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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 Miss Hard-Boiled BY JANE DIXON Illustrated by Armstrong Perry dance, she flees back to her hotel, leave ing her hat at the club, Chapter 18 Méiuol awoke the following norning feeling as If she had been Boa dream, Something unusual nd happened, Something fear~ lowe, stimulating, Where hind she hoon? To a night==clib Memory came back to her, To a play, Then to + night-olub, "Pudgy old Mr, Denny Barnes,' Hi sald aloud, and laughed, "And hon de woman! Bhe wasn't su veal pow you come to think of hor 10 the daylight," 0 tried to visualise Denny, He sluded her, HMhe forged her mind lo 1 task, No, He was gane, 4 smudge of him remained, Hy orawly feeling on her flesh where his hand had slid up her Arm dhe sat up In bed, Across the room, in the mirror atop her bur- sau, another Raquel with curving noariet die and gleeful eyes was waithing or, o're going to get up," she told this oth aque), "go over lo Pitth Avenue, our street, and buy a dress, A dove grey one like that rieh girl were In the play." The luxury of a bath, Warm tap. ering to cold, The satiafynix feel of the pretty under things she had bought in the small shop near the hotels hey were only a ahade plaker than her flesh, Adios, old rag of a dress! Now the hat, Where had she put the nat? She had--why she no loogs of had a hat, Left it on the table, ia the Club Divine, when she ran away from Benny, Hhe'd have to §0 without a hat until she could ply 'aNOTheY, wots of people In New York went without hats, It Was 'A fad, Along the morning world, Aquel turned the corner into the Avenue, Mall-way along the she halted suddenly, A hate was at her right, The Ohes ones, In the very denter of shopowindow, elehed against NN panel, was the most Pas -- had over seen, [1 rg hy tie of black vel ny arushed elose to the crown, But the black velvet wan the least by) it. The wonder of this hat was the delicate white feather fronds heb drooped from ita aide like languid morning mist eaught on the wing of the night, utiful hat, Made to adorn Raquel had tasted of Ads Het al ht trom Hermosa, 0 whisked her aight ah ahe are blonde The Club eros street In the sunshine, Hunshiny uty, ture, Me Site © A 11] PAY . hy bod York, woman in the theatre, Ue. Adventure Jroning well==if It could olalm Heauty aa ita hand. maiden, Without Beauty, adven- ture was just things that happen. Like the hat in the window, It Tot he Viana oh whi tothe not for witehery o fo th he could have Adventure " jotld lke to see the hat In the dow, please," Raquel told the tawny young woman who un. toward her aa she entered The lavhy one elevate 3 ae Shade expens ot Tey amber eyes quel's worn green Bet» h L +N Jak 4 |] \ tn" ah FR " LE t : hae dow," sald Raquel, Mer arrogance ennui, Who was this ssleswomnn' to Judge of her purse' "There's a bold one," she heard the saleswoman telling someone her hind a soreen near (he window, "She wants the Patou model, no less, Did you gel the {riok clothes And no hat! How they find thelr way up on the Avnoo from the Bast Bide Is beyond me The comment was made loud enough #0 that It would reach her, Of this Raquel was certain, Her white teeth eame together, shone honttiely hetween her half-parted Hp, fle disposed herself in lelsurely fashion before a hevelad mirror wreather In Cupids and chrome flowers, The saleswoman brought the hat, Placed it on Raquel's hesd, Hhe would not trust it to (his customs or's orasd fingers, Whe stepped back, her amber eyes wide, unhes Heving, Cinderella had become the Princess of Henuty! Astonishing" she admitted, "The black and white, with your coloring, As if Aomoone hind turn ---------- "No she sald, "wd 'doa not, [16 1s already w Uargain, Monsieur Alphonse would never consent." A subtle ehange in the woman's | 4 voles, Mervility, Raquel's oyes | flew to the glass, They met the werutiniuing face of a man standing at her shoulder, A smallish man with a chalky face and Narrow, stooping shoulders, ""Mademolselle likes hat, Miss Laura?" he asked, "It's the mont wonderful hat I've ever seen,' Taquel exclaimed, Her eager binck eyes still held the man's sage unwinking oves in the mireor, "I want {te=so much, But the prices" The form of the chalky-faced man receded, In ils place hefore het mind's eye, was a red-faced conduotor In a battered blue eap pushed back, seratehing his head with hlunt thumb and forefinger, "I ooan't ghange this Dillemeses, fhe had not paid for that train ride to Phoenix, Her red lips curve od into a smile, at onoe imperative nnd pleading, Warm lights gleams A ---------- A the E-- "I Take Orders Only from Monsieur Alphonse," Take Ovders From Me," Will Not Have You HOt HO rowel) nderstand ?" Woman Glared, "You ------ od oa the llghts, Inalde you, The black velvet, against your pallores you should wear gardenlas, my dear, and soft elinging black, als ways ' Raquel had no false modealy, fhe knew the saleawoman, eompalls od to admiration by the shear wone der of her henuty, had spoken the truth, "You," comes me, "A hundred The paradise feathers, choles," Raquel left the shop woh lieavy feet and heavier heart, Hhe dared not plak it, A small fortune for a hat, Mer roll of bills would be potting thin, They must last une til Farrell came to New York, Hhe did not leave the hotel again that day, Of what use was lte-advai~ ture In by 4 elothea?! She was morose and unhappy, Another morning eame, With Raguel's feet led her unerringly to the window of Qhes Alphonse, The Bat was atlll there, Its white feather fronds beckoned her, Hhe muat try it on once more, Just try ik that once, Inside the shop the tawn WOmAR was nowhere In aight, middle-aged acldulous woman with pursed lips sniffed at Raguel's res guest to see the hat, "the black abe with the white feathers." Instants ly Raquel knew this aeld woman had bean the other one behind the soreen the day before, With des beration, Raquel opened her oheap litle purse, purchased from a aldewalk collection an Hixth Aves nue, The roll of bills protruded from fta yawning top, The acld woman stared, al once became alert, "It's your she gushed In & syrupy way, ohle! Genteel! Charming!" 'Hut the price." Raquel fought ok har rlalng want, "It you could ot me have It for loss, even a huns d dolla tee" he woman pushed the sugges thon away, she sald, "the hat be It 1a very costly?" and Afty dollars they are sales hat, mademolsolle," "Ha _ Muged the Shae of the tawny one'a lf A Wg + YOU ATE [P80w'" Jiltereps | terial 110 her supply body, Bald Haquel, Khe Nald, ed behind the mystery curtains of her eyes, "I oan do nothing about the PIO Gwe UNIONS womb! The ohaliky-faced man paused, devour ed every detail of her fue, her de. lleately eurved figure, "Have you over oonsldered hoooming & model, Mademolnolle Home Jl0 JON, Raquel Rojos," Duplielty would not do with him, "I am Monsieur Alphonse, 1 am In search of a model, For my Parle season, Two are already selected, Your type (fesse lsswinusual, If ' A half hour later Raquel left the shop, The hat with the paradise feathers was on her head, It orowned her beauty as a royal dias dem crowns a queen, Tonight she would have dinner with Monsieur Alphonse, Hhe would decide whe ther or not she would keep the hat, Paris! Chapter 14 The offer of Alphonse Courbet, aneur of Heauty to engage Raquel! Rojos as a model was not AS fortuitous as on the surface aps PoRve, oonnolaseur of women, Als pecially of heautitul wos men, or all beauty, for the mats ter of that, Hix house, a veritable reproduction of a Frenoh chateau, Atop a New York root overlooking the majestic sweep of the Hudson River and the Palisades, was a oltadel of Beauty, Priceless palate Ings, Jades and procelaina and Migs that had known the tread of Kings long alnce returned to the dust, A garden, ulass-enolosed, where orohida bloomed In winter ahd tropleal birds vuftled their brillant plumage under the swirls , snow, Those who had tasted of the hos: Jutality of Alphonse's apartment in Arie could testify to ita laviahishs Noas, 10 Ita setting 10 a treasures trove reclaimed from the reign of the exquisite louls,, A unique pers sORAlLY Alphonse, 'A commanding by reason of hig flair for ARd his infalllable under at § Of that whioh fs true Art, In uel Alphonse saw raw mas I a Aupreme expression of the exotlo, Vividness, Bpivit, Her daring color, The hint of HR Hor eyes they were inexplicable, Alluring And yot he knew they could repel too-=coldly, ruthlesaly=ee=when it iN he her to have them do so, could do with such a What he could make of A radiant Raquel awaited him when he came that aveming to take her to dinner, So sparkling in her dark young beauty that Alphonse forgot the offense cheap ill-fitting olothes always gave him, "I've Already decided, Mehsiaur Alphonse," Raquel told Mw almost before he could bend to kite her hand fn his forelgn way, "1 go to Paris as a model, it you think I'l do ---- Is Indeed wise, Mader molselle Raguel™ he sald gravely, "There is no eity in the world ike Paris for a lovely woman," They dined, indonsplouously, ia 48 Teslaurant of soft hidden muslo, { concealed lights, and exquisite food, "Gdod alght, Mademoiselle AM phonse sald wehn he leh her at her hotel shortly belore ten, "You wil | beauty, Ltinotly, must ve nem o time 1s " ft perhaps, t for instructions, you study hayds A wooly: two ut the most," "Good night," murmured Ha~ quel, a x! wished he would not go What if Jack Vopr roll a for her In jhe tel le oom! in the Sixbe Delors sue apd pr! out_snd over to Alphonse's shop in the morning? She must mot think of Jhaee things, Nor Ly § arrell, that tomor, lk ter she bh oi sed 1p the oe t Wes hing or WDiding anels in the # honse, yhe she wouldn't Pike hen after all, Maybe she could' 3 he & mo atolu ii ho hoot the o of a Tarre longer Ph ir sue nd her, romptly at nine in the morn! H she Was at the Sher: Me ons, the tawny ypung #4 dieswo told her, never game dows before slaves, Raquel explained to her why she wast ph The tawny one eyed her nara ol for Paris, eh " she asld making no attempt to conceal her envy, "You're in luk, Then, with a switt hops nine them to make sure ore Alone, "I'in going to be a oa piend, and warn you, Lay oft Alphonse, If Ma dame Pouline so much as suspects you've got designs on himes----weoll ween] wouldn't want to be in your shoes, that's all" Raqual"s shoulder lifted, "Thanks," abe said, "I have no weal you call 'designs's-on Monsieur Alphonse, I work for hm, Nothing more, As for this Madame Pauline, I do not know who she la, But I do not fear her, It would be better for her, that she leave me alohe, Raquel's smile had riena'e in it, "My gasped the tawny ons, "you're a vool one, Raquel settled herself on a none too comfortable, if highly decora~ tive, chair, Mhe would walt the coming of Alphonse, Would she ever really get to Paris, wear beautiful clothes, go to beautiful places, be herself, beautls ful as whe now knew beauty to be? Firat there was Jack, Farrell and DOWsmmeetliis Madame Pauline, What was she going to do about Farrell? He would never consent to her leaving him again, once he had her close to him, That night she rode oul Into the déserieseit was all she could do to tear herself away from his arms, his clinging Mpa It she wrote to Farrell, ¢.clesaed that which she contemplated, he would toss discretion to the wind, lot Hermosa say what IL would, he would come to her, headlong, He might even find a way to pres vent her from gatting on the ship that would take her to Paris, There was that Joan he nade her, too, Hhe could not pay it baok, Not until she earned enough money, Hh MAL goIpE to he pald oF Wearing DaAutirul olothes, ror belong beautiful, Waa ever human being a0 fortunate? Fargell ought to be willing to walt until she came baok, until she had her fling with He must walt, Hows "Who is that ginlt" Naque! heard the question dis Unnotioad by her, somecns had entered the shop; was behind the _sorebn near the window talks fog with the tawny shleawoman, "The one on the chair?" Healt atingly, 1 believes ihiat tu, she Bi Yaememenegh 6 18 the naw model for Paris," A pause; Then, "When was she engaged?" The veloe cut through the tasseled and brocaded room like a whip, Hel on't Pauling," Raquel sat erqot, The owner of the whipsike voloe had come out from behind the screen, was ad. vanolng toward her, Rhee did not turn her head, "You are the new model?" Now ahe raised her eyes, A tall woman with ample be and ridioulovaly narrow hips, her blonde halr allok: od #0 tightly against her head it seeded to be laoguered there, was Mudying Raquel with contemptuous rows, Sheetar know, Madame "You, I am the new model" Ra: | quel refused to wither unden the other's scorn, "You need mot walt for, Mon: slour Alphonse, 1 do not like your HY It In stark, offensive to one's delicacy, For the stage Rethaps, But hers, we must have finesss.' Flashing black eyes, g!v'ng scorn for seofn, Alphonse," sald Raquel, he woman with the ample 'You take orders from me," she sald, "1 will not have you here has changed his mind, 6 oAlDot uae you," It would be well to be on guard WOmAR with the mottled Shi we, I go," she sald g ir! heat then I wait" about the shop for confirmation ol ig hor told her could not "Bhe me! Get out, I tell you Mi teach you and ak Alphonse!" tinted nails dug inte Ragquel's shoulder, ale, Stern, ua You shall for thie, SH rly rawling | ahop of A a oreature of the ---- ene ile - L] drew back, The mottled en her oheeks were lived purplish HAS THB Meatord Mirrer) The editor of the Durham Ohrone Two weeks ago the South Conservatives nominated Mr. Neb There hat aa Yai been no sanounce ment of an election but Whe "halen figured out already at "ne, Glitter of blue-white teath, "I take ordera from Monsieur breast glared, understand? onsleur Iphonse Raquel rose, AiRAL this venomous hen Mongeur Al ou hear that!" oriad the wo. man, looking wild) h true, defies we, this husey o flaunts Her fingers with the long rose Stop!" Another hoe out the you » an he The waman'a hand dropped, aplotohes, ole ia a prophet and has courage, Qray aon Perdue for the Legislature, {ole editor has Perdus'a dently there is no such thing as » toROrt at the shop da the WORMS LIdoukityl vate" dn South Grey, PAGE SEVER nnd BIBLES ONLY RULE OF FAITH T0 MENNONITES; More Members of Race Seek Homes In The Mennonites, weveral hun. dreds of whom are on thelr way trom RHubops +o a Where they hope to be allowed to jain thelr Ap in the West, form wie pa hin ana ot ote A olsuand- alot tn 190) Who atear an adventure apiriougl oarogr Born where yi land now hol # sway, he entere the priesthood, The writings o Luther, however, had in strong in« tiuence over him sand he began to quention the doctrines of Baptism and of the Mass, His objection wal den on the bellef that he tau Ad no trace of them In the ble, He eventunlly left the Roman communion and gathered adhers ents to his cause, Their distines tive doctrines were that the Hible fs the only rile of faith and that the enlightenad counsclenes in Its only true interpreter, On thewns grounds they dishelleved in the taking of human Jife and conse quently they could never hecome soldiers, To them the word ef & man was sacred and none woul take an oath, They disapproved of marriage with anyone other than & member of thelr own set It was unlawful for them to hold any offices In the Btata but magls trates had to he obeyed, Though the sect arose in Hol land it was first In Hwitseriand that It made its presence felt, At Zurloh numbers of them left the state chureh In 1688 to found a hody - of thelr own Thin body, while of a peaceable nature like thelr founder, denied the Christian character hoth of Blate and Church, And while they were pres pared to obey the magistrate, they were naturally unpopular hoth with Chureh and with State, From fer wavers persecution, under | Yor Pirth of the sect it had to sut- ' { which it qapidly wprepd, fn Garr many, Holland and Vrance, It 'was while they were: heing persecuted that they were Invited to Ripon by Cstherine the Orest we promisad them both land and y. Between A1es and 18%4 th i ld long unwin Ft pov ther land hes' taken noe new thing in fone, reeou ussle, Men- EE first, sought n from Sropeen hi tlitreatment some 908, Not Kn Af me nN Armed be h A 0 Promos into A ularly, ie om mils From 1 ave sought and the ay of them to continent has wo ingreassd that onloulnted that there arg about ba 000 of them in America, somn liclous, digestible form, With all the bran of the whole wheat Bo easy to give children a warm, nourishing breakfast," the food elements their rowing bodies need, In such a OFF TO SCHOOL WITHA ode] READY FOR STUDY OR PLAY a aves mother a lot of work and worry ll ji of them bein western "hey 'aren pasar people; hut i hove alw or A PORCH~ people, A Ara Many weoty them for, lke "'oeguiiay peo- plo," t rH have p i PF tenet of five "enlightened noe" the very meads of fiat' inription, In the United Blates they have oh: Jocted to war, 10 slavery, to insures #nee of life and to tak ne or ask ing Interest on horrowed money, Home of the few that remain In Hwitsariand today vefuse to shave thelr heards and others there think that the ould not use huttons on thelr lothes heonuse buttons are mot mentioned in the Hihle, Of later years in the Mates and In Canada they have taken more Interest in education than was for long thelr wont, They have a few publications and one or two col legen Kngaxed almost entively tn ugrl culture wherever they find them selves, they make good citizens, and will make hetter, when they realize more celarly the value of education, MORE THAN 1,000 CARS USED IN FIJI ISLANDS In 1606 when the Arst automobile was Introduced In the FJ Islands, the natives pegarded It with super stitlon, claiming that devils formed the means of locomotion, "Today the native superstition has heen entirely overcome, and registration in the Isl REFUSE TO INSURE German Companies Say Projected' Flight Too Hazardous Berlin, Nay, 9German insurance companies recently deglined to und erwrite policies covering the project ed polar flight of the Graf Zeppelin next spring hey held that there were too many hazards and pointed put that, total premivms paid hy avl ation companies singe the war were insufficient to cover even partial da mage and much less the total loss in event of destruction of airship Captain Walter Burns, secretary of the Aera-Aretic expressed surprise at the decision of the in surance companies, He hinted that Heitish and Amerlean gompanies might be approached if negotiations with German companies completely falled oelety, A rather extraordinary: thing oc eutred in St, Louls the other day The winner of a beauty eantest was found in her photographs to be beautiful Detroit Free Press eb GRAFS POLAR TRIP Lin Rocvhelle, France, ol for penal eolony fneluding yesterday Vreneh Devil's Martiniere Devil's Island i notorious modern peng! in the and the the convict ship is tonal Interest world Hreatest modern Aon't harm one while bad body Get JACK'R LAX, Arug stores, mn Ww, Noy, dix hundred and seventy cvonvioks, murderers, set, gall Iaxative, Only Be per box, sol 1 CONVICT SHIP OFF FOR DEVIL'S ISLAND Carries 670 Prisoners, fn. cluding 53 Moarderers, French Penal Colony ] Island, in CGulana, ahourd the famous conviet ship. La of the mest settlements departure ol An event of na oy OE ------ Mrs, Pankhurst, Beltaln's gress suffrage leader, oalled constipation one of the menaoes to bila Anfety, We worry about troubles : Jerton In a the hieh rninage saps stra And breeds disease, ake iis Cb new ally i WOR he Thompson, Druggist SRE SSE La i i x: - BALANCED.UNIT NEUTRODYNE.PLUS LOWBOY "185-00... HIS MODEL is an unuseally attractive open sith Oriental walaut Thisad 1 L eo maple centre te, Philoo mate od Reoustio Equalisers, bull instruments, SereenGrid, $169.00 builtin genuine electrody we Novo Maite & eA Tb hy a onan lisore Hea sid Speaker and Philo tin as tone throughout the entire renge of KY and musieal ' Grid, ) Neutrody s, $1056.00 SAbdhess uNIY kd with J or and Fy equalisers, 215,00 $1900 Ri aoonstie NE to cabinet and sot hack bird's and smaller heyel de panshs and ality of PHILCO has definitely {initiated a new price level in radio--a price level that brings radio entertain: ment within the reach of every home, This unique achievement was only made possible by extraordin. ary i pn the most advanced type of automa t, huge production, and the closest kind Hr en But more important even than low price is what you get for that price, Here he are, the Balanced:Unit Philos, the radios that have pes led so strongly to the radio buying publie sales show a percentage increase many od greater than the average for the whole industry, And no wonder because these Balanoed-Unit Philos have revolutionized radio tone; doubled the sharpness of radio selectivity and widened hy thous ands of miles the circles of stations from which may choose, To this uncanny i has added cabinets of surpassing Rautpee-ti al thisata JRistumederstethatmeny familioa are buy. ing two Philoosw--one for upstairs and one for down. Hear the marvellous new Philoo Your dealer will valet will alodty give. yous fres ready to So. and HERE is what yon det 1. Marvellous Performance 2, Vast Distance Range 3. Rare Purity of Tone 4, Screen.Grid or Neutrodyne. Plus 5, Genuine Electro Dynamio Speaker 6. Acoustic Equalizers * 7. Perfect Balancing of Unita 8, Superbly Beautiful Furniture b8

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