THE OSHAWA DAILY LY TIMES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929 PAGE THREE Two Serious Holdups Reported i in Oshawa During Last Night Open Verdict Is Returned 0 Inquest On The Death Of, Mes. RE. Wakefield, Toronto Coroner's Jury Attaches No "COMES TO OSHAWA Blame to W, G, Morrow, or of Car Which Col: With Auto Driven Mr, Wakefield SLIPPERY PAVEMENT CAUSE OF ACCIDENT At Point Where Mishap Oe- curred, Clay Washed on Highway From Farmer's Driveway, and When Wet It Was Very Slippery, Witness States An apen verdlel was returned al the Inguest, held last night In the gourt roam here, into the elreum wtanees of the death of Mrs, RB, 1, Wakefield, of Toronto, who was nl most Instantly killed tn un sel dant an the pravinein! highway, i miles east of Bowmanville an Oot g, Coroner Dr, H, Ferguson, of Eonlekitlen, presided and the CrOWNn WAH represented hy Crawn Attorney W, I, Kerr, af Cobourg, WwW. 4, Marrow, of Paterhovongh, who 18 charged with eviminal neg Hgenoe arising aut of the aeeldant, wis represented hy D, 1, MeCarthy, of Toronto, and Gordon D, Conant, of Oshawa, Mr, Richardson, of Taranto, appeared for Mr, Wakes field The fest witness called was Dy Butler, of Neweanstle, who wae enll ad to the seene of the aeeldent and arrived within ten minutes after | aeourred, When We kot theve he dald the body of Mrs, Wakefleld had heen removed to a nearhy farm house and upon examining It he found a out shout 1% tnehes long aver the left eye and her neek was broken, Death had been almost Instantaneous LL aor Clay on Highway Ha desorihed (he part of the highway where the fatality had oe ourred and he sald that he knew af three neeldenta that had taken Plaga in almost the same spat this Inst sgmmer, A farmer's driveway i Wal the cause of a lot af olay ashing onto the highway and whan the rend was wel (1 heonma very slippery. He treated Mr, Mar row. d len, nh Al riod i. CE ' Rh, ontinued on in oy --. Taken There to Tried Taranto, Nav, | red Larehmount void, wish air wight hy Detective-Bergl Levitt and Detective Will aeting with the gasoperatl spector Guenelt and Con Tavior of Cannington i charge af shep-brealdng | ton lust week, where he 1s have tidien a guantity of ¢ arettes, and eash from Clo in that town He will be Heuvertan for trish, (Continued from pa count of the valn and | Ww slEht fog when viirred Unker's one was hurled dite on the north 4 HB, MeGiERIIGEN The London Life tnsurance Comes pany has announced the HY ment of J, KH, Motierrigle as Buperintendent far the Indus: teind Beaneh in Oshawn, Mi, Mes Govelgle was formerly on the company's Peterborough staff, He wieoceds Walter Foy, who has heen transferred to Toronto, ---- paly with ane wheal damaged radiator smashed in Peaftle Held Up up for half an hour hy willed fram the truek, praventing oR from through wi only afl lve work the palles gens that ronda wha I hy the ------ "OBITUARY WILLIAM FULLER The death oconrved this marming At hig residence, of Willlam Henry Furber, who has heen a resident of this elty far the past three YOR Mr, Furber was 68 Years of age having heen harp In King land on December 18, 1807 He was the son of the late My and Mes, Henry Furher of Peter harough and for some time has hoon resident manager of the Ol var Raneh at Cobouvw, Ontarlk Ho was # member of the 100K tn Coboirg ana Was also a mem hey af the Chosen Friends Bool ely, Hinea maving to this elty, he had Attended Bimeos Brest Un ted Ohwreh and wan actively In tavasted bn all ehwreh work He In survived hy his wite and one dunumhitar, Mary, and one pon, Wil Ibm Aven, wll ak home, and one sister, Mes, Orosgrey of Toronto Banner Furher of Bowmanville Is Btanley Unger Iu Wihan Unger Pleton, Th hy wire today tha and Mrs hrook, near wii Informed Pleton Cagette man attended Plots anuaked Hi Fehruury And wis we In the Pleton one sleter, heen farm nat awa had father's Motors unmarvied and Hiked He has tinge poualn af the The funeral will (ake p the family vesidence Brest on Manday, at B00 pm made in the Unlen Camel | Ll i husedeiver 1a k a had eutn Yon on Ro pram arry Driver vou ought ta he Anpry Ww Ww Right'a n nn!" sat: . il ha the ¢ wldn rod and was wreaked heyond ve The tenek gept on for about un yards and then came to # SLOP The fnined Min Ht NO November 4 and Interment will be ry MAN ARRESTED FOR BEAVERTON CRIME Fred Plowes of "Toronto Is be Plewes of lit Arthur Hill, sled 1 on of In sluhle ( Plowes faees 1 Bewver legged 10 girs, ely wh' § Mare fulien THREE INJURED INWHITBY CRASH ge 1) hern rash 0 intn the nl and the Peattie on the highway was held furniture effectively potting ar inten und eltl elonrad Came Feam Near Pleton twenty-three yours of age and 1s the son of My of Win n from mn nn Ha 1] dlatpiot Hatt 1) deeansad Y onus uy i | Wie Starting Monday The Oshawa Daily Times One of the most thrilling and amazing serial atories ever published in the newspaper, Miss Hard-Boiled by Jane Dixon You will be enthralled by the amazing adventures of the heroine of this remarkable story, and will be held in breathless suspense right to the last chapter, WATCH FOR THE OPENING INSTALMENT IN The Times on Monday A [TH Whe the Times the Younes High Johan! and hafore coming to Osh his General Wilh known drives ht 1a) " And MIL, AND MIN, J, Amost on the ave of eeleheating hele A7th wedding snnlversary, which was due early next month, Myc and Mes John Bennett met With misfortune, Mp, Benneid, wed NG, son of 8 fsmous Bearhoro oneey of more thin one centr wo, fell from on ehade In the kits chen nnd brake his hip bone, The grand old man's recovery Is now doubtful, Me and Mes, Bennett, shown shove, veside on Lot 7, Con, Dy, West Hil, Bonphoro whorn My, Bonnett was bor, Myx, Henn damage, mostly of a was Rone Conslderable minor hy pranks nture, in Oshawa boys playing the usual Hallowe'en Inst night, Little damage of a the ap Hw (8 1} erious nature reported surrounding the hoys parently keeping mostly to the honored funsmaking that mark tuber J oeuoh Celie Wika in country, ORT wile hes weird « wn Ime, # hou and the oll out" made hy the neeturn Candy and apples wer naumed dno guantity, and fun was (ang the ek other haunted oholder hd pri in Wd ny loathe! th treet red th vill dL VIRHOrS lot lus mens, | | Hew thy Hon hes yolnger ind there, swhit sourey ing 1 Ih and suapiel We on the part of hooded prowl Ko the fuel that a practival jok. hetng played oi the his Wi on telephone removed down Four Hine ua Wi wisuspoet ohh romi reed randied PERN wa | ing resident Oring, polls the ARON Oar in | hun eH An pel MICE AWRY mil evidenge ol heen § ute that had the night het owas reported from MWhithy that | eonalderahle damage had been daw in that town, tenees being torn down and ahatraetion het plaved ( highway mn carried dangerous me the nguiry Please Shut A onmplaint has been veaceived hy the poliog fram the residents of [8 Goran street that & fanlly 1h [Ing In the vieinity has heen In the habit of keeping a radio tuned mount late hours at night early I the morning, Apparently tla powerful instrument for the nelghbors have found © vain to nitempt #010 sleeh In spite Mn Just as Orpheus may ba wooing thom away from the land of ster reality ta dreamy; oavesfrea sub consciousness the midnight alr In plarced hy some high-ahvieking AORTAND fram station "NoverQuit" Vlmaon, Arkansas, or what have you, Ov POrIApS It 1 the stvldent, wi 11) CELEBRATION MARRED BY ACCIDENT BENNETT, SCARBORO nee Miss dane Skelton, was horn Zt Benvhorn Village, and comes rom nn famous ploneer family Whose RNeestors were among Boars hova's lest settlers, The Tamous ald eouple ave devout Preshyiers na, My, Bennett having attended Molyilie Peeshytovian Chueh, slnee its opening In 1888, OF seven ehildven, six boys and one girl, two still survive, They are dohn Bonnett, of West HILL, and Henry Bennett of Toronto, Mr, Bennety In the oldest living charter moms hey ot Markham Masonite Lodge, Considerable Damag e Of Minor Nature In Oshawa By Hallowe' en Jokesters ---------------- in the viginity failed 10 show # ROFIOUS nature Fhe wet weather evi down the numbers and the Hallowe'en joke VRrion Communities af this elity, however, that anything had tranapived dently kept the spirits ol ater One vietim of a Hallowe'en nrank in Oshawa lust night was the resi dent of 153 Ritson roud south, wha (this morning that his ra had heen ent, The ineidem Las heen reported to the polie Fhe High suttered fram pranks of mischief makers and the hohgabling sueeeeded nh earrying Away a wate and piltering some eles Hght bulbs, Beveral persons los andah steps and motorist that some youl he hurled 4 rock at his eur he fre hreigade suffered to th extent that 11 responded to two Tals Fhe Best occurred at Hox 43 Philips glass works at 7.40 while @ second futile run was hour tater to Hox 4 wt road and Olive ave, On oot af the slippery pavement, Pun owas fraught with hasard and those wathle for the rather perverted sense A HreRt ninher Heneration spent the noeent tun but there were those wha werd beyond the mark in their per | formanes of so olled praotieal Jokes ol discovers ia wires Mehool also Hh ri Vil wile Wiruly Wien Hear tin pn made an Ritson i fueh FORM of humor the younges evening nin ul No More Noise My Lady «QO Off The Radio EE ---------------- hand Nighi Ialands, AY neapation Ome Jane playing to a raw of hawks in the Walu-Wula somewhere In the broad, hive Paels Ho, Worse still, Just an sleep may be appronehing stealthily after all thin musion! racket, some Intoley able hore may stave leoturing to VAL unseen (and complain I) andienve' on the value of a sood night's rest Radia 1a Just like pumpkin pie Or any other good thing, Teo much a0 mueh, Possibly the indis vilminate operaton af machines 1a the annoyance of nelghbors may come under Chiat Friend's antl Noles campaign and villel way Wenently | he afforded ol ha 8 was indeed a wighiy vietory as far as seats go, bat | Know the farses we were Ryhting, Sl Sinclair, of this ety, leader of the Liberal party in On (aria whieh was overwhelmed hy the Conservatives in Wednesday's eleo ten, when asked for a statement yesterday COLLEGIATE CHATTER | Rusby season ™ the O01 is drawing 10 a close, The last games af the Interschalastie series ave to be played Saturday when the sent ors play In Petearhore and the junl ar lw Port Hope, As far as the wRiar leaRue is concerned, the 'oterbarg Collegiate has the cham: donshin olnohed; hewever, in the anlar department, should New: Annville and Oshawa repeat thew ving of last week aver Peterbore wd Part Hope vespeetively, 8 thvesscornered tia Will ha oreatod, | necessitating Nayatt EAMOS, POThe leeal interform soheanie, however, has only vehohed the | seminal slams, and interest grows Roane! each day as ane form slime ates another, The ether day 4-8) k srenllad bunoh of green horns, "I adwmit i eliminated §-\, the J foared of Pp the AH Hy \ he SWtteaiie for A Aa Laoore of 1 §&A Sinclair Admits "Mighty Victory" And Refuses To Make Statement "IoSaY It was net the ol the people: 1 pay just as wmeh attention 19 the number of votes east for the Liberal party as the majorities for the Conservatives ied Are geting in the headlines, No, 1 won't save A Statement heonuse uw would just think | was angry TI YT TY | fluke=they would . hq ARSLIN a And with the close of the vaghy SOAROR, the next an the year sport Progeam Is haskethall, Mp [WN lay, hoya' phystoal inatpuoton, exs POOLE 10 stage the fivet work ent in A very few weeks, thereby miving the lads a short time in whion we Post afar T ar & stronuans weeks At oraahy, Wh the majority of IEE FORTE SORlar OAT ROW Away fram sehool, there will be several Jantors stepping ate the senlope ranks ABA 1 In cevtain that the QOL Wi have two teams worthy ta defend the soheol's reputation in that Mine af sporting activities or the Able Af ba . Miss Dryden, whe is substitu hg In the AI of Miss Runnells, director of givks' athietios, has ab ready held a mivis' basketball prac tion and about 28 sinks have heen selected th (ry places an the jwah or and seni hm, The school wusioal activities in he ghia promises of waking alarms showed a RESULT IN DURHAM | 15 STILL CLOSE Seat Conceded to Liberal By Majority of Between 19 and 124 W, J, Brage'n election ham Is conceded today, Vigures | ul to the extent of his majority vury from 10 to 124, hut it 1s gen orally soneeded thal he was re turned to the seal, victor aver his, Conservative opponent, Milton J Killott, Mayor of Bowmanville he Canadian Press al Port Hope veported Byagu's majority us 164 today Helturnng OMeer Mi Gamun, of Millbrook, however, re parted in econvarsgtion with I'he Times that, an far an he could ns cerimin, Hragk's majority wan 10 This was not oMelal, he sald, as ha had not received veporis from all the returning officers, hut was hased on figures ha had been hl to compile hy telephone, The of olnl report of the returning oe ar will probably he made tomar raw, and in the meantime My Hank, who has vepresented Duy ham for the last twelve years, re Laing the neal Recount Probable It i probable Ahat, Hraga's majority hy the oMelal figures he a small ane, Mr, Kilolt will aul a recount, It wan stated unaMelally that over 200 voles had heen rejected hy the deputy raturning officers as apolled bal lots Below are given the figures com piled by the Canadian Press in Por Hope, The only difference hel wean these figures and those which the deputy returning offloer yeoejved hy telephone 18 In Port Hope where the velurning offleer was Informed Killott had & majority of £40 Inntend of 185, This neeounts for the differance in the total ma Jarity of Bragg, and would maka it 10 instead of 184 an reported hy the Canadian Press, The correct figures will not he known until the veturning offiear veceives the reports from the DRO in the vid Ing in bul should The Figures The majorities secured hy the candidates in the various muniel palities In Duvham, as reported hy Canadian Yress, were Bragg Elllott ' 1048 OR LR Part Hope Howmanville Millthroaok Neworat le Hope Townahip Cavan Township Cartwright Daviington Clarke Manvers " Ta aay LLL) County F'otals Brags 184 RECOUNT LIKELY IN MANITOULIN Conservative Is Elected By a Majority of Ten Votes leading Durham hy Nav, } A, K was elected hy a ma votes, when final turns fram the constituency of Manitoulin were announced last plght, The result was a Congervas tive gala trom the Liberals, Thos Favauhar, Libharal, member af the last legialature and eandidate top re-election announced last night he would demand a veoount Hudbury vaham, Canaarvative, Jopity of 10 Ve a. ---- this the best year fn O, ©, 1, his Lavy Under diveotion af My, Risher, supervisor of musio in Osh AWA sohonls, the orchestra and wlee lub have cammenced Brae toes and are gradually heooming arganised The number of members in the orohestra has to date reached 3%, and through the wedium of the able diveotion at hand and Pram ties twice weekly, the wohoal should produce & symphony op | hacame chestra of whieh it may he proud, The following ovehestra exeeus tive has heen elected i Divectar, Mi, Rioher; President, Mv, Murphy (al the staff) Heoretary, Mise Rive: Libravian, Al Saunders; feward, Ovitle Smith, The Glee Olah has not yer heen finally an mantaed, Miss Mavgavet Haroourt In the capacity of secretary has heen the only ane of the axecntive 0 fr appointed, The attendance of the olub numbers about 130, A) * . Ahout the last of the manth tne salt players will present the fob lowing thres anesaot plays "The Birthday of the Infanta" "The Valiant, and "Thank You, Dow ton" These will constitute the 2nd annual production of this on sanisation which wade sueh a saooesa of ta lint pertarmance ast yea It hb Wp od, Ad Was ast year to AN i.) similar society AMONE the students, and as condi tions around the sohoal will be areal improved with regards to @ pravious yearn, it ia hoped that " Tonto will materiales, Xuma. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY RADIO SRRVION AND RRPATRE 1a all makes of sets, ald seta Te modelled, Nowe: tabes added hy a die Triokau, No ohavge fw mapection, Phone 383 R 1 |, (Nev, +1 wma) IRD ROOWE $30 a month melding ght, heat WRU Phone Phone 248%. 10da) I ------ Taxi Driver And Friend Are Held Up By Two Passengers; Auto And WINNER IN DURHAM WwW. J, BHAUU Liberal eandidate, is conceded eloes Hon as ME, for Durham County, but his majority is sill) doubtful, One report. gives him a majority of 184, hut dhe res turing officer gives an wnoks floinl figure of 10 City News FINED FOR BEING INTOXICATED ler was fined $30 and pleaded gullty in po mrt to a charge of being intoxi his was his frat offense GETS THREE MONTHS Ross Holle months in the when he was Hind today on a charg drunk tn a public place third aftense homas Bow costs when he lop of cated wis sentenced (a three gounty Jal at Whithy ponvieted hy Magistrate nl his was his heing POLICK Pr, T, W, t, MeKay floor of health for the ety, today extended thanks ta the loos! polio fares for the afMelent way In which they had traced (he theft of his automobile, not anly recovering the oar wm good order, but return ne to the owner a satohel of surg! ofl Instruments which had been left In the ony THANKS medion! of FARMERS WELCOME RAIN Yosterday's hea PAIN Wika gamed by the farmers of the distriet and conditions tor plonghing and fall work have now bheeome normal Pass ture has been wells have heen replenished Is ne danger now ul shortage of water Tar the stoek, For the past Tew days the weather has been quite mild with Nttle sug teation of approaching winter, Uhere Rave heen oceasional roasts however Vv) wel improved and 0 that thers there helng a ever CAR HUNRNED An automobile awned hy an Osh AWA an was destrayad on the alghway between Whithy and Hraoklin yesterday While travel Ing along: the vaad the ear suddenly enveloped in flames and the man who was deiving, toget hey with his lady companion, escaped fram the vehlelp Just In time to avold the hlase, Although he told motorists who heaught him to this olty that he Hved In Oshawa, and that the girl with him alse resided hove, he refused to divulge the ids antity of alther himself or his onins panion, Ihe ameressively intellectual, wivl is another whose presence 10aves me void Ruddy allow, ha - One theo! Kid of keen pevoeption wrote the senate chamber 8 where senators sleep Hrandon Sun Coming Events -- A Cents Li wont each in sortion, Mintmum charge tor each insertion, Be, | OAMAWA WINTER GARDENS, wilver Apple Night, Batunday, Nov, ad, LRN pm, Leky wih ver ARples "Mind Your Bite", Musto hy Frank Cavew iy His Commanders, 104h) RUMMAGE BALK IN I Mi of King Steet Chupeh, Batae day at 1.30, (1040) OLD TIMNR SQUARE AND ROUND dance in Roary Hall, Satan day, Nev, fad, Old time arehes ta, Admission 289, (ean MADAME RROWN PALMIET, Phone Appointments J634K, 43 Lounlan W (108k) ORHMAWA WINTER GARDENS, ware and round dancing, Feb ay, Nov, 1st, 83.30 pw A tall AMERL OF SGUATS ARd round dane mg wader the direction of Pat Shannon, Dance 1a the snapplest old Lyme arohestra of this part of the proavines, Haymakers On ohestg (103) SQUARRK AND ROUND DANCING Rarhharts Pavilion, Satanday Eh Good avohestrg, RUCHRE IN LWW, Hyde, tontght. Last MADAME palms, 294 3 (1040) HALL OVER of series (1040) ERDDA, SOIEATIRIC Julien stress. (oda) | not $22 Was Stolen | Masked and Armed Men Take Taxi to' Courtice, Then Reb Driver and Passenger at Point of Gun and Escape in the Auto WOMAN ROBBED IN HOME HERE TODAY Masked Man With Revolver Takes $86 From Mrs, C, M., Brown, 187 Clarke St, Dragging Her Down Steps of Her Home John Maove, driver for the John ston Tax Co, Bimeos street south, and a friend, Rex Blevenson, wers held up hy two passengers In the tax, driven hy Moore, at & lonely point on & side road, north of Cour ties, shortly after 11 o'vloek lash night, The hold up of Mrs, C, M, Brown, 187 Clarke strest, this morning, was also reported, About B20 in cash was taken from Moore, representing his faves for the day, while his friend lost #5 In ohange, After searching the pockets of the unlucky pal, the thugs Jumped in the ear, a Poptlan gadan, and whisked north on the side road, They had commanded Moore and Hievenson to walk ahead in the glare of the headlights, hut tha men dodged to the left side of the voad, eclambered over a fenee and van across & field to a farm house { Car Recovered { The bandits, veallsing that It was useless to give pursuit in the dark ness and rain, sped away and as thelr vietims reached the farms house they could see the reflection of the oar Hghte far up the road, They ealled the eity polices hy tele phone, hut 80 far no trace has heen found of the thugs, This morning, however, the car was discovered en Annie street, indleating that they had returned to Oshawa, When Moore received a call to Himene and Jackson stress lest night he drave to the spot Aedoms panied hy his friend Hievenson They found two men walling for them at the eorney Hoth ware of medium height and Moora recalls thal ong of (he tWO Wal WAVING & Haght #rey offal, They were Just ardinary passengers and neither the tax! driver nor his triend gaye the matter any thought wher the twa alamberad into the baek weat of the tax! and ordered that they ha taken opal on the highway to Cour tee Choose Lonely Spot Arpiving at Courtige the passens gore requested that they be driven north on # side yoad, The ear had proceeded more than & halls mile, when Moore felt a gun pokes ng Into his riba and was told te stop, Glaneing around he saw thay both passengers had covered thelr face with masks, Hach was points Ing a revolver, Moore halted his machine at thes side of the road and he and Htavs ahion #ot out, followed by the armed men, They were told to Uatlok 'em un and one of the pain fived a shot aver Moore's lef shoulder, Their pockets wera then searched and they wera robbed of what money they had, 3 Bacape in Uap » The bandits remarked that thay, would ook atter the oar and thats thelr vietims could do the walking. The pair seated themgelves in the drive's seat and ordered Moove and Htevenson 10 Walk ahead in the. Maht of the headlights, The engine had Just been atarted when the twa dueked, raced Aoress to. the left side of the road and sought. shelter In a teld, The men appar. ently made no Attampt ta pursue them, but drove Mpldly nerthward, A minute later Moore was tele. phoning ta the polioa here from a nearhy farm house, Although All the Wain redds leading Into the olty were waders watol last night, the bandits wd PATORLLY wera muccesstul tn enter ing, This morning the oar was a onted an Annia street, hE HOON od In mood condition, alate that thre way plenty of We line In the tan 1 Another hold haldup Was saa A shartly after T a'oleok this MOR INE WhOW A masked Wan walkedy Iie the house of Mi and Qe, M. Brown, 187 Clarke street, AN at the paint of & gun dem MW that Mis, Brown gtve hw allt Wmoney Which was 1h the ho The trader secured \ and an mysteriously as he } ome, Mrs, Brown tatormed he ; this warming that big Li Just pone ta work when the entered, He was attired tn & dark § opt, @ArK pants and wore a Loot onl, While ha face wan covered § With A wask, He wan of medium atature and evidently well halt, Asoarding 10 the police Mes, | LRrawn olla (hat the iniradens found her upstairs and drag Ro hang dawn tha stein to the Hest tloan He threatened her with his oval vor ARA she was forced to comple with his ander that she tam ave) 10 him all the madey fa the ha Immediately after ho had left ah roused A boarder Wha ha ent ? sloaplng wpstaies, alarmed We alba ARE called the padesr an \