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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 1

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Che Oslicnva Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City bas Bente tg ie Piles » ny ot Portponed weather today fore ey a wht of the DirteibleR 1 wii of the Mouse of wii mombors Commons fn board, n Restless Cuttmals' oi tle voloano ria, whose eruption re- renily mal dk aod nd 100 yi y again # Huns OF acy) fiche ¥ Parley "Ota HA a "Washington, ~'he United Btates has uotitied Great Dritain of its ae- coptanoe of Jan, 21 as the date for the first meeting of the London navakgonterence, Three Mon Injured Bagplo, Three Midland men, Pe ith, Aver Mandell and Law- Qornler are in Royal Vie tori hosiptal here ne & result ot injuries suffered when thelr cur was ditohed hat. Qrown Hil, Mago Demonstration New York,~-Ten men and six fad engaging in an antl-Fas- vist demonstration In front of the rian consulate, on lower of were arrested yesterday orly sonduot charges, Markets Close Karl Toronto,~~The local stock ex {hangs will follow the lead of Naw York and Montreal markets next weak, and will close at 1,00 pm, each day, » 1] . Sllage Maplodes Brantford, ~Bilage heating, gen. erating gas, causing an explosion which blew out the side of A three storey barn, on the farm of Allan Good brought destruction to the barn and contents. Ld Freighter Abandoned Ruffalo. ~~ All hope of saving the freighter Britan, aground on a shoal off Poilpt Abino, was aban- doned yesterday and the orew of 27 men was taken off the ship by the United Rtates coastguardsmen, LJ Ld To Discuss Insect Pesta London, ~=Means to combat both the corn horer and the oriental peach moth will be discussed In many selentifie papers to be read at the convention of the Onjarle Entomolegionl Boelety here on Nov, £20, . 0 Nitin Vietim Kingston. ~=R, B, Allen of if Napa a0 Was Ls) awn Ar and Nerered oh LX) Kidown bi ue when struck by a Aa us motorist, He was found lying at the road. pide and ia suffering from injuries to his head and log. Announces Anal Toronto, ~Appointment of Ire win Hillard, KX.Q,, of Morrishurs, as assistant master of the fupreme Court at Osgoode Hall, was an. nounced yesterday hy Premier Ferguson, acting-attorney general of the province, * ¥ + Canadian Ale Helsed Malone, N.Y, «~Customs agents selned a carload of Canadian ale valued at more than #10,000 here, They found #,209 quart hott] nid den ander lumber In a frel onal to a downstate tim hd the agents would not ha J , Messenger Robbed New Yark=-In spite of the heavy police patrol That guards the Wall Street dlatriot, a messenger boy of the brokerage firm of Steiner, Rouse and Strouk was robbed of 218,800, mostly in cheques, in the heart of the district by two wells dressed men, ho encaped. Father and om Drown Montreal --Three parsons, a fa ther and his two young weve drowned in Lachine canal at the end of Ottawa street late last night when thelr automobile swervea over the edge of the cement pler vy disappeared in 25 feet of wa- or, . LE J Keouvities Disappear New York. The loss of approxi mately $48,000 of stocks and bonds wan reported to the New York Stock exchange by the Bank. ers' Trust Company. The company refised information as to whether the securities had been lost ar stole en, They were vagistened in the name of W, Nn, Houseman of New York, 3 * * » Hunter Lom Pembroke, ~~ Hearoh parties have been organized by by proviheln) po= lice in a widespread hunt for a young Ottawa wan, Charles Day, (Who strayed away trom a hunting grt on the government lands of tawawa camp near Pembroke, on Wedneaday morning, and who still lost in the thick bush of this diatriet, oe -- paar or of which th yoaters Was over va has moved a to the const with Inttensing intensity, causing win a over the Gulf of Nt, awrence, The weather han heon fale and mild in the west. provinces and wnsettled Jah showers from the Ottawa alley eastwanl, Forecasts: i Ak Lake Ree glon-afreah southwest winds) mostly fair: possibly a few | woattored showers, Geors glan Bay-=Fresh 'southwest to a windni fair and cool to night and Sunday . aver ted ary OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, J929 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy. TWELVE PAGES Bank Teller Alleged to Have Arranged Robbery in Or. der to Cover Up Shortage in His Books LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY RECOVERED Police Are Holding Other Suspects at Cornwall For Identification of Another Man Said to be Implicated Toronto, Nov, 18, «Four arrouts made within 24 hours have laid bare what police desoribe as the attempt of a hank teller to cover up shortages by staging a" fake hold-up end have solved, author! ties bhelleva, the robbery of the Canadian Dank of Commerce wt Oollego and Clinton slreets early lust "Tuesday afternoon when $0,000 was taken from the cage and the staff of the branch was imprisoned In the offices vault, Those now under Arrest ure! Btuart A, Camphell, Dufferin street, accountant of the bank, arrested late last night and charged with receiving $400 of the stolen money, Leonard Baterbrook, Melrose avenue, teller of the bank. arrested at 2 ae Mreiday morning and eharged with robbery, He in sald to have heen the ringleader, Herbert MHudwen, taxi drives, Wallace avenue, arrested at 6,00 am, Friday, charged with receiv. lng $1,080 of the stolen money whigh pollee say was found In a trunk at his lodgings Alex, Wanda, taxi driver, Rox. ton road arrested on wuaplelon Inte 'Fhursday night, and flanlly implioated hy the alleged complete confession of Ksterbhrook, He In oharged with having assisted in the actual robbery, With the arrest of the four re- puted robbers, police revealed that only $8,000 and not $6,000 an first reported, was obtained in the hold. up, Halt of the $0,000, it was sald, was hid In the basement of the bank by Ksterhrook a few hours before the hold-up, and was re covered by police on Thursday, Nearly half of the remaining 8,000 was sald to have been 'ound fn possession of two of the suspected hold=up men, Fifth Man Sought YShorty' Carrick, address un- known, whe police say has heen named in confessions as the coms panien of Wanda In the hold-up, was all yesterday Wfternoon and (Continued on page 2) Poison is Sent In Chocolates Two Edmonten Men Are Victims of Mystery Poisoning Attempt Bdmonton, Nov, 10,--Discovery that a letter found in a package of chooulates recelved by Ceoll Larmer, 80, Bdmonton baker, was addressed from Toronto In a womne's handwriting, is the latest deviopment here Friday night in Edmonton's 'poison mystery', Last night Larmer and a fellow worker, George Johnson, 840, lay n howpital, polsoned, it fa bes Meved hy strychnine contained in the chocolates whieh Larmer ree ceived, Following emergency methods, taken by doetors, to remave polaon from the men's stomachs hoapltal bulletina indicated Johnson ia the more seriously 111 of the two and 1a not yet out of danger, AFGHANISTAN NAMES MINISTER TO RUSSIA (By Conndian Press Lisssd Wire) Moscow, Nov, 18.~Muhamed Asls Khan, brother of King Nadir Khan of Afghanistan, was appoints ed yesterday minster to Soviet Russia, The deaignation of sueh a olose relative of the new ruler of Afghanistan an plenipotentiary to Moscow Was regarded here au meaning that the new King Intends to cultivate friendship with the Sos viet Union as the nearest and most useful nelghbor of Atghanias tan, Menrteal==Authoritative sources here announced that sales abroad of Canadian wheat this week have been the best since Aug 1, TORONTO'S MAYOR WINS LIBEL CASE Is Awnrded $8,000 In Ac. tion Against Toronto Telegram --e-- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Nov, 16,-=-Muayor Bam Mobride was awarded $0,000 dam akon agningt the Bvening Telegram for 1hel in a sult In whieh he olaimed 850.000, A countercinim by the rewspaper for slander was Hem ivend, The oaso was tried be fore Mr, Justice Jeffrey and jury, Tha notion arose oul of a econ trovursy over the report of th City Planning Commission which 1egommended the extention of cer tain streets In Toronto and the opening up of others, The mayor in reported to have sald the Tele stam opposed the commission's proposals because they did not In volve a new street past the paper's offles, This was the basis of the wountereinim, In reply the Tele pram published an editorial at tacking the mayor, Mr, Justice Jeffrey pointed out to the jury the editorial was eap able of defamatory meaning, This was adnitted hy the defence and the ouastion left to the Jury was ux to whether It was falr comment on & matter of publie Interest, Counsel for the defendant ab. tained n stay of extoution pending the Inunching of an appeal against the judgment, " -------- ro DIES OF INJURIES [| Of Toronto, formerly of Oshawa, who died In the Oshawa General Hospital yosterday as a of i motor -- i Foil Convicts Plan to Escape Colorado Jail Officials Dis cover Tunnel Leading to Walls Canon Clty, Qolo,, Discovery offect a wholesale prisoners from the hare, and evidence probably aided October matin whit Hyves, today had lod continament of five prison Ary mMobsures, The new sschpe plan was frus trated by discovery yesterday of a completed tunnel nearly Noy, of an elaborate plot delive ninte ners h ot wrt tt ON BRITISH SHIP eonviels the Institution of rald recaution Lo the wail of the privon, Ontario Not to Prosecute Those Named by Waldron in A.B.C. Probe Jack the Ripper In Ger man City Toronto, Nov, 16=No prosecutions will be undertaken by the Ontario ul torney-general's department wgainst any of those who have been involved in the evidence brought out in the ABC, probe, This announcement was made yes terday by Premier Ferguson when he disclosed, the contents of a letter whieh he has written to Hon, Petor Heenan, federal minister of labor, A few days amo, Mr, Heenan wrote to the attorney-gencral's department enclosing extracts from the evidence taken at the London sittings of the probe, and put it up to the provinces 10 Wage prosecutions, I'he premier, as acting attorney weneral in the absence of Hon, W, H, Price, now has written Mr, Heenan and elting law and procedure, has put it up to the dominion to start pro AOCULIONS, "I have ackno wlediged Mr, Heen an's letter," the premier sald, "and | have pointed out to him that the Wal dron Investigation is under the Dom inlon Combines act and that that act Is subject to litigation and will be before the privy council, I expect, at Ia next sithings "The provinee is contending be the privy council that* the act 1s ultra vires, "Therefore it is scarcely congely able that the province should under take prosecution under legislation which it contends, ia illegal, (Continued on page 2) A ---- -- VOTING TODAY IN QUEBE RIDING Provincial Minister of Agri culture Is One of Candi. dates a -------- (By Canadian Press Losssd Wie) Nt, Julienne, Quo, Nov, 16 Pine weather prevalled for the provincial by-election today in Montoalm county, Voters were casting thelr ballots for the Hon Jo Ly Perron, minister of agrioul ture, who retired from the Ques bee leminlature council on aceept mg thin portfolio, or his Consens vatloe rival, Dr, A, Leveage of St, Alexis, The constituency became unrepresented dn the legislative asgembiy when the previous mem- her, J, FY, Daatel wan oalled to the upper house, The constituency is a amull one and has been Liberal since 100, -------- Prison Officials Warned Joliet, IN Warned hy a paroled con vier that disgruntled prisoners at the New state prison 'were plotting to shoot and dynamite thelr way out of the penitentiary, prison authorities today redoubled guards and took drastic steps to prevent a muting, Duesseldorf, Rippe a oo of 0 "Jack the murdered almost wirls recently The police have no definite clue to but th received post cards directing where to look for the corpses of the Most of the cards read "dig besides con Many Innocent heen arrested because of the wild rumors in elreulation WARRANTS OUT FOR BANK OFFICIAL} Six Charged With Taking $3,800 Out of Bank the murderer's identity, vietims, there, or taining the persons have 'dig dee pe r' loeation Funds Flint, Mich, Nay, 16 officers of the Union Industrial bank, largest financial fnstitation in Fling, warrants © embesslement or wilful misappro , admitted to RTONS, Additional wars rants, it was indicated, would be is sued against six or seven other for were named in tion of bank funds appregated $3,500,000 yesterday afternoon, mer officers of the bank, Those named in the terday wore former Milton Pollock, Graham, cashier president; van 1, or assistant cashier \ former ner Runyon, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Wheat, 1.344; Corn, Deo, LLY Na, Ohloago, Nov, 14, LATED May, Mar, 3; Outs, Deo, Prince George Has Recovered From Illness (My Conadien Press Leased Wire) « Prince youngest won of the King, has recovered from an indispoals ton which hax been troubling Wim London, Nov, George for the past few days, sufferag from a ohill day and has #inoe been under thu care of phyaiclans, GCitrmany, Phin oity has been worked to a high plteh of éxcitement hy the activities ---- WwW re ol Dix WArants yess John 8, de Camp, form of senior vice-president; Elon 1, vice president and forn Christensen, forms Mark H, Kelley, former assistant cashier) and Russell diseount 148, The last Nov, Police Solve Toronto Bank Robbery TWO BANK EMPLOYEES AND TWO OTHERS ARRESTED IN| TORONTO CONFESS CRIME ALL MARKETS CLOSE TODAY a Thomas W. Lamont Des. cribes Market Conditions as Normal New York, Nov, 16,~The stock market was closed today ending its trading week under conditions des worthed as normal by Thomas W, Lamont, partner In J, ¥, Morgan land Company, Ad spokesman for He group of bankers who organizéd to help stabilize the market at the heginn- ing of the break three weeks ago, he said after an Informal meeting In the Morgan ofMees yosterday that the market had been normal during the past few days, The comment win made after the close of the gacond trading ses slon marked hy advancing prices in un recovery from the slump whieh renched His elimax last Wednesday, when hundreds of Issues hit new Ifwy for the year, Governors of the Stock Exchange vated to continue the three hour trading wosglon, from 10 am, un (11 pom, next weak and close the exchange nll day Saturday as hos hoon done the last two weeks to enable brokerage houses to oateh up with thelr elarieal work Closed in Toronto Toronto, Noy, 14 I'he | Mtook Kxchanee and Standard Min [Ing Exehangn closed today | DELEGATES T0 fi) result Taronto were 14, to iy ul prison solitary | and United States Party Finds Their Own Vessels' Sailings Unsuitable ri (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, Dt Noy 16 though prelcrving to patronize States merchant marine, the Hautes delegation to the Lon don naval conferenes has found necessary Lo bool passage on a Hel sh vessel, | After a thorough examination of avallable sailings, Secretary Stimson has deeided that the voyage will he made on White Star liner Olympi I'he only first elass United Stites ship sailing at the approximate time desired, the Leviathan is cheduled to reach Great Dritain several days ton late for the purposes of the dele Hales, PHAROAH'S CURSE THEORY REVIVED Another Member of Expedi. tion to Tomb of Tutank: hamen Dies Suddenly leading Al the United United § 16 he has young oy have them (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Nov, 16,--The sudden lenth on Friday of Richard Beth oll, 44, heir to the Lord Westbury, Las revived discussion of the sup- oratition of a course resting upon moddlers with the tombs of the Phavoaho Hethell wan ssoretary to Wows ard Carter, whose Investigations In Bgypt disclosed the treasures of the anclent Tutankhamen, This is the tenth death among people cons cerned with the exploration of the Pharoah's sepulohure, Carter, ohlef disturber of the tomb, Is still alive farmer harging wie he Insued er vice mana Dee, LAR LEE 1' OCONNOR Some anxiety ix felt concerning the condition of TT, (Tay Pay) O'Connor, "father of the House of Commons', who has heen confined to his hod for the past ten days, My, O'Connor is 81, Prince Tues COMES TO OSHAWA HEV, AUBREY W, SMALL Who haw taken the pastorate of the Wrst Baptist Church here, Rev, Mr, Nmall comes to Osh AWA from North Hay: Unable To Go To Convention Sir Arthur Currie's Medical Advisers Forbid Him Going to Regina Montreal Noy 10 Sle Arthur Currie, has from his recent Hinses and In back ul his desk at MeGill University, his medion] advisers hava forbid den him to go to Regina to attend the Dominlon Convention of the Canadian Loglon on Novem he to 2K, 10 Ie undersiasd that Calonel IL, R, Latleche, of Ottgwa, vice president af tha Canadian Leglon will act ax president in Bir Are thur's stead, Although | recovered 0 #0 THRILLING RESCUE IN ARCTIC OCEAN AEROPLANES FLY T0 RESCUE OF FUR VESSELS CAUGHT IN ICE OFF SIBERIAN COAST PROTEST DUMPING OF AUTOMOBILES Resolution Passed at Con vention of Boards of Trade Toronto, Nov 10, ~~Auserting that used cars imported from the United Btates are being placed on the Canadian market on gf none competitive hasls with Canadian used cars, the Ontario Association of Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce al the close of Its an. nual meeting here yesterday urged an amendment to the customs aet and its administration In an effort to rectify this situation, to which the association objects, The Importation of used automo biles and motor trucks Is seriously interfering with the sale of Cana- dan used cars and trueks, parties larly in British Columbia, It was pontended and the husiness of re- tall autodenlars of that provinee what the "this demoralle was helng jeopardized hy association termed ing Alsrupting Truck Crashed Into | | | | | | competition Tree; Driver Killed (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Btratford, Nov, 14 Oliver Hy att, 24, of Owen Hound, truek driv or for Labatt's Brewery, died in the general hoshital here yesterday afternoon as a result of Injuries received when his truck left the fy highway and crashed into = tres four miles north of Mitchell earlier in the afternoon, The cause of the pocident 18 unknown, An inguest will _open hera today, Herman Revinsky Found Guilty of Murdering David Katz of Picton Claim Kingston is Rum-Runner's Base Washington, Nov. 10 Pressed from the Detroit hovder hy activi ties of preventive officers, liquor smugglers have transferred thelr operations to other sections of the Internutional line, necording to re ports, received hy the department of Justice to the effect that clear anced of lHguor Wm the Kingston distriot have Inorensed from $4,038 worth in the first three months of 1038 to $61,700 In the last three months of 1088, and $04,044 in the thira quarter of 1086, COMMONS HEARS OF MUTINY OF TROOPS Soldiers in Jamaica Sentenc- od to Long Prison Terms ---- (By George Hambletan, Canadian Press Stall Welter) London, Nov, 16-~Advices from Kingston, Jamaica, reveal that the supposed mutiny of British soldiers there took place in the middle ol June when three soldiers of the Args vil and Sutherland Highlanders were charged with mutiny a refusing to obey the orders of the officers and resisting wrrest, The accused were tried by court martial, which sat 18 days on the oase, and each of them was sentens eed to five years' penal: servitude They were sent to England to serve their sentences a month JEON The fact first ca. to light in the House of Commons at question time Thursday, Rt, Hon, Tam Shaw, mins ister of war, stated three men had heen convieted on charges of joining in mutiny hut was unable to give furs ther details, Pension 'records of France show there are 2000 World War veterans totally blind and 20000 more withs out an arm or a low, Soviet Names Ambassador to Great Britain (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moscow, Rusala, Now, 18,00 fivlal announcement was nade tos day that Gregory Sekolnikoy, former Noviet commissioher of finance, and now president of the Naphtha Syndics has been ape | pointed Soviet ambassador tol Great Rydtain, as 4 result of the | POOORL NOW Agreement, \ \ CR a TROT grave today, od concern, one of his lege has confined Nask,, Nov, 16,0» Horman Revinsky of Hamilton, Ont, was last night found guilty of the murdey David Kats of Ploton, Ont, after a trial lasting four days, Hentenee will he pro nounced today hy Mr, Justice Maes Donald, of the court of King's hench While not stated in eourt, it 18 understood the postponement in to enable court offioials to communis ote with Arthur Klis, the official hangmnn, to ascertain what date he will he avallable to earry out the sentence of the court, which an the acoused has been found guilty of murder, must be oapital punishment The erime of whieh Revinsky was oonvieted was committed among the sand dunes of the Cay michaal distriet of Saskatohewan in June, 1028, As the Jury Maple Creak, ol was oalled upon to tender ftv verdiot, the accused stood up In the prisoner's hox with almost military precision, Hin faee, normally red, was white and strained but he stood erect with his hands clasped behind him, awaiting the word of the foreman, After sentence 18 pronounced the acoused will have 30 days in whieh to enter an appeal, PR ------------ ELEVEN KILLED IN MASSACHUSETTS Accidents on Slippery Highs, ways Responsible for Deaths Yesterday (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Rosetn, Mass, Nov, 16==Automas biles took a toll of 11 lyes in New England yesterday, four of whom were women, Slippery highways due to rain were blamed for most of the seven fatal motor mishaps in Massachusetts, Hd, ward R, Hogan, 35, vice-president of the Willys-Overland Company of Roston, was fatally injured tn Plains ville when an ice truck skidded and stonek his ear, ------------------------------ 'T. P. O'CONNOR IS IN SERIOUS CONDITION (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Nov, 14,-The condition of TT, Py, O'Conner, "tather of the House of Commons," continued His dootora express- A septic vondition in the Nl "your -old partiamentavian to his A waman {8 never popular with a man who knows less than she does, ~Chicage Daily News, pe ---- Seventeen Year-Old Girl and Eight Men, With Million Dollar Cargo of Furs, Still Waiting to be Rescued VESSEL IN DANGER OF BEING CRUSHED Two Aeroplanes, Equipped With Skiis, Landed Along« side Fur Ships--Six Pei» sons and 1,300 Pounds of Furs Already Taken Off (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) New York, Nov, 16.~A 17-year-old girl and eight men with a $1,000,000 Gargo ol furs were awalting reseus by alr today from Iwo ships lee bound off North Cape, Siberia, age gording to messages received here, Carl B, LEielson, Arctic pilot and Alaskan representative of the Avias tion Corporation, telegraphed Graham I, Grosvenor, president of the ¢on- pany, that he had brought off six persons from one of twa ships held in the fee, while anothep pilet named Dorbandt hus taken af 1,300 pounds of furs, The rescued persons and the furs were taken to Fairbanks, Alas ka I'he pilots flew planes equipped whits skills which permitted them ta land on the lee alongside the ships The girl, with her father, & I Pollister, Seattle representative of the Swanson Fur Company, of New York, and the ethers are on the ship Nanook I'he pilots sald the vessel was In danger of being crushed in 1% supplies were in Log ded hii ps by the planes, Radio messages received at Fairs banks, Alaska, early this month said the Nanocok was caught in the les and had asked immediate assistance, Eielson decided to attempt the ress cue by air over 500 miles of Aretle Ocean, He flew from Fairbanks to Nome where Borbandt joined him with another plane and the first fight was made, Instead of one ship the pilots found two fast in the fee, Five or six trips will' be required ta remove all the ha Rad the gargo of furs, Lielson said in his message, ------------------ No News Yet of Arctic Fliers Officials at Winnipeg Still Waiting to Hear From North RC (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 10, ~Homewhers in the frosen sub-Arctle a dosen hardy [flyers today are awaiting improved weather or completion of repairs to a plane so they may pontinue on thelr aerial way inte the far-off olvidiged south, Re. tween Hathurat Inlet and Fort Resolution, + Radio posta in Rhy bleak northwest territories, Col, ©, PD, H, MacAlpine and his seven companions found only two weeks ARO near the Arotio coast line and two months of almost hopeless wandering, and Capt, Q, 8 Bans shet and his quartet of northiand pilots, resouers of the MacAlpine gutette, area probably at rt Rellanca, Reltance 1s only 200 miles distant from Resolution and offlelals here expect a flash at als Most Any moment announcing the arrival at Resolution of the party, THREE DROWNED N CANOE ACCIDENT Two Safe After Battle With ley Waters of Lake pm " \ Sudbury, Nov, Joti fed in the dangerous waters of litlacdoe lake when thelr canoes awampéd hy the heavy waves atetk- ing them broadside, three mem of an exploration party of the Canadian Mining and Smelling company were dvawned, and two others who eseapod are In Bt Joseph's hospital suffering from shook and exposure following awn aooldent Thuraday afternoon while returning to Sudbury, hie Smith et : beep recovered, And a soarch ia being conducted for the bodies of IL, Nelson and A, Nelson, the other two men whe were drowned, KO Kilburn aad Wilfred Golinag, the two survives, were brought to Sudbury tedan

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