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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE dedi bor oy THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929 A blend of teas fresh | MEMORIAL SERVICE from mountaingardens AT PORT PERRY Canadian Legion and 1,0.D, E. Observe Armistice Sunday hha an od Port Perry, Nov, 12, A special armisties and memorial service aS, tated ------ her frit" hie stated In conclusion, | having the bast erop In its history, "Phe discussions have been keen and | the speaker remarked, wront tikerest has been shown "We ure trying to avoid In the north the mistake made in South On Ji A Paulbus tario, where wo thought It weg Im The tons to the Ontario Assoclated | possible (0 chase the ei Bonrds of Frade und Chambers of |weslth, The pulpwood snd news Cotineres wis proposed by Jo AL print Industry had 8 great future, he Viulling, Montreal, vies president of [enid, "We kre elng the nited the Canadian Chinnber of Commeres, | Bates capitalists (hat sre developin I opening his remarks, ho wise pald | this Industry thet they must finish Tigh tribute to the late Hon, Jo Althe produet In Gansdi snd employ ob, Vinanes Minster of Canada, Canadian labor," Mr, Vinlaysen de /) i Ho refurved to the prosperity tht ehared, Onturlo wis enjoying, In both agri Publis Ownership of Coal eiltire and commerce, Ontario und | In reference (0 the eusl develop were the "senior" partners ment of the north, the sperker suid wis the guest of her sister, Mri (4, BW Alexander; snd Miss, Mars warel, Burgess, also of oronto; wes the guest of Miss E, A, Alexanuer aver the week-and Miss Kithsl Cook and Mrs, Me friends on visited Vort Verrvy Thanksgiving day, HON. W, FINLAYSON SPEAKS AT DINNER (Continued from page 1) bast minds will converge on the vi a national and international pro ems 80 that such wn oseurreney ould be impossitde, We most meet a JSestions willy snd ourige Mrs, Joh Burnham entertained the members of the Women's Aux fary, of the Church of the Adoens slon at her home on "Tuesdny af Lternoon, Clintock spent the week-end with The Misses Joyes and Dow | MY. and Mrs, Wm, Coak, Nind, of Toronto, spent the week BERS. ro ond with thely parents, Rev, 4, A, i ' and Mrs, Nind, at the restory. While the gensiaV. standard of Major ©; A, and Mrs," Vickery | food purity 1h LodfGam.is improve and family, Mr, and Mrs, Lo 0, ing, of 67,880 samp milk tepted fn 12 months, # ih #4 par sent, were sdullerated Dobson and family and Dr. and not Lg ' ! The speaker considured that the Mrs, I', ¥, Baker and family; ah up ta' standdrd, as oom 'with ds and Chambers sould do meh of Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, 1, Vickery, "on Sunday, educating the people so that the ' of the government in passing flan for the betterment of hus ir and imbravemen of the general welfare would be fulfilled, Afr all" he added, "legislation ean not he effective if It ds dn ad vanes of publie opinion" The ehulrman expressed his de ght the isgnihieent Fesponae eh had been shown throughout the provines in sending delegites tu the convention, He also sonyeved to the Toronte Board of Vrnde the ape eclation of e aonistanee which the former body d rendered in securing the Hoyil ork Hotel for the purpose of hold the loeal Chamber for the convention helleve that (this convention will ny, Ho Felt Tired and Miserable too. din in ams | | wis belng dom one of the plind others progressing na they were, On trio hid suffered from too muh of over Hn Cul iva ihe oo blazed the trall for Canada, he sid, decidring that both provinees should unite in leading this eouns try to one of the premier plages In thy world, he Canadian Chamber of Come merce had done mueh in reconeilin thie dissubigiaetion i the eastern, une western provinces, and uniting them We one solid Dominion, he diclurad, politing ent other questions that the Canadian Chamber wis considering, Gell Bethune, Qltawn, president of he Ontario Awsoclited -- Bowrds of Trude and Chambers of Commerce, replied 10 the toast, Mu referred to thie power development on' the Bt, Lawrence deeluring that power should not be exported, Mr, Bethune, had iw large fund of movies which gave the delegnies several minutes of liewrty laughter, Hon, Wm, Finlayson I'he feature address of the evening wits delivered by Hon, William Fie layson, Minister of Lunds and' Fors vals for the provinee!" 11s & happy thing when we Chanther of Commer ul fw eity Nhe Oshawa, one of the most wetive eltles of the provines, undertiies to entertain the Assosin ted Bourds of Frade of the provines, It bs particularly geatiiylng to see mii of the type of Mr, MeLaughling seflor merchants of the provines, heading up these Trude Honrds," he sald, amid applause, Mr, Finlayson sald that he was cities like Oshawa and 0 see Av concentration of Tedustry In To vonto, and 16 was to the benefit of the provinee to have industry spread sina ler oitles, he sald, Ihe speaker referred to the dim boing experienced In Northern wind declared that mueh good by the merehants of Jt, Yili ' Vegetable Compound for mis erable and tired feelings and it gave me strength to do my york. My nerves ire better und | well and strong and have Y appetite, 1 sleep well in pretty good spirits [} Pe to work every day now: mmend the Vege: Compound and you may use this letter as a tests Yom Afuena Wal fe. A on on, TLE 11 ATF TS elahle Compound --_-- Pox Trot LOM Ontarlo In making thelr annual tours ul the newer part of the Pro vinee, trying to understand the needs wid problems of the people Nouthern Ontario was going on n iostendy, monotonous way, whereas Northern Ontario wis a land of hope and prospeet, he sald, Clay Belt Farming Aves Aurietlture will wlways be the foremost (ndustey of Ontarle, ho de clared, In the lower and the Upper Clay Belt there was the greatest un developed farming land in the world, No land, not even fn the Anes farms ine counties of old Ontario, was, as fine for agricultural work as this dis telet, It wid easy to clear the forest from this land, as compared with dif ficulties experienced hy the ploneers of Southern Ontario, he sald, While ald Ontario was suffering from Victo 2. Records Moanin' Low from the Musical Comedy '* The Little Show" drought this year, New Ontario was r Leo Relsman and 004 His Orchestra Little by Little Fox Trot | oo Relea Yoeal | 2088 adhd hy Johnny Marvin Singin' in the Rain 'from the motion picture * Hollywood Revue of 1039" Fox Trot Gua Arnhelm and His Orchestra Voeal Johnny , Organ 22012 Marvin Jeane Crawford I Lift U My Finger and Say "Tweet! Tweet! (Kngland's comenpduance sensation) Fox Trot Juek Hylton and His Orohentra 20007 Perhaps Rudy Vallée and His Connecticut Yankees : Am | Blue? om the motion picture "On TIA the Show" Pox Trot HIS MAATE Nat Shilkret and The 2004 Vietor Orchestra RS VOR LT | | ! i tht the discoveries had shown « rent deal of encouragement, Ha stigmested that the government showld develop this con! entirely uo a pile ownership project, In wn ens denver to solve the fuel problem of Ontarle, "I Ie the duty of the citizens of Bomhern Ontario to use thelr wees mulated wealth In the development of the north In an intelligent WAY: this Is done, they will reap a rieh personal benefit as well us asslating in the development of the proviney, sald Mr, Finlayson, Musleal selegtions at the banguet were supplied by the OldeTyme Vil lage Quartette of Toronto, who add: ed a fine touch to the proceedings, They sang a number of old-time songs, Ae well us quartette Arvang ' ments of the "Bextetts from Lue the "Yum-Yum chorus from the Mie kad" and the old English "Loughe Ing Chorus," At the eoneluslon of the banquet, Mr, Bethune, as prosident of the On thrlo organization, expressed thanks to the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce for entertaining the delegates ut this, the most successful convention ever held by the organiention, PORT PERRY Mrs, B, B, Walker, of Dresden, wera 1n Port Perry thin week The Ladies' Ald Boclety of the United Chureh met at the home of the president, Mra, J, Mo Clintook, on Wadnasdny Tha 1,0,0,00, held a very sucoess ful party In the Assembly Mall of the High Behool on Tuesday, Nov, Bh, Thera were thirty-two tables of Bridge and Wuchre, A very dain Ly supper was served and all pres ont ppent a most enjoyable time Mra, MeKeo and Miss Corse Crosley ware the lueky winners of the Lad lon' prises and Mr, Frank Mitchell and Mr, Tom Bowerman, the men's Ming Mirtam Cutts Is spending Thanksgiving with friends ln Boar hore Mise Cwen Wiley, WAS home last week Another party of desr hunters, consisting of Messrs, Geo, While, I, Bomerville, P, Hooey, Merle and Kelth Mooay and Henry Franklin loft on Tuesday for Minden Mr, and Mrs, D, B, Henry spending a short holiday In Hinton, Mr, and Mm ry, of Are the Jan, Hwan have moved Into Mr, Kilott's housa on Nhanley street Rov, Mr, Binott has gone to Neighton Mrs, Densham and visiting Mv, and Mrs In Coldwater Miss Annie Farmer, of Toronto, Is home for the holiday Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Davey ana My, and Mrs, Wm, Graham visited friends In "Weston on Bunday Mr and Mea, A, Bhunk, of Prince Albert, visited friends in Port Per ty on Runday, Mise Bandy, of Oakville, and Misa Sine, of THlsonhurg, were ney «ond guests of the Misses Hay p family are NH, N, White L] The Literary Boclety of the High sehool was vesorganised recently, when the following officers were elected for the year: Hon, presi dent, Mrs, MH, None) president, Thomas Harris vice-president, Neverley HEmaliman neoretary, Ruby Lee! treasurer, Ivan Wak noe] otens, lanbel Gawker; poet, Arthur Ashe! editor of sohool paper, Dongiae Naamith: planist, Grace Ohtthary editor of Mar column, Halen Vickery: analst, editor of Ntar column, Harold Burton) form representatives, 0, Wannamak or, M, Smallmant II, ® Maclver, A, Oawker: II, F, MaoMillan, NB Nindi IV, D. Murray, J, Clarks, Mr, Jan, Lea won 1at prise In the Bubble Class, open, at the recant plowing matoh at Woodville, Ont, Me, John Medd, 1st prise in folnter-aod clase In the North On taro plowing mateh at Cannington lant week, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Nov, §--The new eleotrlo Hghta on the street out this WAY Are A great improvement and much appreciated the residents, The three-yearold ohild of My, and Mrs, Bd, Brown had her mouth Injured when she had a stick In her mouth and ran into a door IL wan necessary to call a doctor, ® Mitle ohild of Mr, and Mrs, wan Injured about her head and neok when ahe fell out Of bed In the night recently, The ohlld wan rushed to the hoptial, were whe received treatment, Mr and Mrs, J, Hardwiok and baby Herlrie were guests at a lost helr party at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Herb, Flintoff at Blown on Sat urday evening. The Hammond family have mov. od Into the olty and reside on Mas Hon Rireat, The death scourred on Septem ber 28 at the home of hin son, Das Vid Warren, of the late James War ren, beloved husbabnd of Diana Barker, tn hw TAN year, He wan born in the Township of Reach, ats or living at Epsom with hin par onte, where he stayed until his marriage to Diana Barker in 1880, MP and Mes, Warren then moved th Prince Albert where they ved for over 29 years, The last four years they lived at North Oshawa At the home of their son, David, at tha ONR, station, Ne was the father of five ehildven, Cony ate, John Warley, David Wiltam: George Fleetwood, and Reta Kathe loon, of which two are Hving bes | Ine Reta (Mra, Wallace Butt) and DAVIE at whose home he dled, { He VAR AR Active member of the Rap. fat Chureh at Port Perry, Mes sides hin son and daughter, he loaves to mourn hix lose his wife and one hrother, John, of Prince Albert, Interment was mide at Prince Alhert cemetery, Mrs. Diana Warren and family Toronto, | historian, Hugh Nind, proph. | 'Fresh from the gardens' INTER-EMPIRE CONFERENCE 15 SUGGESTED ------ (Continued trom page 1) English language Is of first mo ment, commeralal eduention, In oluding the study and practionl knowledge of other languages, (ex pecially. Frenoh and Hpanish) should also he encournged-~which muy anable our sons and daughters to compete and hald thelr own with the youth of other races,' the resolution said, After oonslderable discussion, the meeting decldéd to ask the On tario government to Incresse the tenohing of Vrench In secondury sohools, EY I ------ Sr ---------- desire to thank thelr relatives and friends for thelr kind expressions of sympathy and many floral trib utes extended them In thelr sud loss of a dear husband and futher The Home and Bohool Club will hold Is November meeting on Thursday, Nov, 14, The program will be an Old Tyme concert, when old-tashloned costumes will be worn hy all who care (oo cone dronsed In costumes A prive will be kiven to tha one drossed the oldest fashioned, Hafreshmenis of baked beans, hrown hread and pumpkin ple will he served, A ull ver volleetion will be taken North Oshawa H, & Club and school children are anked to [ help the Mehool Car fund "hin will be brought up at the next meeting ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Knnlskillen, Nov, 18 of the Christmas entertainment wet for Deomebre 0 Mr, and Mrs, Lavi Brunt attend od the wedding celebration of My and Mra, Bdgar Worry, Hollua Miss Myrtle Brunt, Toronto, vis {ted hor parents, Mr, and Mrs, | Brunt, over the holida) Miss Alleen Findlay, Falls, visited Miss M tha holiday Mrs, Joffrey enter tained & number of young people Naturday svening in her honour Mr, and Mrs, John Hlemon have returned to thelr home after spend Ink a couple of weeks In Howmane« ville, CO, W, Beott spent the holiday at his home In Whithy, Mr, and Mew, Charles Tamblyn vietted Mrs, HH, Worry on Nunday, Roy and Miss Minnie Webber, of Rowmanyille, and Mr, and Mes, W, Wotton, visited My, and Mra, Wm Herring, Mr, and I'he dato In of Mimitih's Dalton aver Mrs, K, J Foronte, spent the week-end Mr, and Mrs, J, Bradley, Miss M, N, Virtue, Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother, Mra Jo WW, Virtue, Mir, and Mes, BN family, spent Munday at Newtonville, The QOL, girls play next Monday evening basement of the churoh, Dr, and Mra, Ferguson, Alan and Donald, spent Thanksgiving Day with the dooter's parents In Uxorldge Miss Luella Stevens, of Oshawa spent the holiday with her parents, ME and Mes, MH, Stevens Mr and Mrs M, Young, Miss Maud Ashton, Por onto, and Ira Travell, Oshawa, vis {ted at the home of WN, O, Ashton Mr, and Mes, Albert Mitalnton, CHfford Stainton and Mr, and Mp Herbert Johnson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mra, J, Pye, Mrs, Pye returning te Toronto with them for a vial, Mr, and Mra, Lorne Lamb and Donald, and Miss Mae Lamb, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Qeoll Wilson, Nestle ton Mr, and Mra, Osoar of Bephyr, visited his slater Dr, Ferguson, recently, Mea, (Rev) J, M, Whyte aons, apent the holiday at the pars nonage, Mra, John Sanders, of Nowmans ville, and Mr, and Mra, Theo Hie mon, attended the funeral of the late Wm, Moore, of Tyrone, on Suns day, Mr, and Mra, Arthur Brant, Me, and Mrs, Orr Joffrey and Clem, apent Runday with thelr parents, Mr, and Mra, Wilfred Marks, Sou ROR. Wi Pointon, of Toronto, and Ming Reva MeGill visited Mr, and Mis, Turnbull, Peterboro, on Saturday, | Fallls, of with Pethlok with and friends Hilveralden, Mw, wind | Sunday evening, and Rev, J, M Whyte delivered a fine Thankagly Ing sermon, The oholy sang a suitable selention, The Thanks offering wan $1320, Mr, and Mrs, BE, Staples and Mr and Mrs, John Dorland visited friends at Fenelon Falla on Sunday, MMe Land Mes, Milton Werry, Osh AWA, James B, Werry, on Sunday, Mr and Mra, Herbert Rlemon, of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs, John Klemon on Runday, Charles Stainton, the weekend with Mp, and Mrs, | W, Stainton, MR and Mra. B, Ewart, Rilly and Bruce Kwart, and Mv, and Mw. | Frank Eline, of Toronto, vihited at sutton, spent | Sunday, ; are giving a | the | dianley May, Miss! | of | | | | | | | | venle | diy job attendance A good congregation was out on | Mr. and Mes, Charlie Werry and | | ore visitors of My, and wf the home of James Moorey's, on | LJ PROVINCIAL DAYS T0 BE FEATURED AT WINTER FAIR President 7 Duncan Bull Makes Important An nouncement "We are ugaln fenturing 'Prove nein] Dnys' nt this year's Royal Winter Fate," sald My, Duncan 0 Bull In an Interview, "It has ul ways hoop felt by those who have hoon interested in the Royal that ma of Hg purposes, In addition to promoting the more immedinle neads of Canndlan agrioulture, wis to contvibute to the development of nattonnl feeling among Cane dluns themuelves Var (his pure poss wo have named the fret day of the Hoya! Winter Pale, "Can fdinn. Duy" Wa try on that day to teature the hrosd nations! as peoty of Canadian agriculture, and the owsentinl unity of the Domin lon thraugh this Industry Is ems phanleod Wa ure dedieating the puooending days of the Vale to oieh the provinoes, combining the thee Maritime proviness into whe Iv thi purpose I'hin yen will bh uy nl " the orden Cunndinn vember 20th Hritivh Novem hey Muvicime her $8 WQuohe dird Alhariy ghth Munitohn vombey th mhkatehewnn November 87th Ontario Day Nth on ouch od Wadnendany, No Columbia dint Duy Thursday, Friday Novem Dy uturday, Novem hey uy Monday, Novem hay uy Fuesday, No Da Wednesday, hureday, Novem UT we shall have pre Minfater of Agriculture of nnd shall naka provines as prom hla throumh paraded | the und In sent the wie provines wa hat particular mont ws of Hy many oh In the null omphast on the provinoisl exhibitn proved a valuable means of pressing upon vistors at the Faly the high quality of Hvestook sand parieuttural products valsed In the various This han oreat od An that has tend ud to Intensity genera! Interest In these provine: And thely resouroes In this visitors at the Royal ind a under one roof of comparing the exhibits of widely paratad dintriote of Canada ana | cont them with ethers, | While ut me time sensing the link of that In nm hrond way Une our Canadian Hie" "Wa attach much importance to thi plugs the "Provineianl dnyn tke 'n the Royal plans They nave, think, an important ins enon whieh raises and elevates our agrieuttural Industry and gives {added dignity In the eyes of men and women whe live by Hoek In Wrenn Wah Ny Iald han me | Pant continued Hh we have provinoss ttmosphera YAY monn ol pin 'he unity rough Wa Challenge to Duel Halts Murder Trial | Moxion Clty, Nov, 15.«The trial Horntoe Rush, Amerioan wom an charged here with the murder of her sweetheart, Jenara Henas wan suddenly halted yoster Antonio Reyes, her lawyer, challenged Publie Prosecu tor River! Vasgues to a duel and followed thin up hy declining to tke any further part in the pro oeedings when Jose Altoy hours, | Insurance vent Channel won slek nes swimming 10 miles in five H, Temme, a London elork, gave up his re attempt because of | | Heonuse of the great increase | at the Royal Hove Show In Dublin, Ireland, this year, the grounds are to be materially enlarged, was held In the United Church on funday morning, under the ais ploes of the 1, O, D, ¥W, Beugog Chapter and the Port Perry branch of the Canadian Leglon, "The ser vice wus conducted hy Rev, RB, T ichards, pastor af the church, ns sisted by Rev, MA Mclver, of Bi, dohn'n Frosty iotian Church, who delivered un sultuble address Clinton Bhort, of Torontd, was home over the week-end, Dr, Collasutt, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrn, Biiver, of Oshawa, ware guests of Mr, and Mrs, 11, 1, Collwoutt on Bunday, On Tuesday of last week at the regular meeting of the Bonw of England, Old England Lodge, Hiro Thomas Cook was presented with in long service Jewel and certifi onte of merit, The presentation was made hy the Bupreme Becrs tury, Bro, Proctor, of Toronto Canon Bayner-Reed, of Toronto, neoompanied the secretary A number of members from the Blackstock Lodge were present and all spent a social half how nt the close of the meeting The Misses Frances Christy and Olive Wallnes of MaeDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Uhristy Miss Elnle Rone, of Petroles, and Misses Croce and Hilda Ross, of Toronto, ware with thelr parents, Mr, and Mre, A, H, Rowe, over Lue holliday Miss Vrances Mellow, of Taoron wit home for the wesk-and Misg Margaret Varman spent {he week-end with friends In Toronto Mr, and Mr Adam, of Toronto, to, Mrs, 10, M, Osborne, of Tovente, tre 64 per cent, In the previgum year, i } 4A You will like FRY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP and filling , , . It is pure chocolate, milk solide and sugar in syrup form y+ + Delightful as a spread for fresh \ / fruits, berries, ice cream and as a bev» ' erage with milk or water=~het or cold, Accidents will Happen ! That's all you can say ahout an acoldentIt Just hap pens You ean he an ore ful us possible and yet somes ane else 1s onreless, In short You ean't prevent accidents Hut you oun shlfogunrd ngninet merlous oconsegquoen that ofttimens follow Keep your mediclng ohest wall wtooked with Firstald Room Hupplles * and You need never worry about fection For example of your family wash the Injury with disin foctant, apply Purtest' Jo dine, swaddis 1t in Fiestald Abeorbent Cotton, wrap It with Firstold Nterilisnd Gauge and hind It with Firatald Surgloal Plaster You oan then be sure that vii have closed the door to nfeotion Adhesive on KOMe member In out, You Mastoy 100, Be, Fivstonid Cotton 18¢, Bde, Todine 150, Ntevile Gauge Pads Bo, 0 fop WB \eld 100, #50, Aho IN Puretost RO, HW Horack 180, 8%, Be W8¢, We, Bw neeldents to prepared Peroxide Den't walt foy hanpen he soak up now, From the REXALL 8TORD JURY & LOVELL King K, Nimeon N, Phone 98 Phone ON A The New Way To Learn Shorthand and at the same time learn touch Iyping -oflers you An opening ta a well pad Joby Used hy (ast pre te! Hraphey ar years, this principle now ehodied in "SPEEDHAND" Easier to Learn, to Write Uses ordinary ANC ten on ypewriter or hy hand {ean be wnt Mas + + + It makes an ideal icing J ENJOY A TIN » Your Grocer has it 7) THIS WEEK" of Ji & FRY & SONS (Canada) Limited Montreal, Qua, Bin RVICE OHRIBTMAS BAKING ATHENIA from Saint John, NB Friday, Des, 131th fram Halltax, N. §, Deelah 0 Beltast, Liverpool and Glasgow, TUSCANIA from Halifax, N, § r Dos, Oth to Plymouth, Havre Spend this Christmas in the Old Country Cross on the famous"Athenla, se affectionately remembered by Cana+ dians of Scottish or English birth as the ship that takes them home for Christ. mas, You'll know at ence why they love Itoi the warm end Intimate atmosphere withe pleasant Scotch burr when your walter or steward addresses you, Travel tered in 10 weeks' home atwdy=we SUPPLY typewriter Write for free sample lesson, Dominion Sohoal Tele graphy Limied, Toronto, --------------. ond london, + » Direct train connees tions fram any point 10 the ship's side, or -- Book through The Robert Ratard Co, limited, Corner of Bay and Wallington Streets, Taranta, (Tel. Elgin 3421), or any steamship agent, in the merry company of Old Country folk homegeing for Christmas, on tha Athenia==or the great Cunarder Tuscania, which sails earlier, == ANCHOR- DONAL NN IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE A can + TOURIST THIRD CABIN + THIRD CLASS DSON LINE NA P04 a Squid DAIRYMAN'S SPECIAL ok) MONDAY --~ TUESDAY --~ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18---19~20 11% Cottonseed Meal $46 HOGG & LYTLE, 54 CHURCH ST, 00 Per ww Ton LIMITED PHONE 203

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