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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 | EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| GOI/E BREAKS MAN'S ARM Cherry Valleys=My, Karl Brim- mell, Cherry Valley, sufiered a braken arm when a (hres-yenr-old whleh he was lending, reared, Wing My, Brummell's arin with the torefeet, LINEMAN INJULEN THUMB Mille Roches While sawing n pale on "Fussday My, George (ows sell, Hneman of the Bi, Lawrence Power Company Idmited, suffered a paintul injury when he aceldent lly nearly severed the end of his thimb on (he left hand, nesessiiie ting neveral stitohes to elose the wonnd, id CONNIRUCT #PUR LINK nEstON==1t was leavied (hat the Canadian National Railways has ealled for (enders for the ves aonstruetion of thelr new line trom Collin's Bay to connest with the spur Hine that is to he run nto the new elevator at Tiitle Gatavaqul Bay and that tenders will clogs on the 16th of the month, THINVES ROB AVIATONN Pweed, Nov, i---An Ontario Vors estry Department two-sealey plane Ianded on the lake here las Hil urday and vemained over night, When the flies wenl down on Bunday morning to vesiimsg dhely flight, they found that someans had heen thers before them and carried off thely helmets, goggles and hn det of ear phones, CORNWALL CURTOMS INCIKARE cui Cornwall==During the month of Ootober eustoms eollections al Cornwall Ineveased hy move than $18,000 over the previous month showing an Increase In the fmports of the country, That month #i4, 066.86 $81,601.60 in Beplember, A Vouy ABO, BER UBL UE Wis Yeu: ed, and in that month there was thee per sent, miles Lax, tnstend of two per gent, ae il present, ferramnm---- VONT. BWI BEQUIKKD Kingaton-=Haev, ©, Wallarsone Smyth, rector of Bi, John's Ani Hoan Chureh, Vressolt, Bunounoed in the Journal, of that town, thal he "wants a fonl-ewer Lo cary wi ter for haptism, He is plek of using a milk-Jug, He hus opened A fupd to gel one If averyhody who hag heen baptised 86 Bt John's would give 6 cents apiece on thely own hehalt or on hehalf of thelr ehildven; the thing would goon he seeomplished," LAYING UP BOATH Kingston Bouts of the Hell fleet will commence laying up In Ogdensliirg next Hid marking the beginning of the clogs of the navigation season on the BL, Laws vance river, A few ofgthe honts are expected to sontintie In wer vies a little longer, this wepson, Fowaver, As usigl the bhowts will ha mnoved at the Hall soul dey viek throughout the coming mons the, 1aeh ship will he tended hy a keeper, A marked falling off in viver Lrafiie had heen notiteahls on the Bt, Lawrence during the past month and practieally all fralght ere will ha tied up for the winter auring the next three weeks, JUDGMENT RESERVED ON "Ly U0 A CHARGE Cornwall == Judgment wan re narved hy Magistrate J, ¢, Milligan in Police Court yesterday in the ease of Wrnest Tunions, ehnyged with lguer in a pace other (hin Wis private vesldence, The charge was laid by Provipneial Constable Jaok Harry, When the ease was ealled yes Lerday, hoth Crown Attorney J, Harkness, who prosecuted, and I, Gogo, for the defence, ngrend to aocept evidence Maken In Polles Court on Heptember 11 on a selling Hauer, Huniong in the pros prietoy of the hotel an the provi onl Hehway Just west of Cornwall, known as "Henle's Places," PICTON VOTER AMONG OLDEST IN PROVINUE Ploton=--=0né of the oldest volerd in the provines on Wednesday win A Ploton votars=Danlel Mrintor aged 108 years Mr, Printer enjoying fal health in splie of hig many years Ha eatd and sleeps well and oun veeall many interesting evenis of is Ea bygone days, He recklled the time when My, Anderson was elecled MPP, Me, Anderson at thet time ved at Warings Corners snd he did not show up In Lown, se 8 procession was formed and he arowd marvehed oul te mest him, My. Printer recalled, the sleotion when MoCunlg, Wows and Aroh ware elected (o hls Igininture, Mr, Printer in a strong Conservative, w-- MOTORINIS INIUKED Phetnn On Mhuysday wight Mowurs, Guo, Ovens and Bert Hind. ley were injured tn & motor ne adent on the PletonsCherry Valley vord, oppasite the Huhbs evapors hoy Mr, Ovens was driving toward Platon, und Ldoyad Ostrander (os wirds Cherry Valley followed hy Handley, The frst two ears eols ied, whereupon the handley snd Oven chives plied ut saeh other, My, Ovens vesalved injuries to his knees und leg, and Handley to his Hp, 16 Is raporied, All thires oars were considerally Anmaged hy tha collision, the Handley aay not helng worth res valving, OVFEIE UNIQUE PLEA Cornwall Willlam Parking, Cheslarville, offered wn unique exe planation for ehnoging a ples of not gully on a charge of being Intoxlonted In ehavge of an witos mohila, when he appeared tn Volos Court yesterday mornng before Mugintrate J, C, MUHgan, Ho wan sentenced to weven days In Jall, tha mintmum penny whiey oun he tmposed far the alfence "1 plead guilty, Your Worship," Parking stnted when arraigned, "What do you mean?" the Mage Intrate queried, YYou pleaded not Killty when you came hefore me Mond and now you plead Kutle "Iodidn't understand what ine togleated" meant tn the charge," Perking explained VETHHRANS MAKE MODEL OF HATTLEVINLD Cornwall Hooulling the days npent' in Flanders and the many Canndians who were killed dur ing the Creat War Leonard Tye wind BD, BH, Robb, of Post &§ of the Canadian Leglon have decorated the window of Charlebois' eonfee tlonery store (o represent a hatlle field, Whh ald of clay, they have made no minfature of the front Hus, and have made It realiste with trenches, harh wire, toy soldiers, and nlrplanes In one earner ol the window are several orosses, one for each Comwall man whe wis killed overseas Un the alde of the window are elghiesn large grosses wity tha names of each of the battles that the Canadians took Part In Vimy Hidge 1s represent gd' on the olay outline The re malndap of the window Is decorated "% 4 Day Special in Wallpaper Bundle Lots for Clearance Actually less than Manufacturer's cost and simply because their pats terns have been discontinued, yet this does not detract from thelr ex» cellent quality and beauty of coloring and design, We need the room and rack apace for our new stock, so will clear balance of this year's stock in room lota at lesa than remnant prices, If you see these values you will want more than ene bundle ALL SIZES OF BUNDLES FOR THE SMALLEST TO THE LARGEST ROOM OR STAIRWAY See our windows for a sample of the values Sale Starts 9 a.m, Wed,, Nov. 6th and Ends 10 p.m, Nov 9th FOR EXAMPLE Bundle lots regular $3.68 will be sold at Bundle lots regular $13.60 will be sold at $3.95 200 Different Lots to Choose From PATTE'S 88 Simcoe St, North 98 Established 1871 I i MH | J. TRICK Ii I ® Thedeal setting for the home beautiful ( --- FEE 0) RR OA J AA Oshawa, Ontarie | | COMPANY, LIMITED Phones 230 & 187 MLLER ALIN 15AvE MONEY TAmitoy H A L L IDAY Company 16 Anckeon BM HAMIL/EO wiht flogs and pletures of His Mujosty King George V and Lhe late Vigld Marshall Karl Halg, SASKATCHEWAN LIG. NITE MAY BE MADE INTO BRIQUETTES Winnipeg, Mitty, Nav, B=Vros pects of extensive development of the Hgnite fields of the Bien area i Kaskatehewan, through briguets tng, wre seen by O, Reynard, B.A, (Cantab), VLC, consulting engineer of London, Eng, Mr, Reginald vis Jed Winnipew alter un tensmonth study of conditions, Ihe process of converting the Vg: lite bite the more high-grade fuel in twolold, Mr, Kaynard explamed, I wonsists 'really of the munufietiys ng of eoke, frovular cola then hus ig converted Tinto straetursl form The London engineer belleved that dimieulties in eonneetlon with the suceessiul briguotting had been over COM "I'ie briguetted produet," he com mented, Iafould replace on the Ca nadinn market a great desl of the lump coke now hol imported," "Ladies and gentlemen" announced the MC, halfway through the pros firm, I ovegret to announce that the ig Bht of the evening 1s off, as the contestants for the hele have quarrelled." champlonship mee m---- KACHANGY Taoronta, Nov, b With hoth the New York and the Montreal mar ef closed, the Toronto stock ex shane moved under Hs awn power today and gave a dull and Vstiess diaplay, Prices ware sasier but re gesslons wera not Jars International Nlekel and Walk Gre were the mont potive les es The former suffered a loss of 14 points nt BE, while the latter eased oat 114, after opening une hanged at 1% Braghinn was gulel with a turnover of less than 1,000 shaves The stoek sold off a point at AN Ford Motors sold unehanged at 10 Of the olls, Weltish Amerioan and Hupertest were off one point each at A714 and 274 respectively) Im povial wis steady at 00 and Inter national! Pete wan off § at 20 Massey Harvin was an exeaption to the seneral trend, selling up 14 points at 44} Other price changes Inoluded Laura Bacord off 1 at 08] Hamilton Heide off 6 at 00) Canada Vine gar off 1 at U1; and Loblaw "A up § at 10) TORONTO NTOUK ------ NTANDAIRD MINING Taranto, Nov h Prices din played an easter trend In this marning®s dull session of the Nan dard Mining Fxehange Lionnen were general throughout the Hat Howe Gold and Manitobn Basin provided a good share of the sem plon's turnover The former nold off 1 at 80, while the latter firmed URL Noranda and Faloonbridge were apain the subject of profitstaking and sold down 60 and 81.40, ve apeotivaly at 26.80 and T.78 Hud huey Basin receded 60 at 6.80, Took Mughes wan steady at B70, and Amulet eased 8 at 3,07 The alls were quiet Alay wan unehaneed at LAR Calmont sased a6 at 1.087 Mayland wan off 168 at BAHL Associated O11 declined 8 at 1.807 Calgary and Bdmonton eased 20 at B28 Dalhousie reced od 22 at 1A Bast Crest wan off A at 1.00 Other price ehanges tnoluded: Hudaon Ray off 60 at 13,00; Pend Ovellla off 10 at 241,001 Ventures off 28 at 4.781 Mining Corporation off 10 at B60 and Bherritt Gown don off 18 at 4.80, TORONTO LIVENTOOK Toronto, Nov, Le lottsovers on the Dominton Livestock ¥Wxehange today totalled 2,600 head, Cattle trade was slaw, with butoher eats NXCHANGHE tle prices 280 lower for the waek Good ateqrs and heifers sold fram $5.80 to 30.00, Good huteher poww sold steady, Calves were steady at $15,00 to $10.80 tor oholes, Home wera unsettled with daoks er bidding AY fob, for bacon aw $11.50 otf ean 3 Lamba opened steady at 811.98 for mood ewer"and wethers, Rheep steady, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnines, Nov, 8 Wheat! Nov 94 to 14 lower at 1820 to 183M Doe, 13 10 § lower at 188 te 101° Mav, 11 to 3) lawer at 141} to 1400: July, & lower at 141, Oats: Dee, § lower at 88) May, to 1 lower at RR} to 8%, CHICAGO GRAIN OPRNING Ohtearn, Nov, F«~Wheat: Dee, 1.8000 Mar, L800: Carn Deo, £9) Mar, MI} Oat, Dee, 48) Mar, 81), ; CHICAGO GRAIN Chivas, Nov, §.-8harh new aethacks th wheat values here went hand In hand with Liverpool ane tations much lower than leaked for, Ruving support for the Ohi. CARD WMATKE! Wak slaw in develop and prices displayed hat Httle paws oF to mally, Opening Le to 24e L, Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets BUY == HAW Mid Maw wis INK prices loi CU TORONTO HAY AND Whalssnle usuisie hay quatiug ushers the 7) 1] tf fe" y 16. " fy / ai 1 y Jo Vr ed (re a Conia MIUW, PRE VN ipiiiiitiin Ml an w lad, 1m boii BH 10,00 y boost, Is Guted wt $19 $40 wer funy delivered, TORONTO PRODUCE Taromie whi fogs deuisin ais ullaiing pro: dues to i} aleve at the lellewing wile PA y Viash, snting, In cartons, Ges fresh wniinn, loons, G6; Niet, boone, B46 seconds, Me, Blorags suns, sxiins Ad) hrats, 4s) se ining, Mn Tater Na, 1 erenmery, minis, 436; Ne, Lh faninery fine, Ale Til Pris wine, Lay twins, 0 1dey tiplein, 2464 Milka, 76, OM, fg F iwiie, #0 Lider triplets and suite, Msi wh ations, Ble, CULE Chickens, § he, 00 orien i) oy 4 08 BI NII rH Wy UT TAA Duy wider 4 hae goiniveine i" Hani over bh "7 LR fro BI sii a ERRREE " rr -------- TORONTO PROVISION RICKS alwonle deuies wirasesd eee i Ign to the trpdei nile Hew n 4 i" -- fms hdl Wy Jo JN kd To nM wlle, oi in ii jhe VeAmanted, W te Asi do, spkad 45 to Ale Ki meptae long clear A 0 to 90 lhe, Bie) fl k HARA A role, 40, LAW Lard Five (loreas, + 1 i he Hie ay mally fo CU ne tisrces RA AY 6) tine, 1/6 v In | 14 10 Lhe tuba, 4 rity 1h, urls Jone, Shi New York shoulders 18s) pork butts, Bde) pork hams, He, m-- FARMERN MARKET Thi allow re guetations, retall, In eNest on fie df wine market, Furanta | rodues y Hn 0 0) A 0" 0 Kgun, onions, por dasen ior [if Arate, fr OORBH sri rinn Wig Plat BREED iiiiinine Butter, dalvy, pee pougd oie i Mal, iby JU" I rite an ogetablon rilchokes, 6 ut, ' III Stock Market Marked Bummary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Block Quotations Supplied by Nioble, Vorlong and Co, hard ids iin Honin, 1 ' ' on Prices down, Chioago whest later suffer od additional pronounced breaks, sora, outs and provislons were also weak, with corn starting "oe to Mo off, and subsequently continu Ing to point downward, TORONTO High Low Of AN LEM a ATW go 10% TREN ul uh a8 LL) 18 4h gy 1% ab Mook He, A Hrael) Can, dnd Can, Ned Cookegutl Uy, Dry, D, Mean, Dom, Mim Gypsum H, Walk Ham, Hrd I, Ue, It, Nk! It, Pat Ind, Alco Loh, "A Maw, Hani MeColl |) Pre, Hy, 104 phawnun, Nb NM, Miatlon 60 Miandad 147 LN pid fem 0% | 47% 10% 8 Wu My 186 160 FEL ih T50 180 {hh Alo LEA0 Abana Aux Amul al Hig Miu Oh, Res bm, Ma Faloon, Holl dle, ON Howey LL! LL Hd, Hy, 1450 137 Kt, Fir n hy Noran dan duon Hh, Gy hou {40 id, Ma LET) hyo I's, Hy LRA alo Ventures H00 100 Wr, Hr, 140 184 Walnwell 14 1] ih aun hl Nib nil LAH I Plan Treaty To Help Business (Ry Tanadion Prose Losasd Wire) Paris, Nov, §,==A general treaty bhetwesn the principal powers of the world, the underlying principle of which in the elimination of vexs Atlona to foreigners establinhed in business abroad as a preliminary 10 POrRnent peace, was the subs 100L of discussion at an Interna. dena convention opening here to. aay, General discussion of the probs loma affecting forelgners in buals ness which was begun this afters noon Will precede close examina: ton of a draft treaty hy selected committees, Many LatineAmerioan republics are represented at the conference, G, A, Gordon, fim seoretary at the American ems basiy, In representing Washington, Soaks RightIn And Limbers Up Stiff Joints Sully swollen, inflamed, rheumatic joints should bo treated with a rem ely made for just that purpose only, Remember the name of this discov ety 18 Join-Base and that its made in Canada, 10 Rill take out the agony, veduee the swellig and lber wp any troubled Joint alter ordinary ouves ally have miserably fated, Just rah i on=000 a tbe at Jury & Lovells, 8 King 3t, Eo» or any draggist = ask for ont Base 'webs in joint m, 80 10 7 fia i i i Wrsssln wp Vi, gl Culling Cmilihowe rare Onions' rr, Hot, ba LL live, CY Wy pe Wolivinams, {emi Totti gan, 6 ol, Yok whims, Cucumbers, Colery, dis Balubly, wi Cornel rule, Ainiles; oh Livken huni ALU Ailes, EAMY Vast 10,70) { Mi hiuher § SOA mu fu $y Hecelplu Mendy, wal seers Wkly 1n 8 TOW LL who ities nd mostly in BAM Crain de aul Iotinee Vuraley, wee " CIrunmbe, per Ouse siriiriieins SLT a TT Signin, yer fu ' lice, h LLU LL LD Cinnilisivies, iin, Lurnphpn, Wl vovvevvnninnnrenns hin Julieta, Nov A» Neco Iie x BOWh, il hi lode, B11 to B14; sommin wieers and hell Hecelpin ol & oil § id (Ty ; and medium 910.50 "10 wenipin ol Fee, 6001 Tumbin wotive, Ss higher | owes, 8 -- TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Jeddo Coal THE PEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Tweaty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES Fis, Gy seer rinne shel ae rie IT ree le mou PEE pn srieeies thes laf ssi01 & #4 lor iu ' PERRY Reine fi "ut Vat erry byneh 41000 8 TR TIT wa 108 4000s it haskst 6 gh vin 0, " win or Whe vies naan wee V8 S------ BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK of hogs, etl i ver etive, MH 10 lf 160 tu 480 fhe, $1010 fo ly $10.1 wo 180 hey 0,70 g, 1 hy aitle, 20004 ow | wenerally iy aieers tending lower; gol doar ings, $IAB0 1g Bid, spr AM Mealy gravsers and short a $10,804 eho own, V7 te vy Wrades, M45 1a #07), ™ o! veulers unehan A Hh ta M71 common 14,8), : Ihe Amerigan gom=No, & yellow, $108 1:4) (ull vill delivered, "Toranta Irelght), Millfeed, delivered, Montreal frei his, bags Included «Wan, per ton, $35.25; sharls, pe fan, $47.4 middlings, $44.25 feat, di 25 to 81.08; oats Ontario grain-=W HN ta Mei harley, 74 ta Tbe; vye, Bl 10 8 to Wie $08 buckwhest a Trade are making the following quotations od 10 choles, 413 for enr lots Manitahs wheat=8o, | north i ad 0025 10 #050; Tar] erm $1405 Ne & waghier, § A Na, & a A, 0.301 No, 5 $1.40; Nu ¢ "wo 1.01 § 6d, Os (dds UCoderich and Day jain) Hani ataNo, 1 feed, 67 Jdej No i fond Me, i 1 wlars on the Toronte Board of EN . WT 7 misery getv out guick! WINTER TIME GOODRICH TIME Once a year is often enough for the head of the family to have to think about winter footwear, You will find if you make one job of it outfit the family at "one fell swoop" you'll save a lot of time and trouble later on, not to mention the factor of insurance to your, family against illness caused by wet or cold feet, ~=And this will be particularly true if you make your purchasee at the store which handles the Goodrich line. A GOODRICH OVER SHOE OR RUBBER IN STYLE AND WEIGHT TO MEET &VERY woo NERD + AND IT «VERY THERE IS There was a time when overshoes and rubbers" were so awkward in appearance and indefinite in quality that most people considered them a necessary evil, But ever since Goodrich brought out the Zipper overshoe there has been a steady improvemeqt in style and quality, Today you can get a pair of Goodrich rubbers or overshoes ™. . from graceful Goodrich Zippers to heavy top boots | . . that you may well be proud to wear, And when they bear the name Goodrich you can be assured of not only graceful design but also, perfect protection from all moisture, coxy warm feet and wearing quality that will surprise you, The Canadian Goodrich Company, Limited, Kitchener, Ontario, FOR PROTECTION AND COMFORT iL

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