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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, Investigation Shows Oshawa Stock Market Losses Small 1929 PAGE THREE, October Building Permits Reach Total 0 $429,485; Year's Figure $1, 383,365 Last Month 8 Sees $378,000 in Factory Building; $17, 700 in New Residences, $20,260 in Alterations nd $7828 in Other Structures SETS NEW HIGH MARK FOR YEAR October Well Ahead of July, Previous High Month in 1920, and Also of October Last Yew, When * Permits Totalled $364,133 Bullding permits numbering 45, for a total of BARD ARR, were Ia aued In this eliy In October, sets ting a new high record for this your, This brings the (ots) of butlding in Oshawn this your up to $1 ARN, 008, a total of RET per mite having heen tesned this your Oatober set (he highest mark foy hutifing po far this year, The previgus Wgh month was Joly, when 81 permite far SERN HAO ware sued, This total Ineluded $UA0000 Tor the Collexiate and Voeational Inatitute addition, Muy wis the next highest month, hay Ing un total of $270,860 for U6 permis, In this month, thera was the highest total of resldentin! hullding of any Le wn fap this yaar, 40 permits for SHER LAO In new dwellings having heen fasued Higher Than Last Oetohey Laat month was also higher than Ootahe) luni YOuy, when BHO4 000 In permits, far B38 pro jectn, ware usted, This Included mo BON000 permit tap the Maron ROrvies ramp garage In October this yey Invgest permits were for the Hkin ner Campany's faetory at BE60 000 and for the Parte and Herviee addition for General Motors at BIRR,000, BAA 480 In other hulld NE wan started during the month, LL ff new dwellings at 81%, TOOL parames at AL 060; 7 al COPRLOn oat BRD BENT 1 husiness bullding at 52.8000 and 4 lhe airnetures wt B0.07H May Beach 81,000 0068 Theva 18 stil at least ong large narmit te ha seus this year that far the new arena whioh 1s heing hutle at hn estimated cont of B100,000 ta BIBR000, This alone will heing the year's total, now BL ASA AGE, aver the millon and a hall mark Among the permits (ssued dur INE Lhe Inst two weeks fs ane for LAM POPR EY slipelinues helng evacted hy Oplental Textilon wt a out af RBA00, far storing elath The Beittsh Ameriean OH Oom pany In erecting ao coment Wank pump house on Emma stveel at a onEt of BAA, Dwellings are being hulle hy Volney Telok, 183 Never ley street, wha In eonstrneting a FA,000 hrlek veneer house; and W. R, Thompaon, who is hallding A 41,200 frame house at 240 reanwond street Other building projects ave heing urdertaken hy Thamad Rovls wn, 200 Quebher street; John Polowlonky, 488 lon street east) A, Wondward, 141 Colborne street an the twa WHAAAM PURBEK Tha death veeurred od, Yastarduy al hw reldence, of Ham Henry "urhar, whe has fo Ww resident of thin elty tor the past thes years, Mr, ¥urber was 68 years of ngs having heen born In England on Decomber 18, 1667, He wan the son of the Inte Me, and Mrs, Henry Vurher of Veley: borough and for some yours has heen vesident manager of the Os var Kaelute at Cobourg, Onturle, He was member of the |, 0, O, F, In Cobourg and was wlio 8 mam har of the Chosen Friends society, Binea moving to this elty ha has witended Bimoeoe street United ehureh and was aetively Interestad in wll ghureh work, He ls survived hy hin wite und one daughter, Mary WH, and one son, William Avihur, all at home sod one slater, Mrs, Crasgrey, of Torvento, Ban nar Murher of Bowmanville is a sonsin of the decsssed The funeral will take place from tha fumily residence at K6 Yonge sirent an Monday, November 4, at $00 pm, and Interment will be made In the Union Cemetery 15 TRANSFERRF] 10 OSHAWA STORE {Lloyd Davie, wha has, for man LXER, heen ddentifled with the Nell) Mion Hiore In Lindsuy, and known 0 many Oshawa people as one of the stalwarts of the Lindsay hookey team, has hoon tranaferred ta Osh" awn, and will take over the man nuarehip of the Nelll ®hoe Store Mr, Davis has had many years ay pevianes In the proper fitting of ahoas, And 18 alan a sraduate of the Heholl Behool of Peaotipedios Me, Raper, (he Tormer manager leaves Oshawa nest week to take i position In the main store of the fo Naltl, Lad, at Peterharo Ho has been with (he Nelll Hem for nine Years FIRE THREATENS VACANT DWELLING The dive belkade Wilson 1d, north shortly hatore noon thin morning when HH was found that a onesstoried trame house had taken five, The halld INE Wid uneesipled. and the fire wis discovered when nelghhors no toed amoke lsaning from a win dow, They immedintely summoned the five brigade and through this prompt aetlon the flames ware soon eheoked and Mitle damage one, The fire originated front roam beneath the tear, The floor wid burned, but heyond this the dane was #light, The firemen have not yat heen able to asoey win the name of the owner ® | wis called io in earl; WW, Hiekle, B08 Arthuy pret] M Bulkowakl, 240 Beatty avenue; J, MoGauley, 18 Mobaughs Hin hondavard: MH, Bennett, 131 Ohureh stpeet; 8 Baldwin, 214 Kendall avenue; KB, J, Garfat, 423 Chvneia avenues, and J, WW, Height, 103 Wloor street eas 9 15 COMMITTED FOR TRIAL, CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE COUNT aa wk William G. Morrow, Peter- boro, Sent on to Next Assizes in Cobourg kk ACCIDENT CASE Charge Arose Out of Acels dent In Which Mrs, Wake field Was Killed William George y Merrow, anager of the Central Fowi Compuny, whe he appeared before Magistrate Ward mn Bowmanyille polies eaurt this mors wing for his prelinginary hearing on i chivrge of wrimingl negligence The ehwrge wis Tuld against row Tallowing wn secident on Kingston hignway four miles of Bowinknyille on October 24, wm whieh Morrow's eur wus in # oolli gon with ane deiven by |, 16 Wakes held of bavanto, Mrs, Wakeheld wus Willed in the evush, The evidence ut the preliminary hewring wins slondare to thst given ut he inguest on Fhorsday might, indi cating that Morrow bind spphed hig brakes suddenly and had skidded on the shppery pavement, direatly into the path of the Wakeheld eur, 1 I, Butler, of Neweantle Ad Drwimmond, HB, Durant of Lorontu Juhn Budd, of Woodville} und trwl he officer Gardon Halliek of New vintle, muve evidence, W, VF, Kerr KL, of Cobuurg, wiorney, gundueted the praseeition, while LD MaeCurthy Foroma and G, DD Conant of Oshawa apposred tor Mo raw, Mul of S20.000 was renewed CHAMBER CALLS GENERAL MEETING Large Attendance Wanted at Rotary Hall on Tues day Next Weel Mar Hi vial Uruwh ul Cali Liew held ye An portant mee ul the af CROUHEIVE a Hall on week Hin hi hi Fuonday Fhe executive growl tmpor the general meeting in oe 1) all wwii Chnimhy ULE oiled hy th in the Rotary) LT next has some nee to Iw memhership entirely open the Chamber uf t eitipens wha ar Ids expeoted that u dis mul plans for the annual sonvention ol the Associated Boapds of Trade wl Chanbers of Commeree, 10 he held thin month, will be featured at the meeting, and Wn view of the mmin gneve oF this important meeting, the diveetors ave partienlarly anxious that theve shoul! he uw large whee STANLEY UNGER DIED OF INJURIES (Continued from page 1) Jury then adjourned until 8 later date when an guest will be held, The vietim of (this traule pool dont had vestded In Oshawa wines Inek February, having coms here fram Ploton, Ont, He was the son of My, and Mes, Bihan Ungor, of Rimbrook, near Ploton, and tn aids dition 10 his pavents, lu survived hy one alster, Miss Hottie Unger He was a former pupil of the Ples ton High fehool, and was popular with all who knew him, For several hours after the acel dont, Chief Gunson was at a loss to locate the owner of the parked oar, This morning, however, @ man whe gave his name as Roy Groat walked into the Oshawa oe Hee Htation and stated that he was the owner of tha oar whieh had heen parked at this spot, Chie Gunson stated today that no charge would be laid against Arent, an it had heen dotinitels an certained that hin car had Wh shoved off the highway, Croat In sald, had run out of gasol . and In order that hiv machine would nov obstruct trae, he had pushed IL oft the highway to the oust of the subway, Apparently Unger had thought that tha mach Ne was encroaching on the paves ment, adh swerved Ra Ad aveld iy J. DEACON, SOLOIST WITH ROXY'S GANG Received Part of Early Training in Oshawa, And Is Well Known Here John DRAGON, RON! WORN of My, and Mra, Geoarge Kenley, Rlmooe street Worth, whe i» well-known in this oly, Waving SURE here an diferent VOORRIONE, han Won recarnition as & Loner of wnuanally tine valve, He Was gelected fram hundreds of othe OPE AR ROP soloist with Resyv's Cane, broddeasting trom station wis ME Doagon has studied masle With some of the host teachers an (hia continent and has pont 4 wume bor of years tn Now York, Par ot hh early Araining he received here Wm Oshaw John Deneon ty osincing tn a pe Damm With the Torna RY Mphony { Ovohestog, at the Casa Loma to worrew aftaraaen ol mutters ul placed hetore ho he th every member me ree and 1 interest ELIT attend i FOENM OF VATAL wan struck honds Whithy subway Thursday nigh, Manley Unger, 81 Athol st, 0, Oshawa, was futally Injured and ted In Oshinwa hospital last night, (1) Winanloy her, ( the seen --_-- I. ---- When his vay on hy a truck at on the highway TE -- eitent da recorded i Unie ul 11) \ splendid meh | ta the eredit of Le ul Fheutre Mowinning the Dest prise ul thi # Domimlanswide eon test oonducted by the Famous Play Canandiun Corporation, Linted HH enagers tor eigen Cy uel resulin tn theptre menage ment he Regent Theives wis placed in Class BH, whieh cities ol Hho stee and many larger pluses, such wi Mranttord and Kuchener, Calgary, Edmonton, Moose Jaw, eb My Osler was the leader In this class and was awarded the Best prige ol LAR THRO the Kegent Oshiiwa ui Classes ul "ie between inelueded Monument In ptreet window of plore thera 1a a In the BElmooe Haunott's Joawelry dlaplny whieh Is atteaeting the at tention of a great many passersby, hig digplay conslats of a replica In dlass of Nelson's Monument as IC appears In Trafalgar Bguare, London, England, he piece of work stands about IN Inohes high and In complete oven to the four Hons and figure of Nelson, The work was done hy the father of A, J, Adams, manager of the wines department of the W, B, Phillips Glass Oo, When inter viewsd hy a Times veporter, Mr, Adama gave some Interesting fuels about the armament, The work has Just lately arrived from England, but It haa heen coms pleted for about 28 years, GO, 1 Adams, father of the pressnt owies of, made the veplion In exact pros portion to the actual monument, G, T, Adama wis head of a great glan concern In Kngland for 3% years and It was there that hin son, J, Adama learned the business, The maker of the monument, who lives [1 Walthamstow, Banex, England, ACCTDN WHERE & UNGER MET HIS DEATH NT THUNRKDAY of the seeldent on the highway hetwoeen Oshawa and Whithy, and (H) Marry Kerr, who niso suffered bined Injuries, Kevy meelved meds lonl nttention nt the hosphinl und was later able to proeedd to his Iome, él kk PE ---- Regent Theatue Manager Wins First Prize In Contest TEE Won In wddition, Mr, Osler a fur ther prige of $100 wail hity i oReeount ul ng heen | ler ne hi hie dur LAL] Uo priges, Ww Mr, Osler, sia aetion Mien mhber wl ng the contest the wmount of reeeived yvestorda w hike he ehegue for the tw by Wh whu OAPs Ing nu oddest with the result af his efforts, pointed out that the honor could not have been wan by him had i the sustidned and whole-hearted support irded the high class of entertainment he hus heen bringing to the Regent Theatre for the eitigens of Oshawa WH nut been for iy Glass Replica Of Nelson's London, Eng., On Display In Local Store took several Years to eolleet all the pleves to make the work coms plete here ure something like U0 pleces In the entire work, A, J, Adama stated that after ong hour of oareful search he could find not the slightest fault In the workman: whip, The heveled square which ts also to he seen In the window Ia the work of A, J, Adams himself, This in made of glans one neh thiek, which han wloven bevels, The back In stlvered tn order to make the hovels stand out, When it Is known thant It takes from five to seven years to learn how to bevel the aldo of a window the care that must he taken to put eleven hevels an the one pleca of wlass oan perhaps be wppreciated, AJ Adams has been In the glass business tor forty years and so It In veadily understood that he ia A competent Judge, He stated that ai far an he knew there was net another lke It In the world, He prises these pleces very muoh and thinks that there 1s net enough money in the world to huy it trom him, a Honor Roll For Following are tha honor volls for the juniop classes only in the Oshawa Publto sohools top Beptems her and October, as announced by OF Cannon, suparviaing prins oiple, the names of the highest 10 pUpila In eAoh roam Are hab Hahed, North Blmooe Neheot Primary = Frank Kudu, Rwmily Holdaway, Jean Datos and Dorothy Sharp (equal), Ruby Qusoutt, Gladys Taylor, wBadie Fax, teacher SN Primary Margaret Mes Diarmig, Qeargn Corfe, Betty Lae ws, Douglas Flavell, Helen Belks nap, Marte Caw, «FA, TArien teacher I be=Gladys Maran, Helen RMewark, Jean Wallace, Olive Hawkshaw, Charles Pattemon, A T= RUsaheth Movphy, Doves hy Williams, Rod Jones, Daveen Smith, Rdwa Cole, EM, Johnaton, teacher I Taedonn Clon, Jon Rares, Gordon Boulthes and William Rivhardaon (equal), Muriel Fraser, Donald MoDonald, Isabel Carlyle, Joan Melanghiing Alan Datonbaok, Aner Rarely, =H, GQ, Batty, teacher, Margaret Brown and Haart Jacehs, Hugh Joyes, Paw Harton sy EU | Ju th Barbara Morphy, Bather Junior Classes, Oshawa Schools Hall, George Nugent, Harald Top ping, Gordon Lofthouse, Irene Com ben, wely, BY Condiok, tencher, AB LeeHonriotta Havage, Mam guerite Bradley, Noreen Ramsden, JROK MoArter, Matai Yourth, an He=Kathloen Wallace, Dolly Corfe, Miller Alloway, Donald Fox, Gladys Watson and Lela Ralght (equal), =K, K, Hossolwood, teacher, King Nreet Sohoal J, Hee Betty Jarrell, Vernon Shaw, Doria Howe, Kathleen Jones and Ray Trew (equal), Allan sheridan, Allan Dantels, Peggy Henry, Ohavles Peaker, John Parks a <M, BK, Adair, teachey, H=Remice Gordon, Jack Bane Sn FePantine Little, Nellie Havemon, Jean Smith, Brae Walker and Hugh Meohin (equal), Jin BesAlbert Knihb, Davis Wik HON, Marian Plelds, «RR, Hills, teacher In Tea Drew AJavebl; Catharine Soanes, Hilda MeQuaid, George Loan, Robert Brows, ® PresAndve Rlanehe, Lilllan Marshall, Billy Miller, IN PreaRuth Bathe, Jones, DOA Barvewolough,, teacher, I Bre Ole Lcdnnie Bons (Continued on page 19) an Andiow (603 PLACEMENTS BY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN OSHAWA Total Higher Than Septem. | ber, But Lower Than Last October Ea BUILDING ACTIVE New Arent, GMC. Addi. tion, and Skinner Factory Take Many Men Mix Hundred and threes place ments were made hy. the local Government employment nffive during October, Usorge Hamilton, wupsrintendent infarned The Vimen this morning This ls an In oranse over (he number of place ments made in Bapltember hut rep wesents a Klght decrease from (hose mode during October last youy, Lirge jobg now the new hullding gonstruetion under wey, eluding wren, the Hkinner Co, and the new Parts and Hervice wullding foy - General Motors of Canada, Tad, resulted in a eonuld arihle demand far oRrpenters, nelokiavars and laborers, M Hamilton stated The work on (hese hulldings heing rushed and as wu result the contyactors are employing many men Muny Ocenslonnl dobw A number of the placements in cluded tn this total are hut ocos sional fohw, such as raking leaves weaning furnaces, and putting up storm windows The apple ovop wiwo demanded attention and se aral Oshawa men secured wn fow days' work In the apple orchavds af tha vielnity With the season advancing there will be little more apple pleking to he done Loon! tantorias have demand for men, My Hamilton pointed out and (hers stil large numbers tn Oshawa Ww ho are without regular employment, The piandard Paving Co, which Was Gulng eonsiderable paving in the olty this year has practionlly com pleated Ite program and Is now em playing hut a few men With the gxoaption of the three malay eon truetion joh mentioned above there Is Hitle bullding going on Offloe Renovaied During the past two weeks sey eri) changes have heen made In whe Interior of the government employment offfee on Hond streel west and 8 new private office his heen partitioned off for the sup erintendent, Min assistant will oe oupy nin former afffes, The office has wlan been redecorated and Is wueh fmproved in Appearance PREMIER KING @ AT WINNIPEG 1) In mada Hite ure (ol sontinued Trem PRRO with the new tavitt hill now be fore Congress, and the proposal made inet spring to keep Canada's Pariiament in session that It might be in 4 position to Wit haok im mediately If the United Hintes pul on A tariff which would seriously jure this country, Huoh a proces dure would hava been pravoeative and not in the best interests of the International velations heétween two nelghbhoring countries, In view of the fact that ne bi has yot heen decided upon, it would have made Canada oak a bit ridioulous The Premier was applanded vigor ously durlng his speech, This was the frat speech of a politioal nature the Prime Minister had made since Parliament pros rogued, and was for the most par A discussion of tariff questions And a reply to speeches made by Hon, R, B, Rennett, Conservative Leader, during hia summer tours in Ontario and Britlah Columbia, The meeting was held in Central Unted Church, and an extensive radio hook-up carried My, King's wordy 10 a considerable portion of Canada, Up to the present, My, King ob» served, no one knew what the final provisions of the United States taritt bill would he, In fot, some observers would not he surprised Af the bill falled entively to hes come law, In any event, It was extremely doubtful if any agrees ment between the House and the donate in the United States would be reached hefore the New Yean Canada had no partionlar taviee roblem under extating conditions, 1 King asserted, This cowntry's aohedules were pretty satiafactony to the people of the Dominton at present, The (ari problem was NOt In Canada, bat in the United Staten, 11 a new tanitt bill contain. Ing novisions injurious to Canada wan Hnally accepted by Congress and President Hoover, then It would become a problem for the Canadian Government and the Par Hament of this county, The Government of which he was the head, Mn King sald, would deal with any situation aris hg out of the United States anit BIL wand make any ohanges to the Canadian anit which might be advisable 10 mest the new condh ong, tn A oleamheaded, solentitie manner, It would bring to ita ald all the information naw helng © looted by the Tanti Advigony Board ARG the opinions of the experts Ia the Government departments ab footed, T00 LATE TO CLASSIFY A SHROOMN CAR daily, delivered, Phone 4B Oshaws, or M9 Bowmanville, fanmeson Bros { | Ltd | Hreaneh of the Canadian Legion | Loon {made 10 Comrade A, Chamber Of Commerce Here Makes Thorough Study Of The Financial Situation A City. News MALL Ving ' A clothes rack hung over a stove caught five ut 44 Queen street thig morning, wausing a run for the fire department, The slothes wera destroyed and small damage was done to the house, The dwell. ing 18 oceupled hy Frank Jones and Is owned hy Wisle Robinson, KINGNTON GIRL ARRENTED Vreances Talllon, nineteen year old girl, who wes srvested In the olty'n husiness wection on a charge of vagrancy, has heen vemanded In the gaunty Jall at Whithy far one week while the polices make in vestigations, The girl stated that her home was In Kingston and that whe left (here last Monday, Bhe wpparently went to Torantp and then came to Oshawa KL, 000 BOND VON UM, WUTLDING The B1U4,475 hond required hy the contract for the construction of # three storey Parte sud Berviee bullding at Oshawa, forthe Gens eral Motors of Canade, Ltd has heen executed hy Natlonal Murely Company The gontraet is heing performed hy The Gay Company of Oshawa, Arrangements for the hond were completed hy Read Bhaw & MaNaugh, Toronto FACES TWO LCA, CHARGES Joseph Marks was remanded un til November § when he appeared hafore Magistrate Hind in elty po Hee court this morning on two oharges violating the Liquor Control Aut I'he first charge re lates to un application made hy Marks for another permit, although his previous permit had been van celled, while the second Is ane of having Hauer In an Hepa! place Marks was represented hy D, A, J HWanson wa sounsel Ho may he released on ball of $2,000 SPECIAL FILM SHOWN \ apaelal Bim al was shown at the Regent Theatre lus ight, depteting a visit paid by Lad Willingdon to the Veteraft Shops al the Christie Hospital, Taronio, showing the disabled ex-serviee engaged no making poppies wid wrenths for the annual Poppy Fund campaign of the Canadian Leglon he Bln gives a splendid idea of this work itis to he shown agai this evening hath showings, 1 he film was by the Oshawa and munaner of the Rep kindly consented ta ex nights unusug! Interest and men win ul ecured Cnler, ont Theatre Mbit it for two A YO MU MEETING AL the regular meeting ef the AY, M,C held last night, Welle M, Miller wan appointed as adver Using manager for the coming minstrel show, and Dale Trotter Wal appointed properly manager, The meeting was taivly well at tended considering the condition of the weather, Harold Smith, di rector, announced that practices on the minstrel show would be held two nights & week starting neat week, Wednesday night at nine o'olook and Friday night, the first practice starting on November §, The rest of the evening aftert he business had heen disposed of, was spent n hdminton and oarda, POPPY CAMPAIGN WELL UNDER WAY Appeal For Ex-Service Men Roaches Climax Next Week Plans for the annual Poppy Day Dhipaign, held under the ausploss of the local branch of The Canas dian Legion RB REL, to relieve distress amongst the ex-aervies men of Oshawa and widows and ohilaren 1n weed and their famil fos, are well under way, The coms wmittea in oharge has heen working fatthtully for nearly two months, getting things ip readiness, and on tarday, avember 8th there will he a systematic canvas made 10 the oltizsens of Oshawa tor the purpose of replenishing this fund, through the sale of poppies, made in the Vetorafy shops by disabled veterans, Last Your, aver $300.00 was cab looted In this Way and apant in ves Hel and, trom present indications, it will Lake ® Wmueh IE sum WAR was collected last year 10 take care of thin worthy work, Relief iu given in the nature of pent, fuel, olothing, provisions, ole, And 1x only made after cares ful investiyation, There are we administration sxpenses attached to this tund, all investigation and other services bhelug « rendered gratuitioualy, Already, contributions have heen received fram the Canadian Bank of Commerce (Standard Branoh), Mrs, FW, Cogan, The Toreatw Datly Stan, W, 1H, Moore, Chat man of the Thrift Advisory Board, W, BN, Sinclair, Magistrate Hind, Colona Cartage Co, and by, W, GQ, MoRay, Farther contributions can be H, Power, ohatrman of the Pappy and Meamors fal Committes, § Bond St Weal, and will be gratetully acknow leds of, The oftizens ave urged to give WHat thay oan and to Wear A PORRY WE 32 wk) on Saturday, November Sth, While Oshawa Suffered a» Paper Loss Impossible to Estimate, This City Was Not Affected to Any Greater Extent Then Any Other id i. ACTUAL LOSSES WERE VERY FEW Almost Every Chase Where Calls Were Made by Brokers, They Have Been Covered, and Bank Deposits Increased During the Month Actual losses by Oshaws residents in the recent arash on the stook mars ket were small, the Chamber of Com merae of thig elty said today In an official statement, lesned after an ins vestigation whieh ineluded all of the offices in the In hanks and brokerage ony Ile while outs that, were large fmpossible to estimate, calls made by the hrok vered, and that the aetual uney sinall, It pected that mest uf the paper recovered, painted losses slatement the paper wid whinost most af the "is WEIe v0 ITT] were In ex lagae en wil in time he the statement continued, Ihe text of the statement made by Chamber was as follows Helleving that the article appear in the Oshawa Dally Times of JO" Rul Stalks in Oshawa,' may have reacted to the detgdment of the elty of Oshawa, the direetors of the Oshawa Chamber of Com thi ny Let {Our Nps cannot wpeak erage, after investigation, take this appartunity of stating the facts in foonnegtion with the recent depred glon In the stock market It as found that there have been very few actual losses sustained ip the elty of Oshawa and in almost eys ery ease where calls have been made hy brokers, they have been covered In fact, the Investigation shows that the banking interests in the eity have inereased thelr deposits during the past month and & number of new aos aounts have heen opened "Ie bs admitted thar Oshawa, the same as wll other centres, has suffers ed paper losses to an amount which it would he impossible for anybody io estimate but it in indigated hy the trend of the market ut the pres sent time that eventually even the paper losses will hive been recovers od "Ihis statement is made believing that it is necessary to pespssure the publie that Oshawa was wet wffeeted 10 ANY greater extent thin gny other eity and that there was ng foundus tion for the statemgnt made that $15,000,000 was lost in Oshawa during the market deprassjon In Memoriam MoADAM-=In loving memory of our dear husband and faith John MeAdam, who passed aw Nov, drd, 1088, sleeping, ------------ Peacefully resting Ab lant, Hig weary trials and troubles are past In silence he sutfered, in PAtiengs he hore \ THI God oalled him home to suttge ne more, © how Wo " Our hearts cannot tell what te My God only knows how we miss hing In a home that ia lonesome todas Sadly missed by wife and aii loved him m------ Cand of Thanks The family of the late NM Pennington desires 10 express th sincere appreciation for kindw shown thelr mother during long Illness, (108 Coming E Events each ine ae & Conta sertion, ad QEHAWA WINTER GARDEN silver Apple Night, Saturd Nov, fad, &.30 pw, Lucky Si ver Abples, "Mind Your Musto by Frank Carew Ty Commanders, J (AN UARR AND ROUND DANONE arnbhart's Pavilion, Sataras aight, Good orchestra, 04 \ AFTERNOON TEA AT THR R tory, 80 Falphanks Si, in ald Holy Telaity' Chureh, Thw Nov, 8 ull use MARY STREET HOME A Soho! Club Monday wight § T30, Nny BD Campbell will § Aan HHusivated lecture, ; (104% THR ROSPITAL AUXINIA Will hold a rammage sale Friday, Now, § at 30 Simoes $, South at 1.30 a'eloek, X wean

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