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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Nov 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929 a 1; The Whitby Daily Times Alivertising Gln wd and news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office, at Chronic Toph 83 Alter Business Howrs---'Phone 309. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON HALLOWEE NIGHT aad Obstructions. Placed on Streets, and Fences and ; Blgne Torn Down aan ad righ to "whol aut" were made heyed at muny Wilt i doors 0 on hired wd ty iby when the boys town made thely ane AM op viele, Childyen In weird costiimen were Lo he ween on the streets all hours of tha night despite (he heavy downpour Pan, and Lhe ueusl pran ke, abel an ringing door hells, taking wiy front door steps, removing husinesn signe, elo, were indulges In, Beveral private Hallowe'sn pars tes wera held In the tawn, Home damage Lo propery wis reported to the Follea Department during the night, Home hoys whose NAMES wre Unknown (to the police tore down a large section of (he fonds surrounding the Wi, Hern avd's Parish property on Dundas Hireet Weal, The fence wip left ling on the sidewalls and It had to he removed Tha police had & all from» 10081" tant man that some Remon had placed huge stones at the in tarseotion of Hrook Hives Houth and the Base Line Wesl Hoad landing (0 the Ontario Hospital he Informant namowly escaped Ming them and smashing hin ear, hn Ohiel Investigatad and the Euiity purty or parties may find Shainat ives In eourt for Mocking white highway, nthe business section some A were removed, (howe of haw hey shops being the ohief thrgets, At the Town Park some boys ins a CHILDREN TAKE IT AND [IKE IT grt mare TRIS / 1 | IAF prfoved with (he outlet Walloon. nd ia ih helng temovend Jaded in the contre of the wiEpet, 'Hume necldepts weps nine vowly wvoided an 6 vegull, The p Lo hve them removed, A wolorist who tried ta haul Ady one of tha Hivest Valy beoths ha ehurged with disorderly Behoo! Inspeter We A ARNOUNOEE (Hat u edn: i pehonl trontess, unter no of tha Gaunty of On Truntoes' Assosintion, wil a at dora, north of Ux hel Friday, November 1st, bi tor will he the able pow vious eduentionn! prohr lems will he (IA and fn pot uniikely Mt the now famous Township Behoo! Board BHT will he amon them, The program for the meeting will be announced Inter MINOR ACEINFATS THURSDAY NIGHT T.T.C. Bus Took Ditch Bus Struck Car--Buggy Driver Escapes Injuries Hy for the. Home minoy motor seeldents wars reported to the poles" on Thursday night, on noeount of the slippery oondition af the pavement A Toronto Transportation hus took the dite a mile and a halt west of the town about eight o'eloek hut HE did nol turn over and none of the PARASHESTE Ware injured, "The deiver stated thal plaring Hehia and the wel pave Ment ware (the ohms Mes, DH, Caventhers, Dundas Street Went, reported that while phe was returning from the elty her oAFr was siruek and damaged by a 10, bus, Mys, Carrithers had a Hitle boy with her hat nalther wera Injured While proceeding home Matthew Camphall, Toon) eontraotor, wiraek A bugsy driven 1 a woman whose uma eon ld not be ascertained ik wha lives on the 6th soncensle af Wiithy township, The horse bolted and the hake, was hrokun Wy Lhe vosinl of the crash hut My Camplin Aotormed Ohisf Gunsun hint the woman, who eould nol Apel very wood HWoslish, was nol Injured, An vestigation 1s holng ide, El STREET FAIR WAS POSTPONED WHEN RAIN INTERFERED Event Will Be Held Tonight | If Favorable Weather Prevails duptier Pluvious intervened with the plang for the annual Whithy pirat Pale advertised for Thurs diy evening, with the vesult that the Uommittes wan obliged 10 Aneel the evant until tondght (el Wy) weuther permitting, Tha rain, whieh had held off mont of the day, was vary disap pointing to the Committes whieh had made elaborate plans for the Pate, AIL of the booths had heen erected on the streets, and those taking part In the hig parada had thelr Hots ready when rain began to full, Tha hig programme advertised tor "Mhuveday night, will, however, ne onrried ont In detall tonight fhe parade will tesd off al seven w'elook and the drawing for the prises will take place about eleven n'eloek Tha Judges for (he parade wre WW. HL, Moore, ohalrman of the Dominion Tarif Advisory Howrd| Dr, 1 HN, Kalwer, MVP, of Oshawa, and Mes, George A, Rows, of Whit hy MOTORIST SHOT BY BANDIT ON HIGHWAY London, Ont, Nov, LeUpening his Suonth bo shout & Warning ab wn arn ed bandit whoa held him up on the Rarnia London hi hway at Lobo vil lare, William Brandan of Re BR, No A Forest Ont, eaunht the ddsenlibing hulled fired in hin fae, 1 struck his right oheek and exited without eau tne him very serfous Injury, He was adimdtted at Vietoriah ospital last adhd for treatment, but apart from hein greatly wenkened hy loss «© Mood, he In not seriously hurl, ----" a At This Price FURS 80 LAVISHLY USED Early Shoppers Better Choice Saturday Brings Astounding Values in This Sale of 50 New Women Can Have Decided Smartness $34.50 THESE ARE THE RICH Smart Congo Brown, Navy, En- Blue, leaders of the season, sign Dresses For afternoon wear in fashion's | newest | browns, navy e green, " WEEK END SPECIAL Coats One Group Price Reg. Values up to Ripple Sheen th and Other Fine Materials Delightfully New Colourings Black, Shagback, Greens - the 28 NEW Sample black hive and Regular $16.50, ! "$10.95 | styles == in [Five ehildren, all of sohool wie, face value TRANGIR ing your ability, $35 to $50 wu tion of 0 "assays high, tacts, IT'8 THR GUT OF YOUR eC he. ee ------ LOOK FOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL IN THE POCKET Enhance your externals, They tr nature) your character) "The well-groomed man always makes ~& good Impression, His face valug + + + enhanced by smart clothe Rate well wich casual in business interviews; In soclal con. Wear Soclety Brand Clothes , , styled and tallored for successful uaranteed by the repute le maker, clothing values exist, | JOHNSTON'S ---- an a result of any untoward play lust plight, and to the easusl obs server, IL might not have heen Hal lowe'on Ld wl, MORROW'S TRIAL AT / 10 AM, TOMORROW The tris! of Ww, a, Morrow, who In aharged with eriminal neg onan, which wan peheduled for to any han heen postponed until to maovvaw morning at 10 o'elock, The tunability of gne of tha counsel tn nitend today was the crise of the delay, This will he the prelimin. ary heaving and Magistrate Ward of Bowmanville, will he on the haneh 1, MeCarthy, of Torvonts, and Govdon 1, Conant, of Oshawa, [are defending Morrow, TARIFF BOARD TO INVESTIGATE AUTO INDUSTRY (Continued from page 1) States, ns well as wn enquiry inte the percentage of content Canadian miterlal and labor used In each of the several models upon which ex emption from exelse fax Is now elulmed, The department of national ' revenue iy have available helpful Information: 1 specially desire on quiry Ite the charges thal eertaln companles have not wlven thelr cus { tomers the veduetion promised, Tt fs Important that this enquiry be eon ducted without delay iy he us eo 1 prehensive as possibile" The reference to the Canadian eon tent has ta do with the provisn that the exelse Is walved only If 50 per gent of the material and labor in the oar Is of Canadian origin ar of 50 ner gent treaty country or British neeference origin The automohils henring, the hoard announced today will take place on Dee, 13, In eon Junation with and following the gen eral fron and steel hearing 8 can only Judge you w nothe | acquaintances; No greater Ceoneral Motors Exonavated It wan reported from Ottnwa » months apa that this Investigation wii 10 he held, At that time, and on CLOTHES THAT COUNTS iL Rowmanvi lle Daily Times BH HERBERT MORTLOUMK Hopresenintive Phone; Office BnY, BOWMANVILLE MAN KILLED BY AUTO CRASH, HAMILTON WILLIAM LITTLE WAS PINNED UNDER OVER. TURNED AUTO | Was Brother of Richard | Little, Bowmanville, and Leaves Five Children are deft fatheriess as the result of an alleged drunken driver's esons pede In Hamilton, The man who wan killed was a Howmanvilie man, William Little, a brother of Riek ard Little, of Duke street, The aeeldent oeourred at the cops ner of York and Locomotive streets, Hamilton, on Tuesday, when a oar driven hy Ohavies Carver orashed inten Heht sedan, planing Me, Lit tle underneath one of the oars, He wan severely injured and dled seve eral hours later, Carver waa am posted and ehaveed with eriminal negligence and with delving a oar while under the Influence of Hauer ant falling to stop when the acel tent aoourred, Mr, Little waa fifty years of ane and the sole support of Hive younk | shildren, Ho wan walking home tram the gravel pit where he works al when he was struck down, his Identity wan not known until his YOURE ROR, DARRINE the seens, saw a luneh pall and, veoomnising it, made auivien, He ran home and [informed hin mother, whe Ident! { fad Mp, Bde tn the hospital, | Riohard Little left Rowmanviile anterday to attend the funeral of { Ma brother a i QUIET HALLOWE'EN IN BOWMANVILLE | emir The quietest Hallowe'en tn many von wan spent In Bowmanville Thousands Now Fat OBA y A Delightinl Breakfast Food If Your Stomach! Torments You Do This ter Quick Relien Mant Ne aafipiing Bh dw We Yee Math ® Rlamach a way, Beat thuim, a an AR PHAR giatieas o RUmptows, Ry wa A Bde Baad a aI SAUL O1 When Sve pain hy YOM PRY hy OM he came he Wowie, Raaied | Marne " etal CURIE TU SURREAL Se gost Baw We aonb he hoa Ra ae sa] Werle Ww h and pI Mig A RANE LW ae why MOM awe Ny WE ve Liaw Ben, IRE nen FRR Mage A Al Dhaaanie we Wer the wy \ Wor Me Bo etter ew enady and POERITA YOM tah WW \ 5 Wy DOWNIE BE TARRY AL the W \ Wa stare, IT year steeaaeh AW ey BME vou #9 Biaaated NAaeat AL aie, AW AEA shRY Whe please of VHRR pala digestion A. other geensions during House of Commons debates, It has heen an naunerd that Genera! Motors of Ca noda, Limlted, was In every way ful Alling the nledge to pass on to th eonstmer the saving due ta the re of exelse tax on autemaohiles lust night, the wel evening keeping mont of the wouldshe oslobrantn at home, A few hedpaguled ghosts and witehes were 10 he ween parad Ing the street In the early part of oval the evening, but after nine o'eloek | 511 A Heown, genera! manager of (he the streets were deserted and the | oomnuny, Informed The Times at that onlehrations being fintshed In the | time that the wronosed nvestination homes, Thera was no damage "| would he 'weleomed by General Mo ported to the pollos this morning! tars a W-- i a -- = TEN FES INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER «+ COOL IN BUMMER SIFTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OIHAWA, ONT, her later with gunfire to prevent her heeoming a menace (0 navigation, The Bretagne was a typlenl old time salllng vessel and her owner, Louls Oganne, was the eaptuin, With him sailed his comely daughter, Gert rude Ozanne, Most of the crew were Wanaka, natives of Vahitl, "The vessel with one of the last of the vemalning willing ships on the Pacific and on one of her Just voyages two women writers shipped "hour her to the South Kens bent on finding atmos phere for sea tales, On holier tin romance ventured ahaard with » Jae panese girl who had heeome Infatia ted with one of the Bouth Ses 1s: Winder wnblops, She hid ( the hold --_----_---- where she was dissovered und later turned over to the authorities wt Suva, Vij Tn Whit a eomntryl Trying to rer forest and ve-bulfalo, and making no effort to preserve the pedestrian clans, Bridegport 'elegram, n-- The ehaulfeur was on his way to town and before he left Madame cals led the maid "Anna, I there anything we need In town" Anna thought a moment, "I don't think the ching will Tast aver Bunday, . AP E X Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Roope oh Records Pox W'rot, Resord No, 41001 Reoord No, 41087 Moanin' Low Hong WNecord, No, 41008 Painting the Clouds With Sunshine From the pleture "Phe Gold Diggers of Broadway" Apex Reoord, No, 41088, Am | Blue From the Motion Pleturs ¢On With The show" ox Trot Apex Record No, 8070, Bong Reeord, No, 8000 Tip Toe Thru' the Tulips With Me From the pleture "Phe Gold Diggers of Broadway" Apex Record, Nog 4 41048 I'm Just a Vagabond Lover Fox Trot Record No, 5065, Hong Record No, BOARS, Little By Little FoxTrot Record, No, 41087 Piccolo Pete Fox Trot Wear the new Apex Licclroplonse Lan ss winallumnay Wilson & Lee 71 Simcoe St. North Phone Boas The Nan Record Oo, Torexte, Out, Phonograph Dealers Hverywheve 8 Complete Stock of Apex Electrophonie Records Always on Hand HARRIS MUSIC SHOP | 17 Simeoe St, 8, List Your Firm For Your Dyug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simeon 3 SeWe Deliver in the "Times" Business Divectory! NOTHING S00 NOTH Adanac Machine ne Shop 181 King © W\

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