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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN CAMPAIGN AGAINST NOISE ADVOCATED {nventor of Silencer Would Resp Big Reward, Says Clergyman London---~We must do something ruthlessgdo nose, and do It soon, A blessed step towards this 1s the new regulation forbidding, in Lob. don, the unnecessary hooting of motor horns and sirens, and the noises made hy loose mudguards and eguenaky brakes, writes Tey, Desmond Morga:Boyeott In the London Morning lost, It was suggested, not long wgo that, in praise of the king's resoy: ary, thera should be a two mins utes' noise, when every car should honk, every slven scream, every gun hoon, every engine sereach, May ihe Lord preserva us from sudh & pavady of the two minutes' gilande! ut organized nolse 18 not #0 bad as unovganized noise, for that is the root of most modern ie, Iam convipaed that, if wa could oliminate nolse, 'wa should, ipso facto, eure much liness, and go fav towards that halycon w#tate that our forbears enjoyed before all was hugtle and bustle, without needing to essay the impossible task of eliminating hustle and hus. #, That has eome tn stay, 'When we have renched the imbecile cons dition of fuming over a three mins utes' delay on the telephone, when our forefathers were content with an answer within threa months, it becomes obvious that we shall never he able to gel back to peace and quietness, But thera may he another method, Let us velaln ony speed and avoid our spleen, Nolge hegets splean, Bandaging The Wound Mankind Inevitably tends to bandage the wound withoul essay- ing to eure the diseases, Our hu manitarian age abounds in hospi als, wlinles, convalescent homey, wellare centres, mothers' meetings, outings, camps and a' hundred and-one beneficent works te make life happler for the multitude, But the vool unhappinessed, Buch as slums and unemployment, seam ever to be tinkered with, They, in large measure, produce the need for hospitals, ete, Why spend money on the bandages? And so it is with Noise, If elviligation were worthy of the saeved meaning associated with it by the unthinking it would ban ish Noise hy law, "'Bllence Firat" would be {ts slogan, Bome nolses, I suppose, ean never ba abollghed We are, perhaps, centuries Away from the noiseless Undergreuna, or the noiseless siren, Nolse in its proper placa an be most comforting, as when A | warna the shipwreghed abd re boat 18 on the way) or on a A ASAAASARS AA TIME TABLES CFR TIME TABLE Hh arr 10, ELE RUS Bi" 2 Boy "ay. Dally " iM (Lacept Sund.y) a4 po Dai ELE Dally oLinegnt Sunday), 1 wm, d | 4 (K 2 Hun \ BY ton fatty {Bavens iN i Th, Kd (Eacept | HN CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ENective Sept, #0, 1020 (Spied te a Sunday, ad LS | n) 23 am, Dally, sweeps Nan, Bunday enly, 9 am, Dally, LA? pm, Dally exes unday, an ah Dai ' Ao dod Hin, i" endept Banday, Ll $ all "enqept Saturday, oo i hai wy Wes thaund A 80 am, Dally, RN on, patie 5am, Detly, exespt Sunday, [TIN ETT EN ol 0 ai Wily, aveent Sunday, 208 poy Daily, sacent Bunda, i [AN iy, 7.09 pom Sunday enly, FA pom Daily, except uw £0 non, Daily, wet Bunda Whithy, Oshawe, Bestinanili BUS LINE Sais, DA DAY JSTaRLE | wn ee) "barge #0 me) ng West Arvive Hospital Sam FU aon LE JE hl] i ry pugoss the advent of én eagerly, awaited friend, But that Is by ganized Noise, Noise in Hs pro eb place, What 1 06 at Ts unnes CconERTY noise, , the way folk bang doors; the way motorists make Auy and wight hideous hy in effictont "sllenvars'" nnd honking (when, surely, there might he mel odious horns us pleasant to ha heard na expressive of warning) | the vaitle of the typewriter which 1 aft using; wud the janet) grams ophowe outside my window, Heaven ews ldlsen's young successor, nid eniible Mm to Invent a silencer to hie master's discovery! But peradventure | become pers sonal, You ses my drift? Kach one of us could, by thoughtfulness, reduces the dally Noise by 156 per cent, and If averyons did ko we should then find fe suddenly rests ful nll round, Nerves would be warved, Temper would ha calmed, Folk would find themselves feels Ing well again, "ollence In Music Asleep" I olaim this to be true heeause I (and many In these days) have discovered (he recuperative value of what 1s termed a "Metreat," whaerain, In company with others, one keeow silence for several days, I go Into Retreat feeling Jagged, und I some out of it braced Ano wall, 1 feel hatter for days after That 1s proof enough for me of the value of silence Milanese Is musie asleep, Many are afraid of it That Is on of the worst aspects of modern nolse It unfits you Vor Netter Values 'n DIAMONDS Bums' Jewelry Store Corner King and 'rine Unsh or Terme IF WANTING INSURANCE of say kind henl Estate or money on other toma frame houses allow me LL J. H. R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bi Phone 07) or 00 COLEMAN CANTAGE LOCAL Ant INGA IS TANG | HA BOND NT, WE. A a aa a ch ie | Of Bllence, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1929 a a EE ama I omukes you afraid | in the rion ragerd, Thu Volk wil do almost Lear. is to the vibration what the to uwyeld helng left | needle is to the record, 1 nu, thay, be wegued by lovers of ios | tht thelr vibrations wre thely own business, und our aurs should ba stopped with wadding, Wall, may come to that, If we nrg not | while, wensibly, to embark upon u | Bill May Be Introduced Into communtul wy Wom of ¥llence, then | an fnventor must rise up to events | Congress by Chairman speak Lo my nelghber, My Hps oo contrivances to protect our oars, | . | move, Na sound goss oul from | And having gol IL we shall be | Snell | them, The vallway engine Is as #i- | run over and die, | . lent ns the grave, What, then, L vopont, something duwtirdly, | Washington, 161g Bf liwppens ! determined nnd definlie 1 thi! In LW renee wilerwiny project, long ln Pros and Cons of 'Wadding dong whout nolae, A "Dont, bank feayarad hy President Hoover, 1s | his bil, Vibrations proceed from the pi | the deer" cumpalgn would be 8 {aging again tn Washington unttl we win, from my Yps, and from the | ¥ovd beginning, There nee two prospects, est, | Canada,' he said [ Hapron sunibntive Huoll, chalrmon of | position 1s this engine, Hound, ag wo Imagine i, Is 0 merely personnl alfalr, The Vreogross 18 that point where f the House voles committee, may in«{the continent vibrations enter the ear, and are | speculation gives wiy to knowl | trodues fn bill nt the regular wess | anyedes (raff odga, watford Beucon-Herald, wlon hoginning In December for the lls the Kt for silence, anything now wlone A curious aepect of Nolso Is Ie nolselegkness, & am no aus! exe pert, but I know that the exes erable young Indy next door, who In dolng hor sealed, 15 making nv nolse ut all, Nol 8 sound comes from the keys, 1 fs so when | yuf 0,000, 0 or arnutionnl {may ha | Hoproegenintive Canndian Vrows "We ha the to provision of fovanud, Commission lw hieh wavernl years ago produced un | 01 voluminous report on the fished to undertake [thar Investigation Joint HU Undecided fnell wis undecided to whether or not to introduce eunnot do anything have Bn fagreament "The wholg pro- | the only river on | continunll without expenditnre The whieh fmwrence Ef Ir purpose of registering the {of Congress on J, (F500 the wy ) $400,000,000 for STIRS WASHINGTON rich. B05 project uititude anid proposition from aconomie dosh walerway Lukes Lo the ser, normal way is hy the $i the fi route on a river with u four months of the 'wo culled I a fur=ithe New York loan waterway Huprosentatiye not talked with the the | ly od hig wititude dent, of the Bt wlon and us tht he would be Lad when he Heereinry with | with the Anderson, n Mildwuy, was pame farm country recently hag made up Hy mind that It 1% an | to have #& {hie The only natural wlendy flow The only drawback 1s fea Tor thie projuct, [the # ime aondition would provi nll-Ameri nell gaid he had | President lute whout the project hut he dedi wih Inwrence of Commerce, favor nhle, Voy sompleliig ho years' amployer, manager il uwnrded i wold mednl hy sgricuibinenl Lhe society of Relieve xe > fiven! Lawrences | ybur, bul wl in presi commis 8 Maca AUOYW TRO WITTEYS L4087 THEP gory James turned into sound, A rough simile ELLA CINDERS-=Junior Partnership A LLL ff OF coupe , MOT TAI MGE AR. TO TALK, VERT MUCH, MAKES ME Ap DBA WOMAN BUT IT BREAKS MY HEART TO WAVE TD GIVE UP MOTION PICTURES Im so, "PATER, JUST NN TWAS GETTING Mice FRARIRD IN TALVONG PICTURES Al 4 fo? Rog U8 Pac OF Copyright 1919, by Metopolian Nevins Seviee THars TRAGIC, ELiad LET TAR OMG | IM Going TO Sar a & TIRE Highland and Beotland fess FELLING TOMMY ph 'an THERE ARE MANY SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT BIRDS, TOMMY. MANY PEOPLE THAT LIVI HEAR THE SEA BELIEVE THAT IF A WHITE BIRD FLIES AGAINST A YIHDOW AT MIGHT, THE ACT FORETELLS A DEATH IH THE HOUSE HITHIN A YEAR 4 B3 MIGRATORY BIRDS ARE LOOKED UPON AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GODDESS OF CROPS BY SOME OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS THE BIRDS ARE THOUGHT TO CARRY MESSAGLS 10 AMD FROM THE GODDESS, CALLED "THE YOMAH WHO NEVER DIES. LACH TYPE OF BIRD REPRESENTS A SPECIAL KIND OF CROP. ¢ SIH ANCIENT EGYPT THE PEOPLE BELIEVED THAT THE SOULS OF DEAD KINGS VERE REIN ARNATED I BIRDS AND AHIMALS § ne tin rights reserve ----- YES, IF COMPANY (OMES I'M UKELY T0 GET A CHICKEN WING INSTEAD OF A DRUMSTICK WELL, HAVE YOU AHY BIRD SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION CLOTHING ON KING BT, W I hone wid We Deliver ER SO JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONN Ji W, Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Npecinlist Phone BR13 a _-- (8) REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your wateh {8 not giving satiataction wa can repaly and make it tell the correct time 'B J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Wateh Inspector for Canadian National and Osh awa Rallroads 10 King St, W, Phone 180 i Ww 1 J "Bem 30 pn Fie Ae i White oa IN © SUNDAY Sscprrs 3253337 wv A eds [18 Whithy i - LN A GARI W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wen with utmost comfort Have's Fanltloss Lenses ' » Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Man Corner JURY AND LOVELL, LTD EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Ea EER svgoTen | Bales 18 Blmoos Bl, Soutn BRINGING UP FATHER 4 a {| MAGGIE € MEW (an { : (d a ow Jd J COIN AIR ETA TE HR ', J I DID HE wi dT ANIL Hh aARD 9 DINNER AT TAL AAS mp CELT ) A h ( | RITZ MORN ) { "HE RADIO ) 6 AC AMBLER | uh HMO THI, VO WOW ML FIRE AD { - \ WINNING | \ veces A WAYS 13 AT A ( ALS \ ELAR LITTLE BROWN | 2 BECA, Ya Lo] { | ™ AIM | ( i | yl WAD ( MILLION 1d EINE D MILES J \¥ e ll Il 18 ALL IRE, I Feature fervis Ine { rea Write in ths reserva if LF MA AAJ ELON |] \WK Lad | | BITATION | | | ANNOUNCE = | MENT (IN A L MINOT, J LI Add Il . (N HEAR | | THIS 1D LTATION = INI + | BROADCADTING FROM THE DTATE | AlN 1 ea -- PENITENTIARY THE PRIDOMBR" AF FLRNISHING "THE J id DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE AND THE BIRD OF TRUTH ToL® Tw | feed A PRINCESS ow HE MAD GHANGED THE THEN THE @ RD Of TRUTH SUMMONED [W118 ri NTH THE KIND OLD LADY THE MAGIG CARPET hie py -------- ap ---- d : AND "THE Y ALL FLEW BACK To "THE KING AND Queen = THE MoTReE™, || AND [DAaopy of THe Prince ss . 1 NR Ning Featirm Kpafteatn, fan, Goent Bote n cighie veasived. CASTLE AND "THE PRINCESS LET THE WITH (WHO HAD TURNED \ OLD LADY BFCAVIE SHE SAD JHE R AS R00 Rp TRUTH LIVED WW THE INTO A NiCW BE HEM NURSE AND GARDEN. FOREVER A aw RE --_-- PORN TAY WL BET HBS MR WHIRDLE t= A WONDER FUL | WHEN HE or nsssmmmmm--' MAN « HE HAS COMES Ww : THAT You | 9 FN NAVE WIS W PARERD Ed TILLIE THE TOILER---She Makes No Exceptions NT NY, YES. MR | Vid TELL FEA NR Me wo LIE TLL | a AN ALARA PORTNYAY 'PHONED CUR PAPERS = WHEN Vv By Russ Westover 1 © RAT OVER E

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