THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 JAMES A, ROBB D SUDDENLY TH (Ooitinned from from page 1) nortow atternoon, Those close to wim dn bis Hestime ald not conwid the pessihiiily of a 'garvias, saying that 6 sueh an elnboraty be apsingt his wishes, oxprossed any, d Yo of the hewt ublle men id one of the most inance ministers the had, 4n the opinion bs br amin men who eularday Lo express thelr smn pir tributes, Ha worked Whi up from tha very bottom, entered public life an # " lob Yh of Valleytleld in Ce hesame successively, member pari opunell, Raper, member of MHamen: in 100 minister of ade and commeres, minister of Gk soting minister of fine bina}, and | finally mintster of oF Tine rivate lie he wii president at i nald and Robb, Yalieytield firm, and head of Bruneay, ai 6 and company of Montreal, wholesale flour merchants, My, Robb came to Toronto on the averting of Thursday, Oot, 84, Lo fil an engagement ha had for the next day to speak at the opening of the National Life Assurance compsny's new bullding on Univer: Avenue | in eampany with Hon, Lemisux, On the way ry the train he suffered from | ft ib domach indiaposition, efame Slatraaing Sho ugh AR "ou NE to osuse him 7 on angagement, ont to wl Wi the oare ol " rah, but his condition did ama serious ennugh to wars vant alaem, Heverdl days later he was diggovered a have Soni "eto lobar. puoumenia, snd Dr, D'Are anh took uharge of his - mmediate notitieations of the death were sent to Premier King, ahoprd a steamahip between Frinea Rupert and Vancouver, 1.0.1 Hon Charles Dunning, aoting finance minister; Bir Henry Thornton, pre: sident of the CNR, KH, W, Heatty, resident of the (, b, R., who had Roh Noaping In olosest toneh with 3" Robb's condition hoth oMelals and as an intimate friend, and .s in all parts of Canada, A steady stream of sympathetio oallors, monangen and flaral tokens from prominent men in all walks " 1ite poured Inte the Robb suite tarday afternoon and evening, ® of the tral tloral expressions of sympathy And regret wan a spray of rosps and ' \illew of the valley fram Risutenant-Gavernor and Mra, Romp, | n Be ly message of condolence to Mra, Robb came from the (loys arnor-General and Lady Willing» of Career NEA the career of Tan parallel to the of Canada's most sons, The birth and the farm followed hy the oily, the learning of Jog, the control of ! It might almost he og Hy Canadian story, nin in bb and his wife, git. ) f din 0 p if oung_o Mv, ne, of Fi he i th thelrraws ¢ 0 iy mos wwhopsw i ha hom. fo a TORN Aad ohest on ifh th'a ere We 0 Ihe gry ony' concept ome ure the bescons that guide ia ri omewasrd in late November and early December Ira faraieed etek From m, iy wr denny Bit, the Boottish apeesivy, ants of James Alexander Robb, wan born on the banks of the Trout river, u mile went PY August 10 his home was sering, for eh are agin .. it Hurtin ne, Ly a" " hiker L he mirih id i ol fe Wh um erlang sountry o Hvange ine » steady Rd | Thi otalfod or re PAL 00. ov wi ne " Rush oy, Fin lah, pam 0 Joy " our rom N usual, closes the A large number alow an bro ne " the rome the Canadian Pac Many ia Columbia fruit are Feninpula, And Durham, hath Onnadinng of ( wera the pare Hy not in during his boyhood, brother ofthe family, Jamas Robb was educated at the f Huntingdon, ), 1860, and while the wilder: ness, he knew the rigois of plans much of the land on the Robb farm wae oleared of hush The farm Is SUE In the, possession of the fam: fly and ls operated hy the elder distelot sohool and later at Hunl ingdon Academy, hut while sitll in hin teens he went (0 learn the mills Ing trade at his uncle's mill In Val layfiald, My Rohh was barely 80 when the unele was killed In an pooldent In the will end the wid ow, Mri, MoBanald, took the young with hor, Donald and man inte part nevsh i forging the firm of Rabb, Under his presidency the business flouvished fap many Years, In 1086 a fire destroyed the plant, hut It whi rebulie along made! Hines and tn regarded as the hest equipped Canada, Mpa, Rabb died in 1002 daughter, Janet, 1018 to Hugh H Bhae died In 1018 ani, Wis Danald, 4 the smaller mills in An only married in of Tor My, Robh was married a second time tn 1080 to Mra Mary Elgabeth Wattle, of Maple Hay, Heitish Oolumbla, It wan THRE The amen . he ihe METRBTIC oY 5 Bva) I GENAWA, ONT, frat hh Mayon of Valloytield nthe olty of Valleyfield My, Robh I fp antablinhed innavations AEN Fs GOMPANY L1MITED a Swan tat an 18 Younds Ww sontaet with HTT TI His "oo aug In business Impressed (hose Interested In the olvie affairs of the community and ss the resuli of publ petition he became mayor in 10068, In two years he pulled the gly put of a bad finanolpl potion and wat olvig affales on a Maoth plane, 1 wan hig vigorous actions that ultimately secured pavements for a olty sltunted tn a vioh Tumber dintriol at 8 thine when planks were sonslderad the only safe oovering for mud straetn, He remained ma yor of the olty until 1810 In 100K Biv WHtelid Laurier we lected My, Robb as the most sult the oconstitueney of Huntingdon His opponent, BH, N, Walsh, wasrthe fiver Conservative who had repre sented the constituenoy sinee von federation, but Mr, Robb won hy the narraw margin of 80 votes, Hu was returned to the House of Cam mons at all of the following wily general sleotions as well as hy elaotions tn 1801 and 1084, with majovities ranging up to 1.800 After the wartime election In 1017, Mr, RHahbh was elected ohilet apposition whip for the Libera! party, His success at this post led Nt, Hon, W, LL, Maokengie King to take him Inte the newly formed Liberal government of 1881 an minister of trade and commeroe Thus, cabinet rauk came after 19 (Continued on page 0) PROMINENT MEN PAY TRIBUTES TO HON. J. A. ROBA (Cantinued from page 1) world, His sudden death will he a profound shoek 10 the whale coun n and A Hreat loss not only to the Libera! party, but to Canada "Speakin Mi the government and people of Ontario asx well as In a perdanal sense, aur deepest sympathy Hoes oul to Mrs, Robb in her great LOrrow, ---- Frafiisre Tribute Steamahi ince Liearge, enroute to i dy Nov, 12-00 learning of the th of Hon, J, A Robi last Rah rime Minister 'W, Mae enele King gave out the hl tribute on 'he death of his oelleague | "Not in many years has our copa: try sustained greater loss than that which {t has been ealled Wht to hear today in the death of the Honorable James Alexander Robb, No minis ter of the erawn ever held a higher place in the confidence of hin fellow countrymen or a wore affectionate Que la VY he hearts of his colleagues bh will he missed hy all, hw 0 -- who know him his loss wi be ireaparable, The sympathy the entire watlon will go out to re Who Is Your Skinny Friend, Ethel? -------- Tell him to take MeCay's Ood Rife Extract Tablets for a couple months and get enough od | thy Hae My his hones to look To \ real Mn | WN the only way te hy \ ose graveslike hollows from Bla cheeks And weok, Tell al t thousands of thin, PURY, Jetway hos all a oh Sakthy teak 0 hn oF your wow wi be AL | pervites from inland AAT th abla Libera! candidate to contest | Jowar(s Baint John, N.B, whenea the Ll fe fpnadian Pacific ships have heen movement Minne b Ji oop of Ath " Dec. § "Dye hess of opm / 0 a val ! Deg, 18 Re Tass John, but the IM Innedony' 'Y | wosnon, of Canadians from the. British $ountries are Anning on travels mes far Christmas, nd. lready fe specin ff poi i4 ristmas ships, "Robb: n hey Hreat affliction "hie sense of personal loss 1s oo prent of the moment to permit me ta do mare thon to express the grat tude 1 fell far the years of intime wie wasueiation in the aftalrs of our country whieh | have been privileged to enjoy with the mest upright of men and the most loyal and devoted af Irtends Ir matters of govern ment there was not w thought that Mr, Bobb amd 1 did nat share in the entire periad of our asseeiation iy the mimistry, Through Mr, Hahb's whle administration of" the depart ment aver which he presided the na tion's fnanees have been brought to i paint where public ganfdence In Canada's pantion In renter than it hae ever heen before, 10 18 w trust whieh Wis ealleagues have shaved aid which neve snore than ever, 1 will ha their supreme duty to main al," Toronto, Nav, 12 -8ir William Mulogk, Chiet Justice of Cutario, and formerly PoxtmastorGenerst in the Cabinet of Sir Wiklrid Laurier wis very mel waved when he | lonwnad of My, Robb's death ie aid "In the death wal Robb, Canada has suffered a great and sad loss Far a quarter of pentury he served his country In many responsible public positions, the last and west important being that of Finanee Minister of Canada, In the diseharge of hs duties in every position which he was ealled upon to Wi he praved himself an able, faith ml industrious and eanselentious publio servant and deservedly earn ol for himael public confidence and pateem, "Ho was & man of sterling qualities, fa kindly, gentle and retiring nature dnd hare with modesty the high honors ganferred upon uw by a vatetul and appreciative publie, Hes oved hy hs personal friends and respected hy all the veeollegtion of his private and public character will over be a priceless legacy to the peaple of Canada" Faronto, Nov, 12-Rt. Han, Arthur Motghen sald: "1 am sincerely and deeply grieved to learn of Mr, Robh's death, We sat on opposite sides of the Hausa of Commans cough ware than 20 sessions, and § am happy to vefleet that there never passed between us words which at this the we would regret, He was thoughtful and kindly, not vigorous in debate, but fair and well-infarm of, The good men of our time are WRAL, and of thes Mr, Robb was one! Hon, Jam A I ------------ WORK ON NEW WING OF THE COLLEGIATE 3 IN FINAL STAGES Contractors Expect to Finish Job Well Within Speci: fied Time Wark on ihe west wt wing nigh! wehoel addition ¥ laglate ja, Yurational In 1 final stages, a by I¥abnd hefare the end i) the thy wall within dhe time Jimi ohh the AT Tn ven 4 LS @ OnR! ore, Buide & Nebolion, othe uy The interior af Mrb nag h belay Al and Ly 3 belay take sere on \ on bath A tina p ocampleted. Only Ra ot Se Sali smaller work, auch as hanging } A Sas, we -- rn Ne he 8 show 10. hea Reioiiy a fahed, as far as OTN Ae 0ORs bv _ will leave a tae for aueh other (OUChes a8 ATS Neer made, and equipment installed, be: oe the epehing of the January While na definite announcement has heen wade, it 1a wnderstoed af the ta the wix hii Children grow robust and strong feeble old people feel younger fn oa few weeks that appropriate Nine fereman: lod will he held, either in Decem: Ber WP AL the opening of the winter ONE 1h January, OSHAWA CHURCHES SUNDAY SERVICES (Continusd from psge 8) he one of peace and goodwill, he declared, fm . thurch tr wir ly. great days of histary of Wl i uy Ws one fhe Fru ur dowing CONKreRnr seroh 0] all the sere tons, ne breach oe 148 and timated (hat hetween 500 a4 Reople iste the Whrowt service [| Wy he dup apenk th # mend Wer Vil at 10 a'clocle a nen 1h Wi ared " hat our Th ey, Geo Nh ne harge and condueted the ett " along the line of testis very large for 8 hell aay seRsan, choir Kd " " i lendid Mr, | tellin oly Bint and the Chureh" and le's Jemon Was hold, hort fare ng, and ly spiritual, 08e near the Bunday oul gathered "6 the frant in u serviee of dedication, At JAB oleloek & women's service le spoke ta the women on "Mather ve and Her Daughters" No women {i esnnty gould fall ta he a better sarylee, hl) 'eloel the the ehureh win Aled ta capaeity, Al 7 o'elogk every available space in the ehureh und Sunday Behool was apened with the singing ef "Ged Biuve the King," und Tollowlng this # beautiial memorial service wis held keweliel, and placing It upan th vlght hand, to ratse IL up a8 & monn ment for the dead and then the sun silent dead, Wat not alone was the servied marked hy great erowds, hut alee hy deep spivitual powers) fur meny conference, 7 [1 ply in 1] div ual ih a men and a (RK afelal wih held, Over 900 wemen and girls uther alter that service evenin whiliged, and even then hundreds were for the fallen dead, Every member pregation with bawed heads wus wik wt the alasg of the service when the appeal was made for any desirions of Hving the Christian life, between 20 and 30 raised thelr hands Albert Breet Chursh "Armchair Pavlos" was the sub Jeet af & stirring sermon delivered in Albert street United ehureh lust ove ning hy the Ri KR, A Whatiam, pastor of the chureh last evening The pastar stressed the necessity uf men taking a real interest in thel pountey, declaring that 11 was nat #t all necessary to hate nitlans in order to lav Al the warning eontred around nln the charmer At Woe the Sangregation neh ul "le 0 i nit Ifa of the ik ure hy and chers and o oors fikthered for the serviee, Mrs, Dis Tha eimax of the day came at the At wuditarium of turned wway, The evening servige with asked ta take his or her hand ed ta offer a sllent prayer for the other ls own service, the om Phin le agiving 1h Restor speaking an "The Practioal ide of Thanksgiving Ihe ehalr MANK several speaial selections at the day' § Serviees Narth Slmeas Chursh In the ferviees af Narth United ghureh yesterday, the Blea pasiog Backache hours, It yau are losing pel health and strength tram Getting Un Nights, Backaohe, Hiadder Weakness, Hurning, Leg ar Grail Paling, or Rhsumatio Aches, why not try the Urstex 48 Hour Test! et Cystex (pronounced Sles-ex) today at any drug stare, fay only 00, Money haok If you don't soon find: paling gone, sleep fine, feel younger, stronger, and full of pep, Ft anantmd heavy, pliable leatherette with warm fleece back, are black, navy, brown, green and red, At a Special Price The NEV/ Fleece- Back Leatherette Rainprooft WIND BREAKERS For Girls IA popular garment for all kinds of winter sports, a cloth, Wide, elastic band at waist, pockets with flap, Colors In sizes 10 to 16 years, SPECIAL VALUE A'l $2.98 Made from = Collar faced with i. di Sk gonsumption tn the ety, had to he pandemned for gensrallged Lauber dulosis Mansell lrwin, drew a gontralt Lely sen the Thanksgiving ul the Canadian peop! an the Arse Ay misties day, 11 years ago, and that af the present year, On the Arms tee day og 1VIH, he sald, the people were celebrating a vietury as the ie alt of a hard-fought wai today they were emphasing in thelr thank siiving the nate af pense, The past ar outlined many the wave which peace was belng sought, an lauded the efforts of statesmen and gitigens nn an endesvour promate worldwide pene Other Reports Held aVer Owing ta the fact that many af the reparis of Bunday echureh services were nat received at The Times of fice until toa late tar today's Issue, they have to he held aver until Marrom TWENTY CATTLE TESTED FOR T.B, DURING OCTOBER One Entire Carcass Slaugh- tered for Food Was Cone demned During Month mare cattle supplying ware tubereulin the Rev, A, The Hepat The Inspector's vepert was Follawing Iv a detailed. report of my setivities far the month end Ing October #1 During the ghent at the dalvy Industries ex position which was held at Tu ante; A great erowd af veterinav ans and Canadian manufacturers of dary and los cream machinery as pemhied to demonstrate and dis guns the Intest methods far mann facturing and handling milk ana ren m Great sivides have been taken In the manufacture of milk eooleps, | MAY Bay thal At present there are three slestreie milk coolers In apey ation In this disteiet, With these milk can he canled from caw tem perature to below G0 deg, ¥, In ane hour, Anather Interesting exhibit wan the dey los machine, 1oe manuf tured fram this contalng ne mols Lire, Hs ohief use 18 In manulig turing foe for small lee oveam eons tainers, The les evenm 1s flesl put In the eardboarvd los oream oon talner, Then & elroular plece of oardhoard cavers the loa eveam, Next the elronlar pleca of loa in Inserted and the Hd applind ta the container, foe cream delivered in this way keeps for a conslderahia length af time and the lea an he Ing absorbed leaves wo molsture One of these machines has hoon purehased hy & loos! dalryman fol uae In his tee cream business During the month 21 cans of pas taurised milk shipped tn fram an other olty had ta he veleoted fap BOUTRe8S, Meat Inspection Animals numbering 300 were slanghioved and Inspected during the month, This repvessnts an ins oreane of BT animals killed over that of last month, Most animals were in prime young condition, manth & day wis or Twenty milk ta this ely tested durlpg Ootaber, with nn re aotars, Veterinary Inspector Dy, (0, H, Diokinson reported ta the Board f Health last week, This wark In belng undertaken in an effast to allminate all TH, cows supply: ing milk to the olty i The Inspector repovied that, during the wmanth, 81 vans af milk fmpoviad fram another olty had to he rejected heonuse af SaUPHess, Ha further stated that ona whole caress of meat slaughtered for One entire carcass had to he eons damned far Konerallsed ad Tuberens losis Monthly Bintistion Cattle, tuberenlin tested, 0, ra motors Up visltg to milk producers Bl, havin newly whitewashed 10, amples raw milk taken Ba, sedi Ment tests taken BE, samples ol WHE gontainers taken §, cans of milk pejected Bi, spmples pastor eed mille taken 14, vislis to daly feu B80, to slaughter houses TH, 1o huteher shops B4, curonsses ean demned 1%, viele to restaurants Li, to bakeries 1, complaints ns veullgnted | ENGLISH NEWSPAPER VENDORS WEALTHY Landon, Wag, Nav, 18.-=Thera Are street vendors of nawspapers in Landon wha make $86,000 & year, declared A, Maokaren, of the Na» Hong! Pederation af Newsagents, at the convention af the National Chamber of Trade held at Malvern Ho was paking the conference tn Buport u petitlan to the Gavern ment to regliter, Yeense and ean tral steel (traders on & national hale A proposal (hat Halurday afternoon should he made & statu tary compulsory halt-haliday found Withee favour Pally Blakemore (Wolverhampton); who made the proposal, sald he had heard It stat od Chat the plight Kind of ssgistants ware not attraoted to the distels hating trades heenuse they were debarred fram getting hele hall anys an Haturday aftarmoon, and wo wera unable to take part in week end bie and LLL MEMORIAL TO CHAR WOMAN A memarial iv 10 he eregted dn the Roman Cathalie Chueh af Oup Lady and BE Patrick, Nottingham, NS tnd, to Miss Fligaheth pt in, farmer eharwoman who Attended ihe ehureh for many years Mim Atkin tiod ast April at the ame of M4, and left hoy life savings 0 to the ehureh Do You Own Your Own Home List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! ? \8 SACRIFIOR BALR: Ask wy AEARt 10 shaw you wy Wik ful residence, § rooms Every VAR VeRIanOS, Hot water heats Ing, ideal looation, ete, Will A00ARE BE low aa A800 enah, Disney Real Bstate, Phone 1560 ET Wh TUR CoM AR ho & en STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St, Apply CARTSHORE CO. Rng Sa a, Oa PHONE 22) Niner AOTHIANG BOO BANGS For Your Drug Needs NOTHING 200 SMALL THOMPSON'S Adama Machine wl A0 Simoes 3% Bele Deliver Ring AW, hac ulbl We have several deslrable hones for eng Phone 1160 CUTLER Real batate 1RRATA RES telephone B73 Night volte 81s 1300 4 Ring 8 West EE ---- Oh