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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, BY JANE DIXON Illustrated by Armstrong Perry CHAVIER 16 wad Gari, So dark that Raquel Rojo, drawn well back 1a & seat Lo- word the rear of Lhe car, Was no more' than & blur in the general gloom of the rain, . Sho was mind for the darkness Glad for the hase of alkali dust thet' Bung Jike » curtain between hor and t {ow pRssEnReTS, idly eurious ayes of fel ". Caitiomen, with hunched shoulders and gay . tel arabiets thet belied (he rb 1 tine of thelr trade, TWO op thee traveling sslesmen, the p thelr easy Atiing slo BA Deioned shoes, No wer men, Yes, the curtain of dust and dusk bung there providentialiy! These men, wits dulled, sense lose ged by sleep, did not notice her, fn {tsedt an omen of good report, Men always noticed Raquel, And remembered her, These men would ememher, tA wrapped her oloak of rasty Mack close around her and drew ail) further Into the, sent, Her cheek nestled against the fur of her 11ay, The fur was soft and silken and' caressing, Not so long Ago it had heen a young mountain-oat, walking In hidden places, furtive, waiting for the moment when it 108d give expression to its Hen hart. Been o she bad stalked, nd waiting, X an was on her shoulder, Aleut, nly?" fhe had expected this, Tt was (ime the lion purred, fhe raised her tage from the collar, but did sot change her position in the seat, "How oo does this train go?" she shed, y The conductor was A MAR, AS woh, to Raquel, fair game, He reacted instantly, an she Knew he would, to her intent, Nia round plus eyes, watery and ohronleall reddened hy alkall dust, stared, ihen wavered under the brilllanoy 1 her smile, i ilow far 8 it you was thinkin of goin't" he wanted to know, hin Prain muddled by & combination of the girl's question and her smile, His round eyes widened to thelr mits, Nomething seemed to hrush peross the face of the girl like a a, A had thal wipst 'away the ard brillianay of her, leaving In it Jase a steady glow, The spark! ug Slow of tire on fee, i) Logt was thinking of going to the ond of the world," she mid, Mer binck eyes regarded him sulmisatly, The bold curve of her red i it inte the pallor of her face. Nor teeth, blue-white gliatan: , and of an almost mechanien! larity, were pressed together, eo oonduoter thought of A» ntain-lion cub once left behind by & passenger, It was more than her coat whiep brought this b ack to hm, Ne had undertaken to make a housepet of the oud, The mont he had been able to coax from it was a reluctant compromise with bondage, Me pushed a battered blue eap pack from hia peitty brow, sorat- shee Bs head with blunt thumb 1] forefinger, "To the nd of the world, huh?" he sald, "Sorry, lady, but this train only Jou a far as Phoenix, Ari » ne. The gir! laughted, A smothered contralto laugh that invited him subtly te join in it, "Phoenix will do very Welle for a beginning," she sald' And began rummaging in her blouse for what the conductor supposed would be a reo plece white gastepoard, Instead, she drew out a roll of bills, The outs ter one, he saw, wag in three figur. oe and yellow, w "I was in such a hurry to start where I'm going," she told him, "I didn't even stop to buy a tloket." She unwrapped the cuter bili and extended 1t to Bim with a quek Yi Tenant change thin, Indy" b 'I can't oha y 1] wid, For all his conductors) barks (ng at other passengers, With the girl he was patient, almost apolos | hi gotle, "I'm so sorry," she sald. Wer black eyes Were at once appealing ad com "I haven't any: ng i URMOSRIALID te, hiubeolts quite undoratanda! 0 gir sonductor held out the bil, Tt tiuttered down inte her lap, "Mebbe pefore we git to the end o' the lane," he mld, | The wir! nodded, wrapped the bill around the roll in her hand, returned it to her blouse, The con: ductor had passed on, atlll worrys ne the back of his head with blunt thumb and forefinger, 8he was safe for the present, So far, it had been too easy, Men, She would have preferred to sharpen her wits on, this big booby of a conductor, hit per cheek again, 1 Rojos the rattletrap "train Ja0ross the Arizona desert to t, In fa stead was A golden coach, skimming a. long on Wi wheels, wn by hundreds i wumbled and stumbled, ris of smoke would he mount ng, Mellow? from shamyling adobe huts, wepink 1a the rae 'oan plok up the ehange | horas, by slapping tortillas, tndder for {ll«fampared man and spindly chile dren who would bolt them, glut wononaly, In ove such hut, most shambl fug of the lot, there would 1,8 won. der, consternation, violent oaths that ripped througn the open door, rattled the cracked eroakery on the orsgy table, sent the family cower: ing to cover, Pancho Roos, her father, would discover that whe, Raquel hed eld. ed him, Biipped out from under bis yeavy hand as nantly as he slip ped from the hand of the law, whieh long smo, she now knew, should have sent him to prison, Called himself a rovalotionist, Panoy name for bandit, Francisco Rojos, Bpanish gentleman hy hivth, Pancho Rojos, Mexiean bandit by rennon of Arink and a contract with the devil If they ever ald hands on Pancho across the horder fn Mexloo==a wall, a firing squad, They wouldn't walt for sunrise, Ma had escaped them ence, Rome Any they would get him, On one of those mine-raiding plundering ex: peditions he was forever plotting with greasy expatrintes, Peon! Luay==her tragic American moth. Oh, well, .. "The woman fa a fon," Mar lips framed tha thought, "Po siavaetn whine to that great brute of a Pancho." Young ¥miNo, her hrother, "Guesler! Another tortilin he will forget me" Younger Nosita, her sister? "A lump! Simpering at boys" Teall Jose, with the dreams In iis eyes, Her baby, Wer hahy broth. or, Mer throat tighten'1, Wer eyes wera misty, Bhe closed them to shut out the thought of little Jeno, When ahe opened them again the mist wag gone, A dervish dance was going on behind thelr black velvet, Transparent vvet at this moment, beoausa thers was no one to peer In through the windows of her soul, She war pleturing the expression on the face of NIL Johnson, the man she had promised to marry, when he found she had disappeared, Big dlundering ML, with hia slow oer, and ard-Boiled ns---- prevented his meking any progress with the window, "Porhaps we'd better let it go," said the girl, "It's cold out sny- how," That brilliant, plinding smile! IL gAYS him & queer feeling, As if he didn't want to be held by it, but couldn't help himself, He backed slowly out f the seat, TI Just the same," sald the girl, The conductor found himself on the rear platform of the ear, "By Jingo," he said, "1 forgot to tell her I got the change for that huudred-apot, Oh, well", ,, dis missing his Jaxness with a shro vood"planty of time before we git to Phoenix." Inside the car Magquel again had wrapped herself in her oloak and her thoughts, The hundr 1 dollars was hers, The conductor "I want that you should, will you marry me, little Raquel?" She feigned surprise, Tho wifi nies of bis surrender was, In truth, rather breath-taking, "Why... why, BIL" she maid, turning the glad Hight In her "ack oyes full upon him, pursing her red ips Into a pretty pouting mous "Y thought you were engaged, ,, that 19 I heard you are going to marry Lily" "Not wo's you eould notice 11, Ris voles rumbled up from his broad ohest, "Anna Mehlémmer's tola her ahout, ,..ve 1 out Iily oft my traf] last night," "Bat BIL", ,. working her slim soft hand under hig big horny one where it lay on the reins... .'"'If my..." "Forget IAly, It's you I mot to have, little Raquel," His voles was hoarse, Bhe could feel his hreath on her cheek, Biale tohaceo, Strong drink, She swayed toward him, We lifted her from her horse, placed her in front of him ginger. 1y, on his saddle, She dropped her head against his thumping breast #tale tobacco, Mirong drink, No deftly had she avoided his Wiss that he Ald not realize it had beep dented him, He stroked back the bisck satin of her hair, Tt snap- ped beneath his awkward touveh, There was an slectrie quality in ft, would return, but not for money, Her mind surned back to Wermoss, How had ghe come to pledge here nolf to M11 Johnson? | An whe recalled, It all came a~ hout through a morsel of gossip retafled by her mother, It was Sunday morning, and she was putting on her red silk dress cov otlonny alll, the feel of which frritated her, the effect of which plonsed her... getting ready for maea, She had wheedled enough nllver from Panaho, her father, to buy a oheap yellow cotton rose to pin on her old sun-burned red hat with the wide brim, Lucy, her mother, bare toes pro. truding through a pair of dirty white slippers, .. they had been Raquel's communion slippers... was poundipg up Pancho's bed tek, the only feather tiek in the family, Detween thuds she asked Raquel: Yau "now that Bi Johnson?" Naquel, preening before what re. mained of a broken mirrer, mur mured an answer that might have been yes and might have heen no, Her mother paused at her task, the hatter to accentuate the start! ing bit of InfBrmation she was a hout ta give, "He's bought ten acres aut hy Pueblo Crick, He's going to build A six-room wooed house on it fer Lily" i Ih "Remember, Raquita, mia, You are to walt for me..." of |#pesch and hia elephantine attempts at lovemaking, To Bill she was & fractious tilly which, once hridled, could be made to go through Ite paces, When Rill learned she had kicked her way out of hin vorrale Raquel's white 'teeth caught at her under lip, She must not laugh aloud, She would attract attention, Jack Farrell, What was Jack doing now? she wondered, Wanting her==yos--an she wanted him, He seemed so olose, so real, that she might easily reach out and touch m, Touep hin lean brown cheeks with the hollows In them, Run her fingers along the waves of hig hair, orlsp and thick, like fine copper wire, Reach on tiptoe for the kim he must bend his head to take, Lean brown, laughing brown, Jack Man veil, Farrell had not lnughted tho. ugh when he had lifted her to her watohed her ride out Into the night. Mig hands hurt her, Hin ipa elung. " ember, Raquita are to walt Ne, The golde oh with the wing od wheels | feh Raguel had been ing J to a top. fhe rain a was baak on Abe rattietrap goin, A fresh cloud of alkall dust uffed in at the far end of the ear, The conductor had returned, He wax coming toward ber, along the alse, u -- RE CRAPTER 11, VL YT Raquel felt, rather than saw, that the conductor of the train meant to stop at her meat, 8h» turned, began husylag hersel! with the ear window. She had declded, for no reason other than the sport mia, you "n % | of moulding thin man to her will - AY ) that she "beat" her way to Phoenix, ¢ "1 guesa 1's stuck, fady" wid the conductor, "Let me try it." He moved into the neat, began wrestling with the obatr:perous window, A taint pervasive perfume was ia his nostrils, So unlike the orders of sweat and sheepskin and unwashed bodies to which he was aceustomed that it distracted him, Raquel was so sstonishag abe dropped the yellow rose she was trying on her red hat, YA frame house!" she exclaimed, "Hix rooms!" "So Lily says. Johnson's aiming to marry Lily" "That woman! Patches of paint caked on her face and, , , and vo ttraw hale? Why a blanket tent'd be good enough for her!" Raquel protested indignantly, "You can't figure men," Her mother's vole sank to its tiresome monotone, "Johnson's & smart one too, Me's the richest man in Wer lose, We could do better than Aly, The richest man And Lily, the woman whe screech od silly love songs and got men to buy drinks In Keno Joe's place, A six-room frame house for her, Rae quel decided that the yellow rose should go under the brim of the red hat, Just behind her left ear, fhe must hurry or would de late for mass, After mass abe wae going to meet Bill Johnson, It had been several ke bee fare that Lily vered that Johne SON 'Was not ding aa much time aa he pretended on his ranche on alonk the Rio Grande. Me wan riding or walking with Raquel or sitting with her in front of her fathar's hut in the moonlight. Mrs, Schlemmer, who bedded and boarded cattle men and ftinen ant travelers drifting into Wermoes, gave Lily the facts, Mrs Soh lem mer had them from her daughter, Anna, There was a scene between Lily and Johnson then, A seene which echoed through gambling Cone and tequila parlors of Wermosa, and trickled oyt tnto the adobe kit. ohens, h wore three deep weratohen across hie Dlult red face, "Look lke you'd been fightin wildcat," Raquel remarked a she vode with him inte the desert straight toward the flaming cauld ran of the setting sun, i Johnson grunted, Wis eyes were sullen, \ "Listen, baby." he sald, sudd in Rermos, (To he continued) CATTLE DRIVE IS "wowtward to the extensive ranges, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 PAGE SEVEN UNDERWAY IN B.C. Cowboys Herd Beef on the] Hoof to Shipping Points Williams Lake, B.C, Koy, % m= The great sununl hee! drive of the Cariboo end Clifleotin country is on, and a few hundred thousand hoots wre pounding the roods to Williams Lake, gateway and ship ping point for British Columbia's mont, extensive cow country, lying hetwaen Clinton and Quesnel and On that Immense expanse at ols vations varying from 2,000 to 4,000 fest nhove wen lavael, there ure enttle ranches many timas larg: or than the whole aren of Creat. or Vancouver; and it ranks first tun among similnry tracts of eown- (ry anywhere on the North Ameri. oan continent, or for that matter nnywhera in the world, And from now, In enyly fall, un. (11 middle December the round-up In on, and British Columbia's heeft harvest 1x coming intn the mars kat. hy every road that leads to rill, Cowboys are viding the rang and some time on for days on end, slesping where they stop each night, we they herd the cattle to main assembly points, Cars containing buyers for the paeking-houses onl peross Lhe landscapes trom he ranch to wi other, und purchases Tuning nto many thousands of. dollars nrg made in an hour or two, | This 18 not aiways dong by pay ing top price per pound on the hone for a herd "ss 18," On the con trary, the usual practice is a quick wppratgement of the choles heasts, | und segregation of the vest of the stock Into second and third grades, rating dowp u cent, and wometin es us mich # cent and a half per pound, Ranchers say this diserine- ination fk more frequent this year and one may hear much eriticism of It," There are new faces among the buyers, und some stock hreed- | ors muy thers in considerable mu- | tun! understanding among them; or at lent far more than thers Is among the breeders themselves, J rrmp---- Lord Ebbisham tells that "It | silld that Mussolini wap present ai same function with the being of ho the king drop | ped his h beret Mussolini | stoopped quickly rotyrned it, fo) which the ling hig his thank profusely, almost pobtedly, "Some on Him wh he wos sn glad to get his handler | chief back, "IT was delighted, You | nee, It is the only think belt that | nm allowed to put my nose into" Inter Take Off Over-weight Modern science says suger sup plies energy that lets you carry on wiih tions food and sefely reduce we Ll] WRIGLEY'S Is pure chicle, sugar and flavor. Chewing the chicle dissolves the sugar and releases the flavor, in this pleasant way you get needed body fuel and reduce WRIGLEY'S au -- al Rur denly reaching out and catehing the | voins of the bridia from her hand infoWINTER 202i / WING through the changing seasons confidently with the correct grade of Red Indian Motor Oil in your ear! Red Indian is the steady choice of thousands of oll-wise car~owners in every part of the Dominion, Its superior lubricating power and high even quality have won for it an unsurpassed success. Stop in at any Red Indian Station to-day. Let t your crank-case e operator drain d refill with the correct grade of Red Indian. It will mean 'deiving-ease for you as winter comes | * ' w * RED INDIAN Glycerine or Alcohol 'W is the $ime to 'safeguard your oar dgainet the danger of a freesceup. Ask the Red Indipn Station oper« ator for Red Indian radiator gly- cerine or alcohol. Whichever you prefer, they ate both available at 'all Red Indian stations. RED IN MOTOR OIL A MSCOLL~ FRONTENAC MeCOLL FRONTENAC OIL CO., LIMITED, Offices and Plants at WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VANCOUVER, TORONTO and MONT Distribution warehouses at other convenient points \ } oy nN 2 ' Rn 114 CT ~ Li 3 - 4 x Ki a mm » x t i EEE HES e stun REAL

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