"All the News While k Is News" @he Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer VOL. 5--NO, 106 News in Brief (By Canadian Prose) Ambassador Die? Paris Maurice Horbelte French ambassador to Bolglum since 1028, died today, He was formerly press director of the French foreign of. floe, LJ * \d Died of Injuries Toronto~"Terribly injured when he was orushed between two ors on Vriday night, Alexander Caro- thers, 21, died In General Hospital here, * J LJ Jumps Over B Toronto, William ingstone, B8, committed wuloclde yesterday when he Jumped from the Glen Road bridge Into Rowsedale Ravine, 110 feet below. » Ld * Prisoners Ksoape Columbus, O.Threeo prisoners sarly today cut thelr way through a oell blook, seriously beat a guard and escaped over the walls of the state penitentiary amid a hall of bullets, Boy Drowned Windsor, Sen yoar-old George Wasnt, of Amherstburg, was drown» od Maturday when he drove his bis oyole Into the Detroit river while oonsting down (he Amherstburg farry WIL, Nerious Fire At Nudbury Sudbury ~Damage estimated at $100,000 was caused by fire yes. terday morning when the wholes pale grocery warehouse of D, IL, MoKinnon and Mon, was gutted by fire an Athe entire stock of groo erlen destroyed, M * Grim Relies of 1750 Putfalo.~=Discovery was ane nounced today of two bodies, be leved to be those of Ceneral I'ris deaux and Colonel Johnstone, Mri tish ofMoeers killed In 1760 during an attack on old Kort Niagara, then held by the French, v rs Killed by Train Toronto,-Tony Roneniek, 440, New Toronto, was Instantly killed when he was struck by freight cars which were being shunted in the Canadian National Rallway yards here, . . Mother and Son Killed Woodstook. Mrs, Hasen Fanjoy ahd her four-year-old sen, Donald, died In hospital Saturday night frogn Injuries recelved when the automobile in which they were rid. tng overturned and crashed into a post, eh SR » Bal Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.=The steamer William NB, Plikey arrived In Detour yesterday, where she will be repaired, The vessel wan re- Inaged from Gravel Island, where she was driven aground by the storm of last week, Ad A . . Return For Trial Toronto,~~John Greens, 28, for mer oashier for the Canadian Ol Company, was returned from Prince Rupert, BQ, under police escort yesterday, Greens absconded with $27,000 last spring, and was are rested In the British Columbia eity two weeks ago, Ng LJ Dead For a Week Toronto, Police Saturday night erashed down a heavily barred door and found the dead body of Elleen Borrissey, Indian, aged 485. Ehe had APPLY been dead for a week, elghbors reported that they had not seen her for some time, AUSTRALIAN WHEAT CROP MUCH LOWER Production Only Sixty-Five Per Cent. of Last Year (By Canadian Press Losssd Wim) Rome, Nov, A=Auttralin's wheal yield for 199 to 1930 Is expected to be one of the lowest in {rah on the basis of cables r ed by the International Institute of Ags rieulture, though it may be increas. ed later, There ix still a month bes fore harvest time, The cabled estimate to the insti tute fas J0S0000 metric tons, Last year's production exceeded 4,300,000 metric tons, and the RR in he five previous years was J ARRESTED FOR PORT HOPE SHOPBREAKING Toronto, Nov, 4=Walter Griffith, wi arrested Josterday at t Port . 'y a" Ww ° are n Fed Rigel gh was or for a week so that inquire Fr -- be made, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City 18 Cents Prices of "Leading Issues Broke From $1 to $8 a Share in the Opening Stock Exchange Transac- tions Today RECORD REDUCTION IN MEMBERS' LOANS New York Exchange Will Have Curtailed Sessions Again This Week, and Will Be Closed Tomorrow and on Saturday New York, Nov, 4A deluge of welling orders greeted the reopen Ing of the stock market after the three-day hollday today, and prices broke sharply, with most of the lenders losing #1 to $5 a share, Hevaral Important financial de. velopments took place wines the cloning of the exchange last Thurs. day afternoon, First was the re duction from 6 to § per cent, in the New York fedoral reserve redis- count rate, and the drop of $1, 006,000,000 In brokers' loans re ported by that bank, "This was fol lowed on ¥riday by the hig Foshay fallure, Involving several banks and publie utilities in the north. wont Then, on Baturday the New Yorx stock exchange announced the member loans had dropped $3, 440,550,111 In October, a records breaking reduction, Governors of the New York Btook MWxohange voted toda keep the exchange open only t Rn hours on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and to close all day Saturday, The oxochange In closed tomorrow, election day, which is a legal holiday, The hours of trad- ing on the sucoseding three days will be from 10 am, to 1 pm, New Rule In Effect Beonune of the tremendous ace cumulation of orders over the week-end, the exchange ruled to. day that no odd lot house would be required to give tha opening price on any order which was not delivered at least half an hour be. fore' the opening of the stock In question, and that no specialist would be required to give the op. ening price on any order that did not reach him at least 18 minutes before the opening. Ordinarily, such orders ave right up to the op. ening of trading, 290 INCOMES OVER MILLION A YEAR IN UNITED STATES Three Unmarried Women Are Included in the List (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Washington, Nov, 4=The rec ords of the treasury department raveal that 280 individuals had, in 192%, an income of more than one million dollars Of this number, () more than fn the year previous, 11 paid an income tax on more than § mil lon dollars, and 8 on incomes of between four and five milton, Twenty-three women, 3 of them unmarried, were included in the million dollar income lass, and one of these reported a net income of more than $1,800,000, The total income tax paid by the 200 was $08,807,287. PLAN TO DEVELOP ONTARIO COAL FIELD Toronto, Nov, 4.~The work of developing Ontario's great lignite tleld at Blacksmith Rapids is being rushed with all possible speed, Thomas F, Sutherland, acting dep: uly minister of mines, stated last night, Ar soon as the freese-up peta in, and permits accessibility to the west side of the Onakawana river, a second diamond drill will likely be placed in operation, The eraw now engaged in determining the extent of the field will be ve. Hleved shortly, as it has been on the job since ear ft summer, RIG POWER PLANS | \ . Body Found In Day Toronto, «Tha body of Samuel BR, Culligan, 88, was found in the ship channel here Saturday, He had boon missing since Thursday. Passengers Had Narrow Escape In Derailment Hundred Toms. of Rock Crashed Down on C.N.R. Track (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 4,-A hundred tons of rock and earth erashed to the Canadian National Rallway tracks, near Canyon, Ont,, Sunday Afternoon und a short time later the Continental Limited, No, 1 pas penger train of the National lines, westward bound, rounded a curve, smashing Into It with such foree that the engine and tender wera derailed Hy a miracle, the sev. eral soohe passengers epcaped ner! ous Injury but Ira Gibble, the lo comotive fireman, was so serious. ly Injured that his death ix ex pected momentarily, He was rush. od to hospital In Winnipeg on a special train, Gibble wai about to jump from the eab when the engine, after olimbing through part of the rock and earth, struck a huge boulder, estimated to be 256 feet wide by 10 feet high lying in the centre of the track, He was thrown baex into the cab where he was trapped In steam escaping from hroken pipes and the holler, He wan ters ribly scalded when rescued by fel. low workmen, Eagineer James Rorke jumped and escaped with a bad shaking up When the train struck the rock obstruction, passengers and orew in the forward coaches were thrown from thelr seats, A few sustained minor wseratches and bruises but none required medical attention, King George Is Back In London COL, MeALPINKE Col, MeAlpine and his party of seven explorers, missing In north. western Cannda for two months, are reported found at Cambridge Bay on Victoria Island, Above are, right, Col, ¢!, D, Mo Alpine, P Prosi. Robb's Condition Still changed Jeremie, Ae bon, James A, Ro Infon mine ister of A who has been woviously #1 heve for the past nine days with lobar pnens monin, was stated by physis clans today to have passed a comfortable night, His condi. tion showed little change, Agnes MacPhail [ll At Winnipeg Token From Train on Cheering Crowds Welcome | Monarch Back From Sandringham London, Nov, 4, Cheering orowds welcomed King George back to London from Sandringham thin afternoon, The King and Queen drove from the rallway terminal to Bucking ham Palace in the Royal motor oar, thelr little granddaughter, Princess Elisabeth, seated between tham and holding the Queen's hand tightly, Their Majesties repeatedly bow. od and smiled In response to the throng's hearty giueting, There was a partioularly warm demon stration outside of the Palace, where a crowd of more than §,000 noclaimed thelr arrival, BIG POWER PLANS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver, Nov, 4,=The Powell River Company, Itd,, will shortly oall for tenders for a series of cons tracts for a aix million dollar pows or development at Louis River, 14 miles south of Powell River town, which wi! [enable it to double its paper manufacturing operations, The alte ts about fifty miles north of Vancouver, Plane are nearly complete for development on the Louis River of Stretcher--Is Suffering From Tonsilitis (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 4. -~Butfering from acute tonsilitie Miss Agnes OQ, MacPhatll, only woman member of the House of Commons, was carried from the train at Winnipeg on a stratoher today, Khe had just arrived over the Canadian Paoltie Rallway from Toronto and had bean planning to fulfill a number of speaking engagements in the Waat, Swathed In a blanket, the mem. ber for Routheast Grey smiled wanly as two attendants rushed her through the ohill morning alr to an ambulance walting outside the station, She was hurried to the home of a relative, Mra, James CO, MoCloskey, in the northern part of the olty SAINT JOHN GRAIN CHARGE CONFIRMED ------ Ottawa, Nov, dConfirmation by the Governor-General in Council of a charge of the Saint John harbor commissioners of one-tenth of one per cont per bushel on all grain load: ed or discharged from vessels over aay of the commissioners' conveyor fo lleries is promulgated in last weeks sane of the Canada Gazette, The charge has heen approved hy the supervisor of harbor commissions as being fair and reasonable and as nearly 18,000 horsepower, being the usual charge imposed, Settlement Is (By Thomas T, Champion, Canadian Press Staff © ndent) Oxford, Fag, Nov, 4«Without European settlement on the African continent on a large and permanent scale, the African masses cannot be moved, Spoardie attempts at civilians tion will pass, and Africa will res lapse to her prehistoric slambers, This was one of several interesting conclusions to which General Jan Smuts, former prime minister of the Union of South Africa, committed himself when delivering the first of his thiee Rhodes Memorial lecturs For The Mares In Africa Smuts Declares European Only Hope ers at Oxford University on Saturs day night, "Much as 1 admire and res spect the contribution which the Af rican civil services are making," Gens eral Smuts said, "I have no hesita- tion in saying that neither separates ly nor together are they competent to play the decisive party which: is here assigned Yo white settlements, The Christian missionary after a cens tury of ceaseless effort has net yet succeeded in making any deep fm pression on Africa, compared to the SAFE AND WELL ON ISLAND IN ARCTIC AND PARTY FOUND dent, of Dominion Explorers, 144, head of the party, and left, Caps tain N, EK, McMillan, pilot of one of the two aeroplanes in which the party was oxploring the north country, MACDONALD TAKES PLACE IN COMMONS Premier Greeted With Cheers on Taking His Place in the House (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Nov, 4 Taking his place on the front bench of the Hound of Commons for the first time since his veturn from his notable visit to America, Prime [ Minister Ramsay MaoDonald was greeted with loud cheers from the members this afternoon, Many of them rope to thelr feet and waved thelp arvder papers in salute Mr, MaocOonald, resuming the leadership of the government in the commons found n packed house awaiting what promises to be a highly important utterance of unemployment from Rt. Hon, J, H, Thomas, Lord Privy Seal and Minister of Kmployment This is an fssue that friends and foes of Labor are watehing with the keenest attention, and the gov ernment's handling of It has a vital hearing on tia fate, Nationalists Are Deleated General Fong's Army Wins Brilliant Victory in China Hankow, China, Nov, 4,-=The Japanese military intelligence to day sald the army of Marshal Feng Yu-Hslen or Kuominghune=*"Pao- ple's Army" had inflicted a de: olalve defeat on Nationalist troops near Lachokow, Hupeh, Deapatohes from Nath sald 10,000 Nationalist troops deserts od, and began vavaging the coun teyside, while an equal number re- fused to fight, The fighting was sald to have extended along the northwest horder of Hupeh and Honan, The Japanese despatoh said: "The Kuominghun aorushed the Na. tlonallst forces, the vietory result. ing in great confusion, Laoho- kow affiolals are fleeing." REQUESTS CABINET PAY MEDICAL BILL Nov, d-«John beaten hy Prince Rudapest, Hungary, Damian, chanfleur, Nicholas, Rumanian regent, after a traffic collision recently, has asked the Roumanian Cabinet to pay for his medical treatment, according to a report fram Bucharest. Damian said he attempted to flee after the recognized Nicholas in the car his cab had struck, but the Prince pure sued him and jumped into the taxi, The Prince thereupon heat him, he enormous Rages: and still rapid spread of Mohammendanism," said, Sir Arthur Currie ach trouble and will enter the Royal Victoria hospital this afternoon at the MADE IN CANADA end after Again Indisposed (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Montreal, Nov, 4,«8ir Arthur Currie, prineipal of MeGill Univers sity, is suffering from a slight stom for Xeray examination, it was stated University this morning, Un» til the X-ray is taken it is impossible to say how serious the principal's condition is, It was pointed out, EXHIBITION OPENS Important Event Is Being | Held in Montreal This Week (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Nov, 4~The "produced in Canada' movement, which has us its object the creation of greater in terest in the purchase of "Made In Canada" goods, will receive consider able stimulus! it is expected, as u re sult of the National Produced-in-Ca nada Exhibition which will open in Montreal tonight and will continu until November 9 The exhibition is Produced in-Canada Assocition (Que hee) Ine, and has the support ol the Canadian Manufacturers Associa tion (Quebee Division,) The exhibition has attracted exhi bitors and manufacturers from all parts of the country, while the pre vinelal government of Quehee, through its different departments, has also sent exhibits, ELECTION RIOTS sponsored by the 8 Week; 3 Conts » Speech Shows Mussolini In Warlike Mood Italian Premier Lays Down Precepts to Follow in War (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ome, Nov, 4--Henito Mussolini, Italian dictator, told Italians yes terday what would he the probable course of action in the event Italy Is Involved in another war, The occasion was the eleventh annivers gary of the victory of Venato, which marked the defeat of the Austritn armies in the great war, "History teaches us when there are serious erises it is arms and war which solve them' II Duce sald "If 1 had the terrible responsibils ity of governing a country in Wars time, I would make a clean sweep of all sowers of discord and de- foatists, I would impose stern dis. gipline behind the war front, "T would eliminate the spectacle, presented to soldiers returning home on leave from muddy, bloody trenches, of hrilliant care«free mem ry life led in big elties "1 would take from war factors jes all able-hodied slackers whe think it more useful to manufac: ture hullets, shells, and bombs than to shoot and throw them," IN MEXICAN CITY Six Persons Wounded And Many Arrested at The premier sald there was aps tively too much talk about peace and disarmament, Elections In Tampico (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mexleo Clty, Nov, 4,-=Bix per sons were wounded and many ar rested during political rioting at | Tampleo yesterday The corerspondent versal sald shots were fired from the headquarters of the antl-re- pleotionist party at a pavade of fol lowers of Pascual Ortie Rubio, re volutionary party candidate for the Mexican presidency, Go Ahead With Hydro Plans Foshay Failure, However, May Delay Purchase of His Power Interests (Ry Canadian "Pros Leased Wire) Toronto, Nov, 4,--O0fMolals of the Ontario Hydro-Eleetrie Power Com mission stated last night that they hoped to he serving Southampton with power hy the end of Novem her, Decision was reached at a conference on Saturday to go right ahead with this project, While the state of liguidation In which the Foshay interests now find them. selves will not interfere with the hydro's Southampton plans, it will howaver, suspend temporarily hy. dro negotiations for the acquisition of the Foshay power properties in Ontario, A ------------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Detroit, Nov, 4,~~An aviation tn. structor and his pupil were instant ly killed late yesterday when their plane crashed over Gratiot Ave. nue, near Roseville, after strike ing an electrio cable and narrowly missing a house, of EI Uni U.S. Tomorrow ( Four-Cornered Fight The Mayoralty of New York For (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, Nov, 4 =The metrope lis will elect a mayor and numerous lesser municipal officials tomorrow, John Fy, Gurry, Tammany leader, in charge of Mayor James J, Walks et's campaign for re-election, elaime od today that his candidate would win by a plurality of more than JX, 000, Fiorello R, La Guardia, running on & fusion Republican ticket for mayor, predicted his election by 200,+ 000, No figures were given out for Richard KE, Enright, formerly police commissioner in a Tammany admin istration and mayoralty candidate of the square deal party, or for Nor- man Thomas, Nocialist candidate, Expect Orderly Election Chicago, Nov, 4=An election will be held in Chicago tomorrow withs out any of the usual precautions of armed guards and eivillan watohers that have marked most of the ballots ing in recent years, Twenty-two juds pes are to be chosen and 11 bond sues and other 'propositions are to be voted upon, Brussels, Re lim Nov, 4=An at tempt to bomb the ltalian chamber of conimerce was frustrated Saturday night by a policeman who found the bomb, with ARAN fuse, on the pavement near the entrance to the talian chamber, The policeman seized the burning fuse and out it shorn, separating the fire from the explosive, Then he cars vied the bomb to the police station and dropped it inte a bucket of was ter, The homb contained ordinary black powder, Police submitted an imquiry to identify the authors of the outrage Twelve Died In Ontario During The Weekend As Result Of Fatal Accidents Toronto, Nov, 4.-Twelve peo ple died in Ontario aver the week- a series of acoldents on land and water, Two committed sulolde, four died of injuries sus tained; two were instantly killed in AN auto orash; two were drowned; and two Killed on railway tracks, The dead are: Willlam Kingston, §8, jumped into Rosedale Ravine, Toronto, William J, MoFarlane, 28, Toron. to, died from self-inflicted wounds, Frank Rlottl, Toronto, died as result of fall, Alex Carrothers, 21, Toronto, died as result of injuries sustained in auto accident, Mrs, Hazen Faunjoy, Hamilton, killed in auto crash, Donald Fanjoy, four years old, Killed fn same aceident, Stanley Unger, Oshawa, died an result of auto accident, William KE, Fulton, Toronto, died as result of auto accident, Tony Romenlok, New killed by freight oars, Unidentified man, Merrviton, struok hy passenger train, Unidentified woman, body found in Humber River, Tovonte, Samuel Culligan, 66, found drowned in Toronto Ray, Toronto, Roy Kellough, Owen Sound, shot In. hunting accident, TWELVE PACES EIGHT MISSING AVIATORS ARE FOUND N.Y. Market Broke Sharply Today DELUGE OF SELLING ORDERS GREETED RE-OPENING AFTER HOLIDAY SINCE WEDNESDAY COL. MCALPINE AND PARTY REPORTED SAFE AND WELL ON ISLAND IN ARCTIC SEA Radio Message Received From Hudson's Bay Com pany Steamer, Says They Are at Cambridge Bay, on Victoria Island WAIT EAGERLY FOR DIRECT MESSAGE Department of Marine and Fisheries Also Received a Message From Its Radio Station at Fort Churchill (By Cantillon Pres Lonsed Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 4---The MeAl+ pine party is safe and well, This Is the context of radio reports re ceived today in Hastern and West» ern Canada from a Hudson's Bay company steamer, the Fort Bt, James, moored in Cambridge Bay, on the southern shore of Vietorla Island, Victoria Island is directly norih of Bathurst Inlet within the Aretls circle, Though officials Dominion Explorers, directing the search operations from Winnipeg, were hesitant to accept as final the res port as recelved both at the Pas, in Northern Manitoba, and at the Department of Marine and Fish oerfes at Ottawa, they felt a larga amount of assurance in the fact that bot), stations had pleked up the rumor, C;, H, French, fur trade commissioner of the Hudson's Hay Company, could not confirm ort and was Await L message from the Fort Mt, James, Recelved at Ottawa Ottawa, Nov, 4.--Lost Arotie for two months Col, Dn, IH, MeAlpine and his party of seven flying explorers with their thelr two machines were found tos day at Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island, According to a radio messaged received hy the Department of Marine and Fisheries from {ts wins ton at Port Churehill on Hudson Ray, The message wan verx brief It rvead---""McAlpine and parity found, All well, Located Cambrides Bay,' The reported location of the they had of in 0, the party Indieated that flown off thelr course and had been forced down when theip fuel gave out, Cambridge Ray is sits uated on Victoria Island many miles off the mainland of Norths ern Canada, Members of Party In addition te Col, MeAlpine, whe makes hig home in Toronto, mems hers of the party were! Pilot 0, A, Thompson, Winnipes, of Western Canada Airways; Pllot Captain J, MoMillan, Edmonton, of Dominion Explorers; Major Robert ¥, Faber, At, Catharines, Ont,, geologist; A, D, Boadway, Winnipeg, pilot, gens loglst; Richard Pearce, Toronto, editor of the Northern Miner; Alex Milen, Winnipeg, mechanic: John Goodwin, Hamilton, mechanie, It the MeAlpine party were pleks ed up somewhere an Vietorla Ise land as the message from Came bridge Pay would Indicate, they must have flown off their course As far as the northern shore of Canada==and beyond, across Deasd Strait, Twenty wiles wide, the ftralt extends hetween the Aretia shore of the dominion and Victoria Island, Br Local Connection Col, MoeAlpine {8 a cousin of Percy Jobh of this olty, He ia a nephew of General John Hughes of Bowmanville, Mr, and Mea, James Reacook of Myrtle are alsq cousing, and Leslie MoLaughlin president of Molaughlin Coal an Sypplies, Lid, is alse connected with the family, FINANCIAL TERMS 10 BE STUDIED ™ 1 (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wine) Edmonton, Nay, 4-Finanoat terma will he further consid: by each government hefore an dee cision is reached on the Domin government's latest affer far th return of the natural resources t these two provinces, Premier Jy RK. Brownlee of Alberta, announes ed following a two-day conference of Raskatohewan and Alberta res presentatives that concluded herd Saturday, The question will he the subs Jeot of further communication hes tween the two governments, Mn, Rrownlee added, and it was altos gether likely" a conference with the Dominion cabinet would ba sought following the return of Pres mier Maokensie King to Ottawa ay the conclusion of his western tpury