/ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 * 'The Whitby Daily Times My ertising, and will be received at the Whithy Branch Gasette and Chr ve Tolophony 83-=A flor Business Hourse'Phone 369, Offiss, at REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON, YOUTH SENTENCED 10 REFORMATORY "ON THD CHARGES tn pe Aftermath. of Sensational Arrest at Cannington Heard in Police Court Convio ram saridue 0 fon on, one of hr nto f tering the store re, J, Johnston, Cann ry while armed, and of shitting the roam of a hotel font n ov e An ealing * pollo win, Rows eo snnington, was sentenced by Magistrate Willts In Whithy Police Court Toesdsy afternoon te (wo yours lesa one day on tha first oharge and 10 Months on the weo- oud, Jabiensen to run sentuTrent, The offenses were rommitivd About two weeks ago, Anderson i the youth who wae apprehend .d by Provineinl Constable Ceoll Toys lov, of Cannington, and formerly of Oshawa, when he wan caught in Johuston's wove, The eonniahle, armed with » revolver and "billy", . yh hy rifle hike ta the prisoner and the fit rr Wis Low Wy shot from hen the of- fider switehed on the light in the ore he. wag faced, It 1s alleged, with a revolver in Anderson's hands, In the strugkle which en wned after the chasg the officer wot the revolver away from the youth, 'and in his possenwion WAN nino ound a "billy" and a "Jim my, ' (i neal for Anderson asked for [) hanes 'on the ground that the accused had come from a good family, snd had & previons wood record, niko that, ho was very oung, I'he Magistrate gave heed o the ples and after a wevere loc. ture In_which he strongly advised Anderson to veform imposed non- tence, which will wend Anderson to the Reformatory, The youth, however, Is wanted In Toronto on other charges, necording to the pos leo, and will he taken thers on Wodnenday to stand trip), Atl the time of Anderson's arrest, it will be veealled, Constable Tay: lor was tommended by the people of the village for his good work, uasuming as he did a great risk when he tried to taka his man, Premisr MacDonald ways he's coming back to Canada, The old welcome sign swings high, wide und handsome for him -~<Btratfora Hencon-Herald, 'MOTHERS Beonuse It Is so hielplul In keeping baubles and ehldren healthy and hap oy, every mother should know about hillips' Milk of Magnesia, This harmless, almost tasteless pres paration Ia wont effestivi in relieving those symptoms of babies and ehilds ren generally enused by souring food In the Nite digestive traet, such us sour=helehing, frequent vomiting, fevs orlshness, calle, An i mild laxative, It nets gently, but certainly, to epen the bowels In constipation, Pri children's disenren A tenspoonful 'of Phillips' Milk oly Magnesla does the work of hall » pint of NHme water In neutralieing gow's milk for Infant feeding, aml preventing hard eurds, Ita many uses for mother and ebld are fully exe plalped fn the Interesting book "Use ful Information," It will be sent you, FREE, Write The Chas, HH, Phillips' Chemlen! Co, Windsor, Ont, In buying he sure to get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesin, Doctors hava preseribed it for over 50 years, EXPECT ARREST OF HOLD-UP MEN Police on Trail of Men Who Entered 0K. Cafe Sun. day Morning The arvest of the two men who entered the OK, Cate In Whithy on Runday morning and attempted to hold up the proprietor, Harry Beto, In expected hourly acoording to Ohlef Cunson In a statement mude Tuesday night, The Chist and Provinelal Constable Thomas Mite chell hava heen working on the onne and have followed clues which may bring the men to justice, It haw been established that the hold-up, which wag folled when the Chinaman yi for the kitchen and pleked up jre telephone Instru- ment to call the polles, was the work of men who appeared to know the game, although they he. onme easily frightened and beat a hasty retreat when Mr, Beto called tha polles, The men were trave oliing In a eclosed oar, and the Ohi: naman, following the retreating men to the door, secured the num- hot, which was turned over to the police, THREE TO STAND TRIAL THURSDAY AT BEAVERTON Frod Plows, charged with break ing Inte and/ entering u store al Beavarton on October 14th, will he taken from Whithy to that village on Thursday In company with two men, who gave thelr names wus Latimer and Lang when arrested In Oshawa recently, and wha sre wlio eharged with similar offenses In that village, The men are said to he wanted: In several other places, They will go to Beaverton in charge of Provinela) Constables Taylor and Mitchell and Chief Qun won, Whithy A woman writer says that mis ohief onuwer dimples The ma Jority of men think that dimples eatine misohlef «Chloago Dally News, Down fn Toronto they have pan wed 4 byslaw that regulates «the helght of all fences, Well, all but politionl fences, Hamilton Herald, BUTTERICK STAMPING PATTERNS DEWLAND'S Now That The Holiday Is Over, Your Next Thought Will Be The Gift Season You will find this store ready to Serve with Values that lead and an honest effort to supply your needs A AI a BUTTERICK DRESS PATTERNS for Pair ERE EER EER "Children's Hose Half Price A.B.C. Cashmere and Silk and Wool Hose for Children, Substandards of their 50c to 75¢ qualties, Come in White and Sand. Sizes 4 to but not all sizes in any ling or shade, Exgeptional value oA while they last, Pair -- STAMPED PILLOW CASES 98¢ Handstitehed and Stamped ready Hand Embroidery, make ideal Xmas gifts, These 98¢ | velty NOVELTY PRINT APRONS 69¢ A regular $1,00 article, for a very special purchase, Made from neat print designs with no ockets and trim. med, Plain shades |, Only 69¢ 29c ere products, 30-inch Harrocksea high stand. ard quality, Yd. .... 36in. Baronette Satin' 89c lingerie, ote, and so many h make this There are so many uses Stas las at di te. gM HARROCKSES WHITH FLANNELETTE 28¢ A vecent shipment from Man. chester includes this famous mak ft season for fancy work w mes in a full range of shades including wide of 29¢ for this material as lips, c ABC, Hose in fane signs, subatandards af their $1.25 | quality silk and wool oR | GIRLS' SPORT HOSE 9c sport des mixture, 89c¢ | ALeps, GENERAL MOTORS - BALINGE SHEET Increase in Cash Shown in Statement for Nine Months New York, Nov, 18=Caneral Mot- ors Corp, carnings for the nine months ended Sept, 30 of $222,848,345, or $9 wu share, on common plock resulted from the sales by manufae turing divisions to dealers of 1678, 004 ears, uecording to letter fo stockholders walled Ly Alfred P, Sloan, Jr, president, today, The consolidated advanced balange sheet as of Bept, 30 shows eurrent assets of $440,271 429 as agninst curr rent Nabilitles of $135,180818, "This compares with aan assets of Dee, 3, 1028, of BAGKBOO2K7 us compared with euprent liabilities of $173,002, we report also shows cash of 115,462,552 as ngninst 409,180,830 on Jee, 31 and Hover rant and negotl! able ouritied ol i B21 us coms pared with $1167 01 on Dee, 31, CANADIAN AUTHORS UNDER HANDICAP: Ottawa, Nov, 18,=Too frequent. ly Oanndinn authors find It necess sary to seek In other countries fi nancial compensation denied their efforts here, Thin situation was desoribed by Louvigny De Montige ny, president of the Ottawa Branch of the Canadian Authors' Associne tion, in addressing members of the organisation, who were entertain. od by the Ottawa Drama Losgue, The entertainment wan part of the oxtensive program In celebration of "Hook Week" throughout Canada, Replying to an address of wel come hy Mp, Duncan Campbell Hoott, president of the Drama League, and distinguished Cannes dian post, My, De Montingy sald very few reallsed what sacrifices ware entulled In the production of mn work of art or letters Pralse wan sometimes forthooming, hut rely wubstantial veturn, The speaker pald trihute to the efforts of Viscount Willingdon, the Gov. ernar-teneral, in stimulating ouls tural advancement in Canada hy competitions in Nerature, paint Ing, soulptures and musie Following Mr, Ds Montigny's nddress Dr. Beolt introduced the following Canadian authers, who presented selections from thelr own works: Hon, Martin Burrell, Mra, Marian Osborne, Mrs, Madge Mao Heth, Arthuy Heauchesne, Lloyd Roberts, Dr, Gustave Land tot and Norman GO, Guthrie, Dr, Hoott concluded the program hy reading two If his own poems A psychologist elulms that woms Ai welrs better than man, She may wear better, hut not nearly so much =Minneupolis Journal, It Is now rumored the western summer fulrs lost $1875 hy women In short skirts entering by ehildren's gates Hrandon Sun Home Winnipeg Iadies marvels led at the way Mr, King can danee I'he premier evidently knows his Kitehener Record, PICKER ING Telephone 800 Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent Plokering, Nov, 18,«=Mrs, Thoms as Douglas and family, of Toronto, and Miss Lillan Wiman, of Peters hove, spent the week-end with Mrs, A. Burrell and son, Russell, Miss Myra Cronk, of Toronto, and Lyndon Cronk, of Plokering Collage, Newmarket, spent the holiday at the home of thelr pare ents, RB, H, and Mrs, Qronk, Mrs, EB, Burch and daughter, of Torqnin, wave the xuegts of Ploker ing friends on Sunday, Miss Ida Cook, of Torente, vis: fted her sister, Mrs, A, NK, Hiork, aver Thanksgiving, Chester Rutt spent the hollasy with friends In Toranto, Mr, and Mrs, R, Douglas and family visited the Misses Bunting on the holiday, Miss Laura Andrew and Miss Joan Clark wore the guests of thelr unele and aunt, My, and Mra, Mars quis, at Btround, over the week-end, FF Balsdon and family, or Burford, spent the week-end and holiday with relatives in the vil lage, H, J, Clark, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents, Mp, and Mrs, W, J, Qlark, My, and Mrs, CO, W, Plikey were at the home of Mv, and Mrs, Wm, Heron, Breoklin, for Thanksgiving, Mr, and Mes, A, Boyes and tame fly and Mr, and Mra, H, W, Hoyves and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mra, A, Franklin at Port Porn Y. Meosara, James and John Mup ray, of Toronto, spent the holiday at thelr home here, The sale of the house-hold goods of Misa Rllsaheth Boone, who has given up housekeeping, took place at her residence on King Street on Saturday afternoon, Tt was welk attended, and the prices were ex coptionally geod, W, RB Powell was anotionser, with Miss 1B, Rich. ardson and Wm, Gormley as olerks, The Women's Assoolation of 8t, Paul's Chuvel, held a sweoessful basaar In the Bunday sohool room of the church on Friday afternoon, Booths of aprons, towels, taney goods, home-made haking an candy were temptingly displayed, and found ready purohasars, A fish pond was the attraction for the Kiddies while thelr wathers PArteok of afternoon tea at dalatl ly arvanged tables, The proceeds of the afternoon amounted to $138, Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subseriptions will be reseived af the Bowmanville Office of he Times, [elephones~-Office, 687} REPRESENTATIVE--B, UNEMPLOYMENT 1S NOT SERIOUS INBOWHANVILLE GENERAL DEPRESSION NOT BEING FELT KEENLY HERE Goodyear and Other Fac. tories Running About Ner. mal--A Few Are Slack Although other neighbouring towns and cities are In the midst of an Reute unemployment prob: m, Bowmanville oan consider it- welt rather lucky in the fact that the town, with slightly more un: employed than Is usual at this time of the year, is not feeling the gen. ara) depression very Keeny. any of those unemployed can be traced to the slack period helng experi- enced at the present time hy some Oshawa Industries, and others tn the seasons] decreass in construe tion und other outdoor work, The Times made an exhaustive enquiry among the principal feos tories In the town yesterday and in most oases found them to he running with normal or slightly lower number of employees than In the summer G50 Vaotary Kmployes There ure working In: the fae tories In the town at the present time about A60 peaaple, which works out at nearly 18 per cont of the population Bowmanville helng » town of homes this Is considered un good percentage, In addition to this number there are the husiness men, store clerks and numerous others engaged In various kinds of productive and profitable pursuits The figures and Information wiven The Times will give a wood Iden of the state of the tawn's In dustries at this time, about the slackest of Lhe year, 400 at Goodyear Tha Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, has hotween A765 and 400 men and women employed, and ls, by far the major industry of the town This, necordine to Mr, Nanson, of the personel) department, ts ahout normal and when the new hullding Is finished and opened, this num. bor Is lkaly to Inerease The RR, M, Hollingshead Co, whigh manufactures tha Whig line of auto products, 1s suffering from Dr. Hess and Clark Panacea 88 $1.78 $3.80 Louse Killer ALT) 78¢ Worm Powder 60¢ Roup Tablets 80¢ Dip & Disinfectant 8e $1.40 Pratts Ege Producer 38 $3.00 Louse Killer 38¢ 700 Bronchitis Remedy 3be 38e Condition Tablets 38¢ Diarrhea Tablets be Royal Purple Poultry Specifie 300 60¢ Disinfectant I6¢ { Zenoleum \ 40¢ Black Leaf 40 38e $1.28 Hogg & Lytle mited PHONE 203 HERBERT MORTLOCK # hetweenweigon slaskness and 1s below the average of ig employes at the present time, + A Bmith, the superintendent, expects a Brad- unl plek=up of business from now on and within & short tims expects that the full complement of work: ors will ha on the payrolls, Youndry y The Bowmanville foundry Is son. sidered to be one of the stestiiest factories in the town, and they are averaging shout 60 employes now, which 16 normal, Other factories which employ somparatively smaller wiaffs are the Canadian Radiant Co, 1% nove mal} Cannas, Blleer Corporation, 18, normal; Dominion Organ and Plano Co, which is very slack, 86; Durham Textiles, which has been very sinck sll summer, ls now working better and Is employing #0, Holgste's Bvaporator, the cans ning factory, Morden's mill and sundry other smaller soncerns make another total of fifty, Apple pleking, paving and hare vest work have now heen eomplels od und there is Jittle vellef In wight for those that are now worklews, The expected hullding of the new Salvation Army Oltadel this fall may supply work for a few hut cans not absorb any great number of men other than those now works ing, Heveral men have stated thelr intentions of leaving for the lume her camps and when Lhess are gone it Is thought that the number of unemployed will not he many more than other years, Diversified ins dustries such as Bowmanville has tend to keep the town on & stead: fer hast, and in that way it has the advantage over many of the neighboring communities, HYDRO PURCHASE 15 DISCUSSED AT SMALL MEETING pr-- Pimples, Blotches Quickly Vanish | V, W, Thomppon Drug Blove pT + the town would be secepied at par hy the commission In payment of the plum, with the low Interest of te ¥ Jd cent, he seid, he matter Is to he gone Into more fully st a future meeting and at which It in hoped there will be a bhiguer yepreseniation of vate: payers present, Ji iu the exprewi wish of the counell that every valor paysr who can possibly do so he progant #0 that they may he able 0 decide wheather or not they want te purchase the plant, pra ------ |_OMTUARY | NRNENTY OSBORNE The death ossurved in the Bow- manville hospital on Friday of Brn» est Osborne, a resident of this town for the past twenty years, Mr, Oshorne was found In his eelley un- aonscious one day last week and wan removed to the hospital where he was found to he suffering with punsumonia, Idle hope was held for hin vecovery and he died on Friday evening, He was filly years of age and was horn In the Township of Dap lngton, the son of Mr, and Mrs, John Osborne, He is survived hv two sisters, Mrs, Milton Elliott of Bowmanville, Mrs, ¥, A, Hoar, of Oshawa, two brothers, Mark, of Newark, NJ, and V, H, Oshorne, of Albert Lee, Minn, The funeral was held from the residence of his brother-in-law, noon Aud the Rey, George Mason conducted the service, The pall hearers were Art Oshorns, Oshorne, 1, ¥, Oshorne, Bert Ware den, Joltrey Arnot and Prank Coule ter, Interment was made in Bows manville cemetery, ORONO HOCKEY CLUB NAMES ITS OFFICERS Al a meating held recently of the newly formed Ovone Intermediate Hockey Club the following were elected as oMelals: President and manager, Orme Gamshy; vies-pree sldent, Ah West; executive come mittee, 1, Cornish, A, West, Maure lee Bruslin and Orme Gamshy, The preliminaries are well under way and the candidates are anxious wilting for the hit of real hocks weather to. wet into harness, It In understood that the doughty mane ner in seriously considering starts ing oft the wesson's training by leading Win cohorts in un series of ten mile hikes, H, AND KB, OLUR MEKTING The regular meeting of the Home and Behool club wil Itake plage tor night ut tha Central Public School aL K o'clock, All members are vor quested to attend am this is & most important meeting, We Jucky for voters' feslings that a voting machine can't sey what it thinks New York Evens ng Post, All wine prices n Quehes have heen cut from 10 to #8 per cent, And without even the hint of an oleotion on the frosty autumn sirl ~Horder Cltlon Btar, "I wish he would go and see the game, instead of listening to It,' sald the wife as she tred Lo sweep the peanut shells out of the rug, = ort. Arthur News-Chroniele, Vace Wrinkles Try binding the forehead with 8 linen handage soaked in equal paris of alcohol and the white of AN AEN, slolwing the bandage Lo remain over night, Milton J, Elliott, on Monday afters A Ris i .. Sa M TOWN COULD BUY PLANT FROM THREE YEARS' PROFITS Reduction in Rates Probabl if Plant Purchased, Com- mission States A public meeting was held In the Opera House last night at whieh the question of the purchase of the looal Hydro plant was fully dis cussed, Of all the hundreds of ratepayers who will be called upon to vole on this subject at the a proaching municipal elections only 86 turned out to aequaint thems pelves with the facts, the Hydro Commission of Ontario, Mr, Drury opened his remarks by going back to the start of the Cen tral Hleotrio Hystem by which Bows manville was fret supplied with power and lght in 1010, He ex+ plained the high rates whieh then pravalled and compared them to the present day rates of 44 cents agalnts the HB cents per kilowatt [hour that the town was asked to pay In its original contract with the Seymour Power Co, which was a subsidiary of the Central come pany, In 1010 when the Hydro purchased the Central power ays tem, Howmanville used 23.487 horsepower which rose to 47,049 horsepower fn 1088 and may ex ceed 60,000 hp, In the current YOAY, Turning to the Bowmanville plan an dite profits, he showed that for tha year ending October Al, 1984, the local plant made a profit of $02,000 after taking out all exe nenditures and allowing for depre» ation, He showed that there had heen Invested In the local plant the sum of $8,000 and the price the Commission was asking if the January 1, 1080, was $67,087.41, t the present rate of profita the plant could he paid for in three years hut this was not NECRRATY AR the Commission accepted honda of the corporation hearing interest at 41 per cent, due In twenty Years, hut which could be paid off at th time the corporation wished, or alde this, all profits made by the plant four monthe previous to the vole belng taken were also to he given the town, and at the Fram vate this would amount to 87,000, Other muniolpalities he named which have purchased their plants and were making a success of them, were Oshawa, Belleville, Penstanguiahine, Dunnville, #8t, Mary's and Weston, and many move wera at the present time negotiate mg with the Commission for the purchase of their respective plants, With the purohase of the system, Nowmanville could expect reduos tions in the hydra rate as Oshawa nad received them singe it took aver ita awn plant, Bowmanville made last year $23,000 profit and { thin amound would he larger this | youn oe vevenua of the plant was $00, TRE and the expenditures aver 472,000, In the event of Rowmanville purohasing the plant, a oloal hydro commission would [have to he formed, comprised of three wen, The mayer, would held a seat for a year and the others WOuld hold a seat for two Years, The profits must he used in the reduction of rates and could not be applied to the town treasury, he sald, The setting of new rates was to be left in the hands of the Hydra Commission of Ontario and the lo« cal commission would have no pow or 10 alter the rates, The bonds of The speaker was O, ¥, Drury of | nlant was purchased on or before | To New OVED!| The public in general sre asked to please make note that Our New Address Is BOND St. E. Address TELEPHONE 838 W. A. HARE Needless Suffering