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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 9

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Stock Market Prices Market Bummary by Canadian Press Tovonto and New York dto ok Quotations Supplied by Btoble, Vorlong and Co, TORONTQ STOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Nov, 13,~The liquidation which has characterized trading on the Toronto Steck Exchange durig the pust few weeks was continue with Increased vigor in foduy + BOR sion, and prices broke sharply, In. ternational Nickel und Brazilian Traction sold down to the new low of 27, but near midday firmed buck 10 27 3:4 for a loss of 2 1-4 points, Brazilian slumped to the new minis mum of 33 1-2, and then snapped back to 38 for a two point loss, Wal | Wha another uetive issue but It ered considerable resistence to the selling Pn sure, The stack sold bes fwsen 1- and 10, the latter figure slog yesterday's closing price, Writinh Amerleun was off 2 1 Imperial sold down 1 1.4 at 20, and Supertest declined 1:2 at 24 1.2, Loss oh of one point each were suffered by Cannda vinegar, Distillery-Sea- grams, De Forest Crosley, Ford Mor tors 'A und Pressed Metals, HITANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Nov, 18,-~Helllng Was general In this morning's session of the Btandard Mining Exchange and at midday losses outnumber od gains by a wide margin, Noranda was one of the most ac« tive fssues, The stock sold down 1,20 at 88.76, the morning's low, Amulet was also well dealt in, and sold down 6 at 1.00, Hheritt (Gerdon followed and sold off 18 aL 4,08, Teck Hughes suffered a loss of 10 at 0,10, The olls also privided a good share of the total turnover and they displayed an irregular trend, Ajax was unchanged at 188; Cals mont firmed 10 at 1,60; Mayland receded 15 at 8,00; Associated Olls was unchanged at 1,40; Bal tie wan off 10 at 70; Calgary-Hd- monten firmed 6 at 8,16; Home Of] was off 25 at 12,00; and East Crest declined § at 1,03, Other price changes included: I"alconbridge, oft 6 at 6.056; Hud. son Bay off 70 at 10,06; Pend Oreille off 6 at 3,00; Ventures off 45 at 4.00; Budbury Basin oft a5 at 4,70; and Mining Corpora Braz tractions opened wut 37 1-2 and Nickels at 31, An undercurrent of worry has de- veloped in stock exchange clreles as to how the eontinued slump on Wall Street finally will affect securities, both here und in eontinental centres, PreT---- TORONTO Block High Low Br, A, Ol 49 00% Brag, , #6 Can, fnd 10 Can, Brd, 40 Coukshutt 24 Cty, Dry, 48 Lis, Bgrm, 10 Dm, Btrs, 22 Gypsum FH] Hr, Wal, 10 It, UL, uh It, Nk, no It, Pet, 20 1d, Alehl, 11% Imp, Ol 87% Lob, "A" 11% Mas, Hr, 004% Meo, Fri, 238 Pg, Hey LT] Hhaw, 74 70% ¥, Mtatlion 41 8 Mtandard Mines 188 115 186 188 100 180 70 an , 700 700 , T85 ino 716 40 r +0 B00 ho Of 1206 1176 Hwy, Old, 78 76 Hd, By, 1000 1000 Lk, Bh, 1776 1700 Nrnda, 0476 #150 Bh, Grd, 420 400 Hiscon ho LL] Bd, Bs, 600 440 Tk, Hg, 615 hoo Yentures 440 400 Wr, Hr, 128 126 'Walnwell 14 10 1 pom, NEW YORK High low Can, Ne 1] LA Hlook Amer, Am, Fr, Pr, BR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 I alts {IMENNONITES READY | T0 SHELTER EXILES Will Provide Homes For Refugees Now Stranded in Germany Ottawa, Nov, 9==Fy the first weak developments are expected here in the ambitious scheme of Canadian Mennonites to bring to Candas tive thousand of thelr co- vellglonists, TNepresentative Mens nanites from various 'boards' 1n the West are en route to Ottawn to discuss the proposal and menn~ while the Western governments are being apprised of the situation and thelr views elloited, They are In: elined to deal warily with tha pro- posal, There ure now sixty thousand Mennonites in Canada, The Jarg- ost colonies are in Baskatohewan but they are also in Alberta and Manitoba, The members of the poet, now In Canada ngree to (Ake ears of thelr people till spring when work would be segured on farms, It fs only upon specific guarantees, that they will not hes come public charges that admie slon will be considered, Moreover, the consent of the provinelal gov. ernment will be éssentinl to thelr loeating In a partieular province, No idea is entertained here, however, of allowing them in, in great numbers, If permitted to come at all, it will only he gradu- ally In experimental hatches and the way these can he absorbed will influence the manner of dealing with the larger blogk of the pro- posed migrants, The Mennonites are all of the agriculture alas and while accustomed to living In colonies, they abject to the Boviet poliey of nationalizing all agrienls tural effort, That is why they are refugees from Russia, Message From Vorke Regina, Bask, Nov, 0, gram from Hon, Robert Forke, Minister of Immigration to Pre. mier J, T, M, Anderson, asks that faskatcheawan eonsent to hecome the haven of 5,000 Mennonite refs ugees from Russia, The Federal Government Ws prepared, aceord- ing to the telegram, in the avent A tele- PAGE NINE a ' Mimmony walnut fAnished bod with panel in head and foot, with. Minunons Nin AD, BPNCIAL white large Choles of elther coll or sngless spring, mativess, Complete Al BED OUTFIT '20 89 REL A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS NOW OFFERED COMPORTEIN Wall made comforters covered in pretty wilkolnes and fled with gunranleed Pure Cotton Livge TExTH nine Ho BEDE, $2 69 TEE 'e 1] Hpeelal , COMPOIVIENN Pine quality comforters eovered Wn gmart ehiuts with satin panel, The colors are mostly Hose and HWlue, Hie TUxT4 Rey " A $5.95 Hpoot DOWN COMPFORTERN Hpeolnl oNerving of fine Down fillled aomfborters In a good range of put tern und coloring Higa THXTH, $9.75 $12.75 $15.75 WOOL BEDCOVENRN wool hedeovers have arrived in time for the eold weather, "They come In Nose, Blue, Green, Mauve wud Camel In' 40X80 sito $9.50 Kaoh NILK BEDEPREADS Many charming designs and Ings are amongst (hese new wilk bedspreads, vanging In pries from $4.65 " $8.95 " FHUATHER PILLOWS Fine Quality Feather Pillows filled with good seleated feathers and coy ared in art sateen, Price, pale ,, New eolore CL 1) [1] v na i 4% 100 in of Baskatehewan consenting to the people settling in this province, to guarantee thelr transportation and Anmcondan 17 Halt & Ohlo 114 Can, tion off 5 at 8,26, I __e pp. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Luke Furniture Company V 63 King St, East Phone 78.79 7 New York, Nov. 1J-=Forelgn ex: change easier; demand rates: Great Britain, 487 1-161 Canadian Dollars 2 1-4 per cont discount, LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE London, Nov, 13,=The market op ened today with a subdued tone and without prominent features, 'Trans: Atlante Topues as usual adjusted Chrysler Cy, Gs, N.Y, Col, Gra, Dupont Lrie Rall fin, Gen, Fde, ., 42 Mot, Hd, Mot, . It, Com, ,. It, Tels, ,,, themselves to New York parity with | Jhas, Man, Hea wraeke clmneing hands, Hydros opened at M and went down to 32, Now Eot \ | A Delightful Breakfast Food PR Your Draaeter Mex, Mt, Phil, T'hovsands bh, Radio Hlmmons ... Hin, Ht, Ol NJ, Utd, 1.8, Steel Wig, shrd, Wwrd, Pet, Sr, NJ, Lue, ON uu Ale, 160 Woolworth &7 Yellow Trek, Pag, 100% ] 1TH LL 108 5% Money rate 6 per cent, RUSES TRAVEL "THE TO TIPPERARY" The losing battle waged by the Irish railroads and the small towns against the motor bug is now recelys ing growing attention In Ireland, So rapid has been the spread of hus lines through the count ry that every ham. let is within reasonable travel time of the larger cities, * di orrection! i -------------- by ab webring 4 1 vay vl Ed pace oF INE $1.58 "+ ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON "A Men's Overshoes MEN'S, 8 to 11 Men's Two Buckle Style, $2.48 $2.17 AGNEW - SURPASS that the newcomers will not he come & charge upon the sommun« ity, In his wire Mr, Forke de. poeribes the altuation as serious and appeals to the Government of Bass katehewan on humanitarian grounds, The communication received ny Premier Anderson from Hon, Rob. ert Forke, outlining the situation in detall in an follows: "Referring to press despatohes relating to proposed Mennonite movement, I shall greatly appreois ate your consideration of follows ing situation, On humanitarian grounds am being urged to allow transfer to Canada from Russia via Germany, of approximately one thousand Mennonite agrioultural families, who elaim to have been dispossessed of thelr property and are at present outside the gates of Moscow without funds or friends, "Am suthoritatively Informed that Soviet government on economs fo grounds hans stated inability te feed these people and threaten im» mediate deportation to Hiberia, resulting in Inevitable starvation, German Government have under taken supply these Mennonites with passport allowing return to Germany and who may be rejected or subsequently deported from Canada and also agrees to give Mennonites temporary care in Gers many until we oan absorb them, Representative Canadian Mennon- ites due here this week-end, Am informed they are coming with of. fer from Canadian ennonites farming fn Canada to opening thelr homes and recalve these dis: treased Mennonites and maintain them until work begins next spring, Costs "Arrangements for transport can be made Without cost te orn. ment but have not yet agreed to yecelve any of these families, I understand that these newcomers and those who have within past few years to Canada will eon. form to adian school regula- tions, 'Will you please wire your views regarding advisability allow- Ing movement under conditions stated, ® will not expect Prove ince or municipalities to assume responsibility and will endeaver to Arrange movement sa a8 not to aggravate employment situation," SHIPS BEING BUILT FOR RUN-RUNNING Washington Reports Seizure of Only Three Such Ves. sels This Season Washington, Nov, 18.~~Proaper- ity resulting from: liquor amugg!s Ing was sald hy the Justice ves partment to have revived rum-runs ning activities out of Halifax, ® ing constructed to he used for smuggling liquor inte this country, So far this soasen, it sald only three mb veusela had been selsed by United States aw 'homie. a department did not go into the soliree of ita information mere: I ' nformation also reached the department from Malifax, Nova y' that a number of vessels futended for liquor running are he. ing constructed, The report states that there is a renewal of aos tivity in liquor running out of that port, the liquor trade on the gh way hag been very remuners alive and so far thia seasen ouly 'the Malbo, the Vinoes and the Naw ullendole, have heen seised by the United States authorities" a ea Few oe ERIS NERY oT ---- | TN OBSTACLES FACING NAVAL CONFERENCE UNDER DISCUSSION Britain Starts Conversations | With Italy, France and | Japan | EXPERTS AT VARIANCE RR, MacDonald's Report Clears Way for Anglo-Japanese | Negotiations | ] London, Nov, 18, ~--8orious obsta oles facing the fortheoming five. | power naval conference in January | were reported under discussion | fn British conversations with rep. | resentativea of Italy, France and Japan, t was sald In unoMoal sources that naval experts of France and Italy had attempted to veach a pro conference understanding on naval rity between thelr countries, The tallan demand for parity with | ¥rance, in addition to the opposis | tion of France and Italy to aboli- | tion of submarines, has heen olted as one of the moat dangerous oh staoles ahead of tha conference, Offolal French sources, however, denied that there was any inten. tion of reaching a definite agree: ment with Italy, The Franvo-Ital lan conversations as well aa the en: tire ¥renoh naval negotiations have been hampered hy the Cab. inet orlate in that country, but Am: bassador Maurice de Heaumarohals talked informally with Dino Gran. di,' Nallan Foreign Minister at Rome this week, and soon will ve open full negotiations, MacDonald's Report Prime Minister MacDonald's res ort 10 the House of Commons on ig trip to the United States, It wan emphasized, has cleared the way for concentration on AnglosHuro sal and Anglo-lapanesa pro-con erence negotiations, Premier MacDonald was sald to be planning to resume Informal Deaf Hear Again Through New Aid Supiue Ne Than Dime Wins nthusinstie Following, = Ten: Day Free Trial Offer twenty-five a de oxelusively 3 oe a a ha ro find i fy WOR, | han st model souatioan that ye. vanes vol wade in oa the deal, This an se " to 9 Por whe may be inter "her will helng one af these v to your home a thoes 'o HOOVER PROPOSES ~ nd eontineing teu, Sead them yew conversations with Ambapandor Matsudaira of Japan, at ones The Prime Ministery trip wo Amerion Interrupted hip talks with the Japane IL Was under AngloFronech conversations wld to have heen started time apo In accordance with contained in the brie to the fivespower onference It was sald in unols flelnl quavters that Anglesdtalian tnlks were started simultaneously Authoritative stressed the faot that conversations he tween all the powers involved would make it plain that Mr, Maos Donald had no intention of contin Ing pre-conference negotiations to Heitaln and Ameriea but, instead, was determined to bring all power { Involved ns near to agreement a possible before January, | 0 suvay, stood wer ame suEpestions Ish invitation [ pources NEW MEASURES 10° HELP PEACE | Makes Comprehensive Speech at Armistice Day Celebration Washington, Nav, 18. "Prepars | edness for peace' fs the keynote | and freedom of the seas far food | ships so that "starvation" shall ne longer be a weapon of war, is the most striking new proposal of the address Vrenldgss Hoover delivered on Monday helove the Ameriean Le glon on the 11th anniversary eof Avinistice day, This was Mr, Hoover's first com prehensive wpeoch devoted entively to his fovelgn polley, 16 Was pack od with trenchant phases, and deo larations of his views, purposes and ideals, Ita tone sharply con trasted with President Coolldge's appeal from the same platform in the Washington auditorinm just a vour ago, when he soared the ivi tiah for tallurve of the Geneva naval conference, demanded a ourb on forelgn loans, and asked econgross fOr moro eruigers Mr, Hoover, taking an almost opposite course, would not have "onan gun or ona armed man hes vond that necessary for the defence of aur people." He would veduoe arma an low as others. ave willing to gob and "it eannot he toa low for ua. He would ereate maehin: ory ta implement the Kellogs Peace pact, to provide for peaceful settlement of every Kind of dis pute, and if settloment falled even then he would "amvee to disagree until time finds a solution" He would enter the world court With the Root vesevvation (though he did not name 11) he would set up faettinding agencies; ho would enlarge the state departments; he would codify International law, ms eluding sea law, Diplomacy of Peaceful Discussion Ina world maintaining an "arm od peace" with 10,000,000 mare mon under arms than before the War, he would turn at every point pyr ai ROE Ca TR Ere] ton new diplomacy of peaceful digs cussion, and adjustment, to banish ing old fears and heritages of sum | Lhe to personal, diveet methods | of plelan axemplitied in his Bouth and in Prime Minister tony Donald's visit, Ho has BUOOONN "full confidence of the Londen naval con ference in January, and hopes for a "serious veduetion' In navies He re-affirmed the Root doctrine that tha United Htates will never have recourse to fores to collect upon private business contracts -- OWEN SOUND OPENS NEW GRAIN ELEVATOR | - Owen Sound, Now, two milton bushels of grain store WEO oupacity hay Georgian of the vice was added elevators yesterday when the pew annex to the house Great Lakes Klevator coms pany of this elty was put into sere making a completa eapaoity | as of four millon bushels, EL the Mathews Amerionn | pany whieh had been Mat the western the bing praivies In the 11 Another wr -- to the Donald, With Rt, Hon minister of Prompuly | foreign secretary, Ri al one o'elock yesterday afternoon the big leg was shoved down into hold of the steamer Pleamahip Com eral days and the golden grain of CALDISPUTEIN BRITAIN SERIOUS 5 i i Premier' MacDonald Inter. venes in an Effort to Bring Settlement Londen, Nov, 13=The of the disputes in the eoal industey was shown yesterday hy the interven thon of Prime Minister Ramsay Mae unemployment Hendersont President Rt, Hon, Wils Ham Graham of the board of trade] Bt, Hon, Margaret Bondfield, ndne= ister of labor, and Rt, Hon, en P'uener, secretary of mines, he met with the exeeutive sommitiee of federation at the Heuse* of for two hours of discuss ¢ || LARIRIARIEE HR ---------- Makes Wedding Plans ! by y | | ------------ | Pririe of to continue arrangements for hi wedding ta Princess Marle Joelle Belgium on Jan, 8, | rr ------ H Turn to the right, Jehn! Mors the vlght==Now 4 little bit to left) Too fare! told you so,-Ba that's vlghts=hacke=back a little ¥ se lurn it] John! That's it==Nol \ dl you ever get it=Gentlys=Ah, now ean 8 back In comfort wl 0avy there, Johh=1 knew {if 1 tel how to do ity you'd get station Fudge --. Go -- RRA OSHAWA BRANCH On Monday, Nov. 18th The business of the branch of The Canadian Bank of Com merce located at 20 Simcoe Street North will be transferred The Canadian Bank of Commerce 1920 to the Branch on the als Ma North East Corner of King and Simcoe Sts. Which has recently been substantially enlarged.

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