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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Che Oshawa Bally Times Buseonding = THE OSHAWA DAILY REVORMER (Botablished 1011) LL Indepentont wewipeper pulihhod every of ovnonn y ae iy ro holldarh o Git mie y Mundy " Sompins. Chas, M, Mundy, Presid A Water velary, The Oshawa Dally Times is a m dian Press, the Canadian by. sociation, The Ontario y Foti | Dal of the Cana Wiles end i Audis Bureau of Clreulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES ol hy sarvior, 10s 0 week, By mall In Connde Oshawe sarviap, delivery mite), 1400 » nited Biates, $5.00 » your, TORONTO OFFICE #7 Bond Bullding, #6 Temp LT Tel Adelaide 0107, WH, B Tresldder, repron REPREBENIATIVES IN UB Powars and Blons, Ines New York and Chisage, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 boll ( year) thve A NATIONAL LOS Canada has suffered the loss of @ great statesman wd Ananes minister Yesterday afternoon Just when the of the Dominion believed that he wis well on the NAY Lo recovery from i serious gttask of pneumonia, the Han, James A, Robb, Minister of Finunee in the Leminion eabinet, passed away suddenly In the Royal York Hotel In His end wis sa un expeated an to come we gret shoek ta the whole country; During the evurse of his ness, the daily bulleting an to hiv condition were watehed with keen interest, and hopes for a speedy recovery were inten pifiad by the reports that hy Wis WREINE # sUeeesss ful battle with the had been suffering, I'he death at My lags, His whelg Hie had been one of unselfish pub lla seryiee, the of which was recognised even by these why did not agrees with his politieal falih A @ member of parliament, he had the esteem wind gonfidenve of his politieal eollougues, and the high eat respect of Wis opponents, Quiet in his expres wis, nevertheless, foreelul, anxious people Faranto, disease from whieh he Rabb (8% In every sense a national value wid in pois Bootiish fore plan of his views, he had wt all times the debate he wan a doughty Hghter, [atenee and immovable qualities of the fathers from whom he descended It was as Minister of Finanve during years, however, that Mr, Robb venohed the peak wi a successful political career, Suseveding the Ri Hon, W, 8 Fielding, he faced & hard task, but he fuoed 11 resolutely putting Canada's finanelal house, thrown inte hy wartime financing, tute order, In the budgets which he pre sented, he was able to mike an hmpressive showing peduelng taxation and retiving lavge amounts of the watlonal debt year after year, Hin badgets were net always popular with all people they were nat expected 1a be, but thelr seaulis have proven the wisdom of the financial policy be followed, and they will go down Into history an doowments which played « large part in stabilising Canada's nanos during the diffioult post-war poriod Mr, Robb's sudden passing will leave & vaeaiey in the Dominion cabinet that will be hard to fll tor he has, tn Bix term of offen, set an example that will nat be easy ta emule The people of the whole Deminion will feel a sense of personal lass in the de atl ol the finan fal minister, His wan a quis, wy digponition which endeared hoy to all Wh Nad Re plviloge of meeting and knowing him, and the sympathy of a sorpwing hut grateful nation will go out, whale heartedly, to his bereaved family - i. <i.» Fon WINNING HONORE FOR CANADA NE hf YL IL. The teiwnph of the horsey' of 1, 5 Moelawghlin at the great shows al Boston and New York consti tates move than a persanal vietory, 14 is & vietory for Canada, & vietery whigh places the name of this Dominion 10 the forefront of the horse workl on this continent, It 15 an honor 196, 10 the eity of Oshawa, bringing fame to thin elty, Jat as wach as the achievements of the ehampionship wihletio organises sony of the city, Other newipapers of Ontario are recognising this fact, for the St, Catharines Standard NL SThe fact that RS, Molanghlin of Osh AWA, Was a notable winner at the New York Horse show 15 of interest to Bt Catharines, and shows that the Hone Show Nevaged in Phin wily, (at whioh Mr, Mebaughtiny horses were ahibiel) ot yory far hehind the greatest en the sontinent." The Terentia (debe, 10a, in makes & apeaial mention af the sneeens of My Lawghling It sym "Canadian horses an Ny well at the fariy a NN A AW Rowse Show in New York 8, MeoLamghtin of Oshawa won the WLAN \ the HPO R hunters' elas, defeating the pride of the United States Army team, and had the winner in the ids dlewelght division for qualified hunters \ Ad With pveryihing elie produced in this AMR, Canada's horses oan mare than hold thely SN with the best to be found 1a the worl This is indeed high praise, but it Is well dessived, and reflects credit, wor enly on' Mun MeLaughling but alsa an the wily of Oahdwa A SILENDID "RECORD Oahawg has every reaver ter he well satisied with Whe LOPE resented 10 the boa of health by in Tn W, GM INI ih wigsdioal healih affiver, he othe Wht During, the month of October he salt there WEY ORLY MN CRs of contagious dhe and at the oud of the wonth here wore only tue eases silt on the peur This i a sather romarkable record fi A ORY of ond JNO people. In act i hay wet been equaled aosending 10 John Gibsoiy duidig We savens eunrage of his convigtions with all the the lass ahaw suniusion and wet as Indeed, fs editorial oolumng Mos 4] teen yeurs he has heen 0 member of the howrd of health A veeord of this kind Is an exemplifiestion of the vilue of the city's public health service, which fs second to none among the cities of the sles of Qslie awa we and Ineluding many mush larger == in the pravines of Ontario, The extensive program of ins munleation agalnst contaglous diseases ls showing Its good effects In keeping the number of cases down tw # remarkably low number, This werk Is golng to gontinge, It has proven Its value, and ss years go ony and ie becomes even mae tensive In Its spplis witlon, the good health record of @uhawa will hesome the envy of the whole of Ontario, ANOTHER ELECTION PREDICTION sremi--_ (rT the recent pros a Ny exactitude One of the Interestigy font vinelal election was fhe with which W, 12, NoSinelltp the apposition leader, predicted & fall lection may manths before It wis ninouneed, If thers nyshing in this elven atance, one might feel inclined to Jak for & parallel situation In the federal house, und prepare for & dos mindon elestion next spring or swimmer, A few days ago, a gathering of leaders of the Cons sorvative party, including Ite federal leader, Hon, R, HW, Bennett, held a lengthy secret meeting in Toronto, and out of that meeting leaked the Information that the Conservative ehlefs expected an election next year, Beeing that the opposition leader ealled the wir an the provinclal election, it would be quite colneldense wore the federal apposition leader to bs equilly garreet in his prognostiestions Not that the people of Canada are at all anxloys for an early election, In Ontario, and In Baskateligs wil, they have had elestions this year, and are not wnxlous to be thrust into another one in the near fus ture, Fartunately, they ean find some comfort and wssuranes in the knowledge that lightning never strikes twloe in the same plase, and that it is hardly goneelvable that In federal polities, ns In provinelul the opposition leaders should have the inside track on the eleetion plans of the hii ny ------ -- TAKING | HOC K With the vanditions of pani nw hy the resent stack market evash now falely well wver, and & thing of the past, 1t ls possible to ke stock of the situa tion whieh has been developed, During the last three heen many rumors of huge losses weeks, there have sustained by individuals, rumors whieh have not heen vestigation losses in the steel market erash but tn the main, these losses In most eases, upheld hy close hat In sdmitted on all sides, did net vepresent netunl losses in eash there were they were morely losses of paper profits whieh had been bullt up tn an inflated market, and not mons tary losses such as would be Incurred In business res verses of w substantial nature Pho encouraging factor ln this stogk-taking a the general acknowledgment that the stock market arash wity related to business conditions, and just as saund as they were helore the Was in mw that then Crash ene his In the view whieh Is 'expressed in a careful review of the situation hw By HL Pelli, vies presi dont and managing divebtor Off the De Forest Crone lov, Limited, radio manufacturing corporation, Alter pointing out that the western crop eonditions wre such ad to erate no feeling: of depression; Me Pollitt goes on to discuss the sleek market situation as follows wie large "Phe other great Influence in erenting the rumor of business depression is the terrify crash whieh the steel market teak In the latter part of Qetoher here 1s & tendency for people to hellove that it refleots upon business conditions, Tt is my fan eanvietion thet It gives absolutely no indignation of busi ness conditions, but 1s the direct result of marker manipulation, followed by a atoek speculators' panie Mp Pollith goes on to elite perity In his awn industry in proof of his assertion, figures shawing pros and then goes on to say "The figures which I have elted above are proot 1a me that a business depression does not exlit, We place no weight on the rumor of bad times, We are anjoying Rrotperity and walking prosperity, 1 would Hike to ser overyone in this Canada of ours talking pros perity, 100, Nueh a course will maintain a sonditlon of prosperity and hasten the bell Hunt future which, without any doubt, is the happy lot uf this vountey, hat fnsound and reasoned aptiniism, Te is baoked, too, hy the Judgment of other business leaders hoth In this country and in the United States, of men whe, reallaing that the steel market loss does net veally represent a monetary loss in oash, hut largely a loss are convineed that business and ins he adversely affected hy the LLL BNL onl dustry will In no way downward sweep of stock prices, a -------- EDITORIAL NOTES TE ------ Now the minibtpal sleetion pot can start warming Hi X Tg Phe only way in whieh an automabile can be made foab-rget Iv by waking wre that fool never delve iy NE ---------- There are some fellows Who manage 19 work thelr way theaugh sohool, and there are o\hers whe have PATER Lht they an work instead There bho a presidential elootion in Mexico on Novenber 3% if whe candidates ave nat assassinated hetore that Hine: i Yeti Wh Turkish winiorists wre notarions ly reeklpst datvers Thor must have taken their loss sons in America ir et Varsity students have decided fn debate that Tos PORED i% an tolerant ity, Yel if has always shown surprining toleranes 10 the antes of the students, -------------- Tt woull he fnteresting 10 Kyaw how thank WV, FE, NGkle feels that he did net accept the leadership of the Ontarie prohibitionists a-- Even #1 ho escapes with Ris Hie, the hunter wha is wistaken 1or 4 mouse hy & follow hunter has every reason to feel disgruntled == considering what a moase looks like a 1 has hoon painted out that Reivish Labor candis dates leat heavily in Seotland, Since. many of the Labor won there are of tha Communtatle side, this teas might well he considered a gain, The defeated candidate tn North Perth, wha, as an addon of Brationd moved a resalution of sone seatilation 1a Als victarions opponent, is our idea of & Toa poriaman, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 Other Editor's Comments ---- WHERE HE'S NEEDED (Detroit News) The funy hoy who nukes po In the wity Ia't = deserving of the ont credit There # the sountry boy who makes Wood in the country, AFTER ELECTION COMMENT London Vree Press (Conservative) The most ensovragng feature ol the sock market panic Is the fael that it has not disturbed = general business, Business sanditions AB matter of hel, hh We ¢ splendid DONE THOROUGHLY ("Fhe Argonaut) Bone things ire done thoroughly In Wusslas For example, Dmitrl Pes troviteh has been mining for some me {rom his home near Leningrad, he In & person of some imports ae an official notice has been ise sued offering a reward for the reeoys ery of hin body, It seems to he bes lieved that he has heen drowned » the Neva, As an ald to the identif cutlon of the bhady It Is emphasized that "he In espgelally to be recognis ed hy the fast Mat ) he stammers, RADIO ) PROGRAMS (Fram the Hamilton Bpeetator) Wadia Is belng ruined by the style af program Weer lt an palizes the wire The senbinual JinglesJangle of Jugs and the rhymes ol frothy sens thinents, should be a thing of the past when the change comes, It eannot he that this Is the sort of soneert listenerasn desire, The unfortunate thing ahout radio Is that the public 1s entirely wt the merey of the hroad casters, Any suggestions al rvelarm wre met with the veply that the pro arama are whist = popular taste des mands, But one Is loath to belley i, LE that Ie really the gase, the Ciavernment has a wrand apporiun My to do a litle elevating, A FORGOTTEN REGULATION (Forest Btanduard) With all the disgussion of level orossings and means of sompelilng matorists to exercise the masimum preeatition in approaching suel eros ine, 1 Is doubtful iF the genergl ma toring publie is aware of noregula tion embodied tn the Highway Tral fle Aer whieh reads as follows) "No motor vehiela shall he driven al A level rallway erossing where the driver of the vehigle has not a eleay view of the approaching trae at & proater rate of speed than 10 miles per hour In a ety, lawn or village or 18 miles per hour outside a eit town or villege," In other words when you spead over one of thes crossings at a rate of 10 or 15 miles an hour, as the ease may he, you are violating a law of the Provinee ol Lntario | Bits of Humor WELL MATCHED "There's. an ideal eouple "Why "He's manly affectionate and she's wm WELL LOADED he Donkey i I'm loaded with eight hing of brandy and gin for the in fidel trader I'he Camel poring load You're carrying a stag Ti-Hi -- ALL ARRANGED He (on telephone): Hello, would you like to have dinner me tonight? Shei I'd love to, dear "Well, tell your mother, T'll be over at seven o'eloek"s=Answers, APPROACH Customer="Ta what do you your extraordinary sueoess house 10 house salesman! Salesman=ta the first five words I utter when & woman opens the door "Miss, (5s your mother ini" Canper's Weekly MAKING CHANGE were yom delving daring with owe LL) "W hy this inornig "Wall, the fudge fined me five dol lars for speeding vesterday, and he eonldn't ehange my tensdallar hill, so he told me to go and speed i owt Hummel, Hamburg NOT GUILTY O'Flaherty Haven't me before? Prisoner=No, yv'vr Honor, Ol never sw hut Tavis fave that looked latke Yours Wat was o photograph of an eh aN Judge laherty Disohavged! Call th! oi eave Publie Opinion vou Fudae heen helo The Renprier WAR Sont to write up Wn ehmeity ball, His copy came 8 and it was careless, The edit ved him the next day by gust ga OXIA) Look here, Novibhler what do vou A nh this "Among the most beau with wis Robert MeNaie Steals! Fi 190 a wil, Me's one of ow peinei pat shareholders A SF rant help thay" realistic reporter," that's was" roturned the where he nUsY He was sponding his Arse term at a hoarding sohonl and his parents andionsly awaited the arvival of his Host letter Iwas not seteived for more than A week, and it was short and to the pat "Doar People! don't think | shall he able o send you wany let ters while 'my here, You soe, when things ar happening 1 haven't time owt on thet they aren't hap WN A Mi 10 tell you Pallure= But he that hearer FA, not, in Ike & wan IAAL withont 4 foundation built a house Wpon the earth against whic ) the Ne I heat vehemently, and fall: and the tain of vy ke Was pitt whe 6) 4 AER 0 fast By James W, Darton, M.D, NO BYMPTOMB TO WARN OF CANCER aneer uf He pie It is unfortunate thi (he stamuel dogs not mike pene known earlier, With eaneer af Lip, langie, oF anys where about the shin Ly i oan dur toeted, and radii the Remy, 0 the knite, bring pm as Bit with cancer of the stamina in 4 bee view of 147 onsen Br, Wo Galdlg gus ports thik oily 46° Lad previous ne digestion, whereas YI had pot gis plied of having Indigestion, QF the entire number wily 8 were under 40 years ol ane, The uvernge ime between the ears Heat symptoms and the consulting of a physician was 4 14 months for those gomplainiog of Indigestion pnd 8 1d signthe for those wha did Hot ba diet i FEE EO el thie sane not eomplaning of indigestion there werg no whdomingl symptoms of any Kind far weeks wr manthe, and the only reason, for suspecting cancer wih (he age of the patient) past 40 yours of age, And of the quses with indigestion there were ten who had not had thelr tndigestion ar serious Moess in wine or mor Mothers In nob digs uhdominagl distress ho know Ho oyou ul wk weber ol fami! witering the stomush ft he surly in wll cuses, af appetite, Io strength, wd to these there is whieh may appemt the tube VER Halk oF ie Yuu 1o your ny from cuneer al lhe pire lus lus wl \dded distress symptoms are not butfusuully the ul weight, lush GF wt alten ta he that atomaehe=in pir Hut Bling in the asso food plom Fu lien Hie ul PH REUs down to the wel Heel , In the hirst testing adjoining the the right of the hod part ol int that from the the left, mo i feching "p strength, los would he tars With ineluding ahlg tn Remember and gan he cured, 1) you dela (Megistered In Loy mull fomaeh on in the thi une rg right Aination ushinlly dian LY oll earl matters Ae) viii Voosor, aditar of the (HL) Mirrors tal M Mount Carroll Domoorat, says THAT the naverting week, 18 not doing hant wha lepal Big duty ta him hin clty or his mel pen LA ghee each not gall, his business HOWE DRDOY Phat advertising hvings now business feos afar has hoon proved ton often for success ful disputation, | To hy Ieronse compre LL] fant | moerohant oan hensive pdvertising business from 08 {a Roh Week, Any 1 most sucoessful quoted, as such Advertising Ins where prices are a per cent oft does not ARYIRINE tn the ite of most ers, while onld figures count The merchant wha seadg Ingly places an advertisement na newspaper stmply ta help the paper n't dolng so, He is not wise to the fact thst ow must advertise in order to CORANOE AN nstosdate business in thin ape, When hayes road the advertisements and make A note of the peioes hetfore gos me th the store ta da thely trading, mean hu) A newspaper well filled with well written, nicely Ope hensive advertisements is taken to Mean that i Is published in a live LOW, that the merohants are en tarprising and the oily 1s progress. | ive { aot, he merehant wha advertise on only shelbhwarn, antsatsdate goods when he does advertise, CARRBE oapeet mach from the AVOCENT, J The Average Wer fan tel shetbhawom sae hy stply giving the one avew, Every newspaper man desires to AYR avery Advertisment placed hts ealimn to hing vosults, And Works to that end when sot ting and placing the ads to make them 100K attraetive The wmewhant wha ts wet Working with the newspaper Wan ta helng about a larger ate to his own store In wot VORY Woh A erode to the olny OF fawn in whieh he Hyves, And The ROWSPAREE an Wha dees WOE WORK ta paatect howe ade ant increase home teade oot doing his daly te his ROWE TORR ARE oan nat dos SOUVO MIOh Advertising patrons ane. tame A new praotion golf hall, which WHE net travel more than thin feat, In becoming papular, The om Alnary hall, of course, would serve the SAME purpose for same of ane friends who play Soheneotedy Union Star | But for money and the need ot | It there world wet he halt the felendshipn tn the world, It & pow erful for mood IP divinely wsed Qive It plenty of aie, and 1 is aweel an the hawthorn: shut ian, And 1 canker and breeds worms e=Q000ER Mav Donald, Eye Care and Eye Strain CN TVOK py A. Tien whe) $9.0 HEY UNERAIN" Part "8 Wows axposed to wind and dust, and thers are some who cannot fuue a sirong wing without evil affects to the eyes, Consider then the tnereased effect tothe eyes of howe In swiftly moving vehlelos when the eyes must perferm thely normnl functions as well as Coins Lut the effeet of the exposure, Bivang sunlight of summer and the digellng snow ¥lare of winter will Inovesks the harmful element, Toduy the vesultant fully vision and veflex disorders of the nervous BYRLem are move common than us ually known, The constant need of ¢loss vange vison, the continnal axpowire to glare from high«pows arad eleotrio Hghts axpons Lhe eyes to tervifia strain Wyen tn the very young, vislon exints and develops, Many ahildren ave not promoted, held hiek by faulty eyesight vather than hy lower mental eMeleney With the rapid advance of eivil Igatlon and the great development of Industry coviain concerns have rentiged (he value of Hye sxaming tang of employees, hut what ahaut the eyes of ehildren, those who will hold the veins of the indus ty af the ature True enough the schools In IArger centres have proper atten ton given to the teeth of ehildren and posing that the ehlldren Are properly nourished Hhould every ehild have a thor OuEh oye examination? Many aye fonditions would he nenyared whieh In preliminary examinations ne Proliminary tests will canes of alling slut wha has normal Vielon the expense of aver worked nervous pystem Is often averlonked faulty are ovarionked reveal most hut the one B Bits of Verse L'ENVOL wimer dawn, when all the world is still, And dewy Hower master hand garden male, And 1 not there! ame Awake shall gl ne My dao "wh I'he roses climbing at my Bhall shed the fragranve empty al the And winds shall w With I oenre And 1 not thers Hines it moon shall shine the trees Lhe harye AIony radiance All the quiet alr, | reluctant ght upon \n And shes 1 he gleaming leave Aid 4 not there dl WO MOTHERS paked Just one great privilege ol 1k I'o be allowed (0 reay she have hig Hitle elothes, hm at night, And sorub the muddy foat-traoks from the fleor, AIT the ohild wash soothe Ta feel his Mttle hand within hey hey awn His sunny head At vest upon her hreast I seattored playthings up her house oount herself others hlest olutiered phe'd Above all she sat with on VIOUR eyes, And watohed ma ironing endless garments smelly her turn about in mute diss may When | complained of marks on the wall, Tosdny LIT | saw hands She only stared wien I grew tived of notes, to hep RUREYY Gals Waa MUBIO BWeSstL,) the ohildren mathep thely (oye lay about neath wy (That And bade up the foal hat Kitohen ol, I know that she would give her soul once more, this endless work of love; Yer 1 oomplain, Who have my ohilds ren here, envies we: her ohild haw gone above Doarle Do Freest Pengellay, And To do fhe ll Hr, IVY, I guevite Lyn Inudgey report of UH Marie [ahioy, We order ok) Marguerite Jain Uuotlvey won, Vaprl Bus Hr, 11 hiampsaon, hy Vlargin, SCHOOL REPORT OF USS, NO, b Vollowing 1s the No, b Names wre meri on dunloy Room Mr, 11, Be=Uordon Jackson, Helen Merman, Veanves Hobinson Br, IL, A Call Mlaphenson, Gladys Luke, Jack Leloy, Vreank MaClura, ald Allman, dr, 11, Vvade | Doria aria Robinson, Pierson T Hernles Leloy, Jaekuon, Ted Mosler, Jack Dan pid Halghi Br, L=Billy Draw, ey, Vistar Burroughs Ir, LeGyeta Liok, won, Nathan Hircook Br, Py Joey Kart! dr, Visle Karman, Pierson, Vieddy ¥Karll, Draw, Wilfred Pasens, Walley | more than a Boott, Havold Bonnetta, Violet! tempera May, Reuben WHeon, Aubrey Hire community ook, Hevnles Taka, rims, B Clngses Kathleen Cambell, | wonio Raymond Wilson, Gordon May merson _. _ Kihel Lewington, Murgnvel Barnes Cameron, HH Ha 0 Peggy North The Just things GVBHKINE Th vi Norvine Vier Audrey Helen! A dollar in a Northey, Tug and all the oy hel Morahinson, ' tion Marian Honnetin, Frank 1H Navihey, Davothy Bi arle ii, in Wilived Dovathy Kerman, Done Mi Ie TTR TA i fo I) unl dollar In sehooled, than | where dies, fare in constant play It, Private Wire System + Phones 143 and 144 na pd ET Sroeie- for LONG ¢ ¢@ ORAIN i Gt te via Tononfto 8. F, EVERSON, Local Manager 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Woom Fh ursan, Loli Messin, ring Kerman, Vee 1iwin Lewington, Marian Jou Lavin, Ville Cumphall, IAnduey, [yin Idndsey, Hohe Mare any, repre Naorithaey, nneth Camphsll, umphell YLON Touche value of a dollar 18 to buy Har goes on nx with all the gens virtue of the world, in worth July "nn lawn hiding n some sink of knives and ars We Varsity RST Leaves Toronto 9.00 p.m, Arrive Winnipeg 845 am, C1 Connections at EQUIPMENT Com MpAsment= Observation (Ra Car, Tourist Sleeping Car and Dining Rail Ways, er -- i ir ------------ dally Car, anadia ational , 2nd day innipeg for all Western Points, Library Buffer Car lo Bquipped) Valet Nerviee, Niandard Sleeping Information and reservations from Kh sgent of Canadian National ful To tell dl tlt Jule stages [it from inferior ones you look for the amath 3 same way? Bdison M highest quality and ad ph Why not buy lamps the assure you of [SL] EDISON MAZDA Rabb FR OLTED J LAMPS R A CANADIAN GENERAL RELECTRIC PRODUCT rorm---------- BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP v0 Simeoe Brent North, Oshawa Phone 10% -- In i Hi ie Maadowvale, Ont \ mn m mm jae HHS UM N V Al | - a d XCCOOOOUXXXX XK. wy NRA AXEKKXXXKKD YX) The one looy i 77a rarmomzes W\W\ 25 Albert Street HH every style of decova\non W. J. TRICK COMPANY, LIMITED Oshawa, Ontario

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