i apeoulations, and © qumbing to the dgipatin PAGE FOU THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, YRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929 rer ---------- et Ee Oshawa Wally Times Bussseding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Eqtablished 1411) An independent nawspaper published afternoon eagapt Sundays and legal hol } we Canada by Mundy Printing om A i Chao, M; Mundy, Prosident; A 8 Alswas, foe retary: J The Oshaws Daily Times is 0 member of the Cana: dian Press, the Conndian Dally Newspapare' As sociation, The Ontario Previneial Dalles sad' Audit Bureay of Clrenlations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvier, 16s a week By mail in Conde (ovinige Qehexe sarviey delivery limite), $400 » yor Vn tates, BO.00 » year | TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Building, 06 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107. H, D Tresidder, vegrarentative REPRESENTATIVES IN U, 8, Pov ors and Stone, Ins, New York snd Chicago "FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1929 4 DESERVED TRIBUTE AE ---- Phe honor whigh was dene to Dr, D, § Haig the pther night, when the members of the mudieal staff and nurses of the Oshawi General Hoppltal pres sented Wim with & portrait of himself to be hung on the wall af thie staff roa of the hospital was & well deserved tribute ta faithful service, Vor fifteen Years Dr, Holg has heen medieal superintendent of the Oshawa Gineral Hospital, Bnd his unfailing setvige during these years has had ueh to do with the high standard of efficiency whieh it has attained as an dns stitution: In too many cates; tributes of this kind are left until the men deserving of (Bam hve gone ta thelr last and grout reward, But Tv Wan a particy larly happy thought whieh prompted this hener te Dr, Holg while he is still inthe fb to receive and appreehate ft, To him, fr will Be sn expression af the writitude of these whe have beelt assagipted with hin far faithful service well rendered, gervige of the typ whieh ia {ts own reward, but Is nevertheless worthy af the highest appreciation ON THE WAY TO ANOTHER TITLE Only # few months age the General Mators La croase team wha engaged fn a battle for a Dominion Championship, an honor which {4 eventually brought biaok 10 Oshawa, Tomargew, the General Mators Rughy team will he on the field av Alexandva Park, battling far an other title, for the game in whieh they will be ap posed by the Sarnia Wanderers is the first ol the final series for the Ontavie ehamplonship So far this season the rughy team has had ne real teat of its ability, The Hest tes will some temarrew, when the strong opposition af Samia will bring out the best efforts of the loeal'players, - Undeleated as got, and with a serles of spapkling vietovies in group games, the Blue Devils are sonfident that they will avercame the Saris apposiuien gid win the Gntarie title, And beyond that les the ultimate goal, another Dominion championship for Oshawa It in steange that ne matter how good a teany Osh awd ay have tn any kind of sport, 18 is only avhen the championship ta wen that veal interest and sup port are aroused, How wugh hetler it would he if that support were given io the team while it ds in the midst of its ehampionship effort, while the ery cial games are being played, One such game is to be played: tomorrow and 4 monster crowd of suppariers, encolraging the team 1a give of in very hes, would have a wonderful, sth wating effest on the players, The General Motors Rughy team is worthy of that kind of suppork and is worthy of having a huge erawd at AMexandrd Park tamarraw afterneen for the game which way decide Oshawa's championship aspirations in rughy for the present aca an, THE SEASON HAR STARTED 4 di A news lem In yesterday's newspapers indicates that the danger season for ong of the greatest win ter menaces of the meterist has started, A Hails "lon man started the engine of hin automobile in @ closed gRraES, Been alten, he wis found sitting at the weel of the ear, wiosnaclousy The deadly cars ban menaxide gas had done its work, and ha did while being removed 10 a heapitah One would imaging that there had bee sufiolent warnings in the press and elsewhere 10 acgualng every matovist of the dangers of thin deadly gas and how to guard against it Yet every winter lives are snuffed out hesause motorists wegloet 10 take the sine precaution of having the garde doors wide ape o starting the engines of (heir cars Surely shoukl not he hard to remember, partiowlarly on. death is usally the price of forgetininess, |] oped that this Humilon tragedy will gecentuate f warnings already given, and will help to prevent ra waking the same mistake, A WHERR SEROULATION RECOMES ere is a phase of the resulta of the steel Mar orash whieh ia lutle short of tragedy, stwe it na the ruin of lives of youns wen whe had every an to leek forward 19 @ height fnture, Roporta bo boon received Bi embeselongnig ty Wall Stent uwking 10 HON, and fron TN Michigan ou tha repent that the Juniog excomtives of & bank SLO of the Banks wane for stack marke Jost it There ds we doubt, toy hese are ROU (he RLF IRBARORS Of Wen She pl A ORE TUR in their teach 1 he hope of heconing FICh hy pk, speculations, his bi tragedy Aw dase wha are invalved, They The A , HE NETRA | cae In meh instances, they were quite sonfident that they would seo pay I ek ous of the huge profits they were going ta make, Hut they made no profits Tnstead they Tost ally nd whith thely logs went chin acter and reputation wink the hope of nigking # su ces of life, Any ruined ide Is a snd affair, hut where Nves are rulned by the lust for wealth, & lust which leads to dishonesty, it hesofies & tragedy, aml ane whieh in garviealarly regrettable beeanse it could have heen so easily ayelded, ahaa TAX REDUCTION PREDICTIONS Premier King has definitely announced, in severul of his western speeghes, that the wales tix, which now stands ab twa per cent, 18 ta he reilueed (0 Bie per ent i the next federal budget "This 1s a wel come announgement, us all soneuncements of veduetions are, but it hardly required i premiers speech (a tell the average man that the sles tan wis ta be reduced next spring, To the wverage man, the palicy which had been decided upon by the present finance minlster heenme apparent two oF nore years LIN The sales tax, which was specifically referred to as the tis 1a ha vedyeed, In wdmittedly, 4 war Impost, A few yeurd age, it stood at six per cent, and there wih # strong demand that it should be shelished, Binge they, it has; in successive years, heen reduced ane per cent ak i time, until ie now stands' st twa per Ihe veduetion of next, spring will simply Le the eantinuation of the peliey laid dawn, thas of male Ing gradual reduetions, tnstepd of sweeping the whole tax af the stitute haoks at one tine, and thereby in fMleting great hardship on merchants and uthers whe had bought large stocks of goods on which they had pad the tax It In the expestation of mont people that in 1031, if wll goes well, the sales tan will he completely abols ished, and the reduetion to one per cent next spring will be # step towards that end, But there are othe taxes in which the people are Interested == the in come tax, for instance, 1 would be an announsement af something really worth while were the premier ta tell the people that this tax will be substantially ve dueed ar abolished, I ------ IT MIGHT BE DONE Ihe other day the newspapers oarried a despateh fram New Haven, Connegtieut, telling of plans whigh were helng davelaped for the construction of an aeres plane capable of gareying 500 passengers and a erew af 104 more; and eapable of making the voyage from New York ta Landen In six hours, The average man will feel inelined to look on this project as & fantastie dream, having a beginnings in the tmpractionl mind of a vislonary tn aviation, It means hullding ap aeroplane far beyond anything else whieh has ever been thought of in sige, and capable of producing » speed of approximately 150 wiles an hour faster tmn the present world's record for speed, whieh stands at about 350 miles an hour, Most peas ple will have daubis that this ean he done, that suek # eombination of sige, lifting power dnd speed is impossible of attdlnment Yet it would hardly be safe to say that it eannet be done Lax cent Fhe modern world has seen sueh develops ment in aviation during the last generation that it is hardly safe to prediet where progress will step, And that ere long mechanios and engineers will have made such progress in thelrthullding of menster aeroplanes that what now seems like an impossible dream will hes gome a practieal reality, IW quite within the reading of possibility A -------------- MOBCOW MAKING EXCUSES I is only a days sine the decided 10 resume friendly Russia, and already the ing the way for a renewal ef these aotivities which were responsible dor the breaking of relations hy the previous goverment, The ehief reason for that break in relations It will be recalled, was the propas gandist aetivity of the Soviet agents, the agreement whieh was signed providing far the ves newal of relations, the Savior government pledged its soit to pelvain fram propaganda in Beitain But that pledgd apparently; was given with mental reservations, Mascaw \ she made it, This is proven by an anneuneement which has heen made in the ofeial Soviet newspaper that the Moscow government has nothing 10 do with the propaganda work of the Communists, This werk, it elatmg, is all dong by the Conmmbinist Internationale, which, it olaims i an organisation separate and apart fram the government of the country Iv is very nies al Moscow 10 make exduses in ad vanes, for this statement oan leave no doubt any one's wind that propaganda vi again by dehed fram Moscow against the established order of things mn Groat Heitain, And when it dees start, it will he uite logieal for the Soviet government to tum eo Britain and say, "Our hands are olean, We are not doing this thing, It is helng done hy the Communist Internationale," 30 the result will he that, whatever the Soviet gays ernment way pledge faell 1a doy the propaganda des partment of the Soviet organisation will net feel bound to refrain fram doing as wel of its propas ganda work as it can, This is the sitwatien inte whieh the Beitish government has gotten itseli, and whieh may, ere long, cause anether revulsion of feels 0g againet having anything to de with the Commune nt government of Russia, EDITORIAL NOTES Bight members of the Brita Mogse of Comma took & wip dn w divkgible. Probably they felt quite ab hame=Wp in the alr, faw Heitish parfament with Mosvaw government 1s pay relations soviet and 11} Wis net stneere when Whoever is chosen 10 sueeced the Hon, James Reb will have's hard tak in Alling the shoes of the lie finanes wintsten ' Sw -- A bank in Fling, Michigan, lost SA000.000 an ae count of fis Bplovess gawbling in stoeks. Sueh are the temptations of the stack market A Corman newspapers had ne conndent to make on Ariistieg Ay, Brabably (they want the Poiple 1a forget About it ay gulekly as passible, ------ that the Wore EeNnereus response shown this year in the Poppy Fund Campaign all over Qutarig dndivates 4 Koenar interest in the pro blows of Wha disabled ed servise wen -------------------- Iti be hoped \ former United States cabinet member his heen senteneed 10 one year in Rll and Rued $1000 for Bhery: AL WI ha ieresting 10 00 how kg he acts wally pends in Jails BIR RIT VON ET In every pan W Other Editor's Comments ee BAYE THE BIRDS {fps Agus) Let us helwrk It is too lute, do all we hn Wo preserve this wenderiul bird Nie of ours iy the fakrvation wl saneiuaries nd hy ach ni hoy children 1 protest vishep than des shiay, Let ue iotriine Weeruture i schools und tu farmers wn the ssone mile yilue of birds, Why lg ghere 1 # Chal af Qraithelogy tn all sur ui versities/ EMPIRE TRADE (npire Keyiew) From every standpoint we af (he British Epplye, at home pod ayersey, have sverything tu gain by the ener wetle development of new resources within aur barders, By dulng su, wi shall fier hardohip on ne wie bat, I we eaitinge bu aegleet the greatesl appertuiity in our Kistory er that ol ay other natigi, we sapnot ganiplaiy i the many fie wrens, trnders and financiers of other nattons take ad vintage of this negleet, "BPORT AND ATURY (Le Deyuir) "That it iy important and even ne censiry that aperis and athlete games shall he organized amongst the students of ong colleges und unl versities nobody will venture tu deny, but this should always ke done i seh # manner tht the * student's sports and pastimes shall bg hep Tt thelr proper place, that they shall nut he toh dered of mere lmpertanes than the students' intellestual isfy ton nor tnterfers with thelr studies A GERMAN REFERENDUM (Vaneouver Provinee) It must he a questidn whieh some times haunts the unguiet sleep ol European stiatesmen=what would happen in the world if Germany should suddenly repudiate the peas treaties and the pacts af reparations; No man ean say what It might mean, ar what the end af it might he, Com monly we da net pursue the speeuli toni we take it Tor granted that Germany will he wise and reasonabl Perhaps we take it too much toy wranted CANADA'S COAL IMPORTA (Taranto Telegram) A London report says that will endeavor to hreak inta the wigan market wwith anthraeiis It in sald that four cargoes are al ready on the way ta this counin Fhe sueeess ul the aviel exper! ment remaing 1a be seen, Hut it would seem preposterous tht Can ada should buy Russian anthracite when Welsh anthragite must he equ ally avallable, Britain needs the market that Canada provides and Canadians generally ould much ra ther buy Empire products than Be viet products Hussia Lah (yy THE COAL PROBLEM (London Dally Mail) | Be far, most of the sehemes sug geated Tor making mining more pi Nable have eontemplated & restr wen of. the output of sol, which world mean an nerease in He privy ta the British eansumer, It Is wb vious, however, that any UE went which is going 10 inerease the frien of cond tn this eountey will he exveedingly harmiul to Heitish wark ers, ta British owners of eullieris and to the general body af Beltigh consumers, If the price of coal gues wp, then, tn view of the alternative saurees of power which exist in pe trol and heavy oll, the demand Tur goal will ga down, and there will he lessened "employment for miners Bits of Humor Mr, Justice Swilt recently said that the question of the wile having a live with how wother-tndaw has ant mated solely singe the days af Ad am and Kye, He amitted, however ta identity Eve's mother-in-dawi=Puneh Rute Johnson's pet hound disap peared, Rute put the following ad, Ww the paper: "Lost or run away Wy liversenleved hind dog ealled Ju Will show signa of hydvatabby 0 @ haut three days," The dog came han the following day Hidden Treasury CONSIDERATION (Potrait News) Ex:Doughboy: Dear, | ont SI0000 ily His ite Just oak ILLES RTIN How thonghiinl of you careful every plas TEMPTING Manager: You say you've answer to our advertisement tor « YOu BO and vet vou admit yeu know nothing of our husiness A Apiticant=0uite 10, but the # M0 seemed 30 templing -- A sohoalmaster wrote this eritielsm on a bay's veporty "A gow worker, hut talks too wmaeh" The report, heing returned, aveard ing to rule, hy the bay's father, hove pesides the stgnature the following voter "You should hear his mother = Montreal Siar, AR. THE CLOAK OF | "Fhetoveling WOE Of Ifthe man W I "Excuse we, interrupted the [wonld:be wit, "hut ean yon tell we iy hay the SVPRING were on that oecas {* Ww 2 1ONT eamtinued W ST don't know that it Is important veplied the storyteller, quite wiper warhed, ME vou must know, haweven I holieve 1t was the olose af a pews foot dav South Coast South Wales) | S------------------ | Now I won't need 1a tell you to be | ome tn | salosmian at a salary of $3000 § vear | | hit 0 Was telling the stery, | That Body of Pours Hy James W. Barton, M.D BUDDEN " y The Fellowers af boxing greatly surprised when they vead nome months ago that Tiger View ars, the wonderful ealoved hokey of Abbuntin, Gi, ad dod suddenly fol lowing a slmple apdvation toy ve movil of tonsils Hove wad min dn partaek phy slow) candition, an unusually carn ful and clean Hyer, pnd ye ha col lupus GiChy (ha shook of tonsil ve maval Now tonsils wre helng ve moved every day, and while an of aunlanal hamorehngg ov bleeding followy the apeyaltion, sometimes 4 pnaumontin, hut very ravely Aenth, Whit caused the death of Tiger Flowers! PEtatus Tymphations" This In a condition, usually in hevited, whioh lowers (ha yess! anes of the system to viplous types af Infeetign, and sesiug tn prods pose the subject (on 11 ekfoets from hemo! and physiopl pEents Ane frequently to sudden dopth Heseareh men fond that there Is panlly a deficiency in the astivity ar power of the Aduetioss glands, the spleen ahd algo the advensl glands, whieh you wil yamember are situated ond an tap of sash kid Vay Tha one pavtieular gland hinmed far the eandition, however, fg the thymus gland sltunted Jus hehind the upper part of hrepst bona Tha gaovetion fram this gland seems in hnlp tha wetion of eeviain glanda and tnterfere with that of others he thymus gland ts supposed to Alsapnear during ahlldhond, after Ul done the pavtieulay work fop wis Tntended pepsints ariel haw whieh | When 1 then a aetion with cevtain struetuves of hath the hang and soft tesues and the hinnd Hanif tn some Individuals the condition there 1a and In the ehildhnnd aannat Interrern may he reengnignd heopuss xtreme palaness of the skin mean a Hitle layer of fal wide) that 1 Woluen alten a famiuine ghin nlmitay to In men there | WRPaRTRIE Whe walieh men to some eaten! Naw why do IT writ Hacnuse those tntepresied In ing ant everyhody in fact have wandered w well trained haxer could nol pim pla apepation his 1a an and poanunt ol strangth af hody Where 11 1d recagnised products Are now oF Bos mueh sl mw about It, thin? his about why withatand a» inherited Hkaly rasopniaed Flowers! soley was nal and lialp, hut malng ta ba learned Owens, viee president andl general wanager of the Oklahoman Gas and Bloetvly COMPANY, Bags THAT NEWHPAPHER ADVER FIRING 18 the shortest voud to masimum husiness, thearefora it Wn Fthe shortest Way to lawesl eos [* those whom wa serve | | | | people ta and Ww Through 11 we help OXURBRRIVY dvruduoery time and money | aveld LUARS sve human forth dangers Portain alt as conteal of an DORR, Throwah 1 we life hy setting eaisting fram tions hoyond | elociple servi Phvangh It wa emphasis ta the | POORER WHAL voaparaiive affart oan Ida Tor the progress of the vam | WRI | help to stimulate BRINE of The som oivie mave Through 1 we the ""hoosting munity hy "hoosting | Mente Ouiselve Fhvough 1 we teach how ta HOU the wast abt of the servos WO render and assist tn pw MOLINE oteetive and poanmmi Val wae al that servo, Phvaugh, It we {that avery logad ta serve han @ And enue ns AL all Himes tell the pabhik IAI AL wa ave priv PERE ta aly rentment fram we This has a bhonefiolal indie. ORO WII GUE OWN BREA REE Hon, botng an added roaming OF OF what In ovpeeted feos ONE Members tn thely dealings With the pubis, I Bits of Verse | THE GYPSY WEDDING ORES Mere the Spey astey Onee mare along the weed ways His nuts the squire] saves; Ones Mote the Vasant passion AU Boat of wan and wad OReR mare 11 is October Oued more the spel is ald | Her Plawnting Korohiel waves, | i Pies (Now | And 20 EE Bartels atta TWa come Whore was hat ane, | With goldenvad and heevhioat | Beneath the amber sun} 1 Twa come, : tn A Toar-He | {Aha which is least is fatthiwl alse Wn | weh And he that Bi widust in the Ploast Bs wndust abo Ww mweho=Luke | 10:0 tis faithind A Phere fn the Wail cathedial | int Barthemea With sunbrowned hand a hand [To PRAY Your blessing, Pathe | Upon the golden band OF tamarack and plage, The old saint gives the blessing The sunbhrawned tisgers twine FANG dawn the dusky wood: ways I The svpay Wad and wald i : ¥ i EH Thow wed Lond ay Cod, | OF Want hiid Logathes h praise, Forever waairad resemble | | ATH OF UREA OXI | by 6, were | | | 1 Eye Care and Eve . Strain M. TUCK, Opt. B (Copyright 10k6 Sropie-ForLoNG ¢@ : WTOCKS BOWDS GMALN / oH Ot fs wid §. F, EVERSON, Logal Manager Private Wire Bystem 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 nm -- " MUSCLE WERAIN Closely sesnelated with the head aehe dus to the eyes 1s the head wihe dus to musels strain, 1 will sndeavar to saver (his suhieel 1h an belel manner as possible, Te tilly cover hls wubjeet would Men any eloss Wriklen pages Mugela slvaln Ip pusgelated with thowe Trysgilaritiog whens the vyes Lurn ar have a tendency ta turn out, in oar up, However the condi Han of turning 1s generally the after affect of soma other sand Hon, where one eye his helley vl flan than the ether and henge the two will net work properly in gether & move normal and comfort while means of sening 18 found when only one eye In used, When thin pondition exielas fap poms Hime thi viglon nf tha paar eye haem gradunlly lout I van howl the halunos of hig suhleet hy quoi ing tram another hook of win dealing fully with this subject un dap muscle tevegnlapitios and Bra hlamus squint or srossnye OMany trvegulavities of the wn tar muscles of the ayes are aeooam panied hy similar symptoms ta thi pymptams of syestealy and haogiiss af an improper Interpretation ape trenlod an such Muny af thess wnomalies oan ha treated with som fort and patisfantion without the uae of glasses) and as the aim tn he attained In any eye eorrsction i810 attain ta proper funetioning af tha eye attended by the eam fort af normal vision, IF theses are nat fovtheaming a propery explana Hon shauld he sought Homa of the symptoms tn he od are wiEralne peuresthents floating spooks, naiena billows ness, digginan, temporal pains aohe aver ane exe ar hoth, frontal head woh and aohe In baek of the head and JE one uneammon thing far general honduehes to ensue and for general breakdown to fallow iver | nm | | | pandition [ an Hleht In | idantal, In wandulap | el pub Met Bantipggn de Cuba, Cubs, plans tn spond $0,000,000 on munleipnl mpravements Ineluding a miuntoipal palaes nintions, market, hospital, homes fap ahd the sued, and 1,000 Houses fay lahore Hew potion wha Famine: has hes tha ME Munieipatitiop of WIE A PIavA regions and Negroes 0 tha Philippines, that MARY paapie are selling thely pro ANA leaving 1a ward off hun Mountain nerty oy (ore Is much more A pleasant when your stove looks as well as It cooks,» when its bril liant black shine makes It sparkle like new , , . when vdressed up" with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish, the one quick, easy, clean way to keep stoves lovely, RECKITTS (Oversea) LIMITED MONTREAL » TORONTO » VANUOUYER MARGON ul YEARS AHEAD M aveani dealers are now shawing the most advanes oil Radio Heoelvers of the season Pelumph Mavean! Reesivers embos dying the perfected and proven des opments achieved through 40 years of Mareoni vesenreh, Nuperd Hike poatiom, or performances, of sours, Life. You naturally lank for that in Radio designed and built hy Maroont enginenss, And you get 1 in the new Triumph Marconi 10 a degree never realised hele, ) 5 warantess that, Cahinet heauty te \ aetiing a new and vastly Operative slmplioiiy toe + Rellahitivy wroanl precision workmanship at about hlgher stan + Arh, veanish, elegant, Until you've seen this new Telwmph Mareant Radin, watil you've heard ih you canner fally vealise what Marconi soseareh han neeswms piahed tn arenting Radio thas in havimonions design aurpasaes all we PPEVIOUS stands ands, F RATURRAE Wi hiner a ' { we Wied Wahine oh Advair Jack for PRORAEIPR Fein ZEBRA | LIQUID STOVE POLISH OWNING AND OPERATING RADIO ATATION OFOPAT NONTREAL @ MAKER OF THE MARCONI AV RADIOTRONS THE MARCONI RADIO SHOP PHONE 2604 A. N,. SHARPE, 8 CELINA STREET Manager