fi #4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 CROWD 13-9 "Blue Devils" Win From § - Game Before Big Crowd nN \bout 1,800 Witnessed | "Blye Devils" on Holldey--Came|| py Sarnia Filled With Snappy Plays nd' Good Rugby~'Blue in Saturday / By virtue of thelr sens gl rhe Devils" Look Good i d 4 iH Baty fondo y Tas in one of he host aghthiione ol the full pastime that has ever |Suiueday. Barnin Wanderers ' have E heon miven in this eity, the Gens A he right to meet Gengral otors Blue Devils in the finals for Fara) Motors "Blue Devils" defents ed Virsty "Orfuns" on Monday afte | ihe Intermediate OR.FU, champlon- this year, Barnoon at Alexandea Park by 8 ship thi : The first game of the homgsand- peore of 18 to 0, hb Ono of the largest crowds that home serles with points to eéunt Was ever attended un wame In Axe will ho played here at Alexandem park Wada Park witnessed the EAMG | ibis Saturday" ut 450 pan, with the d although ft was a tele 1ate 0 pore game being slated for Sarnia riing 1 proved well worth walts{ jo following Sattirday, according to fag, Throughout the entire game | oieial notification received here this soitement was kept MEh by (he | uo ing dagsling plays of the different Bmemberi of the (two teams, Neldom as 80 much action haen ween in any one gama on an Oshawa field, Nha Oshawa Intermediates showed Betnemsolven able to take care of &1hemuely Maint the Henlor team find they do ted the play for nore than seventy per cent, of the ame, only in the last quertey itd the "'Orfuns® veally look dans Biovons, Oshawa outplayed them In avery department hut the "Orfune never quite trying and the fans were never without sontething 0 drhesy for, The game proved o rea a b the Oshawn : 'ang Hove them a chance (0 push up, On 'certain points which an only he practised In a Kame, f i ahaa y nad, he he most notiegabls pois Barth!" good work A apis "hlue Richardson Hest for Varsity The best man on the "Orfuns was the kicking halve, Richardson, His Jong atrdes seemed to fairly oat lp the ground and to hit goes adit for the longest run of the ay when ha skirted the end of the ling for A orun'of ay yards, Xnow- lew and Baker also showed up well, The boys all finished game fn fine shape ang ever ember of the team will be fit and ready for aetion or when ever the "Blue Davllg" have to meet the Barnis Wanderers, Barnia defeated Lon- don hy points, the seore heing 11 to 1, "This means that the Blue Devils will meet Haris to decide the Intermediate championship of Ontario, The team, the manage ment, and: the' fans have all heen walting for this game and with decent weather 1t is likely that oven Monday's erowd will he made to seam small, About fNftesn hun- dred witnessed the game of Thanksgiving Day Dinner After the Game After the game, the members of both teams were given a dinner hy the General Motors Rughy Club in the GMC, Auditorium, This din ner was given. in orfler to give the hays a Better, chanee of gettin aoquainted, and, it certainly pro of a success, The hoya talked ever the dierent. games, past, presen and future , and expressed thet opinions an the other games 0 other leagous that have yet to he played, After having done full jus time to the "Totkey" the hoys all Joined In a Ing=Rong, and impromptu program Rive H, ) Lonky, Provident ol the Club noted an chairs ident of the Club seted as chairs man, The boys pave thelr yells and Morris Kohen favored the hoys with a solo, entitled "My Wild Irish Rose," "Phe Blue Devils" quar 1otle conslating of Russ Wiginton, Jaok Bend, ED, Wilson and Nell Hesulownod gave a number, Thelp efforts were put in the shade, how aver, hy the "Orfuns' Quartete, Their "team conslated of Brits nell, Morgan, Knowles and Ntring- or, JI, Veer handled the "ivery" for all the members, Following this the ohalrman introduced «a mumber of speakers, Richardson, Rond, G, Morgan, and "Lis" Walker, These hoys gave their opinons and hopes for the game between Queens and Varsity "whioh in to be played next Baturday, The result wan a draw, Coach Pound waa then ealled upon to speak and he expressed hin appreciation of the splendid way in whieh the "Orfuna'. and thelr management had helped the "'Hlue Devils" out, Rosa MaoKinnon was the next speaker, He also thanked the Tope onto boys for thelp sportamanship and expressed the hope that they would make It an annual event, The chairman then introduced one of the prominent guests, of the evening, the Well-known Tommy Church, Refore léaving for home the Teronta boys were all presents od with a pencil as a momento of the trip, evils' was the manner fn whisk he team worked when on the de ganuive, Kvery single member of he lineup got in some nies tackling dring hie game but the fying Klos of Band, Walker, and Boule 0 wore exgeptlonally good, nd, wnddaubiedly played his best a Bf the season while Walker fd Rohithes weve spiiling the ball sparriers all aver the Erase, Ison played an even hetier game Ahan the one he played last Hats sivday, All his kloks had plenty helght and distance, The high ht of his performance was the d gon! he kloked, In the third rier he tried another field Roni m more than forty-five yards t and he only missed hy a few Hin, broken field running left litle ta ba desived, Nowden also had another day, The way In which he ta away from tacklers makes one ink he wan greased like the arathon awimmets, In making longest run of the day which # about forty-five yards long, po" fooled six tacklers and three them had thelr arms around hut when they started to hug they found he wasn't thers, COAL VE YOU AWN "DRY SKIN ¢ ---- THR GAMER Oshawa kicked vouth and Wilks #00 Who was doing the kioking hit the oroma har, Varsity were on their two attempted buoks and wera forged to kiok, Rowden took the kick and made a few ud. "Doe" got several yarda on buoks hut on the thind down Wilson Me ad Walker Lodown and Rowden ra haek ten yards, When held on twa plays, Oshawa kloked and son put tha ball well behind the line, The vant If missed the tateh and "Lis" Walker threw himself an the hall for the, fivet and only touchdown for the Biue Devils, "Deo" converted and at the ang of four minutes of play the sore Was @ ta 0 for the Rin Davils, The "Ortuns™ kioked an Wilson veturned, Morin, playing At inaide, brought down the man taking the ball, Varsity kicked te got the hall out of danger and "Doo muffed the oatoh, Blot Aled six yards on a nice bhuek ut the Rive Devils kicked, Rieke ardaon took the eateh and was hrought down by Walker, Varsity tried an end-puan and Boulthes brought down Moleod whe was torveg to retire far repairs, Varsity Klokod on the Wat down, Cook wade a niee buek but when they falled to make a gain on thely nest down the Blue Devila Kioked, Alax Grad got the Varsty hall oan tier behind his awn line on the first play Varsity were held aw hag tt» take to the aerial route, Wi took (he cateh and tun the ball back twenty-five yards, Osh awa wored the Wall aver ta the contra of the fala and Wilson C TURSDAY AND WEDNES PAY AT The New Martin Theatre Columbia Plotures Prosonts JACK HOLT POROTHY REVIER MICKEY MoHAN | WELENR CHADWICK L "Father & Son"' 1 A Uriping Soy of Lave | NE Nin © "Orfuns" In Well Played| eld | i Eo ---------------------- E--_---- aL EE Two members of the "Blue Dev: ih" whe thrilled the srewd on the holldey with thelr doing flying task: les, Both boys Ware i ht on and tackling of these boys was "LIZ" WALKER AND NED BOULTBEE sas ol the mab reasons that the ny wah n scoring por ! t ition, The to Ty nly of go nd and Nod start "working their end: runs, when rier are on, they've hard to best, The foreed out of the game for res pairs, Varsity kicked and Doc' muled the cateh, He then tried to stenl the hall away from the Varsity man Ww! #ithough he pot the ball the Pmpire saw it and he lost It again, Richardson tried # fake kick but he was nalled hy YEAR" Walker and the whistle blew for the end of quarter time with the seoro 7 to 0 for the General Motors Lius Devils, RECOND QUARTER Lortie, Johnston, Moore, and Kohen stepped in to relieve Cook, Eillott, Cutler und Carver, Varsity tried another endsrun and Jack Bond threw the last man down hard, Highardson kicked and "Dos" got the ball, Johnstone ana Moore were hoth sent through for hueks and then Wilson kieked tho ball out of play, Varsity messed up thelr first play and Alex Gray the ball-hound of the day, fell on the loose pill, Wilson kisked the ball well down the fed, Varsity tried a buek hut Logan broke through the Hne and threw the hall sarrier fon a loss, Kohen grab hed a fumbled hall ang passed to Wilson, Lortie missed a hole and Wit the esntre and he was stopped suddenly, Johnston moved the ball over In front of the posts and Art tried a field goal With suseess, Gn the next play Bond broke through the line and eleared Riches ardeon to tackle the ball earvier Black stopped the hueker and Varsity liloked, "Dae" run tha ball bank thirty-five yards, On the next play Rowden lost the ball Varsty was thrown for a loss and then thoy kicked, It was here that "Doe" took the oateh and run the hall heek forty-five yards eluding «ix tacklers to do it, On the very nest play "Dec" got the yards on a buok and Wilson fol lowed with another ten yards, Osh. mwa spolled thelr big galing by he Ing offside, Although mora than fortysfive yamls out Wilson tried to drop kok and he missed the har by only a» faw fest, He man: aged to get one point out of the Klek ahd this raised the total up to eleven auninst nil, THIRD QUARTER Varsity kieked, On the Ars down, Lortle mot yards, He tried papain but mob stopped, Laortte missed again and Wilson Kleked, Richardson put tn the heat run of the day when he galloped avound the end for Afty yards, He was finally tackled hy - Morin, Tae ame quiokened up here and both eames hegan to play mood rughy Varsity tried for a fleld goal but only managed to get a rouse out of ft, This was thelr first score uf the game, Wilson kioked the ball well down the field, and Wiginton fell on the loose ball when It was muted, Wilson kicked for ans other rouge bringing the soore up 18 to 1, Richardson again made run and was hrought hy Hond, Varsity fumbled the ball but recovered, They. Kloked to ket the ball out of danger, Wilson took the eateh hut was brought down In his tracks, Cutler erashs ed the line for a small gain, Wil» pon kicked and Richardson run the kielk back twenty yards, The Blue Devils made s fumble and the "Ovfuns" got the hall, Kohan missed a play and tried to run the ball out himself but was brought down for a Wg loss, to end the quarter, Boove "Blue Devils" 132 "Orfuns' 1 LANT QUARTER "Orfuns" moved the ball up th Oshawa two yard line and then the "Blue Devils" stiffened and the "On fun thrown for a loss wie in succession, With the ball in from of the the "Orfuns" tried « field goa! with success, Wilson kick ed the ball well up the held when play wus resumed and Richardson re turned, Tribble took the hall for a gallop and then Wilson kicked, Bond facled the half Into missing the eateh and "Lig" Walker fell on the ball Wilson again spain kigked and Art walked back with the hall for pix yards, Play pepped up and ther wis plenty of good rugby being shown, On the hrst down, Varsity tried a buek but Boulthee hroks through the lin through the hall earlier fon Righardson hroke away the end and although Bond got him, Varsit had thelr yards, Oshawa wot the hall on & kiek and Stew enused Cook tu fumble when he tossed the ball 0 Cook who was going through for a huek, Wilson kicked and Morin tuekled Richardson, Varsity moved down the field gnd on the third down they kloked famihton, who was playing back, muted the pateh und an "Orfun" pleked up the loose ball and although Art Wilion made a niee Aving tackle and brought him down, the hall was hehind the Time was up and Varsity falled to gonvert and the game ended with the seore 13 ta 9 for the "Blue Devils, The Teams os, "nap Tnaides Cutaides Ouisides Middies Middles lying wing quarter halves halves halves subs 4 hlee were POsLE, and ulus Huan around Ovfume Henderson Sivinger Harper Heooks Hill Knowles Hale Larter Heitnell Richardso MeLeod Hennelt Ninth APRN Mlama Hurk Dougla Arehop Blue Devils Liray Marin Ion Cutler Hone Walker Wiktnton, Carver Rowden A Wilson Look Lortin Tribble Hamilton Kohen " Howlthee " Johnston {oore Black " Ofelals 1 Umpire, Beltnell Rartlett, " refevee Western Wins From McGill London, Ont, Nav, 10, Western Mustangs olosed thelr tiret season fn the Intercollegiate senior foots ball race here on Haturday at the Little stadium, in a blase of glory, humbling old MoGill, 10-3, and tin. fahing in » tle with the big Red from Montreal in the 'held to a 81 advan plope of the third quar A Mustangs quiokiy. added A] WL Thomas 9F { § [Move al in the last per ~ a the Rea w in their awh youl area, fin: o bhlook Urpus RE, Moka h ian flashin {A b the ball behind the Hon! Hue for Western's second or aoave of the season, EE ------------ "RUGBY RESULTS INTRROOLLEGIATR Nenloy Uy of meet Weatern 4,10 QUOtR'E + ives MOGI | pny Intermediate RMO. 202 OAC EY Junior Viol Tony 38 MoGIll ovny v8 INTRRPROVINCIAL Hamilton .... 18 Montreal +4, .20 Argonauts 4 Ottawa end ONTARIO UNION Windsor ,.... 10 Wanitton Ar vnd : Intermedia nee te Bt, Ritts 1 xSaria oo 10 QUAIPR ons + 3 LORAOR ivy vod e-SArnia wing group title, Janie Ww Malvern Gds, 10 St Kitts 00 MoCormioks |, ® Niagara Falls . 0 ™M, Colborne 11 Galt-Praston 8 Thovald (8 N=- Game called th (NIN herled, pr -------------- ADDITIONAL SPORT : Wmedy So sioked Tor one polut. When piay was reswamed HI of Varsity was ON PAGE NINE RUGBY STANDINGS The standings of the elubs in the various rugby unions and groups, inoluding games played on dature day, are as follows] Final Intercollegiate PW L IAP 1 8 ween 's vn. LI J 3 oy . 172 23 10 Toronto wav n § 6 West, Ont, wins 8&8 1 6 BU 84 3 MoO soins 8 1 6 14 RO 3 Play-oft next Haturday--Toronto ab Queen's, " siakul Flaal boy ne p L FA Pla Hamilton wovm §@ 6 1120 20 10 MORPORAl pwns § 4D 41 40 § Argonauts .., 6 A 8 BO UG 4 ONAWA hore 8 0 6 12128 0 Final Senior ORV, Group No, Balmy Beach Kitohgner 1s \, Michael's , & ' amp ] 14 84 3 Group No, 2 PW L PAP BIR cients @ 8 0 86 IR 12 MARR wove. & 8 3 BO TX 8 Hamilton ,,... & 2 4 40 68 Vamity ovo 8 1 8 60 68 2 Sarnia won play-otl on Monday, BE Ed] - What this country needa ia some --t Af the price of averyth without adding to the oost of he. (LU) LR | 4 : ree: A certain' sotress, though ware vied, and her first youth, made wp se erfully that ahe looked no older than eighteen, A Young wan, who had often watohed her from the stalls, soukht out the ata nager and asked for an introduction to the lady, "I'm sure she's as charming and aweet off the stage as she ia op," he remarked, "Hie's all that" Agtesd ie Man. agen, cordially=-sq vordially that a fearful suspioion flashed inte the youths mind, Y 1 say, You --you're not hey huss band ave yout he stammered, YING, or no, sald the manager "I'm her sen" PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Oamrsnir, Sports Editor They Did It! Yes Birl The General Motors Blue Devils stepped tight Into the Rah) "Rah! Boys to the tune of 13 to 9, The game was just as (he score sounds, Not bo much searing, fairly close but with the i Devils having w decided advaritage on the day's play, The local team played "heads-up" rughy practically all the time and the crowd got 4 chance of seeing what a good rughy game Is like » * m * Large Crowd The rughy fans of Oshawa must be able heenuse they certainly turned out on Monday to cheer the boys wong It was the largest erowd that has ever watched a rugby game ln Osh awa and one of the largest crowds that ever watched any gine in Alexandra Park, And they were not disappointed, The game wis & wonderful exhibition of the fall pastime and everybody went home infied, to smell a gowd. gui fl - * * LJ Barna It Ts The Barnia Wanderers displayed the old the fight and not only did they win the game but they defeated the Gas Hous Gang from London by ten points, This gives Barna the right to meet the "Blue Devils" for the Ontario title, The first game will be played in Oshawa next Saturday afternoon, The London Gas Howse Gang wanted to show that they were better than the Blue bi but that Maybe It Is Just as well Just ns well, for un Bilurday vila ghanes has heen denied London » w * * Now for Barnia The "Blue Devils" will get right down to business to fur the coming hattles with Sarnia played In Oshawa next Prepare md-h JN IS ETH) The hirst game of the home Hi Baturday alternoon al oan the followin series will he The return gwme 1s scheduled to be played In Paints are to count on the round nship to Oshinwa Maturday I'he question 1s, ean UofT Wins In Last Second another ghamp ie with the ball on Quen ney ine Then came the pla the one that will disoussion au digputed a8 and other plays slantly being Introduced whey hy fans get together the hall ene yard out was ted, If thers was vo sOring the hip he Queen's ands to play ol plays and i muah laty tanith von 1 + had BOA furthey wold i aL that nrve There way have been more Wuean theilling finishes to & rughy game than that of the last scheduled game of the Intercollegiate senior garies which was staged ut Varsity stadium on Baturday afternoon be tween the undefeated tricolor of Queen's and the Blue and White of Varsity, but neither the presi records of the Canadian Rughy Union nov the memory of the old est follower of Interonlleginte yuu hy ean recall a lke ending to a thrilling contest The sirugsie ran the entire gamut of the sensu tions far both the players and fol lowers of both teams and when HI wis all over and Varsity had won by 7 to #6 and tied up the college race there was a dearth of cheer Ing for the moment, nothing hut gasps of astonishment, happiness, disappointment and veallsation of having withessed the kind of game that Is played fn a novellst's mina but seldom on A football fleld It war ane of those games which are classed as great to win and hard to lose hut on the play as a whole victory went to the team that deserved 1 the most 1" Queen's had won they would have deserved the victory because they would have turned back a squad that seemed to be the better one and when they lost It was a hare game to pee flit away on the final play of the game The ending of the game wus the areal olimax of a stirring struggle in which fivst one team and then the other held the upper hand, Av ter sooring the first point of the game, the Tricolor lagued hy § to 1 at the end of the first quarter and were hehind § to 1 at halt time, With a minute ta go In the vhamplon and there we iptatn The ia several ui Will eritieigs | 'riealor for had Moma Button of the elton, elniming ternatives hut and analysis will the vight thing Carter 1o kind Queen's tnekler Varsity halt om he a fumble In the gam never had a chanees to from a regular serimmage ton and 1 gamed Hike the best taotion Winelalr's Uae moet perfect for lonst four of them were on top w Jaek Bipelate as he eaught the hall He appeared hemmed In hut dod eff to Wis eight, but baek ta his left, and drove the hall weil haok towards the dead hall Hone, a Kiok of eloss to 70 yards One of the Tricolor wings almost blocked the ball, Binelalr's foot hitting this player's hand after the hall had started on ts way, Carter dashed foros to Ley and met the aval hut the Varsity wings were aon tap of him and he no sooner ploked up the hounder than he was pulled to the rasa for A rouge that gave Varsity a load hy 7 tod Then eame the whistle and the HAMA Wan over Latar I found that full time had expired jan after Carter's foot had hit the ball when he drove it fram behind he anim recolinetien that he did tailed upon that the would smothey the that would On the i Tay Varsity had return a kiek now Hi hoping tho pla ho kis forma He vlan hill, al and ul Winning |} hoafed a gront hi Wings Was aU EP A "BLUE DEVILS" DEFEAT "ORFUNS" BEFORE LARGE I JACK BOND (Captain) Wha wot going on Monday anid put in one of his hest games, Jack wat hitting 'em hard and heavy and now that he has really hit his stride we hope ta hear more fram him in the coming game with Barnia, Montreal Wins From Ottawa Montreal, Nov, 10-Led hy thel two dashing bueklielders, Hed Moore and Gordie Perry, the local Winged Wheelers, swept through tou #0 to 4 vietory aver the OL tawa Benators in the final sehed wed game of the "Big Your Inter provineinl Football union hers on Maturday The Wheelers finished the season In second place, one game behind the Hamilton Tigers who clinched first place by down mg the Toronto Afgos In the Am hitlonus olty yvosterday Mie Wheelers played wide open football to swamp who fought hard throughout but who proved no mateh for the local sgund, Ninety per eent of the play was In Ottawa territory, and only # dogged Ottawa defence prevent ad the Montrealers from winning hy an wider margin, "The winners peared thres touchdowns, but up on three other occasions, when they were within the Ottawa flve yard line, they for the major pointy Wheelers' touchdowns was conver Whitty kieking five vin he angle ny, Advooate If you beer you will lve Temparanoe give up drinkin he slighty Villager do that fomperance Advooule nll Villager now IL is too late far me to A Not nl Hut, | am elghty-one hie own gos! Une, MH he had kiok ofl Into toueh a mere five yards bul the ohumplonship would have heen Queen It dinelale had fumbled the ball, IF the Quesn's taoklers had prevented him Kloking, if hig return had net gone wall haek inte the goal area, or If Varslly wings had not got Carter hefore he conld veturn the hall the Hue and White heen through for the hut the Ite" were not would have HOH RON fuel Whtle It 1a unfair to player more than others there was one prominent all the way through This was Jack Hinclatr, the Blues Kieking Walt, and he showed a preat Thespian vevantitity He played hoth the leading voles anal out LAL LR A) uh whi Was herve and the villain and, as fn all | walbstaged melodramas, the hero came through Just hefore the our tain fall to drive the villain away and conquer the Henators, | of the | the | Sabb bbb dd bisa si TTP YY La PUNTS and . 4 The Dopester AT WAY WTVIT WD, YIVPV II bbd The Blue Devi gave the Rah! Hah! Boys the merry Ha! Hal in thelr exhibition game hers on Mon- ry CO And while we wll sgres that you can't pin much fafth in exhibition gooves, nevertheless the loesl fans felt that the Bluse Devils won their game Just ag the score indented, » * . It wes quite un set-back te the Orfun team, hut they took it ke gentleman and the players on both teams wera loud in thelr prajse aver the fact that the games war wo free from rough tacties, A won devful spirit of clean sportsmanship was evidenced throughout the ens tire game, Vor the Orfuns, Slim Wichardson stuck out Hike the pro- varhial sore thumh His kicking, entehing and running were abso- telly faultless He made a fine Impression on loeal fans LJ . LJ Far the Blue Devils, Art Wilson and Doe Howden were the satel: Hes Wilson's brainy Inying wis beautiful to watch and Row» den'd spestacular hroken-field run~ ning was absolutely thrilling, "0. These two hove ald a world of work and were In there all the time They caused the Varsity tacklers no and of worry every time thay took the old spple, » . * Alex Gray, Logan and Morin were the plek of the Mine, This trio, along with Winek, broke wp many # play In its Infancy, They evashed the line repeatedly to smear' plays In the making, 3 4 ¥ " Moore, Cutler and Billett held down middle wing positions in thelr usual efficlent manner, aven though Jack Bond still maintain | that the line was Hikean Old Man's | Home fulled to go aver | None of the | ¥ 3 ¥ Hond, Walker, Houlthes and WI | winton looked after the ends and oid, thelr other five poluts coming flying wing position, "And what # game these hoys turned in! Their tackling was superh and they hit with every ounce of strangth they had In them The Nlue Devin oan still lay elalm to the honor of having one of the toughest tack! | Ing teams In the game, . id » Carver and Kohan relieved one another periodioally at ouarier and hoth showed lots of ability, foe Cooke, Tribble, Hamilton and Loviie were the ether members of the hard working half:line, ana these hoya crainly shone on the'r secondary defanse work, They nil od the Orfuns up in fine style and pli did a goodly share of plunge | We * LJ * The team us a 'whole looked vere wall exoapt that they had a tend. pney to LULL hit in the last half, . However, it was a wonderful work-out for them hetore thelr olash with the Harnia Wanderers, * MM * floors thanks are due Varsity Orfuns for making thin game poss sible and ita affect in hooting rugs hy fn Oshawa will he hard to estis mate, Nevartheless, the recon crowd was pleased even thous they did walt forty-five minutes for the game to start, Neep 'em Open = SS RRR third period they were still trail ing by four points, bu In that six ty seoonds they ssoured a touohs down on a fumble behind the Vays sity line and were in front hy 4 to 6 going inte the final 16 min utes . Then the plot steadily develops ed to the grand finale, Varsity av tacked strongly but were steadily repulsed And the minutes were flit. tink away, Finally the Blue soars od a rouge te knot the score but A tie game waa not hetter than a loss an far as the championship hopes of 'the logals Were concerns od, They presied but were not only h but foreed to vetyeat, The timekespera notitied the offi olala ahd the players that there were hug three minutes to play and Varsity was thrown back within thelr quarter line, All seemed lost and a few of the faint-hearted started for the exita and it {a wy be hoped that these unloyal veoters ab Eh greatest thrill of many PURDY seasons, A NervesWrecking Three Minutes What Ath re orawded Into those final three minutes, Queen's were forced to kiek on the third down from helt own A0wyard line but a Varsity wing was offeide and ueen's were Kiran five down, ay ware again held on wo downs and on the third Varsity exe MIN and hlooked the ok but the fates seemed amainat the Riye the ball yelled inte nN RIVs tn. tot down." Tethvthe vike on 8 fivat gw A he 2 ne Wak A WR LL ar Kioks od to Jack WA on iy 1 All seamed loat hut the oft.-re yard line, forved-to Varsity spirit came to the front, The Rive made eight yards on two downs and thew Sinelaly kicked to Oarter who fumbled on hs Si-yard line, The Varsity sup. ore were hrought out of the ha of despair when Ruddell ouddied around the aval Hardly A minute remained to play, On the fiat awn Sinclair booted aver to Oarter and it appeared as it he haa stepped into touch before astting over hin youl 1tne but the afMulals rated that he got the wall out, 1 looked like the straw that would break the camel's haok, Aas pant of the orawd howled fu protest of the decision, thet sams laad wa