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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN " » A THE C veil" where Seller "a3 RRTED SECTION, pp ------ Lege! ANNIE BAREIS otaties Public Li nei aia Bins ij arige ry Phone 4. G. D, LB 4 ¥ 0 Cones! WHITER, Convey hird it sie Notary Publie, oney to. loan, fhe 14! awh, Phone #4 Conveyance, or to, Office over ublle, ets ures + Bt, Phone 18, J, I, 3 K, Jo Colgan, BA, N © fi ¥ our over tore, Money to Ioan, pa north Phene 67. to i WILL "ANT FIELD, "HAR Juiere ele logn Money to are ft" Wi Bimeor y OR ke A ter, ete, a ain, , a Pruetice 3 04 , King eR Bast hone HEAT, (tr NT Medical "PHYSICIAN, SUR Office and res) DR. MERAY, geon, Accoucher dence, King Bt, po SH hone U4 VW. TRICK, PH IST: clan, Surgeon, ahi F references to maternity work and di senses of women, Two vears' post Araduaty experience, Office and res ence 167 Simeoe St, N, (cor, Brock) hone 303 ! TE ---- J Han BERRY, PHVEICTAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases infants end children, Office apd eside 07 Rond Fast Phone 1184 1, HAZLEWOOD, PVE] clan and Surgeon, piven to X.rayv work and lectvo theopy, Office, Disn.v Block, Phone 2080, Offic; open 9 am lpm Arudne 161 King Fast, Phone 2416 DR VID ANCHE i M.D, GM, «a BCP anf 8 Edinburgh Rurgeon and Obstetrielan Physician, Office 142 § mee St, ) Ehone 4h esidence 161 ing St, One | ARCTITR AROWN, M.D, LR ¢. FP & 8 Edinburgh, Physielan Surgeen, Obstetrician, special ats tention 0 maternity ork and dis eases of children Mee and resi dence, 188 Simeoe St, North, Phone 3107, js ft DROW, OA, PHVETOTAN, Otflea and Surgeon, Obstetrician, residence oe 4 fi Blmeoe street north, 16 Phone 2 (Oct, B1 mo) ------ Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DICT WRYANG OF [a0 TEOOR Street Weat, fgrente, office ave Store each of di only, dru Lovell's aturday, from | Avpoiniments may be made a #10) () RB) ose and ug Store Evening over Mitehell's 10 to 12 am, & bolle appointment, ce phens Nesidenge 412 Bental BRST PHILLIS, OVER DAS sott's, Special attention ta Xray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at tendance, Phone 939. House 1313, # He ORY, 0 SIMCOE 8ST north, over Mitchell's Dyug Store (las for exiraction, LB DR, LE HUBBELL, DENTIST Nitrous oxid oxveen was for extra tions, Office. Roval Rank Bide hone 948 residence, 137AM FR | A HIOCR DENTIST, 16 Simeoe N. over Dewland's Phone os? Res. 202\V. Rvenings hy pnolint oy ; BR GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent That Rdg. Phone 1780 Residence 664 DR' LaNGMATT OR Prine 3 King 81. E Special al tention ta sas extraction and X.ray work Nurte in attendance. Phones IMA and 86d Architects LC STENHOUSE « GENERAL rehitev tural work Second flop oval Bank at ing. Phone 1496 TOTTNSON, AR Kimeoe 8, 8 A . rehitects TOs Contracting CONTRACTING - CONCRETE asterin electric or alierations Bhons I for satimates . (LAIN Coat Repairing RADY FOR WINTER -- ents' overcoats repaired and ab tered, ladies' fur coats rellned and repaired, "Talloring your own material made up, Address 13 Ring fit WW. (over vannings). Oal and deliver, Phone 609 th 26-1 ma) "Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER, FUR alture bousht and sold. 154 Bloor St Rast. Phone 1617M, (an Furrier 00 ost 'on » AND Butranes Bimeoe Grierson, K.0,, I De 5 Iger ane Kast, corner Vietoria Bpeeial ol special attention will he at his Dmg til 4 for consultation and treatment {senses of ear, nose and throat t frp omc Hours y = |eher boos Conservatary Engineering and Surveriig OONEY AN AND SMITH TAR w Land Surveyors and aie gers, sub divig in n n shi CA engi Undertaking CORE WORTAL CO, 6 RINT RT Kast, Ambulance, [A fim: treet north, Phones 210] and 4 sling street, ay street, Ambulances, Insurance D SON, INSURANCE ph Oshawa, Te od Reney in Cshuwi. oR DAVIS 19 K I (41) gonsuit BR, N, Johve, £0 Bimeos north, Your insurance Wants Abs feuded to and your Interests pro tected, Transportation OATTAGE AND STORAGH, COLE man's, Bh Bond West, Bpecialiste n furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment 'hone #8, al MOVING, GWAVEL sand and iinders Hoe and lon CT hing Phone S048 ap 1" iv, MH and Cos, Ft King Ww INVA LOPS "UBTAR. lished furniture movers, Park Road ear ape, Local and long distanse Frank Cowle, 1d 68 Park HA South, Phone ' 16-1 me) WANTID OF ALT kinds, Carting o Phone HJOAAW, (Dat, 19-1 mo) [ AG LIE re ANTERS AND LONG distance movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quick service, cheapest in Osh awi, Phone us first, 3203 - § (Oe, hk hy ma, PW BUMP TROCK, T, BIN: lock, Gravel, sand and Mio aart age, 215 Bloor 8t, KE, Oshawa, Phone 270W (Nav, 6:1 mae, CARTAGK, MOVING, GRAVEL, sand and einders, Phone S681M, Uhrig Graham, 870 Verdun HNoad, (Noy, 14:1 month) ae aE Boauty Parlors BRETT Y rN ou Pi RMANINT wave, welal $5 hay $7.80, Finger WAVE aed shampoo $1, Faelal 78 Hair eutth g 25a, Phone 2068 or #6 Simeone North, Riso EXPERT MARCELLING BY Hetty Ward at Betty Low Permans ent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham poo fil Phone DAR ----b} WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shep, 9 Celina 51, We spe glalize in ladies' hair cutting, mar eelling, shampooing, facials Mires! § cents, Vor APPOIAMNENS 4 hho CLLR "Building _ Supplies ie FOR SALE om SAND, GRAVEL, stone and hlaek loam, 160 a wl Far quality and service phone ls ery ros, 32 ring CEM TACKS W BALL: (ood sand and gravel, To Insure grompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date, W, Hor rowdal.e Phone 1618, Music PUPILA ACCEPTED 3 IN I VOOAL Anstruetions, Min. (Dry) Grant . Phone 1 flavy. Th (Nov, 8-1 mo) NDT VOCAL TEA o vonte) pupils prepared for all exams (ibe ne S784K, 02 Simeoe Ni North, Phone (189: i) MRA, T, ROUKL Ls PARKER HO prano, will aecept pupils for sing ing, volee culture, eto, Phone 1004, gE Hruee Ht, Noy, 8:1 mo) CHONART Director of Musle, Osha wa 'Callexi: ate and Publle doheols, Htudie, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 2084), (Oot, 18:1 mo) FRANK TONVE REE SVT ONE of Toronto's leading vialin teachers, is In Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Kigin 8t, KE, Phone 739M (Nov, 14-1 mo) Radio Service RADTORERVIOR AND ACOEN sories Repairs on. eleetrle and battery sets, Tubes and batteries tested. Natterles recharged, rental supplied #1, Phone 1040), Charles Wales, 140 Blgin B Nov, 4:1 mo) RATIO BHRVION AND RWHPATRE to all makes of sets, old seta ve. modelled, power tubes added by a radlotrielan, No oharge for mepection, Phone 842 R 1 1, y (Nov, 1-1 mo) Caulking AVE ALL CREVIORE AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastio cement and shut out the enld draft, saves fuel, the cost ba small, Free estimates, J, H, son, RR, No. 8, Oshawa, P av 889, (Nov, 4:1 mo) + Painiing and Deco rating QUTIOLE, FIRST CCAS TA Ren painting and grainiog, 4B Beg Pa w B Foon Hematitching NINE SRN PER YARD PRAT od 8k ofe dolla, alteration elo, All Kinds of heautitul tany work on sale. Mra, Dell, 26814 Sime one Routh, Phone 1088, (Oot, 18:1 mo) Aunt Ba A00t, TRUCKING moving FURS REPAIRED "AND RE modelled, Fur cor 's made 10 measure, ston 10 wearer prices, Mrs, Hicks, AJ, 143 Prince St North, (Nov, #1 me) Wanted To Rent WANT = FOUR NO0N ED flat or apt, Central, Box 28% Times, (1130) of this nature, and collet for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenlence of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, will bring a messenger who will recelve the advartisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT a telephone call Jpn ------ Real Estate for Sale FORBALIE = BOLID BRICK, BIR rooms, het water heating, gumwensd trim, fire place, hardwo "oors, side drive, electrie fixtures, price $4,300; S00 dollars down, Apply 2031 Duffer im Street, Toronto, or phone Kens wood 506d (Nov, 2-Nov, 16) FARM VOR HALE---CHICKEN taneh In Cannington i minutes Post Offlen, Beven ohleken houses, four electrie Incubators, electri hroodmy Hriek dwelling 'rice right, Jan, Hyan, Cannington (1160) WR Eee en NL Watch Repairing "A VON CUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop #t Mh King Street West, Your pal ronage Js sollelred a --._ Ca Rl ee Work Wanted AT UPTIOCETERING, CHESTER fields made to order, We save you money, Esumates free, GA, Con Hable, 74 Meghanie street, Phone 1504), (5011) BAT" TERIT LK WARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 78 cents f ren tal supplied $1, Batteries repaired Stan Blideon, 20 Mil 81. Phone IARGW, (Nov, 18:1 mo) BATTRATER CHARGED AND DR. livered The, rental Phe, And the entire electrionl system of oar re palred, 404 Oshawa UHivd, Phous dW Noy, 18:1mn) Wi DO" HOODY REPATHA TO oars and trucks, Also general wondwork, W, Fry, 48 Bond west, Upen avenings (Nay, 14:1 mo) Sh a sb Public Stenographer MARIE M HILTON, 74 RIMOOK strest north, Phone 1000, Hpevial rates for malling lista and elreular work, (Oot, 86-1 mo) Home Cooked Meats ENGLIEH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples, hot of cold, brawn, cakes and pastries, elo, ote, Frank Drakes, 81 Maple atraat, Phone LLLELE (1740) Motor Care ORT YOUR AUTO PARTE AND Acoendories at the Olty Aute Wreckers, 16:17 Hond street west, Phones 20B0OW or R44RW, é _(Qot, 26:1 mo) CATT CHEV, COACH TOR NATH excellent condition, $428 cash, Apply Hox "434" Times. . Line) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS TRO. ress loans areanged, Parkhill & told, Harristers, eto, Alger Dida Phone 1614 . Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot YOU CAN BUY HARDWOOD flooring now for only ) oly Freight paid on $10 orders, All end and side matched, Easy to lay, You can do the work yourself, \We tell you haw, Send for free eivenlar, Halls day, Bex 31, Hamilton, Building Apecialista, Room and Board LARGE "NTORLY™ FURNINFED bedroom, with or without board, Private home suitable for business HN 242 Eulalle Avenue, AT 240 bh) Wanted to Buy WANTEN 10 WY, MVR ORE roomed house In or near elty, Aps Ely stating lowest price to Rox #97 Times, (110) WANTED TO BUT=IOUSE IN Oshawa or small acreage outside, where party will take ear and los as down ayuent Arp stating price and location to Rox 310 Times, 16a) (1160 Position Wanted YOUNG GIRL WOULD TIRE ANY kind of work, Phone 477W, : % lL b (114) WANTR=YOUNG NAN, 1%, wants fob on farm, near Oshawa. Exper isneed | In farming, Phone 414 vr 1 ay (1160) Auctioneer FHONE TIGL, W. Tg SELEY, auctioneer, 36 Simeon 8 @ can sell your odd pivees of furniture -~ other articles at our yards, 41 Ring St WW, Oshawa Ontario, SW. CLARK, AUCTTONEER; £30 Stincoe Street $ Phone 250A (Oct, 25:-Nov, 2%) AR Articles For Sale WO AND SOT Waoon slabs, $4.50 hody wo Phot WOR for load, Also bone dry aterous Meek Limied (AL, 5 hr HETNTZM AN Lid, planos, new and Sy wm. Also radios, latest wodels; ters arranged, Apply C, Trull, Phone tgged, _ (Let) MOVING BALL OF BICYCLTS bieyels stoek, and automabile tires Big reduction, gash or terms, Every thing he solu, Bd King Streol wes! (Oct, 491 mn) FOIL AALT==0RGAN IN "QO0D gondition, Multable tor ehureh, $30 Phone S08% (11d) VICTROLIA MODE] Good gendition §b J Brae (11d) HETORTLY Henson fst CARTNI Apply mt HAROATN TWADIO used hattery nel wble terms, Phone 17 for sal 10d (11410) WHIT ndition (1150) FOR BALI CHILI'S erih and matress, perfect eo Un AL nes Sit DEFORERT CROBALY BATTERY less table model radio and dyna mio spenlier, LR8H modal in p® feel eondition, $hi Apply 100 Colborne KB Phone after 0.80 ROROW (116m) ANOWN"RTROTLIN WOR BALE | In good pandition Heasonable price, Apply #1 Kilenn street (1160) ~ Help Wanted Male OUT OF TOWN OPPORTUNITY, Men over 28, married, preferred Oapable, energetio and reliable, for sialon job leading to executive ap polntment, To qualify must earn A000 first year, Bond ang refer enoes required, All replies eonfia ntial, Hox 801 Times (Hd) WANTEDYOUNG MAN WITH ales ability to represent manufac turer In Oshawa and district, Good apportunity for advancement, Ap ply Hox #08 Times (114h) Help Wanted==Female EEARNT RHORTHAND AND Touch Typing at home in ten weeks Simplified system, Typewriter sup ied, Sample lesson free, Write dominion School Telegraphy, Himnited, Loronto -------- . - SPERDIAND TRAINS YOU TN ten weeks home study to become u stenographer typlat, Typewriter sup led, Write for free sample lesson dominlon School Telegraphy Limit ed, Toronto, (112.114 LIK 121) wu -- Agents Wanted MANOR WOMAN TO TRAVET and appoint Yoeal representatives Position permanent! yearly guawn tee $1093, (Being $21 weekly aver age) and expenses) commission and cash bonuses hesides, Winston Co, Tower Nldg, Toronto Lost and Found FORT =A" LTUHT COLORRN TO Hee dog with Whithy tag, Finder rewarded, Notify Joe Guest, Rose Hill Blvd, Oshawa, Ont, (116n) "Business Opportunities AAT EE OP PORTUNTI iS Country general atore, Vietowsia County, Hriek store, house con nected, Clean stock, Turnover twenty thousand, Jas, Ryan, Cans nington, (1180) Books NONERTEIAWE CTRETTATING Ithrary, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotion at minimum cost Phone 1472, 47 Blmeoe Bt, North (TRIE 1) Pots and Live Stock POR HATER ETERRD ORR man puppies, Parents of these puppies are among the heat in Canada Phone 21783 between 6 and T pom, (1180) Tralna are expected to be run ning before the end of thin year On Parts of the new tranmPeralan rallway which have heen construe ted between the Persian Quit and Digtul and from the Casplan Bea to Allabad, When an attempt war made to ter A poltin In a cemetery at Liv erponl, BEagland, recently, the AMAYe wan found te be too small, and the mourners had to walt for NeARlY an hour while It was being enlarged, | FURNIRH RD HOUNK, | 1¥ For Rent POUR AND FIVE ROONED MOD arn suites, including slectrie retrig stove, Isundry, sonvenh ote.) continuous hot waler supplied, Apply Hu 'phone 2671, or The Trusts and Ousrantes Oo IAd,, manager for owner, Tat) tf) PO RINT = TIVE WOT D brick, conveniences, hardwood floors, electrie fixtures, ANewly decorated, Ar 68088100, Elgin 8 ta tihay, A 1 Bei ALLRIZUR TN MODERN"AV ATT ments, Apply to V, 0, Beattie, 161 King Bt, Kast, Apt, &, NIN ROOM To Bimeon gireet south, newly deo orated, hot water heating, wun room, Ment 40 dollars per month, Vhone BOK or 800, 81 Bond street Want, (110f FOI TENT=TWG NTCREY 170, nished Nght housekeeping rooms, heated, ull conveniences, Phone He , 217 Malim 81, 2} Tr (ae 1, ae ha rooms, All sonveniences, Apply Bradley Bros, (118e) WO WOOMN™ TO TENTH A"r, wat and electrio, $16 a month, Apply B11 Division Wt, (1180) buh TONE HOOMED™ TTR house, § pleos bath, Purnace, lHosedale Ave, Phone 1041) (1180) FORNTRII ATATIMENT TOR ght housekeeping, All eonvenlonces, ear Motors, 108 Colborne Vast Phone 2207 (113) FOR RENT =TOUTTATTTY On unfurnished rooms, ground floor Rent reasonable, Apply 70 Oshawa Hiv (11.4) NCH LITTLE BTX ROOMED HUN Ualow Hright coy and warm Hleotre range ilove Hent teanonuhle to good tenant, Phone $18) (1130) FOR NENT FOUR HooN dpariment downstairs, Private on franes nt 104 Chureh Mt Apply 108 Church Bt, Phone S404M (1141) ARTE' WOURR Kyery econvenlenoe, Vréneh doors torm windows, Laundry tubs, lool In basement, Henry Wilkins, BEN Gibbons Mt (1140) I'0 ENT MALL, HOURK ON Halg i Apply #2 Mimoos Bt, N,, ar phons B60 (1140) ron RENT--HMALL HOUNR with garage on Westmoreland Ave Apply 33 Westmoreland Ave (114m) CENTRAL Klee or Ho (1140) ROOM aration, ences, 1148) 1067 BIGHT HOOM Hurdwood floors hone 154 located Irie range, Contre Hi I'0 ENT brick house 143 Ritson SEER FOR RENT witurnished | SMODTRAN™ATS With garages, Apply road south Phone (118-116-117) OR THRE] use of kitchen north end Phone (115¢) HRICK All oon rent, Two 2804) (1160) HOUNRN 0 Apply Hid (1160) Wao POON, resident part, 2907 FOR house venlenove NATAROH RENT NIEW Hardwood floors Heanonahle Phone 103 or FOUR ROOMED pent, BAS Oxford Mt Oxford Hi HOURK AT 304 ARTHUR NT Apply to Anson Cheon, B4 Mao Oitl, Toronto, or phone Bigin 1674, be 4 (1160) NATE MODERN Low rental, Phone 1800, J (1160) HOUNI TG WENT WITH on without gavage, Apply 1080 William alreet west (116m) FOR RENT--NICH COMFORT nhle front room, Hultable for busi. ness couple ar 8 office gentlemen Apply 454 King Nt, Rast FON RENT npartment (1180) THRER UNFURNTEHRD ROOMS, hath flat Very reasonable, Appl 118 Gladstone Ave, Phone SMADW, (1160) I = NB Ar Sa For Sale or Rent TO RENT OR FOR SATI=TFIVE roomed house on Park Road, vacant first December, Apply James Lindsay, RR, No, § Oshawa, Phone 9202 (115) PREMIER UPHELD ON SOVIET STAND Action in Refusing to Dis close Correspondence Supported by Press Nov, 16,-=The Dally Chrontele, commenting on Roviet relations says: "We are gl that the Premier firmly refused to diss olose the correspondence with the Domintons about the resumption of diplomatio relations with Russia, It belongs, an has been sald, to the clans of correspondence which in the publio intereat, every Governs ment has agreed ought not to he published, . Rinee the wan, and pan tionlarly sine 1024 it has been the accepted duty of the British governs ment to econuult with the Dominion Governments on forelgn polloy, A moment's thought would show that such a consultation could never he trilttul nor secure unity of minds and wills unless it war confidential, and what is all-important, not its able to disclosure afterwards, It the plea of apeelal canes la ever ads mitted the present structure of consultation will simply ocollapae and #0 far to being down the whole edition of the Rritlah commons wealth» London, hast Owners of dog racers in Nngland are considering the establishment of prisate training grounds like those for race horses, Rates for Classified Ads. First fnsertion-=11 eonin per word, Minimum charge 80s, Bach subsequent conseci tive flusertion lo per word, Three oonseoutive (nser tions for thy price ol two first inwertions (threes cents a word), Minimum eharge for three insertions, U0 eevis, Box number 10g additional Professionnt or Wusiness Cnrds, $2.60) per month for 40 wordy or less) 10 conte a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADK CONE LITTLE] ACs COMPLIBH MUCH TELEPHONE Bb Ask for Classified Ad Department om satot i al i-- SIR RONALD LINDSAY SELECTED TO FILL WASHINGTON POST Sir Esmond Ovey Named as Diplomatic Represen- tative in Moscow London, Nov uppointment of 16 Hahind the Mir Ronald Lind BAY, parmanent under-Mecretary of Minte Toy Morelin Affairs, ns Britain's new ambassador to Wash thgton, and the appointment of | Bir Bemond Ovey, who was Lo have gone to Hragll, as ambassador (0 Moscow, les in interesting story of Labor's diftioulties, which has ended In a vigtory for the Vorelgn Offies ght Hon, Arthur Hendérson, Hooretary of Hiate for Foreign Afs falters, Is understood to have want ed a Labor politlelan appointed ne Hritlgh official representative In Hussain and also would have pre forred a politielan at Washington, but Premier Ramsay MacDonald declded In favor of the Foreign Offlea enntention that official dip lomats should be appointed, I'he reason was that any Aap polntment of a Labor politician te Moscow would have caused much jealousy in Labor ranks, Commans Jer Kenworthy and Roden Buxton wore both suggested for the Mow gow post, und there wera others who thought they had claims to It, hut Mr, MacDonald wan anxious to avold what happened batore when Sir James O'Grady, now Gov cenor of Tasmania, was so dis appointed at no getting the ambassadorship to Russin that the Tasmania appointment had to be found for him, Not Big Enough In the casa of the United Htates, It was admitted that Labor did not have a4 man big enough. for the Job, Prof, Gilbert Murray Was sug. gested, but he fs a Liberal and it was feared that If any politician waa selected from another party there would be a big outery from Labor, The Jealousy which Labor leads gra have for one another Is one of the greatest handloaps . from which the party suffers today, HALIFAX PASSENGER SERVICE SATURDAY Albertic to Open Winter Season on Arrival From Liverpool The arrival of the White Htar liner Albertio at Halifax on Bats urday will mark the opening of winter passenger service for that port, The veasel fa at present en rout from Liverpool, and will ba the first of the passenger linera to enter Halifax, according to a wire loss oable received from the ship at the offices of the company here this morning, Immediately after unloading A heavy general freight cargo, 483 third olasy pansengers, the fivay of the annual winter immigrant cons tingent, 48 tourfata and 68 cabin aasengers, the ship will sall to New York, from where the return voyage to Liverpool will be made on Noventhey 23, The Albertlo, a 19,000 ton ves aol and one of the largest to ens tor Halifax was formerly smployed In service out of Montreal, but was used lant summer for the New York to England run, It 1a expects od that the ahip will revert to ita regular schedule from here next ABREON, after the Halifax to Livers pool tratfle thin winter, With the exception of the firat telp of the Albertio, all sailings from 1alitax to England will be made at midnight, It | was an ROUROed, and arrangements have been made with the Canadian Nas tional Rallways which will allow for embarkation 30 minutes after the arrival of the Montreal Halifax tain, The list of sailings shows a slight inovease in the eastbound rattle, aver that of the westhound | the | Pre Boome of the listed departures ary an follows: the Vennlend, for Plymouth, Cherbourg sand Aptwerp will leave on December B, to start Lhe regular run, snd will be closely fcllowsd hy the sailin of the Cedric the next day, The Baltic, bound for Cobh and = Liveyppoo) will sil on December 16, the Minnowaska on the 48rd, and the tinal Dacomber nailing on the 80t), will be minds by the Dorie, well known te this port, The month of January Jets three willlngs, the Megentie on the 6th, the Arable on the 18th, snd the Alberti on the 47th, Two depart ures are shown on the Vebruary ligt, tha Dorie an the 10th rnd the Alhertie on the 24th, The bal unes of the seheditle Is regular with the finn! galling on April 21 of the Albertie, EUROPE FAVORABLE 10 1.5, PROPOSALS | OF FOOD IMMUNITY Plea Made That Ships With Supplies be Unmolested in WarTime Kurope's Hooy In time Noy 14] reaction to President ite Day uppenl for food ships In Way wan dlatinetly favorable There was a tendency on the part of some sections of the Brits ih Press und among soma polis fon] lenders to qualify approval of dent's proposal, bit i ron of comment in lous countries revealed an enthusientio welcome generally All atretn of polities]! opinion, In England as well as other coun tries, appeared to agree' that the world would give the suggestion moet eareful consideration The effect of such a plan as the Ident autlined on the neces erulper strength of world powers was emphasized by ab pervars anpocinlly in Britain, which Biust ever heap a wateh on distant food and eommerca routes Gormany Enthusiastio Porlinps the most hearty ap proval came from the press and politien lenders of Germany, which felt the power of blockade In tha Creat War The Hritiah however, applauded the with vigor Lord Grey of ing at Nirmingham, pititude when he sald that rit« ain should "ensoperate with the United Miates In discussing diffis enlt eontentions' of the question of fresdom of the seas and bellls goront rights "At the same time it should be approached from the angle of what lian been effected and the fact that there Is a covenant of the League of Natlons and un pact for renuncia tion of war," he sald Paul Loebe, president of the Corman Relohutag, spoke the gens oral attitude of the press of his country in discussing the apaech with the United Press correspon ont at Nerlin YHvary step tending to desrease the Inhuman horrors of WAP, eas poolally aw It affects non-combats ante and elvillans, must be hatled by all right thinking le," Loebe sald, "Wa here know All of the hardships of blockade and are eapecinlly enthusiastic over Preals dent Hoover's plea" a UE "CATARRH? RELIEF AWAITS YOU Soothing, pleasant ""Nostroling' clears the head quickly and brings, you weleame relief from the suffering of Catareh, Disgharge stops, Irritation steps, You are able to weathe freely again "Nostraling" {x on sale at W, 1H, Kam, Drug Stare, Price S00 Your Nose Needs '"'Nostroline' Lannion, Flirt or's Armis munity ni 1 re 'nited Vir Hurvey Bury CLL] speach Mallodon, speaks oxpressad one AR CONSIDER ENPIRES TRADE 'INTERESTS Committee Formed to Rep- resent British Traders at Imperial Meet the gone camimey London, Nov, 16,~Vor wlderation of ap Kmplro ein) polley tor presentation at the Imperial Conference in 1930 un pros paratory committes has heen forms ed to represent British lntereses with the following organizations and poarsonnel: Association of Bris tish Chambers of Commerves, fir (Hihert Vyle, chalrman, #ir Yd« wird 1iffe, Wir Vreancis Joseph, I, BB, Dunwoody; Vederation of Bris tish Industries: Bir Arthur Ducks ham, chalrman, Bir Ronald Nu gent; Guy Locoek and Molr Mao Kangle; Chamber of Shipping, Me William Currie, sir Alan Anderson, Informal meatings have already heen held and formnl mestings will takes placa goon when the persons nel will he completed The finds« ings of the commitios are to he submitted wheres unanimous to the Covarnment anniversary of wettlemaent, in Hong out las larga ow the fourth onlamitouns June bigeopt Anpncinl aries China, It was hrought the local mario recoversd and that an ol He hrokera ' thot time are still ungots On thi the Kony thut never proportion aonunts of stool tied Dias Blmooe " x alas Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AMITED 00 Kimeoe Bt, MH, hone 000 Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN AND DIN COUNTS LTD Felt Mock Room 0 hone BTV0 DISNEY LOLT AMBULANCH 87 Colina St, hone 1088 ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Sh Flot, hy Care AY Eve rain Disney Block 2% 1510 Phone-1114 o------ isfied." the prod service, Here, you will find a unified dis« lay of Lumber and Building Products w= a truly impressive ag~ gregation comprised of nationally advertised materials, purse and purpose, There is an old "He is well paid who is well sat« This can be applied to your lumber purchases, not only in uct alone, but by knowing that it will be backed hi treatment and the righ Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 28212820 for every trite saying, courteous t kind of trips, In the winter program,

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