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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 Sr (lie Wirth of the seot It had to sul a i for fa 4 # wus, ve od EIS ONL for wavers persecution, under & ri, The 2 lm 11 oho which 1 rapidly "resd, fn Sarr yf perhaps, | ! " gh A RE | | OFF TO SCHOOL WITHA JUMP 144 Har d- Boiled Mae: "She ba pail RULE OF FAITH porta thr" wart ri READY GHODL WITHA PLAY : PRTEIT | | psy ho mised & In ' i ee |e REEL: SHREDDED ies fir i hin ell, anni, Whe wes this ssloswomsn' "No she sald, "Wd 'dona not |} a Hg 18 (0 Judgh of hey pure' 1 slrendy g. Vargain, Monsieur | pg i SAR he aw "Theb ona," she heard | Alphonse wou ° 1 ; the phys telling someone be: | A subile ehange (n the woman's | 7 he Rk ny Lh ow ata " Wind a Wereen near (he window: | v0les, Rerviliih Raguel's ores ih tr 8 i Maybe she could | THe Mennonites, several hun: 7" "8 ¥ i flow. to the glass, They met the h lr Woy i ou Fr : "Bie Wahis the ot inadei, no werntintuing oe of & men standing ro aed Jur " spear dreds A 'o uw vay on wo | ha in clothes J tt w they find | st her shoulder, A smallish was), "ree A ak Tie ae : fl ve hi : h i hi Ub olf the | (hele way Up on the Avon from | With a Fhalky fooe and marrow, | fon cant Cet on, Ve ir He all ad 1a) bon om he J Wirpa- wn mont nos. msds He ndomalelle Jremnl hor i on H » wih rein me | he So Me rid fo ve children a warm, nourishing breakfast," All The ment wap made loud| "Mademolselle likes the hal, | she was at [hanes anoigh " that It would veach her: | Miss Laura?' he asked, she i ound a ol 4 My M #0 Ingreansd that ments thele growing bodles need, in such a de the nor, go | Of this Baguel was eeriuin, Hev| t's the most wonderful hat peyer ore alo; | Are the i : Cy that sere Aq shoul fctous food slemanes thal er aT work nd worry white teeth eame together, slione|'ve ever seen' Haque! exclaimed | Raquel' ox Lo Bg to Her why she 0 of them led, somn Tad hor hall-puvied | Hor enger Diack eyes still held the oars pi ia tawny one eyed her dy "a of th om pote Ai : herself In a unwinking eves in the HS ih» Sh or i --_- _- A _- Nr lenurely HH ators " Jovelad inh, gs WAN ia mush, Bul nel) wh for Parle, eh " whe "i in vai ar To entared | aa Josn Done! but REFUSE 10 INSURE CONVICT SHIP OFF itittor ; Whaiher' "in Suptde " wi ¥ i rag making 20 Memp 16 Ginoes ay Luther, however, had a yo n=| # th rr hat a "veer A { ol v th shirome flowers, The form of the ehalky faced lanyy, "You're in luek The salaswoman brought the it, man receded, In iis place before oH a with glance oh , an 10 haw has fluence over him snd he for, Ii JAY. peo . o danse, any it on Raguel's head, Bho |lief mind's eye, was & red-faced | jo make ura | y rare 8 ihn Guestion ihe pekrines of kbtiom | oh to in tanet, of (RAPS POLAR TRIP FOR DEVIL'S ISLAND 6 ab the elub, would not trust It to (his custom: conductor In a battered blue BAD | going Lo vg! oad He! WAT and of iy " ened eo noe' the / JW o's orass Angers, Aha stepped | pustied hack, serptohing his hed (you, Lay off { Mar | WAR folinded on nth 0 boil that {tery nruption, " ; baok, her amber eyes wide, unhes ith unt thumb and fo rENnEeY: | dame Fouling se mi A. oo send gr trace of them In the Joeted Uhitaa pinion § have oh. "ey : a Mood Raquel awoke the following eying, Cinderella had become the [I can't change thin hills! | youive got designs of hie wel imal ib i o Inn In German Companies Say Carries 670 Prisoners, In. nOrning feeling as It she had been | Princess of Henuty! Blo had not paid for het (rein | Lommt wouldn't WABS to be In Your eventuslly left the Roman fice of | i or AK AM Ba dream, Something unusual] Astonishing" she Admitted, Fife to hosnix, Hey red Hibs | hos, that's ail " Jomminion Lo wAthred Forni ne helen on JAsawal nah, Projected' Flight Too cluding 53 Murderers, to e | '"TH k oand white, with your ed imo a smile, kt O66 IMperative al or 110ted, uh I Wappened, Bomething fear | (Lhe, BACK EG EEC WIC turn Kn plonding Wari lights §) loan Natueia ouider i *% have no | tive dostrines wore that (he Hiibie | EWitarlend today vefuse to shave Hazardous French Penal Colony 8, stimulating, Where had she | - ad ro ------ -- TT Helgne' welt | 18 the only vile of faith and that than ara and others (here 4 oon' Monsieur Al honas, work for | the enlightensd conselente 1s 1s Wi i hel, oud a Berl, Nav, @e=Geviman, Jusurance | Tv Rochelle, France, Nov, de J Py thems 0 A Dight==¢lih Memory came Nothing mors, J for this | Only true' Interpreter, On companies recently deglined to ynds | Bix bundved pnd seventy aonvylols T M 4 ha, they dishelleved fn the | buttons are mot mentioned in the rwrite palletes covering the ol holding. B8. murderars, mek wail a ow | Frounds aol to her, To a play, Then to yr Madame ; dda eth v | taking of human Jife and conse. | Bible, a ala lit of Tah MJ | Mratardny : tor Davi ang ' Mght-olub, | : &/ igh be better for her, Lhat # s quently they eould never hecome Ir < jatar "hey hh She Matin and ps PTH They Thal hist 4h French penal aolony In Guiana, old Mr, Benny Barnes, A ! ~ i" soldiovs, To them the word of a | In URARRAGR LHEY NAve Laken more . 0a maby Niki \ i the " nd ti id ¥ : leave me alohe, man waa saored and none wou | interest in education than was for | WOO 100 aly hitgards and plinig horde tainous conyior ship, La od, "And £. ' i bial p Joud, ad ge LL \ | Padua shaped ths TARY one fake an oath They disapproved lon ivi Fhoy have . fey gut hat. ota] proviivime Dad h were Devil's Island 1s one of the most " Rita Some to think I A " Hyau've & 00] one, of marriage with anyone other | L] on Doak (Li Meiont 10 sover sven partial das | notorious Mader pennl Aastlamonts b : than & member of thelr own soot, | 10ReH, 0 and me otal lok vorld, and. the de a i tnt 1, Millia anny, He Tadue seibied i hi FAM I was unlawful for them to hold linganed almost entively In wnrl fukie pi mush | hn tl o in i" the we y M4 A the feature 6 ar i forged her mind | i Af Hoe, Chair, Bie would wll the ny oltios in She Stato but 'mag bute nor tka ar ctind. fue Cautain Walter Burns, sacrotnry of | tonal terest, 0, Ho WAL fan, soming of Alphonse, FAlod hail 1a Be ohaye and will make better When they | he AcracArchlic soslety, axpronsed | messes snmp \ AFORE y hey ' Ba y Amides My yg \ : Would abt over reali, HR fortis the Mot Meese Ih Jin! realise more oelarly ihe value of | MUEREIAG, 1 the deglslon of the fne|™ == 5S 55 mom on mom o-oo - _ : HH i Rv Y) yA hot pv , Paria, Wear beaulliul sled hoa oo that 1t made its presence felt, At | edueation, gitande companies, He hinted tha i Pag Meithine gress out : where " ' ' 8 | VE heautitul places bo hafoalt. ge gurieh numbers of them left the itliiah and Amar tl hciipiniey Arata modern meno ™ of wie he "ni 3 in bed, Across the / ; V/ ful as Khe now 1 Farrell and | Bate ohuveh fn 1680 to found a MORE THAN 1000 CARS gE i letely | MWTety, We worry about troubles hs in Irroy alop her buys ] ; 4 Firat: there Ww hi Paull body of thelr awn, This body, USED IN FlLiI ISLANDS ed IOFIIAR. COMPATIER cOmpItely { aon's narm one person In (hosand. oy or halal with ourving | | lk / Ty TY hy fone H About while of a penceable nature lke | Tn 1006 when the fret automobile | [411 while had body drainage saps » irengin AGHAT Raquel Tin turving ak wa "Maver consent | thelr founder, denied the Christian | was Introduced in the Fiji Talands, ANA breads diseass, Take notion ne fh | 1 [ / Farrell? e hi A ' noe he | Character hath of Hiate and | the natives yegarded It with super A rather extraordinary: thing oe. | 008 JACKS LAX, new all-vagetable wa oe 0 get up she ot / 10 her leaving 3 ad Bhat niaht Ohureh, And while they were pres | stitton, elsiming that devils' formed | curred In St, Louls the other day ihatye. Only #00 per bin, sold sb sl told i HRT bd adie! thee aver 10 \ 4 h d had hat aloaw 13 Wil dé it Jani pared to obey (he magistrate, they | the means of losomotion, Today the MPhE winner of a beauty contest was [TIE sores, i h he Sher our Alreet, A a hy : / | [she rode out Into the a eral wera naturally unpopular both | native superstition hag been entirely | found (nor photographin (0 De [= se we ve vw ow ow ont oo wo + t i HO wis all she could do to tear with Ohureh and with tate, Prom ' overcome, and registration in the Isl beautiful Detroit Free Pros, PW, Thompson, DIVRRIN A dove grey one th M : os away from pla arms, his elioging he Hi wore In the play, p CE ; A p ----_-- i he git of a bath, Mom tap: y : PH she wrote (0 Parnell, ¢.sieneed Hi 10 sid. Log thilstyny fou ' . that whieh she oontomplated, he HH ihe Bretty uncer chines she MY) 1 / I would toss discretion to the wind, Bough We h Snail shop nest 18 Lot Hermoss say what 11 would, an y flokh Jag 4 rads fo he would come to' her, headiens, - loa He wight even fd A bid to pre The, plo y Ww for | Now oR here is hy ine | NE fn hee from elitngon the ship BALANCED-UNIT A a nd he 0 § ho SNE | vr Take Overs Only from Monsiene Alphonse,' Bald Haguel, The her, Ly Ane sould an be ri NEUTRODYNE.PLUS Woman Glaved, "Yon Take Ovders From Me, Khe Bald, VI heuth LOWBOY oF had a hat, Lefty B the table, in the Club Divine, when she vai Will Not Have You Hortws HopowsUndorstand Not until she earned away from Benny, She'd have fof rere mm sy wens | ONGY, BDA SEAL, HOIPE 0 he PAL 185-9 #0. Witheut a hat until the tould =» Toy wearin WMI] ol0thes, To) 4 Wither. Ha OF peOpin IA oq am the lights, fnslde you, Theled behind the mystery ouriains of | halng beaulit Waa ever human aw Yor hab wil hout Bats It pinok velvet, against your pallof==| her eyes, being a0 forth My Yaree!l ought WD sah wht a fad, you should wear gavdenlas, my "Ioan do nothing about tha ig oy willing to walt WALI she ame Rear LATE Bite hs ED Along the | erosarstrest fn the doar, and softy elinging black, Al | priogsesmes URloas wooden! Tha | paok, until she had her fling with hovel Ld sunshine, Bunahiny | ways," ohialliy-faoed man paused, devour | heauly, VR must Walt, Hewes Hoe ay welll, Raquel had no false modesty, [ed every detall af her fnee, her de "Who is that aint" Renuntic Aquel turned the corner 1010 | Ene knew the saleawoman, compels | lontely eurved Agure, "Have you Naquel heard the question dis Jone throu io > ery tly renge sing ¥ sh Biel Mit ihn X he od to admiration by thé thet wel nd (ohsidered becoming & model, | (notly, Unuotleed by her, somasns " HH \ "Ider of her henuty, had spoken Lhe | Mademaluelle Ly had ant yy the ahobi was behin ) The Ones | truth, wft0lo8, Raquel Rolo the dorebn MOAT | i talk --_ cen Grid, $169.00 Neutrodyne'lus, $105.00 ULITH " iH fo oonter of | ¥en" she sald, "ihe hat be Duplieity would not do with hm, | jag' with TH AWRY shleawoman, ; Nhopwindow, plohad ARMING | games me, It 18 very costly?" VE am Monsleur Alphonse, I am | Umhe one on the ohair?' Hest ~ APA, ali Was the MosL] BA hundred and Afty dollars, [In searoh of a model, For my Parle | atngly, "1 be rl is, she [| " why OVOP WOON: (ha paradise feathers, (hey AF6 | aeason, TWO Are AITedy 80100100, | ayaa ht (8 The new Wodel for oholee, Your type ltseepiomesunusunl, | Paris," wade of black vols | Raquel left the shop WAL HeAYY Lyell are Freee"! Then, "When was she to the Grown, [feet and heavier heart, Hhe dared A Ball hour later Raquel left the orb uo i The voles cyt through t not plak 1 A small fortune for 8 fahop, The hat with the paradise [the (asseled and brovaded room he wonder of this nat, Her voll of bills would be [feathers was on her head, It] like & Whibs an OH OW " aelicals white feather VORA | getting thin, They must last uns | erowned hey beauty an & royal dine feel on't know, Madame \ + od from ta alde JIN [{i| Farrell came to New York, 8he| dem crowns a queen, Tonight she | Pauline," FRING Mist OAUENL ON [did not leave the hotel amaln that] would have dinner with Monsleur| Raquel sat erat, The owner of t ihe nah day, OF what use was lle=advales Alphonse, Hhe would decide whes|ihe whipsike voles had come oul | hat ade to AAO | ture In gf clothes? Bhe WAR ther or not she would keep the hat, [trom Dehind the screen, was ad: a bY ue hd Lanta Ads) morose and Wnhnppy vo Parle! vanolng toward her, Rhee did net ' Nght i] a, Another Aphid eAme, With it rrm-- turn her he, J aked hey Raguel's feet led her unerringly to hapter 14 "You are' o BAW Model!" Now high Ws ape ih he Right RHA Af | the window of tha Alphonse, The} The offer of Alphonse Courbet,|ahe raised het eyes, A tall woman rived ONAN hat was atill there, Tis WhIte {antarepraneur of Beauty to engage | with ample bread and ridiouloualy bd ut amas In Whe Iheatre, The Olu | feather fronds heekoned her, Hhe by uel ROJos an a model was not | narrow hips, her blasde ha \ Allok 3a " try it on ones more, Just (ry MUtous an on the surface aps|ed a0 tightly against her hea 4 Adventure whil=t Uh hak ono, AG coded 10 be 1abquered here, wii could elalm Heauty as ita Innide the hep the tawny sales sonnalaseur of women, Al [studying Raquel with contempiuous maiden, Without Jeaity, A adver woman waa nowhere In alght, A nae, BOlally of beautiful wos | brows, {ire ww in thin © hADDO. | middle-aged a0lduons woman wih men, OF al holly, for the mate "Yeo, I am the new model" Ra: the hat in the " now, pureed lps sniffed at Haguel'a 6s) tor of that, Hiv house, » veritable | quel refused to wither unden the PHILCO has definitely fnltlated a new price level at AD isin, ha} here I bl Guest to see the hat, "he Black phe tatedution Of & French ohatean, [other's seorn, di rice 1 { hat brin di hee (Hy HA hy the white feathers Thalahh lat New York root overlooking| "You hed ho walt for, Mon in ra 0-~@& price level that brings radio enterta Jas knew (his Aeld WOmAR i walle aween of the Hudson flour Alpha 48 nal like your ment within the reach of every home, This unique | bi | Ak, 0 [yom ge 14 h J " one b od the ) \ the hat In rb A org, With des eine A onal, hades, was a dell a rh the Hake pried AjAReRs.uRIe pinay with achievement was only made possible by extraordin. 4 Whe aguel told Moeation. Ravel opened her ry Jaden and procelaina and [But here, we must o most ddvenced type of 1, Marvellous Performance Bh geil ary engineering, t WARE WomaRh Wha UR: | cheap little purse, pre ased trom rugs that had known t Olitter of Blue-white teeth, eb a ey 8 : 10 owt 10 hor ah Aho entered a aldewalk collection an Hixth Aves N. long sine wh He a ip DIAGk eyes, AIVIRG seen Ale 1 hg ex + Hi automatic equipment, huge production, and the 2 be Distance Range Rick twhy one elovak | nue, The roll of hille protruded fdust, A garden, slase-enciosed, closest kind of . But more important even 8. Rare Purity of Tone trom Ha Jowning top, 'The acld {where ofehida bloomed in winter Ula Montour 4, Sentai radise? 1) dy wo " than low ia what you get for that price. Here let Ped, AL ONO DOUAMS And troplenl Birds vutfied (heir |A tei vo sid Rag aul ble hey blog ou go fo \he rad soa ound Pos { your hat, mademaolselie," Joliiant plumage YF The Swit bre \ pitied lh shrug, wav. No A mod ot vo vow | NE TA EA ab 'AR RAV SP healod te tren oat dio butt bablie hig ee ha OlEe's ApATimeny in HE 08 A peroontago increase many 6. Acoustic Equ at the price," Raquel to «understand? pa : bar it van 1 You Soni aaa ro eter 40 1a Invishighs as shaken AML Dentiour iishohie it la Fille oe show's pu forthewholeind Perle Balancing Fe have IH tor loss, oven i uve reclaimed fiom the relgn of uae Jou. a iw 4 itd = And no wonder because these Balamoed.Unit of Uniw WOMAR Pushed the suges hay Athos A sem die be Ma i W Ey N ; hs Philoos have revolutionized radio tone; doubled the 8 Sup 3 . ly Juin one's | High away, an FAT Bh, hall wonan wih the - sharpuess of redio selectivity and widened hy thou. raltu N at tw oh 18.rv Atl, [ie § go ow "i patria AY ands of miles the airoles of stations fromwhioh bagel A Phas wa. wt an vd may choose, To this uncanny performance Tine nn Her a) it yp hu has added cabinets of surpassing hoauty--and al JPR0 Tia gh vat Roti SRL 8 {lant pricetumadertiethatmant families arabic. they Were neds, 4 Alrng totion ie, Wy ) flaunts ing two Philooss--one for upstairs and one for down. ody a. BAY Sy Sy i} ool me! ant Your A ta A ing aloo loaned hor | b A Her A yp : Hear the marvelions dws Philo ; TE pt vi KE Lh A HINER FS ayecterquiissuile Your dealer will gladly give you a free ond henutnt What Be could make of [ahs 1 Lut TNE Re arrange eayy poi we age You are demain A Mdlant Raquel awaited WY when he came that evening to t wh her 10 dinner, Ho sparking in Wer | You ak N oy olny that Alphonse Ae f-Atving Rib Xy PUN Vo wk quel ty Te Ww a FA 10 Kk van ha A WAY " w- HN Paris as a model, it you think ha Is Indeed wise, Ma ; Raguel™ he sald grave 1 'YThere fn wo eity in the world hei Paria for a lovely woman" They a, inoanaptonausly, ua on Pardue OF 2004 Ridden wmuele, ho hn AN MRR Stati FE Eh ER: 3 out i \ i 0 phonse sald Wehn he Yah her At A hotel ahovily before ten, "You wil Lt there 1a Ro sueh vig J LOROLL ALIAS. RAPD JB Aha wan SCI TITRETREOY TY

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