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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 7

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mt OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 ANOTHER GOOD WRESTLING SHOW WILL BE GIVEN TONIGHT PAGE AGE SEVEN 34th Regiment Presents Their Third Wrestling Card At Armouries Tonight Reduced Price of se "Crowd "~~ Bouts Stat at 78¢, $1.00 and §1,80 Tonigh ihe 04th Pith Reatmont are giagid iy ire réfossions) ns tp to i ity, Are ou rou. soe tot yoor t of enter tainment was i te Oshawa fans, The first attempt of this kind received a {aly response from the sport fans of Oshawa but on the seeond night the erowd fell oft a little, Toe night however the crowd will un doubtably be bigger than ever, Vor two very good yemsons, The eard is the hest yet and the admission foo 1s lows, The people in charge have de: olde 0 Aare payenty-five cent ad- well dollar and Rotiny By a half admissions, Thin should have the desired effect, It was thought, with Justitieation, that one of the reasons why the growd wap not turning out was because the price was a little too Mah. How that this has heen d+ ean be sure that ther iy i Il he # Ereat many take sdvantage of the reduced price nd take in these shows, who ve never had the pleasiire of seeing one before, The gard that has been pre. Jared for tomorrow A w If It will be the best yet, Of gourse In the main bout there will be Renato Gardinl, Champion of Italy and Oshawa favourife, He will be matched against Fox, Tay. for, the wrestler who had his ley roken In one of these necking rties In Toronto, will he given @ ohance of taming Ned MoOarr the wild Irishman, The other bout will be hetween Dino Care nold! and Vargan, With such a group of wrestiors Special Sale or RUBBER APRONS ASSORTED COLORS REGULAR B80 THIS WEEK FOR 39¢ Karn's Drug Store 'f+ Next P.O, Phone 378 We Deliver AT eg there Is no there | be a record ose who saw tn nt make Vihoapes with Mo: Cary Inst week and all those who saw the Rogers~--~MoCare scrap Lhe ok botore wil be NAL (+ Ll ul 0 do do ho wore not 0 miss atid Wt i i lively adtion from the first to Jast, This be the ehanoe you have been waiting for so don't mise It, Jonty t at the Are mouries at 8,80, Western Rugby Playoffs Start Today Ir In Ernest (By Canadian Prove Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, §==Doughty monarchs of prairie football for three years, Regina's rampant Roughriders, gallop {nto the West. ern Canada playdowns here Batups day against a courageous student twelve from Mt, John's college that won two gruelling vietories in five days to oapture the Mani. (oba title, Crowned champlons of Haskat chewan two weeks ago when they disposed of the Haskatoon threat, Roughriders have since that time bolstered a veteran line-up with several youthful stars from Regina Pats, deposed junior champions of Canada, Out of the sudden-death clash will emerge the machine to face Calgary Tigers, Alberta champions, In the western final a week from Naturday, With two of the brightest stars missing from the sparkling grid warrors that threw aside John's last season, Rough Riders invade Winnipeg with a new wet of featured figures, The missing men are Frits Nandstrom, flery quarterback, who fn this sesson oaptaining Calgary's champion, Tigers, and Freddy Wilson, aged kioking back-tlelder, Wilson, prob. ably the eldest rugby player In the want last fall, will divect the squad from the sidelines tomorrow, thelr heroes of former fders have Haul Bloom: dre Mitohell and Brown, Peoruited from the Pats only a short time ago, and a young lines plunging demon in Dynamite (Rd hin and Norman Leod Ment are the kioking hues a for Ht, John's and are expects od to keep the local squad In the running, A------------------------ HARRY BATSTONE TO BE REFEREE Montreal, Nov, §.-=Harry Les Hatatone, Queen's senior rughy conch, and for a number of years acting as a referee In the OHA, has been added to the lat of refer a n he Jational Hookey league, ing to an to an SnounSatIent by. on Oalder last night, The a of Bats sone 00mes an A result of the vac. anay left by Dr, Jerry lamme, recently a olitad conch of the ; Montreal ons, Monuments Recent shipments of GRANITE From Scotland and Sweden "has increascrd my stock, so that | am prepared to ex: ecute any orders for meme orlals ordered now at a Price that wil scarcely ever oc- cur again. Anyone . cone templating purchasing a memorial stone should pay * M0 a visit at once, as work Hone now will save a long delay in the . Our ads dress ie 92-94 Bond Street BHO NPON LOGAN The sturdy inside of the "Blue ia" ug i team, Thornton tle about vughy at Td Collegiate hut the majors ity of his knowledge comes from the experience he gained with the "Bine Devils' last year, When tue rugby team was ried year, Logan started to come ont tO prac thoes In his old clothes and work his head off in order (0 make a lace on the team, ¥or weeks 2h ability was unrecognised and ha was left on the scrub team for a long while, He persisted In Honig ont te practices until ar last hin perseverance was reward: ed, He was given a chance to sub a game and he made good, From that day to this Logan has heen one of the most valuable men on the team, rong, husky and abso. lutely fearless, he Is a tower of strength in the line and is one of the best defensive players on the team, He In a good ball carvier and excellent line plunger, Lo. gle" Is twontysthree years old, welghs 100 pounds and Is tive feet plus eleven Inches tall, A Victory Gives Balmy Beach Title With Alex Ponton, Frank Com» ming, Ernfe Orowhumt, "Nip" Am' or and "Fat" Taylor out of the line-up with injuries, Balmy Heaoh seniors face Bt, Michael's Qollege thin afternoon at Ulster Stadium In & game that, If won by the east enders, will give them indisputable title to the avoup ehamplonship and quality them for the play-off with Sarnia, Balmy Hegoh has not lost 4 game thin seanon, but injuries have work: od havoo with many of the stars of the team, and the Old Gold and Blue has labored under a handicap that seems to be a yearly exper! enee, No other senior team In the olty has heen hit as hard by casuals ties this meason, hut despite these setbacks the Heachers still put » presentable team on the fleld, and still muster up enough of the old fighting spirit to sea them through, Bt, Michael's College 1 make A gallant bid for vietory today, In. the muddy goin the Irish youngs asters are likely to be formidable antagonists, for Palmy Heach, and the y street students are fully alive rH the fact that they still have to be reckoned with as a ohamplonship contender, providing itl oan topple the east end squad, gs the first meeting this season of these teams, and while Balmy Beach 1a favored to win at least one of the games and enter the fis nal round, there Ils Just enough 1 Interest to today's encounter, lmy Beach ofMolals announes of last night that they would start the following lineup this after noon: Flylag wing, Earl Smith; halves, Delahey, Chantler, Hughes; fudrier, Northam: snapback, Reid] te Ao, Meld hol, J. Bmith; mids ble, Reeve; outsides, L, ly Keith, Alternates will he! Foster, Valll, Kirkpatrick, Art 8n der, Tony Smith, Cummings, Feld. ateln, Norton, The same will start at % 16 pom, McGILL'S STAR WILL PLAY IN TODAY'S GAME Montreal, Nov, 3,~The MoGil Jostoail squad will attempt to as defeats at t Sh Pre oday when the ologea the Intercollegiate locally with the major tadle of the origi a) of Toronto game, R the Queen Clty team REN two weeks an. ¢ 0G squad ia resting a -- struggle, dete lotions of ¢ t the » he rely oh on past vertorme ances, « Ralph 8, Germain ls expected wake his final local appeara fn Intercollegiate football today, Nichol's tajury improves suffto ont ly he may alternate with 8t, Gem remainder of Coach Tommy Hall's revamped MoGill team ape in good condition and spin ta and sped through a signal prac ties last night, Conch Rongle MoPheraon led ha University of Toronto twelve inte Montreal last night, completing the firat Jhete of their attempt to keap In the Tunhing, for the Inten collegiate title, A loss the ween Qity aque wad means practioal elimination by the race, The Toronte players arrived confident they will he able to repeat thelr hearin about #4 to lend addis| 8 PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Campwmrr, Sports Hditor The "Snapback" Is Out The third edition of the a Is out and ready te be distribu ted, The General Motors Rugby Club has excelled themselves this week and the Bnapback contains four pages of first-class reading ma- torial, I you are Interested in rughy you will enjoy this publigation # great deal and if you are not interested in rughy, read. this and then you will be Interested in rugby and in the "Blue Devils" especially, Anybody ean get » copy of the Bnapback by asking for it at any of the following places: Johnston's Clothing ftore, Service Cleaners, Mike's Plies, Henderson's Rook Bors nl Jerry's Barber Shop, Samia or London? Up In London today the London Gas House gang Is entertain: ing the Sarnia Wanderers, This will this year, The result of this game of interest by all these Interested result of this game will give a good finals, LJ LJ be the third meeting of these teams will be watched with a great deal in the "Blue Devils" besause the idea who Oshawa will meet in the \ LJ Collegiate Teams Are Away Today The senior and Junior rugby teams of the local collegiate are playing out of town today: The sen lors are in Port Hope, The juniors of getting in the playoffs ® 0) hath lors are in Peterboro and the Juns must win In erder to have a chance * % ' Bt, Kitts ve, Oshawa In Public School Rugby Up st Alexandria Park at 1.30 sharp a picked team from the Oshawa Publie Schools will battle with & team from the St, Catharines schools, i, . * This game will provide plenty of fun for all who go up to see \ * Wrestling At the Armourles Tonight The at B30 and with the lowered price will be a large attendance, Whatey because they ure sure a treat to wateh, "matmen" get Inte action again up at the Armouries tonight of admission it Is likely that there er you do, doen't miss these houts Action! Action! Action! Probables Possibles' Game Today Both teams are In readiness for the provinelnl rugker trial game ai Onkwood stadium this afternoon, As the two teams are made up of all star players they have been onlled the Probables and the Pose pibles, As a vesult of this game the hest 16 players will he pleked to represent the province against Quebee on Thanksglvin day, On nocount of yesterday's steady rain the ground will probably be heavy, although the stadium draine quickly, but It will certainly he mainly a forward's day, The ball will be too greasy for much hands ling by the back divisions, bug it may he that as theses two lines are made up of such strong plays ors that they will be able to start passing movements, It should be a great test al any rate, It Is fortunate that there Is a fine covered grand stand at Oaks wood, with a seating capacity of over 8,000, so that If it should rain this afternoon the spectators will be able to see the game In comfort The game Is timed. for 2.80, and it Is hoped that the BR. FU, of 0, ottiolaln will get It golug at the stated time, It 1s to be refer eed by Hugh Bremner, a sound man, who knows the game thor oughly and oan ba relled on to handle tha game with a strict dip olpline, In rugger the referee Is all-powerful, He is time-keeper and the sole authority controlling the Ame, He Is asslated by two 'toneh-Judpes,' who indloata If the ball has gone over the tough. Hine, but he oan over-rula them, Strlot Discipline Although 14 ls practioally never done, the referee Is empowered to pend & wan off the fleld for dirty or dangerous play; in fact he must do 80 after he has warned a man pus, and that means that the man In question is not allowed to play again In that or any other game until his case 1s dealt with by the union, - There a of course, ne substitutes allowed in pugger, and It a man 1a thus sent off the fleld hin whole side Siftecere of having to finish the game with one man, short, The strlotness of this rule] haw largely heen responsible for the olean way fm Which rugger ls played, an the ty 1a no Sgwie that no man wi 10 fee hie team penalized thavush ® Play on his part, which 4 only ave an Rd & second or "ne aides are ru matehed in B1 oday's game, and § \ ve an excellent exhibit a GENUINE HADIOTRONS 'have maximum sensitivity thats why distance fans Itke Sa---- especially to those who have heard #0 much about the fast open game It 1s, and have been treated to some poor examples In recent yours, 1t will open the eyes of the orition for it 1s & hard, fast game, and though they play twe periods of 40 minutes each with only tive minutes Interval at halt time, nethar tuam spares the other, and there in action and plenty of 1s frob start to finish, The tackling is hard and low, the kicking good, and the running and passing fast and finished, here are fow missed passes, and all are low and swift; the ball travels the width of the field with every man passing it on In less time than it takes to write it, It will be well worth seeing and with the covered grand stand at Oak. wood spectators will have sn after noon's ron} oxoltement, Have you received yaur last copy of the snapback? If not, why not! You oan get one at Mike's Place, Johnstons, or Service Cleaners, + . This week's Issue surpasses even Ita other two predecessors, It Ia full of wit and humour and inets dentally throws light on the rughy questions that seem to pussle so many of our fans, Ho London entertain Sarnia this afternoon, Well, well, lan't that noe, I think Sarnia should win by & narrow margin, What de you say? fv In Teronto It wouldn't jar me at all If the Moutreal Wingea Wheelers stuck It aver Argos, The battle should be one of the best of the os, The locals should win against drow by ten points, . A record orowd la expected to be on hand te. day, y . . * A aystematio study of all plays and positions was gone over lam HA in the conference reow, lonty of dittioultien repped uw up but each man was show apective position and told what a partioular fob, wah . Kveryone tt he meeting last night quite Rebped WP Over pros pects for to They feal that they have their legs under them for sure and are out ta demon: strate how football should be and oan be played, » % \ Here's a secret, Our friend, Rone Lortie, always has signed his wame R, H, Lortle, Alan and alack It has came to Hght that this inslgnitioant little honne homme from North Bay ia the proud pos sessor of a handle that would do any king justice, Yea, ain, this little letter "RB stands for the im. posing name of "Rruno." So new we hear no mare of "Rene" hut in. stead we hear "Bruno re -- TICKETS SOLD ALREADY FOR MONTREAL N.H.L, Montreal, Now. O 2A complete sellout of all reserved tlokets for the home games of both Maroons and Canadiens, Montreal's entrants fa the National Heokey League, 18 London Team Gets Ready For Sarnia Rain was no obstacle to the Lone don Intermediates In thelr price tice Thursday night at Thames Park, The Gas House Gang went through an hour signal and tacks ling practice In the heavy downs pur and all reported to Trainer ween In flest-cless shape after thelr hour's soaking, The London boys are heginning to show signs of excitement and will be all ready to go at top speed when they take the Sarnia Wane derers on at Tecumseh Park st 8 o'slock Saturday afternoon, Conch Goodman, who has found It fm possible 'o be with the London squad in thelr previous games will be on the hench and will direct the boys on Haturdsy afterneon, Bram, Churehill will not he in the game for London, The Intermediates put on the fintshing touches last night at o'clock at Thames Park and fol lowed this up later on In the eves ning with a ehalk talk at the ofr floe of Treasurer R, W, D, Lowls, The Lendan hoys have turned out to practice faithfully this season and have developed a wonderful team spirit that wii be a big fae tor in the game against the Harnis 0ys, he Narnia Wanderers have strengthened their team considers ably wines thelr first appearance in London and will be out to give the London hays plenty of opposis tion on thelr awn gridiron, The backfield of the Wanderers is coms posed of a group of experienced campaigners and with MoPhedran to do the hooting they have ene of the most eapable punters in the In termediate series, PUBLIC SCHOOL RUGBY STANDING NENIOR Northern Won Lost North BImeos oe v000 8 0 Centre 44 SII 1] Mary , 1eeees @ 1 King 0 ¥ Ritson 8 0 Cedardale TY 8. Bimeoe ..., JUNIOR Northern North BImeoe ivi Houthern Houth Bimeos ee Ritson Albert Cedardale 0 Games Nowt Week Monday, Nov, 4, Senlor-~Mary vi, Contre at Motor Clty, 4,00 p,m, South Blmoos va, Cedardale at Mor tor Olty, 4.30 pom, Junlop=King ve, Norlh Simoes at Motor Cliy, 4.48 pm, Tuesday, Nav, §, Henlops=Mary ve, King at Motor Clty, 4,00 pom, i Albert va, Bouth Himooe at Meter Oty, 4.48 pm, Wednesday, Nov, 6, Junior Houth Bimooe va, Cedardale at Rit. son, 4.80 pom, Thursday, Nav, 7, Senler--=Rit. son ve, Cedardale at Motor Olty, MUSTANGS WILL BE AT FULL STRENGTH FOR TODAY'S GAME ------ London, Nov, 8.~The Univer: sity of Western Ontario Mustangs, at full strength with the exception that Milt Jewell was missing, en« trained for Kingston this evening and tomorrow they meet the Queen's Tricolor lenders In a wens for inteveollegiate fixture, Jewell wis unable to go because of pers sonsl business reasons, hut the vest of the squad 1s In great shape with all the casualties ready for netlon again, A vastly Improved kick formas tion 1s one surprise the Westerners will have far Coseh Hurry Hats wlon's stars who blocked Mustang Kloks galove In the frist meeting of the teams here earlier In the KOREAN, Hatintied with the fine condition of his rapldly-improving team Coach Joe Breen did not wend the Mustangs out for drill In today's had weather, The Western mentor hag plan ned no changes In the lineup, Bays ard und Paterson will again do the hooting behind the same line that held the Blue and White until the final quarter last Baturday and the hackfelders will he veins forced hy the addition of Roy Hrown, who has heen on the sides lines nursing an injury during the Inst few games QUALITY COAL (Queens Have Strong Team For Western Kingston, Nov, 8.~Heavy rain which set In herve Thursday after noon and continued fast night, may mean heavy going for the Queen's Western foothall game at Richard: won stadium today, sitheugh the probabilities may be in tule ehape, Owing tno the splendid showing Western made akainst Varsity a week ago, there 16 keen Interest In today's contest, and the demand for tickets has heen unusually heavy, A hig erowd of fans Is lonked fav, Queen's held thelr fina! workout yostarday afternoon and are all set for the game, Blurp Stuart, Hy middle wing, who was Injured | Inst week's game with Mell, w in uniform hut the present | ton tions are to keep him ont of today's fant How Hamlin and Jim Kilgour, will probably start at middle wing, with Gorman and Lackey in reserve, whila Erle Nichol snd Ted Casts have the eall at Inside, with halp saoming from Boh Basserman, Don Abbott and Muveay Hastings will he at snan and Capt, The Sutton will lead the team fram tha nuarl- erhaek position, George Caldwell will vellavae Hutton at quarter and on the half line Tha two hest anteldes in thedn- teranlleginte, Ian Gourley and Heph Dickey, will ha on the steviing | nn un with Ralph and Da Diana subs bine In these nesitions, The Infmitahle Bubs Britton will he at hin old stamping around at fiving wing with Howls farter, Red Olimave and Armor Manras an the half line, Heh Mites will alternate with Munres, in the milder -_ 4.30 p.m, Oshawa Was the anti. source of worry and inconvenience? Did it freeze in the very cold weather? Did it beil need replenishing? could find a perfect anti-freess that would banish all these troubles? HERE IT 18! won't freese at 40° below sere or bell ms easily as water, season---you can forget you have a radiates, It is odorless; nen-inflammable and does net clog or corrode, freese in your ear a constant weather? Did it constantly Didn't you wish yeu Frost:Cop Anti-Freese One filling lasts the whole Fill up adh FROST= cop MADE BY hh NES EER bil Ean BE ona Sole Distributors: ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Whitby Bowmanville the Lindsay Hockey Store Former Lindsay Man Comes to Oshawa as Manager of The Neill Shoe Lloyd Davis and known to many Oshawa team, has for many years, been identified with The Neill Shoe as one of transferred nager, leaves Oshawa next week to take a position the R. Neill, Ltd,, at Peterboro, eill, Lien reported hy offiolals of the n, The only part of the rink not sold I advance fa the north end prope erty of the fans who oroawd the wwe reserved section at 800 per head, home vietory, A fish never sleeps, bat he : v. indifferent on cosmos Rs SAT J. T. Lethbridge We stinghouse \ R= SYK TAINE SN INB Bi Ca te hi § |) \

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