EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: A AAA ALARA ALAARARALAALALA SS Lasalle lds lls sss sd ds dd TTT TTT TY TTTYT TTT TTT TTT TTT YT YT TY YY YY YY YY i CAR STOLEN "Cornwall ~~While Willian Thomas, Courtauld's Cottages, wis attend- the evening service at Bt Paul's rch Sunday, thieves stole automobile from a parking ng piney " Bldney street, It was recov ny evening ut hg at Morrisburg, FINED FOR RECKLESS DRIVING 'Cornwall ~Harvey Lalrambolse, of Cornwall, paid a fine of $20 and costs surrendered his driving pant the balaneg of 1929 when he ap- fred d In Pollee Court yesterday af- in hoon on i charge of 'reckless drive A -- FIREMEN EXERCISE Peterborough ~The City Vire De- ptment recelved a call to a dwells house situated at 183 Lake street Jesterday at noon, and on arrival ound It necessary to use ghemlical extinguishers to put out wn chimney fire, Little or no damage wis suss tained, ROAD IMPROVED Port Hope Local people who have heen driving In the vielnity of Cas vin village, recently report that cons siderable roadwork Is being done on the streteh between that village and the highway, Filling holes has heen the procedure so far but gravelling will be started soon, The work Is bes ing rushed ahead of the frost king, NO RECOUNT IN GLENGARRY Cornwall ==No recount of votes cast In the Provincial election In Glengarry county on October 30 will he necessary, Angus McGillls, Con- servative candidate, having accented figures established at the official count hy the Returning Officer at Apple Hill Monday night which gave his opponent, James A, Sangster, Bainsville, Liberal candidate, a mau) ority of 45 RADIO OWNERS BOTHERED Port HopewVor the past month o1 go, radio owners In Port Hope have been bothered with buzzing In thelr sets and from reports oie: Pol here, the trouble seems to be quite general in town, The mysterious noises of cur between five and nine pm, and reception from the most outstand ing statlons is reduced to a consid. erable extent, ARENA BEING BUILT Prescott Although the objective of $12,000 for the construction of a cov ered skating rink In Prescott has not been reached it ls the Intention of the Prescott's Arena Company tu wroceed with the building which will he erected on the site of the old drill sheds Work is to be started at once, ------ HOTELKEEPER JAILED Cornwall. ==rnest Runlons, propris etor of a hotel on the Provincial Highway west of Cornwall which is operated under the name of "Einle's Place" was sentenced to three months in Jall when he was arraigned he fore Magistrate J, C, Milligan In Po lige Court here recently, Runions will serve an additional 15 days If he falls to pay court costs, UPSETS CAR AVOIDING CHICKEN When the Donihee, Cornwall, driver, Miss AWerys Cornwall Margaret Cakes Like Mother Tried to Make FRONT 708 Date Turnovers ..... 26¢ per doz. Buster Tarts ....... 28¢c per doz, H. R. Monney's Bakery WE DELIVER MM KING W, ALE TR TR BUY == [LETTE I Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Thats the way | to assure IVIL success. Sow 8 Maden 0 Allg Mo ------ EW, GILLETT CO, LTD, TORONTO, GAN, MAGI ed her automobile' to weld striking chicken on the New York Stuie highway between Hogansburg and Bombay Saturday morning, the heavy sedan skidded on the muddy surface and overturned, The car was badly damaged but the occupants escaped serious injury EXPLOSION SBCARES THIEVES Cornwall, =rightened by the plosion of a quantity of blasting pow der which they had inserted in the door of a safe ut the Dominion Ba kervies office, York strect, early Sune day morning, amateur safeblowers fled without securing hooty of any kind, At the same thne, they left elews behind for police to work up ox on, HELD FOR SMUGGLING Prescott, dward Schiappl, travel lng salesman from New Wor, who was taken into custody by Customs Agent Albert ©, Hokensen at Og densburg on a charge of smuggling two bottles of Corby's rye whiskey when he came over on the ferry from Prescott, was held In $1,000 bonds for the district eourt by Commissioner John M, Barr, Vriends of Schiappl furnished a bond and he was re lensed, AMERICAN CUTTER HAS VESSEL IN TOW Bridgewater, N.S., Schooner, Long Overdue, Is Near- ing Boston Mass, Nov 10 I'he schooner, Htorm Yel N.H, 32 days Boston twosmuanted rel, of Hridgewater, out and long overdue at Vineyard Haven Mass,, Was approaching toston last night under tow of the guard outter Mojave For weeks she has heen unre orted, but Wednesday night ra | & tg the in Canada | | a The The NEW NORM AN"em f " power v Pp \onouTep combinaiion An "Imperial" Series mod oli be Seveen Grid Chassis In a cabinet built of beowtiful and foptly woods, Calor ful record albums In fecal om dud pd ment, New, improved Electro Dyn reproducer, §430 wiih iubes, The "ROYAL YORK" Gives the full pawer of the Imperial' Seveen Grid Chansls, Superiailve performence in every way, A cabinet of herfeet pros portions in the most beaniijul woods, S185 with tubes, The "NEW INVADER" =The resi of the greatest success in radio Al DeForest Crasley's Jamon € dp Baube nowivodyne chasis, with dynes mie speaker in 4 handiome walnwt cabinet af delightiul propevilons, The lowest price of which sweh radio par formance has ever been sold, $199.73 with tubes, The "SCREEN GRID RENOWN" All the power and tone-beanty of the li By super screen grid ehanis, hres seveen rid tubes; power detest sion porhopull owiput, Full sige plese tradynamic speaker, Boauilful cabinet in twadone walnuil with bivdseys meple overlays, $348 wilh tubes, "NEW NORMAN" $450.00 with tubes ' Thirteen Models . . . Standard and Screen Grid Tubes The "ROYAL YORK" $385.00 with tubes NONFUSED amidst the host of A superlative claims in radio selling, purchasers have welcomed the simple, easily proved DeForest Crosley statement of performance, "Compare" says DeForest Crosley «and establishes a simple standard for comparison--"the best radio or phonograph you ean hear," And thousands have found that DeForest Crosley advanced pers formance justifies this challenge; that this year DeForest Crosley offers, at average prices, all those radio qualities only available in the $78 to $685 i ¥ | 7 Ra a § J ---- ./ mg # in » fn -Th -re=s The "NEW INVADER" The $199.75 with tubes highest-priced of other reproducing have instruments, Sales the Acid Test Sales have been the acid test and roof, Again DeForest Crosley wave not only outsold all other radios in Canada, but have added more than B0% increase to a dominant record of leadership. These figures of annual growth in popularity and sales are the soundest guarantee of greater radio satisfaction, 1928 -- 51% over 1924 1926 «= 39% over 1925 1927 = 26% over 1926 1928 -- 87% over 1927 1st 10 months of tion, eering great laboratories - engineers background that has been a vital factor in DeFr re challenged prog. "SCREEN GRID RENOWN" $248.00 with tubes There'sa REASON for this Challenge mobilized the greatest engin« resources in radio. Eight 5,000 research constitute the powerful Crosley's "1 Largest in the Empire Radio value is a matter of produce DeForest Crosley has long enjoyed first place in the British Empire, economies are revealed in today's DeForest Crosley prices, In terms of value per dollar they cannot be matched, See the new DeForest Crosleys, Hear them, You can purchase any The resulting production Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents [lo messages gave on mttla her oaptaln and crew of hree had waged against the fury of the North Atlantic storm I'he ishing steamer North Comber nig hted her several days ago about 100 miles off the marine coast and Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles E en 'wad i Tg hod hae damaged by the storm which Our Service is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. men Roc rd the Htorm Petrel had TELEPHONE 282-FIVE DIRECT LINES 1929 -- 80% over 1928 model on time payments if you wi N it DeForest Crosley dealers wi make you an allowance for your ol set, Compare-- any DeForest Crosley with the best radio or phonograph you can hear Greatest Engineering Resources in Radio DeForest Crosley Limited J, B. Hahn, D. H. Polliet, Pres, Vieoron & Man, Diw Primarily radio quality is a matter of engineering --- pioneers of the radio industry, DeForest Crosley DE FOREST CROSLEY Screen GriD RADIO ADAMS FURNITURE CO. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA JOHNS PIANO STORE egun to feel the pangs of hunger The Comber notified const guard headquarters at Washingt, which in turn ordered the Mojave out from Howton The Htorm Petrel has a CArgo | of lathe, and was bound for Vine yard Haven for orders A movement to brick up all use less basements has been started in London In connection with the Ine iE IE (anti-rat campaign, Week End Specials ~--AT THE=- Dominion Clothing Co. 5 Pox: only Boys' Tweed Bloomers, all sizes, egular $1.25. Special . Bove: Tweed O'Coats, reg. $7. 95, Special .. $4.78 Boys' Corduroy Bloomers, reg. $1.95, Special $1.49 RUBBERS RUBBERS RUBBERS Men's Knee Rubber Boots, Special, $2.89 Men's Plain Over Rubbers, Special . 79¢ 80 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Men's 1-Buckle O'Shoes, Special ........ $1.89 Men's 2-Buckle O'Shoes, Special $2.19 Men's Mackinaw Rubbers, Special $2.49 Boys' Rolled Edge Rubbers, Specail, 79¢ - EE. a ---------------- _---- = MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING "PRODUCE PRICES prints, 8 to 1%, Shortening tierces | Cranberries, at, bs, 14 L201 pails, 150; tins, IX Raraiby, bus, . Urns, AN Apples, bus, vin Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla O'Coat, Special $10.95 ON THE MARKETS || "bait Men's Boots and S0xfords, Special .... $2.95 | ol BREE Ghee haku en's wig BY Gre Work Shirts, Special 95¢ JORGNTG NAY AND LIRAN wt Hin x hnuinfowar + dn ool Ribbed Underwear, Special 98¢ th . Hy mothy, baled on oly Heavy Mackinaw Windbreakers, Special = $1.69 R23 Tameka: mato fon BL [Tikes Feat lois "hie fo BN per tow, delivered Toronto wholesale dealsin are quoting the AR Wrices toi Ma 4 10 8 IK Ralive, dosen Oats Straw, per ton JO 10.50 Geese Head Jetthice, 2 for -- L TORONTO PRODUCE following prises to the trade Suoked THN Toronto i= Rollers | Spinach, Beck Wheat straw, baled, ton 0 000 i ---- | Leas, b qt wanes, medium, 3 10 Foi eooked ine, Phone 2141 We D eliver 68 King St. W. 89¢ THE ox LU) RLY New York spot warket=Hutier, extras, LAL tone Bray egms, Hists, 4 10 0 one nregwlar, Phiee markets receipta=Rutter today, 16. S061 last yearn, 187 AH [TIAN Todny TRAN: last year PR Steet stookse=Nutter today, 128891 last OREN todayy 106719; last yeu, 2 creamery, prints, 4g ot Cheese Now, large, 21oi twins, 2 Ldei | 1 w Loy triplets, oi stiltons, 2%, ONL, large, de prints, 160, twine, 8 Lug triplets and outs, Jey ol Pork loins, 28%: New York shoulders 18 atilions, do, pork butts, 2%; pork hams, Me, hi 0X CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES yearn 7060 LOS, 818, How The weakuess preval © futures maker ye ------------ TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Taronte Board ol Trade a0 making the fk owing guotationg or var ota = Manitoba wheat=No, | wort oy, $LMY Nao 3) do, SLR Now 8 $d MN | While the Nev 4, $21 Na S$ No 6 St feed butter spot market owan unchanged, atures [910 (id, Goderich and Bay ports), | showed a stron gone from the opening, Of Manitoba oata=No, 1 deed, 6X: Ne ) forings were very searce and well dbove | do, 8g Ah vesterday's vlase American com-Na, 2 vellow, #08 1.4 Open commitment (all vadl, delivered, Toronta freight), 3 | December butter, 46; Millieodd geliovred, Montroal eights bags 3 | November es, old, 8 included Ran, per ton Shorts Wr 29: December omg, S41 ton, RAN middlings, $48 ' Chicago spot markets Rutter, extras, 4 ORATD grain Wheat, a standards, WW ne steady eas ourrent | AR ro. 808) bavley, WN w MN} nests, NW AR; one. ean buckwheat, 8 ww 8, Chivagy ont at the orday was reflected na lower spot way ket this worming Which extended not wo'y x bat to fresh exes as well, 4 the devling ves on the November Nt these and caused Wholesale teatsrs 1a '™ 11a, "aaa pati 19 stupbera the tal carters delivered on track, Ww pelrgeraton Ihe futiives today resume terday and veached NF 1 new, and SR 18 on the December NANA levels Buying power came owt Risutibers 1 gt bas )f bulge of fram 1 to 1 WR eons, Leleny, dos, Parsley, per hunch +o. Quanges, per dosen Sabify, two bunches i. Girapeiiuit, twa foe Lomans, per dosen yy. mnanas. per doren Apples, 6.at, basket Green beans, 11 qt uinees, & ut, Green peppers, ax lor $15.50 | Ducklings Tushiooma per poun aq Say ETRE Na | Timathe ose, 18 Quoted at 819 TORONTO PROVISION ¥RICRS Potatoes, bas Toronto wholesale deaters are offering pros | io pr ay 9 smoked rolls, 3: breakl duce to etal deaters at the following oii | 8 (FIA back, peainested, "N ry big ent \ feck | Smpked 45 to ae Bags Frosh, extras, in cartons, 6; fresh Cured meats=Long clear bacon, $0 ta WN extras, loose, 8101 frst, loose, S50: seconds ha, S001 M0 10 90 Tha, 231 Wow 110 ha, » (age RES, extras, Ho; Nests, 40; we ao Heavy ywelaht rolls, in tiehtwelght voll outils, Jee Sutter=No, 1 creamery, prints, fe; Yanuary butter, 10 ycombor cheeae, #3 ovember ENS, new to SLR vats, LAAN AR URE LF Ney hare Pure tees, 0 tubs, 180: pally,