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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 11

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1929 PAGE.ELEVEN RNS" THE C where SSERIED SEC] I0N eY "S\N O le. Ele, Con. HW practice of (3 4. 0G Cony, LLB AF. Agbls, B.A, {3 Convey. oney to loan, Third floor or Build Opposite Post "hon i yw 3h FN a Dmert 1 [4 Sollestor, Notary Public. anger, M nM "BAT 'Rolleltor, Notary Puhlie, Con- Yvanesr Money to loan, Office 141 King St. East, Oshawa. hone #4 one ' Vraser, Barristers, Notaries Publle, ets. Office over Standard Bank, Eutrance Bimooe St. Phone 18, J. VF, Grierson, K.O., Conveyancers, T, K. Creighton, B.A, N, 0, BICC "AND FIELD, BAK {ters ete, Money to loan Alger A iL HREYS, BAR risters, Solicitors, ete. 2444 Simea: ter, eto, Conveyaneing and general ractice, 22% King 9. Bam BR MckAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR Reon, Accoucher Office and resis Fraser, B.A, Ena Fi over Dewland' re, Money 1 lonm, 16 Bimoos d Or site Post Office e 3160. Money fo loag hone 8847, (fr) dence, King St, Busy, comer Vigtorta street north Phone 67 Residence _ Parkhill, A _C fil 0 HALL, B.A BARTS. Medical St. Os clan, Special references to maternity work and di senses of women, Two vears' post raduate experience, Office and res nee 167 Simcoe Bt. N, (cor, Frock) . GRAN' Ad RICIAN urgeon, Obstet n, disenses © nfants end children, © Offleg and dence, 97 A hone 1185 « BJ. BA D, IYSI clan and Surgeon, special attention ven to ie 3 work and Electr thyopy, Ofee, Disn.v Block, Phone anki Offic. ol am, I pm Phone 2416 « DA (R, M.D, CM, RC P and 8.0 stdinbirgh iclan, 8 and hstetriclan te 142 Simeone Phone 3020 Phone 3155 « P & 8 rah. } urgeon, Obstetriclan, special at tention to maternity work and dis s of children, Office and resi: act, 188 Simeod St. North, Phone ~W. OAIN, PHYSICIAN, batetriclan, Office and » eb i) fimeoe street north, Phond 2415, on 9 ast, (Oct, #1 mo) bed Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist 1 hy ANS OF 100 BLOOR root West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treatment oF disenses of ear, nose and throat 'only, Appointments may be made at tore, Phone 97 a Ear, Nose and Throat soils ARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug 10 ¢ Store, Hours 2am, 2 to § Evenings by atment, Office phone 0, nee 432 a BRS. J. PHILLIPS, O LE set's, Special attention to Xerav work, Gas extraction, Nurse in ats nee, Phone 989, House 1312. \ ~V SIMCOE over Mitchell's Drug Store of R LE. HUBBELL, DENTE itrous Suid oxygen wa, for iH ce. ova an Phan idence, 1378M : OCK, DENTIST, 16 St, N. over Dewland's $7. Res. 202W, Evenings by t \ (4) ; ICT Phone 1780 . LaNG VES atists, 37 King St. E. Special at tention to mas extraction and X.rav work. Nurse in attendance. Phones Ly and Architects ET -------------- - - LY STENHOUSE - GENERAL ectural work, Second floor Bank Building, [hone 1496 A SON AY . architects, Simcoe St. § © It Bros. d Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRETE ring, electric or alterations eatimates i) Coat Repairing GET READY FOR WINTERS Gents' overcoats repaired and ak tered, ladies' fur coats rellned and repaired. "Talloring your own material made up, Address 124 3 St W. (over Lannings) Call Ring deliver Phone 609, ad tOct, 26:1 mo) Second Hand Dealer SLOOND HAND DEALER. FUR niture bought and sold 1868 Bloo at Kast Phone 16817M (th Phone Engineering and Surveying HONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR w0 Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. cers, subdivisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 05 or 411 King FV ones 2532) or 2544, ndertaking [ AL CO, 67 RING 8T Fast, Ambulance, Resldence, 542 Sim. toe street north, Phones 210] ard OW ISNEY 3 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Birce street, Ambulance, JOrner Phonan 1 oy Oshaws, n : Wes ' est Wire gency In" Oshawa, ¢ nytahle Fire Companies, consult RB, N, Johps, 80 Simoes north, Your [nsuraace WANts At tended to and your Interests pro- tected, DETONATE, COLE. man's, 86 Bond West, Hpecialisty in furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone #9, B GAWTAGT, MOVING, UWAVEL nd and cinders Local and long mn hanling ~~ Phone 3048 ap) fit Smith and Cox, 387 King tL. W, OSHAWAS OLDEST ESTAD lished furniture movers, Park Road ear age. Loca) and long distance rank Cowle, Prop 65 Park RA outh, hone (Oct, 16+1 mo) WANTED --THRUORING OF ALI kinds, Carting or moving, Phone 2060W, (Oct, 18-1 mo) EAGLIT CARTERS AND LONG distance movers, satisfaction guaran. teed, quick service, cheapest in Osh away Phone us first, 3202 Re (Oct, 1 mo NEW DUM? TRUCK, 1, Sib lock, Gravel, sand and cinders, cart: age, 215 Bloor St, E, Oshawa, Phone 27500W ak (Nov, 6-1 mo) CARTAGE, "MOVING, GRAVEL wand and elnders, Phone 2621M, Chrig Uraham, 370 Verdun Road, (Nov, 14-1 month) Beauty Parlors PETTY LOU PERMANENT wave, Speclal $5 and $7.5, Finger wave and shampoo $1. Faeinl 75¢ Hair cutth g 25¢, Phone 2068 or 86 RUnon NOI | Rat ----m EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham. poo $1, Phone 2968, Fehe WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, We spe clalize in ladies' hair cutting, mar: celling, shampooing, facials, Maree! cents, For appointments phone 20563, Noy, 12-1 mo) Building Supplies OR SALE -- BAND, GRAVE, stone and black loam, - $1.60 a vi For quality and service 'phone 1s sery Bros. 332 ring 11 : CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE Good aand and gravel, Te Insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date, W, Ror rowdal.e Phone 1018, Music POPE ACCEPTED IN VOURT tnatructions, Mra, (Dp) Grant Berry, Phone 11066, (Nov, 2-1 mo) A DE, VOCAL TEA: cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To: ronto) pupils prepared for all exanis, Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simeoe St North, Phone 27584F, (129-11) A pupils tor sing: eto, Phone 1904, Nov, #1 mo) prano, will nocept ing, voloe culture, $28 Rruce Bt, " ' N LH . "w Director of Muele, Oshawa Collegi ate and Publle Schools, Studie, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 2084), = (Qet, 16+} mo) FRANK CONVERSE SMITIT, ONE of Toronto's leadink violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin 8t. E, Phone 730M, Nov,» 14+1 mo.) adio Service RADIO SERVICE "AND "ACCES. sorles, Repairs on electrie and battery sets, Tubes and batteries tested, Datteries recharged, rental supplied $1, Phoned 10467. Charles Wales, 140 Elgin BE Nov, 4-1 mo) "AND REPATRE 10 all makes of sels, old peta re. modelled, power tubes added bf » radlotriolan, No charge for napection, Phone #83 R 1 1, (Nov, 1-1 mo) Caulking WAVE ALL TREVICES AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost ia small, Free estimates, J, H, Law: son, RR. No, 2, Oshawa, Phone 788-12, (Nov, 4-1 mo) "Painting and Decorating R FIRST CLASS CA rhanger, painting and grainin Prices right, work ranteed th Ping Ave, phone w or A6'w -- (Fa) B RLLIOTT -- PAINTING AND Paperhanging: prices righty work naranteed, Telephone J or at NER, PAINTER AND gor, Only first class work guaranteed: 20 vears experience Prices veusonable, Phone 2460W, _ (Nov, 16-1 ma) TE Furrier FURS REPAIRED AND RE podelled. Fur cor s made to measure ctory to wearer prices, Mrs, Hicks, +» 143 Prince St. North, oy Ha (Nov, §1 me) \ Books library, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotion at minimum cost Phone 1472, 37 Slmeoe St. North (TFS WD Transportation A { of this nature, will b and collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find It Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call ring a messenger who will recelve the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE™=SOLID BRICK, SIX rooms, hot water heating, gumwout trim, fire place, hardwood floors, side drive, electric fixtures, price $4,300; JOO dollars down, Apply 2031 Duffer in Street, Toronto, or phone Kens wood 5064 (Nov, 2-Noy, 16) FARM™ FOR HALK=OHICKEN tapeh in Cannington, 6 minutes Post Office, Hoeven chicken houses, four electrio Incubators, electric bhroodar, Uriek dwellipg, Price right, Jas, Ryan, Cannington, g (11Be) FON BALE" ROOM WRI1cK,™ 6 minutes to Motors, All convenl ences, Oak floors up and dowa stalrs, Small down payment, Phone daboM, (1164) Watch Repairing EXPER shop mt Your pat fF. A VON CUNTEN Swiss watehmaker, repair "Wie King Street West tonane IL) solicited Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING CHESTER fields made to order We save you money. Estumntes free, G. A. Con stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phune 150% {) BA \ A , CALLED for and delivered, 78 cents, If ren: tal supplied $1. Batteries repaired Stan lidgon, 20 Mill 8t. Phone 1680W, (Nov, 13-1 mo) AATTRATRE CHARGED AND DE. livered 76¢, rental 2hg, and the entire electrical system of ear re paired, 404 Oshawa Blvd, Phoue a113wW, Nov, 1%8-1mo) WI DO Rony REPATRE TO oars and trucks, Also general woodwork, W, Fry, 49 Bond west, Open evenings, (Nov, 14-1 mo) MCATN TON TANCY AREWING done reasonably Apply 106 Al bert Street, Phone 8821, (1180) Se Public Stenographer MAREN, " TMOOR street north, Phone 1600, Hpecial rates for malling lista and cireular work, (Oct, 35-1 mo) Home Cooked Meats ENUTTEH "HOM "MADE PORR ples, steak and kidney nies, hot or cold, brawn, cakes and pastries, eto, eto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 38721, (77) Motor Cars "AUTO PARTE AND accessories at the Oity Auto Wreckers, 16-17 Bond street west Phones 2080W or R448W, (Oct, 206-1 mo) ATE CHEV, COACH SAL excellent condition, $425 cash, Appl ox "328" Times, 116-¢ . PANT INGO condition and good tires, Phone 24TM, 2LE Bruce Street, (116h) 1920 CHEVROLET COACH Splen- did running order, finish like new, cash, Phone 821°' 116b oney to n CNY AND FARM ress loans arranged, old. Barristers, ote. Alger Bldg Phone 1614 Hardwood 8¢ Foot flooring now for only 8c a Freight paid on $10 orders, All end and side matched, Easy to lay, You can do the work yourself, We tell vou how, Send for free circular, Halls iday, Box 31, Hamilton, Building Material Specialists, Wanted to Buy WANTED T0 BUY=HOUSE IN Qshawa or small acreage outside, where party will take car and lots as down payment, Ap VA stating price and location to Box 310 Times, . (116¢) Position Wanted WANTED =VOUNG MAN IY, wants job on farm, near Oshawa. Experienced in farming, Phone 416 » 1 and 8, (118¢) Auctioneer PHONE #6). + W. ). SULLEY anctioneer, 346 Simcoe Si. 8. We ean sell vour odd picces of fuiniture and other articles at our vards Kine St M (slawa Ontavia SW, CLARK, AUCTIONEER, $2 Simcoe" Street 8, Phone 2303M, . PRO: arkhill & (Oct, 33-Nov, 33) Raa Articles For Sale, MIXELHARD AND OFT WOOL slabs, $4.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood, Waterons Meek Limied Phong 1288, Br _-- WOR ZAL--HE A 0 Ltd, planos, new and used pianos Ao radios, atest wodels; ture arranged. Apply O, Trull, VFhone LY a aa § 3) MOVING Salk OF BICYCTIs bieyele stock, and automobile tires, Big reduction, cash or tering, Lyerys thing must be sola, ¥2 King Streot wast (Oct, &V-1 mo.) HARGATN TADIO, SLIGHTLY used battery sot for sale, Reasons ble terms, Fhone 1710J, (1141) FOR SALE «= CHILD'S WHITH erib and matress, perfect condition OB Aunes St L - (115) AROWNSHTROTEER FOI SALE In mgood condition, Reasonable pride, Apply 31 Elena street, (116h) FOR™ BALI=T "HUrRFET,™ 4 chairs, gome dishes, wicker rocker, drosser, Apbly #48 Klugnsdale Ave Phone 1887, (11l6e) FOR TALE CHEAT, ORR "UD. right plane, goed condition, Also one Quekes range, to be sold at once, Apply 16 Prince Ht, (116¢) (REAM WICKER STROLLER for sale, good condition, Apply 211 Gliddon Ave ri (116e) Help--Wanted Male GUT OT TOWN OPPORTUNITY, Men qver 45, married, preferred, capable, energetio and reliable, for silea Job leading to executive ap polntment, To qualify must earn $2000 first year, Bond and refer ences required, All replies confia mtial, Hox 301 Times, (1140) NIGHT PORTER WANTED, MUS have hotel experience, Apply Com meralal Hotel, (11da) FARN ¥6 TO $10 PER DAY. AM bitious, reliable men wanted at once Part time pay while training for Ay intion Mechanics, Garage. Work, Driving, Battery, Flectric, Agetolyne Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Kleetricity, Machi ist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Hairdressing, Act quick, get your ap- plication in now, Write or call for in formation, Dominion Trade Schools, Lid, Eastern Headquarters, 163 King St. W,, Taronte, Employment servige ==QONst tO coast ( 105+108<111+114-117-120-123-126.129 ) BL a Help Wanted--Female CEARN SHORTHAND -- AND at home in ten week Simplified system, Typewriter sup- plied, Sample lesson free, Write Dominion School Telegraphy, limited, Toronto, HOUNRENATD WANTES, MUST IR a good hed maker, Apply Commer clal Hotel, (11da) Agents Wanted MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL and appoint local representatives Position permanent; yearly guaran tee $1092, (Being $21 weekly avers age) and expenses; commission and cash bonuses besides, Winston Co, Tower Bldg, Toronto, Bh IN T™HH NHRC THA: nuts, No selling, Place on dealers' counter, Steady repeats, Work for yourself, Karn $78 to $100 week: ly, Small investment, Berland Peas nut Company, Cleveland, O, ematitching NINE GENTS FER YARD, PERAT ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ete, All kinds of heautiful fandy work on sale, Mra, Dell, 36% Sim coe South, Phone 10606, (Oct, 16:1 mo) Pets and Live Stock FOR VATE RROTE TERED GREW man puppies, Parents of these pupples are among. the best in Canada Phone 2172) between 4 and 7 pm (1168) {3 CRAHORN HENS 11 ie lotta, $1.28 each, 12 rook pulletts $1 each, MoDonald, Thornton's Corners (116a) FOR SALE-FIVE VORRSHIRE Mes, 10 weeks old: also pure bred Chincilta Rabbits, $1. cach, OHyer MeCutough, Oshaw aR R 2 (ld Louch Typln Whtle digging in his garden at Raylelgh, England, recently, Mich. del, aon of Rev, Donald N, Dabson, found a #old ving wet with a dia wend and two rubles, which had | cotinge Boon lost 20 Jeals ago, For Rent POUR AND Five rRoovED MOD orn suites, tncluding electric refrig eration, stove, sundry, eonven) ences, oto. continuous hot water supplied, Apply Supt, 'phone 3671, or The Trusts and Ouarapntes Oo 4d, manager for owner, Toroms, (87:41) POW RENT ~ FIVIE ROOMED | brick, conveniences, hardwood floors, slectrie fixtures, Alewly ditorand, arly possession, y win St, i, Phono 16864, (1 it} ATL R706 IN ) ; ments, Apply to P, H, Beattie, 1601 King Bt, Last, Apt, 8. 11%¢) NING ROOM HO TI% Bimeos street south, newly dec: orated, hot water heating, sun. room, Ment 40 dollars per month, Phone 808 or 809, 21 Bond street Want, (1101 WIGHT ROOM. TRICK HOUR, Kyvery convenience, French doors, Ktorm windows, Laundry tubs, stool in basement, Henry Wilkins, 248 Gibbons Ht, ° (1140) TO RENT--BMALL HOUSE ON finig #t, Apply 22 Mimeos St, N,, or phona A940, (114e) PURNIRH KD HOUBK, CENTRAL» ly Joonted Hardwood floors Ele trie raage, Phone 4R4W or 80 Centre Ht, (114c) ir *-------- EE ------ FOR RENT=TWO OR THRERL unfurnished rooms, use of kitchen residental part, north end, Phone 2007), f (115¢) FORT IRNT =" NEW TIRICK house, Hardwood floors, All con venlences, Neasonable rent, Two garages, Phone 104 or 8804), (1160) FORT HOOMED HOUR 10 pont, BOS Oxtord St, Apply Hid Oxford st (1101) HOUR AT ITT ANTHOR AT, Apply to Anson Gibson, 64 Mes (il, Torgnto, or phone Elgin 16878, (116) FON TENT=MODKERN APART ment, Low rental, hone 1860, (116¢) FORT RENT=NICKE COMFORT. able front room, Bultable for busi ness couple or ¥ office gentlemen, Apply 464 King Bt, East, (1160) RENTFIVR ROOMED Conveniences, Apply 760 Colbhornn Ht, West, (116e) TO MENTE=NICRLY "FURNISHED bedroom on ground floor, Running water, Kvery convenlenos, Very central, Apply 178 Centre street Phone i114 - (1160) TOT MENT=T TOONMRT NOUED with garage, Rent 20 dollars a month Vhone BOW, (116¢) NEW HRVENT ROOMET HOURR to rent Cedar lined clothes olosetn pantry apd bullt In kitchen eabingt Hot water heating, Apply 168 Bloor BL, W, (1160) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE AND halt anre of land In elty limits Lights, newly decorated, reasons thle reul Apply 14% oor BY, Waoat, 4 - (116¢) FOR RENTS ROOMED DWELL. ni, $10 a month, Apply J67 Pine Ave, phone MISM. ____ __ (H16c) [0 RENT=3-ROOMED TOUS, solid brick, new furnace, newly de- porated and painted throughout, for immediate possession, 23 Athol St W., at $3500 per month, Apply Co. nant & Annis 116¢) ---t ait Lost and Found [ORTON TURSDAY TVINING, October 2nd on Simeoe Street south, large nilver broach, set with Brils Hants, Phone 8 Reward, (1162) Eh aa] - ant o Rent WANTED BY BUSINESS MAN-- Room and garage by the month with private family, Apply Box 311 Times 110b FoR Rha a For Sale or Rent [0 RENT OR FOR SALE-FIVE roomed house on Park Road, vacant first December. Apply James Lindsay, RK, No, J Qahawa, Phone 920r2, ----- (1150) For Sale or Exchange FOR HALE OR RXUNANOY, neven room house, Hot water heat: ing, Will exchange on smaller city property or farm, Phone 1678F, (116) Money Wanted F300 WANTRS FORT § YREARY 8 per cent, mecurity guaranteed, Write for particulars, Rox 81% Times, (116a) ii usiness nit USTNESE 0 pe store, Vietoria Country general County, Rrick store, house cons nected, Clean stock, Turnover twenty thousand, Jas, Ryan, Cane nington, (1100) awa, young couple, wanting to learn a husiness and work long hours to become independent, The | Th Inveatent calla for 4000 with halt cash, or negotiable security, Step into this for independent living, Apply personally to Murdook, 287 Warren Ave, (1188) Rd Notice : PART, MR, AND MRS, JAMES ingson, formerly of England, late of 482 Cubert Street, Oshawa, Snot bo responsible. for any cdebty: gon. tracted in their names after this date, Oshawa; November 16th, 103% (116b) REASONS KNOUGH, # "Why are you so opposed to my marrying Jim? demanded dangh- ter indignantly, "In the fivat place," declared her dad, "you are not strong enough to take In washing and you don't know anything about Keeping boarders and the second place my splary n't lavge enough to stand another lasy son in the family." Rates for Classified Ads, First insertion~~114 cents per word, | Minimum charge 80s, Each subsequent conseci- tive insertion 10 per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three fusertions, U0 cents, Box number 109 additions! Professional or Business Cards, $5.60 por month for 80 words or less; 10 cents a ward per month tor each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS CONT LITTLE, AC COMPPLIBH MUCH TRLEFHONE 85 Ask for lassified Ad Depa gtinent GOMMUNITY CLUB Thriving Organization Is Adding New Members At Every Meeting r------ Manchester, Novi HA Commune ity Club meeting was held on 'I hurs day, Noyember.7, in the hall, At this meeting the following were appointed to prepare a program lor the next meeting whieh witl be held at the nome of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Mis chell on 'thursday, November 144 Mrs, L, Roach, Miss Helen Crozier, wirl Mitziell and Sam Masters swunch will be served, Since the com mengeiient of the club, new members aave heen enrolled Bt euch meeting which shows of the steady progross being made, At mest of the meetings there will bs an educitive tople giv en, as well an the businesy and ene tertainment session, Mr, Fred Christie who has been visitipg at the heme ef his hrother nore, has retiened to Toronto, Horn=On 'A hursday, Oct, 3, at their home, to Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd McKee, a daughter, Mr, and Mrs, RM, Holthy, of Port Perry, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Dobson last Sunday, The social evening miven by the courtesy of Mr, and Mrs, Howard Dobson, op Wednesday, Nov, 6, at their home, for the Ladies' Ald, wan well attends ed, A number from Utica were pres sent, At the. commencement tables were set and a bountiful supper ser ved by the members of the Aid, Some of the social events which followed the supper were! Community singing, selection hy the Utica Quartette, solo by Mrs, Jas, Mitchell, readings by Miss Moovey, Miss Aletha Barred and Mrs, Chas, Lakey, The pastor then wave an address after which RAMs were played. ; James Hitchens spent Thanksgiving holiday with friends in Port Pern Clifford Martin, of Fenelon Falls, mado a short visit at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Lamb, on Monday, Miss Edna McKee, who has heed spending some time at the home © her sister, Mrs, Evans, of Raglan, i now with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Thos, McKee, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Lush, of Osle® awa, visited a few days last week at the home of the latter's parents, Mi, and Mrs, L, Lamb, Mr, and Mrs, J, Ward and daugh- ter, Jean, of Utica, spent Sunday at the home of Mra, Ward's aunt, Miss Allie Thompson, Miss Hattie Lamb, of Oshawa, and Arnold Roach, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at their respective homens here, A number from here attended the special Armistice services under the auspices of the Scugog Caper 1,0, DE, and Port Perry branch of the Canadian Legion, last Sunday morn. ing at the rot | orry Uhited Churtht Congratulations are being extende to Toa Lee, Jt Ren Shy who won first puta in.stubble at Wood: ville ploughing mateh, : number from het Suloyed the chicken pie supper and play held a the nied Chukh in Greenbank on Monday night, Francis Skill, of Leaksdale, was a visitor at the home of his aunt, Miss Annie Rees, during the holiday, Mr, and Mrs, Evans and family, of Raglan, and Mr, and Mrs, MoGatfey and family, of Lindsay, wore Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs, os, MeKee, Mrs, Clarence Cook, of Prospect, spent Sunday at the home of hee brother, Lloyd" McKee Mr. dnd Mrs. Wi, McClintock, of Lindsay, and Mrs, W, McClintock, of Port Perry, were at the home of Mr and Mrs, Frank Lamb, for Thanks giving Sunday, Ralph Butt and son, Clifford, of Oshawa, spent the holiday at the home of LW and Mrs, John Moore, Arnold ah ntertained a num hee of Shy o) (is mother on Ving. Quite a number of our thoughtful citieens were seen wearing the poppy on Sunday and Monday, Nr and Mrs, Moore spent Sunday evening at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Moore, 2 a ---------- For cutting off portions of the (alla of thelr donkeys with a pens Knife, three men were fined $28 and coals each at Liangeanith, Wales, MANCHESTER EET! NEW FAMILIES IN SEAGRAVE VILLAGE Seagrave, Nov, 13=The population of Seagrave hus been Increased later ly, The pew citizens are Mr, and Mrs, M, fuiwler of Saintheld, and Mr, and Mrs, RB Moon and family, of Raglan, Mrs, Chas, Wilson, of Prospect and Misses Alma and Ruth Clements wers recent visitors at the home of Gordon Fishley, Jug, London and Miss Dorothy Mark, of Toronto, visited the Intter's father, M, Mark, last week, Win, Watson has returned home after a holiday spent with his slg ter at Hamilton, Messrs, Nell and Wm, McMillan and Miss Velma MeMillan were vise iting in Elddn last week, Mr, and Mrs, Vietor Sharpe have moved to Mr, BR Carter's fox rangh where Mr, Sharpe will work, The special services and Thank-of+ fering whieh were to be held in the United Church here on Sunday, Nov 10, have heer changed to Nov, 24, Beaprave residents heard with re wret the sad news of the death of Alex Carruthers, of Toronto, follow: ng injuries roeolved ina motor ear Alex, who was only 21 years Seagrave for a couple he made many ueeldent old, lived at of yeirs where friends Miss Dorn Cuchard of Stouffville, and Miss Dorothy Bennett, of 'Lor mle, spent the weekend with the tmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A Orghard, Mr, Garfield Stone, of Taronto, spent the week-end at his home here, Mr, wand Mrs, ¥, 8, Skarret and two sons, Charlie und Fred, and M1 Juck MeTaggart, of Toronto, und Mr, and Mrs, BR, Hrudén and family, of Cambrey, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, CW, Clarke, on Sunday, F. Atkinson, Miss Luella Atkinson and Mr, Mackrost, of Toronto, visits ed the former's sister, Mrs, H, Eagle- son on' Sunday, Miss Wicks, of Torente, visited er slater, Mes, B, I, Green, aver the holiday, Mra, L, Scott has returned home from Ivanhoe alter a holiday spent with relatives and "friends and was accompanied' by her sister, Mrs, A, Duggan and little granddaughter, of Ivanhoe, and Mrs, Jo Gs Stockdale, of Toronte, + Miss A. MeMillan, of Rochester, is visiting her sister, Mrs, I, Inrhaci A number from here attended the fowl supper at Oakwood and Wieck on Wednesday night last, Messrs, Austin, Elmer and Edwin Mitchell, of Toronto, visited thelr parents, Mr, and Mrs, H, Mitchell, aver the weekend, The friends of J, Short and Mrs, Harding will be sorry to hear of the serious ness of their sister, Mra Colling, who is in the Oshawa Hos. pital uffering fram gangerene, Miss Irene Spoffard, of Greenbank, has returned to her duties as teacher ER -- aa ROUP Is a wicked disease; sure death if youdon't stamp it out with ROUP TABLETS Save the Floek Sold by all dealers Write for Prats Poultry by 4 -- GRATT FOOD CO. 328 Carlaw Ave, COOPER SMITH CO, 14 Colina Bt, Oshawa, Phone & of the publi¢ school afer a pleasans holiday, Elgin Frise. and lady friend and F Grose, of Toronte, visited the fore mer's parents over the week-end The Woman's Association and W, M.S, met at the home of Mrs, J, Holdershaw on Wednesday afternoon Nearly 60 members and visitors were present, Mrs, J, Shunk and Mrs, HH, Leask had charge of the meeting Following the usual business a pleass Ing program was given, Those talks ing part were Mrs, Chalmers, of Bowmanville, Mrs, Thomas, of Wick, Mrs, H, Vagleson, Mrs, 15, Butt and Mrs, H, Leask, At the close of the meeting refreshments were served Bamund ¥, Osler and Miss Anne Osler, Ri SR ER a AA Herbs are Best for Ailing Kidneys Natural, safe and wonderfully healing Herb, and herbs only, are used in Gals her's Kidney Nemady which fw one the old, proved, Herbal Household Remedies that the ngted herbalist James Callagher, compounded himself more than 50 years ago. And these good herbs, Nature's gift, have groat healing Even soute kidney ailments fin Rheumatism, are relieved by Cals Iagher's, Bad backaches, dizey spells and bladder miseries soon stop, Try this trustworthy herbal remedy, Ih remarkable---and safe, Bold by a 10 Simeoe St, 8. F. W. THOMPSON Oshawi tty . Rh . "x : Pi" | Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AMITRED 80 Slmooe Nt, WN, Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden! MOTOR LOANN AND DIN COUNTN LTD, Felt Block Room @ Phone 2700 wu Phone 000 DISNEY COLT AMBULANCE AY Colina St, Phone 1088 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST oh A Eyes UN, Le A Disney Block pa 1e~Phene--1116 ----- i8 at the home ob ---- Despite never cheap price competition, we have gone our own way, willingly "quality standarda. Our business is growing we feel because we have follow- ed this course and because, all things being considered. the buying public ia the best judge of the value they get for their dollar, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY. LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North "w' VWELEPHONE 2821.2820 the pressure of lowering

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