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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 6

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i -------- SW ------ - PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1929 -- Women's Interests in the Home ra and the Communit wv --A------------------------------------------ SOCIAL and PERSONAL FAIRIES AND CHIMNEYS know the smoke from chim neyo It often isn't smoke, It's nothing but the fairies Hout such a joke, they fly and round about, Hanae still and higher "Dear me," the people say, YA chimney on fire! You You know the noise the wind makes At night=time now and then It's Just those naughty fairies At thelr tricks again Sitting in the chimney Round and round in rows, Singing all together And warming up thelr te Mrs, Geo, Hawes 1s spending the weok-end with friende in Toronto, the Oshawa. people At House Masquerade last Misses Helen Wil- Hlacey and Messrs, and Alex Hull, Among the Hart evening wore lama, Kleann Douglas Dalles, Mr, and Mrs, Abbott and family of Oshawa were the Busta of My, and Mrs, 1, Ross on Ross' Corners on Baturday, November 8, the 0 oasion of thelr wedding anniver HATY, The regular Thanksgiving meet ing of the Harvey Hunt Auxillary was held in the church, parlors of Simcoe Btrest United Church on Thursday evening last, Mrs, Watson, president, occupying chalr, A very interesting talk an Thanksgiving was presented hy Migs Thomas, church deaconess and Misg Ruth Landar favored the gathering with a pleasing solo, 1k freshments were then seryed by the auxiliary executive and a happy so ¢lal hour enjoyed by all K the PinkwaMm'S PHENRIN. for headache, colds 'and neuralgic pain, 30¢ af drug stores, Hair that sparkles ! | monts | bus ride No ane can deny the importance of having the hair arranged in the styl best suited to the individual type Much of the effect is lost, however, unless the hair is kept soft, abundant, IUsrous, A million busy women and girl know the casiest way to keep the hair in perfect condition is with Dune derine The first application. will show you how marvglously it removes excess oll from the hair; eleanses it: makes it sparkle IT and lustre, It's so simple to use Dan derine, All you do is put a little on your brush each time you arrange vour hair! The eonsistent use of Dan derine will dissalve the worst crust of dandruff; soothe, heal the scalp; stimulate the growth of long, silky abundant hair Danderine doesn't show 10 manage! hours, "Set" gee how muy Danderine The One Minute Hair Beautifier with new ian't sticky or oily; It makes the hair easy holds it in place for your waves with it and h lomger thoy in sth | eluded At All Drug Stores + Thirty Five Genta BIEL ER gS We can never be sure just what makes an infant restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria! There's coms fort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation and not the slightest harm in its frequent use As often as Baby has a fretiul 11, is feverish, or cries and can't x cep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him, Sometimes it's a. touch of colic, Sometimes sonatipation, Or diarrhea--a condition that should always be checked without delay Ju keep Castoria handy, ar od give t promptly, Relief will Mr, and Mrs, Larocque, of 112 Barrie Bt, are spending the week ond with thelr daughter, Mrs, Cul hertgon, In Belleville, Migs Xloanor McLaughlin return. od from New York yesterday, Bhe has been viding In different horse whows there, Mr, and Mry, J, Mortimer, of To roulo, are entertaining at Juepre this evening for Mr, und Mrs, H, M, Bmtih of Oshawa On Thursday evening a Pump kin Ple Boclnl was held at Ititson Round Behool under the auspices of ison Nond Home and Hehool Clab, A very fine programme wns presented at the beginning of the avening, Mr, Harvey Knight, prin cipal of the school, wir in charge Kveryona enjoyed the selections sung hy Mr, Parkinson and Mr, O, D, Priend, Piano solos wers cons tributed by Helen Rhanshaw and Madaline Joynt pupils nt the pchool An lmportant festure of tha entertalnment wus the Ing of the lucky number on the autographed guilt The numbers were pleked hy Joan Callaghan and the winner was Mrs, Irwin Watton The lunch that was served after the programme was of sandwiches, pumpkin ple and eoffoe The Ind les of the elub unre well satistied with the proceeds | WOMENS MEETINGS | Au we CONCERT AT SOUTH SIMCOK NOHOOL, given Bimeos The evening Hehool of the cancer outh i" weulther Warder note 1 nieey pn he which hore Ho humm Mry Willinms ding Mi reading havin Plano Inater Me¥ LET] Norman fut Innt WaE 4 Mm success In spite rainy My and nounced chairman faw wultnhl th Wi emnrk nn the sin were vi program Ing 0 ( I's hy of nada wal num Mi angtree nnd Mr, Lungtree ss Lillian ry fine 1 Williams companin iaved hy Miss Mnrg and Norman iplandid lames wa evenin to an 10% nton nnd Ir BONES Hy Hrudge and contributed 10 A plat ent ROIO8 Wore nd Alan lamer ret \dyen Ww plano duet the noe The concert wa with the N them, The audienes and aluting with th od afterwards oelnl thne wih ompn) for brought tionnl Al tho He program far main refre and a ALBERT NT, The Albert St Ladies' Ald held monthly meetin parlors on Tuesday, 18th, The president, Mrs aron oceupled the chaly inging of a hymn the prayer was repeated in unison ripture read and the rell taken, The business of the day the report that the coeds of the chiken ple mounted to $200.00 ATTrAnE now for a Toronte will announced later Wor the piny ten b LADIEN' United th mn the oh ember D, Cam After the Lord's ALD Chureh 1 regular urenh eall mn pro under way The date Plans "Marrying the on Thursda date wet in December wih netive Loy ne to he comploted Ann" to wood Youn November, 21st, The the annual baraay ith, The group with things of coming year, The pastor was afd upon for a short talk about trip, A pleasing voeal duet Aung by Mrs, ¥, Hranton and Naylor, Mr Perry's addres for hi tireen fol Work th cull hi rep interest Mra on aE w IF YOU "Aunt Susan's Visit" Min ENJOYED Don't "RECEIVING THE NEW MINISTER" At Masonic Temple tentre Mt December 4 and 5 very promptly; if it doesn't, you should call a physici ian, All through babyhood, Castoria should be a mother's standby; and a wise mothér does not change to stronger medicines as the child | vows older. Castoria is readily obtained at any drugstore, and the enuine easily identified by the "has, 1H. Fletcher signature that Appears On every Wrapper, t number on the | Lillian | played a | the | iments | the upper | | was ------------ Friendship win very This fine programme charge of Mes, C, Brown, refreshments were sorved meeting sdjourned until bth, wis Ee Gorgeous Display of Bloom Enjoyed by the Guests at interesting, in JAlLer the Decom hor The Women's Corner and the keeper Homemuaker For Anything of Interest to the House- Reception Invitations for the reception at Parkwood yesterday afternoon were gent to over seven hundred guests, Mr, It, 8, McLaughlin received hotween the hours of four and mix CANDLES Candles are a source of table decoration, may be purchased in nearly color, to mate the color of the function, and the compuratively wmall, There many different kinds the but tupors In In vogue, the tall miueh present stick are ad candle nll have ularity, The candlestick material; glans, chilpn, They should mny he of sliver, nll he of but differ: helghts effectively Remember that eandle must not come within range of vislon, «an It Is very pleasant to look directly int lenndlo flame Have so high the uhove the eyes of Candles should box for 24 hours are to be burned, burn much more Iy To keep | condition, tion, used nt nt the flame of flame wil the guests, he put imo before or thant lee slowly candles them tissue paper from the le fiat, nn wonthey in Wrap onch white them away | Let them nlways {will warp In hot nal lot the then snuff or elip it blow it or lift you do not, 'the blow onto should happen let it off und plete of and long short from soft fore you thle I In linhle to loth, If thi cool, and ney Knife with alee purchased but run down on tl the candle lot It uk It off earefull may he used a mn A cold candle about If it it the wk of n wish hol uny Ie If Yux doo mnrden ind the ornpee in ol very will nv inehes Narn Ing two nn nit room burns rapidly must be the heated and then the done or erature enndle wuld be yd ounily out on choosing a colored ber that often shades in the Hght tress under rent leotrio ovening loys And In choo You must of Hght ing of the on the fouy but many evening conventional plac dios In somewhere ners of the table arrangements may be centre of ual and vinod by val made design he in very placed In a» the table or a attractive effect placing them a LO corner | length wing LL] 1 If the stiokns | may In from eo may table ood arrange of different helght I'lnod lent In the centre and let | grade down with the shortest the ends, | One on hinol shade rnet placed T™h mont leo he | thie m colors may he und onde with one He ht low, of blue pind ol pleasing may KL and nwmal add thle ely make a4 most A rainbow ude blue or and color soheme vollow white I whrum fn candel to the are very lo whieh tion [and 1 I'he or holders onndle most do opuly pla places I'hin bination have In the centre rable co bran venin ind ul any or the same material when used at a fund may the same Lime the the never-fulling They any sehomeo cost 1s nre of candles, and all may be used effectively, At low the colonial the twisted, and the shad thelr day of pop he un [ them shaded | I be the they A cold eandle will nnd stend perfact [of alfferont shades in nl { and | Hght the f y Light n wiek burn the wa the with the the Non=drip ean [ traordinary und fing andle wide burn hout tem knife ut candle Inok | ae nw 1 | I'he other | decor They | the | un may Lt Inter on particularly ay th them ones vo offeot in laven fung brillianey y flow for maleen HELPFUL HINTS CLEAN HATS meticulous folks clean md Rove hat ners weekly their linings red d | Many ts, frocks, shoes t think of thei ot go to the cle ey can have vrong side out and v little brash dipy ng Haid, can thoroughly hoth the inside and th [with dry brush whan dry TO CLEAN IVORY Wash the 1 water with plain white or oap, If the jvory is sta [the spots with a little and | egrar, or salt with lemon juice, If | discolored let it stand in the sun after it has been washed it {8 dry. Never allow ivory main in sunlight after it | will warp wed Inf one ivory articles | | war low | salt 10 ry out, Bi luk vel their and de If they can it least turned ly, With Hable ¢lean clean ush ined rub vin sti Ie | warn until Permanent Wave $5 WE SPRCIALIER IN Halr Cutting, Mareelling, Pinger Waving, Shampooing Factalg, Sealp Treatments, el De Luxe Hair. dressing Parlor Misses E. & LL. Lowes Over Ward's "Stare Phone ON For a limited time only. and in the absence of Mrs, Mo Laughlin he wos assisted by two daughters, Mrs, Erie Phillips and Mrs, John Pangman, both of Osh awn, Mrs, Phillips wore a gown of silver grey satin shading Into o dull metal color at the hemline, and black hat, Mrs, Pangman's gown was of pearl grey oreps do chine with attractive trimmings of patent leather, Hhe wore a silver fox fur snd black felt hat, The Parkwood conservatorion honst the most varied collection of flowers and plants In this neigh horhood but most wonderful of all in the display of mums which at this time of the year ave In theh prime It was the privilege of the guests to wander through the banks of these gorgeous blooms YANEIng from the tiny baby mums to flow ors of almost unbelievable size variety of color was even greater than the variety of wpecles The niches under the stalrense the main hall of the house wns nl filled with one pot of rose colored blooms Haven huge pots completely covered the length of the howling nlley These wore all and the chole The seens pro the entrance to the con [worvatory was almost overwhe |in Multi-colored blooms of varl | banked in from floor to pot off by n white marble in the this paradise of ronmed most of all flowers onted nt Im Ou Blo lealling tatun nnd of pure Behind the guests Yous green-houses ehrysanthemums but orchids of ever da nnd what wan a vi ox sight, a whole bed of | midat pbout In whet fiowers th num |not only display orl on were tion onsoettil in flower For the first 1! Mr in a number Melanghlin v dieplay from hi BOY it the Noyal Winter Fa vours many prizes have gone ¥ wood flowers and it In cor nt If they ontered thi would he among the prize for it seems that surpasses that of time not were there wa f all the Pay HOW Hinrd room tin display o won hb Horse nteres tre Je ind ribbons id horse in hi fall A buffet lunch wae rved in the lining room where a long table [the end of the uted vellow and pink ffot tuble behind wi hanked exquisite pots of orchids jusle lends its chav deep notes of the pips pounded { ough the whole room wa kata of the bas while with pmilvey mum A way nd the | Ean whieh rooms durin Afternod Oshinwa Guests Minn Annis \lger, My tunlay Armour ban Anderson, MI | | My My Armour and Mr, and Mrs Margaret Renton Armatrons Mr Geo and and | My eM | \llan n and My T Mi J. H Reginald Delt, My Nrown, Mr. and null, Mr, W | Nurns: Mr, and Mi K, J, Bale, Mi and My Chan, Dalle Ballos: Mr, and Mra Mr, Don Dalles; Dy a. L. nird, Dr, and My Mr, and Mrs, P, H Mi I, A, Brown { Mra, Alex W Nell, Mr IA, Nrown, Mr, and [ r. and My D | and hd Harry Mi Hurnms ris; My | Dougla n Mra How Neattle My Mra H | Me. Dr, and and My adloy, My, and Mrs, D, 1, ( "lo, Carawell and My M and Mrs, Fred Habs Dreyer, Col, and Mra "rank | Chappell, Mr, and Mra, W, A Coad, | Mr, and Mrs, G, D, Conant, Mrs, 1 IM Cornwall, Mr, and Mrs, M, 1 Canning, Mr, and Mrs J, D Creigh ton, Col, and Mra, Thos, Caldwell Migs Jane Cole, Mr, and Mra 8. Oralg, Mr. Wm, Christian, Mr, and Mrs, N. H, Danlel, ¢. R. dePencler, Mrs, R, Dillon, Mins Jessie Dillon; Dr. and Mrs, ¥ J. Donevan, Mr, and Mrs, RW Drew, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Dobe ty, Mr, and Mrs, W. KE, Davis, Mr. and Mra, T, H, Everson, {Greta Elin and Mrs, Ellis, My, Mra, W. D. Bllott, Mr, and Max Evans Mrs, M. Finigan, Mrs, A, B, Ford, My, and Mra, I G, Farncomb, A JA. rankish, My, and Mra, Jaa 8. Fraser, Mr, and and Mrs Jee I LS | | 'arlyle, Miss K. V, Mill Carawell, Mi and Mra Gelkle, Mr Col, and Mra $7 WwW. R. John Gibson, Grierson, Mr, Mp, and Mrs, Mra, rank Guy, (Gowan, ] Dr, and Mra, A, W. Harding, and Mrs, C, 1, Have, Mr, and Mrs I, 10, Hare, My, D, Haverson, Mrs R. 8 Hamlin, Mr, and Mra, CG, N Henry, Mr, and Mra, B, M, Henry, Dr, and Mis, I, L, Henry, Mr, Mra, R. C, Henry, Mr, and (eo. Hergelwood, My, Neil} [and Mra, A, ¥ Hind, Major Mra, B, OC, Hodgins and Mra leg, Dv, D Holg, Mr, Mise Jean Hall; Miss Hagorth Mra, Winnifrede Jamieson family, Mia Ruth Jones, Mr Mpg, TT, W, Joyce, Rev, Capt Mra, Jarrett, Dr, and Mrs James The Misses Keddie, My \ A, Kinnear and Miss Margaret; The Baron and Baroness Korff, Mr, and Mra, 1B, V, Lander, Mr and Mrg, J, H, R, Luke, Mr, and IM KA, Lovell, My and Mes, W R., Lynd My, and Ms H, Looky { My Now and and and H, RB and Mes. MoGivd, Dr. Avehl The | in Minn | at "Parkwood" J 10 Muckle and J, MeDowell, MeDowell, Dr, MeKay, Mr, and My, nnd Mrs Mr, und Mrs bald MoeKay, Mry Miss Mackin, Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, I H and Mrs, T', W, 04, Mrs, Hops McKinnon, Prank Mcolsughlin, , W, Melaughlin, Myr, and Mrs ¢, Ewart MelLaughlin,d Mrs, Robert MolLanughlin, Miss Marion Ross; Mr, and Mrs, It, Nay McLaughlin, Mra, Wm, McLaughlin, Migs Mosxlo; Mr M RR, W. Millichump, Miss M, and Mr, Harold; Mr, and Mrs, Goo, Miller, Mr, and Mrs, I, n, Mitehall, Mr, and Mrs, Rolana Moffatt, Mr, 11, 1, Morphy, Mr, and | W H, Moyen, Mr, and Mrs J. A. MeCibbon, Mr, and Mrs, IR. ad. Milly, Dr, und Ms, C. Orr Mill My, and Mrs, Chas, Mundy and Mundy, Mrs, 1. Connht Myers, Myer Ming 10, McWil= and Mrs, J. A, Morphy, Vr I J. Maxwall, and Mi ( 1, McTavish iy A, Millman and Miss and Mra, CO, G, Menendez, and Mrs, Gordon Myer Mr, and Mis, A. } )'Nolll My (4, H. Pedlar, Col and Mi WwW. rie Phillips, Miss Je Dy, and Mra, B. J, Ww. ( Phillips, My J, P, Pangman, Mr. and Phillips, Miss H, Power Mr J Robert Mr Cl obwon, Mrs, Fray Ir, and My y H, Iu ire, | !, Rundle, Mi ind VM. Robertson, Dr. and Mir Richardson, nnd or, vii nd phy, Hoy M MI M1 und Mi Vr wla 'an Phillips, nnd Mi Mry, Allan Mr nnd My obuon 8! fru gracofi! | heautifully | Mi ira Huy ty, My Mi Mr, and Mrs, John ( G, Ci | rand My My, and Mra, J, Kerr Cre and My W. J. A, Carmi ind Mee, GC, H, Carlin My Jd. 3 Coulson, Mi Frank 1 Coulson and Dr, and Mra, Avian and Mrs, J, WW, GQ Clark, Mr, 1 Mra, Murray 1, Cap | on, Mr, and Mra © Challener My R. J. Copeland, Mrs, Viet Cawthra Mi Mi My | Cronyn My My and Mra Marion My nr nyn han | My and Mi | cont Cox, and My Dalton Davies, (fol John Canon | Minn | and | My. | and | Mrs, | Major | and | Alex Hall, | | and Mra, | Miliman, | ---------- 4] -- Mr, John and Mrs, Robert W, Davies, Mr. and Mrs, 1. Robert Do herty, Miss Doherty, Mrs, D, A. Dun~ lap and Mr, Moffatt Dunlap, Mr, and Mrs, A, ¥, Dyment, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Broddy Duggan, Mr, und Mrs, Harvey Doherty, Mr, and Mrs, A, L. Ellsworth, Miss Betty and Mr, Brie, Mrs, J ¥, Why and Mr, Douglas, Mr, and Mry, Jos, Errington, Mr, and Mrs, it, Y, Katon, Mr, and Mrs, HH, J Mrs, It, Higher, Mr, and Mrs, A. Btephen VVoster and Mr, and Mra, ¥1, W, D, Foster, Mrs, 'I', J, Findley and Miss Mare gnrot Findley, Mr, and Mrs, Atte woll Meming, Mr, and Mrs, Murray P, Weming, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Pinch, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Forgle, My, and Mry, Goldie O, Fleming, Mr. and Mix, Allan Findley, Pros mier nnd Mrs, OG, H, Ferguson, Mr, and Mrs, John Pirstbrook, Mr, and Mrs, J. HB. I'raser Mr, Vincent Green, Mr, nnd Mrs (Goo, Grievson, Mr, and My man Gooderham, Commodore Mry, Ceo, 1, Gooderham, Col M1 A Gooderham, Dr, and M1 Causby, Mrs, W. H. (rod Mi My A I, ind Mi I HH Mi Walter H Dr, and Mre and Mrs, J. H Gundy and Mr Mr. and Mrs, R, L W. H Gooderham rham, Mr, and Mrs, Ming Virginia and Jack Gundy, Mr, and Mrs, Ble phen Greay, Mr, and Mrs, Beott Griffin and Miss Margaret Griffin, ind Mrs, J Galbraith, Mrs 1 Vi (lernld Green Mr. Chastoar 11, Hamilton, Mrs alter HH I J Harris, M oron Ha 4, Mulor Haldenh Mr, and nn, Mi Ann Hy MI 'nn Hyland Hur Mi H f fr, Donald Hunt Mi Ww Hodgenu Goo, ( Helnty Hilla: Mr Ir, Harris nu Mae Hees ith Hie) Howl nd Mrs und --n Vw Dencon, Mr, Fink, Mr, and Migs Elizabeth, (Oye and tnd dy Gage, Mr Almed (Jeo, W, Grieve, Gundy, Mi Chan Gundy Gr { Mi Mi I, Gund y (Hood iy in rei itor mann Seo Our Now Fall Line of Coats nnd Dresses nt the FASHION SHOPPE #4 Simcoe St, KSouth y Red Rose Tea comes direct to us from the finest ted ardens, then straight to your grocer -- brimful of vor and freshness, Every package guaranteed. ,, | RED ROSE TEA: s good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good I RS TO CLEAN GLASS i -- Rub loth moistened ted lass well wi 1; lution water, in a and To clean glass of pictures dust it [methyla first with a soft cloth then apply althe th this dry ER ---- 2 Captivating Iifts Community \\i&p Piate service Extra Pieces I'he looking A princely-looking tea in Community Plate dignified and artistic appearance of the Tea Service is of the other serving pieces, and the table silverware in this ex ceeding popular design The three pieces illustrated -- $67.50. Tea Pot $32, Sugar Bowl $20, Cream Pitcher $15.50 FELT BROS. Where Sali Your Choice of Grosvenor Pattern characteristic $4.25 $8.50 m3 1,30 6 dinner forks $8.50 6 salad forks ....$8.00 knives $10,00 6 6 tables poons teaspoons Sugar Spoon 6 dinner Simeoo St, South Oshawa, Ont, TABLISHED 1800 "0 "Buy clion 8 a Cerla 1. a ------------ -------- "Don't Like it--- {oi t do it!" Washday an unnecessary worry and the| | in the home is espont ibility stablishment of this huge | planned, | since washing plant erected and equipped for the sole purpose of doing We antici. different your unily wash, pate in our hve kinds of wash service very possible requires great or smal ment these services according and price moderately to the the wash list of Krows greater ei h week, will | of completion taken, Our housewives stage in happy Perhaps you, - too, nd from washday worries by phon- or asking any of | drivers, | relief your Ng us courteous Phone 788 our {34 Simcoe St. South No wonder this TORONTO Mother is proud course, the child's system needs a prompt cleansing. ut the young ster's bowels also need toping and strengthening. That's where California Fig Syrup does its best work. It helps stre Y little son, Richard, was troubled a lot with constipa- tion," says Mra, Ethel Evans, 263 Monarch Park, Toronto, Ont. "Ho got very weak, run-down and under- eight 4 ave him s alifornia Fig yrup; and in just a little while he was eating heartily and gaining. en the bowel muscles: gives tone on : weal stomach, That's why faulty Now I'm proud as can bo; he's so digestion improves with its use; robust, bright and active, bowel movements become regular Temporary relief should be far and remain so. from: the first consideration when a Every child loves its flavor; its child shows by bad breath, coated cleansing action isprompt but gentle. tongue, biliousness, or a listless, weak A pure vegetable product; no rev condition, that he's constipated. Of of causing the laxative habit, It has full medical endorsement, CALIFORNIA There are many imitations; but the word California marks the genuine, THE RICH, FRUITY LAXATIVE AND TONIC FOR CHILDREN NYX footwear will give your feet a pleasing smartness . . . an enchant ing beauty . . . for social, sports or business wear, Your size is here . . . awaiting your selection. Our experience and knowledge of shoe fitting are at your service. The Burns Company King and Simcoe Streets SHOE LIMITED Oshawa FOR WOMEN Pl ry O27

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