b= THE C wees" where THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN CIASSEEIED SECTION, , 4 anh ow & oo IS, B ehtors, oti les buble, ie. Coy ite, Con 742 thos tf Bivson 51° out hawa, Phone 4, G, D, Conant, vy, ble ii A FP, Annis, B.A, Solicitor, Notary "Public, anger, , Money to loan, er Building, one 2096 Convey: iird floor Opposite Post Notary' Public, oney to loan, Office 14! st, Qabuwa, Phone 445, A Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publlg, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Hutrance Bimooe Bt, Phone 18, J, ¥, Grierson, KC, T, K, Creighton, B.A, Y ¥raser, B.A, Slicitor, wlioter ars xr 1} ld ! phone 67, esidence BIDEYY sem m---- PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR. Jiters, , ete, Money to loan, Al ldx. s Opposite fom Q Omce, Phone GREER AND HUMPHREYS, ry: risters, Bolicien, ate, 244 Simcoe st. N, Phan 8160, Maney. to loan, ALEX ni HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, etc, Conveyancing and general ractice, 28% King Bt, East, hone 8887, (tf) Medical - PR McRAY, PHYSICIAN, SUT eon, Ascoucher, Qffice and resis Sones. ning St, Last, corner Victoria 8t. Oshawa, Phone 94, i [8 aah W. TRICK, PH 8ST: clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and dis senses of women, Two years' post raduate experience, Office and resi id A imeoe St. N,, (cor, Brock) i. nae hens rr T BERRY, PHYSICIAN urgeon, Obstetrician, distases of nfants end children, Office and A] 97 Bond East, Phone 1155, DR, . HAZLEWOOD, PHYS! clan 8.7 "Surgeon, special attention ven to X-ray work and Electro Lg Fr Dur Bi Block, Hone HL i en f n Residence 161 King Bast. t, Phone Bil. DR, ALVIE STEWART, SUR. goon, Obstetrician, physician, | attention to surgery, Two years ven months post graduate gaper| nee, St, Bartholomew's an , | Aa The nite, London, Royal FMAr burgh, University Ho pital bi ne Office 142 Simcoe St R Drum ARCHER, M.D, CM, bt oop enc , and 8, A sleiam, urgeon an Obstetrician, ce 142 0 a N, Phone 30 ence | 101 Roe 8 t, thane S158, CHER rr M.D, R, eM & 8, Edinburah, Prvalelan. Surgeen, Obstetrician, special ats eg ta maternity work and dis eases of children, Office and resi dence, 185 Simcoe 84 North, Phone R. 0, W, CARR, PHYBICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrielan, Office and Hsldence, 313 Simeoe street north, Fhane Jt. (Oct, #-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Spevinlis ofonto, will he "W Nit ury Lovells oe Store Rs aturd R hovel 1 tl Pp sultation and Tol ol Pl of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at rug store, Phone 92. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat BRE F, RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Pron Store, Hours 10 to 12 am, 2 to § Evenings by| Kedience diz *offee phone sjidence ! Dental 3 PHILLIPS, OVER BAS. : Kpecial at Mo ta Xeray Moy 0 urse in Ate House 131 " M, COO 3 SIMCOR \ Dh over Mitchel Dru Stare. s for ion, R, L. E HUBBELL, DLNTIST, ltrous oxid oxygen sas for extra. Office, Roval Bank Bide Phone 948, residence, 1378M, R. |, 'F, BROCK, DENT St, N, over LL Ty Res, 32W, Even nings by reet West, ce aver DR, setts, Wo D5, OFFICE ON: Bldg, Phone 1780 Gams DAVIES, RL : Ring 8t, ok Spectal at to rg extraction and X-ray ay n atigndance. Phones Architects STENHOUSS - A Ry Con \ Phone 149 N. | and arth ots and PhOLOETADES | Ho one 833 far prices Bruce street, Ambulances, Phone - 1082 20, | For Enginsering snd Surveying io Land Sian fon Gg eers, sub 411 municipal eng os ne Re ha U ing ors and W, | COKE WURTAL CO, 67 KIND BT. East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 § in, woe street north, Phones 210] and 10W 0 Celt. na street, Oshawa, "arner ON, | 19 Vi t, west, Qshaws, The est kite Agency In Dthawa, | 7 U gonsult R, N, Johns, B80 Bimeos north, Your insurance wants Ate C.| tended to and your inierests pros fected, A 11 man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, Morag Ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 82, sind and cinders, Local and lon distance hauling, Phone 3048 pi | fonar, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St ul \ | (6) ) lished furniture movers, Park Road oar age, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park South, Phone 2156 (Oot, 16-1 mo) WANTHD--TRUORING OF ALL kinds, Carting or moving, Phone BOAOW, (Oct, 19-1 mo) FAGLE CARTERS AND LONG bi movers, satisfaction fuarans teed, quick servige, Chiabest in Osh awa, Phone us first, 3302, Re 29-1 mo, = Beauty P Pl TTY TOU PER dll NENT wave, Speclal $5 and WX 87.50 A wave and shampoo 8, ¢ ¢ Hair cutth g 25¢, Phone yk Simeoe North, EXPERT MARCELLING -- WY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman: ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- 5 1, - Bodh. BARTER AND Lk Shop. 9 Celina 85t, We spe. clallge In ladies' hair cutting, mars oelling, shampooing, facials, Mares) phone a Jano, For Appoih iments i 1 mo) HARTER oll AL nt, J OR 30s. 3 'Apart: ments, Queheo( & bor Appointment phone 3266F, , B=1 mo.) utiaing on stone and black loam, a) 160' a yi, quality A and dervice phone 1s: - % lace ore To insure prompt delivery, ate, W, ders in advance of delivery Borrowdale, Phon of this nature, and collect for same, table, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE |. This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising fram handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to gome personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK, SIX rooms, hot water heating, gumwood trim, fire place, hardwoor "floors, side drive, electric fixtures, price #, 300 300 doflars down, Apply 2031 Duffers i Street, Toronto, or phone Kens wood 5964, (Nov, 3-Nav, 16) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER: fields made to order, Wa save you money, Estumates free, G, A, Con: 74 Mechanic street, FP 0 It ' v and delivered, 78 cents, If ven o supplied $1, 20 ies repaired, fine in Blideon, 0 Mil Sy St, Le! (Oet, 10 ) SXTTATER GHARGED AND DE livered 76e, rental 8he, and the entire eloctrioal chy of car re paired. 404 Oshawa Blvd, Fhonp Ont, 11. 3 mo) ih Woy AN THOOK RE: pairin atal bumping, 1 handle the Kider Built Bodies, Bll Fry, 40 Bond West, Oshawa, (Oot, 10-1 ma) H NNW GENTE FER YARD, PORAT ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ote, All kinds of Leanthinl work on sale, Mrs, Dell, § gos Houth, Phone 1664, (Oot, 16-1 Public Stenographer = | MARTE 8, HILTON, 71 ETWO0R street north, Phone 1600, Hpeulal rates for malling Mata and ciroulay work, (Det, ELRN mo) mo) i ORPTED IN VOOAT Whtrhotishis iv (Dry) Grant ary. ion 2am SE of Toronto oa ers, 1s In Phone 739M, . To. I {Hom Il exams. 8 ronto) pu Oshawa, ing violin 'teach wa ou 'Thured o 80 Elgin 8, (Oct, 4-1mo) afterno prane, will accept pupils for sing: ing, voice culture, ete, Phone 1904, 228 Bruce Ht, (Oct, 1-1mo,) A Director of Musle, Oshawa 'Collegis ate and Publle Sohoo.y, Studie, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 3084), (Oot, 14-1 mel atch Swiss watchmaker, rtepalr shop al #14 King Steeet West, Your pats ronage od, RADTO HERVIOH "AND ACOWS: | Je sories, Repairs on electro and sets, Tubes au batteries tested, Datteries recharged, rental supplied $1, Phone to 10400, Charles 4 Wales, 146 Blgin B, Nov, 4-1 mo) Ca WAVE ALL CR your windows and doors filled with plastfo coment and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost Is small, Free estimates, J, H, Law: son, RR, No, 2 Oshawa, Phons 7831, (Nav, 4-1 mo) Decorating R CUTSOLE FIRST CLASS IA ui, tng A --y or Whe . only first clase wath, = y thadled, repaired and is guarenteed, HL vin afl we, machines o rebuilt, gy writers, is nh = a a) y to CTV A SR TOANE "TRG ress loans arranged, Rarkhil ield, vision, ele Alger hit, Kast one 1617TM |" Home Cook od Mieats S & radioteiolan, Bae inapection, Phone 882 R 1 1, Second Hand Dealer FRUOND WAND DEALER, YUN. niture bought and said, i150 hieor Pk, aks oh "MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney hh, hot or cold, bravia 3 of Ky add rlew, oto, oto, Wi Ma le street, Pho ru (174) auctioneer, i fi joe 's, 8 A can sell vour odd Pleces of fur w' and other art leles" Al our van King 8 .. $) ) Phone 1 (Oct, 23-Nov, 23) Shoe Repairing William Sts, the shoes 8 W, CL ' Simcoe Street §, Bimaeoe place to A enta' overcoats repaired and ah tered, ladies' fur conta velined and Jopaired, "Talloring" Fo own material Wad up, Address 13 King 8t, W, (over Cannings), Cal \ 609, and deliver, Phone 102 mad anted Firat mor on new brick house all latent \o! 3 7 per cent, seourity on new how, 8 per oent, interest for information, Bot Box 280 Times, 10€a) For or re A (ev ed nolld briek Hamilton six roo house, Value $6000, Will exo Tiel for house in Oshawa, Phone ot Acres choles loam near Oshawa, od wan house and outbuildings, lagen, henery, ot hu aity prope I ihn KI A NAN RAT Jiivte family, 8 room with board in arners, oN Convenient ta Four Pox 283 Times, to all makes of sets, old sata PATHE modelled, power tubes added he Na for charge ANov, 14 me) )] sizes 30 to 46, Engel, 21 Bond West Articles For Sale MIRED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $4.50 per load, Also bone diy body wood, Waterous Meek Lined Phone | 2848 (Apr, 2011) FOR BALN-=HBEINTEMAN 00 Lid, planos, new and used planog, Also radios, atest models; tere Hr Apply OQ, Trull, Phone (111041) FOR CAREFUL THUVERS, fu Men's indigo blue suits, extra heavy, high elass tailored, cheap at #43 Must raise cash for this week $25, _(1011) FoNICY CLES tires MOVING! y AL Er or hioyele stock, and automohile Big reduction: cash or terms, Every thing must be sold, 82 King Strect wesl (Cer, 29.1 ma) 45 MEN'S BLUK OVERCOATS made of the best melton cloth fully plush aed, Cheap at $38 Must raise cash, $15 for this week, Engel, 21 Hond West, (1011) RADIO, DE FOREST CROSLEY, tubes, loud speaker, A and B hatter i08 Snap for quick sale, Apply 86 Division Street (104e) FRESH MUSHROOMS, PICKED daily, delivered, hone 438, Oshawa, or J19 Howmanville, Jamieson Bros (WW & 5-2 wks) TOR FALE MIXED FLOOD wood, $10 a cord, delivered, Phone S610M or enll 471 King Bt, Hast, (1060) FOR BALK-= ONE AUTO. KNIT. ter, complete with Instruction hook, Hall price for quick sale, (1060) r hone S088), Position Wanted FRAGTIOAL NURSE, OOCTORS referenes, open for engagements Maternity or general nursing Helps with housework, Phone T4IM, (Dar) GIRL. DESIRES POSITION AS coak general, experienced, references J 04 Bond Street, East, Phone (1080) WANTED --JOB AS THAMATER or any kind of work, Phone 1840M, 286 Dearborne Ave, (106 a) Motor Cars GET YOUR AUTO FARTAE AND accessories at the Clty Auta Wreckers, 16:17 Bond street west, Phones 2080W or 2448W, (Oot, 26:1 mo) OLDAMOBILE ~~ TOURING w- 0 bo in real good shape, aor rifice #100, Owner going abipia, 118 Louisa Street, (1040) FOR SALE ww OHEVROLET truck, 28, used only short time, stake body, In perfect order, Rig reduction for short time used, Ap. ply Box 803 Times, (10¢h) a M. WODEE 1, in pertect hape Tage stake body, a real buy, Apply Box 3408 th ( Help--Wanted Male EXPERIENCED SALESMAN ON Washer and Nowa LA lines for good position, hes MAS De-FIRST CLARS -- AN, Apply Box 277, Tien LARGE MANUFACTURER by quires services of twa salesmen, Only those with experience and highest veferences need apply, Kn» quiries held in striet confidence, married men preferred, Apply 13% Bond Street Rast, Oshawa, Oat, (1080) Help Wanted---Female general an wanted immediately for housework, Mrs, Murdock, Warren Ave, Phone 30274, 2 t und susplolon taking overcoat from Re- Theatre Saturday night rtd ie a Ep to) ta J and Live Pulletta ready to lay, Apply H, Sloan, Wilson Rd, North, 1640s ( UNR COW FOR SALE, WRNEWS ed with heifer calf, Good mikey, Apply Joseph Chinn, Ross Corners, | VIVE YHOO For Rent FOUR AND Vive ROOMED NOD arn suites, including eleetrie refrig aration, stove, lsnndry, conven andes, ote} continuous hot walter supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 8671; or The Trusts and Gusrantes Oo i4d,, manager for owner, Toronto, $7.41) "AVAN i Modern Sonvinisness, 10 and up: Apply Jury & Linvell, 731 70 RENT =PRIVATE§ ppartmant over indge or's Store, next ta Karn's Drug Btove Pos: seston October 1, Avply my L Hoary, 881 King Bt, Haat, fhona 16, otf) H gonveniences, $15 per ment 1, phen JM, '0) RE House, full by odors, 5 Warn hoe 8 Eid FORTIN = VI brik REND "Convenienees, Paved street, Immediate possession, Ap: ply 81 Bigin Bt, §, Phone tinal' 101g) SIX ROOMED HOUSE, Nn lent eondition, very modern, well located, $15 fe nenth for seleet tens ants. Apply 1 Hindley Bros, (104¢) FOR RENT--§ UNFURNISHED rooms, $17 a month, 168 Willlam Bt, KB, a (104) LARGH APARTMENTS, MODERN sonveniences, Hultable for family, Bhort lease, Low rental, 161 King L044) last Ohi wa, FOR WENT RAVEN] HOOMED Apply house, All sonvenlences, 148 Conunt street, Phone 10856), . f104¢) VOR RART--TWO VERY COM: fortable furnished rooms Hult businoss gentlemen, 64% Bimoeow Mouth (10h) TWO HOURER TO RENT, FIVE rooms, uewly decorated, Beven rooms, Hot water heating, Apply LGE Bloor Bt, West, Phone 1678), ul (1060) FURNTAAET RING ROOM, ALL eonvenlences, Phone 17T76W or call B14 Allee Btreet, (1060) TO RENT-SUP T0 DATE, BQUIP- ped new alx roomed home, hard wood throughout, All eonvenlences, Mantle, special fixtures, stdrm wine dows and garage, Heasonable rent to right party Apply 188 Me: Laughtin Blvd, Phone 1878W, we wT ( 104¢) FO WRT FW "NTOWCY FOR: nished rooms for Hight housekesp- Ing, Hvery eonvenlence, Also gale Age, Apply 21 Warren Ave, a -- ca a1 00) TO RENT=THRE TORNTAIED or unfurnished rooms in bathroom fat, Apply 64 Willlam RB, (108¢) a Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--FOUR OR five room bungalow, All conven: ences, Good tenants, Apply Hox B81 Times, (1060) TOKYO HAY CLAIM THIRD PLACE AMONG CITIES OF WORLD Greater Tokyo With Ares Of 223 Square Miles Hae Population Over Four Millions Tokye, Nov, d=CGreater Tel with & population nearly five mil a may olaim third place among the world's greatest eities shortly, City and national authorities are studying plans for the incorporation of nuhty tour surrounding towns and will with the capital, to make an adm he istrative unis of what 1s plrea y an economic. and transportation aggres gation, This would more than double Tak, ya's Jrosnt FoPulation of A314 crowded Into the fifteen rain wards of the eity with an only 31d square miles, Greater yo would have "480,000 citizens in area of 223 square miles, which is less than Los Angeles' 300 square Mullen Greater London's 200 square miles or Greater New York's 209 square ules, The Tokyo papers claim teh tal has regained first plage am Japanese cities, which it lost to aka as the result of the great earths quake of 1923 and Osaka's absorption of adjacent communities to \) . A } | feater oity that counts ANAL x habitants in OWN square \ Als most three times the area py pra ih A ures quoted " Tokyo werd oom A CPNAUS Just gow Sompleted by t ) Wola authorities, the suburban 'villages" which Greater Tokyo would absorb AT have hope ulations ol hore he Va and ah TY wl are 8 hibuya, i Oy eater Tokve would hd in e the Whe hort of You Kohama with its half-mith popula | go tion, although fhe iNsrveny Yate is 30 closely built up that it is oult to find open spaces between the wo flies, "Wate! Xo NOT 4, Mo 10 I Glatinaned "Ah fools like a dumb owl, Pres loament." "Reveal yo' meanin', man" "AR jes' don't give a hoot! RULIN We read of went visiting, "ls the crystal gager in? UNO just now, She's just sioaped PASSION the young hdy who Rates for Classified Ads, Piva Insertion==114 sents per word, Minimum charge B06, Each subsequent consecii tive insertion 10 per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy prices ol two first insertions (three counts a word), Minimum eharge for three Insertions, conte, Box number 106 additions) Professional or Rusiness ards, $5.60 per month for 80 i OF less conty a word bf month for each additions word, he CLARE COMPLIOH MUCH THLRPHONR on Ask for Classified Ad Departinent LIFE AND WORK OF BURKE DISCUSSED Irish Statesman and Orator Fought Strenuously for Peace T ADR Mantreal, f--Hdmund Burke, 1llustrious statesman and orator, horn In Dublin 800 years NEO, was the subject of & paper and discussion at the weekly meeting of the Bt, James Literary Hoclety in the Engineering Institute on Manatield street recently, John Puthie, a past-president of the so elety, who gave the paper, and subsequent speakers, stressed the greatness of Burke but each also expressed surprise and regret at hin inflexible opposition to the French Revolution and one mem bar declared that If he had taken A different line by allylag himaels with Charles James ¥ox BEurope might have heen spared the her rors of the Napoleenle wars which followed In the wake of the reve lutionary period, Hketohing the life of Burke, the locturer sald that he came to Lone don at the axe of 21 to study law From the first he was interested In everything, trade, the state of the corps; he stored his mind with A vast mine of information, He abandoned law and devoted him: self to literature lasuing pamphlets with long titles as was the ous tom In those days, Eventually he entered Parliament, He was gens erous and apen-handed to those in need, Accused of inconsistency, he was always eonslstent, decluw od Mr, Duthle, Frequently, he followed the dictates of his cons solence and voted amalnst his own party, The politioal situation In Ingland in those days was very different from the present time an there were only 160,000 electors out of a total pap won of 8,000, 000, Plates LL rm ngham and Mane atop being without vepre- sentation, Nay, he Revolution a APS tf writings and hes were on the American Hevalution, the lecturer sald, Then he fought strenuously for peace, He declared that the people af the Ameriean colonies were descend: ants of Baglishmew and asked "Is it not ] your interest to make them py!" He sompistely ride died ¢ b y AAA, of hia oppons onts, The speaker tone od on another point n the life of the great states: man his sinpeachment of Warren Hastings th Jay Wan who went to India wit wi uroes and be. came so a he Hh tral drags Hy Fy his quit \ ou t the out. set Burke impeached him * i 'he name of the nation whose oh 0 has aullied, impeached him in the name ol WAR Mure n apite of the aogquitia 1 Duth sald, the HAY eu at' the Asal ation had rights, Coming to the part pla Burke when the Fremoh Rd tion brake out, the speaker points od out that there were many simi lavities hetween the outbreak in France and the Russian Revalws dow, paitionlacty in regard to fon {En pro nmmin "HH oareer, Nv, he thie desoribed Burke as the wis beat-informed and most Re statesman of his time, a man wha brought a naw era in India and initiated wany B\- ma, Past A Present John Heard, proposing a vote of thanks to the Wy AreW a com» parison between the welldnfermed mind of Burke and wany Hida. formed; "bhilnd leaders of the bind" politiolans of the present day, AS the very bg of ataten Wanhip there must be learning, Mw, Baad inslated, ohnston, seconding, al ded J) nrke's high Ml ohawm ag ahd great knowl of Boge Judee onl, wan hed hin Hreatn Wom rent RnR a an 13 colonies, AW Me Revotnhion, the impeachment of Warren Hast in Rev. Lawrence Clare saw in the Rrabloma ot Burke the same prob. Yat aur day and meneration" The neglect of hin advice Wm ves aver to the PANNE 10 have her tors (108) wine told," gard to the war with the Amevioan colonies constituted one of the greatest tragedies in the history of Britain, He added that they say the influence of Burke, "the tutor of statesmen,' in the Right Hon, 4, Ramsay MacDonald, Primes Minister of England, Other speakers were B, 7, Novi son, J, B, Thompson and J, Napier, ke I, McMahon, president of the woclety, was in the ehalr, PARIS HAS DONE AWAY WITH RINGS OF FORTIFICATIONS Size of City Garrison ls Much Reduced From Former Strength Parls, Nov, y Paris, the goal of many an invadin army since the tine af Caesar, not enly done away with the three rings of fortifis cations that enciveled her before the grout war, hut has greatly decreased the troops that ence were on eon slant wacestime duty within hey walls, Hefore the war the garrison of Parls counted twenty theusand havonets and four thousand sabres, with the artillery, the engineers and supplementary serviees bringing the nuiber of men ahave 25,000, 'Foday only 2,500 pollus are on duty in the Gapital Whenever the peace of ghe ety goes mnaced, troops are brought in fram the provinees hy rail == & hun dred men from one town, twa hun dred from another, and so on, Twice this year the army has brought hit talons to Paris from the eouptry (uv be ready to ald the police, The first WOeRRION Wik an May Pay, when trouble from the Communists was feared, The second time wis Au fut I, for exactly the same reason Nothing happened on either day, The troaps, for the most part, were kept in the suburbs, 1t is outside the walls of the elty that future troubles, If they come, are likely to be started Phe industrial revolution, the hous in erisis sinee the war and ether modern developments eonnected with the growth of Paris self have brought about & migration fram In side the eity ta its suburbs of @ goodly portion of the proletariat I'he descendants of the Fevelution ists who stormed the Hastille in 1780 and the Rue de Rivoli during the Commune of 1871 are living In great numbers these days, not in Paris it self, but in the industrial eenters supe rounding the dapital, The number of soldiers brought to Paris 10 keep an eye on Jotatia trouble-makers on May and August | of this year was reported to have heen 2000, This would have ne oreased the strength of the garrison to 4,500 men, Hf that number is ears root, a Gallignl of today would net have to eommandeer every taxi in Paria ta eanvey his garrison 10 a hats tefield, The Paris of 1920 has four or five taxis for every soldier on her streets, HARMONY BRIEFS Harmony, Now 1» large ate tendance was present at Sunday sehool on Toy Yarry Hunk and fr and Mrs, iy visited friends at Howman: ville on Sunda Wh Getting Up Nights tapped often in- "a ho i Hite _- WE hy Tp eakness, By \ strength from Go ing, Low or Groin Pang, or R atie Aches, why ¥ het Ll ot w Hour Test? aon store, for only 60g, oney d don't soon find p PAINE. HONS, lk Re. feel younger, o TOnger, and Backache, Rladder the € Nowneed Siss-tex) toda y nek | ol pep, Afternoon teas and sewing clase will be held at the school on Wed nesday, Nov, 6, The Teall Rangers held a mas quersde party Wednesday evening, A good number of the bays were pres sent, A short husiness period was conducted with Chief Banger Ronald Clifford, presiding, Then the evening was spent with Hallowe'en games Donald Edwards received the prigs of an Eversharp pencil for the hest eostume, Apples and eandy were sere ved, The Junior Red Cross had an ine teresting meeting on Friday aWers nam Alter the business session thers Wis an Interesting program of reel tations and readings hy Violet Cramb, Myrtle Best, Clelys A oy Vem ing, Btanley Cook and bisorys Hunlki« ini: Civmes were played and then re freshments, eandy and apples were pinised around and an enjoyable hour wis spent, The farmers are busy with thelr Waughing after the rains and hoping for open weather for a while yet, as the dry weather held them bask for 80 long Not mueh damage was done on Hallowe'en, only iY usual hoyisk pranks, with lots of ghosts, goblin and witches calling at the "dors SR 4 Snes & N, i Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales #IMITED 00 Blmeoe Bi, H, Phone 000 SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION OLOTHING ©0, 08 KING Fhowe 9141 We Deliver Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANS AND DIN COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Room 8 Phone 8700 DISNEY.COTT AMBULANCR AY Colina 84, Phone 1088 A (Mh a EYESIONT SPECIALISY ah BRE Disney Block a AI AE hn a -- are marked, in a Name? One of the true values of any nana is hn cqnfidence and acceptance it ores in the publie mind, We are constantly concerned that the material and service with which our name is associated, shall stand high in your regard, WHR this in and complementary materials which Known, standard trademarked Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 8 Rion Road North TELEPHONE 3821:2820 mind, we stock lumber advertised products, and grades