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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 12

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------ TT iE. PACE TWELVE EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Chapel Dedicated Cobourge="The chapel at Hatfield Hall, the new sehoal for girs, whith wis dedicated (his nomi is to be known is poli Haine " Wilon and Mos is, with a staff of Ins sirietors, ave dn chars of the schoel, whieh has nesrly 50 pupils, Turkey Thaft Kingston=Maglsirate J, W, Brad shaw wis Arden where i resident wis chirged with the theft of turkeys, A convietion was made, but sentence Was YH and the aceused ors dered to pay the costs, Bane Celebration Kingston =Kingston had a sane celebration of Willowe'en, The poles reported that during the night net one complaint was vaglstered at (he police stition about ddimige to props erty or disorderly conduct an the part of any person celebrating Extend Unanimous Call Brockvilles=At & menting of the Preshytery of Tyoskyille ~ held at Winchester, a call win sustained to -------- Special Announcement IF LISTEN IN TO THE Evening in Paris BROADCAST Through Station C-F-R-B A tow of the Parla Cabarets, featuring famous Radio artists, TO-NIGHT at 9-30 p.m. astern Ntandard Time and Every Monday Hereafter Rev, W, D, Turner, of Montreal, The call wis mest hearty and unanimous, phe yy was krraiged to be id Tn Bt, Paul's Chueh, Winehess ter, on Velday, November B, at 7.00 pm, ---- Soldiers Ave Missing Kingstons="The police of Kingston and the surrounding district have heen notified of the escapes from the Detention Barracks of the WCTLA here of W, IK, Whattam, whose hone is believed to be In Picton, and Bian ley Both, a vearult from England It Is bellaved they have gone West ROHA, REUNION Kingston Vang ave under way for a reunion to ba held herve nex May of exofflonrs, nonseammis plonad offiears and men of fhe Royal Canndlan Horse Artillery, mt wh n atharing an assoelntion will o Yormed, my . DUUK SHOOTER DROWNN Ballaville==Joneph War! Collins, New York, formerly af (hin ally, was drowned while duck shooting near Massaga park, Mr, Collins went down to the hort to wrvange the guns and decoys hefore sian ing and stumbling over # place af wood In the dark, tell into wis foot of water, POWN THE SEWER Praseott One thousand pnw hundred and ninety-six hotties of assorted Havors, constituting the oRrEO that was selged off the mo tor boat Thelma al Hig Bandy three months ago, were destroyed at the Customs House at Oxdens burg on Haturday The hotties were smashed and the lguor al lowed to run Into the sews LONG MILITARY NERVICW Aroekyille Major ¥, C, Curry, V.D, who now succesds 10 the pommand of the Brookville Hifles (1h6th Battalion, C8. F) with the rank of Heutenant-colonsl, has on Joyed a long and active connection with the miltiary forees of Can ada, Inelnding service overseas during the Great War FOUR BADLY INJURED Hawkesbury Your persons ware seriously Injured when a ony pkidded on the Montreal highway near here this morning Mr, and Mes, W, MH, Hamilton of Ottawa, suffered hroken vibe, thelr daugh ter, Vivian Hamilton, who was driving the ear, hroke her ankles, and ah M, Pried was out about the lems, NEA CAPTAIN DIES Prescott, =--An outstanding ros! dent of Opdensbuvg, Captam THEY i Bimess 8, LT Th DR, THUNA BALSAM TONSILS po ADENOIDS Our Famous onsil-Adenoid Tablets Arr EA RA NER RY har TER BE Fwe Ni hild ov 1 TR ana #900 Phone 380 REMEDIES, LIMITED Asthma Relief So Certain Asthma sufferers by the thousands say they never knew veal relief until they tried Vena's Cough Syrup, Now they would net be without it One dose before reliving usually brings a full night's vest and comfort, Wheeping cough alse yields to this soothing preparation and children like ita pleasant taste, Ps 1d, Tania LOA Eas 2 Sa \ 2 VENOS oucisvae INNING THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 George Viumb, passed AWAY 8 Win 1 ity uh b home in Bet © need nego of D0 yours, Ha was Born Ih Ogdensburg and spent hig entire Iie thers, He win & veteran of the Civil War and was widely Known in military and marine oly lew, having fntlod the Upper Lakes for a number of yours, PIONKER WOMAN DIS Cohourge=By (the death of Ki lon Ahern, widow of Michael He: gn, the Jest sirviving member of une of Murray Township's site sanding ploneer families han prise ad awiy, Mrs, Rogan was horn in IRO0, holng tha youngest Anughter of the late Bridget O'Bulllyan and Michael Ahern, Her husband, to whom wha was married in 1870, dled six months ago, ! Big Ineronses Kingston =Bullding permits Tssyed it the office of the Clty Vonglneer during the month of October, 198, show # big Ineveass over the month of Qutaber, 1948 Permits for Qstoher, 1929, gmount ad to BISABIA an wompared with B35, 28 In October 1048, Permits lopped this year up till the ond of October amounted to Bos, 020, wn compared with $537438 fpr a sliillar period last year, WORK STARTED ON PAVING Cobourg=In spite of the writ is: nied lant weak applying for an ins Jinotion to prayeant the econstrues tion of the Chapel street pavement, the contract was given hy the couns ell to the Warren Paving Co, which eompany made a start on the work on Vriday morning, The axeavating of the strest will be fintahed hy the end of the week or anrly next week, and as soon we thin in completed the coment work will be wsiarted, SE -- OAR TAKEN YOR JOYRIDN Cobourg ==On Haturday night the oar of O, Nighals, of Baltimore which had been left in front of i, Marples' store on Division strent, was reported to the police An ntolen, The ear was recovered on Monday morning In the Albion Hotel yard, where It had heen left pavers! hours after It was taken It 18 thought to have heen taken hy Joy-riders and abandoned after they had run the ear to thelr satis faotion PENKION ROABD MEETN Cobourg ~The Old Age Pension Hoard of the untied counties of Northumberiand and Durham hald meetings on Monday and Tuesday in Cobourg and Port Hope, and will require at least two more mestings to wind up the husiness before them Ho far the hoard has passed close to three hundred applioations In the united coun ties, and have dona remarkably well tn the consideration of the applioations that have come hefore them On Monday a mesting of the hoard of management of the house of volume wan heard in this connestion, when twenty-six appli ontions from Inmates at the eoun ties home were passed by the hoard ta he sent on to the Old Age Pan son Board THE CHINESE TASTE HELPS MICH, FARMERS Hillsdale, Mich Chinese op! oures who lke ginseng In thely food are solvipge the farm problem for Hillsdale county farmers, The Orfental likes the Hoeoriee taste and heeause he uses ginseng In medieine an well as to flavor his food, Michigan growers are bhullds Ing up a brink business In exports Ing the root through eastern huys ore Ginseng profit ts Hagured af ahaut $1,000 an sore, It Is not Ward to ralse and In unaffected by price fluctuations to which many [AVI OvODs Are mubject, Ginseng 1a planted In rows under & framework about elght feet high, The frame ia thatohed With leaves and SIFaw AR A pros teotion against the sun, From five Lo Mix years are required to bring small planta to maturity, After (hit thera 1a a steady production ORol yen Roots are dug early In Novem her, They are dried for 40 days in a tamperature of BO degrees, From 2,000 to 1,000 plants are harvests od from an aeve, Roots bring $10 0 $10 a pound, Kenia Maks, the genial manag ef of the New Martin theatre, parted tha Olly Five Pin league off plaht by howling the first hall down the alley, Me invited the winning team to ba hia guests at hin theatre, It's Not Too Early to Have Your ~ Christmas Photographs TAKEN Campbell's Stu o Ltd. a And Now He's the Leader of the Band Onswstwo=PLAY! and with notes that thrilled, the musicians burst forth in perfect harmony, Loud. ar or softer they played in obedience to the dires. tions of thelr leader w= thelr world-famed _ dis rector, This great musieal direct. or first learned to play a mouth-organ before his greater talent was dis covered, Who knows but what many a hoy's musieal qualities remain hidden through lack of opportunity, Parents we here's a good beginning, buy your he ube Klenzo Tooth Paste 356 alee and a Mouth Organ Full scale, sweat toned organ, Both for 39¢ Jury & Lovell King E, Simeoe 8, Phone 28 P 06 KILLED WIFE FOR STRANGE REASON EE North Platte, Neh, Nov, d==Ciearge Ni, Clair, 24, strangled his 18yenr old wife because he feared she might sometime stray from the Christian fe, he testified at his trial here, He also told how while shopping with lier he purehased the shovel with which he intended to bury her "Tome my wife, June, at a revival" he suid, "and married her because she wan a Christian, and lved as God wanted her to, We said grace At every meal, Tt haw been a short eampalgne-hut quite long enough for the majority of the electors ~Peterbora Exam ner . --_------ TORONTO NTOUK KXUHANGE Toronto, Nov, 4 «-After Jookey ng bok and forth for the Inttial part of the session, prices on the Toronto Kook Exehange this morning turned definitely upward near midday and the majority of Issues showed gains, while a large number of ether reduced previous lownes Walkers and International Nie kel provided hie bulk of the trad Ing, The former sold below 14 for a short time and then rallied to 14, for a net gain of 1% points, while Nickel saned to 48, firmed up to 48, and then reacted to 404, for a loss of 1% points Brasiiian Traction wan apothey notive tanue, The stock sold be tween 4% to BO, the letter helng Thuraday's closing priea, The olla were Also In the trading, British American gained 1 at 40) Imperial was stondy at 10.78; International Pete declined 18 at 23% MeColl Frontenae advanced 14 at 20 WW) Rupertoat was steady at 20 and Hervice Btatlons improved 2 at AY, Other price ehanges Ineluded: ¥, No Burt up 2 at 66; Canada Dredge INE UP A at 42; Canadian Gypsum up 2 at 28; Cookshutt Plow up W At BAM Famous Playera up 2% ALAR Laura Hecord up 4 at BR and Waterloo up 1 at IN wa ------ ATANDARD MINING EXCHANGER Toronto, Nov, Prices pur sued a downward trend in this morning's session of the Ntandard Mining Nxohange, However, the ranctionn wera for the most part of AR UNRIMPOrtARE nature, Novanda wan prominent in res Hard to activity, The stock opened at 41, sold up to 41,50, eased 10 A804, and at noon firmed to A880, for a lose of 2.80, Nhereitt Gore don followed and sold off 28 at 4.80, Amulet was easier, selling of 10 at 2.80, AJAX Wan the moat active of the olla, The stoek sold oft & at 1.64, Calmont eased 20 at 1.80; May: land firmed & at X68; Assoclated OI oaned 44 at L711 Dalhouals wan off 18 at 2,00 and Kast Creat Improved 18 at 1,88, Other price changes included: Took Hughes, oft 20 at 6,85; Suds bury Basin dropped 10 at 8.76; Rlacoe wp WX a and Lake #hore wan off 28 av 19.74, MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGER Montreal, Now, do=Unexpeoted strength at Wall Street, was shown on the Monteeal Stoek Exchange at the opening this morning. ont stooky sold unehangsd Joitovwing the two day vacation, ¢ showed gains and 9 losses, The price changes were: Reasthian 01 2 at 41 Canada Power and Pa per down 1 oat 271 Canadian. Steams ship, down 14 at } Igy Lookin, down 14 at 3; Dominion Bridge, down 1 at 38; Dominion Glass, up 4 at 149; Fraser, down 1 at 31 Tutors national Nickel down 1 at 40; Cone solidated | Sielters, up 10 at 3, Massey Harels, down 1 at 48; Nas tional Rreweries, wp 2 at 1311 Paws of Corporation wp 1 at 8 Shawins prominent wan wp 1 at 88; Lake of the Woods aad Sk Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND NTRAW Whalesale dsulers | he ad slraw nie Wiig to shippers the NE prises lui alate i rod an rack, CToranke pe 0 2 Timely, baled on wii LL] Poe A Fimethy, blo, $00 10000 $1100 Lube sbraw, per tan 4, ' BM em Wi (Td iain, ton Bo 950 10,00 0 | Imatiy io Io quoted ot 019 Ww 80 wer ton, delivered, ------------ TORONTO PRODUCE Torani whglealp Ashlern nie alisiing pray dues to retinal dealers at the lollowing A LUN | «Viaeh, A in fat tony Mey lash fh Jone, Wei hist, losses, Me apeond, Me, Blorage supe, exiian Ads) Arste, 40s) ae Won, Mu Wutter=Na, 1 creamery, winis, Ads) No I ocieaminiy, prints, Aly Linens J (Ri luis, fing pine [RT fipietn, Mey stiles, #7, OM, far o Ih twine, BL: Bey teiplets and wuts, Mes wil MELT Hinder Heng, over § lhe, a, 4 tab Ihe, [\tonlaes ' ' Jueklings TORONTO PROVISION MRICEN Turgnia whalesnls daniery ae Gueting (he fullowing peiogs ta tha tepdei Bi whe eh wHumy, medium, A 10 Mei ork laine, b 1p bagi amighed yally, | braaklast hiason, hin & hae peameniad, 3 ta 406) do, sinoked 45 ta 478 Care maptaLong eloar bugon, B0 10 70 oh Bade TO to 90 Toe diet le 11" me, 16, Henyywsiuhs rolls, 406, Lightweight rolls 1) & Lard Pure tlorens, 1a) tubs, hei pally, 1761 printe, IN in Ix hori ne tisrees 1 te hey tube, 14 Loder malls, 186) tae, 178 print, Ie fi lone, Mei New York shoulders Mo Lele) pork Butta, 25 Loos perk hams, 8 18 eer-- TORONTO FARMERN MARKET The lalk wine 1 auetations, veil, In get Oh ihe t Lawisnes market, Toronte ros | (4 ERLIRE, par doren ' 0 1 ye rats, per dosen Ou big Bullet, eatin [IR Hutter, daley, per pound 1X Greniery, per pound ills a sgetables Cavruta, bush Losin, bushel Catone, diy, 1 at basks Ths Aegl, basket "He ARDANS faut HWE rien ih, peek ul ' (hi Ee, per pound eal latiugs, this far, intnes, "i " | bi ont, Bass 5111 { i] 4 Per huneh 4 y Aire Ihr wlery, § [man per dosen 4, TanANBN Par Hosen Abnilen, boat basket iran heans, 11 wt, Tums, haaket Hi Irapss, § 0. "we ears, Has, 'saches, 6 Gi aney Daw melons, each Hiren a oe for on Chiinges o Cranberries, at nny Stock Market Prices I Market Summary hy Canadian Press Toronto and New York Mook Quotations Supplied by Nioble, Forlong and Co, up 2 at 52 and National Steel Car, up J at Ae S-- ------ CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Nov, 4 Wheat under wont a decided fall in prices sarly today, largely as & result of stook market weakness, Theve wera al po reports of Hitle chance of moy ing out any of Chloago's stook al Ing out any of Ohloago's stook of wheat before the elose of Great Lakes navigation, Opening at § to 8% drop, wheat values later showed hut litle power to rally, Corn, oats and provisions alse were weaker, with corn starting % to CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Noy, 4 Wheat, Deg, 1.20 S81 Mar, $1.08 S8 Corn, Dee, Wy Mar, 95 Jad; Oats, Dee, 49 1:4; Mar, LL EL TORONTO LIVEATOOK Toronto, Nov, 4-=UOattle trade on the Dominion Livestook Kx ohange opened slowly with early pricen a shade easier, Handy weight steers sold at 36,00 to #085, Good sown sold mostly at $0.00 to 87.00, Good feading steers were firm with some up to $8,080, Calves were atoady at #15,00 to #15,50 for oholoe Hous were unsettled with pack are bidding $10.28 F.0, for bacen of R110 offear, Lamba oponed steady at $11.00 to $11,048, Nheap were alao steady at 3,00 for the heat ewes, PFORKIGN KXCHANGR New Yark, Nov, d4«Forelgn Hxohanme stondy; demand ratens, Great Reltain 487% Canadian Dollars 1 8 per cont, discount, a.) PERFECTS DEVICE T0 PREVENT BIG SHIP DISASTERS Twin Hull Would Assure Vessel's Safety, Inventor Cha Tn Portland, Ore, Nov, 8.+«An ins vention i to prevent whip disasters ®uoh as the Vestrls, San Juan, THAR and many others, Wag bean perfected hy J, K\ Duthie, veteran model ship builder of Povtiand, He hos constructed a ship model, scaled to represent a trelghtor of 20,000 tons diaplave: ment, It has a twinshull which would ensure safely to those on board witll the vessel has reach od {ta destination, There in an alr apace of 2 feet hotween the two hulls, With. in the faner and outer walls am bulkheads, Cargo oan ba stored in the alr chambers, Should the Ship be rammed, only the outer il would be wreeked and only one chamber destroyed, according CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chiongo, Nov, GOpsn commitments Wine bitter, Bio Dmeember Butter, 4% gard cir SOLVAY COKE Wh avenhes hun ally 45 Dsceinber eggs hh Chileagn spot markets Butier todwy, exis fhe i mimndnids, AL 1odeg dune study fo him | IE te % CHAM Boat (euieent), Mota Abe dans iim Now York spot market Butter, ssiias, % $1 Ww 4 91 A Loder tone vm eke, Risto, 45 ta 476) tong him Movement stithe four markets Bulier, net ity MILO S ant your, net oul, Aul 8g "yr net aul, re Inut year, net ont, WM 4% Twa minrhet receipts Wats today, 14, Wl dant yew, ILMB emuny today, 16004 lant your, 10,072 ps m------ TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crpln dealers on tha Toranta Bowrd wf Fonde are minkiong the lallawing uelntions lor ear Misi Malthe wheat i=Nu, | na thew, $1.44 1.3 Na, 4 northern, $141 12 wh MY Ag Na, 4, LY 145 Na, b 189 0A Na, 0, S08 LAT Teed, 99 346 (ef Gaderieh and Bay paris) Munijiabn ants Na, | toed, #9 |: 8es Na feed, 67 |: Bu, American som No, § yellow, $107 (all ill, deliverad, Taronte Tralght) Millfeed, delivared, Montisal fraighis, hag leludod=ran, pei tong $87.00; middling LLANE) Cian graineWhent, $025 ants, bbe wu Gey Lnviey, 7e 1a 708; rye, 8 ta BLD buelwhaut, Bla 1a bi Different dealers quoted a wide range of j pries an Ontario hailey, buskwhept and ye ly TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY | DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES yesterday, an dihe shave quotations are « nominkl avers, The BEY per bushel fu wheat wus quite generally uated C0 mn So RR 0 A OL es. EAST BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK Kant Bultple, Nov, & Reoolpts of hous WN) holdavers, 4001 mastly steady) bulk 1) i #50 pounds, BTR) Iew BOTH te 180 BRIEFS and daughters, Marie and edith, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Herman Gray st Hamilton, Kenneth Vras Ke Mr, Hawley und Mr, Russel week end | Stewart, of Centreton, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Seott, tan White BETHESDA ponds, 8000 to $80, Hesalptn of cattle, 100 lower | hetior grade Bethesdn, Oct, 31 work to lower others off 33 (h or; of Toronto, spent the yuslity plain ood aieers and yenrlings at homie A fa BIS AL Meshiy wenasers snd shit " fe A wl, B10 1a B05 commian steers and hell Miss Winnllred Cole und Cllbert, motored from Taranto ora, SES te B10 Wieher sows, #75 ta MRO, eutter. wvades, B80 fo B67 spent Sunday with 1, J, TF, Cale Hevaipts of onlves, Wj veuler tenidy in \ A lower | better wrades holding wp; mood | Mr, and My I, H, Werry, Misses vhnies 816,00 14 Hl Marian and Helen Werry motored Macniptn of when, 100; Tnmbe clog Ho Toronto en Saturday and spent | hear any ! end with friend son and Mrs, Ever week's trade unevenly Ward wn ANNOYING GOSSIP Stern Father (to son departing for hourding sehool)="Now, don't let me had reports shout you," I'l try hard, Dad, But you know how those things will leak out" to Mis under one woek Ko Koo $1250 ta MA medium snd stron PLES bo BLE) throwouts, $10 te the weel Mrs, Rundle, Mi In a LP Radio Bargains You can now own a Radio at $18.00 down and py A Batteryl 4 | bY That Ranks With the Best Think of it! A seven tube batteryless Radio that is up» to-thesminute in quality and porformance, Made by one of America's leading Radio manufacturers and carrying & 3 montha' guar antee by the Luke Furniture Co. A compact set finish. od in walnut with illuminate ed single dial contral, and many other of the most Low Price = of You are requested to come to the store and see this marvelous radio offen It is without a doubt one of the best values ever offered in radios in Oshawa, Complete With Console Table Speaker, and Tubes Luke Furniture Co. 63 KING STREET EAST PHONE 78.79 AL BI RMN

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