilege on only ang, As a result S000 mare persons vated for the tomperanee act than vores against i, although the mgjority favoring Gay erent Contral aver the Agt was appreaimately HO00 Taking the we sative vole, 56,000 persons vated @ gainst the present Act, and 41,000 wainst Government sale, giving Gays ernment Control a madority of 13s on this. side ol the question Both Parties Clalin To Have Wen Victory m-- By Conndian Press Leased Wire) we amilton, Not, 1==Tha situation in Haldimand, Wh ora hath Oansers vative and Liharal candidates ave o [olaiming dlection, will nat he of. olally knawn until next Wednes day when the returning afiloer opens the ballet hoxea to make his caunt, Py, Bevwy, Conservative, olalms the seat hy a mal arity of twelve votes, and RF Millan, contends ha has a majority WA 48, Final Standin Parties In Election Of Wednesday ERE RE" Pimetvive in pao Independent Conservative 4 Liberak Progressive . . .. NRE U.F.O. [LE TL Labor Total TANNA Of The TARY The Labor seat in Kenora is atill listed as dota by headquarters, Provincial REE EE! RARE ER LL NIAGARA RIDE WY Yestorday's dawn hevalded the upening of pheasant season In Ningava and Grantham townships and the advent of some 8,000 ane wunitiondaden, gunequipped hun tors and enthusiants, The photos vanhs hope, taken on Nie spot, shaw features of the day's offen sive when the market elosed with " thos ied oaning in the hunters' Claims Canada Is Extravagant Senator Beaubien Urges Greater Support for Cans | adian-Made Goeds (Hy Canadian Poems Leased Wig) Mantreal, Oct, MemUhe lavish ox (ravaganee with whieh Canada squan dors her wealth 18 decreasing hey population and 5 sapperiing fereigi Wdustvies instead af hey own, a¢ gording to Senatar Charles B, Heaws Pom why 0 an address here last night before a laeal service elub, made "a plea for pradueed fn Can ada Dl SIN OUE OxITAVARARSS We Pay $004, O00 1a the wen in our awn 23, O00 shops," he said, "and $I00000,000 10 foreigners in theirs, Ow Hiparis maniac ured and sembmanuiaetured goods from the United Biates alone reached $200.000.000 last year, which EARS We Rividd SION, 000 dollar 0 United States workmen alone" The Senator said iF "we could save hut halt of this we eanld guppant ig) 0 are warkmen Whale have. would be an imerease of 130000 h our pepwlation, and an inerease of 13 per oent. in demand for Canadian woods, REPARATIONS WILL PAY DEBT TO US, Landon, Nav Re Baplanations of ministerial actions at the Hague coanfarence on the reparations play ware given 1) he one of Come mans \ Rt, hi Snowden, ehans collar ot \ 8 exchaguer, said that tha al oh fons Pla, a8 adopted at The Hamwe, wanld pravide Great Hritaln with sutfiglent Gamman ve rations ta caver hia eounivy's debt payments a tha balled Nats, He added that the advan: (agen af "ie Hague settlement 0oWld bo approximated ab about $10,000,000 yearly fey 37 years Theva will therefore he a small seb-atf ach Vo AEainat the ae oumulated detiolt hetwean (reat Hrltain's war dobt receipts and the JAtReate which she has already DUNT AR GATE GROWL, favor, (1) Fale hanteess with hey Win and pheasant hee unerving aim WonEhe (0 honk, (8) sad days fay his youngster, He is seen hope With his pot pheasant after i had fallen victim ta hunters' guns, (0) Fypleal enthusiasts as seen On the ways and hyways of Niagam during yestopday's offensive, and (4) another pale of Koon spars men, BRITISH COLUMBIA GOAL TO BE TESTED Suitability for Use in Puls verized Form Will Be Determined Oawa, Nav, 1=Taats af Bettiah Columbia goal to detarming whe: ther 18 is suitable far use in pul versed form, will shartly he eon duetad at tha Mines Ressaveh Lae hoavataries here, Following a eon ference recently hetween affielals af the Daminton and British Cal umba Mines Depariments + was decided tn make reseatel faeliities hora avaliable far experiment, and ARROUNCEMERt WAS wade hy My L, Bolten, assstant Deputy Mins ister of Mines that samples of Heltlgh Calumbia coal will veaeh Ottawa within the next few weeks, Carl tn pulverised farm ts tn des Mand hy pulp and paper mills, sugar refineries and other plants Weing lavee steam hallevs, My, Bolton explained, 14 haw the ad vantage of giving a uniform heat, an well as helng easy {a bi hy automatic stakers, Only % cartain ehamioal hen suitable far use In pulverized LR AN AO0OURE af the tendency to farm pin kers, PLANS FOR INDIA RECEIVED WITH VARIED COMMENT INDIAN 'FOTITICAL LEADERS ARE WELL PLEASED British Opinion, However, Is That Announcement Is Premature (Hy Goorge Hambleton, Canadiag Preas Blatt (vppespondent) Landon, Noy 1 Ushle des patehes from India tndloaia the majority af Indian polities! lead Ard Approve the declaration hy Lard Trewin, Viearay of India, Is sued at New Delhi last night, Bul Hritleh wewspapey enmment 11 varied and tha Beltlsh Liberal PAVLY has expressed the apinion Lhe statement was premature, in View of the feet that the repevt af tha Biman sttutary commis alan 18 nat yet published Lard Tewin affirmed the British gavarnment's desiva that India In the fullness af time should attain Pominion status, He exprossed une faltering hallel in the loyally af the grant mass of Indian LL Aa And painted aut that relationy hetween Heltiah India and the nae tive states shauld ha oleaved, His proclamation In effect was AR Inviiation 10 a round-table canferance in London as suggested hy Hip Jahn Biman himself and approved hy Prima Minister Maes donald ANOTHER WILL TRY TO SECURE CABINET (Ry Cansdian Poesn Leased Wine) Parts, Nov, Le=Andie Tardien French woderate and former high samimissioner 10 the United States today formally ascepted Presiden Pawmersue's vitation to for a ea hinet, He told the president he was confident he would sueoeed in wet HE gether & new government MUK Price Increased Taranto --Toranta hawsehalders will pay a trifle mare tar thal milk starting today, The new prices ave 10 quart tieketa for $1.40 and 14 pat tiekets tar $1.10, The prices ave anly A fraction Wghey, Tariff Board Instructed To Make An Investigation Into Automobile Industry |, Ottawa, Nov, L=Hon, Kk A. Rohh, minister of Hnanes, in on the tall of antomehile manniasinrers whe ave reported 10 have broken thele pledge wade In 120 that 1 the exelse was removed thoy would pass AN h VIN 0 the customer My, Robb has (akon ood Ese of protests whish were I parkas wont last session 10 the efteey " certain of the awtomaehile APR ers were Waking Ahaha MR exp ion in TN Tt prove in the hidget af 1G tantead of pass ng this on to the eansumen He has structed the weit hoapl 10 eondust a thorough investiga te this matter wa chQuity 10 relative prices of cars Wn Canada Wy the United States together Wh e amount of Canadian atertal tw Whe CANAL ade ears: My, Robb i his fetter to the hoand svat TE has heen stated in pavkias went that certain Canadian wan tae tress ol Alleah ph have been and Me RaW ak Advantage of an exemption Rol aes praviged wader the hudpet logivkation of 10% i he Nh han Attention (© He ansard fepary of PFOTRALY Wade nthe hawae Ww WW a 10 and ha RW 1 owen request that vow al ones SIE An wn Wn the telat prives RIE A and ws AL Escaped Boy Recaptured Windsor, Noy, 1 =Hanry Lunssi Hue, the YTdyear-ald hoy who as apd from the Windsar pallies gall Thursday mopning, hy elimh ng a B0<Fanl vent, and dropping Bh feel (0 the gavage rool, Wil ve anpluvad at Wie home tn Metregor sally this morning, The hey had previously escaped from BL John's Industrial Behan!f, Torante He wil returned there this morning MACDONALD HAD A QUIET HOMECOMING BRITISH PREMIER AR: RIVED IN LONDON TODAY Was Back at Work Within An Hour of His Arrival (Hy George Hambleton, Canadian Prose BAK Correspondent ) London, Nav, $e="Thera waa His be fuss oF Harry when Prime Mins lnler Hamsay Magbanald arvived in Landan early this atternoun, though he veosived al enthuslastiv reception from a args erowd aus alde the alition Hi, Hou, Avthue Hendevaan, for algn seorelary; Hi, Hen, Thomas BIAW, seorelaly (oF way, and Ri, Hon, Niel Buxton, WiRlEtep of ng plonliure, and other prominent ba hor men were ou the platierm lahhel MacDonald was presented With hanguets and she was photo graphed With her fathey Liverpool, Eugland Noy | Prime Minister Ramat Mae Danald had a quiet hoawmeeoming after his visti te the United Btates and Can adi, The early hour of areival of the Duchess of York steamship with the prime minister and his party aboard and the fuer that Premier Maebay all had expressed a desire 1a leave far London as quivkly as possible, alike eontritbuted 10 making the Li VErpoal reception a seiking contrast the weleaime in New York, Phere were no escOriing oruiaers, no cheering multitudes, and na miles af streaming veker tape when the Prime miniter stepped Athare day (Continued on Page Delay Is Likely 0h Tariff Bi President's "Appeal Not Be lieved to Have Much Effect (Ry Ken Clark, San Pron wit Catraupenden Washington, BC, Nov, Rave for the aes that the veal Heats hoann in the senate aduvt deleal at the WAY of the Demeerats and LA Republicans, the sitpation with fapea 10 the proposed revinion ol the Fath Motwmber anit aps PORTE Whe haw Ad hy the president's ation yesterday, The president urged passage of & bill hy the sew Ae WHI Lis, Weeks, The presump ton of hey WB were SHI is that IW net improbable there wilt he ne WER provision wade an least aa TOF A goed many WOAH, ish Minter ad Washing ion =Mie a ACN A trish Free State minister to the \ oh ted Rtates, was streek and kwocked dow hy an awtomehite fast wight ahd Was ih hospital taday wee extent af Ris infnides ax yet wideters wined three Howes Buen Toranta==Thies Wigs houses WRAL canatpuetion and almest completed ware badly swiited tn & NPOAACRIAT hinse here faa Wight, ATE---- t Mavhe the reason vou don't heat al Charlie Chaplin waking a tke in that he Bs ton funny far words Rinaston Whig Randa, he anh AN ON West ohviows Baka hetween Wo 16 the poll Wak =Nitcheney od STANLEY UNGER, OSHAWA, IN CRITICAL CONDITION AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT Miss Else McKay and Henry Kerr, of Oshawa, Where Alse Injured 'in Collision Between Truck and Automobile CAR PARKED ON ROAD BLAMED FOR SMASH Unger's Car Thrown Inte Diteh After Striking Truck at Subway East of Whitby, and Wrecked Bes yond Repair Hignley Unger, Sed BH, HAR Athol stveel, Oshaws, and formerly af Ploton, 1s 1xing In the Oshawi Hosptial with only 8 Hehting ehanes for Hie and two alhers are uttering foam Injury us a vresull of a eollislon helwesn A truok wind an automobile whieh aeeurred On Dundas street ans, near tha © Poly wubway, Whithy, lust night Unger's eondition wis reported an rave when The Times gob In Pao With the Oshawa hospital hefore HONE to press (aday Crashed Intn Truck Unger wan driving a ear pros ending west through Whithy, When In turning ont 10 pass # ear parked on tha ih LX py UE al hendepn wih Tie fab wand driven hy H, Wy ) Trantan, who fortunately oRgRpacth With a shaking oe Inthe oar with Unger wera Mins Mvelyn Mek Hurl street, Oshawa, and he Kove, 14 Draw Hivest, Oshawa, ANd both sustained severa Injurs 188 paguiving stitehes Chief Gunson, of Whithy, oalled 10 Lhe Boene of tha Reeldant, ven doved flint wld, He learned than (he 88 parked an the north side OF the MEhway had no Hehts and he I new proceeding after the OWREE Who ts sald to he named Ans derann and to Hye In Oshawa. Chief Gunson and Pravinetal Oans Sable Mitohell ara Investigating Dangerous W The srot where (he O0eurred 1h A dADESTOUR Ane On A00aURtE OF the subway which 1s AREPOW ANA & Menace (6 motorists, THe PAVOMENt Wan slippery on fos (Continued on Phie 1) To Investigate Sinking Of Ship United States'. 'Constguarde Involved in Another Inquiry TE Aoeldent New London, Gann, Nav, 1s fmpiEration ofelals were axpected 10 hegin today an Rintinaus LL) 10 the sinking off the Long Island OnE af the British vesse Te Batter hap stern had heen out oie Wednesday Nght hy the ease HUAN patrol heal, Careans, Cuntoma and 0onst guard of» Maly, tollbning 4 A onference las Wiehe, sald that thay would take we AOLIOR RERINEE the vessel's crew of olght wen, But thay would held them w the fmmigvation anthers tion, The names af the crew vee WANE A Slows ¥ Enarded wecpel, a a ad Ford Prices Are Reduced TOE. Petrait Nov, 1-=The Foard Mo: out a ah hawt OF COMPANY Rlaht he veduetion, Hest to pA " arialise from those Mw NN MAA induatny, M4 A 10 3200 thranahont the wo BIR OF PAASORES! cui And han * The Phaeton, ar touring ean hy ont trom 480 te 140; the AX Sar | A reduced 318 and Nhe en oar, the Fiver genture al & a an hnoacked oh fram 100 1a $1,300, The hatness ¢ OW A LLL PLE hg wn Hart op ARR Wore Poe Ane AN OHer anti were! Cahiialet, station wagon, $481 Wa Nh MH Model A chassis $183 AR "AD ON 180 Deluae delivery, 84%; 3 wel delivery, $343 oa THOR Chan "han Mont AN ol de RN LLL hel Band, president of the! COMBARY, Wade (he ARNORHOAMSAL

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