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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,.NOVEMBER 13, 1929 Non-Resident Pupils At Osha International Goodwill Was The Keynote Ot Inter-City Meeting Held By Rotary Club SPOKE YESTERDAY Representatives from Many Clubs, Including Some From United States, At Meeting Held Last Night, when Goodwill Flags were Exchanged, STIRRING ADDRESS BY VISITOR FROM U.S, Rev, Dean Miller, of Brad ha ford, Pa., Stressed The w Sixth Object of Rotary, the Fostering of Interna. tional Peace and Goodwill. Internitional pence and goodwill formed tha keynote of an nnusuil ; pnd impressive meeting held | 1, 1, POWKY vie Rotwvy Wall dust wight Under | gaMayor of Oshawa and ox, | the 'auspices of the Oshawa RoLavy for' this viding, whe deliveped | Club, Jb was the frst inter-elty wn address wt the weekly meets | meeting held in Oshawa during the | Ing of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club present year, but it was mora than yemerday, Chal, for BOVANLRES WE KEE Of | i thee neeasion to have an Intw ghinge ol goodwill flogs helwoan the: Rotary Club of Lancastar-Dé pew, Pa, and the Peterhora, On aria, Club, while the ehiaf spepk er, Rev, Dean Miller, of Headford, PAS. BAYA wn Anspieing and thrills ink anAress on International peace, the Bixth Object of Rotary Thathollo was Aled to eapaeity for (Ks occasion, and the clubs af tha distpiot tirned aut strongly for the obgasion, In Lhe course af the evening, delegations were introduced fram the Hellevilie Bowmanville, Lindsay, Pelevhora and Popes Hope clubs, sd well as from the ¢ldh af LanonstepDapaw, which brought a strong delegn thon th present fhe i Twill Flaws, vopregenting eaeh of the BS eauns tries gow in Rotary hidernational, itn the Rotary Club A true spiel of internationnl goodwill was apparent from the time . the" gathering sews "My Country, VPs of Thee," and "Cod Save (the King," while the Biars fond Eiripes and the Unlon Jack weve futertwined hefore the Audis gnee, until Gordon Conan past prasident of tha Oshawa cial ny pressed the appreciation o all frost of the wonderful sere I the speaker of (he evel" wplendid Hntovininment The musieal entartainment of the evening was excellent, halng provided hy theag well-known 1oeal artistes, © Mr, and Mpa feonrue Walsh and Miss Halla Gladwynne, {Who ed yersntility and ahility won varied program, Me a luh pang snlendfdly, while hep husband not only gave a splendid solo, hot dlao 10d In the spivited eommunity ininging, Ming Gladwynne took part In dellehtfdl duet numbers With Mes Walsh, and #lso showed gexeallant talent In some excellent (musfeal monologue numbers, A [toneh of Pomel wis addaid to the proceedings hy Hapty Powers, wha ins a constable, kept traek of the (doin n of the members, and des Hyerad ulgne Mallowing the Banquet which Was served In the hest style ull doe Welsh, George Hart welcomed the viniting clubs, and made pay Lmie velerenss bo the vialtors fram the United Binles All Ru tartans, he sald, subsoribed to the hond of unlon whieh oxisteg hos | tween 1h Iwo gounpteies, and showed ai esample of waders an IE and dnierationsl goodwill (0 the whole waypld, & lags Exchange ho delegation from Lannea on Depew was fntvoduesd Th os witly speoeh by Cearge Hesslownod, and the president of that oluh, Brale Clemons, vesponded, thanking the Cihawa Club for the splendid re oaption extended to the visors, ANd sald this grent gathering would help to cultivate a vlosep aplrit of friendshp through the medium of Hatary PRE Petterson, of the Lancaster Depew Club, offtelnlly Present the goodwill flags to the Péter hovo flag, pointing out the slg canes of the 6 fags which re presented the countries now In Ho { yh erutonal He sald these " ere an emblem to lead Ho turf away fram provinelalsm to a hvdader outlook, and he ask fd Wie hioarers ta remember that the Wotarians In each oountey presented loved thelr flag Just na mueh an Canadians and Americans MID tha Usten Jack and the Har wnt Hirpes The Megs were ao veptad By the president of the Peterhara Club, who assured the meeting that they would he tres Aured as a symbol of the feiendahip Whieh exinted hatwean the (wo na Hans on diferent sides of the im WEY boundary Hone The Disteiot Goyernop Ine ineenducing the speaker af the oevenng Pisteiot Havernay Chartia Huehamin made an inte eating Bpeeoh, ontlining the nohiayesment of various elubs in the BTLh dlstriet of Rotary Interna Hg a holy oongratulating ie Cahawa Club on I POR, YOU Are sit Tn A heh Hall tn the world owned hy the Rotary Club" he sald tn eoncly flan, a statement whieh w ne aeived with loud applause Nov, Dean Milley Rov, Dean Miller, of Headford Pay save a splendid address, tn Which the predominant note wos Lhe part which Rotary had to play Tn fostering a sprhe of International gondwlil! Refarring 10 the ad avesses delivered at Avmistios Day carom nies an both sldes of the Hey Me. Miler satd that a spivit ol approach 10 Pele Was pradom mint, fn all the spesches wade, Neary in that of President Hoover, also pald a high tel bute to the Deine minlatey of Grea Birtain CPeibate to Mason kd "One of the grentest apostles of peace and Hoodwill has' recently viglted the United Ntates,' he sald, Yin My, Ramsay MacDonald, Wa loved Ramsay MaoBonald, There has never bean a Mah Wha has Pome wovoss the water wh has vo gripped the heave and wig ion of the Amevionn people as did Rasy MavebDonald, He came ws A diplomat, but not we the old type of alplomat, He lald all his eavds on tha able and anid, "This what we would Hke ta do," and AMP. Hoover sat dawn at the table Bonlda him, and sada, "This is What We ame willing ta de, I weloome the day when the five great nattons af the world will get together in Grant Beltaln to dlsouss the Him ation af armaments, because that tn oRemetking that is worth looking forward te We huve & Amusing comedy mon | f | a - TEMPLE " Tone the supvema' venlisntion of perfected yadia recep: tion \# LJ through weet Without You may enjoy TEMPLE, natural, tone=--humleas saorifioing a single fundas mental nate-=tone that is Wndistoried at either high! OY dow frequencies --supovs Sbntranelng, faw Jingoes In the Uilted Bintes™ ponfessed My, Mil lor, "We have same Jingoes Ake Horast, but we don'y Mike them any Phatter than you do, When Great Beltadn oveated the lsh Free Slate, she took the thundey out of Toavret's papers." Rotary Nivth Ohject fuming ta the Bat Ohjeet of Rater, Meo Miller sald this, was (Ae greatest of all the ahjectss ol the mavement, stnes all the others ted wp 0 It There were wany people In the United Sates, he TRATES, Who objected ta fates WAL anatomy, ane they had wis Intarpoatd 1H Rs the eveation of ® Fallpoarsraty w Meh would take away their' Mberties But Rotavy had Templo Highhay RIND Temple Lowboy "win Tomple Radia Phonageph CombBlaat inn LANL At Complete. Wh Tubes MOFFATT MOTOR SALES Smee SN, Oshawa { work of the soldier and frame them never interpreted iv dn that way F, 1. FOWKE GIVES FINE ARMISTICE MESSAGE T0 CLUB KIWANIANS HEAR AD: DRESS FROM NOTED LOCAL CITIZEN Speaker Pays 'High Tribute te the Late Hon, J. A, Robb, Finance Minister All Brmistios messnge wis de Hyaved to the Kiwanis Club of this ely ab Is weekly meeting In Walsh's pariouvs yesterday hy V, I Vawka, of this elity, as=-M. 1, far this viding ' "Phe Armistice Day dea Is one that stays with us, wa will never give I up bheosuse the hays who nerved overseas preserved (he situ ation for us-«they ware the payvl ors of our nution, our empire and our elviligation," sald Mr, Fawke While paying a tribute to thi soldier, My, Fowka pointed ail that the eivitign held the most 1m portant place, He sudured longer than the soldier, and his work was ta gather up the results of the Into constitutions and fe Toibuie to Han, 4, A, Mr, Fowka pald tribute late Hon, James A, Robb minister of Canada, who acquaintances of My, Fowlkes hoth were followers of By Lauvier tn the Daminlon "Han, Mr, Robb has confervoed grant and suecessful meusures on tha people Canada, By. his Beoteh' natutene hin husine ahility nnd his ndjustabiiiity has presented measures that have eon ferred benefits an avery family th the Daminton, His administration has made (toaster for all of us, and I am eonfident that the plans lig boon preparing for the apm Ing of parliament will canter fu ther henefis, dn lower taxation and hatter soclal conditions he wm ramavking that Mr, Hohh aim af the great elvilian minlstors thst had sucessfully gathered up th threads of the aftovmath of war Canadas wan fortunate In having nm oman Hike Hiv Robert Borden sremler during the war days, sald tr, Fowke, He had secured the recognition of Cannda as 8 nation mt the Imperial conference of the various Beitish domintons, and also In "having Canada vecognieed thraugh the slgning of the treaty of Versallles Thin also i vasult of elvitlan section following the saevifies of soldiers on the flald of hattie, he pamtad aur Canntn Firth in Peat ME, Towke mentionad the envi able position of Canada as one of the elght great Industrial nations ft owas the Hirth great trading and gommercinl nation In the world ha sald He urged that the ail gong of this gountey dn averything possible to pramots interamplire trade, and ta take advantage of all trade possibilities within the empire Me, Powke was Intradueed to the olub hy Kiwanian BR, BH, Bmith, and Kiwanlan ¥, t, K, Carswell moved aovale of thanks after his address Announgement was made af the Kiwanis Ladies Night ta he hold in the Masonle Temple on Frida) pyening of thin week This will take the form of a banguet and dance, with Badley's orchestra of Taranto in attendance, 11 was an nounoed also that HW, 0, Hudson superintendent af the government amployment affioes In Ontarie, would he the speaker at the next luncheon of the elub, on Novem har 10 Hohh fo the finanen Win when Wilfred UTED ul H WH | | | | Wilh COOLLRGIATE FORMAL OPENING A spect! commities, eamprising Chalrman Hall and Trustees Annls, | Donevan and Father Hench, and Priveipal O'Nelll of the Collegiate | and Vooational Ingtitute, was nams | ad hy the Board of Bdueation last night ta make all neeessary ar vangements far the formal opening | of tha Collegiate when the new teohnioal sehioal wings ave oom pleted -------------------- The Ratery ides was that there | WHE Roma common denominatop in humanity, and that the heat way ta apport to It was throush the ward, | wervios whieh hound nations to | gether In wndty, through diveraity, eneh making Ha awn vont tion | tn the fellowship and welfare of! All nations | An Bamense Task VR has an immense task noapranding the gospel of goodwill | vhraughout the world," sald the | neu kien Na other avganisation hdd taken 1 up serlonsly as an ab Jeotiye, hut it hind became an iden! that vhellenges the best that Ww every Rotarian in the world YHome people say that this 1s identiam, and some do not like idealism. But ideslsm bn slply an lle befare 1 has WREeR paw tonal farm, and once (1 has taken POOL In the hearts and winds of MON, NOLhiNE an eavth oan sop | Lot only a small heginning, hut the greatest things on earth Wave had small besinuniugs, and ame things thar have heen eatled mall have had great vesulis My, MiMer elosed a waantfioant hdres with & strong appeal to Ratariang ta fallow the plan of he "Master of Peace' who, 1800 SUM CRED was the vst Rotavian, Ad te Postage ta sRrth onee again he old vefrain which the angels | aught the shepherds on the Ja edi patna 1R08 ver Agu, mAh and Goandwill tn Ina biel bat slaguent tthe to the shenker, and to the visiting oluba, Gondai Canant exiressed the anpreciation at the Oshawa Club Yar the contribution whieh all had made ta the success of this gloat intersoity sathering, Mon | whieh | anid | vided PACE THREE aw N ---- Making her fist appearance he fore ow Canadian audience, Miss Biel (Naowynne, nated English wetvess, who 18 making her home i Oshiwn, delighied uw Inrks gill wring wl the Intapseity meeting of the Oshawa Hotary Chub lust even Ing, Miss Gladwynne appeared us an antertuiney we thik funetion w long with My, and Mrs, George Walsh, with whom hae Ape GLADWYNNY Noetross, who her home Mins WTELEA Well known English line dueiod to mnke In Oshinwa, BOARD CONTINUES | INQUEST VERDICT T0 PRESS ACTION | 15 RETURNED ON ON SCHOOL SITES W. DAVIES' DEATH AP: ANDREW NEW COMMITTEE POINTED, OLD ONE IS DISCHARGED Further Consideration Given Case Arose Out of Acc to Everson Property Offer Hon of the nl Bilen The tues pdditionnl » meth eration hy Honrd of Mdueation last night, when peoial eommities was appointed ta ondegyour onrry on farther negotiations with 1 WH, Wvarson Foy the purchase af the property on Allon Biren Thin a the eantention of some members of the Basvd that 1t should be phelvad temporarily, the statement hetng mide that It might ba po thle at A Inter data 10 © secure eauntiy good property wt a lowes east The special eammitton was appolnted, hawever, to gn furthers mtn the matter, The cammiiies was appointed at the last meeting of the Haard fatled to re part, Yo the Hoard decided ta not delay matters longer, hat appoint ald oa commities Trustees De, Donevan and An whe maven that the speela) commit ten appointed at the last meeting to eonatder the purehuse of the Everson property he discharged and thal w ommitieg fom pPriging chatvman of the Hoard A W. Bell pnd Trasteas tarhute and MeKinnon ha #1 committe to look to the matter and ba instructed LIU the next meeting AMoliin and MeoKinnon matey nid ave Hine of the Woe ring honl an Kiven ane ton was taken desplle new Hew pant al Pras es moved that the until the Hoard De, Don ton hao I next {Ing ie that the gues hanging five long enough he Hoard should efthoy aban pmurance that Allee sivesi would he opened through ta Ritany rod from the east, ar should have the agreemant of sale amended, he Urging that the matter he pranand, The amendment was de fonted and the motion earvied City News CLANREN FOR NLU HnEN he Hoard of let night to allow nursesstnstrin tng at the Oshawa Hosplial to take advantage of the facttities of the Callagiate Classes will ha pro in dletetios and domestio solonoe far the nurses, Wh oantoarm Hy with the present sohoal time table Yan haan SALVATION ARMY'S SPECIAL VISITORS Pantorth are nal ning The nu Corps the inhi ul the Hamme Longa loon! corps of the Army en AV ednesday eve for the purpose of giving a special program, the proeeeds ta waist the work tn Canadas Twa dialogues will he given hy the league and they will also present a heantitul tabloan "The way to freedom" There will he several mnsieal members while song Wo the Lite Saving Guards thy Dandorth Corps will oluh dott, Miss Gortle Lawson arant host clooutionists present and render twa ol Captain Wo lolly ih TIER wvenn visiting valion wl A wiih he ehaitman of FAI RR oted English Actress Made First Appearance Before Local Audience | | | | Wduoation deolded |* | a | pemainad rab the twa would he depieted in a | barge! pe ow poured on the Vngligh stage, and with whom she 16 now making her Wome In Oshawa, Migs Gludwynne has becomes known us one of the most ver pillle netvesses on the English winge, and In addition to taking leading voles In drama and oom dy productions In the leading London theatres, und wi theaires throughout Enkland, whe has ap peared with vaudeville companies Of w vary high standing, as 8 mile impersonsioy and all-round eleve entertainer Plays in whieh she haw heen featured include "Nell Gwynne, Sir Arthur does' play he Middlemen," "The Vig Lieutenant,' "Bulldog Drums mond," und "Black-Kyed Busan,' All plays which have hesome favs arites with British thestyegoers Naw that Miss Gladwynne, with wham they played in England, has joined tham, My, and Ms, Walsh, who huve Leen genarous in giv mg of thely time end talents for Many cuuses wines they came Lo Oshawa, are planning to veturn to thelr farmer profession, and the theese of them Ave praparing un sey of of special entertainments with hat ond In view At the Notary unetion last night they gaye 8 aretasie of thelr ability and ver wally, and they will he avilable w future engagements In Oshawa il dd expeotad that In the neay ture they will he spsen In some umbittons proeductions In Oshawa hafara hranehing opt Into a larger Held of theatviesl endeavour MARSHALL HELD ON MANSLAUGH. TER CHARGE dent Near Port Perry Recently Heaoh nn on ul charged out Andrew Marehall township, haa heen manslaughter and 5 now hall $10,000 an a result of an pedldont whieh secured on the WhithysLdndaay highway, north of Manchester and near the Ushridge rand orossing, several weeks ago in which W, H, Davies recalved In Juries resulting In his death Youtorday marniug an inguest held Into the death af Mp, Davies and the Jury returned verdiot stating that ha had come ta hig death as the result of In juries whioh he had received when Win oar collided with & machine driven ny Andrew Marshall as It drave on te the highway fram a glide road without stopping According ta the evidence sub mitted Davies was travelling south on the highway when tha ear driv on hy Marshall came out an to the highway fram the sast on the Ux bridge side voad Marshall turned south and In order (a aveld him Davies swung over to the right shoulder of the road A seoond later the twa cars oollided ana Da vies' machine was upset In the dite, Three other avoupants in pluding Wis wife, Hide daughter and another man hy the name of Rowlea esoapead sevions injury, Nelther Marshall wor his brother James was injured STRANGE ROMANGE ENDS IN DEATH OF GERMAN PRINCESS amined from page 1) wile of Prince Adaphe house, He died in 1916, and Wal iL that for yours she lived side hy side with [| Hahensollprn families, Foal wi lot was wwalled members at the hawiburg: Lippe AL sullered reverses as a We War, course, but thely oxalted 10 what \ietana, | In 19 Subkofl, 29 years | old, who was sad to have represents | od himaelt 10 hey ws & Russian emis | pre of good family but was believed really 10 hve heen the son of a cob Wher, aid 16 have worked at sueh pry foaniony ay waiter wud pigela Ww & Paris dance hall | he prineess, then ol and he were married despite the op position of the former Kalser, and | others of her tamidy, who tered hoy to renounee her aval standing tare sho went ahead with the Rte He romance Na sooner had they een married at Honn than young Subkoft hogan 0 atraet attention ta himsell, with exvapdes 1 publiv houses, affairs with other wainen and numerous Hs with the autharipies over such matters as had cheques ! He finally WAS OAM Ned POI Loy wan, then from Belgium, and at va pions times later had trouble nding | amveoahlo residence In several vonn pres of Barone, His wife for 4 while | abtaehed to him, but fin ally she left him, and when he wy appeared tn Gernany a few davs age |! served hin with divoree papers, ! \eoarding 10 Wik Wm foper sour oireles the latest niethed of Subhkof 16 OAlOP aney Was a threat to Wile a wovie seenaria in which the oonrtshin, warviage, and relationship athe anid ul compared she wet voara ald \ in vhicctionable manner | | PUMPRIN MB PLOUGHING MATCH AT BROOKLIN WAS 80, ONTARIO EVENT YESTERDAY BEST IN HISTORY Emphasis Placed on Jointer Plough Work st the Meet The fifth annus! ploughing mateh, held on the farm of Wd wird Whi poy on Lot 80, Conces wlan 7 wWhithy Township, new Hrook!ln village, yesterday proved the host in the history of the Bouth Ontario Ploughmen's Association, Weather conditions weve ideal and wn largs number of contestants took par! There ware twenty-five entries of persons from & distances greater than twaive miles, and to vegulations each of (lige an tries had to ha provided with a team A fanture of the mateh was the number of hays wha tonk part, fly entries having heen veesived af boys undev the age of elghissn VORTH Many of these lads aston {shad the veteran ploughmen with thelr work The keane wt the mateh whieh presented (aell yesterday wis ons which wag hoth Interesting and inspiring A great apen Held of wtubihle ead sod spread helore one's Kage, Teams ware plodding stead Hy to and fro while the autumn wtiliness was hraken with the ploughman's shouts to his hovsus, diendily the ploughmen pursued thelr work and furrows wers oul almost un stralghte as If they ware measured with a vile Here the spirit of competition en tered Into an art whieh is almost an old ue the nations sand has ex futed aver wines "Fubal Cain fash loaned the first ploughshare fo judge ploughing Is a oul place of work an several Las tors anter In, the avenness of tha prawn, the straightness of the fur rows and the finish which Is made imphasls was placed yesterday on jointer plough work ov ploughs equipped with skimmers I wan pointed aut to The Times thal such ploughs not only sul a hronder fur row hut sles cover up the Hass and dirt more effectively Farm Ars Are helng urged to the fainter plough haeause It Wha dire ne In mara waenraing | wa Public Schools s Must Pay Fees Board 0f Education Here WELL ATTENDED Assesses $40 Annual Fee On All Township Pupils SUNDAY SERVICES IN CITY CHURCHES Reports of Additional Arm: Istice Services Are Given Below wre veporis of & number of the Armistiea and Thanksgiving serviees In ety ehuvehes, whieh ware veeelved ut The Times oMoe ton late for pubWeation In yestey Aay'n luwue Cedardale Chuveh lev, G, W, Irvine, pastor In ehavge of the services at Cedar dale United Church yesterday A well-attended Aviation garvice wi held tn the morning, fn which the pastor pointed out the debt (hut Canadigng of todey awed ta hos wha served and those who fell the Great War, and alsn ta the ploneers who made possible the fine hevitage thal Canada 1s today In the afternoon fn upecial Thankusiving service was held In the Primary Department of the Bunday Hehool, the program eon winting of exercises, recitations, and HONKN Sunday avening a Thanks glvinw servies was eondusted hn the ahureh Wie Knox Charly The serviges at Kno lan Church on Bunday he profitable and Inspiring AL Lhe forenoon servioe there wos 4 arp representation of the Orange odpey of tha eity present, The Rey, My Munre in his address declared olvil religious freedom wera essen ta the progress of elvillgation, that 1 was In the moral freedom that man eeuld vaso his highest attainments, and give oxpre ta hig nobles plrations With this In view sald, one eould understand hatter the inealenlabla virtye the vietary of Crest Britain and har allles, for the preservation of freedam, honor, Jusiiee and right He alia stated that from the stand Prashyte) praved to and tinl ana of IL] he Hite ol son affielant and should also prove a | point of aivil and religious freedom factor tn reducing the weed num Anos James Hil, an Was an Maclean, of authority an interested spectator at sie matoh yesterday and ventured tn assert that It was one of the hest In the pravines The association has made great strides hare, Mp, Maclean stated, Yand IT have heen partieulariy pleased with the oluss of wors which has heen done today It In alan gratifying te note the number who are using the fointay plough" At the oconelusion of the mateh supper wan served hy ming host John Graham at Graham's Hotel Brooking, aver 100 of the contest ants and spectators attending, NW W, Wahber of Columbus was chal man, and brief addresses ware 51s an hy MH. 0, Huoheson, Port Perry] W. M, Cronkery, Agvloultural Rep panentative, Uxbridge! RK, R, Mow bay, Kinsale; J, H, Ovmiston, Whithy: and ©, H Thompson, ©, RN, Hanna, Dr, James Moore, Wil Ham Graham and William Rad litte, Braeklin The prize list has not heen compiled but will be published later The aMoeers and directors of the Association ave Hon «Presa, Jas, Lee; president, 0. 1H. Downey: 1st viee:pres, Lloyd (ittordl seostreas,, W, dH, Opaxally assistant teansurer, Thos, Hall; of rectors, BH, W, Wehher, Uarl Av ery, John Medd, Geo, MoMillan, CO, Blakely, DD, Munros, (, M, Foy aythe, OG) Tran, W, Omerad, ¥, Ore ster, ©, Paxton, I, 1, Rowe, HB Pardon, ploughing Coming Events A Conts per word each tn sertion, AMintmum ohavge | for each Insertion, Bde, , cahctn M---- MADAME NRVADA, PALMIST, Rosa Corners, "Phone Appoints ments D804, (1h CHRIAT OHURCH AY PA, 1520 Raviaw, 1a helng held Thursday and Eviday evening, 3de, | (113) | MR, HAWKEY, THE LEADER OF the Toronto Unity Centra will be mn Weleh's Parlour on Friday at § pan, The subjecy will he, The Lard's Prayer, Metaphysionily intarpreted, All are weloame, 1100) CHRIST CHURCH (ANGLICAN) annual sale of work Nav, 23nd, Chioken salad toa, 240 ELL MALY) CHRISTMAR BALR AN TRA, Cedavdale United Chureh, Thursday, Nov, 14, at 3 a'olock THE ONTARIO ENCAMPMENT, No, 1h LOOR, will meet on Friday, Nov, 13 for the purpose of canfarring of the Patviek de grea, Full attendance 1s veguoat od B, Nevswarthy, RS {1180) SOCIAL UNDBRR Ritsein Road Howe Club on Thursday 14 at T.80 at Ru aon Sohaol, (REEL ORHATVA WINTER GARDENS Thuraday, Nove 14th, spot prise dane night, Prank Carew and ha commanders ong of Faron. a's MRARIes | AAR0R OPO ASIAN Panoing 8.30 pow, Admission 180, nuspioes of and Sohool nlaht, Ney oradit reflected on the Uranus Wiha lodges Kroat loyal greusive stand they had undertaken { tor the sdvanecement of these meval | { ! prinetpnle My Munre gave A talk thanksgiving at the avening sory ied which was distinetly practionl and helpful, At hoth seryiees (he chin under the able Yendership of "Mr Gowldburn excelled themeslves In the reandeving of tha special an thems, tried and solos, Large and appreptative congregations fied the ehnreh hoth morning and evens ing on Trinkty Charol funday was duly abe govved at Holy Trinity Chureh, The memorable day was begun with # sheolnl peguiem celebration of the Hol) Communion when the names of the fallen relative to the parish wera remembered individually bes fave the throne of Erace, Appros printe muse and hymns were in Keaping with the day, while flags adorned the sanctuary of the ehuroh The rector in his sermons brief Iv valatad the stirring effects made upon humanity hy the war, whieh has produced a most definite effort for the establishment of parmansit pelos AMOngat the Batons Puring the evening serviea the last post wai sounded, followed hy a showt period of silence Holy Avinlation Professor Albert Binsteln gaye 1 sently whist he oonsidered the best formula for sucess in life, "1" a i A augoess in life, should say the forma In ie) a equals xt ym ow helng work and ¥ being play," "And what owt! inquired the interviewer, hat," he answered, 13 Keeping. four mouth shit M=The Christian Register By Ww. A Harve 8 Bond St, E, Phone 448, Have You Met This Person? He is around 48 years of ages more or leas He ia reading the pa: por and holding it ton far fram his sven, Can't vead it sloser, Thinks his eyes are strong whew he ean ven It se far away, Mistaken of sourse! He needs vending glasses so he ean vead ab 13 inches, No eye atealn then, Print clear, Byes comfortable, Half an hour spent here solves the problem of difenlt: reading Gas In Stomach . Hurts the Heart dangerous around heart Moating oF pam NOD Worrying stomaeh simply necds an alkaling speedy, eertain peleil ake a Risurated Mapnostas=powder of It oguickly breaks wp the gas pam salto fram YOu BA fran acid Yow Pont PROARING SOUP R8, Indigestion Ww sate, LLLR 1S tablets neutvalizes tha avidly stops He and Keeps the stomach sweer and strong and digestion periih 1 doing this avery day for thilisands it omust da the same toy money refunded by reliable dinggisis the workd oven Y plmosphere | | throughout | Richmond [the world for the definite and ag | M \ ) | vou orl OF sympathy received in {tom sad hereavement, \ Where Parents of NonResi- dent Public School Pupils Own Oshawa Property, Amount of City School Taxes Paid Will Be De- ducted PARENTS HAD ASKED HIGHER ASSESSMENT But Court of Revidon Re. fused to Make This Pros vision to Allow Pupils to Attend City Schools in Accordance With Board's Recent Decision atiend-! Hohonly Kehani Yai) thei Lwn in oity, amaunt of publie pehool taxes pid hy the parents will be ded ad froin the amount of thé fees, This deelsion was arrived 0 by he Hoard of Bdueation Hk Hu meeting last night, It amenfed the gdecluion made at the Jast Board meeting, which provided that the lous must be pald wut glowed the pupiig from the Lownships 1o wt tend wchool heres providing thely parents owned property assessed Wh a value equal to ar greater than the average assdssment of reg) donces In the ep Aha. chante made following a redbmmens antion of the Court of Revision en the All ny must non-resident tha Oshawa pay pupils pili of #4 per fae pe If the i $10 property month m piuvents the Was Hatley Ask Higher Assessment The yveport on fees for non pesis dent pupils was submitted hy 0, H, WH, Fulley Hevaral of the parents Who had ohilldren going to the elty pubile sehools had property in the Oity naeersed at about $400 where an the Heard had wel a tentative Figure of about $600 as the minis mum of assessment Home of the parents had appeals ed to the Court of Revislon to have thelp assessment ralsed to BG00 so that they vould send thelr Children to the ely scheols, buy the eonrt refused to do #0,. The Court stated that a system of foes Rhoild be instituted, and that the AMount, of publio sehool taxes pale he deducted from the fess, Foo #0 Per Yoar The Tees fixed by the Podrd, hased on the average cost of main ouance of pupils. waa #4 per manth of the sahood year of 040 per Year, Hince there wad sme uns cartalnly in the matter, none of the DUBIN had yeb heen exclfided, said Mr, Fuller, d Trintees Donevan and Garhuit moved "that non-resident pupil he exelndelt from the Oshawa publin wohanls unless the fees preserihed hy the Hoard or thelr equivalent wre paid." ¢ Dy, Donevan declared that, in the ease of puplls attending North Rimona Hehool they only had a Walk of about a mile, on a paved road, to North Oghawa. schesl, Thera was no excuse for hot ses manding fees fram them If the desired to attend the ety soheal, especially sinee {4 was overerowds od, ha deelaved, The motown then carried, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NICE LITTLE #IX ROOMED RU N« Jnlow, © Bright © cosy and warm, Hleotre vange and stove, Ren repsonnble to good tenant, Phone MIN (1180) TO TART TART OF ORR TMA trade wo oan now place three men hour service and sales departs ments, Heady workers will be Reps ON permanently, Men with oars preferred, Applloants Interview Wadnesdiuy evening Room 24, Al gor Bldg, ! (1184) LONTCSRORT RVING RAG, vontalning small sweater in Osh AWA or on highway, Reward, Oe QE (1130) WANTED =TADY FREER ON slIK drosses, Apply Hox 300 Times, (1180) re Died CAMPBNEY In Oshawa, Saturday, November th, 1928, Ronald Ie Roy, infant son of Me, aud Mes, Jak Campney of 371 King BLPROL REL, (118) Card of Thanks My, and Mrs, 0B Campney and My, and Mea, W, Campney, 2%2 Ring atveet east, wish (0 thank their friends and welghbora fan sympathy and Kindness also fay flowers and oars sent at the tim of the death of the dear son An grandson, Ronald, (110A) Ar Waller wishes 19 thank friends and walghbhors top + 3 Kindness during the sloknesa 8a after the death of hia wits 1 (1138) Mrs KF, Nola ang family of VORUAS, Moh, wish 19 thank thei WAN Oshawa frends for the DOANTIfNY flowers and expressions {heir ves (1180) \ n

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