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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 2

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"PAGE TWO The' Whitby Advertising, snbserl Whithy Branch Office BheeAltoy Business MW hd atid REPRESENTATIVE-+JAMES H, DRMISTON WL, FAR INTHE COMMUNITY) 'W, HW Wood Declares [18106 i a Successful Luncheon " Chamber of Commarse In & community is » hody of men hander unselfiohdy tagerh er for the purpose of rox) ng its citizens Chip, for all valges that exist in a ul na are made hy the spirit ts itl G18 #00 ain eff itive fn A red AM Mane roof the Jendan Chamber Commerce and outings wh he of 'Olymnle "fame, address! hinehs gan Friday Yong oy the TIE Your 'Eyes and)' Cur Service! W. A, Hare, 8 Bond St, Easl He Was Troublesome at School! A are his Navi dneipling: Some wise person sug» posted that his eyes. might have something to de with it, An exam» ination wed this true, His defee: tive WF aby was sarvested. At ones he hesame abediont, and started to. word a sueepssful manhood, Glad to fuene Hard to Ss it to "Phe most potent eonptrietive ins Th Anderson, from drowning pn ll, hori Hho + a this consider this subjert with interest: pred itt SRA Daily Times | fons and news will he AL Gagetia and Chronlele s/Yelephonn received at the "Phone BMD, cid isc lrg -- of Come {Rie Wh hg wddvens Wid opel] ny» pA oom way and # uiigue fenture was the Intros duction of & number of blocks, are In pyramid style, snd sekting forth that homes, receratlonnl faeilis ties, schools, transportation faellities, churches, electri pants uh, Joes tion, effiglent lho, i hasing popu ivorable or 0) a yi and pro yo oni town being well represented, we down od Hie a one ie "abut a Yop J bn community A % Tal ily lege fae rain, and ni kh the Mayor L, 'W, Dudley Whi Af ot tha oyal Huma fo: vo d the 4 hove 0 Whit: 1] Ay ir, Wl Wien i ™ od of gite na # recognitio avery In rescuing a eompanion, hy, ha of i presentation is made elsewhere in this lisue, Before commencing his address Major Wood, speaker of the even ing, expressed pleasure that he was among friends in Whithy, as he knew severi! of the eltigens, Including Dr, (G, H, Bteyenson, medigal superinten dent -faok Ontario Hospital wha Wits formerty in London, and Rev, (Capt) To Mo Best, who wis his early tutor in the YMCA, Maur Wood was alan "oh impressed with Whithy as a residential town eantalning all mod ern facilities and opined that its eit Tr --.. EET rR --_-------- Dairy and Stock Feed Prices are advancing on all these lines and it looks like a good policy to buy your sup- plies at present prices, We have a good stock on hand of Cottonseed, Oileake, Hominy, Dairy ten, Glu Rations, Bran, Shorts, etc, Cooper-Smith COMPANY 16 Celina Street prey , t do you do when a al fish aystem telly you the bowels need The help i The best thing yet discovered ou the 6 Jutpose 8 Yo the little ret! Take ane whens pr Fh or and bowels are not etioning as they should, to the their aes ust like Cascaret a pleash * Jia, easant in. { You to them t ont om, Dut they clednse ihe entire thirty feet of bowels in one comfortable, thor ough action that leaves the ays. tem clean and aweet; leaves you lyin Cascara is Good for the -- HTN tem with an untain th, wn» coateq tongue, and clear head, Cascarets are made of eascara w=long regarded one of the most beneficial | laxatives known to med: fa science, They are teritned h pure 20 Sr and fl po with Ral Wot 1 Children love them, So do most grown: ! Why take anything harsh Y en constipation threatens? Whenever a dull headache, las: situde, or sick stomach with: loss of appetite warps you of poor elimination, a Cascaret or two is the most Narlons fo form of help you eonld give a laggh ayaten ake a ely Cake Janigh and see how fine Jou Il feel in y, [to wood citizenship that & peneral-inseouneil may sharten Relief from | Eczema pDRD ks ih Peviout Antipaptle do muh towards 11s ope Co ally WhyH, Community Building Major Wood 'went Ae vily In to the question af von winity hullde HAA 0 Ing After a lo ellilnary i view of he A Son unitles and ni ony of the past w were either desd or hurle today 9 af no necount beause they hid placed too much LH W. things that did not count; Major Weed Hrassed the fie! community wens ee pansion he t the " aw Aahas 0 uilding calls "or rather than ger Loki] long wit hit de commerea fo iy I wing Afton thereto there mlb be a valu tion of the oh things of culture, eAUly fut) sclence i Has fn sduestion, en wer al he Hons oo off and . he foting artistie whole snd making for yt anced community, aJor Weod eonsldered that he he awnership conglibuted Immensurably halaneed community provides A fi oilities that truly veserente| that the second seeyrity for eommunity wel re wilh education | that transportas tion faslitios sueh ns Whithy possess nd, were Horan community hull. ors) that churches were vory essen tal Ingsmueh na religion 1s the mo ther of philanthrophy and seein! het torment and the vanguard of all trade and olvilization) that elestrie power, wus, loeatlon, purchasing population withent which Tnodern | hats oy! not strive, efelent labor, faverahls facilities, wood government, a mod arn Chamber of Commeree, and men nf real value were factors In eom munity hatdding and halanelng Value' of Men "Poasesned Laff manly atieibutes online men in thelr upelght dl 'more nrdelis than fine gold) the salt whieh keer goeietw vet and the leaves whivh pains "a anrtker deelared, wha stated fur ar that In the: hul'ding of I rommnniy tof all, and that | mada thean y A AL wie y aeh'm for y oaf of rv nf 1) thy th the lip pag nf LL tor things for Whit ture than has heretalor " a hal f ON n i tyne, wha ! Fong hambher if Vl ' RK! placing Malor Wood stated that ghallenma to all true men Is tn s5 on constantly and positively, in t which Is heher In standard and tainment, and build not only a hin | vr but a mare henutiful eammunity Win Whitt hy gnnenl lating and foenlising thelr eMart nil leadavsh for Hs hetterment Mhrough the ( hamber of Commerce Tadered Thanks A vote of thanks was moved to Jajor Wood for his fine address hy Wo A, Holliday, wha gommented on g fing sentiments expressed, the woo lth of information given and the value of these to WW hithy The vote Ww coondod hy Theodore King, vies | similar and gommented favorably of h vy of London where Major comes from te of thanks was also tender Miss Leask for her work wl mop and ww Mr, Bowman for i the singing, and to the Wem inatitute fog their fine supper o secretary, 1, H, Ormiston, a need that the next lunehgon woul! hold en November 8th, at noon with BH, Gurney, Toronto, promin nt Canadian manufacturer, as speak may hespam nt, whe expressed of The luncheon closed with the Na tonal anthem, ONTARIO NOT 10 PROSECUTE INAB.C. PROBE (Continued from Page 1) "I have pointed out to Mr, Heen an that there need not he any de lay in prosecution if the Ottawa aus thorities feel that prosecution shaukl be undertaken because the salieitors weneral of Landy is vlothed with the necessary authority to prosecute, "I'he act provides 'hat the solicit orsgeneral may prosecute if the at torney-general of the provinee falls to take action within three months, "It also provides that eo governor this period to any extent it pleases, "Therefore if the Ottawa authori: ties desire to undertake a prosecution at once, It 1x aly necessary to have an order passed hy the governorgens cralsin-eouneit or Ottawa, How ho we (CM)e-Hon, Pots or Heonan, minister af labor, express: ol surprise tonight that the provinee af Ontarie had refused to prosecute these invelved in the associated builds eri' council probe, U1 did wot think" Me, Heenan sak), "that the provinee wonkd shift ve: sponsibility for the prosgeutions, It in trie that the provineial govern: ment ia contending the Combines act an wltra vires, hut © mast be Reva beved that the daw is still on the tute hooks, Until the law ix deo ei ed ultra vires, my oninion is the pry vinee should undertake prosecutions" The minister of labor was unable to say at this time whether proseen tions would he undertaken hy the dominion government, I -- Entries In the cheese section &\ thin year's Canadian National Ex hibition revealed that great pros greas had been made In producing cheese of better Majsh, flavour and toxture, The highest awavd for the highest of grading ochease wen 10 Garnet Pain of Lakeside, Ont, | aaa Bowmanville CHURCH SERVICES IN BOWMANVILLE Rev, Sydney Childs, Tor ronto, to Preach at St, John's rere The hon the Kev, J, U, Reb: bing, will preach at all services In Prinity United Church on Munday, Bervices will he at he widal hours and Hunday Bohool wt . The rr ry the Rev, D, W, pest, will conduet the services in Wt, Paul's United Churell tomon vow, Maoming service 11 a Wm, Wvening worship 7 pm, Bunday pehool 8.80, In Bt, John's Augllean Chureh at 11 o'eloek, Holy Cammunion and sermon, B00 o'clock Runday sehonl, The reolters' Bille olnes will not meet this week In the ab penoh of the vedioy, Rev, My, Bhivas, Kvanine prayer will be observed ut 7 o'clodk, The preach. or at #11 services will he the Hey Hydney Childs, M.A, B.D, of To ronto, Phe Rev, Mr, MeKany will ha the preacher at Bt, Andrew's Preahyle vlan Chareh on Bunday, when the pervices will he held at the regu lar hours, As yet thera has heen ng eall made to any minister to fl the vacaney that existe In this ehureh The Hvange!l Temple, of Toronte will continue thaly revival services in the Opera House on Munday the Rav, A, ¥, MacKonsle will We will be the ehisf speaker RECK! F§§ DRIVING FASE DISMISSED Daily Times News, advertising and subseriptions will be veosived at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones=Oftice, 687 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK | ---------- 7. G, Young, Toronto, Ace quit'ed on Charge Which Followed Accident The ease nuainst 1, 0, Young of Taranto was dismissed when ke ap peared hefove Magistrate 'Ww, |} Ward tn Polloa Court yesterday al ternaon to answer a Charge of reck long driving The charge was lald by William H, Harry of Bowman ville following an aeceldent on the Kingston Highway east of the sown on November ial Aocording to the evidence, Mp Harry was proceading enst and wis endeavouring ta maka a then into a driveway nt the north alde of the vond when the defendant's oar erased Inte him, putting him in the diteh and breaking hin two baek wheels and doing considerable damane 10 other parte of tho oay Mr. BHarey claimed that torty-rive feet from where ha held out hin | hand as A signal and Just wa he turned across the vond the other oar orashad Inte him The evi dence Wig hasy and the oases hing od on the point me ta W hethar Have vy took sutffiolent precantion hefore trning The defence was mainly a denial of the re Piving ohavge and statement showing that the oar ahead had not taken proper pre cautions before evossing the highs way, Magistrate Ward thought that the evidence showed no sign of veokless dviving on the part of the aoousad and therefore diamine. od the case, A, W, B Greer of Osh awa appeared for the defence and | Ros girike appeared for My, Hay PAYS TRIBUTE. T0 'DUTCH' OSPPRNE R ,wmanville Boy Now With Boston Tigers Hockey Team Harry "Dutoh' Osborne, reoruit from Dowmanville, Ont, has come along wo fast wines ha Joined (he Roaton Trerd that he hat advange od to the vatlng of seoondatving contre, dlaplacing tha veteran Kids dle Burke, at leant tempararily Osborne 1a hatlt somethings ke captain "Deacon' Walte, thounh a Hitle heavier and has much of the Doncon's speed and atlekhandiing ability, He wan advanesd to the gacondsatring Forward line fn yes tarday's practive seston works od smoothly with Clark 4 and hey Mills, the wings, urke apparently will have, a tush Joh winning haek hin place Ak understudy to the galloping Dea oon Boston Transeript, rn A ---- ANOTHER PROPOSAL FOR LIBERAL MEETING hai aba Referving to the Immediate need of a Provinetal Liberal Suatiniion the Htratfard Heacoi Hem le that suoh an event should he bly womewhere outalde of Tare Toren: 10, and augsents the Harras in Ove ford County, an a fi plage, The Oshawa Dally Times Tmmediately took fsaue. and pointed aut that Mouth Ontario whigh elected the Liberal Leader by mein (han a thousand matory should have oon sideration, The Part Hops Guide In commenting on this, says! "in order to settle any possible Argus ment and th prevent any had feels Inge IF the argument was to cons tune, tot wa pai fanth the vlaime of Durham County, where a Liberal wie elagted." Buch Wn event might he staged in this riding quite 1H tingly, and than the pariy eould have something about which to Bragw, WIND I¥ MENACH WHEN UHIMNKY BUKRNN OUT The fire department recelved o oll shortly after six o'slock Inst avening to & ehimney: five nl Lhe home of J, KW, Vlell on Centre ntvast, The fire proved quite stub born for a time, hut with the use of the chemion! was confined to the chimney alone, The ohief Ashger wa the sparks flying in the an wind and slighting on hounes wil wooden Jhinglos, The house In uestion had asphalt roofing and this likely prevented the fhe trom prending to any ovens, That Canade In vapldly knining & place of prominence In the pon! try world may he seen in the faol that recently orders have heen re aalved by the ROP, Foultry Hreed Sra' Asdochation of BQ, for pure bred wtook from Japan, Ausiiaiin, Denmark nd the United Aiates, a TWO EMPLOYEES OF BANK CONFESS (c opted tom page 1) avening the ahjoel of nn Intennlve senreh hy Toronto poliee slong the Wghways hetwean here and Mon! veal, In which the eo-opsration of munlolpal police forces along the Foils wal enlisted Comfension Announced Camphell the aneentintant, was arvested of hig home Inte last night after police had heen Informed that he had recelved #400 of stolen woney at two o'clock the nltarnoon of the hold-up Peilos onlled upon him and after | questioning, It te wlloged, he ad nitted having the money and late rodused NI He was hrousht tn adguarters and will be charged Ith recelving Materbrook was arrested at hin home aarly Friday morning on the strenkth of Information which polles say came from Wands After Wands was arvested, mem hers of the wtaff of the rabbed hapk were hraught to headaguart ers to identify Mm, ¥aterbrool refused ta eame Aown, and sald thut- as he had heen out at the time of the holdup he had nn Iden what any of tha robbers looked ke In making known the details of the confessions ahtalned from the auapects, polles antd that Watley brook had been ambensliing small amounts datly fram the hank hy altering deposit slips of the Coop or dairy Whan the dalry company man Ker pretestad that thera should he mare money In his account than the balance sheet showed, 11. was related, Keterbrook gave him some mining company stook and asreed to make up the difference In pay ments of $80 a manth, A total of $000 was flehed from the dairy company aceaunt, polloa wald Arrests In Cormwall Taronto, Nov, 16,The rohhery if the Oanadian Bank of Commerce branch al Clinton and College The Canadian Bank of Commerce OSHAWA BRANCH On Monday, Nov. 18th The business of the branch of The Canadian Bank of Com merce located at 20 Simcoe Street North will be transferred to the Branch on the North East Corner of King and Simcoe Sts. Which has recently been substantially enlarged, a Wirents Inst Wednesday fol towed hy & sopsationn] ellmax hare lant night, when palles mnnounoeed that folr arrests had heen mane in Pavonte and threes tn Cornwall, und that the cane was cleared up Those arrested fn Cornwall ape two men and a woman, whn ware enroute from Toronto to Montrenl It Iu believed that ona of the men in! moving' Carrlok, who Wand entaved the hank with hm with levelled vravolver und asslated In the haldup, Te ronta officers loft for ornwall Inet nioht In an effort to identify the man Acenrding to the polles, when Wand and Carviek allepadly en tered tho bank with drawn Funas fKatarhronke, the teller now under arrest was oalmly sitting In the back eating his luneh, To maka WE a a Wha plow nllopes CA A A Wn ER Navember 18th Bowmanville Loyal Monday, Opera House, Under the ausploes of True Hines POM MACDUFE COPELAND World venowned singer, aetor and entertainer, HIIRVIOD RRATH H WATH PAN LLL , HA LAE nu " aS ww Ruan A Delightful BAR Food _ i CS They eall {4 Indigestion, aver-atimulated, Witer IL "ook good" the robbers looked him In the vault slong with the manager, ledgekespers and one gustomaer Wands! Wands was Niatement arrested Thursday night, und hin statements, the poliee elaim, Implloated Kater: brooke and Hudson, He stated that he had met Keterbrooke and Car riok in pool rooms and ether places and discussed the robbery, The of floors, with the bank manager wont out and got Ksterbrooks, who told them that ha had hidden the money which was recovered in the bank basement, After further questioning, the detectives then went to Hudson's home, and res govered $1,080 In » trunk whieh, It In allged, wae Elven him by Wands QUALITY COAL Phone 1080 MALLFTT'S x1 When Food Swoeten About twa hours after eating many puffer fram sour stomachs, It means stomach nerves have been Thera Is exten avid I'he way 10 eorreot it in with an als people that the (1) volume in aed, The vight way Is Phillips' Milk of Magnosia==Just a tasteless doses In It in pleasant, efficient and a RA _|m Do You Own Your Own Home', analbioiiiiviite rm ------ TE Eh Practically every llne of ied busi ness in vopresented in this dis rectory==-a handy reference tor LUMBER | Tole BEECROFT LWamber and Wood Yon? Phone Oshawa 284 Whithy 19 List Your Firm inthe "Times" Business | Jivectory! COAL COAL. hone 19 W.J. SARGANT Vard==80 hoor treet §, Ordora Pramptly Daliverod PHONE 22 For Your Dyug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Slmcos Bn BeeeWe Deliver Machinery Rey ing NUTHIAG Hub NOTHING 00 Alb Adana Mache Shep 101 Ring 8% W, 'hens Sours the stomach instantly harmless, It has remained the stan dard with physicians in the -50 years sinee {ta invention, It in the quick method, Results come almost instantly, It is the ap» proved method, You wil never use another when you know, He sire 10 get the Renuing Phils hpa' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years In eorreeting exceqs aelds, tach bottle eontains full divections=any drugstore, ? \a NACRIFION SALE: Ask wm ANeRl 10 show you my beaut SR 'ney Real Ketate, Phone 100 \008Pt An low as § WEEE rR: Clase Trim h and Lumber we J "HA 4] Ng - 800 & 1% | STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply CARTSHORE CO. Ring MERE Wa Osha,

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