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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1929, p. 3

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i » THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 PAGE THREE Consideration Given Oshawa's Request For Bigger Harbor No Action Will Be Taken Un Ratepayers' Petition To Last Year's City Council Council Decides Last Night on Recommendation of City That Petition Failed ' as Clerk Coyld Not Verify Signatures PETITION ASKED FOR VOTE OF THE PEOPLE Questions Under Discussion Were Election of Alder men by General Vote and Reduction in Size of the Gouncil to Ten Members The city council dogs not consider that it can act on a petition forward ed to last year's counell urging thit # vote be taken on 'the abolition ui ward system ol electing the eounail and the reduction of the shee of the gounell to ten members, This decision wins made as the res sult of a letter which was received fram J, ¥, Grievson, city solicitor, last night, The communication sub mitted that the petition falled on the ground (hag the elerk could not verily the signatures to prove they were of electews, and further that it had been presented to last year's counell and gould net thurefore, be dealt with by the gounell of the en BUINK Your, Col, Grierson's Letter The leitgr read as follows "In looldng into the copy of the petition which was presented to the gounell last year on December 7th, I am of the opinion that the petition Is not iy proper form us in a great many Instances there is nothing te show that the parties signing it are electors of the City of Oshawa, and there #8 no way that the elerk can verify the signatures or the qualifiea tions of those alleged to have sign ed the petition, and consequently 1 would say that the petition falls on that ground, "It also, In my opinion, falls on the ground that it would be present ed to the counell in the year In which It is supposed to be acted upon and as this petitfon was presaiitad near- ly a year go it falls do be suffi. Bon or proper 'in that gepect, The Solicitor Grierson. | Mustaine, City News MUSIC NIGHT '7 gntively musical program fea. Lur8d the first week night meeting last night of the three weeks of special services being conducted by rv, and Mrs, George Dibble in King street United Church, The service was conducted by Mr, Dibble, wha led in the singing of well-known hymus and sang several solos, ins Jduding some of the best-known classionl and spiritual selections, Plano solos were given by Harold necompanist for the party, and at the end of the service a halt hour wos spent In slinging numbers requested by the audience, VOLUNTEERS WANTED A. H, Power, chairman of the Poppy Campaign Committee of the Canadian Legion, Issued an appeal today for volunteers to assist the committees on the l'on Day cons vss on Saturday of this week, Tag gers to take places on the streets are wgently required, and any wish: ing to assist In this work are ank: ed to telephone Mr, Power at 547, The poppies and boxes are to be handed out at the Legion Club Room in the market building, from seven to eight o'clock on Friday evening, and volunteer workers may call for thelr boxes at that time, . law requires that the petition should be presented on or before Nov, 1st in any year and thas the vote should be taken at the ensuing election so that the counell cannot legally set on the petition before It" Ald, Carnell suggested that Col, Grierson's submission settled the matter as far as the petition was concerned, "I think the press should publish the full contents of this letter," Ald, Preston urged, "Considerable hitter ness was stirred up last year bes cause the council did not deal with the petition, I think this effectively explains why the council of last year could not attend to it," Ald, Hart wished to know if the addresses were not given In the pes tition hy which the clerk could check up the names, City elerk Hare replied that this wits not the case as no, addresses had (been given with the majority of the' names, Thalletier was received and fled Commerce Meeting Tonight 8 p.m. In Rotary Hall Many subjects of importance to be considered. GW. Metaughilin, Leon Fraser, Wanted .. Musicians All musicians interested in becoming members of | § 5 i i } i the General Motors Ofchestra are invited to attend and bring their instruments to the r orchestra practice on Wednesday, November 6th at 8 p.m. in the Industrial elations Building, William Street i (North side, Went of Division St. Vocalists Both male and female interested in joining the Gene eral Motors Chorus are invited to attend the | ular practice on Thuraday, November 7th, at an. in the Industrial Relations Building, Wiliam reet (North side, West of Division St.) Mr. L. Richer, Musical Director of Generel Motors Musical Society will conduct both practices, WAY ORGANIZE A FEDERATION FOR COMMUNITY WORK MAYOR AUTHORIZED TO CALL MEETING OF SOCIAL WORKERS * Federation Would Co-ordin- ate Work of All Socisl Service Bodies in City fAmeramm-- A Community Federation to handle all relief work in the ay 0 will prob: ably be formed here, ting upon # petition received last night from representatives of social service or: ganizations in the eity, the eouneil authorized Mayor Mitchell to call a meeting 11 the near future of dele gates trom all the bodies doing social) service work, with the object of form. ing » Cooperating Executive Feder thon, / The purpose of the federation, as outiams to the eounell, will be to co-ordinate the work of all of the lodges, churches, and other organize. tions doing rvellef work, to prevent overlapping, Owing to the fact that a conniderable expenditure will prob» ably be necessary in Oshawa this winter to assist the unfortunate people of the city, It was oonnidered that the relief funds should be hand. led In as eMclent A MANNEr AN POM pible, with no overlapping by the various organisations, This would prevent large amounts of relief go ing to certain families who asked for ald from every quarter that they gould think of, with no help at all going to really needy families, Who were more sensitive about demand. ing help, It was stated, The gouncll decided to hold a preliminary meeting on Friday ev: ening to discuss with Miss D, Farn: comb, the social service worker for the oity, the relief situation as it now exists, The date for the Joint meets ing of wll the social service bodies has not yet been met, but will be announced by Mayor iMtehell with in a few days, STOLEN CAR RECOVERED A car, bearing license No, 242-110, owned by Martin L, Argall, 495 Sim- coe street north, was stolen recent: ly, The police were Informed and they communicated with the authori ties In several other cities through: out the provinees This morning word was received from Guelph that the machine had been regovered there, Births WALKBR-In CGrace Hospital, Walkerville, Ont,, on Bunday, November Ard, 1080, to Mr, and Mrs, Btanley Walker a daugh- ter, (1078) NORTON--In Oshawa, on Nov, §, 1080, to Mr, and Mrs, Harry Norton, 7864 Bimooa Bt, WH, the gitt of a daughter, (107n) TOU LA TT CLASSIFY OTR WANTRD FOR OWNERAT, housework, Experienced, Apply avenings #9 Ritson Rd, Houth, (107h) LOWIS=PAT OF LADY'R TAN uede pull on gloves, Phone 1070, (107h) IT) y= TEN FROM 17 Simooe Mouth, Reward, Phone LL (107a1 i BALL UHORN PULLETS ite game hantams, Apply Ritson i, North, oft Rossland Rd, wec: Ad vottage, (1070) i: TI ion seen pleking up lady's purse { United Olgar Store Haturday ight, pleass leava at police office and save further trouble, (107b) Heat, water and eleotrio, Aly a Division St, (1070) MENT with t Ins lent future rR who des pod snd ad- who dusts ha ohes in countries hence opportun: ean very t. Bond and , Bee manager, rencey tonight, u 41 Alger Mig. (10%a) AR OF ENGLAND WHI&T Orive over Jury & Lovell's, Nove ember ¢, 8 p.m, Admission 300 Don't forget the date, Lidia SANCE TO BE HELD IN GENE'S Hall, Courtice, tonight, Musi by Nob Wood's Heoteh Blue Bue | (10%a THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of Queen Mary L.OB.A. number #7, are requested to attend regular meeting November Oth for election of officers, (107a) AT +' 'MMAGR BALE IN \ Jeorge's Parish Hall, Centre atreet, on Friday, Nov, & at 3 pm, (107100) REE SHOW AND BARAAR, starts on Tuesday, Nov, § at 7.80 every night at Ukranian St, George's Hall on northwest corner of Albert and Jackson Sta, Everyoody \ hs » * (1000) SORES i wd's wax works 40 members of Ohonon Friends Lodwe Rotary Hall, Wedn Nov, 6, 8 pm, Oftisens' fa attendance, "mien 330 ) The village constable is away on hunting trip this week, but Brooklin fears no one, Vormid- able protection is being provided by the eltizens voluntarily, in the form of a regular night patrol of the streets, This civilian guard has been op~ erating for two months now, as the result of a weries of robheries two months ago, The situation became #0 serious In the community which includes B00 people that a meet While Citizens Police Streets Brooklin Constable Takes Trip ing of the citizens determined 10 toke part in stamping out the housebreaking, The result is that the efforts of George Brown, the constable, ure being supplemented hy two citizens who patrol the sireets ench night from midnight until about 6,80 am, The number taking part necessitated each man taking his turn every two weeks, Wines the inception of this plan the village has suffered no hurglaries, the police depariment Is happy to report, ATTEND ARMISTION SERVICE In response to a request from the Canadian Legion, Mayor Miteh« oll and members of the council de- ofded last night to attend in & hody the Armistice Day services which are being held at Memorial Park, November 11, under the ausplees of the Leglon, --------------y ARK BYLAW AGAINNT NOIRE The question of passing a bylaw to prohibit unpecessary noise in the olty was referred to the meneral purpose committees hy the city souneil at last night's meeting, A goquest that such a measures be made law for Oshawa was received from the Polles Commission, NLECTED DIRECTOR 0, B, Mo'T'avish, parts and service manager of General Motors of Cans adn, Limited, was re-elected direo tor from Oshawa on the executive of the Ontario Commergial "Travel lars' Association, at ftw snnunl meeting In London, Waturday, The entire 1028 wate of oMoers wha re-elected by acclamation, CITY PLAN PROGRESKING In response to a question from Alderman Carnell, Alderman Boddy Informed the ecity counell at its mebting last night that steady pros gross was being made on the sures veying of the city and the complla- tion of a complete elty plan, started A couple of years urko, This work will probably take another two years before being finally complets od, he sald, [ CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS ATTENDS TRAINING COURSE W. A. Gerry, sales manager of the Usorge C, Allehin Co, 14d, lo- onl radio and electrical supply denls orn, hig Just returned from Chicago where he spent o week attending a wpecinl sales training course cons ducted hy the Grimshy-Grunow Co, manufacturers of the Majestic Ra dio, In tha tower ball room of Bie ven's Hotel, Mr, Gerry was the only sales manager present from Canada, and he recelved u gKroat ovation as his name and address wan oalled on the roll, ANK AERIAL SURVEY OF CITY A pommunication was recelyed by the city council last night from the Chamber of Commerce urging that when an serial survey of the focal harbor be made, the survey be extended to Include the whole oity, The matter was referred to the finance commities, The Cham ber of Commerce intimated that If such a survey were made, the Nell Telephons Co, would ba prepared to contribute $600 towards the cost, WHITBY IN APPRECIATIVE An expression of appreciation for the co-operation which Oshawa has rendered Whitby in its endeavor to secure the Camp Borden military aviation base, was received hy the eity ocounell last night from the Whithy town council Intimation was given: that as it had been des finitely ascertained that the Dor minion Government had decided to move Camp Borden to Trenton, the | matter would be dropped as far as Whithy was concerned, The com munication was filed, PRESENTATION OF CHARTER TO BROOKLIN LEGION INSPIRING MEETING HELD BY NEW BRANCH Charter Presented and Legion Work Explained by M. Mcintyre Hood (Dy Matt Reporter) Rrooklin, Nov, b-=At a large gathering of ex-wervice men and other oltigens of the eommunity, augmented by a large contingent of Oshuwa veterans, the formal press entation of the charter of the new lysorganined Brooklin Branch, No, 168, Canadian Legion, took place In the township Hall here last night, The publie meeting at which this function was held was an Inspiring one, with notable addresses by the various speakers, and an excellent program of entertainment by local and Oshawa artistes, A. J, Graves, of the Oshawa Branch, presided over the meeting In his usual capable manner, and the main speaker was M, Molntyre Hood, Oshawa, of the Leglon pros vinola) executive, who presented the oharter on behalf of the provinolal command, Work of Legion In he address, Mr, Hood gave a comprehensive ploture of the orl gin, aims and objects and work of the jon, 'stressing particularly ite of of service to the disabled men, widows and orphans, and to the Dominion of Canada, ita pros gram of ever keeping in the fore. front the maintenance of a truly British apirit in this country, and hd snabling Canada to make & wors thy contribution to the cause of Empire, The Legion, sald the speaker, exiated for the purpose of perpetuating the comradeship and nelfsgacritice of the war days, and to fight the blattles of those who had Nn burned out of thelr serv. lee on behalf of thelr country, who (Continued on page 7) OSHAWA RAILWAY 10 DISCUSS BUS TRANSPORTATION AGREES TO MEET COUNCIL'S REPRESENT. ATIVES ON MATTER Service Wanted to Outlying Sections of the City Off Street Car Lines The Oshawa Street Railway! Com pany is prepared-to enter into an in formal discussion with the eity couns ell in regard to the advisability of providing bus transportation to serve the sections of the city which are not now served by the present strevt rillway line, the city council was in formed by communication from the street railway company, last nights Lhe matter was referred to the Board of Works and the Police Com mission, The letter was in reply to a coms munication from the eity eouneil pointing out to the railway company that many sections of the city were anxious to be provided with some means of transportation by which residents could travel conveniently to and from the business section, At the present time there are thickly populated areas to the east and west which are without means of cheap transportation such as is provided by the street railway line to residents in the north and south, Persons without cars either have to con tent themselves with walking lony distances or undergo the expense ol hiring taxis, Due to the heavy expenditure in: volved it is not deemed possible that the street railway company would consider constructing spur lines to moet the requirements of the pass senger trae, It is thought however that the problem could be solved hy introducing a bus service for those sections of the city which are at present not penetrated by the street railway, Daughter==Yes, papa, mother said the men folks are just as tactless to. day an they were when she was! young, Mayfair Hairdressing Parlors Have Secured the Services of | Mr. H. M. Raham Late of the Bessinger Naturelle of New York, and leading demonatrator at all Canadian Hairdreseing Shows, Mr, Raham is an expert on permanent waving, finger waving, and personals ity haircutting, ete, RELATIONSHIP OF CAPITAL, LABIR I§ SUBJECT OF TALK H. W, NICOLL ADDRESS. ES ROTARY CLUB HERE YESTERDAY Declares That : Practice of Golden Rule Would Bring Better Conditions The relation of labor and capital, or, as he chose to put it, of wage earners and mankgement, was dig cussed at the Rotary Club meeting yesterday by H, W. Nicoll, industrial relations manager of General Motors of Canada, Limited, "I wm convineed that if both the management, and wigerenrners would Ko oul of thelr way a little to prac tise the Golden Rule, 'Do unto others us you would that they should do un ta you, that we would have a grew improvement in the relations he tweeh labor and capital," declared My Nicoll, He outlined the work of the Jndustrinl Relations department, showing how it seted in®ironing out difieuities that wrose between the management and the employees, ax well as handling the savings funag, employees' insurance, sulety work and various other activities for the heneht of the workers, In the days before Industrial re lations departments were organized, sild Mr, Nicoll, the only channel through which an employee could lay uw complaint against the rate ol Wiles or prevalling working condi tons, was through a foreman ur substoreman, and unless the em ployee was u favorite of this part cular boss, his appeal did not get very lit But now the employes gould go to the Industrial relations manager and lay any kind of e¢om plaint before him, In most cases thes gould be eleared up without difficulty, and in others it could be referred directly to the exeeutives of the firm I'he speaker sald tout his experi ence with the workers had shown (Continued on page 7) |0CAL LAYMEN TO ATTEND BANQUET Oshawa United Church Dele- gates to Take Part in Toronto Function YRimply tremendous, is the only way to characterize the response of Toronto laymen to the invita tions fssued to a men's misslopary banquet in Simpson's Aresdian Court on Thursday," sald Rev W, Harold Young, M.A, chalrman of the committea In charge, an nouncing that at least 1,000 repre pontatives of congregations in To ronto and its suburbs had made applieation for tiokets, In addi tion there will he delegations from Hamilton, Oshawa and Hrampton, Applications were still pouring in and, recognising that a Hmit to the accommodation would reached before the night, the coms mittee had arranged for a broad oust of part of the program from station CFCA, he sald, Delegations from each of 130 ghurches in the three Proshyteries of Toronto were assured and the pommittes was gratified with the fnterest and enthusiasm shown "Our alm Is simply to present the claims of the Missionary and Maintenances Fund, especially ita missionary appeal,' safd Rev, Mr, Young, "to a large and Influential group of lay leaders, It would ap» pear that the largest banquet ever held under United Church ausploes ix to result The keenness of the men In Intensely pleasing to those who have undertaken this work in behalf of the Preshyteries" Public Works Department Asks Further Information On This City's Petition JUNIOR LIBRARY SETS NEW RECORD Largest Number of New Members and Largest Cir. culation Shown in October The total number of hooks ely oulated In October was 12,668, Ad« ult readers borrowed K,721 hooks of these and the juvenile 887, A glance at the figures reveals that junior readers are most interested in non<fletion than the adulis, as out of 8,887 Juvenile books, 1,414 wore non<fletion, while out of ¥, 741 adult books only 1,641 were non«fletion, The total number of hooks clr- eulated for ten months of 1029 was 106,086 which was 26,677 mora hooks than were elreulated for the whole of 102% In October A480 readers the Ubrary; 124 adult and juvenile The boys' and girls' Hbhrary had ita busiest month In the history of the Hhrary, The nearest approach to It was In Mareh of this year when 0,065 books were elreulated and 140 new readers Joined The following were the numher of hooks. ¢ireulnted In each class Adult Juvenile Cleneral works fi Philosophy ' 8 0 Hellglon "es 'oh 14 Hoclology FFL) Philology fn Nutural selence , 145 Useful arts FE ine arts 6s Literature 114 Hintory 70 Travel 250 Biography Kb Flotion 2420 Reference 147 GRADE BOND §T. 70 THE OSHAWA CREEK Council Will Take Action to Procure Crossing at Hillcroft St. Having received the necessary au thority from the Canadian National Rallways, controlling the old Taronto and Kastern Suburban Rallway rightsolsway, Bond street will be graded from Gladstone Avenue to the banks of Oshawa ereek, the city council decided last night when it adopted the report of the Board of Warks as presented by Ald, Bob Preston Ald, Hart wished to know whether the council had taken anysteps to se eure the right-of-way on this pors tion of Bond street and Mayor Mit. ehell replied that the right-of-way would be deeded over to the eity, He pointed out however that the tran saotion could not he completed until the shareholders' of the old railway gompany had released their rights to the land, This, he had been assured, would be done within the near future, The Board of Works further res commended that the city solicitor be instructed to take the necessary les pal procedure for the procuring of a crossing over the Oshawa Railway Company's right-of-way on Hills eroft street, With respect to a communication joined 41h LL Resolution Passed by Coun. cil Recently Is Being Given Attention, and City May Obtain Further Ap- propriation From Govern. ment GRANT REQUEST TO FILL IN CITY LANDS Department Agrees to Use Portion of Earth Being Excavated From Harbor in Building Up City's Marsh Lands East of Sim- coe Street Consideration fs helng glven hy the Department of Public Works to Ushawa's request for a further aps propriation next year for the Osh- awa harbor, the city counell was informed last night, Two letters were reoelved from the departs ment, one informing the Counell that the elty's request to have portions of the marsh near the harbor owned hy the eity filled in during the harbor work, 'had heen granted; and the ether ask ing for further detalles regarding the request for further appropria Lion nexe year, The first communication Informs. od the counell that orders had heen issued to have part«of the earth being excavated for the Oshawa harbor, placed on the property owned hy the elty, hetween Bimcoe Street south and the new harbor hasin This order was made pure suant to a request made by the elty council by a resolution passed at a recent connell meeting, This land, after heng flled In and res claimed, will make valuable ine dustrial sites, The letter regarding Oshawa's request for an appropriation next year to further enlarge the present proposed harbor basin and to deeps en It und the entrance slip, asks ed for further details and informs ation, The department asked the reasons for the request, including A statement as to why the present dredging program was inadequate; what, benefits would accrue through deeper and enlarged faclls ftise; the draught of water the elty antieipated would be necessary for {te fmmediate requirements; and figures in the way of probable shipments and the general use of the enlarged harhor, The department asked that this Information be furnished as soon As possible, as next year's estimate wera now helng prepared, The matter was referred hy the couns oll to a wpeclal eommittea with Mayor Mitehell as chatrman, giving him power to add to the commits tee, received from the Canadian Pacific Railroad asking for the council's sub mission on the Jreation of providing a wig-wag signal at the Ritson Road crossing, the report urged that the opinion of the eity solicitor he se- cured hefore any reply should he made to the railway companys The CPR, advised that the "slow order" will remain in effect for trains; aps proaching the erossing, The report provided that sanitary sewers he constructed on Athol street fram two hundred feet east of Yonge street to the east end of the strect and on Verdun Rd, from the north end of the street to about 500 feet south, CY ST Oshawa Shoe Stores to remain open every Wednesday Afternoon until further notice Agnew-Surpass Shoe Store The Burns Co. Limited Bales Shoe Store R. Neill's Limited F. C. Davidson's Shoe Store

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