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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 a ad The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, sl Gasette and Chr and news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office, at w=Tolophone 23==After Business Hours--~'Phone 369, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H., ORMISTON CHIEF ASKS FOR EXTRA OFFICER FOR NIGHT DUTY Cays Crime Is on the In- crense and Citizens Are Not Fully Protected Chief of Volloe Herbert Cungon asked the Town Council on Mon« day evening to give the citizens hatter pollee protection, during the hours of darkness by the appoints ment of an additional constable whose duty It would be to make continuous tours of all parts of the town on a Weyels, The request of the Chief wis based on the fact that there has been alarming num» ber of thefts committed In this distriet In recent months, no fewer than five places being broken Into over the week-end In Whithy, The Chief pointed out (hat while he worked long hours, and had assists ing him Provincial Constable Mit oghell part of the time, only the oentral portion of the town had pos Hes protection after ten o'clock at night, He pointed out further that Bowmanville now had three men, also on aggount of po many men a al ™ WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION "EXCEL" POLICY we BENEFIT See $3,000 at death from natural causes, $6,000 at death from accident, #30 oe month and #3,000 at death for total and permanent Be miums ot lf Isability, No Medical Bx. amination for Yaaloct male risks" from 13 to 43, Specimen Rates for $3,000 Ar Rate fes-- LTV! »n 4 66,00 LM being out of work Wm the district, there was likely to he an Inereass the number of erimen commitied 1! i winter, Jouneil was of the opinton that what the Chief suid was correct, The oitigens did not sppear to have piifleient protection at night, and there was almost sure Lo be more crimes committed In these parts during the winter months, The re quest was referred to the finance sommittes for consideration and A special meeting may be called to deal with It soon, le: DEATH SUMMONS WHITBY MERCHANT Thos. B. Jones Panes Away in Toronto After Brief lines Thomas NB, Jones, well-known Whithy business man and highly esteemed citizen, passed away In Toronto on Munday afternoon nfier a very brief {liness, The end came quite unexpectedly to the members of his family, The news of his passing has caused genuine and widespread regret throughout the od wha Sof Oshawa, town, The late Thomas BN porn in London, England, ond son of Daniel and Mrs, Jones, of Trenton, one of a family of name to Canada In 1010, Jones was the neo the Inte Ont He 14, and or a 2 short time he conducted a florist wiskiness In Cedardale, now a part and In 1016 opensd a business fn Whithy which he car vled on successfully until the time of his death, The deceased took a very keen Interest In loonl affairs, and for many years he was aotively engaged in the work of the former Whithy Noard of Trade, He was ona of the first to Join when that body was re-organired and ohung od In name to the Chamber of Com. Mares over i Your ngo Ho wis an active member of the Whithy Howl ing Club, Just a year ago his wife passed away In Whithy Although not identified with any fraternal organisation In this coun try, he was for many years in the old land a very active member of the Good Templars, helng a mem ber of Riar of Richmond Hill, Hur rey, Lodge, Decensed 1a survived by his only son, Btanley, of Whithy, his father, Daniel Jones, of Trenton, foul brothers and elght sisters The funeral takes place Wednes day afternoon from Toronto to the Union Cemetery, I Your Eyes and Our Service! By W, A. Hare, 8 Bond St, E, THE LADIES COMPLAIN That the eyes In thely needles get smaller and smaller with the yoars, These are middle aged ladies, Onoe they could thread the smallest needle with ease, Now, they look for the needle with the largest oye, The correct mlnsses overcome this annoyance, We oan oquip these complaining Indies wo they may again sew (or read) with pleasure, | COUN. BROUGHTON HAS RESIGNED Hi SEAT IN COONGI Says His Name is on Petition for Annexation to the Township «Counelllor Charles WW, Brough ton tendered his resignation to the Town Council at its meeting on Monday evening, The resignation wi handed to Mayor Dudley and round hy His Worship just before Counell adjourned, Kxplaining, Councillor Broughton sisted that he was worry to take this action, hut it had to be Inasmuch an his name would appear on an appliens tion being made by certain farm land owners in the town to the On. tario Rallway and Municipal Hoard woeking annexation to the Town ship of Whithy, The applioatior was now ready for his signatures Councillor Broughton added, ans he felt that In view of thess ol cumstances he should withdraw from the Council Board, Mayor Dudley expressed regrel that Counelllor Broughton oould not wee his way clear to remain on the Council even under the olrs oumatances he had outlined, Hin Worship felt that Counelllor Broughton had glven satisfactory worviea to the town while on the Counell Hoard Town Clerk John WN, Frost ex plained that If a member of Coun oll resigned after November 1st it WHE not necessary elootion Deputy-Heeve 14, Bowman In troduced a motion that My, Brough ton's vrestgnation he pecepted with ragret, and that this Counell exe press Its appreciation of the wsers vices he han vendeved during his tenure of oes Councillor Broughton the Chamber when this was voted on and earried mously, NO BOOTLEGGERS IN WHITBY SAYS CHIEF OF POLICE had lefl motion unani | Denies Rumors Before Council That the L.C.A., Is Not Being Enforced Calling Chief of Police Herbert Gunson -hefora the Councll Hoard on Monday evening at the regular mesting, Mayor Dudley informed hm that he had been Informed several times that he was not per forming his duties In connection with the enforeement of the Liquor Control Act, His Worship asked the Chief If this was the case, and invited him to submit to the Coun ofl Information as te what extent the Aot wan being enforced looally Ohlef Gunson In reply stated that Ao far thin year his department had oolleoted fines totalling $2,070, of which $1,800 was for Infractions _. 150, Why Pay Rent? A new six room house for sale, in eastern section, handy to Motors, Two large finished amte bath, bulltsin cupboards, ete, arranged, ate down payment, ma rooms in atte, oak floors, sep Double garage, Moder FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL 3126) It's Not Too Early to Have Your -- Christmas to hold a new. $35 to $50 other, rectly cut, ing, value, of the Lior or Control Act, whit wie more than collected for infractions of all other laws, Including town bylaws, The Chief did not think that there was a place In the town where a person could go and get Hguor A aystematie search had heen made of several places, one in partioular where there was suppos® od to he a big exal trafe, no Haquor was found, The homes of all foreigners had heen visited, and only on Munday moming a party had heen hroken up, where, however, no bhooss could be found The Chief did not think there wus A hootlegger In the town, Hae was endeavoring to enfores the Act and to this end had enlisted the ald of the Provineial police What a Woman Wrote Reeve J, M, Kenny stated that he Hke the mayor had heard similar rumors, but he was pot successful in Induelng people spreading them to come to Councll and lay a coms plaint, One woman, who did not slgn her name, had written to him to way that the ohlef was getting 210 a week for protecting a place where boose was sold, Ohlef Gunson pointed out the difoulty in securing the very es nontial evidence of sale, A man would have 30 In his house With Hguor but an actual sale must be witnessed to secure a conviotion, Coune, W, J, Davidson thought that many of the rumors were started hy people who saw oon mregations of people at certain houses, He agreed that specific evidence was necessary for a cons viction, Counolllor Reld had no use for people who complained about the Ohlef and were not prepaved to back them up hy coming to the Counetl, It people who spread such rumors did not have the facta they should not speak at all, Councillor Reld atated that these rumors, coming clove on the heels of an election, made It RPPOAr Ax Kome POTHOR WAR ROT, Mayor Dudley was of the opine fom that the Chief waa trying to do his work well, He thought it wan wise, however, to hring the Connells attention to what ha had heard in order that matters might LOOK YOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LAPEL IN THE POCKET Dressed up like a Circus Elephant FUN O be overdressed Is far worse than being shabby, To wear fine fabrics is everyone's right. To wear fine fabrics , , , poorly cut . + , Is the unforgivable sin, Correct cut , nates extremeness on the one hand; clumsiness of line and fit, on the A correctly cut sult is a Society Brand sults are always cor reputation guarantees fabric, tailor JOHNSTON'S Simcoe St, North IT'S THRE QUT OF YOUR CLOTHES | , or design , , , elimi. smart sult, Their Dominion-wide THAT COUNTS News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of I'he Imes, Telephones=Ofthice, B87 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK Bowmanville Considers Purchase Of Electrical Distribution System Council Decides to Call a Public Meeting of Citizens of the Town This Moath to Hear Terms of Pur chase The Town of Bowmanville will consider the purchase of the looal eoleetrioal distriubtion system the Hydro Rleetrie Power Commis plon of Ontario, and a public meet ing will be called this month to connlder the question, It wan deolded hy the town counell last night, pounell appointed a special commit tee Lo endeavor to bring to a settle ment the Moll esate In Washing ton, D.C, In which Bowmanville has i substantial intevest; decided to ongage an additional constable, and fnuthorvized the mayor to issue un pro- elamation for an Armistice Day ser: vice ut the cenotaph on Monday next, All members of the souncll were present except Counefllor George James who was out of town and Counelllor €, B, Rehder who was 111, Mayor Milton J, Elliott presided, The clerk read communieationn from Ray Brock snd W, Roy Webbe: unkging for permission to cut down trees in front of thelr vespeetive properties, This matter was referred to the roads and streets committee with power to ael, Asks Bewer Connection A letter wus vead from Mrs Thomas Vanstone vegarding a sewer gonneetion for her house on King Bireel east, stating that If this work could be done she would bear the whole cost, Home discussion arose concerning this, ewing to the fact that it would be necessary to tunnel under the highway to make this connection, und 'as the highway de partment had taken over the block in which Mrs, Vanstone Hved It was thought that the eounell had no pow: or to act In this matter, IL was there fore deelded that a letior be went to her stating the case and mention ing the fact that Is whe could eir culate a petition to have uw sewer put on her aide of the slreet the mats ter would recelve further considera tion, A communieation was read from Yeank Burns for a erossing to he hullt from the new pavement on Lib erty sireet to the sidewasllk on his lund us the place had hecome very bad since the pavement was laid and hid never "heen fixed, A heated argument ensued when Hteeve Thickson suggested that If hwy made a crossing for one they mld have to do the same for the ther residents on the street, Al one in the discussion Mr, Burns, ho was present, stated that he had wen no ratepayer for a great many years and this was the only request he had ever made, The matier was closed when It was referred to the roads and streels commitiee with power to met, H, Pawson of Bimeoe street north, Oshawa, wrote asking the council for a revision of his taxes as the land he Was paying taxes for had always been represented to him us helng 118 nerves and when he had it survey ed recently he found that it was only K8 nerves, 11 was deelded that the counell had no power to net this Your as the eourt of revision had put and the assessment rolls had been eloped and sealed for the year A communioation to this effect was ordered to be pent to Mr, Pawson, me Conslder Hydro Purchase A letter was recelved from the Hydvo Bleotrie Power Commission re garding the purchase hy the town of the local system, This was lald on the table until a public meeting had been held, The latter was left in the hands of the Mayor to get in touch with the president of the Chamber of Commeres Lo arrange a meeting In from | The | the near future, at which represen tatives of the Commission would he naked to define the terms of pur chase, This meeting will be held in "the town hall In November so that the matter may be brought up at the next meeting of the counell, The Board of Education asked per mission to out down a tree In front of the Houth Ward Behool whieh Was | half dead and was nu menace to the [ ehlldren, roads mand streets committe The Fire Chief reported that he had received from the village of Newcastle a check for twenty dollars for the help that the brigade had given In putting out the fre at the mill in the village, As the firemen had vecently bought new uniforms | for themselves which were a oredit to the town, It was decided to let the department keep this sum, A letter whieh was recelved from | there was a crack In one Mutter wan referred to the | MoCurthy and MoCarthy re the Me Gill Estate In Washington, DC, asked for the payment oul of the ae cumulated rentals of the town's share of the $26,000 tee of u Mr, Peters for services rendered in the past four years in nequiring the property for the towh, Bowmanville's share of this is 60 per cent, and the couneil agreed to pay this sum, which Mr, MeCarthy slated would be MHkely moye If it was not peld without trouble, An appraisal of the proper y Ad been recently made by the ington Heal Estate Board snd the building bad been valued at $286,000 but. the wolleitors for the town thought that it was worth at least $260,000, - The mayor, town elerk and the finance committees were left to Interview Mr, MeCarthy with a view of bringing the estate to & settlement, The council spent nearly an hour discussing two accounts from the Towland Construction Company who done the paving in the town last year, They charged the town $60 for wome gravel that it was said the Lown never had and so it was de clded that the town should charge them for the damage they had done to the sidewalks and also for the water they had used while at work in the town, It was part of the con tract, that they would repair the sidewalks but after twelve months nothing had been done and the town had repaived most of them, The other bill for $60.21 for tar ring three blocks of the pavement in the town was deemed by Reeve Thickson to he excessive and was severely peoved by some members of the council, Attention was also drawn to poor work of this come pany on the Hougog Road where lace three Inches wide and which had been filled with tar but the tar had now gone right through and in the op. infon of Deputy Reeve Carruthers might be dangerous in the winter time besides making a cause for a henve of the road at this point, General accounts for $1164.84 were rend by the ehalrman of the finance committees and adopted, Two other necounts, one for the waterworks de partment for $808.08 and the other for loeal Improvements for $608,560 were also adopted, Held Special Meeting It wan left for the Mayor to eall un special meeting of the counell to glear up the work for the year and to bring in by-laws during the present month, Mayor Elliott suggested that there be & service at thie cenotaph on Arm istics Day next Monday and that all ministers in the town be Invited to take part, This was left in his hands to Issue a proclamation to this effect, E nye A Third Constable A discussion then arose as to whether it would be advisable to hire another constable in the place of Gordon Blackwell who retired, Chairman of the police commities, W., P, Corbell, gave a few figures to show that he thought it was neces sary sand showed that since there was three constables the income of his department had risen from $1400 in 1048 to $2400 in the first nine months of 1020, Councillor Corbett also spoke strongly for the engage ment of a new constable and though! that Is was not fair to make the pres ent force work 866 days In the year, "Wor the hours they work," he sald, they are no better pald then men in the factory who get thelr . Buns days to themselves and most of thelr Saturday afternoons," He compared the town with Toronto which had one policeman for every 700 of its population while Bowmanville had one for each 1600 inhabitants, Rexall Products Demonstrate Supreme Merit Again this year, volume records were broken in our pemisannual sale of Nexall merchandise, through your ever-inoreasing faith in this line, This faith is indeed Justified for several imports ant reasons, 1.8, 1, Each formula pro- duced represents the most efficient one of thousands, and previously proven in all parts of the world, 2, Nexall products are pold in every country and produesd on such a huge scale that they represent unsurpassed values, B, There Is a remedy for avery allment and a product for every purpose, 4, All are sold on an ab» solute guarantee of satisface tion or you are waeloome fo have your money refunded, Jury and Lovell THE REXALL STORES King NK, Phone 88 Nimeoe BM, Phone 08 __ WARM Ih WINTER INSULATING BUILDING BOARD COOL IN SUMMER GIETRIBUTRD BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OBNAWA, ONT, Do You ------ 'Own Your Own Home Practically every line of busi ness is represented in this dis tectory==a handy reference tor be atralghtened out, The Chief's veport far Octoher showed 43 cases proseouled and tines of $228.80 collected, . RRR STORE FOR RENT At 8 Prince St. Apply Da List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! Photographs TAKEN ONE Campbell's = Ik ik RERCROFY | Stud Lat, |==EF \TEWE x ow Musas Q*Bafiey A Delighttul Breaktut Food PHONE 22)| Machinery Repairing For Your Drug Needs NUNMAU RU. LARUE NOTRING [OO SMALL THOMPSON'S Adanac Machine Sh 10 Simcoe 8% Sce=Weo Deliver ||:'* COAL COAL 'hone 10 W.J. SARGANT Yard-=88 Woor "treet Orders Pramptly Delivered I King 8s W. hone Adi4 Telephone AT3--208 Night calla 810-1060 64 Ring 8, West

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