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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 5

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"Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1929 KING STREET UNITE CHURCH REV. C. E. CRAGG, Pastor. 10 a.m, Meeting for Men of the Congregation Leader--REV, GEO, DIBBLE 11 am. "THE MASTERY OF LOVE" MRS, DIBBLE 2.30 p.m, Sunday School Session 3.46 p.m, Special Service for Men Only, 6.46 p.m, SONG SERVICE AND EVENING WORSHIP Song Leader--Rev, Geo, Dibble Speaker---~Mrs, Geo, Dibble SPECIAL MUSIC AT ALL SERVICES AY CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Athol Nt, W, BUR ECTS "The Business of Kvery Bellover,"" 7 pm YA Question no Man Can Answer," 11 a.m Munday School Young Monday, 8 p.m People's Meeting Weoednesday, § Prayer Hervige, I'riday, 7 p.m, ren's Meeting A CORDIAL WELCOME p.m Childs TO ALL BERVICES ALBERT ST. UMITED CHURCH REV, R, A. WHATTAM, Minister, 10 AM,~~Classes for Young and Old, 11 AM.--Communion Service, Rev, George Dibble, Evangelist, will sing, 2.30 P.M, = Sunday School & Eirra Bible Class 7 PM.--Popular Song Service, Rich", Subj,~"How to Get EVERYBODY WELCOME St. George's ANGLICAN Cor, Bagot and Contre Sta. CANON 0, R. dePENCIER, 39 Athol Street West Holy Communion=-§ a.m, 11 am~~Morning Prayer sunday School Centre St. 2.30 pm, 7 pm, == Evensong Baptisms fud Sunday each month, L.A lh A Centre St, United Church REV, W, IP, FLETCHER, BA, 0D, Rev. W., G. Fletcher of Westwood at both services, 11 am, = "The Func. tion of the Church, 2.30Sunday School. 7.00 p.m, == "The Love of Christ" Mon. 8 pm, = People's. Wed. 8 p.m, = Prayer Meeting and Leader: ship Training, Young First Baptist Church King St, East REV, AUBREY W, SMALL 18 Aberdeen Street 11 am "Lazy Christians" spam, Sunday School 7 pm, "Hidden Lights" Monday, B.Y.P.U, Wednesday, 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting, conduc ted by Young Women's Mission Circle, WELCOME TO ALL THE SALVATION ARMY NSIMCOR AND OAK Services Conducted by Kane sign and Mes, A, Dixon 11 am, == Holiness Ser- vioe, 3. 18==Tralse Meoting, TY pom, == Salvation Meet. ing, sunday School-10 a.m, and 2 pm KNOX Presbyterian Church Himooe dtreet North and Brook Street Rov, Duncan Munroe 84 Hrock St, W, Phone 8554 Sunday, November 17 I am, "How Fires Are Kindled," 3 p.m, =~ Sunday School and Bible Class 7 pm == "The Acceptance," Wed, 8 p.m.~=Mid-week Service. Great CHURCH PAGE THE (ROKK "But all through fe I wee a Cross Where sons of God yleld up thelr breath, There 1s no gain except by loss There Ix no life except by death, There Is no vision but by faith, Nor glory but by bearing shame Nor Justice buy by taking blame And that Eternal Passion saith De emptied of glory, and right, and name," Walter C, Bmith Members of Highland United Church, Fdmonton, Alta, recently tendered u reception to Rev, and Mrs, W, J, Hogglith, who recently re turned from Hollywood, The lecture hall was heautifully decorated, and filled with welcoming friends, Mrs C, Emmot, 'on hehalf of the congre- gation, presented Mr, und Mrs, Hoy gith with a pretty silver tea service us a token of good will, The organ being manufactured for Metropolitan United Church, Toren to, Is sald to be the largest In Cane ada, Cassavant Brothers, St, Hya cinthe, Quebee, are the makers CHRISTADELPHIAN "AS I LIVE SAITH THE LORD GOD Surely with a mighty hand ,... snd with red out, will | he over you" ATTERED AND BROUGHT PALESTIN SA Read Eve, , 344, (Asta 3, 10.00), Idi GS Sunday Services in The Oshawa Churches Unity Truth Centre The worship of Unity Centre will be held In Parlors, Bunday morning, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Miss Miller, of Toronta, will Preach at the services of Oshawa Ventecostal Holiness Church (o- morrow, Truth Welch's : CGirace Lutheran Grace Lutheran Church will liold its regular services tomorrow with the pastor, Rev, A, C, Hahn, in charge, Free Methodist Rev, M, L, Casement, the Pas tor, will be In charge of the reg- ular wervices of the ¥ree Meth odist Chureh tomorrow, Christinn Kelenco "Mortals and Immortals" will he the subject for die uswlon at the morning service of the First Church of Christ Holentist, Wun day, : Nt, Goorge's Anglican I'he regular werviess of Hi George's Anglican Church will be condusted tomorrow with the reo tor, Canon C. R, delencier in charge, Pirst Taptist "Lary Christians' will be fubject of the pastor, Rev Aubrey W. Hmull at the morning mervice of First Baptist Churgh tomorrow In tha evening he will preach on "Hidden Lights," the Pontecontal Assembly Rev, J, T, Ball, the pastor, will oreach on "The Great High Priest of Our Profession" nt the morning service of Pentecostal Assembly In the evening his subject will be "The Mystery of Godliness," Calvary Baptist Rev, Albert Hughes will have chargs of the services In Calvary Baptist Chureh, Sunday In the morning his sermon subject will be "The Business of Every Dellever, While In the eveninit he will prach on "A Qustion Which No Man Can Answer," Contre Nreet United Rev, W, G Fletcher, of West wood and son of Rev, W, P. Viet cher, the pastor, will gonduet both services of Centre Street United Chure nh Bunday, In the morning he will speak on "The Vunetion Gf the Chureh" while his evening sermon will be "The Love of Christ," Huly Trinity Nev, #, C, Jarrett, the rector, will sonduct the regular services of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Knox Presbyterian Hov, Duncan Munroe, the pastor, will conduct, both services at Knox Presbyterian Church tomorrow, In the morning he will preach on "How Fires are Kindled" while In the evening his seymon will be "The Creat Acceptance," Simeoe ftreet United "The White Man and the World" will be the subject of the pastor, Rev, ¥, Harston at the morning wervice of Simcos Street United Crureh tomorrow, In the cvoning the pastor will speak on "Oshawa Upside Down! The morning wservies will commerorate the anniversary of the Women's Missionary Boclety, Nt, Andrew's # United Hev, ¥, J, Maxwell, the pastor, will preach on the subject "An Ornament of Great Price' ut the mornlug services In Ht, Andrew's United Church tomorrow, Rev, and Mrs, George Dilible, who have besn conducting an vuccessful avan- golletiy campalgn in King Hireet united Chureh durlng the past two weeks will be In charge of the ev: uning wsorviee, United porvices North Kimeoe Hpocinl Thanksgiving will he observed in North Simcoe Hiroe! United Church, Bunday, ev, A, L, Richards, of ths Taber- wncle Hnited. Church, Whithy, will address the congregation at the morning wervice while the pastor Rev, A, M, Irwin, will preach In the evening Hplendid musle will he rendeved by the cholr assisted by a wtringed orchestra The Holden male quartet will sing at the evoning service KING NT, UNITED Sundays are especially busy days "at King Bt, Chureh during the Bing ing Revival Campaign now In pro J, Tomorrow, besldes the re- {gular sarvices morning and evening at which Mrs, Dibble will preach, [a special service for the men of the will be held at 10 lendership of Dibble Then of elty wide Interest will he the mass meeting for men only ut 4.45, at | whieh Mr, Dibhle will have a spe celal mensaga that all men should | hear This noted singer will also lead In song at all services |eongrogation o'eloek under the Rev, Mr The Divine Discipline :- Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Kis, Rev, R, B, Patterson, M.A, lucumbent, UY Masson ®\, I'l o'clock ~~ Holy Communion, 2.30 o'clock == Sun- day School. 7 pm, -- Evening Prayer. Free Methodist CHURCH in Canada (Over Arcade) 19 SIMCOE ST, N, Sunday, November 17: 2 p.m ~-Sunday School, 3 pm. == Preaching Ser- vice, Rev, I, L, Casement, Pastor Cordial Welcome Christian Science First Church of Obrist, Sclentist, 64 Colborne Street Mast Sunday, November 17 BRUT "Mortals and Immortals Morning Service at 11 am. Sunday Sohool 13.10 apn, Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Heallng through Christian Helence, You are cordially {invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bille and all B thorn Christian Sclence literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subseribad for, Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from ¥ to § pm, | already, The Scriptures tell us that our Heavenly Father "maketh His sun 10 rise on the evil and the good and sendeth rain upon the Just and the unjust." Of course we didn't need to be told that He did, for we knew it but it is quite possible that a qood many of us needed to be re minded sometimes of the fact that Me did, For i the Seriptures hadn't in this way seemed to Justily such an utter lack of discrimination on the part of the great Ruler of the universe many of us would have had the courage to express our real op infon of such altogether lax and uns disciplined ways of doing things, For there fsn't any use in talking, many of us, If we felt free to pro pound our own philosophy in this connection, would say that God was missing a splendid opportunity for moral discipline when ifs insisted on treating bad people and good people alike after this strange fashion, and made no difference in the every-day providences of the Just and the un. just, What a very effective way it would be of bringing home some wholesome truths if the sun would absolutely refuse to shine upon the broad acres of the evil man, and the fields of the unjust would be blasted with perpetual drought! Of course, there have heen some people, indeed there are plenty of them around to-day, who have an liden that God does: do exactly that sort of thing, But surely this Serip ture 18 our warrant for believing thut He never does and never has In Old Lestament times there wert many people who saw the disciplining of Jehovah in drought and pestilence and every kind of disaster, especially H these came upon their enemies, but we ought to see by this time that much of this was really charging Him unjustly, It was true then exactly as it is true to "He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust," And wll this reminds us of the fact of how tremendously true it is that His ways are not our ways, And it ought to teach us surely that it is our duty to try to imitate Him more thin we do in this matter, We would like to help to make the world better, but if we are to work te (other with Him in this great pur pose is it not clear that we ought to have more of the infinite patience and kindliness and charity that this little bit of Scripture so forcibly and beautifully reminds us that He has? Perhaps, indeed, that Scripture ought to tell us that we have been working away at that task in quite the wrong way and that we ought now to he gin all over again trying to take our lesson from Him, 1f He sees no risk in that procedure why should we? duy, Where Are the -:Ministers:- Thera seems to be a shortage of candidates for the ministry! And this seeins to be causing some cons cern to those who are in control of the eooleslastioal machine, The question ls, What are we gaolng to do about it? Appeals, of a kind, are being made, hut the response fs. far from encouraging to the most optimistic, 'The outlook Ia a serious one, and demands ene quiry, with a view to meeting the exigenoles of the situation, In a state of normal spiritual health and growth the Church ought tn he abla to produce enough men of the right type to fll every gap and new opening where ministers are needed, Everyone who does not hlink the truth, or explain it away hy so phintry, will readily, and with sor row, admit that we are having to face & moat extraordinary atate of affairs, If the wsoulsconverting power attended the preaching of the Ward as it did in former days, there would, we are persuaded, ba quite a differnt tale to tell, When we say this we touch the very root of the trouble, Ministers are not manufactured ready to order by any man-made device with a mar ketable value that makes the pos ftion one of comfort and profit They are born in the throes of a true repentance, and are domine sted by a passion which compells them to dellver the Imperative message which is to be instruments al In saving othra, Mueli is made of the fact that North Simcoe St.| United Church | MANSELL, IRWIN, nD, Pastor Phone 3363W [i Rev, A, \ nA, 1 46 Greta St, Thanksgiving Services Sunday, Nov. 17 11 am, w= REV, A, Li, RIOR. ARDS, BD, of Whithy will fi preach, charge of the oholr, ve ul i by a stringed orchestra at both services and the Holdem 'i Quartetio in the ovening, 0.40 pam, Song Service A CORDIAL WRILQOME hd | EVERYONE All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome ---- The House of Friendship SIMCOE ST.UNITED CHURCH Minister. REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B, 52 Simcoe St. S. Good pinging b Phone 148 Church OF. Bagot St Helpful Services Phone 3128 Sunday Services 11 am, "The White Man and the World" W. M., 8, Anniversary 3 p.m.~Sunday School "We have a splendid Young Men's Class, You will be welcome 7 pom, "Oshawa Upside Down" The Minister Will Preach at Both Services, A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here ments are not suls {gathering ut hich wu prandinther to attract the |cloek and Homi od addr men | presented to Mr, Parson monetary Induce fielently entleln thoughts of promising to the ministry, We have no hesl tation In saying that they are not promising young men If they can only he entleed In thik way It Id my conviction that no man should enter the ministry who ean possibly stay out of It The onl man who has any right In the min istry Is the man, who, like the wpostle Paul, In compelled to say | 1 "Woe Is mo If | vies, Gonpel,"" When ey per place and the wer GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING November 17 sunday sehool, Morning Wous YOUng Sunday, 0.40 um Unity Truth Centre 10,00 n,m, WELCH PARLORS, King gt, W shi 10 am ==Nunday Nehool ne Ast tev, / Am e=Morning Bers 144 Hahn Allee Bireet ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME preach not the | ALL angoelism gels its pro Holy Bplirit is nonored within the Chureh, men of the right type, nnd plenty, of them, w!il he offering themselves for the ministry AF Hear . . Mr. George Dibble Singer Evangelist HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Sy, REV, 8. C, JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St, 8a m, - Holy munion Am, = Sermdh, 3 p.m~Sunday School, 7 pom, = Evensong and Sermon, sompleted A Organ Vietoria, | ngregation fn great Fdward P s has twenty-five years rviee ist in Metropolitan Chur h BR ( I'he ind ef have celeb the event by arson choir at the REGIMENT BAND CONCERT Regent Theatre Sunday Evening, 830 pam, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church " #11 Celina Ntreet Opposite Maple St, Come Matins and Nehool Wor sunday Murning 10 a.m 11 an ship i pm Misa Miller of Toronto in charge, Tuesday-=§ pm sorvive, Wednesday, 8 DM Young People's Meeting, Friday, § wm, ible Study Come and enjoy these bright Services With Us, Prayer St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of The United Church of Canada Rev. F. J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss P, Fletcher, Assistant Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., Contre St, Rev, J. T, Ball Sunday, November 17 School Creat Qur Sunday, November 17 11 am, "An Ornament of Great.Price" The Minister will be in Charge 10 a.m. ==Sunday Il am, = "The High Priest of Profession' 7 pm, == "The Mystery of Godliness," Good Si ging The Message for You. 3 pm, Sunday School and Bible Class 7 pm, Rev. & Mrs. George Dibble will be in Charge. A GREAT MASS MEETING of MEN ONLY King St. United Church 3.48 p.m., Sunday, Nov, 17 Every man cordially invited to hear REV. GEO. DIBBLE SING AND PREAC Male Chorus

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