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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PACE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 he Oshawa Bolly Times THE OSHAWA DAI y REFORMER (Entablished 1871) An independent newspaper published avery alterseon oscopt Sundays and logs) holideys, st Oshaws Canada, by Mundy Printing Company, Limited Chas, M, Mundy, Presidents A. R, Alloway, Bes vetery, BE The Oshawa Dally Times is 8 member of the Cana Newspapers' Ase dine bres She Canadion Dally Ontario Provineial Audit Bliroav of Clrosiations, hy / BUBSCPIPTION RATES Delivered by Ihe aw By mall in Canade (ou io delivery Nmits), $400 » yor) h, 5 85400 » your, / 1 YORONTO OFFICE " Building, 90 AeMnarance Street, Telephone Adelaide "Trosidder, representative H. ts A | MEPRESENIATIVES IN U. 8. Povers and Bions, Ine New York and Chicago, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 A FEDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE rr ----_---- A commendable and muehsneeded forward step was taken In Oshawa last night, when a meeting of vepresentatives of various organizations assembled In the ecounell chamber, and deelded to form a fedora ton of comnumity servige for the cliye This step, of gourse, was but the beglinhig of things and mueh has vet to be done before Tt can come Into actual operation, Yet it was on beginning, and It Is reasonable to ase sume that In the near futyre the Ideas which were expressed at the meeting will be erystylized Tito nes tion, Oshawa, with Its large demands for assistance pf various kinds, has need of such a federation of voluntary organizations which exist for the amelloras tion, not only of physkeal need of rollef, but alsd for that finer touch of sympathetle understanding of the problems which beset many of the families In this community I'here should not, however, ba any misunderstand ng us to the functions of the federation, Its not Intended to make greater sums of money available for distribution In cases of need, Ruther Is It Ine tended 10 place the work of rellel on a more selene fie basis, se that the money avallable will be ex- vended to better advantage, so that there will be no sverlooking of any case In whieh assistance Is ware vanted, and so that there will be ne overlapping In the work of the varlous organlgations carrying on setivities of this kind in the elty, While the details of the plank and polley of the <Tedbeation have not been definitely formulated, there (s agreement between the bodies Involved as to the general principles to be followed, The establishment of & central elearing house through which all vel wntary agencies ean work, and which will have the \g-aperation ef all the ofelal bodies doing welfare vork, will glve Oshawa an organisation that will wlghten the lot of many families in the ety, and will do so by the application of sympathy and uns ferstunding 10 problems which are not only eons jerned. with the expenditure of money, but which have to do with bringing a touch of kindness to bear (+ on thoge why are finding their burdens heavier than {Ney can bear, The building up of the morale of {amilien dn need is an Important function of welfare work, often more important than supplying the ims mediate necesaition of We, dd It Is In work of this ype that a federation of the valuntary welfare agencies of the city will ba able to give effective jerviee 10 Oshawa, a. JTHE IMAGINARY LINY -------------- Tha spirit of goodwill and friendship which is anis dating the relationships. between Canada and the United States wan well gxefpiified at the Intercity neeting held last night by the Qshawa Rotary Club, The oceasion was a notable one because of the broad pieiv of international fellowship whieh prevailed in Al the addresses made, The natural reaction was the ieeling that the imaginary boundary line between the 'Wo countries was a line which divided, but did not eparate thew, In recent years, there has sprung up a deep desire for a clover understanding between the two grat AnglosBaxon peoples, those of the United States and the British Empire, That desire has largely been prompted. by a realisation of the part which these Iwo great peoples wust play in all forward moves ments for the ulthnate peace of the world, Alike in langage, closely related by their ties of origin, and Maving very shintlar codes of law and justice, these we peoples must stand together ga leaders of moves ments for the betterment of humanity, or progress i the direction of lasting peace are fatal, In taking together the British and the © Bates peoples, Canada has an fmportant part to play, Ad meetings such as that held here last night are Jan indieation that the business and professional leaders of this country ave willing and anxious wo bear their shave of Canada's responsibility 10 inters pret Beitish thought and ideals 10 the United States, As men gather at functions of this type, no matter Ly whom they way be sponsored, they get 10 know each other better, KNouwledge brings wnderstanding, waderstanding brings goodwill and goodwill ponte, And the thought that the twa countries can have wnity of Weals, unity of thought in the effort Au promote world peavey, while. preserying thelr di versity of fnterest fn other matters, gives hope that, fust ax Canada and the United States have set the world an example by their peace of pre than vie hundred years, 30 will they wive leadership 10 tha world Tn the building wp of that better understanding whith will give practical reality 19 what has been a vistonary's dream of "peace on earth and good will to men" X brings Dalles and the United A a -- SEEKING WORLD MARKETS In Wis speeches In Western Canada, Premier King Is devoting muel attention to the position In which Canada might find herself should the United States high tariff measure eventually becomes law, The pramior, apparently, Is content to walt unt! that tinfe comes before taking any drastic action, for he hay soe doubts us te whit she fate of the messure will bey But In i By he believed Canada's polled whould be, The place 10 mest the trade competition of the United States, "ha sald, "Is In the markets of the whole world, und not In border warfare" While that dee fon was made with & view to the possibility of Cabiwdw's products being shut out of the United States markets by u new high tariff wall, It should not be necessary to walt until that time be fore seeking wider world markets for Canadian pro ducts, The domestle market for Canadian products Is necessarily limited, and that Himftation 1s made sll the more severe by the huge amount of goods ini ported Inte this eountry for consumption here, goods which might, to some extent at least, be Just us easily produced within the borders of Canada, Hinge the domestle market Is hopelessly Inadequate to wbsorh the products of Caniida, In both the agrle cultural and the munulweturing Industry, Jt ds ess sentlal that wider world markets must be developed If the country Is to go shead, Some progress Is being made In this direction, but It has been very noticeable In the Inst two or three years that the growth In exe ports Is not by any means keeping puce with the In« orease In exports: Five years sage, Canada could boast of u favorable trade balance of some $400,000, 000, Toduy, that favorable balance has dlsnppeared, and there Is a probability that the present fiscal year will end with a balance In the red, That Is the situation which Canada hus (0 face now, and not only when the United States tariffs are In creased, It Is true that the rate of Imports Into Can ada Is becoming quite alarming, und that there Is & need for co-operation on the part of all Canadians to keep this down te us low & figure us possible, And, on the other hand, It Is essential that Canada enter with even greater geal Into the quest for forelgn outs lets for her produce, so that the favorable trade bale ance of five years ugo may be recovered, A DIFFICULTY SITUATION A difficult situation has been placed before the federal minister of lmmigration and the government of Saskatchewan In the appeal that one thousand Mennonite families from Russia be admitted to this These families live land by the Soviet government In Russia, and they ¥ have heen left stranded, outside of Moscow, to make thelr own way fs best they gan, Arrangements ean bo made, It Is plated, to have these Mennonites transported to Cane ade without cost to the government, by way of Gers many, and Germany has offered to allow those who may be unsultable for settlement In this country or country en humanitarian grounds been dispossessed of thelr who may be deported for any reason, to return there, This Is a difeult problem to decide, Canada al ready has a fairly substantial Mennonite population. Those who have Ontario have become known as thrifty, law-abiding, industrious eltisens There ure some communities of them in Perth and Waterloo counties, and they have been quite an nse 600 to the districts in whieh they reside, They have retained many of thelr old religlous customs, which are of a puritanical nature, and have given the au thorities no trouble, If there could be any guaranties that the Mennonites whose fate Is now In doubt would make us good settlers, It might be quite feass ible for Canada to take care of them, But there Is another side to the question, Only a few days ago, Mr, Forke made the statement that settlers would be admitted Into Canada only as raps Idly us they could be absorbed, It Is quite a quess tion as to how quickly these Mennonites could be abs sorbed into the life of the provined of Saskatchewan, which has been asked as to ty willingness to recelve them, Much as Canada might like to assist in a humanitarian cause, it might eoncelvably be a bad thing for the Dominion and for the Mennonites thems selves to have them transported to this country te find that they could not be provided with the means of earning a lvellhood, That, after all, should be the main consideration ln the making of a declslon, for one can readily understand the storm of eriticlam whieh would arise should the experiment prove uns sueeessful, netted in Promier pleasant experience while at Rosthern, Sask, this week, To greet him at the town hall, a large gathering of chil dren. had assembled, mostly ehildren of non-Beitish parentage, They greeted the premier by angling "0, Canada," and they sang through the whole anthem, overy verse of it, without ahy trouble, It wah small wonder that Premier King, in complementing them, remarked that he had heard the anthem sung from the Atlantia to the Pacifie, byt never recalled any other audience which knew all tha words, It would be interesting to find out just how many people sould, on the spur of the moment, undertake to sing through all the vepses Of "0, Sanadar The first verse night come eany, for it Ia, fairly well known, although sung In varlous forms on various occasions, Hat the rest of the versed would, In most cases, prove te be a stumbling block over which many would fall Perhaps that Is why "0, Canada" in spite of te inmpleing words and its glorious musie, hay never elgen 10 the statis of a truly Canadian Nation! Anthem, the great majority of people being yuite well satinfied with the simpler and mera avidely known "God Save the King" although it wauld be quite a test for some people to have to ang from memory all the verses of that anthem, King had an unusual and rather TA ------------ EDITORIAL NOTE: St Thomas Ix having a hard time settling its gay problem, but it has no shortage of hot alr m-------- St Thomas ix having a heated discussion over a gas supply problem, and the discussion seems likely to generate wore heat than the article being debated I in a good thing for most people that their stock market losses were only on paper, and not in real viash, Fitteen thousand shipyard workers in Britain have been locked ont, Apparently the Labbe government i going to hive most of iw troubles with Labor Qihawa people didowelbao give sash generous sw) port 1a the Poppy Fond eanipaigs, Fhe meney sub scribed will likely be much needed this winter, Wutoop epecch he outlined what Other Editor's Comments DOES IT PAY? (Montren) Witness) In answer Lo the question, Doss U'rohibition Pay?" the Catholic Advance, the offen) paper of the oman Catholls Church for the Winton of Kansas snd Oklahoma, guys: "As a direct result of prohi- Ditton, Kansas haw $200,000,000 in bunks und $67,000,000 in morte gauges In other Wiutes, In Kuusas there are b4 counties without sny feoblo-minded, 48 counties without any poor-houses, 68 counties with. out apy persons in Jall, 166 coun ties without any representatives in the State penitentiary," -- MUOES WHA HAN (Vancouver Provines) Englishmen are said to be takes ing to the kilt, and eight-some reels are being daneed in London bulls rooms, in honor of the Duchess of York, Dy encouraging the music and dances of the Highlands, the Dushess of York may seriously yn. dermine the popularity of modern musie and dancing, Highland reg~ iments have fin times past cons anered in darkest Africa, and poss wibly Highland musie may now sup- plant the barbaric jazz and tribal dances oopisd by modern society folk from the villages of Jungle- land, Sa -- WENTUNCER AND SENTENCES (Kingston Whig-Standard) The sentence of sdven years in the penitentiary by Mr, Justice Ianey pronounced on a drunken motor driver of Toronte who kill od a boy on a bleyels is helng con demned hy some asx being rather savers, Tut what of tha dead hoy sentenced to Wiernlty! And what of his mother and father, robhed for all time of the lud's comphn fonship and love and sentenced to Hive thelr entire lives without him?" Let the eritios of the sentence pro nounced upon the drunken driver before being too vehement In thelr protestation! LADIES WITH A DUNTER (C, B, Pyper In Winnipeg Tribune) It Is easy to mse why senators objected to women In thelr midst The senate is wn place of peace, n haven of dignified repose, und wos men are & disturbing element, Wo men-Lthelr best friends will ad mit thate=have always heen a dls turbing eloment sines Wve duced the apple of discord Into the Gurdon, The hand that dusts the ohesterfield disturbs the world, "ne to speak, and If you put a few en ergetio women with dusters into the senate, there will he an end to pence and quiet, It Is to be re membered that the senate usually pits In spring, when the spring oleaning fever Is at Its height, | Bits of Humor THE RETORT COURTEOUS Angry Bus Driver to Lorry Drivel Whe Had Cut In==You ought to be wheeling a pram Lorry Driver vou ought to he In Slur, Right.o, mate! It lee Vancouver . MIS TRAGEDY A little boy was street, "What's the matter passer-by, "We've got pancakes and for dinner," blubbered the boy "Well, that's nothing to ery about" "I know: but 1 ean't find my way home, "==Victoria Times, REPUTATION "Why do you try to represent your self as having money" "I enjoy brisk and sparkling con versation, 'The reputation of having funds Is sure to keep the high pow or salesmen on your trail KEEPING COUNT I'he kind visitor to the lunatic as vium watched the angler patiently fishing with a walkin stick held over a watering can, "Mow many have you caught?" gaked the strang. er, sympathetically, The lunatle re. garded him shrewdly. "You're the fourth," he said=Haul fax Herald, HEARD IN KENTUCKY Judge (to man arraigned for {licit ditiiiing)=Delendunt, what is your name' Defendant=Joshual Judge==Aro you the man who made the sun stand still? Defendant=No sir! I'm the who made the moon shine, WURRA IAn old but sturdy Irishman who had made a reputation us a gan boss, secured a job with a railroad onstruction company in Port wu Prince, Haith One day when the sult was hotter than usual, his gang began to shirk: "Alles, you sons ol puns, alle!" Then turning to the engineer, he said: "1 curse the day | iver learned their language" " unked a kind treacle man ONE BETTER he judge was giving his regulats tion lecture on the evily of gambling, "So you see," ha declared, "what a wicked thing it fy to shoot craps, eapeeially the Sabbath, Sundays ; Ol, vessub, Judge," replied prisoner, "most gen'ally ah caddies wh Sadth fo a della a hole" Hearing and Meeding Take Heed theretore how ye hear: for whosooye hath, to him shall be given and whos soever hath not, from hime shall be taken even that whieh he seemeth to havey=Luke 8:18, Prayen Give us, Lowel the hearing ear, the understanding heart, and the whling mind, look at all angles of the situation | That By James W, Barton, M.D. INSULIN CURES DIABETEN You have rend recently that din betes 1s wetuslly inereasing vol withstanding the discovery of in silin whieh definitely cures dla- betes 1n young people, apd per mits older folk to lve longer (by threes years), than the average ine dividuals thelr ngs, Why Is dinbetes on the Inerease? "Phe grontor use of moler cars which provide fresh alr aug keen wppetites, without the necessity for physical exergine, in u big tactoy in cuuning overwelght und later, din betes, One hus only to gure in awe und wonder at the prodigious meals of our summer motorist to realise why one to two iu every hundred havo sugar in the urine.' Dr, L.A, Gilchrist tells us that ong of the principal causes of dias betes Is Infection in the teath, ton. wily, sinuses, nnd the Intestine] traet, These Infections stimulate the thyroid gland in the neek, and the adrenal glands situated on top of oneh kidnoy, und the over produc ton of these julges interferes with the setion of the Insulin from the pancreas, which as you know en ables the (issues to handle sugny instend of having It thrown out in the urine, This explains then Is not successful Iu some eanos, If theses Infections ars vemoved, und the patient Hyves on the pre seribed diet und gots his nections of tnsulin, he can keep his urine froo of sugar, and the amount of sugar in the blood at ts normal wmount It has beon thought that the tendency to diabetes is Inherited, and that there may sometimes bi an Inheritance of a defect In the pancreatic gland is admitted, bul Dr, Gllehrist ways "It Is probably due to the faet that the Hying and onting of various mem the same family In unlike why Insulin bors of intros | erying in the | Have you | nothing hefter than that to do ol | the 1 i 10" ya when you plays gofl with Mi | Wo all know of families who ent extraordinary anmounts of starehy foods whose members are nll aver wolght who take little or ne axereise The above nnd " faels tench us that thousands of young dinbetles are boing cured, and older ones kept [nlive In good health to wis older age [than the average, simply beepuns they follow Talthfully the diet and the use of Insulin ar peribed by physicians who not only prescribe that thelr orders [are garried out to the letter | pre hut ses And | Easton, editor of the (Minn,) Gagette, WwW. Ntillwater LISLE THAT trading at home ix an old subject, almost © worn thréndbars [hut Just an tmportant today wan a hundred yomrs ago, No town, no matter how large or small, can grow and flourish If the residents do thelr trading away trom hofe This Iv a plain, un varnished fact, The merchants' wives and familie wre often the flest to set the example, The shoo men notice this fact) the Jowelry mon do the same, as does the grocer and the meat men, the deysgoods men, the clothing mon, ax well as the mechanic, the laborer, the school teach. or, the clorks in all the stores, the stenographers, ote, They all imagine If the other fellow oan tvade ont of town, they oan, never realising the fact that every vosident is more ov loan dependent on his nelghs bor for trade, A town would he short Hyed If this state of affairs continued, You wha are in Yusiness, no matter what your business ls, owe it to your home town to trade at home whonoever possible, And that fa just as true of the employs oon, With all trade going out of town ft will be but a short time before there will ba stores and houses for rent, because there will bo no one to oceupy olther store or home, Help your neighbor and he will help you, Teading at home means muoh for our peos ple, Think thix aver and cons template what it would mean to buy all your goods out of town, Bits of Verse i REQUIKSOAM When thin body, freed from toll, Barth with earth its dust shall blond, Grant, O Lod, that 1 descend, Into faly Canadian soll, Kven if whore 1 lie doad Lilley of the valley grow, Holt beneath tho roses' glow, Rostloss still shall rest my head IT 1 be Canadian earth Allened from my land of birth, But where yellow™ prairie grass, Plevees through the wintry snow, While the west winds mourning low ' Sing my voguiom as they pass, There In Canada the bleat, Peacetully content 111 rest SQ mode of | riley of | ns It A -------------- hy omen of Oshawa We offer I SE 4h / Business hours 0 am, tod pm, including Saturday, Interest on Savings Subject to withdrawal by check, Women of Oshawa are more and more appreciating the increased earning power that our substantial rate of interest (4%) provides for their Sav ings. Why not decide now to give your savings this increased earning power ? We will welcome the opportunity to serve you and will also be glad at any time to explain fully the advantages and service of our joint account privi. leges. A Private Ladies' Room is pro. vided for your convenience, Qur depositors enjoy not only the opportunity of an attractive inter. est rate at Central Canada Loan and Saving Co., but the advantage also of saving where experienced investment counsel of the soundest character is available at all times, May we look forward to serving youl? QA AREA FD YAN ANI OSHAWA BRANCH OFFICE 23 SIMCOE OT, NORTH Operated Under Government Inspection ) SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO HEAD OFFICE: KING & VICTORIA 8TH, 04 A SAFE PLACE FOR, SAVINGS Eye | : Care and Eye Strain " 68 TUCE.INN MUSCLE BALANCE JO ---- PH ---- ado Office: Reford S. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 Normal eyes enjoy alngle binoe- ular vislon, That is, each ays has an distinet image of the object views od and the two images are inter preted us one or fused Into one, In order that both images may be noon as one both eyes must be dis rected towards the same object at the same time, It would not do for one eye to fix an object and the other to wander off in somo other direction, When this condi. tion obtains the eyes see double, The positions and the move. monts of the eyes are controlled by muscles attached to the outside of the eyeballs, If when looking straight ahoad at a distant object these muscles are in a state of rest the eyes are in "balance, or ore thophorie, Nut frequently they are not in balance and one or more of the muscles must ba continually exerting an effort to hold the eyes straight, When this condition ex. {sta the eyes are out of balance or heteraphorle, Muscle imbalance is one of the greatest causes of strain and sufs fering, It is often true that en rors of vision cause this fmbalance and when the error In corrected the fmbalance corrects itself, but fre. quently special treatment ia neces sary to restore normal halanee with comfort, Two very good eyes may ha a poor and troublesome pale of eyes If through muscle fm balance they do not work fn han mony, Thix is an error that ve. quires careful investigation and akill in the handling but ke most other aye troubles can he Gorrect ed by the proper optical treatment We sell drafts, money orders and cable remittances on all parts of the world--at lows est rates, Quick service ac all branches, THE Established 1871 ONHAWA BRANCH T. W, JOYCE : and attention, ---- eg be PiRgay sfivare wines TO ALL PRINGIFAM MARKETS THROU ENOVY SANARA AND THR UNITED STATES 3 R. FF. O' YORONTO * SARNIA os maii------ HEARN & CO. OFFICES _-- NEW YORK GURE BXGHANGE STANDARD STOUR & A a GNICAGO BOARD OF WINNIFE® GRAIN BRONANGS OWEN SOUND HAWA » [MONTREAL meas Wee Genosha Hotel, Oshawa Telephone 2700

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