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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 6

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------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, RA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 ' | Norwdoa Altending the funersl of eo ut yon to nem ¢ tog $70 t4 you may in others Tour hi heart, ere you {4 oat "we not failings too, Cad Lore VOR, Md neds Agri h De' form | Sothlass: bi windy, Hablyns a8} aon we Api un- kindly ¥ on become our warmest friends, Mins Maudie erie of Toron- to was in town fov the week-end, . . HW. M. Brooks, Athol street, left this morning on a two weeks' "hunting trip Jn Northern Ontario, Miss hy Black of Ham lie lon was th gion of Miss Alige Ross over: tl wedi ng, + The Ruby Hunt Club composed of eleven members from Oshawa left this morning on a hunting trip to Maple Island, Parry Bound distriot, . ls Mr, and Mrs, George Hawes, Rit son road mouth, had as week-end visitors Miss OHve Graham, §, Tay- lor and L, Morton, all of Toronto, » . * Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Bouthwaell, King Steet W,, are visiting rela tives in Matiteboro tor this week, w MN, Burke and A, Moutenay, members of the North Magnetewan Hunt Olah Taft with their party on Naturday for a two weeks' hunting trip dn Parry Sound Aistriet, nd Ay J, 'w, Caldwell, Ropd' Mut, and Mr, M, W, Porter of Golborne street, were In Mr, N. ¢, Porter, on Sunday, The deceased 18 the brother of Mrs, Caldwell und M, W, Porter, LJ LJ] . Bernard Kook of Torente Uni: versity Bpelit Lhe week-end In town with id parents, Mr, and Mm, 1, Wistone Ave, "Lek, Reg, N, Himeoe Bt, N,, who "as BUCCOEN- July gompleted a Post Graduate HW na Detroit Hospital han home, pre, Glover from Aehool of Pha Torento, was in town over fhe week-end the guests of his parents, Mr, und Mrs, A, Glover, Athol root, Mish Alli, Misn Kvilon oh MacKay of Calgary, i attendig the On- tario College of gAr. In Toronte wis tha guest of My, and Mrs, L, V, Vickery, King Bt, W,, over the week-end » * + Mr, and Mra, George G, Webb, Figin Mt, 10, entertained a group of grlends ut a Hallowe'sn party on Hat Shy evening, "Those pres: ent were, Mr, and Mrs, J, Vokes, Mr, and Mrs, J, Guthrie, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Spry, Mr, andsMps, Chas, Mallalge all of Toronto, My, and Mrs, Wm, Guthrie, Plokering, und Mr, and Mrs, Edmondson and won Gerald of Oshawa, * » LJ Under the susplees of ' Holy Trinity AX. NA, a very successful Hallowe'en masquerade was held in the Rotary Hall last Thursday evening, About one hundred and fifty guests were present for the occasion presenting a gay spectacle of varied costumes both in gelour and chavecter, Musle was supplied by a local orchestras which was thoroughly enjoyed throughout the ovening, The grand mareh formed a unique item of the evening when the prise winners were chosen for heat, ladies', heat gentleman's and host original, About 18,80 the pleasant evening ended with the National Anthem w + J Members of Orange Young Brit ons' Lodge gathered at the home of Fred Charland, 41 Westmores land Ave, on Friday evening, November first and presented », Lowe, ane of thelr number with a handsome carving aot as a git from the lodge in honor of his recent marriage, An address was read hy Fred Charland and als though surprised Mr, Lowe ex prossnd hip sincere appreciation for the mitt, The remainder of the evening was spent in playing ouchre, and other games, Prises won for the euchre were as fol lowstirst, ¥, Charland; second, i Complete Silk 'Shade and Cord Here You Are A Table Lamp of the ver newest * pelychrome in pith ornamental B wa o tted with | is without dew a best value ver © tg or in and hy - THREE SINTERS EACH Kathleen, Agnes and Myry Tus. soll, daughters of Mu, and Mw, J, NH, Wussell, 51 Frumberorest Blvd, Toronto, have each In turn at their entrance examinations taken the York township gold medal for the -------------------- J. MoCulleeh and for low soore, William Weeks, A tasty lunch wah #9rved at the close of the evening » LJ ' On Haturday evening Miss Kisle Rose, King Bt, K,, entertained at a Bohemisn Party at her home There were about twenty gueais and all in some sort of faney dress, Most of the evening was Jpent In dancing, The guests wero Inses Marion MaoKay, Calgary, Dortha Culham, dalt, Marjorie Black, Hamilton, Norah and Lois Mundy, Mildred Hunt, Maudie Cornwall and Allee Ross, Oshawa Measrs, Alex Hall, Joe O'Hirien, Ronald Everson, Art Peacook, Ralph Viekery, Glenn Mundy, I ------ -------- WOMENS MEETINGS KING STREET W, The annual Thank Offering meeting of the WMH, of King Bireet United Ohureh was held last Thursday afternoon In the ghuroh paviours On this occasion all business was dispensed with and there was a very enjoyable pro wramme, Mrs, M, Clarke gave a reading and Mrs, P, Langmald sang a solo, The speaker for the afternoon Mrs, Rogers of New vistle was then called upon and | her address was indeed charming A voonl duet by Mrs, O, Friend and Mrs, Crosler followed the ad- dress, The main feature of the Afternoon was the exercises In connection with the affiliation of the C.G.LT, groups of that church with the WM. Mrs, Rogers con duoted this part of the programme, I'here were aix groups, Live Wires, Wohelo, GHeamers, Willing Work- ors, W.rL, and Unity that were affiliated with the Missionary wos cloty, This means that they will in the future devote at least one quarter of their time and money 10 missionary work, and any money contributions to missions will he made Mtrough the WME After this ceremony the ladies served reronmante. M, §, DIVORCE | INCREASES IN UNITED STATES we ---- Washington, Noy, 4-Diverce is ins oreaning ¥ the United Mates hile mare epite a growing pepulas iio "degreasing, De rink 91 Commerce res or 1 show, During 1938 the ratio was * voree to six marriages and ere nothing in the report 'to indicate a more favorable ratio in the near fue tre, oe WHAT A PRICE! i auville: ould you have bout past and vie fow ol fe lends 10d Ne hat ArH pd ) i | en (8) the Jenularity this eity Tis i Joying during tourist an, 5, tiv sald; do much to eater auch piracy, Gained 10 Pounds 3%: In 22 Days «hut Nv Hy al he du oan't on healthy flesh Ni N LE 3 Cod Liver 0 i SOing 10me n i tract I of ih and welig nN building sn Mu w= the proven and success: ful kind ha are a real help to frail, rid own skinny men and women. oe these ei ani Shaient a days ¥ A Julie your money will a kL nda, w One woman gained ton pounds in twentystwo days, Sixty abe, ow cents = Eeanamy size A Tuey & Lovell, T\ R, Wheto Ww, Sete Rat, bi - ee formula on each ' » The Women's Corner Vor Abyibing of In of Interest to the Homemaker and the House WIN GOLD MEDAY, girl oMaining the best standing, unique aehlevement for three members of one family, Top, Kathe leon; loft, Agnes; vight, Mary, who received her award Friday night at. Humbererest school grads uates' reunion and hanquet, PRINOHSS LINES A charming adaptation of Prin. ces lines in black crepe satin that emphasizes slenderness through panel front and back of akirt, The clever out of hodiee with slight blousing at either aide and awathed effect through walstline, " Sthestaly lovely for woman of larger figure, The round neckline ahows new lingerie touch in sory Alencon lace collar, and ia eo led with tie that uses the walt pide of erepe, The sleeves ave ever BO AmArt 'with flaring outfs that fall over wrists, It's an opportunity! Style Ne, 708 Ia dengue In alses 14, 18, 20 at #6, 38, 40 and 42 inchea -- aa, You find hy aking of AMAL dress the most XI imaginable, ore Are many other faseinat- i SX Quite as suitable, classroom and genus oral occasions, a featherweight Noojen in plum shade with collar of self-fabric finished with plu Jen | ha o faille silk ovepe binding which ia vepeated In tie, ia cap: tivating, © Transparent velvet in tobacon brown, silk orepe in black with ogg-shell collar, printed velvet in tones and midnight blue orepe Marooain ohio, Pattern price 20 cents, tn stamps or coin (enln 1a preferved), Wrap coin earefully, We suggest that when you send for Batten, Ri uti 10 eentx Fal an of our new Fall and Wintee Fo: lon Magasine PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON AR RR TR Rd in yg BA ORY HER, TN LL FETLTLLLTATRANY AAAAALIA LE UECRSL AEE bist N. ARRAN RARAARRA RANA ERARA RIAA RRR RRR RAR Name Address Sow SER RR ARRAY LEAR ELL EN ah, Band Sab keeper NEW BRACRLWTS One bracelet Is smarter than many now, The wide, Jewelled bracelet, perhaps with onyx min. #led with rubles or emeralds and pearls In a favoriie, NEW "GLOVES livening gloves may he pale pink, pale flesh, cream, white and various off=whites, They are eight or ivi length, hut worn wrinkled at the wrist; SMART FROCUKS The smartest frocks for daytime wear are fp the new light weight tweeds, and they double thelr ohio by belts of leather, usually at leant three Inches wide, There is no denying the shie of hinck Jersey, Paris sponsors it and In practioally svery collection of Importance the frock of black Jersey haw a special place, It aps pears In several different versions, but the model seen most often Is the adaptation of a French model, in semi-princess froek with a helt At the natural walst line, and de- murs little collar and oufts of white plyue, EVENING WRAPS There's a preference for short length types of evening wraps in the new mode, Some coats, though, are long, pointed and flared, Nome are flared Just below the hips Varying lengths are seen in capes, CHIC HATH Fashions will see red this fall in Vie shape of many ohie hats, There are lovely deep plumish reds, soft rien erimsons with helge tones In them and some bright Hpstieks, With colder weather, nuts make an appreciable nutritive sontribu tien te the diet, A few peeans or almonds add much ta the average paling, GIVES RULES FOR MODESTY IN DRESS Australian Archbishop Lays Down Precepts To Be Taught marron Bydney, Auntie, Nov, 2-~In gorporated in a pastoral letter issed by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Sydney (Dr, Kelly) wre "rules for modesty in dress," formulated hy the Association of Roman Catholic Women, It states that the regulations are to be regarded as the precepts of the Roman Catholie church, and that this promulgation is to he en trusted to the religions teachers of the Roman Catholic girls The rules are as follows) (1) Girls aged from 4 to 10 years must wear dresses reaching to the knee, and sleeves at least to the el bow, (2) Girls aged from 10 to 14 years must wear dresses to not less than 2 Inches below the knee when sitting, and sleeves at lenst to the elbow (8) Girls and women aged more than 14 years (8) must wear dres ef reRching to at least 4 inches below the knee when sitting, (bh) must wear sleeves Including those of sports cos tumes, to the elhow, (¢) Must never weir V negks, (d) The sleeves of ey ening dresses must cover the shod er and pit of the arm, (eo) The netk of dresses In every case to be not more than 2 inches below the pit of the throat, (f) Transparent material for dresses to be rigidly excluded un loss worn over a non-transparent slip, (g) Vleshecoloured stocking not to be worn, (h) Bathing costumes to consist ol two pieces costume reaching to the knee, Heagh robes, olosed from neek to knee, are al wiys th he worn, (1) Bathers never to loiter in hathing costumes on the heach, or have photographs taken in bathing costumes I'he Association strongly condemns smoking and the of all intoxl Canta ULL HELPFUL HINTS COLLEGY GIVES Var the girl In sollege, things for her voom are always aceepiable, Little decorative aprons, lounging things, handkerchief cases, and whaohels and closet equipment are very nice things to stick into the corners' of hoxes that the family sends her once in 8 while, VALL CUNFAING If the autumn days bring dreari- ness into your heart, why not try cheering up your surroundings by putting gay curtains at the windows und gay lampshades on avery light, These two things ean do mors to make over a room than ons would dveam hefore trying it, NTIOKING WINDOWS If a window sticks, take hold ol the ropes at each side, draw them down as far as possible and let them snap, This is almost sure to jar the window so It moves easily CARE OF VURN When fur mets wet, don't dry it in a hot place, Hang it up in & wool dry room and let it dry as plowly as It Hikes, Whake out ae much of the moisture as possible first, Brush your furs fre quently, using a good stiff hrush If you have got a vacuum esleaney run it over them gently now and then CHAIR COVERS Many pattern companies now put ul patterns thalrs and davenports Measure your furniture before getting the pattern, And be sure te consult the pattern saleswoman about sine, If bought properly, they are easily and inexpensively made, COVER REMOVER There is an inexpensive little gadget on the market that lifts out theses pasteboard covers from milk hotties easily and expertly, The use of one prevents the maddening experience of squirting the tep eof the bottle all ever one's seif and the kitehen, to make covers for | "Weak iter . Operatioh "After having sn operation, | was very miserable, weak, nervels and very nest unfit to work, | sew Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and tried it end believe is helped me wonderfully, 1 have ne weak spells any more, the paine hove loft me and my nerves are much tine tor, | foal safe In saying Lydia Ks ) Pinkliam's medicines have helped me wonderfully, =Mm, Wm MW Besclualler, Box 143, Pmt Colborna, Omari "YER O: 1910-4 Lydia E. Pinkhan Veoetahle Compon { at Ht Mee Qur New all Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Bimcoe Bt, Nouth A are wore Sng yore lo thaw ever, Keg oy winh Lav! Not robbed of silky loveliness Saved from two enemies UARD sheer ailk o's lt G hom the two snoiniee of ol perth uP vos mE A Bay op ¢ The § firal enemy ia rubbing with cake y dims the soft o second enemy ve alkali in in so many Re des loa! SR Sonn of of TE Rd dt oo If it's safe in water--it's just as safe in Lux With ur nd 0 whether they are Limited, bhing. Tx tissuesthin d Juang no harmful alkali, ous things as new! kes, chips or cakes, Alkhli fades _-- Bow the very life of the ttive VUES Wn avoid all ruinous ore an. Lux five Tove Brothers the

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