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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 9

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Maitlands To Drop Out Of Lacrosse to, Nov, 4~When the la~ line § at the barrier another season's canm- pa th amilinr eolors of the Mait- Sp wil be mhsing. i reRehe Bt a Bi x fhe exeeutive this he harlie Cody, Kddie Mil week, neon, who have for the " of the lub for © fH tendered their re- ] 1 ears _-- "Ith no one apparently tl interested in keeping the s In the field, there was no alternative other than to bring a iity:threg years in the a) pastime to a close, Ao rosse has suffered a ow tough % the past few years, but the vitouton - Maitlands, the club that has mort, without a doubt, than any other in the province to fos- ger interest In the game, is the severe ost it has suffered in a good many years, I one ore to delve Inte the Malt land d@rehives a" print here the nemes of the Amous players it has roduced: and 'the championships It 4 s won, & column would lrdly hold them, Lionel Conacher is one not- able example of the former, Cots tingham Py the north-end club's headquarters, has long been regarded the 'breeding ground of some of Can- adn's greates Mayers athletes, and that notable pateh of Rs bad ground will hardly seem (he same next summer without the pre sente of those orange and black sweaters which one sees so frequent. lacrosse and THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, glub members, It Is true that the square hig seen sone rough eneouns ters, but when compared with other lagrosse centres In this regard it Is well below the average, Lick of competition has had some bearing on the situation, Maltlands entered four "kid" tems In the Tor ronto Luecrosse Lengue this year, which represents a playing strength of some hundred boys, and dus to the lack of entries In that arganizas tion the entire four teams between them engaged In no more than a do gen games this year, The hallsheart ed Interest of some of the elub "hoosters" and thelr laek of support alse had some Influence on the de elslon, Hockey has shared o large part of the Maltland program in latter years and their Jane In so far ns the wins ter sport Is concerned are as yet ine definite, QUVEN'S WIN Kingston, Nov, §,--~Queen's took A #tep nearer the senior Intercels Jleglate title here on Baturday when they scored thelr fifth victory in a row hy downing University of Western Ontario, 14 to 0, It was the second straight game In which the Tricolor have not heen scored against, On a fleld of mud any kind of rughy might have been expected, but Queen's again displayed steadis ness, and swept In to take advan- tage of costly errors by the Wests ern backs, Only in their plunging did Western measure up to the Tricolor, for the London halves wera unsteady through most of the game, while Carter, though twice injured, again outkioked Havard and then Brown and Patterson, Bo bad was the footing that nels ther team made any headway on extension plays, Kennedy proved the best plunger in the game, but Oshawa Nats. Play Tie Game GAS MEN AONE ¥ TROM DOUBT Nationals travelled to Toronto on Haturday and played Congaseo I the Inst awiy game of the season, It was i real snappy game to watch, and wits attended, by » large number of fans, Nationals scored early in the first half, and the Gasmen equalized from a penalty kick, Congasco won the toss, and the Nats kicked off, lacing a strong sun, The Gasmen were sisy on the offensive, and K)- rick had his hands full to save his goil, The Nats now took a hand In attacking, and the Congasco gowlic wis showing some good saves, Play was from end to end, both defences playing good football, The slippery condition of the ground made things dangerous, About this time, Boyd who was at centre In place of Hails rarey, had to change over with Day» Idson, owing to an injured knee, Boon ulter Davidson opened the scoring, Taking a pass up tha centre he fooled the defence and sent In a fast firounder which beat the goalie all the way, Congasco new set to, to et the eaunlizer, and It was not long efore they got It from & penalty, whigh should nev. ave ben 1 ed, However from the spot kick Snows. scored for the gasmen, It wis a well contested game un te this time and a draw was a falr score to both teams. It wis end to end from new on, to halftime, with both teams trying hard for the lead, Half time score Cangnseo 1, Nationals 1, Congnsco set the "all rolling for the seeond half and were attacking strongly, They had ¢hanees to count, but eould not take advantage of them !Fruit-a-tives"' the Liver to Healthy, -------- MAKE THIS LAST DAY OF CONSTIPATION rr --------e--y Normal Action 70UR Restores a [Mfwet the absence of these two dave by playing thelr best football of Lhe season, In the opening of Lhe fourth quarter, BIL Gillesple hroke away or the largest galn of the day when he netted 40 yards on an end run, With the play at London's $0-yard ne Gilles completely oulguessed the Wanderers with a run around the short end of the line, Me dash od to Barnin's #0-yard ling before being tackled hy Norman Geary On the next down Haynes plunged for AK yards, A neries of line plunges followed, George Gilles ple making 7 yards and Tom Donk B, A final plunge by Wanless gave London the only touchdown of the game, Tom Bonk, hackfield man for London, played the hest footbnll of his career, In the third quarter he made his first appearance, and ft was his broken-fleld running and lneplunging which aided Lon don In winning the game, Bonk prevented Warne from sooving a point in the dying minute" of the game, MePhedran kioked to Bonk back of London's goal-line, and It looked lke a sure point, hut Bonk made a sudden spurt, and hetore he was tackled reached the Lheynrd mark, Tt was a clever hit of running, and the erowd gave him a great hand for the stellar play, The fourth game of the seria will "o played fn Narnia next Maturday, nd the winners of the series will uality to meet Oshawa In the 1 wile for the ehamplonship NOVEMBER 4, 1929 PAGE NINE Laekny Vilgmaurice, quarter; Mor vin, snap; Ellyatt, Bi Gillespie, insides; Lehman, 0, Gillesple, mid. dius; Graham, Wee, outsides; Bonk, upple, Jenkins, Balkwell, Dale, Hull, Haynes, subs, Heferaa-----Chileots, londe, Head Hnesman Umplres--La Walkem, Ee --... ,., o OSHAA BOXERS WAKE GOOD SHOW IN BELLEVILLE The Oshawa boxers who Jour neyved to Belleville on Friday night to take part In the boxing tourna ment which was sponsored by the Liritigh Legion of elleville, HAVE A very good aeeount of themselves Bix boxers from Oshawa mide the trip and five of them had wn fight, the other one not having a chance to show his wares because his op anent did not show up, Out of the hve boys who did fight threes ol them lost In well fought bouts but the Goodall Brothers upheld the Ie home # victory, Harold Hardman was knocked out In the second round by Johnny Parks of Helleville after dominating the fight from the start, However, a hard right to the Jaw ended his hopes of Oshawa by each bringing i A REAL ENERGY-FOOD READY COOKED, READY-TO-8ERVE With all the bran of the whole wheat Proteins and carbohyd tial mineral salts and lieing vi sppetiting--eat It with mi ced ith A am or cream or frults, for any meal, FEE a gave Mathison such a great serap three weeks ago, maklog him go an extra round to win bert Ripley and Chuck Woolley of Bt, Thomas gave the crowd w real treat when they stood toe to toe und staged a regulnr slug-lest, Woolley was glven the benefit of the doubt yy the referee's casting vote, Jacky Goodall beat Pat Malley of Napanee on points In a niles bout which sure pleased the fans Juek lend all the way and the decision wis 4 popular one THREE CANADIENS HAVE BEEN MOVED Montreal, Nov, 2. ~HBome of the to return thers to Providence, (a turns to Providence and Pete Pal unglo Joins Roy Brothers at Lon Canadiens started to pack thelt grips after the workout yesterday morning the destination of some of tho wecond string men were ont Johnny Borrell, with Windsor, who was expected has heen whitted Innt your udreault also re for the Nats, keeping his forwards going all the time, and breaking the asmen's attack, It was 8 good Marnia Wanderers ing wing; MePhedran, Jenkins and Norm Ceary, | quarter) middles| Robinson, Cory, Nat Geary, Paterson, subs White, halfhaoks| Richard, snap] Winoh, Nelton, Murphy, fly Burleigh, Marquis, Perguson, insides) Cook, Npanlding, outaldes] Cusnar, and the K.0, sign was hung on Hu wld Nell Morrison's opponent falled to show up so he watched the others have thelr fun, Harry Bake lost to Ross Galloway of St Thomas, after thres snappy rounds of boxing, Experience was George' Goodall, fighting his usual ernfty fight, beat Hob Belleville, George also got his deci don, Arthur Lesleur, also goes te Providence for , more wonsoning, slon on while Wildore Tarochella has won This | Ran with Canadiens through for Oshawa and when It ls proved by will lushy work gh. practice and such feats as this, that we have good * boxers In Oshawa, an even greater rarer of POIs, certuinly a wood showing A -------------- for the most part he was left. une alded to do the line-hitting, But Queen's measured to West ern ne work, showed hetter and hardier tackling and towered above the Londoners on the hall Huw, It was In this one department of the game that Western's wenk« ness was glaving and where the Tricolor stood eut, On the line Queen's were with« out Htuart, but How Hamlin took his place and played a great gue, It was a game In whieh condis tion counted and Queen's were the better all-round team and desery ed every bit of thelr win kame to see, and the final result was . about right on the run of play, Final London Rourke, flying wing results Congaseo 1, Nats 1, Wanless, Ardlel, Johnston, hall Mhaonaly The up Kirith, £ 'onnors, . wn p. -- eGiregor cle Col Q - -- ----, ~y " - Fullerton, 1. al, ove 4 Metre INN -- I I Pf Se i fo . " Davidson Ren J Carrick, Toron- interest will be taken In the boxing by the people of Oshawa Never have 1 seen a Lautiful wom the only thing whieh beat Harry an=David Wark Griffith, lirieke In the Nationals goal gave a This Ind Galloway Is the fighter who great exhibition of goalkeeping, and It wis greatly due to him, that the game remained a tie, ™ay continued m end to end both tears having hard luek Petterson got a nasty kiek from Marsh, the Gasmen cen tra<half, This player was lucky not to, to he banished from De game, Ais I -------- y/. foul taeties were a disgrace to foots ball, and the referee srred greatly hy OLD COUNTRY allowing him to continue playing Play " this kind hurts soccer, and SOCCER RESULTS / should be severely dealt with, After -- attention Petterson was able to re« London, Nov, 4 (CFC), == Results v sme, Coll turned In & great game | of football matches played in the i = | Brltish Isles on Saturday were ENGLISH LEAUVE A Firet Rivisien u i reenal 0000 OWest Ham wl % the £ Bolop Wander, § Shelia U oro, | offiele. washer Brie. 1 dminghant the only one that can claim these two features- *he grealest washer improvement of modern times ly round town, J any Reasons are responsible for ithe ded on of the Maitland execus (ves, Avance Is the principal one, ear after year the north-end club has entered teams In every possible series and the revenue drived has been far shert of the cost Inourred in operating the teams, Having no figood angel" behind them, the duty haw evolved upon those behind the club to make up the balance, Then, tao, the eternal "yapping" of other clubs anent playing on Cottingham Square, and the consequent commits tee room meetings, has sickened the tg i i, Derby County , Ulaekburn Roy, | Everton ,viovvy § ivoweastle Unit, 2 Leeds United ,, 6 urimsby Town, 0 Manchester City 3 Middleshorough 1 Portsmouth ooo 8 Liverpool ivi 3 | ShefMeld Wed, 4 Loicester City , 0 Sunderland ,,., | Huddersfield T, 0f Second Division Bradford City .. 2 Southampton Bristol City ooo 2 Marnsley «poi } Cardiff Clty ,., \vost Brom'eh A 2 Charlton Athlet, 1 Chelsea 00000 Hull City ooo 0v 1 Nottingh'm For Notts County ,, 0 Ulackpool , 4, Preston No, End 4 Hradiord i000 Reading Hury Stoke Clty 0 Oldham Athletie 2 Swansea Town, , 0 Tottenham Hots, | Waolv'h'pton W, 1 Millwall Third Divislen---Louthiern Seetion Rournemi'th & B.4 Torquay United 1 Crystal Palace, , 2 Hrentlord TE Exeter City oo. § Swindon Town, , 1 Fulham vee 24 Coventry City , 0 Cillingham 4s J Drstol Rovers , Jd Luton Town 4 Miorthyr Town , 0 Northampton . 1 Nelght'n & Hove 3 Norwich City,, 1 Clapton Orient, 0 ween's Park RK. 0 Watford 000, 0 outhend United 1 Plymouth Argyle | Walsall viviarss 8 Newport County | Third Division Northern Section Acerlngton Stan, 3 Harrow sevens 1 Chesterfield... 3 Nelson yovnane 0 Darlington ooo § Wrexham ¢yo000 1 Doncaster Rov, 1 Carlisle United, 4 i Halifax Town , 2 York City (i000 # q | Pecause~ These two features are patented and are exclusive to the The result is that the € washes QUICKER~ CLEANER~ and WITHOUT WEAR HOOSE by comparison: it is the wisest way. The Coffield Gyrator Electric Washen cleans clothes PERFECTLY. Even the collars and cuffs are cleaned; no wonder it is unis yorsally called the carefree Washer, The Coffield Dealer near you will be pleased to demonstrate it in your home without obli- gation, As William Shakespeare might have written it « « Good health in man and woman, dear, my lord, ¢ Ia the immediate jewel of their bodies: Whe steals my purse steals trash; 't is somes "thing, nothing; Twas mine, 't is his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that fillohes from me my good health "Robs me of that which not enriches him "And makes me poor indeed, Clydebank ,..« 1 Alblon Rovers ,) 4 ies modern Kast Fife ..,., § King's Park ,\ 4 Is healthful reputation; that away EF, Stirlingshire 4 St, Beenardy |. 0 Men are but empty shells Forfar Athletie,.§ Montrose ,...\ 3 th Athletic , § Bo'ness viii! Or sluggerd clay. WF South 4 Ts. tenhousemuir , § unferniine A 0 Away with fads in food, , Remit of dp i Leonean. Wins no . y be be Take as your guide to glowing "corpora sens" Tom © arnla Fruit, water, meat and this delicious manne-- London, Noy, 4-~London inter ' the OR FU, group by defeating mediates gained the leadership of 1 Sarnia Wanderers, @ to 0, at Te Cia A ) 3 . Lincoln City ,., 1 Southport i400 1 Hartlepools Unitd hy ry Bore! wi Rochdale (i vv § New Heighten (0 A w\ 0M Rotherham Un, 2 Stockport Clty 2 2 A BLA ' 3 a HET South Shields 0 Port Vale «400 0 pa Tranmere 0 1 Saas, di ndra 2 onli Ad Divhion qr TH HH Alrdrieonians . 2 Ayr United ,,,, 0 ETT TTI Celtie 14111411 . 4 Hibernlans .,, 0 | | ; Cowdenbeath vs, Rangers, postponed, im I! | 0 HERR | | | fl Il | | if i Dundee. svivis 0 Clyde voviyiing Hearts ivoire 6 Hamilton Acadad ilmarnock «vio 4 Aberdeen ,,..,, # otherwell .,,. 6 Dundee United, 1 Partick Thistle, 8 Falkirk (ivii00 0 en's Park , 2 Morton .\iviie t Johnstone 1 St, Mirren oy 3 LTT TI i Division Alloa iiiiviiry 8 Thied Lanark ,, 4 Arbroath ¢ivvyvv 0 Raith Rovers ,, 2 Armadale (iiovs 3 Reechi City (40) Eleciric Washer 3 Mode in Canoda by a tL THE COFFIELD WASHER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Factory and Head Office: HAMILTON, ONTARIO Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Si i Um sii CBalance by Convenient (ARAMA AIA KS . cumseh Park on Saturday afters noon, The Londoners have won two games out of three from Sar nia, with one remaining tilt to be played, dui they have a firm hold on first position, as Sarnia must defeat them by more than 8& points in the game at the Tunnel City next Saturday in order to eliminate the locals. At the firat of the sea son the teama agreed that, in the event of a tie in the four games, the scoring record would deter mine the winner, and the round now atands 28 to 18 for London, Tt war one of the smartest foots ball games of the season, and for three periods the teams paved a scoreless tle, In the fourth the locals took the lead when Rill Wanless went over for a touche down and Dingo Haynes converted, fle Bram Churchill and Juok Bryant were missing from the Lan. don line-up, the remaining players Down Sole Agents DEMONSTRATION NOW ON at Bowra Electric Shop Phone 1075 70 Simcoe St. N.

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